# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2013 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Connects to a Cloud SQL instance.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import unicode_literals import atexit from apitools.base.py import exceptions as apitools_exceptions from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.sql import api_util from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.sql import constants from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.sql import exceptions from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.sql import instances as instances_api_util from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.sql import network from googlecloudsdk.api_lib.sql import operations from googlecloudsdk.calliope import arg_parsers from googlecloudsdk.calliope import base from googlecloudsdk.calliope import exceptions as calliope_exceptions from googlecloudsdk.command_lib.sql import flags as sql_flags from googlecloudsdk.command_lib.sql import instances as instances_command_util from googlecloudsdk.core.util import files from googlecloudsdk.core.util import iso_duration from googlecloudsdk.core.util import retry from googlecloudsdk.core.util import text import six import six.moves.http_client EXAMPLES = ( """\ To connect to a Cloud SQL instance, run: $ {command} my-instance --user=root """ ) DETAILED_GA_HELP = { 'DESCRIPTION': """ Connects to a Cloud SQL instance. NOTE: If you're connecting from an IPv6 address, or are constrained by certain organization policies (restrictPublicIP, restrictAuthorizedNetworks), consider running the beta version of this command to avoid error by connecting through the Cloud SQL proxy: *gcloud beta sql connect* """, 'EXAMPLES': EXAMPLES, } DETAILED_ALPHA_BETA_HELP = { 'DESCRIPTION': """ Connects to Cloud SQL V2 instances through the Cloud SQL Proxy. Connects to Cloud SQL V1 instances directly. """, 'EXAMPLES': EXAMPLES, } # TODO(b/62055574): Improve test coverage in this file. def _AllowlistClientIP(instance_ref, sql_client, sql_messages, resources, minutes=5): """Add CLIENT_IP to the authorized networks list. Makes an API call to add CLIENT_IP to the authorized networks list. The server knows to interpret the string CLIENT_IP as the address with which the client reaches the server. This IP will be allowlisted for 1 minute. Args: instance_ref: resources.Resource, The instance we're connecting to. sql_client: apitools.BaseApiClient, A working client for the sql version to be used. sql_messages: module, The module that defines the messages for the sql version to be used. resources: resources.Registry, The registry that can create resource refs for the sql version to be used. minutes: How long the client IP will be allowlisted for, in minutes. Returns: string, The name of the authorized network rule. Callers can use this name to find out the IP the client reached the server with. Raises: HttpException: An http error response was received while executing api request. ResourceNotFoundError: The SQL instance was not found. """ time_of_connection = network.GetCurrentTime() acl_name = 'sql connect at time {0}'.format(time_of_connection) user_acl = sql_messages.AclEntry( kind='sql#aclEntry', name=acl_name, expirationTime=iso_duration.Duration( minutes=minutes).GetRelativeDateTime(time_of_connection) # TODO(b/122989827): Remove this once the datetime parsing is fixed. # Setting the microseconds component to 10 milliseconds. This complies # with backend formatting restrictions, since backend requires a microsecs # component and anything less than 1 milli will get truncated. .replace(microsecond=10000).isoformat(), value='CLIENT_IP') try: original = sql_client.instances.Get( sql_messages.SqlInstancesGetRequest( project=instance_ref.project, instance=instance_ref.instance)) except apitools_exceptions.HttpError as error: if error.status_code == six.moves.http_client.FORBIDDEN: raise exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError( 'There was no instance found at {} or you are not authorized to ' 'connect to it.'