(* lexical analyzer template (TP Lex V3.0), V1.0 3-2-91 AG *) (* global definitions: *) { $Id$ Copyright (c) 1993-98 by Florian Klaempfl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ****************************************************************************} unit scan; interface uses strings, lexlib,yacclib; type Char=system.char; ttyp = ( t_id, { p contains the string } t_arraydef, { } t_pointerdef, { p1 contains the definition if in type overrider or nothing for args } t_addrdef, t_void, { no field } t_dec, { } t_declist, { p1 is t_dec next if exists } t_memberdec, { p1 is type specifier p2 is declarator_list } t_structdef, { } t_memberdeclist, { p1 is memberdec next is next if it exist } t_procdef, { } t_uniondef, { } t_enumdef, { } t_enumlist, { } t_preop, { p contains the operator string p1 contains the right expr } t_bop, { p contains the operator string p1 contains the left expr p2 contains the right expr } t_arg, { p1 contain the typedef p2 the declarator (t_dec) } t_arglist, { } t_funexprlist, { } t_exprlist, { p1 contains the expr next contains the next if it exists } t_ifexpr, { p1 contains the condition expr p2 contains the if branch p3 contains the else branch } t_funcname, { p1 contains the function dname p2 contains the funexprlist p3 possibly contains the return type } t_typespec, { p1 is the type itself p2 the typecast expr } t_size_specifier, { p1 expr for size } t_default_value { p1 expr for value } ); {tdtyp = (dt_id,dt_one,dt_two,dt_three,dt_no,dt_uop,dt_bop); obsolete removed } presobject = ^tresobject; tresobject = object typ : ttyp; p : pchar; next : presobject; p1,p2,p3 : presobject; { dtyp : tdtyp; } constructor init_no(t : ttyp); constructor init_one(t : ttyp;_p1 : presobject); constructor init_two(t : ttyp;_p1,_p2 : presobject); constructor init_three(t : ttyp;_p1,_p2,_p3 : presobject); constructor init_id(const s : string); constructor init_bop(const s : string;_p1,_p2 : presobject); constructor init_preop(const s : string;_p1 : presobject); function str : string; function strlength : byte; function get_copy : presobject; { can this ve considered as a constant ? } function is_const : boolean; destructor done; end; tblocktype = (bt_type,bt_const,bt_var,bt_func,bt_no); var infile : string; textinfile,outfile : text; c : char; aktspace : string; block_type : tblocktype; const in_define : boolean = false; { 1 after define; 2 after the ID to print the first separating space } in_space_define : byte = 0; arglevel : longint = 0; prev_line : string = ''; last_source_line : string = 'Line number 0'; function yylex : integer; function act_token : string; procedure internalerror(i : integer); procedure next_line; function strpnew(const s : string) : pchar; implementation uses options,converu; procedure internalerror(i : integer); begin writeln('Internal error ',i,' in line ',line_no); halt(1); end; { keep the last source line } procedure next_line; begin inc(line_no); prev_line:=last_source_line; readln(textinfile,last_source_line); end; procedure commenteof; begin writeln('unexpected EOF inside comment at line ',line_no); end; var p : pchar; function strpnew(const s : string) : pchar; begin getmem(p,length(s)+1); strpcopy(p,s); strpnew:=p; end; const newline = #10; constructor tresobject.init_preop(const s : string;_p1 : presobject); begin typ:=t_preop; p:=strpnew(s); p1:=_p1; p2:=nil; p3:=nil; next:=nil; end; constructor tresobject.init_bop(const s : string;_p1,_p2 : presobject); begin typ:=t_bop; p:=strpnew(s); p1:=_p1; p2:=_p2; p3:=nil; next:=nil; end; constructor tresobject.init_id(const s : string); begin typ:=t_id; p:=strpnew(s); p1:=nil; p2:=nil; p3:=nil; next:=nil; end; constructor tresobject.init_two(t : ttyp;_p1,_p2 : presobject); begin typ:=t; p1:=_p1; p2:=_p2; p3:=nil; p:=nil; next:=nil; end; constructor tresobject.init_three(t : ttyp;_p1,_p2,_p3 : presobject); begin typ:=t; p1:=_p1; p2:=_p2; p3:=_p3; p:=nil; next:=nil; end; constructor tresobject.init_one(t : ttyp;_p1 : presobject); begin typ:=t; p1:=_p1; p2:=nil; p3:=nil; next:=nil; p:=nil; end; constructor tresobject.init_no(t : ttyp); begin typ:=t; p:=nil; p1:=nil; p2:=nil; p3:=nil; next:=nil; end; function tresobject.str : string; begin str:=strpas(p); end; function tresobject.strlength : byte; begin if assigned(p) then strlength:=strlen(p) else strlength:=0; end; { can this ve considered as a constant ? } function tresobject.is_const : boolean; begin case typ of t_id,t_void : is_const:=true; t_preop : is_const:= ((str='-') or (str=' not ')) and p1^.is_const; t_bop : is_const:= p2^.is_const and p1^.is_const; else is_const:=false; end; end; function tresobject.get_copy : presobject; var newres : presobject; begin newres:=new(presobject,init_no(typ)); if assigned(p) then newres^.p:=strnew(p); if assigned(p1) then newres^.p1:=p1^.get_copy; if assigned(p2) then newres^.p2:=p2^.get_copy; if assigned(p3) then newres^.p3:=p3^.get_copy; if assigned(next) then newres^.next:=next^.get_copy; get_copy:=newres; end; destructor tresobject.done; begin (* writeln('disposing ',byte(typ)); *) if assigned(p)then strdispose(p); if assigned(p1) then dispose(p1,done); if assigned(p2) then dispose(p2,done); if assigned(p3) then dispose(p3,done); if assigned(next) then dispose(next,done); end; function yylex : Integer; procedure yyaction ( yyruleno : Integer ); (* local definitions: *) begin (* actions: *) case yyruleno of 1: begin if not stripcomment then write(outfile,aktspace,'{'); repeat c:=get_char; case c of '*' : begin c:=get_char; if c='/' then begin if not stripcomment then writeln(outfile,' }'); flush(outfile); exit; end else begin if not stripcomment then write(outfile,' '); unget_char(c) end; end; newline : begin next_line; if not stripcomment then begin writeln(outfile); write(outfile,aktspace); end; end; #0 : commenteof; else if not stripcomment then write(outfile,c); end; until false; flush(outfile); end; 2: begin If not stripcomment then write(outfile,aktspace,'{'); repeat c:=get_char; case c of newline : begin unget_char(c); if not stripcomment then writeln(outfile,' }'); flush(outfile); exit; end; #0 : commenteof; else if not stripcomment then write(outfile,c); flush(outfile); end; until false; flush(outfile); end; 3: return(CSTRING); 4: return(CSTRING); 5: if win32headers then return(CSTRING) else return(256); 6: if win32headers then return(CSTRING) else return(256); 7: begin if yytext[length(yytext)]='L' then dec(byte(yytext[0])); if yytext[length(yytext)]='U' then dec(byte(yytext[0])); return(NUMBER); end; 8: begin (* handle pre- and postfixes *) if copy(yytext,1,2)='0x' then begin delete(yytext,1,2); yytext:='$'+yytext; end; if yytext[length(yytext)]='L' then dec(byte(yytext[0])); if yytext[length(yytext)]='U' then dec(byte(yytext[0])); return(NUMBER); end; 9: begin return(NUMBER); end; 10: if in_define then return(DEREF) else return(256); 11: return(MINUS); 12: return(EQUAL); 13: return(UNEQUAL); 14: return(GTE); 15: return(LTE); 16: return(_SHR); 17: return(STICK); 18: return(_SHL); 19: return(GT); 20: return(LT); 21: return(_OR); 22: return(_AND); 23: return(_NOT); 24: return(_SLASH); 25: return(_PLUS); 26: return(QUESTIONMARK); 27: return(COLON); 28: return(COMMA); 29: return(LECKKLAMMER); 30: return(RECKKLAMMER); 31: begin inc(arglevel); return(LKLAMMER); end; 32: begin dec(arglevel); return(RKLAMMER); end; 33: return(STAR); 34: return(ELLIPSIS); 35: if in_define then return(POINT) else return(256); 36: return(_ASSIGN); 37: return(EXTERN); 38: if Win32headers then return(STDCALL) else return(ID); 39: if not Win32headers then return(ID) else return(CDECL); 40: if not Win32headers then return(ID) else return(PASCAL); 41: if not Win32headers then return(ID) else return(_PACKED); 42: if not Win32headers then return(ID) else return(WINAPI); 43: if not palmpilot then return(ID) else return(SYS_TRAP); 44: if not Win32headers then return(ID) else return(WINGDIAPI); 45: if not Win32headers then return(ID) else return(CALLBACK); 46: if not Win32headers then return(ID) else return(CALLBACK); 47: return(VOID); 48: return(VOID); 49: writeln(outfile,'{ C++ extern C conditionnal removed }'); 50: writeln(outfile,'{ C++ end of extern C conditionnal removed }'); 51: begin writeln(outfile,'{$else}'); block_type:=bt_no; flush(outfile); end; 52: begin writeln(outfile,'{$endif}'); block_type:=bt_no; flush(outfile); end; 53: begin write(outfile,'(*** was #elif ****)'); write(outfile,'{$else'); c:=get_char; while c<>newline do begin