# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Timothy Appnel (cpan@timaoutloud.org) # http://www.timaoutloud.org/ # This code is released under the Artistic License. package Net::Trackback::Client; use strict; use base qw( Class::ErrorHandler ); use Net::Trackback; use Net::Trackback::Data; use Net::Trackback::Message; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->{__timeout} = 15; $self->{__no_proxy} = [ qw(localhost, ]; $self->{__charset} = 'utf-8'; $self; } sub init_agent { my $self = shift; require LWP::UserAgent; my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new; $agent->agent("Net::Trackback/$Net::Trackback::VERSION"); # $agent->parse_head(0); $agent->protocols_allowed( [ qw(http https) ] ); $agent->proxy([qw(http https)], $self->{__proxy}) if $self->{__proxy}; $agent->no_proxy(@{$self->{__no_proxy}}) if $self->{__no_proxy}; $agent->timeout($self->{__timeout}); $agent; } sub discover { my($self,$url) = @_; my $agent = $self->init_agent; my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $url ); my $res = $agent->request($req); return self->error($url.' '.$res->status_line) unless $res->is_success; my $c = $res->content; my @data; # Theoretically this is bad namespace form and eventually should # be fixed. If you stick to the standard prefixes you're fine. while ( $c =~ m!()!sg ) { if (my $tb = Net::Trackback::Data->parse($url,$1)) { push( @data, $tb ); } } @data ? \@data : $self->error('Nothing to discover.') } sub send_ping { my($self,$ping) = @_; my $ua = $self->init_agent; my $ping_url = $ping->ping_url or return $self->error('No ping URL'); my $req; $ping->timestamp(time); if ( $ping_url =~ /\?/ ) { $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET=>join('&', $ping_url, $ping->to_urlencoded) ); } else { $req = HTTP::Request->new( POST => $ping_url ); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' .$self->{__charset}); $req->content( $ping->to_urlencoded ); } my $res = $ua->request($req); return Net::Trackback::Message->new( { code=>$res->code, message=>$res->message } ) unless $res->is_success; Net::Trackback::Message->parse( $res->content ); } sub timeout { $_[0]->{__timeout} = $_[1] if $_[1]; $_[0]->{__timeout}; } sub proxy { $_[0]->{__proxy} = $_[1] if $_[1]; $_[0]->{__proxy}; } sub no_proxy { $_[0]->{__no_proxy} = $_[1] if $_[1]; $_[0]->{__no_proxy}; } sub charset { $_[0]->{__charset} = $_[1] if $_[1]; $_[0]->{__charset}; } 1; __END__ =begin =head1 NAME Net::Trackback::Client - a class for implementing Trackback client functionality. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::Trackback::Client; my $client = Net::Trackback::Client->new(); my $url ='http://www.foo.org/foo.html'; my $data = $client->discover($url); if (Net::Trackback->is_message($data)) { print $data->to_xml; } else { require Net::Trackback::Ping; my $p = { ping_url=>'http://www.foo.org/cgi/mt-tb.cgi/40', url=>'http://www.timaoutloud.org/archives/000206.html', title=>'The Next Generation of TrackBack: A Proposal', description=>'I thought it would be helpful to draft some suggestions for consideration for the next generation (NG) of the interface.' }; my $ping = Net::Trackback::Ping->new($p); my $msg = $client->send_ping($ping); print $msg->to_xml; =head1 METHODS =item Net::Trackback::Client->new Constructor method. Returns a Trackback client instance. =item $client->discover($url) A method that fetches the resource and searches for Trackback ping data. If the given resource can not be retreived or Trackback data was not found, C is returned. Use the C method to get the HTTP status code and message. If successful, returns a reference to an array of L objects. =item $client->send_ping($ping) Executes a ping according to the L object passed in and returns a L object with the results, =item $client->timeout([$seconds]) An accessor to the LWP agent timeout in seconds. Default is 15 seconds. If an optional parameter is passed in the value is set. =item $client->proxy($proxy) The URI of the proxy server to route all requests through. The default is C -- no proxy. =item $client->no_proxy([\@noproxy]) An ARRAY reference of domains to B request through the proxy. If an optional parameter is passed in the value is set. The default list includes I and I<>. =item $client->charset([$charset]) The charset header parameter to use when sending pings. If an optional parameter is passed in the value is set. The default is 'utf-8'. =head2 Errors This module is a subclass of L and inherits two methods for passing error message back to a caller. =item Class->error($message) =item $object->error($message) Sets the error message for either the class Class or the object $object to the message $message. Returns undef. =item Class->errstr =item $object->errstr Accesses the last error message set in the class Class or the object $object, respectively, and returns that error message. =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHT Please see the Net::Trackback manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut =end