#include "top.h" #include "huskybse.h" #include "bodytop.h" #include "navbar.h"

What is it?

huskybse is short for "Husky Base Package". This file is required for all other parts of the Husky project and contains: There are no binary builds of this package, because there are no (relevant) executables to be generated. If you are using binary builds, you should get the source file of huskybse anyway, because it contains example configuration files and the like.

What does it need?

Operating systems:


Archives of version v1.0 & v1.4 available on the project  downloads page.

huskybase-1.4-tar.gz huskybase v1.4 RC4
huskybase-1.0-src.tar.gz huskybase v1.0
huskybase-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm RPM archive of huskybase v1.0
huskybase-1.0.0-1.src.rpm RPM Source archive of huskybase v1.0

The following releases are available in CVS.

Contacting the authors

Maintained by Sascha M. Silbe et. al. See the team page.
Last update: 15/12/2006 #include "bottom.h"