write(outfile,c);c:=get_char;end; writeln(outfile,'}'); block_type:=bt_no; flush(outfile); next_line; end; 54: begin write(outfile,'{$undef'); c:=get_char; while c<>newline do begin write(outfile,c);c:=get_char;end; writeln(outfile,'}'); flush(outfile); next_line; end; 55: begin write(outfile,'{$error'); c:=get_char; while c<>newline do begin write(outfile,c); c:=get_char; end; writeln(outfile,'}'); flush(outfile); next_line; end; 56: begin write(outfile,'{$include'); c:=get_char; while c<>newline do begin write(outfile,c);c:=get_char;end; writeln(outfile,'}'); flush(outfile); block_type:=bt_no; next_line; end; 57: begin write(outfile,'{$if'); c:=get_char; while c<>newline do begin write(outfile,c);c:=get_char;end; writeln(outfile,'}'); flush(outfile); block_type:=bt_no; next_line; end; 58: begin write(outfile,'(** unsupported pragma'); write(outfile,'#pragma'); c:=get_char; while c<>newline do begin write(outfile,c);c:=get_char;end; writeln(outfile,'*)'); flush(outfile); block_type:=bt_no; next_line; end; 59: begin in_define:=true; in_space_define:=1; return(DEFINE); end; 60: return(_CHAR); 61: return(UNION); 62: return(ENUM); 63: return(STRUCT); 64: return(LGKLAMMER); 65: return(RGKLAMMER); 66: return(TYPEDEF); 67: return(INT); 68: return(SHORT); 69: return(LONG); 70: return(UNSIGNED); 71: return(REAL); 72: return(_CONST); 73: return(_CONST); 74: return(_FAR); 75: return(_FAR); 76: return(_NEAR); 77: return(_NEAR); 78: return(_HUGE); 79: return(_HUGE); 80: begin if in_space_define=1 then in_space_define:=2; return(ID); end; 81: return(SEMICOLON); 82: if arglevel=0 then if in_space_define=2 then begin in_space_define:=0; return(SPACE_DEFINE); end; 83: begin next_line; if arglevel=0 then if in_space_define=2 then begin in_space_define:=0; return(SPACE_DEFINE); end; end; 84: begin next_line; if in_define then begin in_define:=false; in_space_define:=0; return(NEW_LINE); end; end; 85: begin writeln('Illegal character in line ',line_no); writeln(last_source_line); return(256 { error }); end; end; end(*yyaction*); (* DFA table: *) type YYTRec = record cc : set of Char; s : Integer; end; const yynmarks = 301; yynmatches = 301; yyntrans = 522; yynstates = 297; yyk : array [1..yynmarks] of Integer = ( { 0: } 7, { 1: } 7, { 2: } 24, 85, { 3: } 85, { 4: } 85, { 5: } 7, 80, 85, { 6: } 7, 9, 85, { 7: } 7, 80, 85, { 8: } 7, 9, 85, { 9: } 11, 85, { 10: } 36, 85, { 11: } 23, 85, { 12: } 19, 85, { 13: } 20, 85, { 14: } 85, { 15: } 21, 85, { 16: } 22, 85, { 17: } 25, 85, { 18: } 26, 85, { 19: } 27, 85, { 20: } 28, 85, { 21: } 29, 85, { 22: } 30, 85, { 23: } 31, 85, { 24: } 32, 85, { 25: } 33, 85, { 26: } 35, 85, { 27: } 80, 85, { 28: } 80, 85, { 29: } 80, 85, { 30: } 80, 85, { 31: } 80, 85, { 32: } 80, 85, { 33: } 80, 85, { 34: } 80, 85, { 35: } 80, 85, { 36: } 80, 85, { 37: } 80, 85, { 38: } 64, 85, { 39: } 65, 85, { 40: } 80, 85, { 41: } 80, 85, { 42: } 80, 85, { 43: } 80, 85, { 44: } 80, 85, { 45: } 80, 85, { 46: } 80, 85, { 47: } 80, 85, { 48: } 80, 85, { 49: } 80, 85, { 50: } 81, 85, { 51: } 82, 85, { 52: } 85, { 53: } 84, { 54: } 85, { 55: } 1, { 56: } 2, { 57: } { 58: } 3, { 59: } { 60: } 4, { 61: } { 62: } { 63: } 80, { 64: } 7, 9, { 65: } 7, { 66: } 7, { 67: } { 68: } { 69: } 7, 80, { 70: } 8, { 71: } 10, { 72: } 12, { 73: } 13, { 74: } 14, { 75: } 16, { 76: } 15, { 77: } 18, { 78: } 17, { 79: } { 80: } { 81: } { 82: } { 83: } { 84: } { 85: } 80, { 86: } 80, { 87: } 80, { 88: } 80, { 89: } 80, { 90: } 80, { 91: } 80, { 92: } 80, { 93: } 80, { 94: } 80, { 95: } 80, { 96: } 80, { 97: } 80, { 98: } 80, { 99: } 80, { 100: } 80, { 101: } 80, { 102: } 80, { 103: } 80, { 104: } 80, { 105: } 80, { 106: } 80, { 107: } 80, { 108: } 80, { 109: } 80, { 110: } 80, { 111: } 80, { 112: } 83, { 113: } 5, { 114: } 6, { 115: } 9, { 116: } { 117: } 9, { 118: } 8, { 119: } 8, { 120: } 57, { 121: } { 122: } { 123: } { 124: } { 125: } { 126: } { 127: } { 128: } 34, { 129: } 80, { 130: } 80, { 131: } 80, { 132: } 80, { 133: } 80, { 134: } 80, { 135: } 80, { 136: } 80, { 137: } 80, { 138: } 80, { 139: } 80, { 140: } 80, { 141: } 80, { 142: } 80, { 143: } 80, { 144: } 80, { 145: } 80, { 146: } 80, { 147: } 80, { 148: } 80, { 149: } 67, 80, { 150: } 80, { 151: } 80, { 152: } 75, 80, { 153: } 74, 80, { 154: } 80, { 155: } 80, { 156: } 80, { 157: } 80, { 158: } { 159: } { 160: } { 161: } { 162: } { 163: } { 164: } { 165: } { 166: } { 167: } 80, { 168: } 62, 80, { 169: } 80, { 170: } 80, { 171: } 80, { 172: } 80, { 173: } 80, { 174: } 80, { 175: } 80, { 176: } 80, { 177: } 80, { 178: } 80, { 179: } 47, 80, { 180: } 48, 80, { 181: } 60, 80, { 182: } 80, { 183: } 80, { 184: } 80, { 185: } 80, { 186: } 80, { 187: } 80, { 188: } 69, 80, { 189: } 80, { 190: } 76, 80, { 191: } 77, 80, { 192: } 78, 80, { 193: } 79, 80, { 194: } { 195: } { 196: } 51, { 197: } 53, { 198: } { 199: } { 200: } { 201: } { 202: } { 203: } 80, { 204: } 80, { 205: } 80, { 206: } 39, 80, { 207: } 80, { 208: } 73, 80, { 209: } 80, { 210: } 80, { 211: } 80, { 212: } 80, { 213: } 80, { 214: } 72, 80, { 215: } 61, 80, { 216: } 80, { 217: } 80, { 218: } 68, 80, { 219: } 80, { 220: } 71, 80, { 221: } { 222: } { 223: } 52, { 224: } 55, { 225: } 54, { 226: } { 227: } { 228: } 37, 80, { 229: } 80, { 230: } 80, { 231: } 80, { 232: } 40, 80, { 233: } 41, 80, { 234: } 42, 80, { 235: } 80, { 236: } 80, { 237: } 80, { 238: } 63, 80, { 239: } 80, { 240: } { 241: } { 242: } 58, { 243: } 59, { 244: } 38, 80, { 245: } 80, { 246: } 80, { 247: } 80, { 248: } 80, { 249: } 80, { 250: } 66, 80, { 251: } { 252: } 56, { 253: } 43, 80, { 254: } 45, 80, { 255: } 80, { 256: } 46, 80, { 257: } 70, 80, { 258: } { 259: } 44, 80, { 260: } { 261: } { 262: } { 263: } { 264: } { 265: } { 266: } { 267: } { 268: } { 269: } { 270: } { 271: } { 272: } { 273: } { 274: } { 275: } { 276: } { 277: } { 278: } { 279: } { 280: } { 281: } { 282: } { 283: } { 284: } { 285: } 50, { 286: } { 287: } { 288: } { 289: } { 290: } { 291: } { 292: } { 293: } { 294: } { 295: } { 296: } 49 ); yym : array [1..yynmatches] of Integer = ( { 0: } 7, { 1: } 7, { 2: } 24, 85, { 3: } 85, { 4: } 85, { 5: } 7, 80, 85, { 6: } 7, 9, 85, { 7: } 7, 80, 85, { 8: } 7, 9, 85, { 9: } 11, 85, { 10: } 36, 85, { 11: } 23, 85, { 12: } 19, 85, { 13: } 20, 85, { 14: } 85, { 15: } 21, 85, { 16: } 22, 85, { 17: } 25, 85, { 18: } 26, 85, { 19: } 27, 85, { 20: } 28, 85, { 21: } 29, 85, { 22: } 30, 85, { 23: } 31, 85, { 24: } 32, 85, { 25: } 33, 85, { 26: } 35, 85, { 27: } 80, 85, { 28: } 80, 85, { 29: } 80, 85, { 30: } 80, 85, { 31: } 80, 85, { 32: } 80, 85, { 33: } 80, 85, { 34: } 80, 85, { 35: } 80, 85, { 36: } 80, 85, { 37: } 80, 85, { 38: } 64, 85, { 39: } 65, 85, { 40: } 80, 85, { 41: } 80, 85, { 42: } 80, 85, { 43: } 80, 85, { 44: } 80, 85, { 45: } 80, 85, { 46: } 80, 85, { 47: } 80, 85, { 48: } 80, 85, { 49: } 80, 85, { 50: } 81, 85, { 51: } 82, 85, { 52: } 85, { 53: } 84, { 54: } 85, { 55: } 1, { 56: } 2, { 57: } { 58: } 3, { 59: } { 60: } 4, { 61: } { 62: } { 63: } 80, { 64: } 7, 9, { 65: } 7, { 66: } 7, { 67: } { 68: } { 69: } 7, 80, { 70: } 8, { 71: } 10, { 72: } 12, { 73: } 13, { 74: } 14, { 75: } 16, { 76: } 15, { 77: } 18, { 78: } 17, { 79: } { 80: } { 81: } { 82: } { 83: } { 84: } { 85: } 80, { 86: } 80, { 87: } 80, { 88: } 80, { 89: } 80, { 90: } 80, { 91: } 80, { 92: } 80, { 93: } 80, { 94: } 80, { 95: } 80, { 96: } 80, { 97: } 80, { 98: } 80, { 99: } 80, { 100: } 80, { 101: } 80, { 102: } 80, { 103: } 80, { 104: } 80, { 105: } 80, { 106: } 80, { 107: } 80, { 108: } 80, { 109: } 80, { 110: } 80, { 111: } 80, { 112: } 83, { 113: } 5, { 114: } 6, { 115: } 9, { 116: } { 117: } 9, { 118: } 8, { 119: } 8, { 120: } 57, { 121: } { 122: } { 123: } { 124: } { 125: } { 126: } { 127: } { 128: } 34, { 129: } 80, { 130: } 80, { 131: } 80, { 132: } 80, { 133: } 80, { 134: } 80, { 135: } 80, { 136: } 80, { 137: } 80, { 138: } 80, { 139: } 80, { 140: } 80, { 141: } 80, { 142: } 80, { 143: } 80, { 144: } 80, { 145: } 80, { 146: } 80, { 147: } 80, { 148: } 80, { 149: } 67, 80, { 150: } 80, { 151: } 80, { 152: } 75, 80, { 153: } 74, 80, { 154: } 80, { 155: } 80, { 156: } 80, { 157: } 80, { 158: } { 159: } { 160: } { 161: } { 162: } { 163: } { 164: } { 165: } { 166: } { 167: } 80, { 168: } 62, 80, { 169: } 80, { 170: } 80, { 171: } 80, { 172: } 80, { 173: } 80, { 174: } 80, { 175: } 80, { 176: } 80, { 177: } 80, { 178: } 80, { 179: } 47, 80, { 180: } 48, 80, { 181: } 60, 80, { 182: } 80, { 183: } 80, { 184: } 80, { 185: } 80, { 186: } 80, { 187: } 80, { 188: } 69, 