# # # NEW!!! (FIDOGATE 5.2.0ds) single common config file # # dyff example config # ############################################################################## # C O M M O N C O N F I G U R A T I O N # ############################################################################## # Paths to basic dirs # CONFIGDIR /fido/etc BINDIR /fido/bin LIBEXECDIR /fido/libexec LOGDIR /fido/var/log/fidogate VARDIR /fido/var/lib/fidogate LOCKDIR /fido/var/run/fidogate SPOOLDIR /fido/spool BTBASEDIR /fido/spool/bt NETMAILDIR /fido/spool/bt/netmail INBOUND %B/in PINBOUND %B/pin #UUINBOUND %B/uuin # nl-autoupd DIFFDIR /fido/fileecho/nodediff NLDIR /fido/nodelist NLFDIR /fido/fileecho/nodelist # Config files ACL %C/acl ALIASES %C/aliases AREAS %C/areas HOSTS %C/hosts FTNACL %C/ftnacl PASSWD %C/passwd PACKING %C/packing ROUTING %C/routing SPYES %C/spyes UPLINKS %C/uplinks # Gate config CONFIG_GATE = %C/fidogate.conf # Databases HISTORY %V/history TIC_HISTORY %V/tic_hist DBC_HISTORY %V/dbc HUBROUTEDB %V/route LOGFILE %G/log # File with compiled by charsetc characteristic set. CHARSETMAP %L/charset.bin # Path to sequencer SEQ_MAIL %V/seq/mail SEQ_NEWS %V/seq/news SEQ_MSGID %V/seq/msgid SEQ_PKT %V/seq/pkt SEQ_SPLIT %V/seq/split SEQ_FF %V/seq/ff SEQ_TOSS %V/seq/toss SEQ_PACK %V/seq/pack SEQ_TICK %V/seq/tick # Directories for gateway and tossting and output tick's files OUTRFC_MAIL %S/outrfc/mail OUTRFC_NEWS %S/outrfc/news OUTPKT %S/outpkt OUTPKT_MAIL %S/outpkt/mail OUTPKT_NEWS %S/outpkt/news TOSS_TOSS %S/toss/toss TOSS_ROUTE %S/toss/route TOSS_PACK %S/toss/pack TOSS_BAD %S/toss/bad TICK_HOLD %B/tick # News directories INN_BATCHDIR /var/spool/news/outgoing NEWSVARDIR /var/lib/news NEWSLIBDIR /usr/lib/news NEWSBINDIR /usr/lib/news/bin NEWSSPOOLDIR /var/spool/news/articles # facility, level when using syslog support (LOGFILE = "syslog") # NOT YET SUPPORTED by FIDOGATE C programs (used by Perl scripts) LogFacility local15 LogLevel notice # OPTIONAL: # # MSDOS client drive to UNIX server directory translation. This allows # FIDOGATE running on a UNIX system and BinkleyTerm on an MSDOS or OS2 PC. # #DosDrive H: /home #DosDrive I: /var/spool #DosDrive P: /u1 #DosDrive Q: /u2 # AREAS.BBS EchoMail distribution list AreasBBS %V/areas.bbs # FAREAS.BBS file distribution list FAreasBBS %V/fareas.bbs SENDMAIL /usr/bin/true INEWS /usr/bin/true ############################################################################## # I N T E R N E T A D D R E S S # ############################################################################## # hostname and domain Hostname f1 Domain n4500.z2.fidonet.by # optional domain name for entries in HOSTS file #HostsDomain f1 #AddressIsLocalForXPost *[@.]vsu.ru,*[@.]f8.n5025.z2.fidonet.org #AddressIsLocalForXPost *@corex.izhora.spb.ru,*@f1229.n5030.z2.fidonet.org ############################################################################## # F I D O N E T A D D R E S S E S # ############################################################################## # Основной адрес и aka Address 2:4500/1 # optional (different) gateway address, same as `ADDRESS' if missing #GateAddress 2:2499/999.1 # zones and domains, the outbound directory is relative to the one # specified with `BTBASEDIR'. # # zone Internet domain FTN domain Outbound # ---- --------------- ---------- -------- Zone default .fidonet.org fidonet out Zone 1 .fidonet.org fidonet out.001 Zone 2 .fidonet.org fidonet out Zone 3 .fidonet.org fidonet out.003 Zone 4 .fidonet.org fidonet out.004 Zone 5 .fidonet.org fidonet out.005 Zone 6 .fidonet.org fidonet out.006 # Use ASO instead BSO #AmigaStyleOutbound ############################################################################## # A R E A F I X C O N F I G U R A T I O N # ############################################################################## # Mailer program (must behave like sendmail -t) AreaFixMailer /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -t # CC of reply mails AreaFixCc postmaster@ # Location of help file AreaFixHelp %C/areafix.help # Files to listed for %avail command #AvailFile /fido/var/lib/fidogate/uplst1,/fido/var/lib/fidogate/uplst2 # Chars fobidden in echo name ForbiddenChar %,;,# # Alternative areafix name for answer (default Areafix Daemon) #AreaFixName MyFix # Alternative filefix name for answer (default Filefix Daemon) #FileFixName MyFix # Forbidden create key -r, -l, -#, when area create from areafix with command # `create ECHO' #IgnorePRLKey # To prevent requesting areas like `Hello', `Bye' and so on :) from uplinks, # if given, subscription is only made by command `+'. # AreaFixSubscribeOnlyIfPlus # Parameter for ftnafutil program. It set timeout to wait traffic into # area. After finished it ftnafutil send message to uplink to unsubscribe # from it area and change status in areas.bbs to 'U'(not requested) # AreaFixNoTrafficTimeout 60 # Parameter for ftnafutil program. It set timeout to wait traffic into # requested area. After finished it ftnafutil send message to uplink to # unsubscribe from it area and change status in areas.bbs to 'U'(not requested) AreaFixRequestTimeout 60 # Parameter for ftnafutil program. It set timeout to wait traffic into # file area. After finished it ftnafutil send message to uplink to unsubscribe # from it area and change status in fareas.bbs to 'U'(not requested) # FileFixNoTrafficTimeout 60 # Parameter for ftnafutil program. It set timeout to wait traffic into # requested file area. After finished it ftnafutil send message to uplink to # unsubscribe from it area and change status in fareas.bbs to 'U'(not requested) FileFixRequestTimeout 60 # Autocreate command exec when echo area create from areafix #AutoCreateCmd # Use log file for areafix request AreaFixCreateLogFile %G/afixlog # If command put to areafix is %avail it listed all areas (with 'W' and 'F' # state too). (if AF_AVAIL was defined) AreaFixAvailPrintsAllAreas # Print areas, requested from uplink, but it have not traffic e.q. `F' state # in areas.bbs FStatusAreaFixList # File for create rules data base #RulesConfig %C/rules # Rules send to links #RulesSendTo 2:5030/1229.1 # Directory, contain `rules files' #RulesDir /home/ftp/fileecho/xofcerules # Automaticly subscribe nodes when echo is creating #AutoCreateSubscribeNodes 2:4500/1 # Automaticly subscribe nodes when fileecho is creating #AutoCreateSubscribeFileechoNodes 2:5030/1229.1 .2 .8 2:5030/999 ############################################################################## # T O S S E R C O N F I G U R A T I O N # ############################################################################## # Toss process (runtoss, rununpack): # # Maximum number of messages to toss before closing output packets/ # exiting ftntoss. MaxMsg 400 # Maximum number of concurrently open files (OS dependent) MaxOpenFiles 40 # Maximum size of ArcMail archives (KByte) MaxArc 2048 # Minimum free disk space (KByte) # DiskFreeMin 10240 # Disk free method # # Run DiskFreeProg DiskFreeMethod prog # Disk free program, %p is replace with path name # DiskFreeProg df -P %p # Kill empty NetMails addressed to one of our AKAs # (default: processed normally) KillEmpty # Kill EchoMail for unknown areas # (default: saved in bad packet) #KillUnknown # Kill routed EchoMail # (default: saved in bad packet) #KillRouted # Kill insecure EchoMail (sender not listed in areas.bbs) # (default: saved in bad packet) #KillInsecure # Log sender/recipient of all NetMail messages LogNetMail # Check ^APATH for our own address CheckPath # Kill EchoMail with circular ^APATH (looking for our own AKA), # if CheckPath is enabled # (default: saved in bad packet) #KillCircular # Enable dupe check using MSGID history database DupeCheck # Number of days a MSGID entry stays in the history database # (decimal fraction allowed) MaxHistory 28 # Kill old messages (date < now - MaxHistory) (= treat as dupe) KillOld # Kill dupe messages KillDupe # Kill messages without ^AMSGID (= treat as dupe) KillNoMSGID # Zonegate configuration for EchoMail # # Address to