/********************************************************************************************************* * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Author: Sebastien Decugis * * * * Copyright (c) 2020, WIDE Project and NICT * * All rights reserved. * * * * Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * * following disclaimer. * * * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * * materials provided with the distribution. * * * * * Neither the name of the WIDE Project or NICT nor the * * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or * * promote products derived from this software without * * specific prior written permission of WIDE Project and * * NICT. * * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *********************************************************************************************************/ #include "tests.h" /* Main test routine */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct msg * acr = NULL; struct avp * pi = NULL, *avp1, *avp2; unsigned char * buf = NULL; /* First, initialize the daemon modules */ INIT_FD(); /* Create the message object from model */ { struct dict_object * acr_model = NULL; /* Now find the ACR dictionary object */ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_BY_NAME, "Accounting-Request", &acr_model, ENOENT ) ); /* Create the instance, using the templates */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_new ( acr_model, 0, &acr ) ); /* Check there is no child */ CHECK( ENOENT, fd_msg_browse ( acr, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, NULL, NULL) ); #if 0 /* For debug: dump the object */ fd_log_debug("Dumping Accounting-Request empty message:"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, acr, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); #endif } /* Create the Proxy-Info AVP from model */ { struct dict_object * pi_model = NULL; /* Now find the ACR dictionary object */ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "Proxy-Info", &pi_model, ENOENT ) ); /* Create the instance, using the templates */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_new ( pi_model, 0, &pi ) ); #if 0 /* For debug: dump the object */ fd_log_debug("Dumping Proxy-Info AVP"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, pi, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); fd_log_debug("Dumping dictionary model"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_dict_dump_object(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, pi_model)); #endif } /* Get a reference to the current last AVP in the message */ { int diff = 0; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_new ( NULL, 0, &avp1 ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_add ( acr, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp1) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( acr, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, &avp2, &diff) ); CHECK( 1, diff ); CHECK( avp1, avp2 ); /* Check that we cannot add this AVP to another object since it is already linked */ CHECK( EINVAL, fd_msg_avp_add( pi, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp1) ); } /* Now add the Proxy-Info AVP at the end of the message */ { CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_add( acr, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, pi) ); #if 0 /* For debug: dump the object */ fd_log_debug("Dumping Accounting-Request with Proxy-Info AVP at the end"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, acr, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); #endif } /* Check the last child is now the proxy-Info */ { CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( acr, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, &avp2, NULL) ); CHECK( pi, avp2 ); } /* Check that the avp before the proxy-info is the previous last one */ { int diff = 0; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( pi, MSG_BRW_PREV, &avp2, &diff) ); CHECK( avp1, avp2 ); CHECK( 0, diff); } /* Check that there are no AVP after the proxy-info */ CHECK( ENOENT, fd_msg_browse ( pi, MSG_BRW_NEXT, NULL, NULL) ); /* Test the fd_msg_free function unlinks the object properly */ { struct dict_object * rr_model = NULL; /* Now find the dictionary object */ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "Route-Record", &rr_model, ENOENT ) ); /* Create the instance, using the templates */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_new ( rr_model, 0, &avp1 ) ); /* Add the AVP at the end of the message */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_add( pi, MSG_BRW_NEXT, avp1) ); /* Check the last AVP of the message is now this one */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( acr, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, &avp2, NULL) ); CHECK( avp1, avp2 ); /* Now delete it */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free( avp1 ) ); /* Check the last AVP of the message is back to pi */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( acr, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, &avp2, NULL) ); CHECK( pi, avp2 ); /* Delete the whole message */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free( acr ) ); } /* Recreate the message object */ { struct dict_object * acr_model = NULL; /* Now find the ACR dictionary object */ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_BY_NAME, "Accounting-Request", &acr_model, ENOENT ) ); /* Create the instance, using the templates */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_new ( acr_model, 0, &acr ) ); /* TODO: Do we need this recreated? acr is not used again . */ } /* Now let's create some additional Dictionary objects for the test */ { /* The constant values used here are totally arbitrary chosen */ struct dict_object * vendor; { struct dict_vendor_data vendor_data = { 73565, "Vendor test" }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_VENDOR, &vendor_data , NULL, &vendor ) ); } { struct dict_application_data app_data = { 73566, "Application test" }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_APPLICATION, &app_data , vendor, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 73567, 0, "AVP Test - no vendor - f32", 0, 0, AVP_TYPE_FLOAT32 }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , NULL, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 139103, 0, "AVP Test - no vendor - f64", 0, 0, AVP_TYPE_FLOAT64 }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , NULL, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_object * type = NULL; struct dict_type_data type_data = { AVP_TYPE_INTEGER64, "Int64 test" }; struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 73568, 73565, "AVP Test - i64", AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_TYPE_INTEGER64 }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_TYPE, &type_data , NULL, &type ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , type, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_object * type = NULL; struct dict_type_data type_data = { AVP_TYPE_INTEGER32, "Enum32 test" }; struct dict_enumval_data val1 = { "i32 const test (val 1)", { .i32 = 1 } }; struct dict_enumval_data val2 = { "i32 const test (val 2)", { .i32 = 2 } }; struct dict_enumval_data val3 = { "i32 const test (val -5)",{ .i32 = -5 } }; struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 73569, 73565, "AVP Test - enumi32", AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_TYPE_INTEGER32 }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_TYPE, &type_data , NULL, &type ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , type, NULL ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, &val1 , type, NULL ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, &val2 , type, NULL ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, &val3 , type, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_object * type = NULL; struct dict_type_data type_data = { AVP_TYPE_OCTETSTRING, "OS test" }; struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 73570, 73565, "AVP Test - os", AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_TYPE_OCTETSTRING }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_TYPE, &type_data , NULL, &type ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , type, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_object * type = NULL; struct dict_type_data type_data = { AVP_TYPE_OCTETSTRING, "OS enum test" }; struct dict_enumval_data val1 = { "os const test (Test)", { .os = { (unsigned char *)"Test", 4 } } }; struct dict_enumval_data val2 = { "os const test (waaad)", { .os = { (unsigned char *)"waaad", 5 } } }; struct dict_enumval_data val3 = { "os const test (waa)", { .os = { (unsigned char *)"waaad", 3 } } }; struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 73571, 73565, "AVP Test - enumos", AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_TYPE_OCTETSTRING }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_TYPE, &type_data , NULL, &type ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , type, NULL ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, &val1 , type, NULL ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, &val2 , type, NULL ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, &val3 , type, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_object * gavp = NULL; struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 73572, 73565, "AVP Test - grouped", AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_TYPE_GROUPED }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , NULL, &gavp ) ); /* Macro to search AVP and create a rule */ #define ADD_RULE( _parent, _vendor, _avpname, _pos, _min, _max, _ord ) { \ struct dict_object * _avp = NULL; \ struct dict_avp_request _req = { (_vendor), 0, (_avpname) }; \ struct dict_rule_data _data; \ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME_AND_VENDOR, &_req, &_avp, ENOENT));\ _data.rule_avp = _avp; \ _data.rule_position = (_pos); \ _data.rule_order = (_ord); \ _data.rule_min = (_min); \ _data.rule_max = (_max); \ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_RULE, &_data , (_parent), NULL ) ); \ } ADD_RULE(gavp, 73565, "AVP Test - os", RULE_OPTIONAL, -1, -1, 0); } { struct dict_object * application = NULL; struct dict_object * command = NULL; struct dict_cmd_data cmd_data = { 73573, "Test-Command-Request", CMD_FLAG_REQUEST, CMD_FLAG_REQUEST }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_APPLICATION, APPLICATION_BY_NAME, "Application test", &application, ENOENT ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, &cmd_data , application, &command ) ); ADD_RULE(command, 0, "AVP Test - no vendor - f32", RULE_FIXED_HEAD, -1, 1, 1); ADD_RULE(command, 73565, "AVP Test - i64", RULE_REQUIRED, -1, -1, 0); ADD_RULE(command, 73565, "AVP Test - enumi32", RULE_OPTIONAL, -1, -1, 0); ADD_RULE(command, 73565, "AVP Test - os", RULE_OPTIONAL, -1, -1, 0); ADD_RULE(command, 73565, "AVP Test - enumos", RULE_OPTIONAL, -1, -1, 0); ADD_RULE(command, 73565, "AVP Test - grouped", RULE_OPTIONAL, -1, -1, 0); } { struct dict_object * application = NULL; struct dict_object * command = NULL; struct dict_cmd_data cmd_data = { 73573, "Test-Command-Answer", CMD_FLAG_REQUEST, 0 }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_APPLICATION, APPLICATION_BY_NAME, "Application test", &application, ENOENT ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, &cmd_data , application, &command ) ); ADD_RULE(command, 0, "Session-Id", RULE_FIXED_HEAD, 1, 1, 1); ADD_RULE(command, 0, "Result-Code", RULE_OPTIONAL, 0, 1, 0); ADD_RULE(command, 0, "Experimental-Result", RULE_OPTIONAL, 0, 1, 0); ADD_RULE(command, 0, "Origin-Host", RULE_REQUIRED, 1, 1, 0); ADD_RULE(command, 0, "Origin-Realm", RULE_REQUIRED, 1, 1, 0); } { struct dict_object * gavp = NULL; struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 73574, 73565, "AVP Test - rules", AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_TYPE_GROUPED }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , NULL, &gavp ) ); ADD_RULE(gavp, 0, "AVP Test - no vendor - f32", RULE_FIXED_HEAD, 0, 1, 1); ADD_RULE(gavp, 73565, "AVP Test - i64", RULE_FIXED_HEAD, -1, 1, 2); ADD_RULE(gavp, 73565, "AVP Test - enumi32", RULE_FIXED_HEAD, -1, 1, 3); ADD_RULE(gavp, 73565, "AVP Test - os", RULE_REQUIRED, 2, 3, 0); ADD_RULE(gavp, 73565, "AVP Test - enumos", RULE_OPTIONAL, 0, 1, 0); ADD_RULE(gavp, 73565, "AVP Test - grouped", RULE_FIXED_TAIL, -1, 1, 1); /* ABNF : < no vendor - f32 > < i64 > < enumi32 > 2*3 { os } *1 [ enumos ] < grouped > */ #if 0 fd_log_debug("%s", fd_dict_dump_object(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, gavp)); #endif } { struct dict_object * type = NULL; struct dict_type_data type_data = { AVP_TYPE_OCTETSTRING, "OS test2", NULL, NULL, NULL, fd_dictfct_CharInOS_check, "@." }; struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 73575, 73565, "AVP Test - os2", AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_TYPE_OCTETSTRING }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_TYPE, &type_data , NULL, &type ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , type, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_object * type = NULL; struct dict_type_data type_data = { AVP_TYPE_UNSIGNED32, "Enumerated(73565/Experimental-Result-Code)" }; struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 73576, 73565, "Experimental-Result-Code", AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_FLAG_VENDOR, AVP_TYPE_UNSIGNED32 }; struct dict_enumval_data val1 = { "DIAMETER_TEST_RESULT_1000", { .u32 = 1000 } }; struct dict_enumval_data val2 = { "DIAMETER_TEST_RESULT_5000", { .u32 = 5000 } }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_TYPE, &type_data , NULL, &type ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , type, NULL ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, &val1 , type, NULL ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, &val2 , type, NULL ) ); } #if 0 { fd_log_debug("%s", fd_dict_dump_object(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, vendor)); } #endif } /* Now create some values and check the length is correctly handled */ { struct dict_object * cmd_model = NULL; struct msg * msg = NULL; struct dict_object * avp_model = NULL; struct avp * avp = NULL; union avp_value value; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_BY_NAME, "Test-Command-Request", &cmd_model, ENOENT ) ); /* Check an error is trigged if the AVP has no value set */ { CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "AVP Test - no vendor - f32", &avp_model, ENOENT ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_new ( cmd_model, 0, &msg ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_new ( avp_model, 0, &avp ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_add ( msg, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, avp ) ); CHECK( EINVAL, fd_msg_update_length ( avp ) ); CHECK( EINVAL, fd_msg_update_length ( msg ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free( msg ) ); } /* Check the sizes are handled properly */ { struct avp * avpi = NULL; struct avp * avpch = NULL; struct avp_hdr * avpdata = NULL; struct msg_hdr * msgdata = NULL; #define ADD_AVP( _parent, _position, _avpi, _avpvendor, _avpname) { \ struct dict_object * _avp = NULL; \ struct dict_avp_request _req = { (_avpvendor), 0, (_avpname) }; \ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME_AND_VENDOR, &_req, &_avp, ENOENT));\ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_new ( _avp, 0, &_avpi ) ); \ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_add ( (_parent), (_position), _avpi ) ); \ } /* Create a message with many AVP inside */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_new ( cmd_model, 0, &msg ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_hdr ( msg, &msgdata ) ); /* Avp no vendor, float32 => size = 12 */ ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 0, "AVP Test - no vendor - f32" ); value.f32 = 3.1415; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_update_length ( avpi ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("AVP no vendor, value 3.1415:"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, avpi, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 0)); #endif CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avpi, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 12, avpdata->avp_len ); /* Check what happens when we delete the value */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, NULL ) ); CHECK( EINVAL, fd_msg_update_length ( avpi ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); /* Add a vendor AVP, integer64 => size = 20 */ ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 73565, "AVP Test - i64" ); value.i64 = 0x123456789abcdeLL; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_update_length ( avpi ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("AVP vendor, value 0x123456789abcdeL:"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, avpi, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 0)); #endif CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avpi, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 20, avpdata->avp_len ); /* Check the size of the message is 20 (header) + 12 + 20 = 52 */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_update_length ( msg ) ); CHECK( 52, msgdata->msg_length ); /* Add an AVP with an enum value */ ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 73565, "AVP Test - enumi32" ); { struct dict_object * type_model = NULL; struct dict_object * value_model = NULL; struct dict_enumval_request request; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_model ( avpi, &avp_model ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_OF_AVP, avp_model, &type_model, ENOENT ) ); memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); request.type_obj = type_model; request.search.enum_name = "i32 const test (val 2)"; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, ENUMVAL_BY_STRUCT, &request, &value_model, ENOENT ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_getval ( value_model, &request.search ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &request.search.enum_value ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("AVP enum i32, value 2 (from const):"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, avpi, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 0)); #endif } /* Add an AVP with an enum value, negative */ ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 73565, "AVP Test - enumi32" ); { struct dict_object * type_model = NULL; struct dict_object * value_model = NULL; struct dict_enumval_request request; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_model ( avpi, &avp_model ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_OF_AVP, avp_model, &type_model, ENOENT ) ); memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); request.type_obj = type_model; request.search.enum_name = "i32 const test (val -5)"; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, ENUMVAL_BY_STRUCT, &request, &value_model, ENOENT ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_getval ( value_model, &request.search ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &request.search.enum_value ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("AVP enum i32, value -5 (from const):"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, avpi, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 0)); #endif /* Check the size is correct ( 12 for header + 4 for value ) */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_update_length ( avpi ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avpi, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 16, avpdata->avp_len ); } /* Now add a value which is not a constant into an enumerated AVP */ ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 73565, "AVP Test - enumi32" ); value.i32 = -10; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_update_length ( avpi ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("AVP vendor enum i32, value -10 (not const):"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, avpi, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 0)); #endif /* Add an octetstring AVP */ ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 73565, "AVP Test - os" ); { unsigned char buf[90]; memcpy(&buf, "This\0 is a buffer of dat\a. It is not a string so we can have any c\0ntr\0l character here...\0\0", 89); value.os.data = buf; value.os.len = 89; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); /* Test that the OS value is really copied */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_update_length ( avpi ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("AVP octet string, 'This\\0 is a b...'"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, avpi, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 0)); #endif CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avpi, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 101, avpdata->avp_len ); CHECK( 'T', avpdata->avp_value->os.data[0] ); CHECK( 'i', avpdata->avp_value->os.data[6] ); } /* Check the size of the message is 20 (header) + 12 + 20 + 16 * 3 + 101 + 3 (padding) = 204 */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_update_length ( msg ) ); CHECK( 204, msgdata->msg_length ); /* Add an octetstring from an enumerated constant */ ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 73565, "AVP Test - enumos" ); { struct dict_object * type_model = NULL; struct dict_object * value_model = NULL; struct dict_enumval_request request; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_model ( avpi, &avp_model ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_OF_AVP, avp_model, &type_model, ENOENT ) ); memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); request.type_obj = type_model; request.search.enum_name = "os const test (waaad)"; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, ENUMVAL_BY_STRUCT, &request, &value_model, ENOENT ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_getval ( value_model, &request.search ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &request.search.enum_value ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("AVP Enumuerated OctetString (from const):"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, avpi, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 0)); #endif /* Check the size is correct ( 12 for header + 5 for value ) */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_update_length ( avpi ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avpi, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 17, avpdata->avp_len ); } /* Add an octetstring from an enumerated constant */ ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 73565, "AVP Test - enumos" ); { struct dict_object * type_model = NULL; struct dict_object * value_model = NULL; struct dict_enumval_request request; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_model ( avpi, &avp_model ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_OF_AVP, avp_model, &type_model, ENOENT ) ); memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); request.type_obj = type_model; request.search.enum_name = "os const test (waa)"; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, ENUMVAL_BY_STRUCT, &request, &value_model, ENOENT ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_dict_getval ( value_model, &request.search ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &request.search.enum_value ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("AVP Enumuerated OctetString (from const):"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, avpi, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 0)); #endif /* Check the size is correct ( 12 for header + 3 for value ) */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_update_length ( avpi ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avpi, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 15, avpdata->avp_len ); } /* Check the size of the message is 20 (header) + 12 + 20 + 16 * 3 + (101 + 3) + (17 + 3) + (15 + 1) = 240 */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_update_length ( msg ) ); CHECK( 240, msgdata->msg_length ); /* Now test the grouped AVPs */ ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 73565, "AVP Test - grouped" ); ADD_AVP( avpi, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpch, 73565, "AVP Test - os" ); { value.os.data = (unsigned char *)"12345678"; value.os.len = 8; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpch, &value ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("AVP octet string, '1234678'"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, avpch, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 0)); #endif CHECK( 0, fd_msg_update_length ( avpch ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avpch, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 