80, { 189: } 80, { 190: } 76, 80, { 191: } 77, 80, { 192: } 78, 80, { 193: } 79, 80, { 194: } { 195: } { 196: } 51, { 197: } 53, { 198: } { 199: } { 200: } { 201: } { 202: } { 203: } 80, { 204: } 80, { 205: } 80, { 206: } 39, 80, { 207: } 80, { 208: } 73, 80, { 209: } 80, { 210: } 80, { 211: } 80, { 212: } 80, { 213: } 80, { 214: } 72, 80, { 215: } 61, 80, { 216: } 80, { 217: } 80, { 218: } 68, 80, { 219: } 80, { 220: } 71, 80, { 221: } { 222: } { 223: } 52, { 224: } 55, { 225: } 54, { 226: } { 227: } { 228: } 37, 80, { 229: } 80, { 230: } 80, { 231: } 80, { 232: } 40, 80, { 233: } 41, 80, { 234: } 42, 80, { 235: } 80, { 236: } 80, { 237: } 80, { 238: } 63, 80, { 239: } 80, { 240: } { 241: } { 242: } 58, { 243: } 59, { 244: } 38, 80, { 245: } 80, { 246: } 80, { 247: } 80, { 248: } 80, { 249: } 80, { 250: } 66, 80, { 251: } { 252: } 56, { 253: } 43, 80, { 254: } 45, 80, { 255: } 80, { 256: } 46, 80, { 257: } 70, 80, { 258: } { 259: } 44, 80, { 260: } { 261: } { 262: } { 263: } { 264: } { 265: } { 266: } { 267: } { 268: } { 269: } { 270: } { 271: } { 272: } { 273: } { 274: } { 275: } { 276: } { 277: } { 278: } { 279: } { 280: } { 281: } { 282: } { 283: } { 284: } { 285: } 50, { 286: } { 287: } { 288: } { 289: } { 290: } { 291: } { 292: } { 293: } { 294: } { 295: } { 296: } 49 ); yyt : array [1..yyntrans] of YYTrec = ( { 0: } ( cc: [ #1..#8,#11,#13..#31,'$','%','@','^','`','~'..#255 ]; s: 54), ( cc: [ #9,#12,' ' ]; s: 51), ( cc: [ #10 ]; s: 53), ( cc: [ '!' ]; s: 11), ( cc: [ '"' ]; s: 3), ( cc: [ '#' ]; s: 14), ( cc: [ '&' ]; s: 16), ( cc: [ '''' ]; s: 4), ( cc: [ '(' ]; s: 23), ( cc: [ ')' ]; s: 24), ( cc: [ '*' ]; s: 25), ( cc: [ '+' ]; s: 17), ( cc: [ ',' ]; s: 20), ( cc: [ '-' ]; s: 9), ( cc: [ '.' ]; s: 26), ( cc: [ '/' ]; s: 2), ( cc: [ '0' ]; s: 8), ( cc: [ '1'..'9' ]; s: 6), ( cc: [ ':' ]; s: 19), ( cc: [ ';' ]; s: 50), ( cc: [ '<' ]; s: 13), ( cc: [ '=' ]; s: 10), ( cc: [ '>' ]; s: 12), ( cc: [ '?' ]; s: 18), ( cc: [ 'A','B','D','G','I'..'K','M','O','Q','R', 'T','X'..'Z','_','a','b','d','g','j','k', 'm','o'..'r','w'..'z' ]; s: 49), ( cc: [ 'C' ]; s: 29), ( cc: [ 'E' ]; s: 32), ( cc: [ 'F' ]; s: 44), ( cc: [ 'H' ]; s: 47), ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 5), ( cc: [ 'N' ]; s: 45), ( cc: [ 'P' ]; s: 30), ( cc: [ 'S' ]; s: 28), ( cc: [ 'U' ]; s: 7), ( cc: [ 'V' ]; s: 34), ( cc: [ 'W' ]; s: 31), ( cc: [ '[' ]; s: 21), ( cc: [ '\' ]; s: 52), ( cc: [ ']' ]; s: 22), ( cc: [ 'c' ]; s: 35), ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 27), ( cc: [ 'f' ]; s: 43), ( cc: [ 'h' ]; s: 48), ( cc: [ 'i' ]; s: 41), ( cc: [ 'l' ]; s: 42), ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 46), ( cc: [ 's' ]; s: 37), ( cc: [ 't' ]; s: 40), ( cc: [ 'u' ]; s: 36), ( cc: [ 'v' ]; s: 33), ( cc: [ '{' ]; s: 38), ( cc: [ '|' ]; s: 15), ( cc: [ '}' ]; s: 39), { 1: } ( cc: [ #1..#8,#11,#13..#31,'$','%','@','^','`','~'..#255 ]; s: 54), ( cc: [ #9,#12,' ' ]; s: 51), ( cc: [ #10 ]; s: 53), ( cc: [ '!' ]; s: 11), ( cc: [ '"' ]; s: 3), ( cc: [ '#' ]; s: 14), ( cc: [ '&' ]; s: 16), ( cc: [ '''' ]; s: 4), ( cc: [ '(' ]; s: 23), ( cc: [ ')' ]; s: 24), ( cc: [ '*' ]; s: 25), ( cc: [ '+' ]; s: 17), ( cc: [ ',' ]; s: 20), ( cc: [ '-' ]; s: 9), ( cc: [ '.' ]; s: 26), ( cc: [ '/' ]; s: 2), ( cc: [ '0' ]; s: 8), ( cc: [ '1'..'9' ]; s: 6), ( cc: [ ':' ]; s: 19), ( cc: [ ';' ]; s: 50), ( cc: [ '<' ]; s: 13), ( cc: [ '=' ]; s: 10), ( cc: [ '>' ]; s: 12), ( cc: [ '?' ]; s: 18), ( cc: [ 'A','B','D','G','I'..'K','M','O','Q','R', 'T','X'..'Z','_','a','b','d','g','j','k', 'm','o'..'r','w'..'z' ]; s: 49), ( cc: [ 'C' ]; s: 29), ( cc: [ 'E' ]; s: 32), ( cc: [ 'F' ]; s: 44), ( cc: [ 'H' ]; s: 47), ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 5), ( cc: [ 'N' ]; s: 45), ( cc: [ 'P' ]; s: 30), ( cc: [ 'S' ]; s: 28), ( cc: [ 'U' ]; s: 7), ( cc: [ 'V' ]; s: 34), ( cc: [ 'W' ]; s: 31), ( cc: [ '[' ]; s: 21), ( cc: [ '\' ]; s: 52), ( cc: [ ']' ]; s: 22), ( cc: [ 'c' ]; s: 35), ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 27), ( cc: [ 'f' ]; s: 43), ( cc: [ 'h' ]; s: 48), ( cc: [ 'i' ]; s: 41), ( cc: [ 'l' ]; s: 42), ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 46), ( cc: [ 's' ]; s: 37), ( cc: [ 't' ]; s: 40), ( cc: [ 'u' ]; s: 36), ( cc: [ 'v' ]; s: 33), ( cc: [ '{' ]; s: 38), ( cc: [ '|' ]; s: 15), ( cc: [ '}' ]; s: 39), { 2: } ( cc: [ '*' ]; s: 55), ( cc: [ '/' ]; s: 56), { 3: } ( cc: [ #1..'!','#'..#255 ]; s: 57), ( cc: [ '"' ]; s: 58), { 4: } ( cc: [ #1..'&','('..#255 ]; s: 59), ( cc: [ '''' ]; s: 60), { 5: } ( cc: [ '"' ]; s: 61), ( cc: [ '''' ]; s: 62), ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 6: } ( cc: [ '.' ]; s: 67), ( cc: [ '0'..'9' ]; s: 64), ( cc: [ 'E','e' ]; s: 68), ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 66), ( cc: [ 'U' ]; s: 65), { 7: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'K','M'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 69), { 8: } ( cc: [ '.' ]; s: 67), ( cc: [ '0'..'9' ]; s: 64), ( cc: [ 'E','e' ]; s: 68), ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 66), ( cc: [ 'U' ]; s: 65), ( cc: [ 'x' ]; s: 70), { 9: } ( cc: [ '>' ]; s: 71), { 10: } ( cc: [ '=' ]; s: 72), { 11: } ( cc: [ '=' ]; s: 73), { 12: } ( cc: [ '=' ]; s: 74), ( cc: [ '>' ]; s: 75), { 13: } ( cc: [ '<' ]; s: 77), ( cc: [ '=' ]; s: 76), { 14: } ( cc: [ '#' ]; s: 78), ( cc: [ 'd' ]; s: 83), ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 80), ( cc: [ 'i' ]; s: 79), ( cc: [ 'p' ]; s: 82), ( cc: [ 'u' ]; s: 81), { 15: } { 16: } { 17: } { 18: } { 19: } { 20: } { 21: } { 22: } { 23: } { 24: } { 25: } { 26: } ( cc: [ '.' ]; s: 84), { 27: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'m','o'..'w','y','z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 86), ( cc: [ 'x' ]; s: 85), { 28: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'S','U'..'X','Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'T' ]; s: 87), ( cc: [ 'Y' ]; s: 88), { 29: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','B','C','E'..'N','P'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'A' ]; s: 90), ( cc: [ 'D' ]; s: 89), ( cc: [ 'O' ]; s: 91), { 30: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','B'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'A' ]; s: 92), { 31: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'H','J'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'I' ]; s: 93), { 32: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'W','Y','Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'X' ]; s: 94), { 33: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'n','p'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'o' ]; s: 95), { 34: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'N','P'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'O' ]; s: 96), { 35: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'g','i'..'n','p'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'h' ]; s: 97), ( cc: [ 'o' ]; s: 98), { 36: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'m','o'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 99), { 37: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'g','i'..'s','u'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'h' ]; s: 101), ( cc: [ 't' ]; s: 100), { 38: } { 39: } { 40: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'x','z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'y' ]; s: 102), { 41: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'m','o'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 103), { 42: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'n','p'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'o' ]; s: 104), { 43: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','b'..'k','m'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'a' ]; s: 106), ( cc: [ 'l' ]; s: 105), { 44: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','B'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'A' ]; s: 107), { 45: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'D','F'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'E' ]; s: 108), { 46: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'d','f'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 109), { 47: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'T','V'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'U' ]; s: 110), { 48: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'t','v'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'u' ]; s: 111), { 49: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 50: } { 51: } { 52: } ( cc: [ #10 ]; s: 112), { 53: } { 54: } { 55: } { 56: } { 57: } ( cc: [ #1..'