Add to SEEN-BYs # ---------- --------------- #ZoneGate 2:123/456 123/456 2499/999 #ZoneGate 2:789/999 789/999 2499/999 #ZoneGate 2:5030/1229.0 105/42 2499/999 # Add extra nodes to SEEN-BY # # Area Nodes # ---- ----- #AddToSeenBy ABLENEWS 2:24/24 # Use 4D echomail control lines, i.e. SEEN-BY / PATH includes point # addresses # #TossEchoMail4D # Do not output an empty PATH line # #NoEmptyPath # `BundleDisp ', where can have values: # 0 -- truncate bundle to zero length (`#' in .flo); # 1 -- delete bundle (`^' in .flo); # 2 -- leave bundle (`@' in .flo); # Default value is `0'. # BundleDisp 1 # Disable process file attach. IgnoreFileAttach , where can have # values: # 0 -- processing fileattach (default) # 1 -- kill fileattach # 2 -- don't processing fileattach, but file is not kill. IgnoreFileAttach 2 # Time in hour to repack and reroute output netmail # RepackMailTime 100 # Description not aviable #DontFlushDBCHistory # Number of days a MSGID (FIDO and RFC) entry stays in the history database # (decimal fraction allowed) MaxHistoryDBC 28 # Write traffic statistic into log file TrafficStatistics # Fobidden to create echos # AreaFixCreateForbiddenAreas RU.SEX.PICTURES.UUE # List fobidden to create echos # AreaFixCreateForbiddenAreasFile %C/fidokill # Fobidden to create file echos # FileFixCreateForbiddenAreas XXX # List fobidden to create file echos # FileFixCreateForbiddenAreasFile %C/ffidokill # Keys for put to areas.bbs when echo is autocreated AutoCreateLine -s S -t 0 # If specified, then if origaddr in pkt header differs from origaddr in the # message header, then the message is considered insecure. # CheckMsgHdrAddr # Set if uplinks can have state `readonly' for any areas (if FTN_ACL was # defined) #UplinkCanBeReadonly ############################################################################## # T I C K E R C O N F I G U R A T I O N # ############################################################################## # Default outbound flavor for files forwarded by ftntick # TickFlav "Hold" # Default outbound flavor for file attaches by ftnfattach # FAttachFlav "Normal" # # Mode for creaed tick files # TickMode 0600 # Change mode for fileecho spool files and files descriptors (.desc or # files.bbs) FileEchoFilesModeChange 0600 # File area for unknown TIC file areas UnknownTickArea UNKNOWN # Change tick time to time incoming tick. TickDontSetTime # # Directory for old files replaced by ftntick with new versions # TickReplacedDir %G/oldfiles # Ignore replase old files TickReplacedIgnore # Do'nt check 'tic password when fileecho autocreate AutoCreateFileechoDontCheckPassword # Keys for put to fareas.bbs when fileecho is autocreated AutoCreateFileechoLine -s S -t 0 # Path to create fileechos directores AutoCreateFechoPath /fido/fileecho # Filebox style directory. In it create hardlinks to our downlinks PassthroughtBoxesDir %B/fbox # Time in hour to wait file if it missing, if tick file was resived TickWaitHour 48 # Action if time limit was finished ("delete" or "bad") TickWaitAction delete # Action #TickFileAction UNIXFTN *.bz2 /fido/libexec/scriptfilearea %s # Kill dupe tick's with correspod file #KillTickDupe # Number of days a CRC entry stays in the history database # (decimal fraction allowed) MaxTicHistory ############################################################################## # G A T E W A Y C O N F I G U R A T I O N # ############################################################################## # Default origin line for EchoMail messages Origin "Belarus FTN IP network" # Organization header for News Organization "Belarus FTN IP network" # Use text from * Origin line for Organization header UseOriginForOrganization # Use text from Organization header for * Origin line #UseOrganizationForOrigin # Use text from X-FTN-Tearline, X-Mailer, User-Agent, X-Newsreader header # for --- tearline UseXHeaderForTearline # Do'nt set ^CHRS kludge #NoChrsKludge # Do'nt set ^RFC-X kludges NoRfcKludge # Don't set gateway kludge NoGatewayKludge # Use FTN to address for mail addressed to the gateway without a To # line, e.g. mail to # Max Mueller @ 2:2499/999.1 # with a HOSTS entry # 2:2499/999.1 orodruin-ftn.fido.de # is converted to # To: Max_Mueller@orodruin-ftn.fido.de # # Without this option the standard local HOST.DOMAIN is used # To: Max_Mueller@orodruin.fido.de # #UseFTNToAddress # Type of 4D EchoMail control lines. # # With this enabled FIDOGATE generates SEEN-BY and ^APATH like: # SEEN-BY: 2499/999.1 # ^APATH: 2499/999.1 # Else (undef'ed) only the boss node's address is used: # SEEN-BY: 2499/999 # ^APATH: 2499/999 # There seems to be no standard for 4D EchoMail addressing. If you run # into problems with this kind of EchoMail message, please change the # code in rfc2ftn.c:print_origin(). # EchoMail4D # FTN - Internet gateway. If set, Internet mail will be routed via FTN # and this gateway. (USE ONLY FOR POINT SYSTEMS!!!) #Gateway 242:4900/99 # Generate `User.Name@do.main' instead of `User_Name@do.main' #DotNames # Use the name instead of User.Name/User_Name in case if it is not 7 bit FallbackUsername sysop # Don't gate messages with unknown zone in ^AMSGID (known zones are defined # in config.common). #KillUnknownMSGIDZone # Don't gate split messages with a ^ASPLIT kludge #KillSplit # X-FTN header: # # f X-FTN-From # t X-FTN-To # T X-FTN-Tearline # O X-FTN-Origin # V X-FTN-Via # D X-FTN-Domain # S X-FTN-Seen-By # P X-FTN-Path # F X-FTN-Flags # X-FTN ftTOVDPKF # Do'nt process `Return-Receipt-To' kludge -> message attribut RREQ. #DontProcessReturnReceiptTo # Do'nt put ^X-From: kludge from rfc_from #XFromKludge # Maximum size of FTN messages (default value) for splitting MaxMsgSize 32000 # Limit message size for gateway, bigger messages will be bounced/not gated #LimitMsgSize 256000 # Write single articles to output RFC files generated by `ftn2rfc', # not news batches containing several articles (batch is default). SingleArticles # Do not allow RFC addresses (chars !, %, @) in FTN to field #NoAddressInToField # Do not logging error message if article not found when gating RFC->FTN. #NoLogIfArticleNotFound # CC of bounced messages BounceCCMail postmaster # Send mail from message trackers to #TrackerMail postmaster # Restrict gateway usage to FTN nodes registered in HOSTS #HostsRestricted # Newsgroup for unknown FTN areas FTNJunkGroup junk # AREAS key for FTNJunkGroup group FTNJunkGroupKeys # Errors-To header Errors-To root@f1 # Translation of chars for automatic areas <-> newsgroup conversion # (-H hierarchy option in AREAS) # # area chars newsgroup chars # ---------- --------------- AreasXlate & \& AreasXlate $ \$ AreasXlate ' \' AreasXlate / \/ AreasXlate | \| # NOTE 1: real gateways should *not* disable FSC0035/47 kludges, the # From: line is obsoleted by both ^ARFC-Xxxx kludges and # FSC0035 and not necessarily needed. # # NOTE 2: points without Internet connectivity (using FIDOGATE for # Fido only) should set # RFCLevel 0 # NoFromLine # NoFSC0035 # # # Default ^ARFC level # 0 - no ^ARFC-Xxxx kludges # 1 - ^ARFC-Xxxx kludges for some headers (config.h, RFC_LVL_1_HEADERS) # 2 - ^ARFC-Xxxx kludges for all headers # 3 - ^ARFC-Xxxx kludges for all headers and MIME headers RFCLevel 0 # Don't generate From: line at beginning of text body. NoFromLine # Don't generate FSC-0035 kludges (^AREPLYADDR, ^AREPLYTO) NoFSC0035 # Disable the insertion of the ^AREPLYADDR и ^AREPLYTO kludges, the lines # `From:', `Reply-To:' and so on into the message body, if there exists a # corresponding alias for the RFC address. # NoFSC0035ifAlias # Don't generate FSC-0047 kludges (^ASPLIT) #NoFSC0047 # Parameters for ftnin/ftninpost/ftninrecomb # # sendmail program path and parameters # # %s is replaced with the envelope sender FTNInSendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f%s -t # rnews program path FTNInRnews /usr/lib/news/bin/rnews # run ftninrecomb FTNInRecombine %L/ftninrecomb # Use 8bit ISO-8859-1 characters when gating from FTN to RFC NetMail8bit # Use MIME quoted-printable