#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2019
#see license.txt for license details
#modification of users/robin/ttflist.py.
__doc__="""This provides some general-purpose tools for finding fonts.
The FontFinder object can search for font files. It aims to build
a catalogue of fonts which our framework can work with. It may be useful
if you are building GUIs or design-time interfaces and want to present users
with a choice of fonts.
There are 3 steps to using it
1. create FontFinder and set options and directories
2. search
3. query
>>> import fontfinder
>>> ff = fontfinder.FontFinder()
>>> ff.addDirectories([dir1, dir2, dir3])
>>> ff.search()
>>> ff.getFamilyNames() #or whichever queries you want...
Because the disk search takes some time to find and parse hundreds of fonts,
it can use a cache to store a file with all fonts found. The cache file name
For each font found, it creates a structure with
- the short font name
- the long font name
- the principal file (.pfb for type 1 fonts), and the metrics file if appropriate
- the time modified (unix time stamp)
- a type code ('ttf')
- the family name
- bold and italic attributes
One common use is to display families in a dialog for end users;
then select regular, bold and italic variants of the font. To get
the initial list, use getFamilyNames; these will be in alpha order.
>>> ff.getFamilyNames()
['Bitstream Vera Sans', 'Century Schoolbook L', 'Dingbats', 'LettErrorRobot',
'MS Gothic', 'MS Mincho', 'Nimbus Mono L', 'Nimbus Roman No9 L',
'Nimbus Sans L', 'Vera', 'Standard Symbols L',
'URW Bookman L', 'URW Chancery L', 'URW Gothic L', 'URW Palladio L']
One can then obtain a specific font as follows
>>> f = ff.getFont('Bitstream Vera Sans', bold=False, italic=True)
>>> f.fullName
'Bitstream Vera Sans'
>>> f.fileName
It can also produce an XML report of fonts found by family, for the benefit
of non-Python applications.
Future plans might include using this to auto-register fonts; and making it
update itself smartly on repeated instantiation.
import sys, os, tempfile
from reportlab.lib.utils import pickle, asNative as _asNative
from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr
from reportlab.lib.utils import asBytes
from time import process_time as clock
except ImportError:
from time import clock
from hashlib import md5
except ImportError:
from md5 import md5
def asNative(s):
return _asNative(s)
return _asNative(s,enc='latin-1')
EXTENSIONS = ['.ttf','.ttc','.otf','.pfb','.pfa']
# PDF font flags (see PDF Reference Guide table 5.19)
FF_FIXED = 1 << 1-1
FF_SERIF = 1 << 2-1
FF_SYMBOLIC = 1 << 3-1
FF_SCRIPT = 1 << 4-1
FF_ITALIC = 1 << 7-1
FF_ALLCAP = 1 << 17-1
FF_SMALLCAP = 1 << 18-1
FF_FORCEBOLD = 1 << 19-1
class FontDescriptor:
"""This is a short descriptive record about a font.
typeCode should be a file extension e.g. ['ttf','ttc','otf','pfb','pfa']
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.fullName = None
self.familyName = None
self.styleName = None
self.isBold = False #true if it's somehow bold
self.isItalic = False #true if it's italic or oblique or somehow slanty
self.isFixedPitch = False
self.isSymbolic = False #false for Dingbats, Symbols etc.
self.typeCode = None #normally the extension minus the dot
self.fileName = None #full path to where we found it.
self.metricsFileName = None #defined only for type='type1pc', or 'type1mac'
self.timeModified = 0
def __repr__(self):
return "FontDescriptor(%s)" % self.name
def getTag(self):
"Return an XML tag representation"
attrs = []
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
if k not in ['timeModified']:
if v:
attrs.append('%s=%s' % (k, quoteattr(str(v))))
return ''
from reportlab.lib.utils import rl_isdir, rl_isfile, rl_listdir, rl_getmtime
class FontFinder:
def __init__(self, dirs=[], useCache=True, validate=False, recur=False, fsEncoding=None, verbose=0):
self.useCache = useCache
self.validate = validate
if fsEncoding is None:
fsEncoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
self._fsEncoding = fsEncoding or 'utf8'
self._dirs = set()
self._recur = recur
self._fonts = []
self._skippedFiles = [] #list of filenames we did not handle
self._badFiles = [] #list of filenames we rejected
self._fontsByName = {}
self._fontsByFamily = {}
self._fontsByFamilyBoldItalic = {} #indexed by bold, italic
self.verbose = verbose
def addDirectory(self, dirName, recur=None):
#aesthetics - if there are 2 copies of a font, should the first or last
#be picked up? might need reversing
if rl_isdir(dirName):
if recur if recur is not None else self._recur:
for r,D,F in os.walk(dirName):
for d in D:
def addDirectories(self, dirNames,recur=None):
for dirName in dirNames:
def getFamilyNames(self):
"Returns a list of the distinct font families found"
if not self._fontsByFamily:
fonts = self._fonts
for font in fonts:
fam = font.familyName
if fam is None: continue
if fam in self._fontsByFamily:
self._fontsByFamily[fam] = [font]
fsEncoding = self._fsEncoding
names = list(asBytes(_,enc=fsEncoding) for _ in self._fontsByFamily.keys())
return names
def getFontsInFamily(self, familyName):
"Return list of all font objects with this family name"
return self._fontsByFamily.get(familyName,[])
def getFamilyXmlReport(self):
"""Reports on all families found as XML.