!','#'..#255 ]; s: 57), ( cc: [ '"' ]; s: 58), { 58: } { 59: } ( cc: [ #1..'&','('..#255 ]; s: 59), ( cc: [ '''' ]; s: 60), { 60: } { 61: } ( cc: [ #1..'!','#'..#255 ]; s: 61), ( cc: [ '"' ]; s: 113), { 62: } ( cc: [ #1..'&','('..#255 ]; s: 62), ( cc: [ '''' ]; s: 114), { 63: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 64: } ( cc: [ '.' ]; s: 67), ( cc: [ '0'..'9' ]; s: 64), ( cc: [ 'E','e' ]; s: 68), ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 66), ( cc: [ 'U' ]; s: 65), { 65: } ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 66), { 66: } { 67: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9' ]; s: 115), { 68: } ( cc: [ '+','-' ]; s: 116), ( cc: [ '0'..'9' ]; s: 117), { 69: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 70: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f' ]; s: 70), ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 119), ( cc: [ 'U' ]; s: 118), { 71: } { 72: } { 73: } { 74: } { 75: } { 76: } { 77: } { 78: } { 79: } ( cc: [ 'f' ]; s: 120), ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 121), { 80: } ( cc: [ 'l' ]; s: 122), ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 123), ( cc: [ 'r' ]; s: 124), { 81: } ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 125), { 82: } ( cc: [ 'r' ]; s: 126), { 83: } ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 127), { 84: } ( cc: [ '.' ]; s: 128), { 85: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'s','u'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 't' ]; s: 129), { 86: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'t','v'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'u' ]; s: 130), { 87: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'C','E'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'D' ]; s: 131), { 88: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'R','T'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'S' ]; s: 132), { 89: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'D','F'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'E' ]; s: 133), { 90: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'K','M'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 134), { 91: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'M','O'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'N' ]; s: 135), { 92: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A','B','D'..'R','T'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'C' ]; s: 137), ( cc: [ 'S' ]; s: 136), { 93: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'M','O'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'N' ]; s: 138), { 94: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'O','Q'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'P' ]; s: 139), { 95: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'h','j'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'i' ]; s: 140), { 96: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'H','J'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'I' ]; s: 141), { 97: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','b'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'a' ]; s: 142), { 98: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'m','o'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 143), { 99: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'h','j'..'r','t'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'i' ]; s: 144), ( cc: [ 's' ]; s: 145), { 100: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'q','s'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'r' ]; s: 146), { 101: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'n','p'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'o' ]; s: 147), { 102: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'o','q'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'p' ]; s: 148), { 103: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'s','u'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 't' ]; s: 149), { 104: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'m','o'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 150), { 105: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'n','p'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'o' ]; s: 151), { 106: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'q','s'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'r' ]; s: 152), { 107: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Q','S'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'R' ]; s: 153), { 108: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','B'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'A' ]; s: 154), { 109: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','b'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'a' ]; s: 155), { 110: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'F','H'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'G' ]; s: 156), { 111: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'f','h'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'g' ]; s: 157), { 112: } { 113: } { 114: } { 115: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9' ]; s: 115), ( cc: [ 'E','e' ]; s: 68), { 116: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9' ]; s: 117), { 117: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9' ]; s: 117), { 118: } ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 119), { 119: } { 120: } ( cc: [ 'd' ]; s: 158), { 121: } ( cc: [ 'c' ]; s: 159), { 122: } ( cc: [ 'i' ]; s: 161), ( cc: [ 's' ]; s: 160), { 123: } ( cc: [ 'd' ]; s: 162), { 124: } ( cc: [ 'r' ]; s: 163), { 125: } ( cc: [ 'd' ]; s: 164), { 126: } ( cc: [ 'a' ]; s: 165), { 127: } ( cc: [ 'f' ]; s: 166), { 128: } { 129: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'d','f'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 167), { 130: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'l','n'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'm' ]; s: 168), { 131: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A','B','D'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'C' ]; s: 169), { 132: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ '_' ]; s: 170), { 133: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A','B','D'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'C' ]; s: 171), { 134: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'K','M'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 172), { 135: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'R','T'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'S' ]; s: 173), { 136: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A','B','D'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'C' ]; s: 174), { 137: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'J','L'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'K' ]; s: 175), { 138: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','B'..'F','H'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'A' ]; s: 176), ( cc: [ 'G' ]; s: 177), { 139: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'D','F'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'E' ]; s: 178), { 140: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'c','e'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'd' ]; s: 179), { 141: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'C','E'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'D' ]; s: 180), { 142: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'q','s'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'r' ]; s: 181), { 143: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'r','t'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 's' ]; s: 182), { 144: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'n','p'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'o' ]; s: 183), { 145: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'h','j'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'i' ]; s: 184), { 146: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'t','v'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'u' ]; s: 185), { 147: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'q','s'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'r' ]; s: 186), { 148: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'d','f'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 