ISO-8859-1 characters when gating from FTN to RFC #NetMailQuotedPrintable # X-Flags policy # # n, N, 0 - No X-Flags processing at all # s, S, 1 - X-Flags processing for local sender # a, A, 2 - X-Flags processing for all XFlagsPolicy s # Don't try to get sender real name from Reply-To header DontUseReplyTo # Mode for RFC address generated by FIDOGATE # # (), p, 0 - user@do.main (Real Name) # <>, a, 1 - Real Name RFCAddrMode <> # Force ^AREPLYADDR to only contain ^AREPLYADDR # to be compatible with ifmail-TX #ReplyAddrIfmailTX # Check areas.bbs when gating newsgroups, messages for areas without # downlinks in areas.bbs will be skipped. #CheckAreasBBS # # Ignore charset listed in ^CHRS kludge and use default fido charset # #IgnoreCHRS # Ignore Soft CR e.q. don't skip simbol 0x8d aka russian char 'Н' in gated # messages FTN->RFC and tick's field `Description'. DontIgnore0x8d DontIgnoreSoftCR # Do'nt change content type charset DontChangeContentTypeCharset # Charset mapping # # Format default:ftn:rfc # ^^^ charset in RFC message, when gating FTN->RFC # use RFC 2045 charset names! # ^^^---- charset in FTN message, when gating RFC->FTN # use FSC-0054 names! # ^^^^^^^-------- charset assumed for FTN message, if no # ^ACHRS kludge is present # # Default charset mapping, if NetMailCharset or -C is not set DefaultCharset cp866:cp866:utf-8 # Charset mapping for NetMail NetMailCharset cp866:cp866:utf-8 # Canonical name and the list of its aliases CharsetAliasesFSC CP866 CP-866 +7FIDO +7_FIDO FIDO7 FIDO_7 IBMPC # map RFC-2045 charset name to FSC-0054 one CharsetNameMap windows-1251 CP1251 # If set and no matching in/out charset is found, ftn2rfc will use # the first charset translation pair from charset.map with # in charset = Fido ^ACHRS # NOT YET IMPLEMENTED NetMailCharsetUse1st # The STRING which FIDOGATE's ftn2rfc adds to the Path header, # normally "not-for-mail". If gated messages are not generally # exported to the Usenet, setting it to "fidogate!not-for-mail" makes # the INN newsfeeds entry easier and less error-prone. NewsPathTail "fidogate!not-for-mail" # Regular expression patterns for finding addresses in the first line # of the messages body. The first (...) sub-expression will be used for # the address (\1 in sed, $1 in perl). POSIX *extended* regular expressions # are used. # The OS *must* support HAS_POSIX_REGEX in config.h!!! Regex1stLine ^In article ? on ..:..:..,? (.*) (writes|wrote|пишет) Regex1stLine ^In article ? on ..\...\...,? (.*) (writes|wrote|пишет) Regex1stLine ^In article ?,? (.*) (writes|wrote|пишет):$ Regex1stLine ^In <[^ ]*@[^ ]*>,? (.*) (writes|wrote|пишет):$ Regex1stLine ^I[nm] Artikel ?,? (.*) (schreibt|schrieb|пишет) Regex1stLine ^([a-z0-9_.\-]*@[a-z0-9_.\-]* \(.*\)) (writes|wrote|schreibt|schrieb|пишет) Regex1stLine ^(.* <[a-z0-9_.\-]*@[a-z0-9_.\-]*>) (writes|wrote|schreibt|schrieb|пишет) Regex1stLine ^(.* \([a-z0-9_.\-]*@[a-z0-9_.\-]*\)) (writes|wrote|schreibt|schrieb|пишет) Regex1stLine ^([a-z0-9_.\-]*@[a-z0-9_.\-]*) (writes|wrote|schreibt|schrieb|пишет) Regex1stLine ^On ..., .. ... .... ..:..:.. [+\-]...., (.*) (writes|wrote|schreibt|schrieb|пишет):$ Regex1stLine ^On .. ... .... ..:..:.. [+\-]...., (.*) (writes|wrote|schreibt|schrieb|пишет):$ # This is very generic, thus it must be the last entry. # If this regex yields too many errors, comment it. Regex1stLine ^[ ]*([^>|].*) (writes|wrote|schreibt|schrieb|пишет):$ # Line length for formatting long paragraphs in Fido messages # (replaces old MAX_LINELEN from config.h) MessageLineLength 90 # ftn2rfc gate ^ARFC kludges to headers # #GateRfcKludge # Carbon group and name for search in "To:" field to put into this newsgroup # #CarbonNameGroup Dmitry_Fedotov junk # Enable autocreate newsgroups # AutoCreateNG # Enable autoremove newsgroups (ftnafutil) # AutoRemoveNG # Newsserver scrips to create/renumber/remove newsgroups AutoCreateNewgroupCmd true AutoCreateRenumberCmd true AutoCreateRmgroupCmd true # Announce newsgroup file AreaFixCreateAnnounceFile %G/newareas