- release_tracks: [ALPHA, BETA, GA] help_text: brief: Set the IAM policy binding for a KMS import job. description: | Sets the IAM policy for the given import job as defined in a JSON or YAML file. See https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/managing-policies for details of the policy file format and contents. examples: | The following command will read an IAM policy defined in a JSON file 'policy.json' and set it for the import job 'frodo' with the keyring 'fellowship' and location 'global': $ {command} frodo policy.json --keyring=fellowship --location=global See https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/managing-policies for details of the policy file format and contents. request: collection: cloudkms.projects.locations.keyRings.importJobs modify_request_hooks: - googlecloudsdk.command_lib.iam.hooks:UseMaxRequestedPolicyVersion:api_field=setIamPolicyRequest.policy.version - googlecloudsdk.command_lib.iam.hooks:AddVersionToUpdateMaskIfNotPresent:update_mask_path=setIamPolicyRequest.updateMask arguments: resource: help_text: The import job for which to set the IAM policy binding. spec: !REF googlecloudsdk.command_lib.kms.resources:import_job iam: policy_version: 3