187), { 149: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 150: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'f','h'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'g' ]; s: 188), { 151: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','b'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'a' ]; s: 189), { 152: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 153: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 154: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Q','S'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'R' ]; s: 190), { 155: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'q','s'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'r' ]; s: 191), { 156: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'D','F'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'E' ]; s: 192), { 157: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'d','f'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 193), { 158: } ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 194), { 159: } ( cc: [ 'l' ]; s: 195), { 160: } ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 196), { 161: } ( cc: [ 'f' ]; s: 197), { 162: } ( cc: [ 'i' ]; s: 198), { 163: } ( cc: [ 'o' ]; s: 199), { 164: } ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 200), { 165: } ( cc: [ 'g' ]; s: 201), { 166: } ( cc: [ 'i' ]; s: 202), { 167: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'q','s'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'r' ]; s: 203), { 168: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 169: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','B'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'A' ]; s: 204), { 170: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'S','U'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'T' ]; s: 205), { 171: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'K','M'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 206), { 172: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A','C'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'B' ]; s: 207), { 173: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'S','U'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'T' ]; s: 208), { 174: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','B'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'A' ]; s: 209), { 175: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'D','F'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'E' ]; s: 210), { 176: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'O','Q'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'P' ]; s: 211), { 177: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'C','E'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'D' ]; s: 212), { 178: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'M','O'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'N' ]; s: 213), { 179: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 180: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 181: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 182: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'s','u'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 't' ]; s: 214), { 183: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'m','o'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 215), { 184: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'f','h'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'g' ]; s: 216), { 185: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a','b','d'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'c' ]; s: 217), { 186: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'s','u'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 't' ]; s: 218), { 187: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'c','e'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'd' ]; s: 219), { 188: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 189: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'s','u'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 't' ]; s: 220), { 190: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 191: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 192: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 193: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 194: } ( cc: [ 'f' ]; s: 221), { 195: } ( cc: [ 'u' ]; s: 222), { 196: } { 197: } { 198: } ( cc: [ 'f' ]; s: 223), { 199: } ( cc: [ 'r' ]; s: 224), { 200: } ( cc: [ 'f' ]; s: 225), { 201: } ( cc: [ 'm' ]; s: 226), { 202: } ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 227), { 203: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'m','o'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 228), { 204: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'K','M'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 229), { 205: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Q','S'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'R' ]; s: 230), { 206: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 207: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','B'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'A' ]; s: 231), { 208: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 209: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'K','M'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 232), { 210: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'C','E'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'D' ]; s: 233), { 211: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'H','J'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'I' ]; s: 234), { 212: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'H','J'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'I' ]; s: 235), { 213: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'S','U'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'T' ]; s: 236), { 214: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 215: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 216: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'m','o'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 237), { 217: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'s','u'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 't' ]; s: 238), { 218: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 219: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'d','f'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 239), { 220: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 221: } ( cc: [ ' ' ]; s: 240), { 222: } ( cc: [ 'd' ]; s: 241), { 223: } { 224: } { 225: } { 226: } ( cc: [ 'a' ]; s: 242), { 227: } ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 243), { 228: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 229: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'K','M'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'L' ]; s: 244), { 230: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','B'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'A' ]; s: 245), { 231: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A','B','D'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'C' ]; s: 246), { 232: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 233: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 234: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 235: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','B'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'A' ]; s: 247), { 236: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Q','S'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'R' ]; s: 248), { 237: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'d','f'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 249), { 238: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 239: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'e','g'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'f' ]; s: 250), { 240: } ( cc: [ '_' ]; s: 251), { 241: } ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 252), { 242: } { 243: } { 244: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 245: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'O','Q'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'P' ]; s: 253), { 246: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'J','L'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'K' ]; s: 254), { 