/* eXosip - This is the eXtended osip library. Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Aymeric MOIZARD amoizard@antisip.com eXosip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. eXosip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here. */ #include "eXosip2.h" #include #include static int _eXosip_event_fill_messages(eXosip_event_t *je, osip_transaction_t *tr); static int _eXosip_event_fill_messages(eXosip_event_t *je, osip_transaction_t *tr) { int i; if (tr != NULL && tr->orig_request != NULL) { i = osip_message_clone(tr->orig_request, &je->request); if (i != 0) { OSIP_TRACE(osip_trace(__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "[eXosip] failed to clone request for event\n")); } } if (tr != NULL && tr->last_response != NULL) { i = osip_message_clone(tr->last_response, &je->response); if (i != 0) { OSIP_TRACE(osip_trace(__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "[eXosip] failed to clone response for event\n")); } } if (tr != NULL && tr->ack != NULL) { i = osip_message_clone(tr->ack, &je->ack); if (i != 0) { OSIP_TRACE(osip_trace(__FILE__, __LINE__, OSIP_ERROR, NULL, "[eXosip] failed to clone ACK for event\n")); } } return OSIP_SUCCESS; } eXosip_event_t *_eXosip_event_init_for_call(int type, eXosip_call_t *jc, eXosip_dialog_t *jd, osip_transaction_t *tr) { eXosip_event_t *je; if (jc == NULL) return NULL; _eXosip_event_init(&je, type); if (je == NULL) return NULL; je->cid = jc->c_id; if (jd != NULL) je->did = jd->d_id; if (tr != NULL) je->tid = tr->transactionid; je->external_reference = jc->external_reference; _eXosip_event_fill_messages(je, tr); return je; } #ifndef MINISIZE eXosip_event_t *_eXosip_event_init_for_subscription(int type, eXosip_subscribe_t *js, eXosip_dialog_t *jd, osip_transaction_t *tr) { eXosip_event_t *je; if (js == NULL) return NULL; _eXosip_event_init(&je, type); if (je == NULL) return NULL; je->sid = js->s_id; if (jd != NULL) je->did = jd->d_id; if (tr != NULL) je->tid = tr->transactionid; je->ss_status = js->s_ss_status; je->ss_reason = js->s_ss_reason; /* je->external_reference = js->external_reference; */ _eXosip_event_fill_messages(je, tr); return je; } eXosip_event_t *_eXosip_event_init_for_notify(int type, eXosip_notify_t *jn, eXosip_dialog_t *jd, osip_transaction_t *tr) { eXosip_event_t *je; if (jn == NULL) return NULL; _eXosip_event_init(&je, type); if (je == NULL) return NULL; je->nid = jn->n_id; if (jd != NULL) je->did = jd->d_id; if (tr != NULL) je->tid = tr->transactionid; je->ss_status = jn->n_ss_status; je->ss_reason = jn->n_ss_reason; /*je->external_reference = jc->external_reference; */ _eXosip_event_fill_messages(je, tr); return je; } #endif eXosip_event_t *_eXosip_event_init_for_reg(int type, eXosip_reg_t *jr, osip_transaction_t *tr) { eXosip_event_t *je; if (jr == NULL) return NULL; _eXosip_event_init(&je, type); if (je == NULL) return NULL; je->rid = jr->r_id; _eXosip_event_fill_messages(je, tr); return je; } eXosip_event_t *_eXosip_event_init_for_message(int type, osip_transaction_t *tr) { eXosip_event_t *je; _eXosip_event_init(&je, type); if (je == NULL) return NULL; if (tr != NULL) je->tid = tr->transactionid; _eXosip_event_fill_messages(je, tr); return je; } int _eXosip_event_init(eXosip_event_t **je, int type) { *je = (eXosip_event_t *) osip_malloc(sizeof(eXosip_event_t)); if (*je == NULL) return OSIP_NOMEM; memset(*je, 0, sizeof(eXosip_event_t)); (*je)->type = type; #if !defined(_WIN32_WCE) if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_NOANSWER) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "No answer for this Call!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_PROCEEDING) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "Call is being processed!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_RINGING) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "Remote phone is ringing!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_ANSWERED) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "Remote phone has answered!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_REDIRECTED) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "Call is redirected!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_REQUESTFAILURE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "4xx received for Call!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_SERVERFAILURE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "5xx received for Call!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_GLOBALFAILURE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "6xx received for Call!