.format(instance_ref.RelativeName())) raise calliope_exceptions.HttpException(error) # TODO(b/122989827): Remove this once the datetime parsing is fixed. original.serverCaCert = None original.settings.ipConfiguration.authorizedNetworks.append(user_acl) try: patch_request = sql_messages.SqlInstancesPatchRequest( databaseInstance=original, project=instance_ref.project, instance=instance_ref.instance) result = sql_client.instances.Patch(patch_request) except apitools_exceptions.HttpError as error: raise calliope_exceptions.HttpException(error) operation_ref = resources.Create( 'sql.operations', operation=result.name, project=instance_ref.project) message = ('Allowlisting your IP for incoming connection for ' '{0} {1}'.format(minutes, text.Pluralize(minutes, 'minute'))) operations.OperationsV1Beta4.WaitForOperation(sql_client, operation_ref, message) return acl_name def _GetClientIP(instance_ref, sql_client, acl_name): """Retrieves given instance and extracts its client ip.""" instance_info = sql_client.instances.Get( sql_client.MESSAGES_MODULE.SqlInstancesGetRequest( project=instance_ref.project, instance=instance_ref.instance)) networks = instance_info.settings.ipConfiguration.authorizedNetworks client_ip = None for net in networks: if net.name == acl_name: client_ip = net.value break return instance_info, client_ip def AddBaseArgs(parser): """Declare flag and positional arguments for this command parser. Args: parser: An argparse parser that you can use it to add arguments that go on the command line after this command. Positional arguments are allowed. """ parser.add_argument( 'instance', completer=sql_flags.InstanceCompleter, help='Cloud SQL instance ID.') parser.add_argument( '--user', '-u', required=False, help='Cloud SQL instance user to connect as.') def AddBetaArgs(parser): """Declare beta flag arguments for this command parser. Args: parser: An argparse parser that you can use it to add arguments that go on the command line after this command. Positional arguments are allowed. """ parser.add_argument( '--port', type=arg_parsers.BoundedInt(lower_bound=1, upper_bound=65535), default=constants.DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT_NUMBER, help=('Port number that gcloud will use to connect to the Cloud SQL ' 'Proxy through localhost.')) def RunConnectCommand(args, supports_database=False): """Connects to a Cloud SQL instance directly. Args: args: argparse.Namespace, The arguments that this command was invoked with. supports_database: Whether or not the `--database` flag needs to be accounted for. Returns: If no exception is raised this method does not return. A new process is started and the original one is killed. Raises: HttpException: An http error response was received while executing api request. UpdateError: An error occurred while updating an instance. SqlClientNotFoundError: A local SQL client could not be found. ConnectionError: An error occurred while trying to connect to the instance. """ client = api_util.SqlClient(api_util.API_VERSION_DEFAULT) sql_client = client.sql_client sql_messages = client.sql_messages instance_ref = instances_command_util.GetInstanceRef(args, client) acl_name = _AllowlistClientIP(instance_ref, sql_client, sql_messages, client.resource_parser) # Get the client IP that the server sees. Sadly we can only do this by # checking the name of the authorized network rule. retryer = retry.Retryer(max_retrials=2, exponential_sleep_multiplier=2) try: instance_info, client_ip = retryer.RetryOnResult( _GetClientIP, [instance_ref, sql_client, acl_name], should_retry_if=lambda x, s: x[1] is None, # client_ip is None sleep_ms=500) except retry.RetryException: raise exceptions.UpdateError('Could not allowlist client IP. Server did ' 'not reply with the allowlisted IP.') # Check for the mysql or psql executable based on the db version. db_type = instance_info.databaseVersion.name.split('_')[0] exe_name = constants.DB_EXE.get(db_type, 'mysql') exe = files.FindExecutableOnPath(exe_name) if not exe: raise exceptions.SqlClientNotFoundError( '{0} client not found. Please install a {1} client and make sure ' 'it is in PATH to be able to connect to the database instance.'.format( exe_name.title(), exe_name)) # Check the version of IP and decide if we need to add ipv4 support. ip_type = network.GetIpVersion(client_ip) if ip_type == network.IP_VERSION_4: if instance_info.settings.ipConfiguration.ipv4Enabled: ip_address = instance_info.ipAddresses[0].ipAddress else: # TODO(b/36049930): ask user if we should enable ipv4 addressing message = ('It seems your client does not have ipv6 connectivity and ' 'the database instance does not have an ipv4 address. ' 'Please request an ipv4 address for this database instance.') raise exceptions.ConnectionError(message) elif ip_type == network.IP_VERSION_6: ip_address = instance_info.ipv6Address else: raise