247: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'O','Q'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'P' ]; s: 255), { 248: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'X','Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'Y' ]; s: 256), { 249: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'c','e'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'd' ]; s: 257), { 250: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 251: } ( cc: [ '_' ]; s: 258), { 252: } { 253: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 254: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 255: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'H','J'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), ( cc: [ 'I' ]; s: 259), { 256: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 257: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 258: } ( cc: [ 'c' ]; s: 260), { 259: } ( cc: [ '0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','a'..'z' ]; s: 63), { 260: } ( cc: [ 'p' ]; s: 261), { 261: } ( cc: [ 'l' ]; s: 262), { 262: } ( cc: [ 'u' ]; s: 263), { 263: } ( cc: [ 's' ]; s: 264), { 264: } ( cc: [ 'p' ]; s: 265), { 265: } ( cc: [ 'l' ]; s: 266), { 266: } ( cc: [ 'u' ]; s: 267), { 267: } ( cc: [ 's' ]; s: 268), { 268: } ( cc: [ #9,' ' ]; s: 268), ( cc: [ #10 ]; s: 269), { 269: } ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 270), ( cc: [ '}' ]; s: 271), { 270: } ( cc: [ 'x' ]; s: 272), { 271: } ( cc: [ #10 ]; s: 273), { 272: } ( cc: [ 't' ]; s: 274), { 273: } ( cc: [ '#' ]; s: 275), { 274: } ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 276), { 275: } ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 277), { 276: } ( cc: [ 'r' ]; s: 278), { 277: } ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 279), { 278: } ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 280), { 279: } ( cc: [ 'd' ]; s: 281), { 280: } ( cc: [ ' ' ]; s: 282), { 281: } ( cc: [ 'i' ]; s: 283), { 282: } ( cc: [ '"' ]; s: 284), { 283: } ( cc: [ 'f' ]; s: 285), { 284: } ( cc: [ 'C' ]; s: 286), { 285: } { 286: } ( cc: [ '"' ]; s: 287), { 287: } ( cc: [ ' ' ]; s: 288), { 288: } ( cc: [ '{' ]; s: 289), { 289: } ( cc: [ #10 ]; s: 290), { 290: } ( cc: [ '#' ]; s: 291), { 291: } ( cc: [ 'e' ]; s: 292), { 292: } ( cc: [ 'n' ]; s: 293), { 293: } ( cc: [ 'd' ]; s: 294), { 294: } ( cc: [ 'i' ]; s: 295), { 295: } ( cc: [ 'f' ]; s: 296) { 296: } ); yykl : array [0..yynstates-1] of Integer = ( { 0: } 1, { 1: } 2, { 2: } 3, { 3: } 5, { 4: } 6, { 5: } 7, { 6: } 10, { 7: } 13, { 8: } 16, { 9: } 19, { 10: } 21, { 11: } 23, { 12: } 25, { 13: } 27, { 14: } 29, { 15: } 30, { 16: } 32, { 17: } 34, { 18: } 36, { 19: } 38, { 20: } 40, { 21: } 42, { 22: } 44, { 23: } 46, { 24: } 48, { 25: } 50, { 26: } 52, { 27: } 54, { 28: } 56, { 29: } 58, { 30: } 60, { 31: } 62, { 32: } 64, { 33: } 66, { 34: } 68, { 35: } 70, { 36: } 72, { 37: } 74, { 38: } 76, { 39: } 78, { 40: } 80, { 41: } 82, { 42: } 84, { 43: } 86, { 44: } 88, { 45: } 90, { 46: } 92, { 47: } 94, { 48: } 96, { 49: } 98, { 50: } 100, { 51: } 102, { 52: } 104, { 53: } 105, { 54: } 106, { 55: } 107, { 56: } 108, { 57: } 109, { 58: } 109, { 59: } 110, { 60: } 110, { 61: } 111, { 62: } 111, { 63: } 111, { 64: } 112, { 65: } 114, { 66: } 115, { 67: } 116, { 68: } 116, { 69: } 116, { 70: } 118, { 71: } 119, { 72: } 120, { 73: } 121, { 74: } 122, { 75: } 123, { 76: } 124, { 77: } 125, { 78: } 126, { 79: } 127, { 80: } 127, { 81: } 127, { 82: } 127, { 83: } 127, { 84: } 127, { 85: } 127, { 86: } 128, { 87: } 129, { 88: } 130, { 89: } 131, { 90: } 132, { 91: } 133, { 92: } 134, { 93: } 135, { 94: } 136, { 95: } 137, { 96: } 138, { 97: } 139, { 98: } 140, { 99: } 141, { 100: } 142, { 101: } 143, { 102: } 144, { 103: } 145, { 104: } 146, { 105: } 147, { 106: } 148, { 107: } 149, { 108: } 150, { 109: } 151, { 110: } 152, { 111: } 153, { 112: } 154, { 113: } 155, { 114: } 156, { 115: } 157, { 116: } 158, { 117: } 158, { 118: } 159, { 119: } 160, { 120: } 161, { 121: } 162, { 122: } 162, { 123: } 162, { 124: } 162, { 125: } 162, { 126: } 162, { 127: } 162, { 128: } 162, { 129: } 163, { 130: } 164, { 131: } 165, { 132: } 166, { 133: } 167, { 134: } 168, { 135: } 169, { 136: } 170, { 137: } 171, { 138: } 172, { 139: } 173, { 140: } 174, { 141: } 175, { 142: } 176, { 143: } 177, { 144: } 178, { 145: } 179, { 146: } 180, { 147: } 181, { 148: } 182, { 149: } 183, { 150: } 185, { 151: } 186, { 152: } 187, { 153: } 189, { 154: } 191, { 155: } 192, { 156: } 193, { 157: } 194, { 158: } 195, { 159: } 195, { 160: } 195, { 161: } 195, { 162: } 195, { 163: } 195, { 164: } 195, { 165: } 195, { 166: } 195, { 167: } 195, { 168: } 196, { 169: } 198, { 170: } 199, { 171: } 200, { 172: } 201, { 173: } 202, { 174: } 203, { 175: } 204, { 176: } 205, { 177: } 206, { 178: } 207, { 179: } 208, { 180: } 210, { 181: } 212, { 182: } 214, { 183: } 215, { 184: } 216, { 185: } 217, { 186: } 218, { 187: } 219, { 188: } 220, { 189: } 222, { 190: } 223, { 191: } 225, { 192: } 227, { 193: } 229, { 194: } 231, { 195: } 231, { 196: } 231, { 197: } 232, { 198: } 233, { 199: } 233, { 200: } 233, { 201: } 233, { 202: } 233, { 203: } 233, { 204: } 234, { 205: } 235, { 206: } 236, { 207: } 238, { 208: } 239, { 209: } 241, { 210: } 242, { 211: } 243, { 212: } 244, { 213: } 245, { 214: } 246, { 215: } 248, { 216: } 250, { 217: } 251, { 218: } 252, { 219: } 254, { 220: } 255, { 221: } 257, { 222: } 257, { 223: } 257, { 224: } 258, { 225: } 259, { 226: } 260, { 227: } 260, { 228: } 260, { 229: } 262, { 230: } 263, { 231: } 264, { 232: } 265, { 233: } 267, { 234: } 269, { 235: } 271, { 236: } 272, { 237: } 273, { 238: } 274, { 239: } 276, { 240: } 277, { 241: } 277, { 242: } 277, { 243: } 278, { 244: } 279, { 245: } 281, { 246: } 282, { 247: } 283, { 248: } 284, { 249: } 285, { 250: } 286, { 251: } 288, { 252: } 288, { 253: } 289, { 254: } 291, { 255: } 293, { 256: } 294, { 257: } 296, { 258: } 298, { 259: } 298, { 260: } 300, { 261: } 300, { 262: } 300, { 263: } 300, { 264: } 300, { 265: } 300, { 266: } 300, { 267: } 300, { 268: } 300, { 269: } 300, { 270: } 300, { 271: } 300, { 272: } 300, { 273: } 300, { 274: } 300, { 275: } 300, { 276: } 300, { 277: } 300, { 278: } 300, { 279: } 300, { 280: } 300, { 281: } 300, { 282: } 300, { 283: } 300, { 284: } 300, { 285: } 300, { 286: } 301, { 287: } 301, { 288: } 301, { 289: } 301, { 290: } 301, { 291: } 301, { 292: } 301, { 293: } 301, { 294: } 301, { 295: } 301, { 296: } 301 ); 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yyml : array [0..yynstates-1] of Integer = ( { 0: } 1, { 1: } 2, { 2: } 3, { 3: } 5, { 4: } 6, { 5: } 7, { 6: } 10, { 7: } 13, { 8: } 16, { 9: } 19, { 10: } 21, { 11: } 23, { 12: } 25, { 13: } 27, { 14: } 29, { 15: } 30, { 16: } 32, { 17: } 34, { 18: } 36, { 19: } 38, { 20: } 40, { 21: } 42, { 22: } 44, { 23: } 46, { 24: } 48, { 25: } 50, { 26: } 52, { 27: } 54, { 28: } 56, { 29: } 58, { 30: } 60, { 31: } 62, { 32: } 64, { 33: } 66, { 34: } 68, { 35: } 70, { 36: } 72, { 37: } 74, { 38: } 76, { 39: } 78, { 40: } 80, { 41: } 82, { 42: } 84, { 43: } 86, { 44: } 88, { 45: } 90, { 46: } 92, { 47: } 94, { 48: } 96, { 49: } 98, { 50: } 100, { 51: } 102, { 52: } 104, { 53: } 105, { 54: } 106, { 55: } 107, { 56: } 108, { 57: } 109, { 58: } 109, { 59: } 110, { 60: } 110, { 61: } 111, { 62: } 111, { 63: } 111, { 64: } 112, { 65: } 114, { 66: } 115, { 67: } 116, { 68: } 116, { 69: } 116, { 70: } 118, { 71: } 119, { 72: } 120, { 73: } 121, { 74: } 122, { 75: } 123, { 76: } 124, { 77: } 125, { 78: } 126, { 79: } 127, { 80: } 127, { 81: } 127, { 82: } 127, { 83: } 127, { 84: } 127, { 85: } 127, { 86: } 128, { 87: } 129, { 88: } 130, { 89: } 131, { 90: } 132, { 91: } 133, { 92: } 134, { 93: } 135, { 94: } 136, { 95: } 137, { 96: } 138, { 97: } 139, { 98: } 140, { 99: } 141, { 100: } 142, { 101: } 143, { 102: } 144, { 103: } 145, { 104: } 146, { 105: } 147, { 106: } 148, { 107: } 149, { 108: } 150, { 109: } 151, { 110: } 152, { 111: } 153, { 112: } 154, { 113: } 155, { 114: } 156, { 115: } 157, { 116: } 158, { 117: } 158, { 118: } 159, { 119: } 160, { 120: } 161, { 121: } 162, { 122: } 162, { 123: } 162, { 124: } 162, { 125: } 162, { 126: } 162, { 127: } 162, { 128: } 162, { 129: } 163, { 130: } 164, { 131: } 165, { 132: } 166, { 133: } 167, { 134: } 168, { 135: } 169, { 136: } 170, { 137: } 171, { 138: } 172, { 139: } 173, { 140: } 174, { 141: } 175, { 142: } 176, { 143: } 177, { 144: } 178, { 145: } 179, { 146: } 180, { 147: } 181, { 148: } 182, { 149: } 183, { 150: } 185, { 151: } 186, { 152: } 187, { 153: } 189, { 154: } 191, { 155: } 192, { 156: } 193, { 157: } 194, { 158: } 195, { 159: } 195, { 160: } 195, { 161: } 195, { 162: } 195, { 163: } 195, { 164: } 195, { 165: } 195, { 166: } 195, { 167: } 195, { 168: } 196, { 169: } 198, { 170: } 199, { 171: } 200, { 172: } 201, { 173: } 202, { 174: } 203, { 175: } 204, { 176: } 205, { 177: } 206, { 178: } 207, { 179: } 208, { 180: } 210, { 181: } 212, { 182: } 214, { 183: } 215, { 184: } 216, { 185: } 217, { 186: } 218, { 187: } 219, { 188: } 220, { 189: } 222, { 190: } 223, { 191: } 225, { 192: } 227, { 193: } 229, { 194: } 231, { 195: } 231, { 196: } 231, { 197: } 232, { 198: } 233, { 199: } 233, { 200: } 233, { 201: } 233, { 202: } 233, { 203: } 233, { 204: } 234, { 205: } 235, { 206: } 236, { 207: } 238, { 208: } 239, { 209: } 241, { 210: } 242, { 211: } 243, { 212: } 244, { 213: } 245, { 214: } 246, { 215: } 248, { 216: } 250, { 217: } 251, { 218: } 252, { 219: } 254, { 220: } 255, { 221: } 257, { 222: } 257, { 223: } 257, { 224: } 258, { 225: } 259, { 226: } 260, { 227: } 260, { 228: } 260, { 229: } 262, { 230: } 263, { 231: } 264, { 232: } 265, { 233: } 267, { 234: } 269, { 235: } 271, { 236: } 272, { 237: } 273, { 238: } 274, { 239: } 276, { 240: } 277, { 241: } 277, { 242: } 277, { 243: } 278, { 244: } 279, { 245: } 281, { 246: } 282, { 247: } 283, { 248: } 284, { 249: } 285, { 250: } 286, { 251: } 288, { 252: } 288, { 253: } 289, { 254: } 291, { 255: } 293, { 256: } 294, { 257: } 296, { 258: } 298, { 259: } 298, { 260: } 300, { 261: } 300, { 262: } 300, { 263: } 300, { 264: } 300, { 265: } 300, { 266: } 300, { 267: } 300, { 268: } 300, { 269: } 300, { 270: } 300, { 271: } 300, { 272: } 300, { 273: } 300, { 274: } 300, { 275: } 300, { 276: } 300, { 277: } 300, { 278: } 300, { 279: } 300, { 280: } 300, { 281: } 300, { 282: } 300, { 283: } 300, { 284: } 300, { 285: } 300, { 286: } 301, { 287: } 301, { 288: } 301, { 289: } 301, { 290: } 301, { 291: } 301, { 292: } 301, { 293: } 301, { 294: } 301, { 295: } 301, { 296: } 301 ); yymh : array [0..yynstates-1] of Integer = ( { 0: } 1, { 1: } 2, { 2: } 4, { 3: } 5, { 4: } 6, { 5: } 9, { 6: } 12, { 7: } 15, { 8: } 18, { 9: } 20, { 10: } 22, { 11: } 24, { 12: } 26, { 13: } 28, { 14: } 29, { 15: } 31, { 16: } 33, { 17: } 35, { 18: } 37, { 19: } 39, { 20: } 41, { 21: } 43, { 22: } 45, { 23: } 47, { 24: } 49, { 25: } 51, { 26: } 53, { 27: } 55, { 28: } 57, { 29: } 59, { 30: } 61, { 31: } 63, { 32: } 65, { 33: } 67, { 34: } 69, { 35: } 71, { 36: } 73, { 37: } 75, { 38: } 77, { 39: } 79, { 40: } 81, { 41: } 83, { 42: } 85, { 43: } 87, { 44: } 89, { 45: } 91, { 46: } 93, { 47: } 95, { 48: } 97, { 49: } 99, { 50: } 101, { 51: } 103, { 52: } 104, { 53: } 105, { 54: } 106, { 55: } 107, { 56: } 108, { 57: } 108, { 58: } 109, { 59: } 109, { 60: } 110, { 61: } 110, { 62: } 110, { 63: } 111, { 64: } 113, { 65: } 114, { 66: } 115, { 67: } 115, { 68: } 115, { 69: } 117, { 70: } 118, { 71: } 119, { 72: } 120, { 73: } 121, { 74: } 122, { 75: } 123, { 76: } 124, { 77: } 125, { 78: } 126, { 79: } 126, { 80: } 126, { 81: } 126, { 82: } 126, { 83: } 126, { 84: } 126, { 85: } 127, { 86: } 128, { 87: } 129, { 88: } 130, { 89: } 131, { 90: } 132, { 91: } 133, { 92: } 134, { 93: } 135, { 94: } 136, { 95: } 137, { 96: } 138, { 97: } 139, { 98: } 140, { 99: } 141, { 100: } 142, { 101: } 143, { 102: } 144, { 103: } 145, { 104: } 146, { 105: } 147, { 106: } 148, { 107: } 149, { 108: } 150, { 109: } 151, { 110: } 152, { 111: } 153, { 112: } 154, { 113: } 155, { 114: } 156, { 115: } 157, { 116: } 157, { 117: } 158, { 118: } 159, { 119: } 160, { 120: } 161, { 121: } 161, { 122: } 161, { 123: } 161, { 124: } 161, { 125: } 161, { 126: } 161, { 127: } 161, { 128: } 162, { 129: } 163, { 130: } 164, { 131: } 165, { 132: } 166, { 133: } 167, { 134: } 168, { 135: } 169, { 136: } 170, { 137: } 171, { 138: } 172, { 139: } 173, { 140: } 174, { 141: } 175, { 142: } 176, { 143: } 177, { 144: } 178, { 145: } 179, { 146: } 180, { 147: } 181, { 148: } 182, { 149: } 184, { 150: } 185, { 151: } 186, { 152: } 188, { 153: } 190, { 154: } 191, { 155: } 192, { 156: } 193, { 157: } 194, { 158: } 194, { 159: } 194, { 160: } 194, { 161: } 194, { 162: } 194, { 163: } 194, { 164: } 194, { 165: } 194, { 166: } 194, { 167: } 195, { 168: } 197, { 169: } 198, { 170: } 199, { 171: } 200, { 172: } 201, { 173: } 202, { 174: } 203, { 175: } 204, { 176: } 205, { 177: } 206, { 178: } 207, { 179: } 209, { 180: } 211, { 181: } 213, { 182: } 214, { 183: } 215, { 184: } 216, { 185: } 217, { 186: } 218, { 187: } 219, { 188: } 221, { 189: } 222, { 190: } 224, { 191: } 226, { 192: } 228, { 193: } 230, { 194: } 230, { 195: } 230, { 196: } 231, { 197: } 232, { 198: } 232, { 199: } 232, { 200: } 232, { 201: } 232, { 202: } 232, { 203: } 233, { 204: } 234, { 205: } 235, { 206: } 237, { 207: } 238, { 208: } 240, { 209: } 241, { 210: } 242, { 211: } 243, { 212: } 244, { 213: } 245, { 214: } 247, { 215: } 249, { 216: } 250, { 217: } 251, { 218: } 253, { 219: } 254, { 220: } 256, { 221: } 256, { 222: } 256, { 223: } 257, { 224: } 258, { 225: } 259, { 226: } 259, { 227: } 259, { 228: } 261, { 229: } 262, { 230: } 263, { 231: } 264, { 232: } 266, { 233: } 268, { 234: } 270, { 235: } 271, { 236: } 272, { 237: } 273, { 238: } 275, { 239: } 276, { 240: } 276, { 241: } 276, { 242: } 277, { 243: } 278, { 244: } 280, { 245: } 281, { 246: } 282, { 247: } 283, { 248: } 284, { 249: } 285, { 250: } 287, { 251: } 287, { 252: } 288, { 253: } 290, { 254: } 292, { 255: } 293, { 256: } 295, { 257: } 297, { 258: } 297, { 259: } 299, { 260: } 299, { 261: } 299, { 262: } 299, { 263: } 299, { 264: } 299, { 265: } 299, { 266: } 299, { 267: } 299, { 268: } 299, { 269: } 299, { 270: } 299, { 271: } 299, { 272: } 299, { 273: } 299, { 274: } 299, { 275: } 299, { 276: } 299, { 277: } 299, { 278: } 299, { 279: } 299, { 280: } 299, { 281: } 299, { 282: } 299, { 283: } 299, { 284: } 299, { 285: } 300, { 286: } 300, { 287: } 300, { 288: } 300, { 289: } 300, { 290: } 300, { 291: } 300, { 292: } 300, { 293: } 300, { 294: } 300, { 295: } 300, { 296: } 301 ); yytl : array [0..yynstates-1] of Integer = ( { 0: } 1, { 1: } 54, { 2: } 107, { 3: } 109, { 4: } 111, { 5: } 113, { 6: } 116, { 7: } 121, { 8: } 123, { 9: } 129, { 10: } 130, { 11: } 131, { 12: } 132, { 13: } 134, { 14: } 136, { 15: } 142, { 16: } 142, { 17: } 142, { 18: } 142, { 19: } 142, { 20: } 142, { 21: } 142, { 22: } 142, { 23: } 142, { 24: } 142, { 25: } 142, { 26: } 142, { 27: } 143, { 28: } 146, { 29: } 149, { 30: } 153, { 31: } 155, { 32: } 157, { 33: } 159, { 34: } 161, { 35: } 163, { 36: } 166, { 37: } 168, { 38: } 171, { 39: } 171, { 40: } 171, { 41: } 173, { 42: } 175, { 43: } 177, { 44: } 180, { 45: } 182, { 46: } 184, { 47: } 186, { 48: } 188, { 49: } 190, { 50: } 191, { 51: } 191, { 52: } 191, { 53: } 192, { 54: } 192, { 55: } 192, { 56: } 192, { 57: } 192, { 58: } 194, { 59: } 194, { 60: } 196, { 61: } 196, { 62: } 198, { 63: } 200, { 64: } 201, { 65: } 206, { 66: } 207, { 67: } 207, { 68: } 208, { 69: } 210, { 70: } 211, { 71: } 214, { 72: } 214, { 73: } 214, { 74: } 214, { 75: } 214, { 76: } 214, { 77: } 214, { 78: } 214, { 79: } 214, { 80: } 216, { 81: } 219, { 82: } 220, { 83: } 221, { 84: } 222, { 85: } 223, { 86: } 225, { 87: } 227, { 88: } 229, { 89: } 231, { 90: } 233, { 91: } 235, { 92: } 237, { 93: } 240, { 94: } 242, { 95: } 244, { 96: } 246, { 97: } 248, { 98: } 250, { 99: } 252, { 100: } 255, { 101: } 257, { 102: } 259, { 103: } 261, { 104: } 263, { 105: } 265, { 106: } 267, { 107: } 269, { 108: } 271, { 109: } 273, { 110: } 275, { 111: } 277, { 112: } 279, { 113: } 279, { 114: } 279, { 115: } 279, { 116: } 281, { 117: } 282, { 118: } 283, { 119: } 284, { 120: } 284, { 121: } 285, { 122: } 286, { 123: } 288, { 124: } 289, { 125: } 290, { 126: } 291, { 127: } 292, { 128: } 293, { 129: } 293, { 130: } 295, { 131: } 297, { 132: } 299, { 133: } 301, { 134: } 303, { 135: } 305, { 136: } 307, { 137: } 309, { 138: } 311, { 139: } 314, { 140: } 316, { 141: } 318, { 142: } 320, { 143: } 322, { 144: } 324, { 145: } 326, { 146: } 328, { 147: } 330, { 148: } 332, { 149: } 334, { 150: } 335, { 151: } 337, { 152: } 339, { 153: } 340, { 154: } 341, { 155: } 343, { 156: } 345, { 157: } 347, { 158: } 349, { 159: } 350, { 160: } 351, { 161: } 352, { 162: } 353, { 163: } 354, { 164: } 355, { 165: } 356, { 166: } 357, { 167: } 358, { 168: } 360, { 169: } 361, { 170: } 363, { 171: } 365, { 172: } 367, { 173: } 369, { 174: } 371, { 175: } 373, { 176: } 375, { 177: } 377, { 178: } 379, { 179: } 381, { 180: } 382, { 181: } 383, { 182: } 384, { 183: } 386, { 184: } 388, { 185: } 390, { 186: } 392, { 187: } 394, { 188: } 396, { 189: } 397, { 190: } 399, { 191: } 400, { 192: } 401, { 193: } 402, { 194: } 403, { 195: } 404, { 196: } 405, { 197: } 405, { 198: } 405, { 199: } 406, { 200: } 407, { 201: } 408, { 202: } 409, { 203: } 410, { 204: } 412, { 205: } 414, { 206: } 416, { 207: } 417, { 208: } 419, { 209: } 420, { 210: } 422, { 211: } 424, { 212: } 426, { 213: } 428, { 214: } 430, { 215: } 431, { 216: } 432, { 217: } 434, { 218: } 436, { 219: } 437, { 220: } 439, { 221: } 440, { 222: } 441, { 223: } 442, { 224: } 442, { 225: } 442, { 226: } 442, { 227: } 443, { 228: } 444, { 229: } 445, { 230: } 447, { 231: } 449, { 232: } 451, { 233: } 452, { 234: } 453, { 235: } 454, { 236: } 456, { 237: } 458, { 238: } 460, { 239: } 461, { 240: } 463, { 241: } 464, { 242: } 465, { 243: } 465, { 244: } 465, { 245: } 466, { 246: } 468, { 247: } 470, { 248: } 472, { 249: } 474, { 250: } 476, { 251: } 477, { 252: } 478, { 253: } 478, { 254: } 479, { 255: } 480, { 256: } 482, { 257: } 483, { 258: } 484, { 259: } 485, { 260: } 486, { 261: } 487, { 262: } 488, { 263: } 489, { 264: } 490, { 265: } 491, { 266: } 492, { 267: } 493, { 268: } 494, { 269: } 496, { 270: } 498, { 271: } 499, { 272: } 500, { 273: } 501, { 274: } 502, { 275: } 503, { 276: } 504, { 277: } 505, { 278: } 506, { 279: } 507, { 280: } 508, { 281: } 509, { 282: } 510, { 283: } 511, { 284: } 512, { 285: } 513, { 286: } 513, { 287: } 514, { 288: } 515, { 289: } 516, { 290: } 517, { 291: } 518, { 292: } 519, { 293: } 520, { 294: } 521, { 295: } 522, { 296: } 523 ); yyth : array [0..yynstates-1] of Integer = ( { 0: } 53, { 1: } 106, { 2: } 108, { 3: } 110, { 4: } 112, { 5: } 115, { 6: } 120, { 7: } 122, { 8: } 128, { 9: } 129, { 10: } 130, { 11: } 131, { 12: } 133, { 13: } 135, { 14: } 141, { 15: } 141, { 16: } 141, { 17: } 141, { 18: } 141, { 19: } 141, { 20: } 141, { 21: } 141, { 22: } 141, { 23: } 141, { 24: } 141, { 25: } 141, { 26: } 142, { 27: } 145, { 28: } 148, { 29: } 152, { 30: } 154, { 31: } 156, { 32: } 158, { 33: } 160, { 34: } 162, { 35: } 165, { 36: } 167, { 37: } 170, { 38: } 170, { 39: } 170, { 40: } 172, { 41: } 174, { 42: } 176, { 43: } 179, { 44: } 181, { 45: } 183, { 46: } 185, { 47: } 187, { 48: } 189, { 49: } 190, { 50: } 190, { 51: } 190, { 52: } 191, { 53: } 191, { 54: } 191, { 55: } 191, { 56: } 191, { 57: } 193, { 58: } 193, { 59: } 195, { 60: } 195, { 61: } 197, { 62: } 199, { 63: } 200, { 64: } 205, { 65: } 206, { 66: } 206, { 67: } 207, { 68: } 209, { 69: } 210, { 70: } 213, { 71: } 213, { 72: } 213, { 73: } 213, { 74: } 213, { 75: } 213, { 76: } 213, { 77: } 213, { 78: } 213, { 79: } 215, { 80: } 218, { 81: } 219, { 82: } 220, { 83: } 221, { 84: } 222, { 85: } 224, { 86: } 226, { 87: } 228, { 88: } 230, { 89: } 232, { 90: } 234, { 91: } 236, { 92: } 239, { 93: } 241, { 94: } 243, { 95: } 245, { 96: } 247, { 97: } 249, { 98: } 251, { 99: } 254, { 100: } 256, { 101: } 258, { 102: } 260, { 103: } 262, { 104: } 264, { 105: } 266, { 106: } 268, { 107: } 270, { 108: } 272, { 109: } 274, { 110: } 276, { 111: } 278, { 112: } 278, { 113: } 278, { 114: } 278, { 115: } 280, { 116: } 281, { 117: } 282, { 118: } 283, { 119: } 283, { 120: } 284, { 121: } 285, { 122: } 287, { 123: } 288, { 124: } 289, { 125: } 290, { 126: } 291, { 127: } 292, { 128: } 292, { 129: } 294, { 130: } 296, { 131: } 298, { 132: } 300, { 133: } 302, { 134: } 304, { 135: } 306, { 136: } 308, { 137: } 310, { 138: } 313, { 139: } 315, { 140: } 317, { 141: } 319, { 142: } 321, { 143: } 323, { 144: } 325, { 145: } 327, { 146: } 329, { 147: } 331, { 148: } 333, { 149: } 334, { 150: } 336, { 151: } 338, { 152: } 339, { 153: } 340, { 154: } 342, { 155: } 344, { 156: } 346, { 157: } 348, { 158: } 349, { 159: } 350, { 160: } 351, { 161: } 352, { 162: } 353, { 163: } 354, { 164: } 355, { 165: } 356, { 166: } 357, { 167: } 359, { 168: } 360, { 169: } 362, { 170: } 364, { 171: } 366, { 172: } 368, { 173: } 370, { 174: } 372, { 175: } 374, { 176: } 376, { 177: } 378, { 178: } 380, { 179: } 381, { 180: } 382, { 181: } 383, { 182: } 385, { 183: } 387, { 184: } 389, { 185: } 391, { 186: } 393, { 187: } 395, { 188: } 396, { 189: } 398, { 190: } 399, { 191: } 400, { 192: } 401, { 193: } 402, { 194: } 403, { 195: } 404, { 196: } 404, { 197: } 404, { 198: } 405, { 199: } 406, { 200: } 407, { 201: } 408, { 202: } 409, { 203: } 411, { 204: } 413, { 205: } 415, { 206: } 416, { 207: } 418, { 208: } 419, { 209: } 421, { 210: } 423, { 211: } 425, { 212: } 427, { 213: } 429, { 214: } 430, { 215: } 431, { 216: } 433, { 217: } 435, { 218: } 436, { 219: } 438, { 220: } 439, { 221: } 440, { 222: } 441, { 223: } 441, { 224: } 441, { 225: } 441, { 226: } 442, { 227: } 443, { 228: } 444, { 229: } 446, { 230: } 448, { 231: } 450, { 232: } 451, { 233: } 452, { 234: } 453, { 235: } 455, { 236: } 457, { 237: } 459, { 238: } 460, { 239: } 462, { 240: } 463, { 241: } 464, { 242: } 464, { 243: } 464, { 244: } 465, { 245: } 467, { 246: } 469, { 247: } 471, { 248: } 473, { 249: } 475, { 250: } 476, { 251: } 477, { 252: } 477, { 253: } 478, { 254: } 479, { 255: } 481, { 256: } 482, { 257: } 483, { 258: } 484, { 259: } 485, { 260: } 486, { 261: } 487, { 262: } 488, { 263: } 489, { 264: } 490, { 265: } 491, { 266: } 492, { 267: } 493, { 268: } 495, { 269: } 497, { 270: } 498, { 271: } 499, { 272: } 500, { 273: } 501, { 274: } 502, { 275: } 503, { 276: } 504, { 277: } 505, { 278: } 506, { 279: } 507, { 280: } 508, { 281: } 509, { 282: } 510, { 283: } 511, { 284: } 512, { 285: } 512, { 286: } 513, { 287: } 514, { 288: } 515, { 289: } 516, { 290: } 517, { 291: } 518, { 292: } 519, { 293: } 520, { 294: } 521, { 295: } 522, { 296: } 522 ); var yyn : Integer; label start, scan, action; begin start: (* initialize: *) yynew; scan: (* mark positions and matches: *) for yyn := yykl[yystate] to yykh[yystate] do yymark(yyk[yyn]); for yyn := yymh[yystate] downto yyml[yystate] do yymatch(yym[yyn]); if yytl[yystate]>yyth[yystate] then goto action; (* dead state *) (* get next character: *) yyscan; (* determine action: *) yyn := yytl[yystate]; while (yyn<=yyth[yystate]) and not (yyactchar in yyt[yyn].cc) do inc(yyn); if yyn>yyth[yystate] then goto action; (* no transition on yyactchar in this state *) (* switch to new state: *) yystate := yyt[yyn].s; goto scan; action: (* execute action: *) if yyfind(yyrule) then begin yyaction(yyrule); if yyreject then goto action; end else if not yydefault and yywrap then begin yyclear; return(0); end; if not yydone then goto start; yylex := yyretval; end(*yylex*); function act_token : string; begin act_token:=yytext; end; Function ForceExtension(Const HStr,ext:String):String; { Return a filename which certainly has the extension ext (no dot in ext !!) } var j : longint; begin j:=length(Hstr); while (j>0) and (Hstr[j]<>'.') do dec(j); if j=0 then j:=255; ForceExtension:=Copy(Hstr,1,j-1)+'.'+Ext; end; begin ProcessOptions; line_no := 1; assign(yyinput, inputfilename); reset(yyinput); assign(textinfile, inputfilename); reset(textinfile); readln(textinfile,last_source_line); assign(outfile, outputfilename); rewrite(outfile); if not(includefile) then begin writeln(outfile,'unit ',unitname,';'); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,'{ Automatically converted by H2PAS.EXE from '+inputfilename); writeln(outfile,' Utility made by Florian Klaempfl 25th-28th september 96'); writeln(outfile,' Improvements made by Mark A. Malakanov 22nd-25th may 97 '); writeln(outfile,' Further improvements by Michael Van Canneyt, April 1998 '); writeln(outfile,' define handling and error recovery by Pierre Muller, June 1998 }'); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,' interface'); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,' { C default packing is dword }'); writeln(outfile); writeln(outfile,'{$PACKRECORDS 4}'); end; if UsePPointers then begin { Define some pointers to basic pascal types } writeln(outfile); Writeln(outfile,' { Pointers to basic pascal types, inserted by h2pas conversion program.}'); Writeln(outfile,' Type'); Writeln(outfile,' PLongint = ^Longint;'); Writeln(outfile,' PByte = ^Byte;'); Writeln(outfile,' PWord = ^Word;'); Writeln(outfile,' PInteger = ^Integer;'); Writeln(outfile,' PCardinal = ^Cardinal;'); Writeln(outfile,' PReal = ^Real;'); Writeln(outfile,' PDouble = ^Double;'); Writeln(outfile); end; end.