# Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Artifex Software, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or # implied. # # This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, # modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms # of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. # # Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact # Artifex Software, Inc., 7 Mt. Lassen Drive - Suite A-134, San Rafael, # CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. # # makefile for Microsoft Visual C++ 4.1 or later, Windows NT or Windows 95 LIBRARY. # # All configurable options are surrounded by !ifndef/!endif to allow # preconfiguration from within another makefile. # ------------------------------- Options ------------------------------- # ###### This section is the only part of the file you should need to edit. # ------ Generic options ------ # # Define the root directory for Ghostscript installation. !ifndef AROOTDIR AROOTDIR=c:/gs !endif !ifndef GSROOTDIR GSROOTDIR=$(AROOTDIR)/gs$(GS_DOT_VERSION) !endif # Define the directory that will hold documentation at runtime. !ifndef GS_DOCDIR GS_DOCDIR=$(GSROOTDIR)/doc !endif # Define the default directory/ies for the runtime initialization, resource and # font files. Separate multiple directories with ';'. # Use / to indicate directories, not \. # MSVC will not allow \'s here because it sees '\;' CPP-style as an # illegal escape. !ifndef GS_LIB_DEFAULT GS_LIB_DEFAULT=$(GSROOTDIR)/Resource/Init;$(GSROOTDIR)/lib;$(GSROOTDIR)/Resource;$(AROOTDIR)/fonts !endif # Define whether or not searching for initialization files should always # look in the current directory first. This leads to well-known security # and confusion problems, but may be convenient sometimes. !ifndef SEARCH_HERE_FIRST SEARCH_HERE_FIRST=0 !endif # Define the name of the interpreter initialization file. # (There is no reason to change this.) GS_INIT=gs_init.ps # Choose generic configuration options. # Setting DEBUG=1 includes debugging features (-Z switch) in the code. # Code runs substantially slower even if no debugging switches are set, # and also takes about another 25K of memory. !ifndef DEBUG DEBUG=0 !endif # Setting TDEBUG=1 includes symbol table information for the debugger, # and also enables stack checking. Code is substantially slower and larger. # NOTE: The MSVC++ 5.0 compiler produces incorrect output code with TDEBUG=0. # Leave TDEBUG set to 1. !ifndef TDEBUG TDEBUG=1 !endif !if "$(MEMENTO)"=="1" CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) -DMEMENTO !endif # Define the name of the executable file. !ifndef GS GS=gslib !endif # Define the directory for the final executable, and the # source, generated intermediate file, and object directories # for the graphics library (GL) and the PostScript/PDF interpreter (PS). !ifndef BINDIR BINDIR=.\bin !endif !ifndef GLSRCDIR GLSRCDIR=.\base !ifndef PSRESDIR PSRESDIR=.\Resource !endif !endif !ifndef GLGENDIR !if "$(DEBUG)"="1" GLGENDIR=.\debugobj !else GLGENDIR=.\obj !endif !endif !ifndef GLOBJDIR !if "$(DEBUG)"="1" GLOBJDIR=.\debugobj !else GLOBJDIR=.\obj !endif !endif # Do not edit the next group of lines. NUL= DD=$(GLGENDIR)\$(NUL) GLD=$(GLGENDIR)\$(NUL) # Define the directory where the IJG JPEG library sources are stored, # and the major version of the library that is stored there. # You may need to change this if the IJG library version changes. # See jpeg.mak for more information. !ifndef JSRCDIR JSRCDIR=jpeg !endif # Define the directory where the PNG library sources are stored, # and the version of the library that is stored there. # You may need to change this if the libpng version changes. # See png.mak for more information. !ifndef PNGSRCDIR PNGSRCDIR=libpng !endif # Define the directory where the zlib sources are stored. # See zlib.mak for more information. !ifndef ZSRCDIR ZSRCDIR=zlib !endif # Define the jbig2 library and source location. # See jbig2.mak for more information. !ifndef JBIG2_LIB JBIG2_LIB=jbig2dec !endif !ifndef JBIG2SRCDIR JBIG2SRCDIR=jbig2dec !endif # Define the jasper library source location. # See jasper.mak for more information. !ifndef JPX_LIB JPX_LIB=jasper !endif # Alternatively, you can build a separate DLL # and define SHARE_JPX=1 