20, avpdata->avp_len ); } ADD_AVP( avpi, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpch, 73565, "AVP Test - os" ); { value.os.data = (unsigned char *)"123456789"; value.os.len = 9; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpch, &value ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("AVP octet string, '12346789'"); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, avpch, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 0)); #endif } /* Check the size is updated recursively: (gavp hdr: 12) + (avp1: 20) + (avp2: 21 + 3) = 56 */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_update_length ( avpi ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avpi, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 56, avpdata->avp_len ); /* Add another similar grouped AVP, to have lot of padding */ ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 73565, "AVP Test - grouped" ); ADD_AVP( avpi, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpch, 73565, "AVP Test - os" ); { value.os.data = (unsigned char *)"1"; value.os.len = 1; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpch, &value ) ); } ADD_AVP( avpi, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpch, 73565, "AVP Test - os" ); { value.os.data = (unsigned char *)"1234567"; value.os.len = 7; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpch, &value ) ); } /* Now check the global size of the message, if padding is correctly handled */ /* size = 20 (header) + 12 + 20 + 16 * 3 + (101 + 3) + (17 + 3) + (15 + 1) * + ( 12 + ( 20 + 21) + 3 ) # padding for the grouped AVP = 3 * + ( 12 + ( (13 + 3) + 19 ) + 1 ) # and 1 for this one * size = 240 + 56 + 48 = 344 */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_update_length ( msg ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); #endif CHECK( 344, msgdata->msg_length ); /* Set the application to the test application: 73566 */ msgdata->msg_appl = 73566; /* Set the hop-by-hop ID to a random value: 0x4b44b41d */ msgdata->msg_hbhid = 0x4b44b41d; /* Set the end-to-end ID to a random value: 0xe2ee2e1d */ msgdata->msg_eteid = 0xe2ee2e1d; } /* Test the msg_bufferize function */ { CHECK( 0, fd_msg_bufferize( msg, &buf, NULL ) ); /* Test the first bytes */ CHECK( 0x01, buf[0] ); /* Version */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[1] ); /* Length: 344 = 0x000158 */ CHECK( 0x01, buf[2] ); CHECK( 0x58, buf[3] ); CHECK( 0x80, buf[4] ); /* flags: only "R" is set. */ CHECK( 0x01, buf[5] ); /* Command code: 73573 = 0x011F65 */ CHECK( 0x1F, buf[6] ); CHECK( 0x65, buf[7] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[8] ); /* App ID: 73566 = 0x00011F5E */ CHECK( 0x01, buf[9] ); CHECK( 0x1F, buf[10] ); CHECK( 0x5E, buf[11] ); CHECK( 0x4b, buf[12] ); /* hop-by-hop id: 0x4b44b41d */ CHECK( 0x44, buf[13] ); CHECK( 0xb4, buf[14] ); CHECK( 0x1d, buf[15] ); CHECK( 0xe2, buf[16] ); /* end-to-end id: 0xe2ee2e1d */ CHECK( 0xee, buf[17] ); CHECK( 0x2e, buf[18] ); CHECK( 0x1d, buf[19] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[20] ); /* First AVP (AVP Test - no vendor - f32) begin: code 73567 = 0x00011F5F */ CHECK( 0x01, buf[21] ); CHECK( 0x1F, buf[22] ); CHECK( 0x5F, buf[23] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[24] ); /* flags: 0 */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[25] ); /* length: 12 = 0x00000c */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[26] ); CHECK( 0x0C, buf[27] ); CHECK( 0x40, buf[28] ); /* Value: 3.1415: sign = '+' => most significant bit = 0 */ CHECK( 0x49, buf[29] ); /* 2 <= 3.1415 < 4 => exponent = 1 => biaised (on 8 bits) = (decimal) 128 = (binary) 100 0000 0 */ CHECK( 0x0e, buf[30] ); /* significand = (decimal) 1.57075 = (binary) 1.100 1001 0000 1110 0101 0110 */ CHECK( 0x56, buf[31] ); /* total => 0100 0000 0100 1001 0000 1110 0101 0110 = (hexa) 40 49 0e 56*/ /* The other AVPs will be tested by successful parsing... */ } /* Now free the message, we keep only the buffer. */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free( msg ) ); } /* Test the parsing of buffers and messages */ { unsigned char * buf_cpy = NULL; struct msg * msg; #define CPYBUF() { \ buf_cpy = malloc(344); \ CHECK( buf_cpy ? 1 : 0, 1); \ memcpy(buf_cpy, buf, 344); \ } /* Test the msg_parse_buffer function */ { CPYBUF(); CHECK( EBADMSG, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf_cpy, 340, &msg) ); CPYBUF(); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf_cpy, 344, &msg) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); #endif /* reinit the msg */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( msg ) ); } /* Test the fd_msg_search_avp function */ { struct dict_object * avp_model; struct avp * found; struct avp * grouped = NULL; struct avp_hdr * avpdata = NULL; /* Now find the Test f32 AVP dictionary object */ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "AVP Test - no vendor - f32", &avp_model, ENOENT ) ); CPYBUF(); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf_cpy, 344, &msg) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_dict( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, NULL ) ); #if 0 LOG_D("msg: %s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); #endif /* Search this AVP instance in the msg */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_search_avp( msg, avp_model, &found ) ); /* Check the AVP value is 3.1415 */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( found, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 3.1415F, avpdata->avp_value->f32 ); /* Search for the first grouped message */ { struct dict_avp_request grouped_req = { 73565, 0, "AVP Test - grouped"}; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME_AND_VENDOR, &grouped_req, &avp_model, ENOENT ) ); } CHECK( 0, fd_msg_search_avp( msg, avp_model, &grouped ) ); #if 0 LOG_D("grouped: %s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, grouped, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); #endif /* Find the first item in the grouped */ { struct dict_avp_request avp_req = { 73565, 0, "AVP Test - os"}; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME_AND_VENDOR, &avp_req, &avp_model, ENOENT ) ); } CHECK( 0, fd_msg_search_avp( grouped, avp_model, &found ) ); /* Check the AVP value is "1" */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( found, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 8, avpdata->avp_value->os.len ); CHECK( 0, memcmp(avpdata->avp_value->os.data, "12345678", 8)); /* reinit the msg */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( msg ) ); } /* Test the msg_parse_dict function */ { /* Test with an unknown command code */ { CPYBUF(); /* Change the command-code */ buf_cpy[5] = 0x11; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf_cpy, 344, &msg) ); CHECK( ENOTSUP, fd_msg_parse_dict( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, NULL ) ); /* reset */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( msg ) ); } /* Test with an unknown Mandatory AVP */ { CPYBUF(); buf_cpy[20] = 0x11; /* New AVP code = 0x11011F5F, undefined */ buf_cpy[24] = 0x40; /* Add the 'M' flag */ /* Check that we cannot support this message now */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf_cpy, 344, &msg) ); CHECK( ENOTSUP, fd_msg_parse_dict( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, NULL ) ); /* reset */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( msg ) ); } /* Test with an unknown optional AVP */ { CPYBUF(); buf_cpy[20] = 0x11; /* New AVP code = 0x11011F5F, undefined */ /* Check that we can support this message now */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf_cpy, 344, &msg) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_dict( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, NULL ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); #endif /* reset */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( msg ) ); } /* Test with an invalid AVP (definition mismatch with the dictionary) */ { CPYBUF(); buf_cpy[21] = 0x02; /* New AVP code = 0x00021F5F, f64 type in the dictionary */ /* Check that we cannot support this message now */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf_cpy, 344, &msg) ); CHECK( EBADMSG, fd_msg_parse_dict( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, NULL ) ); /* reset */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( msg ) ); } /* Test with a type verifier */ { struct fd_pei error_info; CPYBUF(); buf_cpy[103] = 0x67; /* Replaced AVP code = 0x00011F67, OS test2 type in the dictionary */ /* Check that we cannot support this message now */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf_cpy, 344, &msg) ); CHECK( EBADMSG, fd_msg_parse_dict( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, NULL ) ); /* reset */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( msg ) ); CPYBUF(); buf_cpy[103] = 0x67; /* Replaced AVP code = 0x00011F67, OS test2 type in the dictionary */ /* Check error reporting works */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf_cpy, 344, &msg) ); CHECK( EBADMSG, fd_msg_parse_dict( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, &error_info ) ); #if 1 fd_log_debug("Error reported: %s\n in AVP: %s", error_info.pei_message, fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, error_info.pei_avp, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); #endif /* reset */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( msg ) ); CPYBUF(); buf_cpy[103] = 0x67; /* Replaced AVP code = 0x00011F67, OS test2 type in the dictionary */ buf_cpy[130] = '@'; buf_cpy[140] = '.'; /* now we comply to the constraints */ /* Check that we cannot support this message now */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf_cpy, 344, &msg) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_dict( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, NULL ) ); /* reset */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( msg ) ); } { unsigned char * buftmp = NULL; struct msg * error; /* Check the parse or error works as expected */ CPYBUF(); buf_cpy[21] = 0x02; /* New AVP code = 0x00021F5F, f64 type in the dictionary */ /* Check that we cannot support this message now */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_init() ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf_cpy, 344, &msg) ); CHECK( EBADMSG, fd_msg_parse_or_error( &msg, &error ) ); CHECK( NULL, msg ); msg = error; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_bufferize( msg, &buftmp, NULL ) ); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); TODO("Check the Failed-AVP is as expected"); /* reset */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( msg ) ); free(buftmp); } CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf, 344, &msg) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_dict( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, NULL ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); #endif } /* Now test the msg_parse_rule function */ { struct fd_pei pei; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_rules( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, &pei ) ); /* Use the "AVP Test - rules" AVP to test the rules */ { struct avp * tavp = NULL; struct avp * tempavp = NULL; struct avp * childavp = NULL; ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, tavp, 73565, "AVP Test - rules" ); /* Create a conforming message first */ ADD_AVP( tavp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, childavp, 0, "AVP Test - no vendor - f32" ); ADD_AVP( tavp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, childavp, 73565, "AVP Test - i64" ); ADD_AVP( tavp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, childavp, 73565, "AVP Test - enumi32" ); ADD_AVP( tavp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, childavp, 73565, "AVP Test - os" ); ADD_AVP( tavp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, childavp, 73565, "AVP Test - os" ); ADD_AVP( tavp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, childavp, 73565, "AVP Test - grouped" ); /* Check the message is still conform */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_rules( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, &pei ) ); /* The first avp is optional in fixed position, so remove it and check the message is still OK */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( tavp, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &childavp, NULL) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( childavp ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_rules( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, &pei ) ); ADD_AVP( tavp, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, childavp, 0, "AVP Test - no vendor - f32" ); /* Now break some rules and check it is detected */ #define CHECK_CONFLICT( _msg, _error, _conflictavp_name, _conflictavp_vnd ) { \ struct fd_pei _pei; \ CHECK( EBADMSG, fd_msg_parse_rules( _msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, &_pei ) ); \ if (_error) { \ CHECK( 0, strcmp( _error, _pei.pei_errcode ) ); \ } \ if ((_conflictavp_name) == NULL) { \ CHECK( NULL, _pei.pei_avp); \ } else { \ struct dict_avp_request _req = { (_conflictavp_vnd), 0, (_conflictavp_name) }; \ struct dict_object * _avp; \ struct dict_object * _conflict; \ CHECK( 1, (_pei.pei_avp) ? 1 : 0 ); \ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_model( _pei.pei_avp, &_conflict ) ); \ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME_AND_VENDOR, &_req, &_avp, ENOENT)); \ CHECK( _avp, _conflict ); \ } \ } /* ABNF : < no vendor - f32 > < i64 > < enumi32 > 2*3 { os } *1 [ enumos ] < grouped > */ { /* Test the FIXED_HEAD rules positions: add another AVP before the third */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( tavp, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &tempavp, NULL) ); /* tempavp is the novendor avp */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( tempavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &tempavp, NULL) ); /* tempavp is the i64 avp */ ADD_AVP( tempavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, childavp, 73565, "AVP Test - os" ); CHECK_CONFLICT( msg, "DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP", "AVP Test - enumi32", 73565 ); /* Now remove this AVP */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( childavp ) ); } { /* Remove the third AVP, same rule must conflict */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( tempavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &childavp, NULL) ); /* childavp is the enumi32 avp */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( childavp ) ); CHECK_CONFLICT( msg, "DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP", "AVP Test - enumi32", 73565 ); /* Add the AVP back */ ADD_AVP( tempavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, childavp, 73565, "AVP Test - enumi32" ); } { /* Test the minimum value in the REQUIRED rule: delete one of the os AVPs */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( childavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &tempavp, NULL) ); /* tempavp is the os avp */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( tempavp ) ); CHECK_CONFLICT( msg, "DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP", "AVP Test - os", 73565 ); /* The rule requires at least 2 AVP, we have only 1 */ /* Now add this AVP */ ADD_AVP( childavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, tempavp, 73565, "AVP Test - os" ); } { /* Test the maximum value in the REQUIRED rule: add more of the os AVPs */ ADD_AVP( childavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, tempavp, 73565, "AVP Test - os" ); ADD_AVP( childavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, tempavp, 73565, "AVP Test - os" ); CHECK_CONFLICT( msg, "DIAMETER_AVP_OCCURS_TOO_MANY_TIMES", "AVP Test - os", 73565 ); /* The rule requires at most 3 AVP, we have 4 */ /* Now delete these AVP */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( tempavp ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( childavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &tempavp, NULL) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( tempavp ) ); } { /* Test the maximum value in the OPTIONAL rule: add 2 enumos AVPs */ ADD_AVP( childavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, tempavp, 73565, "AVP Test - enumos" ); /* The message is still conform */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_rules( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, &pei ) ); /* Now break the rule */ ADD_AVP( childavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, tempavp, 