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_INVITE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "New call received!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_ACK) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "ACK received!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_CANCELLED) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "Call has been cancelled!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_REINVITE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "INVITE within call received!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_CLOSED) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "Bye Received!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_RELEASED) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "Call Context is released!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "User is successfully registred!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_REGISTRATION_FAILURE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "Registration failed!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_NEW) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "New request received!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_PROCEEDING) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "request is being processed!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_ANSWERED) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "2xx received for request!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_REDIRECTED) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "3xx received for request!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_REQUESTFAILURE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "4xx received for request!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_SERVERFAILURE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "5xx received for request!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_CALL_MESSAGE_GLOBALFAILURE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "5xx received for request!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_MESSAGE_NEW) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "New request outside call received!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_MESSAGE_PROCEEDING) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "request outside call is being processed!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_MESSAGE_ANSWERED) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "2xx received for request outside call!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_MESSAGE_REDIRECTED) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "3xx received for request outside call!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_MESSAGE_REQUESTFAILURE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "4xx received for request outside call!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_MESSAGE_SERVERFAILURE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "5xx received for request outside call!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_MESSAGE_GLOBALFAILURE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "5xx received for request outside call!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_NOANSWER) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "No answer for this SUBSCRIBE!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_PROCEEDING) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "SUBSCRIBE is being processed!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_ANSWERED) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "2xx received for SUBSCRIBE!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_REDIRECTED) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "3xx received for SUBSCRIBE!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_REQUESTFAILURE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "4xx received for SUBSCRIBE!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_SERVERFAILURE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "5xx received for SUBSCRIBE!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_GLOBALFAILURE) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "5xx received for SUBSCRIBE!