in src/winlib.mak !ifndef JPXSRCDIR JPXSRCDIR=jasper !endif # Define the directory where the lcms source is stored. # See lcms.mak for more information !ifndef LCMSSRCDIR LCMSSRCDIR=lcms !endif # Define the directory where the lcms2 source is stored. # See lcms2.mak for more information !ifndef LCMS2SRCDIR LCMS2SRCDIR=lcms2 !endif # Define any other compilation flags. !ifndef CFLAGS CFLAGS= !endif # ------ Platform-specific options ------ # # Define which major version of MSVC is being used (currently, 4, 5 & 6 supported) !ifndef MSVC_VERSION MSVC_VERSION = 6 !endif # Define the drive, directory, and compiler name for the Microsoft C files. # COMPDIR contains the compiler and linker (normally \msdev\bin). # MSINCDIR contains the include files (normally \msdev\include). # LIBDIR contains the library files (normally \msdev\lib). # COMP is the full C compiler path name (normally \msdev\bin\cl). # COMPCPP is the full C++ compiler path name (normally \msdev\bin\cl). # COMPAUX is the compiler name for DOS utilities (normally \msdev\bin\cl). # RCOMP is the resource compiler name (normallly \msdev\bin\rc). # LINK is the full linker path name (normally \msdev\bin\link). # Note that when MSINCDIR and LIBDIR are used, they always get a '\' appended, # so if you want to use the current directory, use an explicit '.'. !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 4 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO DEVSTUDIO=c:\msdev ! endif COMPBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO) SHAREDBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO) !endif !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 5 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files\Devstudio ! endif !if "$(DEVSTUDIO)"=="" COMPBASE= SHAREDBASE= !else COMPBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC SHAREDBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\SharedIDE !endif !endif !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 6 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio ! endif !if "$(DEVSTUDIO)"=="" COMPBASE= SHAREDBASE= !else COMPBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC98 SHAREDBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\Common\MSDev98 !endif !endif # Some environments don't want to specify the path names for the tools at all. # Typical definitions for such an environment would be: # MSINCDIR= LIBDIR= COMP=cl COMPAUX=cl RCOMP=rc LINK=link # COMPDIR, LINKDIR, and RCDIR are irrelevant, since they are only used to # define COMP, LINK, and RCOMP respectively, but we allow them to be # overridden anyway for completeness. !ifndef COMPDIR !if "$(COMPBASE)"=="" COMPDIR= !else COMPDIR=$(COMPBASE)\bin !endif !endif !ifndef LINKDIR !if "$(COMPBASE)"=="" LINKDIR= !else LINKDIR=$(COMPBASE)\bin !endif !endif !ifndef RCDIR !if "$(SHAREDBASE)"=="" RCDIR= !else RCDIR=$(SHAREDBASE)\bin !endif !endif !ifndef MSINCDIR !if "$(COMPBASE)"=="" MSINCDIR= !else MSINCDIR=$(COMPBASE)\include !endif !endif !ifndef LIBDIR !if "$(COMPBASE)"=="" LIBDIR= !else LIBDIR=$(COMPBASE)\lib !endif !endif !ifndef COMP !if "$(COMPDIR)"=="" COMP=cl !else COMP="$(COMPDIR)\cl" !endif !endif !ifndef COMPCPP COMPCPP=$(COMP) !endif !ifndef COMPAUX COMPAUX=$(COMP) !endif !ifndef RCOMP !if "$(RCDIR)"=="" RCOMP=rc !else RCOMP="$(RCDIR)\rc" !endif !endif !ifndef LINK !if "$(LINKDIR)"=="" LINK=link !else LINK="$(LINKDIR)\link" !endif !endif # nmake does not have a form of .BEFORE or .FIRST which can be used # to specify actions before anything else is done. If LIB and INCLUDE # are not defined then we want to define them before we link or # compile. Here is a kludge which allows us to to do what we want. # nmake does evaluate preprocessor directives when they are encountered. # So the desired set statements are put into dummy preprocessor # directives. !ifndef INCLUDE !if "$(MSINCDIR)"!="" !if [set INCLUDE=$(MSINCDIR)]==0 !endif !endif !endif !ifndef LIB !if "$(LIBDIR)"!