73565, "AVP Test - enumos" ); CHECK_CONFLICT( msg, "DIAMETER_AVP_OCCURS_TOO_MANY_TIMES", "AVP Test - enumos", 73565 ); /* Now delete this AVP */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( tempavp ) ); } { /* Test the RULE_FIXED_TAIL rules positions: add another AVP at the end */ ADD_AVP( tavp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, childavp, 73565, "AVP Test - os" ); CHECK_CONFLICT( msg, "DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP", "AVP Test - grouped", 73565 ); /* Now remove this AVP */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free ( childavp ) ); } } } /* Test the fd_msg_new_answer_from_req function */ { struct dict_object * cmd_model = NULL; struct msg * msg = NULL; struct avp * pi1, *pi2, *avp; char * host1="host1", * host2="host2"; union avp_value value; struct msg_hdr * msgdata = NULL; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_BY_NAME, "Test-Command-Request", &cmd_model, ENOENT ) ); /* Test default behavior without flags */ { /* Create a message with some AVPs inside */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_new ( cmd_model, 0, &msg ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_hdr ( msg, &msgdata ) ); /* Add a session id */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_new_session( msg, (os0_t)"testmsg", strlen("testmsg") ) ); /* Create two instances of Proxy-Info */ ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, pi1, 0, "Proxy-Info"); ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, pi2, 0, "Proxy-Info"); ADD_AVP( pi1, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp, 0, "Proxy-State"); value.os.data = (os0_t)"ps_pi1"; value.os.len = strlen((char *)value.os.data); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avp, &value ) ); ADD_AVP( pi2, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp, 0, "Proxy-State"); value.os.data = (os0_t)"pi2_state"; value.os.len = strlen((char *)value.os.data); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avp, &value ) ); ADD_AVP( pi1, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, avp, 0, "Proxy-Host"); value.os.data = (os0_t)host1; value.os.len = strlen(host1); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avp, &value ) ); ADD_AVP( pi2, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp, 0, "Proxy-Host"); value.os.data = (os0_t)host2; value.os.len = strlen(host2); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avp, &value ) ); ADD_AVP( pi2, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp, 73565, "AVP Test - i64"); value.i64 = 0x123456789abcdeLL; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avp, &value ) ); /* Now call the fd_msg_new_answer_from_req function */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_new_answer_from_req ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, &msg, 0 ) ); /* Check there is a Session-Id AVP */ { struct session * sess; int new; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_sess_get(fd_g_config->cnf_dict, msg, &sess, &new) ); CHECK( 1, sess == NULL ? 0 : 1 ); CHECK( 0, new ? 1 : 0 ); } /* Check there are two Proxy-Info with the two hosts */ { int got_h1 = 0, got_h2=0; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( msg, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &avp, NULL) ); while(avp) { struct avp_hdr * avpdata = NULL; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avp, &avpdata ) ); if (avpdata->avp_code == AC_PROXY_INFO) { struct avp * iavp; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &iavp, NULL) ); while(iavp) { struct avp_hdr * iavpdata = NULL; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( iavp, &iavpdata ) ); if (iavpdata->avp_code == AC_PROXY_HOST) { if (!memcmp(host1, iavpdata->avp_value->os.data, strlen(host1))) got_h1++; if (!memcmp(host2, iavpdata->avp_value->os.data, strlen(host2))) got_h2++; } CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( iavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &iavp, NULL) ); } } CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &avp, NULL) ); } CHECK(1, got_h1); CHECK(1, got_h2); } /* Now test the behavior of fd_msg_rescode_set with a grouped AVP */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_rescode_set(msg, "DIAMETER_AVP_OCCURS_TOO_MANY_TIMES", NULL, pi1, 1) ); fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); TODO("Check the Failed-AVP is as expected"); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free( msg ) ); } } } /* Test the msg_avp_value_interpret and msg_avp_value_encode functions. use the Address type and Host-IP-Address AVPs */ { struct dict_object * cer_model = NULL; struct msg * cer = NULL; struct dict_object * hia_model = NULL; struct avp *avp4, *avp6; #define TEST_IP4 "" char buf4[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; #define TEST_IP6 "1111:2222:3333:4444:1234:5678:9abc:def0" char buf6[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; struct sockaddr_storage ss; struct sockaddr_in sin, *psin; struct sockaddr_in6 sin6, *psin6; /* Find the CER dictionary object */ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_BY_NAME, "Capabilities-Exchange-Request", &cer_model, ENOENT ) ); /* Now find the Host-IP-Address dictionary object */ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "Host-IP-Address", &hia_model, ENOENT ) ); /* Create the msg instance */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_new ( cer_model, 0, &cer ) ); /* Create the avp instances */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_new ( hia_model, 0, &avp4 ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_new ( hia_model, 0, &avp6 ) ); /* Set the value of the IP avp */ sin.sin_family = AF_INET; CHECK( 1, inet_pton( AF_INET, TEST_IP4, &sin.sin_addr.s_addr ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_value_encode ( &sin, avp4 ) ); /* Set the value of the IP6 avp */ sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; CHECK( 1, inet_pton( AF_INET6, TEST_IP6, &sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_value_encode ( &sin6, avp6 ) ); /* Add these AVPs in the message */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_add( cer, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp4) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_add( cer, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp6) ); /* Create the buffer for this message */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_bufferize( cer, &buf, NULL ) ); /* Now free the message, we keep only the buffer. */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free( cer ) ); /* Check the content of the buffer is correct (skip command header) */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[20] ); /* First AVP (IP4) begins: code 257 = 0x00000101 */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[21] ); CHECK( 0x01, buf[22] ); CHECK( 0x01, buf[23] ); CHECK( 0x40, buf[24] ); /* flags: M */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[25] ); /* length: 8+6 = 0x00000e */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[26] ); CHECK( 0x0E, buf[27] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[28] ); /* Value: AddressType 1 */ CHECK( 0x01, buf[29] ); CHECK( 192, buf[30] ); /* */ CHECK( 168, buf[31] ); CHECK( 100, buf[32] ); CHECK( 101, buf[33] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[34] ); /* Padding */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[35] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[36] ); /* Second AVP (IP6) begins: code 257 = 0x00000101 */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[37] ); CHECK( 0x01, buf[38] ); CHECK( 0x01, buf[39] ); CHECK( 0x40, buf[40] ); /* flags: M */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[41] ); /* length: 8+18 = 0x00001a */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[42] ); CHECK( 0x1A, buf[43] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[44] ); /* Value: AddressType 2 */ CHECK( 0x02, buf[45] ); CHECK( 0x11, buf[46] ); /* 1111:2222:3333:4444:1234:5678:9abc:def0 */ CHECK( 0x11, buf[47] ); CHECK( 0x22, buf[48] ); CHECK( 0x22, buf[49] ); CHECK( 0x33, buf[50] ); CHECK( 0x33, buf[51] ); CHECK( 0x44, buf[52] ); CHECK( 0x44, buf[53] ); CHECK( 0x12, buf[54] ); CHECK( 0x34, buf[55] ); CHECK( 0x56, buf[56] ); CHECK( 0x78, buf[57] ); CHECK( 0x9a, buf[58] ); CHECK( 