cryptcat = netcat + encryption Cryptcat is the standard netcat enhanced with twofish encryption. Twofish is courtesy of counterpane, and cryptix. We started with the Java version of twofish from cryptix, converted it to C++ (don't ask why), and enhanced it by adding CBC mode and the ciphertext stealing technique from Applied Cryptography (pg. 196) How do you use it? Machine A: cryptcat -l -p 1234 < testfile Machine B: cryptcat 1234 This is identical to the normal netcat options for doing exactly the same thing. However, in this case the data transferred is encrypted. Known issues: It is known that linux will throw errors like: /tmp/ccF9UdJx.o(.text+0x6d0): In function `getportpoop': : warning: Using 'getservbyname' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking /tmp/ccF9UdJx.o(.text+0x61f): In function getportpoop': : warning: Using 'getservbyport' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking This is due to using -static which either Hobbit or someone else insists in the Makefile is The Right Thing(tm). The compiled code still seems to run without an issue and according to ldd it is a static binary. Changes -- been putting these in Changelog file... Since release alot of people have been submitting changes (many times for the same thing). I've been doing my best to keep up, we are trying to get this up on sourceforge, but there seems to be some sort of "approval" process that makes it unclear if that will actually happen. So, if you have submitted something, and its not here, let me know. If you've submitted a change, and its here with someone else's name, that just means someone else got the same change in before you. If you have a change, let me know what name if any to include with the change.