="" !if [set LIB=$(LIBDIR)]==0 !endif !endif !endif # Define the processor architecture. (i386, ppc, alpha) !ifndef CPU_FAMILY CPU_FAMILY=i386 #CPU_FAMILY=ppc #CPU_FAMILY=alpha # not supported yet - we need someone to tweak !endif # Define the processor (CPU) type. Allowable values depend on the family: # i386: 386, 486, 586 # ppc: 601, 604, 620 # alpha: not currently used. !ifndef CPU_TYPE CPU_TYPE=486 #CPU_TYPE=601 !endif # Define the .dev module that implements thread and synchronization # primitives for this platform. Don't change this unless you really know # what you're doing. !ifndef SYNC SYNC=winsync !endif # ------ Devices and features ------ # # Choose the language feature(s) to include. See gs.mak for details. !ifndef FEATURE_DEVS FEATURE_DEVS=$(GLD)psl3lib.dev $(GLD)path1lib.dev $(GLD)dps2lib.dev $(GLD)psl2cs.dev $(GLD)cielib.dev $(GLD)imasklib.dev $(GLD)patlib.dev $(GLD)htxlib.dev $(GLD)devcmap.dev $(GLD)bbox.dev $(GLD)pipe.dev !endif # Choose whether to compile the .ps initialization files into the executable. # See gs.mak for details. !ifndef COMPILE_INITS COMPILE_INITS=1 !endif # Choose whether to store band lists on files or in memory. # The choices are 'file' or 'memory'. !ifndef BAND_LIST_STORAGE BAND_LIST_STORAGE=file !endif # Choose which compression method to use when storing band lists in memory. # The choices are 'lzw' or 'zlib'. !ifndef BAND_LIST_COMPRESSOR BAND_LIST_COMPRESSOR=zlib !endif # Choose the implementation of file I/O: 'stdio', 'fd', or 'both'. # See gs.mak and sfilefd.c for more details. !ifndef FILE_IMPLEMENTATION FILE_IMPLEMENTATION=stdio !endif # Choose the implementation of stdio: Only '' is allowed for library. # See gs.mak and ziodevs.c/ziodevsc.c for more details. STDIO_IMPLEMENTATION= # Choose the device(s) to include. See devs.mak for details, # devs.mak and contrib.mak for the list of available devices. !ifndef DEVICE_DEVS DEVICE_DEVS=$(DD)ljet2p.dev $(DD)bbox.dev DEVICE_DEVS1= DEVICE_DEVS2= DEVICE_DEVS3= DEVICE_DEVS4= DEVICE_DEVS5= DEVICE_DEVS6= DEVICE_DEVS7= DEVICE_DEVS8= DEVICE_DEVS9= DEVICE_DEVS10= DEVICE_DEVS11= DEVICE_DEVS12= DEVICE_DEVS13= DEVICE_DEVS14= DEVICE_DEVS15= DEVICE_DEVS16= DEVICE_DEVS17= DEVICE_DEVS18= DEVICE_DEVS19= DEVICE_DEVS20= !endif # ---------------------------- End of options ---------------------------- # # Define the name of the makefile -- used in dependencies. MAKEFILE=$(GLSRCDIR)\msvclib.mak TOP_MAKEFILES=$(MAKEFILE) $(GLSRCDIR)\msvccmd.mak $(GLSRCDIR)\msvctail.mak $(GLSRCDIR)\winlib.mak # Define the files to be removed by `make clean'. # nmake expands macros when encountered, not when used, # so this must precede the !include statements. BEGINFILES2=$(GLOBJDIR)\$(GS).ilk $(GLOBJDIR)\$(GS).pdb $(GLOBJDIR)\genarch.ilk $(GLOBJDIR)\genarch.pdb $(GLOBJDIR)\*.sbr $(GLOBJDIR)\cups\*.h # Define these right away because they modify the behavior of # msvccmd.mak, msvctail.mak & winlib.mak. LIB_ONLY=$(GLOBJDIR)\gslib.obj $(GLOBJDIR)\gsnogc.obj $(GLOBJDIR)\gconfig.obj $(GLOBJDIR)\gscdefs.obj $(GLOBJDIR)\gsromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).obj MAKEDLL=0 PLATFORM=mslib32_ !include $(GLSRCDIR)\version.mak !include $(GLSRCDIR)\msvccmd.mak !include $(GLSRCDIR)\winlib.mak !include $(GLSRCDIR)\msvctail.mak # -------------------------------- Library -------------------------------- # # The Windows Win32 platform for library # For some reason, C-file dependencies have to come before mslib32__.dev $(GLOBJ)gp_mslib.$(OBJ): $(GLSRC)gp_mslib.c $(AK) $(GLCCWIN) $(GLO_)gp_mslib.$(OBJ) $(C_) $(GLSRC)gp_mslib.c mslib32__=$(GLOBJ)gp_mslib.$(OBJ) $(GLGEN)mslib32_.dev: $(mslib32__) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(GLGEN)mswin32_.dev $(SETMOD) $(GLGEN)mslib32_ $(mslib32__) $(ADDMOD) $(GLGEN)mslib32_ -include $(GLGEN)mswin32_.dev # ----------------------------- Main program ------------------------------ # # The library tester EXE $(GS_XE): $(GS_ALL) $(DEVS_ALL) $(LIB_ONLY) $(LIBCTR) copy $(ld_tr) $(GLGENDIR)\gslib32.tr echo $(GLOBJDIR)\gsromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) >> $(GLGENDIR)\gslib32.tr echo $(GLOBJ)gsnogc.obj >> $(GLGENDIR)\gslib32.tr echo $(GLOBJ)gconfig.obj >> $(GLGENDIR)\gslib32.tr echo $(GLOBJ)gscdefs.obj >> $(GLGENDIR)\gslib32.tr echo /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE > $(GLGENDIR)\gslib32.rsp echo /OUT:$(GS_XE) >> $(GLGENDIR)\gslib32.rsp $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(GLGENDIR)\gslib32.rsp $(GLOBJ)gslib @$(GLGENDIR)\gslib32.tr @$(LIBCTR) -del $(GLGENDIR)\gslib32.rsp -del $(GLGENDIR)\gslib32.tr