lines = []
for dirName in self._dirs:
lines.append(" " % quoteattr(asNative(dirName)))
for familyName in self.getFamilyNames():
if familyName: #skip null case
lines.append(' ' % quoteattr(asNative(familyName)))
for font in self.getFontsInFamily(familyName):
lines.append(' ' + font.getTag())
lines.append(' ')
return '\n'.join(lines)
def getFontsWithAttributes(self, **kwds):
"""This is a general lightweight search."""
selected = []
for font in self._fonts:
OK = True
for k, v in kwds.items():
if getattr(font, k, None) != v:
OK = False
if OK:
return selected
def getFont(self, familyName, bold=False, italic=False):
"""Try to find a font matching the spec"""
for font in self._fonts:
if font.familyName == familyName:
if font.isBold == bold:
if font.isItalic == italic:
return font
raise KeyError("Cannot find font %s with bold=%s, italic=%s" % (familyName, bold, italic))
def _getCacheFileName(self):
"""Base this on the directories...same set of directories
should give same cache"""
fsEncoding = self._fsEncoding
hash = md5(b''.join(asBytes(_,enc=fsEncoding) for _ in sorted(self._dirs))).hexdigest()
from reportlab.lib.utils import get_rl_tempfile
fn = get_rl_tempfile('fonts_%s.dat' % hash)
return fn
def save(self, fileName):
f = open(fileName, 'wb')
pickle.dump(self, f)
def load(self, fileName):
f = open(fileName, 'rb')
finder2 = pickle.load(f)
def search(self):
if self.verbose:
started = clock()
if not self._dirs:
raise ValueError("Font search path is empty! Please specify search directories using addDirectory or addDirectories")
if self.useCache:
cfn = self._getCacheFileName()
if rl_isfile(cfn):
if self.verbose>=3:
print("loaded cached file with %d fonts (%s)" % (len(self._fonts), cfn))
pass #pickle load failed. Ho hum, maybe it's an old pickle. Better rebuild it.
from stat import ST_MTIME
for dirName in self._dirs:
fileNames = rl_listdir(dirName)
for fileName in fileNames:
root, ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)
if ext.lower() in EXTENSIONS:
#it's a font
f = FontDescriptor()
f.fileName = fileName = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirName, fileName))
f.timeModified = rl_getmtime(fileName)
ext = ext.lower()
if ext[0] == '.':
ext = ext[1:]
f.typeCode = ext #strip the dot
#what to do depends on type. We only accept .pfb if we
#have .afm to go with it, and don't handle .otf now.
if ext in ('otf', 'pfa'):
elif ext in ('ttf','ttc'):
#parsing should check it for us
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFontFile, TTFError
font = TTFontFile(fileName,validate=self.validate)
except TTFError:
f.name = font.name
f.fullName = font.fullName
f.styleName = font.styleName
f.familyName = font.familyName
f.isBold = (FF_FORCEBOLD == FF_FORCEBOLD & font.flags)
f.isItalic = (FF_ITALIC == FF_ITALIC & font.flags)
elif ext == 'pfb':
# type 1; we need an AFM file or have to skip.
if rl_isfile(os.path.join(dirName, root + '.afm')):
f.metricsFileName = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirName, root + '.afm'))
elif rl_isfile(os.path.join(dirName, root + '.AFM')):
f.metricsFileName = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirName, root + '.AFM'))
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import parseAFMFile
(info, glyphs) = parseAFMFile(f.metricsFileName)
f.name = info['FontName']
f.fullName = info.get('FullName', f.name)
f.familyName = info.get('FamilyName', None)
f.isItalic = (float(info.get('ItalicAngle', 0)) > 0.0)
#if the weight has the word bold, deem it bold
f.isBold = ('bold' in info.get('Weight','').lower())
if self.useCache:
if self.verbose:
finished = clock()
print("found %d fonts; skipped %d; bad %d. Took %0.2f seconds" % (
len(self._fonts), len(self._skippedFiles), len(self._badFiles),
finished - started
def test():
#windows-centric test maybe
from reportlab import rl_config
ff = FontFinder(verbose=rl_config.verbose)
ff.useCache = True
ff.validate = True
import reportlab
rlFontDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(reportlab.__file__), 'fonts')
print('cache file name...')
for familyName in ff.getFamilyNames():
print('\t%s' % familyName)
outw = sys.stdout.write
outw('fonts called Vera:')
for font in ff.getFontsInFamily('Bitstream Vera Sans'):
outw(' %s' % font.name)
outw('Bold fonts\n\t')
for font in ff.getFontsWithAttributes(isBold=True, isItalic=False):
outw(font.fullName+' ')
print('family report')
if __name__=='__main__':