0xbc, buf[59] ); CHECK( 0xde, buf[60] ); CHECK( 0xf0, buf[61] ); /* Ok, now let's recreate the message */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf, 64, &cer) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_dict( cer, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, NULL ) ); /* Get the pointers to the first and last AVP */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse( cer, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &avp4, NULL) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse( cer, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, &avp6, NULL) ); /* Try and interpret the data in the AVPs */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_value_interpret ( avp4, &ss ) ); psin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ss; CHECK( AF_INET, psin->sin_family ); CHECK( 0, (inet_ntop( AF_INET, &psin->sin_addr.s_addr, buf4, sizeof(buf4) ) == NULL) ? errno : 0 ); CHECK( 0, strcmp( buf4, TEST_IP4 ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_value_interpret ( avp6, &ss ) ); psin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&ss; CHECK( AF_INET6, psin6->sin6_family ); CHECK( 0, (inet_ntop( AF_INET6, &psin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr, buf6, sizeof(buf6) ) == NULL) ? errno : 0 ); CHECK( 0, strcasecmp( buf6, TEST_IP6 ) ); /* Ok, it's done */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free( cer ) ); } /* Check proper encoding / decoding for all basic types of AVP */ { { struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 91001, 0, "AVP Test 2 - os", 0, 0, AVP_TYPE_OCTETSTRING }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , NULL, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 91002, 0, "AVP Test 2 - i32", 0, 0, AVP_TYPE_INTEGER32 }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , NULL, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 91003, 0, "AVP Test 2 - i64", 0, 0, AVP_TYPE_INTEGER64 }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , NULL, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 91004, 0, "AVP Test 2 - u32", 0, 0, AVP_TYPE_UNSIGNED32 }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , NULL, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 91005, 0, "AVP Test 2 - u64", 0, 0, AVP_TYPE_UNSIGNED64 }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , NULL, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 91006, 0, "AVP Test 2 - f32", 0, 0, AVP_TYPE_FLOAT32 }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , NULL, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_avp_data avp_data = { 91007, 0, "AVP Test 2 - f64", 0, 0, AVP_TYPE_FLOAT64 }; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_new ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, &avp_data , NULL, NULL ) ); } { struct dict_object * cmd_model = NULL; struct msg * msg = NULL; struct avp * avp = NULL; union avp_value value; struct avp * avpi = NULL; struct avp_hdr * avpdata = NULL; struct msg_hdr * msgdata = NULL; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_BY_NAME, "Test-Command-Request", &cmd_model, ENOENT ) ); /* Create a message */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_new ( cmd_model, 0, &msg ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_hdr ( msg, &msgdata ) ); ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 0, "AVP Test 2 - os" ); value.os.data = (unsigned char *) "waaad"; value.os.len = 6; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 0, "AVP Test 2 - i32" ); value.i32 = 0x123456; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 0, "AVP Test 2 - i32" ); value.i32 = -0x123456; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 0, "AVP Test 2 - i64" ); value.i64 = 0x11223344556677LL; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 0, "AVP Test 2 - i64" ); value.i64 = -0x11223344556677LL; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 0, "AVP Test 2 - u32" ); value.u32 = 0xFEDCBA98; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 0, "AVP Test 2 - u64" ); value.u64 = 0x123456789abcdef0LL; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 0, "AVP Test 2 - f32" ); value.f32 = 2097153.0F; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); ADD_AVP( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpi, 0, "AVP Test 2 - f64" ); value.f64 = -1099511627777LL; CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( avpi, &value ) ); /* Ok now bufferize */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_bufferize( msg, &buf, NULL ) ); /* Test the first bytes */ CHECK( 0x01, buf[0] ); /* Version */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[1] ); /* Length: 148 = 0x000094 */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[2] ); CHECK( 0x94, buf[3] ); CHECK( 0x80, buf[4] ); /* flags: only "R" is set. */ CHECK( 0x01, buf[5] ); /* Command code: 73573 = 0x011F65 */ CHECK( 0x1F, buf[6] ); CHECK( 0x65, buf[7] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[8] ); /* App ID */ CHECK( 0x01, buf[9] ); CHECK( 0x1F, buf[10] ); CHECK( 0x5E, buf[11] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[12] ); /* hop-by-hop id */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[13] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[14] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[15] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[16] ); /* end-to-end id */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[17] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[18] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[19] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[20] ); /* First AVP (AVP Test 2 - os) begin: code 91001 = 0x00016379 */ CHECK( 0x01, buf[21] ); CHECK( 0x63, buf[22] ); CHECK( 0x79, buf[23] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[24] ); /* flags: 0 */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[25] ); /* length: 14 = 0x00000e */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[26] ); CHECK( 0x0e, buf[27] ); CHECK( 0x77, buf[28] ); /* "waaad\0" + padding */ CHECK( 0x61, buf[29] ); CHECK( 0x61, buf[30] ); CHECK( 0x61, buf[31] ); CHECK( 0x64, buf[32] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[33] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[34] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[35] ); /* 36 ~ 43 : 2nd AVP header (size at last octet) */ CHECK( 0x0c, buf[43] ); CHECK( 0x00, buf[44] ); /* 0x123456 stored in integer32 in network byte order */ CHECK( 0x12, buf[45] ); CHECK( 0x34, buf[46] ); CHECK( 0x56, buf[47] ); /* 48 ~ 55 : next AVP header */ CHECK( 0xff, buf[56] ); /* -0x123456 stored in integer32 in network byte order. */ CHECK( 0xed, buf[57] ); /* We assume that two's complement is the correct representation, although it's not clearly specified. */ CHECK( 0xcb, buf[58] ); /* 00 12 34 56 inversed => FF ED CB A9 */ CHECK( 0xaa, buf[59] ); /* then "+1" => FF ED CB AA */ /* 60 ~ 67 : next header */ CHECK( 0x10, buf[67] ); /* (the size) */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[68] ); /* 0x11223344556677 in network byte order */ CHECK( 0x11, buf[69] ); CHECK( 0x22, buf[70] ); CHECK( 0x33, buf[71] ); CHECK( 0x44, buf[72] ); CHECK( 0x55, buf[73] ); CHECK( 0x66, buf[74] ); CHECK( 0x77, buf[75] ); /* 76 ~ 83 : next header */ CHECK( 0xFF, buf[84] ); /* - 0x11223344556677 (in two's complement) */ CHECK( 0xEE, buf[85] ); /* gives FF EE DD CC BB AA 99 89 */ CHECK( 0xDD, buf[86] ); CHECK( 0xCC, buf[87] ); CHECK( 0xBB, buf[88] ); CHECK( 0xAA, buf[89] ); CHECK( 0x99, buf[90] ); CHECK( 0x89, buf[91] ); /* 92 ~ 99 : next header */ CHECK( 0x0c, buf[99] ); /* (the size) */ CHECK( 0xFE, buf[100]); /* 0xFEDCBA98 in network byte order */ CHECK( 0xDC, buf[101]); CHECK( 0xBA, buf[102]); CHECK( 0x98, buf[103]); /* 104 ~ 111 : next header */ CHECK( 0x10, buf[111] ); /* (the size) */ CHECK( 0x12, buf[112]); /* 0x123456789abcdef0LL in network byte order */ CHECK( 0x34, buf[113]); CHECK( 0x56, buf[114]); CHECK( 0x78, buf[115]); CHECK( 0x9a, buf[116]); CHECK( 0xbc, buf[117]); CHECK( 0xde, buf[118]); CHECK( 0xf0, buf[119]); /* 120 ~ 127 : next header */ CHECK( 0x0c, buf[127] ); /* (the size) */ CHECK( 0x4a, buf[128]); /* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754-1985 to get descvription of the format */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[129]); /* v = 2097153 = 2^21 + 2 ^ 0; sign : "+", 2^21 <= v < 2^22 => exponent = 21; biaised on 8 bits => 21 + 127 => 100 1010 0 */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[130]); /* v = (+1) * (1 ^ 21) * ( 1 + 2^-21 ) => significand 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 */ CHECK( 0x04, buf[131]); /* result: 4a 00 00 04 */ /* 132 ~ 139 : next header */ CHECK( 0x10, buf[139] ); /* (the size) */ CHECK( 0xc2, buf[140]); /* -1099511627777L ( 2^40 + 1 ) in network byte order */ CHECK( 0x70, buf[141]); /* sign: - => most significant bit = 1 */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[142]); /* 2^40 <= v < 2^41 => biaised exponent on 11 bits: 1023 + 40: 100 0010 0111 */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[143]); /* significand: 1 + 2^-40 => 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[144]); /* result: c2 70 00 00 00 00 10 00 */ CHECK( 0x00, buf[145]); CHECK( 0x10, buf[146]); CHECK( 0x00, buf[147]); /* Okay, now delete the message and parse the buffer, then check we obtain the same values back */ #if 0 fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); #endif CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free( msg ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_buffer( &buf, 148, &msg) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_parse_dict( msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, NULL ) ); #if 0 fd_log_debug("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); #endif CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( msg, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &avp, NULL) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avp, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 6, avpdata->avp_value->os.len ); CHECK( 'w', (char)(avpdata->avp_value->os.data[0]) ); CHECK( 'a', (char)(avpdata->avp_value->os.data[1]) ); CHECK( 'd', (char)(avpdata->avp_value->os.data[4]) ); CHECK( '\0', (char)(avpdata->avp_value->os.data[5]) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &avp, NULL) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avp, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 0x123456, avpdata->avp_value->i32 ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &avp, NULL) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avp, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( -0x123456, avpdata->avp_value->i32 ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &avp, NULL) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avp, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 0x11223344556677LL, avpdata->avp_value->i64 ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &avp, NULL) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avp, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( -0x11223344556677LL, avpdata->avp_value->i64 ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &avp, NULL) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avp, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 0xFEDCBA98, avpdata->avp_value->u32 ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &avp, NULL) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avp, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 0x123456789abcdef0LL, avpdata->avp_value->u64 ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &avp, NULL) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avp, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 2097153.0F, avpdata->avp_value->f32 ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &avp, NULL) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( avp, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( -1099511627777LL, avpdata->avp_value->f64 ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free( msg ) ); } } /* Test the fd_msg_add_result function for Result-Code */ { struct msg * msg = NULL; struct dict_object * avp_model = NULL; struct avp * rc = NULL; struct avp_hdr * avpdata = NULL; { struct dict_object * cmd_model = NULL; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_BY_NAME, "Test-Command-Answer", &cmd_model, ENOENT ) ); /* Create a message */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_new ( cmd_model, 0, &msg ) ); /* Add a session id */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_new_session( msg, (os0_t)"testmsg", strlen("testmsg") ) ); /* Find the DICT_TYPE Enumerated(Result-Code) */ struct dict_object * restype = NULL; CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_BY_NAME, "Enumerated(Result-Code)", &restype, ENOENT ) ); /* Now test the behavior of fd_msg_add_result for Result-Code AVP */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_add_result(msg, 0, restype, "DIAMETER_SUCCESS", NULL, NULL, 1) ); LOG_D("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); } /* Ensure Result-Code is present */ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "Result-Code", &avp_model, ENOENT ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_search_avp( msg, avp_model, &rc ) ); /* Check the Result-Code AVP value is DIAMETER_SUCCESS */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( rc, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( ER_DIAMETER_SUCCESS, avpdata->avp_value->u32 ); /* Ensure Experimental-Result is missing */ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "Experimental-Result", &avp_model, ENOENT ) ); CHECK( ENOENT, fd_msg_search_avp( msg, avp_model, NULL ) ); /* Free msg */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free( msg ) ); } /* Test the fd_msg_add_result function for Experimental-Result */ { struct msg * msg = NULL; struct dict_object * avp_model = NULL; struct avp * er = NULL; struct avp * erc = NULL; struct avp_hdr * avpdata = NULL; { struct dict_object * cmd_model = NULL; CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_BY_NAME, "Test-Command-Answer", &cmd_model, ENOENT ) ); /* Create a message */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_new ( cmd_model, 0, &msg ) ); /* Add a session id */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_new_session( msg, (os0_t)"testmsg", strlen("testmsg") ) ); /* Find the DICT_TYPE Enumerated(73565/Experimental-Result-Code) */ struct dict_object * restype = NULL; CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_BY_NAME, "Enumerated(73565/Experimental-Result-Code)", &restype, ENOENT ) ); /* Now test the behavior of fd_msg_add_result for Experimental-Result AVP */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_add_result(msg, 73565, restype, "DIAMETER_TEST_RESULT_5000", NULL, NULL, 1) ); LOG_D("%s", fd_msg_dump_treeview(FD_DUMP_TEST_PARAMS, msg, fd_g_config->cnf_dict, 0, 1)); } /* Ensure Result-Code is missing */ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "Result-Code", &avp_model, ENOENT ) ); CHECK( ENOENT, fd_msg_search_avp( msg, avp_model, NULL ) ); /* Ensure Experimental-Result is present */ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "Experimental-Result", &avp_model, ENOENT ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_search_avp( msg, avp_model, &er ) ); /* Ensure Experimental-Result-Code is present */ CHECK( 0, fd_dict_search ( fd_g_config->cnf_dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "Experimental-Result-Code", &avp_model, ENOENT ) ); CHECK( 0, fd_msg_search_avp( er, avp_model, &erc ) ); /* Check the Experimental-Result-Code AVP value is 5000 */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_avp_hdr ( erc, &avpdata ) ); CHECK( 5000, avpdata->avp_value->u32 ); /* Free msg */ CHECK( 0, fd_msg_free( msg ) ); } /* Check IPv4 -> IPv6 and IPv6->IPv4 mapping */ { struct in_addr i4; memset(&i4, 0xff, sizeof(i4)); CHECK( 1, inet_pton( AF_INET, TEST_IP4, &i4 ) ); #define TEST_IP6MAP "::ffff:" TEST_IP4 struct in6_addr i6; memset(&i6, 0xff, sizeof(i6)); IN6_ADDR_V4MAP(&i6.s6_addr, i4.s_addr); char buf6[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; CHECK( 0, (inet_ntop( AF_INET6, &i6, buf6, sizeof(buf6) ) == NULL) ? errno : 0 ); LOG_D("buf6='%s'", buf6); CHECK( 0, strcasecmp( buf6, TEST_IP6MAP ) ); struct in_addr o4; o4.s_addr = IN6_ADDR_V4UNMAP(&i6); char buf4[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; CHECK( 0, (inet_ntop( AF_INET, &o4.s_addr, buf4, sizeof(buf4) ) == NULL) ? errno : 0 ); CHECK( 0, strcmp( buf4, TEST_IP4 ) ); } /* That's all for the tests yet */ PASSTEST(); }