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_SUBSCRIPTION_NOTIFY) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "NOTIFY request for subscription!"); } else if (type == EXOSIP_IN_SUBSCRIPTION_NEW) { sprintf((*je)->textinfo, "New incoming SUBSCRIBE!"); } else { (*je)->textinfo[0] = '\0'; } #endif return OSIP_SUCCESS; } void eXosip_event_free(eXosip_event_t *je) { if (je == NULL) return; if (je->request != NULL) osip_message_free(je->request); if (je->response != NULL) osip_message_free(je->response); if (je->ack != NULL) osip_message_free(je->ack); osip_free(je); } void _eXosip_report_event(struct eXosip_t *excontext, eXosip_event_t *je) { if (je != NULL) { _eXosip_event_add(excontext, je); } } void _eXosip_report_call_event(struct eXosip_t *excontext, int evt, eXosip_call_t *jc, eXosip_dialog_t *jd, osip_transaction_t *tr) { eXosip_event_t *je; je = _eXosip_event_init_for_call(evt, jc, jd, tr); _eXosip_report_event(excontext, je); } int _eXosip_event_add(struct eXosip_t *excontext, eXosip_event_t *je) { int i = osip_fifo_add(excontext->j_events, (void *) je); #ifndef OSIP_MONOTHREAD #if !defined(_WIN32_WCE) osip_cond_signal((struct osip_cond *) excontext->j_cond); #endif #endif eXosip_wakeup_event(excontext); return i; } #ifdef OSIP_MONOTHREAD eXosip_event_t *eXosip_event_wait(struct eXosip_t *excontext, int tv_s, int tv_ms) { eXosip_event_t *je = NULL; je = (eXosip_event_t *) osip_fifo_tryget(excontext->j_events); if (je != NULL) return je; eXosip_lock(excontext); _eXosip_retransmit_lost200ok(excontext); eXosip_unlock(excontext); return NULL; } #else #ifdef HAVE_SYS_EPOLL_H static eXosip_event_t *eXosip_event_wait_epoll(struct eXosip_t *excontext, int tv_s, int tv_ms) { eXosip_event_t *je = NULL; struct epoll_event ep_array; int nfds; eXosip_lock(excontext); _eXosip_retransmit_lost200ok(excontext); eXosip_unlock(excontext); if (tv_s == 0 && tv_ms == 0) return NULL; nfds = epoll_wait(excontext->epfdctl, &ep_array, 1, tv_s * 1000 + tv_ms); if (nfds <= 0) return OSIP_SUCCESS; if (excontext->j_stop_ua) return NULL; if (nfds > 0) { char buf[500]; jpipe_read(excontext->j_socketctl_event, buf, 499); } je = (eXosip_event_t *) osip_fifo_tryget(excontext->j_events); if (je != NULL) return je; return je; } #endif eXosip_event_t *eXosip_event_wait(struct eXosip_t *excontext, int tv_s, int tv_ms) { eXosip_event_t *je = NULL; fd_set fdset; struct timeval tv; int max, i; if (excontext == NULL) { return NULL; } je = (eXosip_event_t *) osip_fifo_tryget(excontext->j_events); if (je != NULL) return je; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_EPOLL_H if (excontext->poll_method == EXOSIP_USE_EPOLL_LT) { return eXosip_event_wait_epoll(excontext, tv_s, tv_ms); } #endif FD_ZERO(&fdset); eXFD_SET(jpipe_get_read_descr(excontext->j_socketctl_event), &fdset); max = jpipe_get_read_descr(excontext->j_socketctl_event); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; i = select(max + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (FD_ISSET(jpipe_get_read_descr(excontext->j_socketctl_event), &fdset)) { char buf[500]; jpipe_read(excontext->j_socketctl_event, buf, 499); } eXosip_lock(excontext); _eXosip_retransmit_lost200ok(excontext); eXosip_unlock(excontext); FD_ZERO(&fdset); eXFD_SET(jpipe_get_read_descr(excontext->j_socketctl_event), &fdset); tv.tv_sec = tv_s; tv.tv_usec = tv_ms * 1000; if (tv_s == 0 && tv_ms == 0) return NULL; i = select(max + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (i <= 0) return OSIP_SUCCESS; if (excontext->j_stop_ua) return NULL; if (FD_ISSET(jpipe_get_read_descr(excontext->j_socketctl_event), &fdset)) { char buf[500]; jpipe_read(excontext->j_socketctl_event, buf, 499); } je = (eXosip_event_t *) osip_fifo_tryget(excontext->j_events); if (je != NULL) return je; return je; } int eXosip_event_geteventsocket(struct eXosip_t *excontext) { return jpipe_get_read_descr(excontext->j_socketctl_event); } #ifdef HAVE_SYS_EPOLL_H static eXosip_event_t *eXosip_event_get_epoll(struct eXosip_t *excontext) { struct epoll_event ep_array; int nfds = epoll_wait(excontext->epfdctl, &ep_array, 1, 0); if (nfds > 0) { char buf[500]; jpipe_read(excontext->j_socketctl_event, buf, 499); } return (eXosip_event_t *) osip_fifo_get(excontext->j_events); } #endif eXosip_event_t *eXosip_event_get(struct eXosip_t *excontext) { fd_set fdset; struct timeval tv; int max; #ifdef HAVE_SYS_EPOLL_H if (excontext->poll_method == EXOSIP_USE_EPOLL_LT) { return eXosip_event_get_epoll(excontext); } #endif FD_ZERO(&fdset); eXFD_SET(jpipe_get_read_descr(excontext->j_socketctl_event), &fdset); max = jpipe_get_read_descr(excontext->j_socketctl_event); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; select(max + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (FD_ISSET(jpipe_get_read_descr(excontext->j_socketctl_event), &fdset)) { char buf[500]; jpipe_read(excontext->j_socketctl_event, buf, 499); } return (eXosip_event_t *) osip_fifo_get(excontext->j_events); } #endif