exceptions.ConnectionError('Could not connect to SQL server.') # Determine what SQL user to connect with. sql_user = constants.DEFAULT_SQL_USER[exe_name] if args.user: sql_user = args.user # We have everything we need, time to party! flags = constants.EXE_FLAGS[exe_name] sql_args = [exe_name, flags['hostname'], ip_address] sql_args.extend([flags['user'], sql_user]) if 'password' in flags: sql_args.append(flags['password']) if supports_database: sql_args.extend(instances_command_util.GetDatabaseArgs(args, flags)) instances_command_util.ConnectToInstance(sql_args, sql_user) def RunProxyConnectCommand(args, supports_database=False): """Connects to a Cloud SQL instance through the Cloud SQL Proxy. Args: args: argparse.Namespace, The arguments that this command was invoked with. supports_database: Whether or not the `--database` flag needs to be accounted for. Returns: If no exception is raised this method does not return. A new process is started and the original one is killed. Raises: HttpException: An http error response was received while executing api request. CloudSqlProxyError: Cloud SQL Proxy could not be found. SqlClientNotFoundError: A local SQL client could not be found. ConnectionError: An error occurred while trying to connect to the instance. """ client = api_util.SqlClient(api_util.API_VERSION_DEFAULT) sql_client = client.sql_client sql_messages = client.sql_messages instance_ref = instances_command_util.GetInstanceRef(args, client) instance_info = sql_client.instances.Get( sql_messages.SqlInstancesGetRequest( project=instance_ref.project, instance=instance_ref.instance)) if not instances_api_util.IsInstanceV2(sql_messages, instance_info): # The Cloud SQL Proxy does not support V1 instances. return RunConnectCommand(args, supports_database) # If the instance is V2, keep going with the proxy. exe = files.FindExecutableOnPath('cloud_sql_proxy') if not exe: raise exceptions.CloudSqlProxyError( 'Cloud SQL Proxy could not be found in PATH. See ' 'https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/sql-proxy#install for ' 'information on installing.') # Check for the executable based on the db version. db_type = instance_info.databaseVersion.name.split('_')[0] exe_name = constants.DB_EXE.get(db_type, 'mysql') exe = files.FindExecutableOnPath(exe_name) if not exe: raise exceptions.SqlClientNotFoundError( '{0} client not found. Please install a {1} client and make sure ' 'it is in PATH to be able to connect to the database instance.'.format( exe_name.title(), exe_name)) # Start the Cloud SQL Proxy and wait for it to be ready to accept connections. port = six.text_type(args.port) proxy_process = instances_api_util.StartCloudSqlProxy(instance_info, port) atexit.register(proxy_process.kill) # Determine what SQL user to connect with. sql_user = constants.DEFAULT_SQL_USER[exe_name] if args.user: sql_user = args.user # We have everything we need, time to party! flags = constants.EXE_FLAGS[exe_name] sql_args = [exe_name] if exe_name == 'mssql-cli': # mssql-cli merges hostname and port into a single argument hostname = 'tcp:,{0}'.format(port) sql_args.extend([flags['hostname'], hostname]) else: sql_args.extend([flags['hostname'], '', flags['port'], port]) sql_args.extend([flags['user'], sql_user]) if 'password' in flags: sql_args.append(flags['password']) if supports_database: sql_args.extend(instances_command_util.GetDatabaseArgs(args, flags)) instances_command_util.ConnectToInstance(sql_args, sql_user) proxy_process.kill() @base.ReleaseTracks(base.ReleaseTrack.GA) class Connect(base.Command): """Connects to a Cloud SQL instance.""" detailed_help = DETAILED_GA_HELP @staticmethod def Args(parser): """Args is called by calliope to gather arguments for this command.""" AddBaseArgs(parser) sql_flags.AddDatabase( parser, 'The SQL Server database to connect to.') def Run(self, args): """Connects to a Cloud SQL instance.""" return RunConnectCommand(args, supports_database=True) @base.ReleaseTracks(base.ReleaseTrack.BETA, base.ReleaseTrack.ALPHA) class ConnectBeta(base.Command): """Connects to a Cloud SQL instance.""" detailed_help = DETAILED_ALPHA_BETA_HELP @staticmethod def Args(parser): """Args is called by calliope to gather arguments for this command.""" AddBaseArgs(parser) AddBetaArgs(parser) sql_flags.AddDatabase( parser, 'The PostgreSQL or SQL Server database to connect to.') def Run(self, args): """Connects to a Cloud SQL instance.""" return RunProxyConnectCommand(args, supports_database=True)