config_overrides_file: arg_name: config-overrides-file type: "googlecloudsdk.calliope.arg_parsers:FileContents:" help_text: |- Path to a JSON or YAML file that contains game server config overrides in the rollout. The game server config overrides follows the format of following example ``` - realmsSelector: realms: - realm1 - realm2 configVersion: version2 - realmsSelector: realms: - realm4 configVersion: version3 ``` fleet_configs_file: arg_name: fleet-configs-file required: true type: "googlecloudsdk.calliope.arg_parsers:FileContents:" help_text: |- Path to a JSON or YAML file that contains fleet configs. The fleet configs configs follows the format of the field in Agones Fleet cusomt resource. Please see for example and for fleet_spec definition. scaling_configs_file: arg_name: scaling-configs-file type: "googlecloudsdk.calliope.arg_parsers:FileContents:" help_text: |- Path to a JSON or YAML file that contains scaling configs. The fleet autoscaler spec field in configs file follows Agones Fleet Autoscaler custom resource. Please see for example and for Fleet Autoscaler Spec definition. Scaling config file can also specifies schedules.