/* For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place. */ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_USE_MATH_DEFINES) #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #endif #include // #include #include #include #include "appmodes.h" #include "canvas.h" #include "canvasmode.h" #include "pageitem_textframe.h" #include "pageitem_group.h" #include "pageitemiterator.h" #include "prefsmanager.h" #include "scpage.h" #include "scpainter.h" #include "scribusdoc.h" #include "scribusview.h" #include "selection.h" #include "ui/hruler.h" #include "ui/vruler.h" #include "util.h" #include "util_math.h" #include "units.h" #define DRAW_DEBUG_LINES 0 static QPoint contentsToViewport(QPoint p) { return p; } QDataStream &operator<< ( QDataStream & ds, const CanvasViewMode & vm ) { ds << vm.scale << vm.previewMode << vm.viewAsPreview << vm.previewVisual << vm.m_MouseButtonPressed << vm.operItemMoving << vm.operItemResizing << vm.operItemSelecting << vm.redrawPolygon << vm.linkedFramesToShow << vm.drawSelectedItemsWithControls << vm.drawFramelinksWithContents << vm.forceRedraw; return ds; } QDataStream &operator>> ( QDataStream & ds, CanvasViewMode & vm ) { ds >> vm.scale >> vm.previewMode >> vm.viewAsPreview >> vm.previewVisual >> vm.m_MouseButtonPressed >> vm.operItemMoving >> vm.operItemResizing >> vm.operItemSelecting >> vm.redrawPolygon >> vm.linkedFramesToShow >> vm.drawSelectedItemsWithControls >> vm.drawFramelinksWithContents >> vm.forceRedraw; return ds; } Canvas::Canvas(ScribusDoc* doc, ScribusView* parent) : QWidget(parent), m_doc(doc), m_view(parent) { setAutoFillBackground(true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true); m_buffer = QPixmap(); m_bufferRect = QRect(); m_renderMode = RENDER_NORMAL; } void Canvas::setPreviewVisual(int mode) { m_viewMode.previewVisual = qMax(0, mode); m_viewMode.viewAsPreview = (mode >= 0); } // ______________________________ // Coordinate Conversion Routines: FPoint Canvas::localToCanvas(QPoint p) const { /* Allow the user to select the exact coordinate represented by a ruler mark when the mouse is lined up with the ruler, rather than returning the coordinate represented by the mathematical centre of the pixel which may not be exactly the same as the coordinate represented by the ruler. */ // (xmin, xmax) = canvas top-left double xmin = m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x(); double ymin = m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y(); // (xoff, yoff) = ruler origin relative to canvas top-left double xoff = m_doc->rulerXoffset - xmin; double yoff = m_doc->rulerYoffset - ymin; if (m_doc->guidesPrefs().rulerMode) { xoff += m_doc->currentPage()->xOffset(); yoff += m_doc->currentPage()->yOffset(); } // (xsp, ysp) = spacing of ruler divisions double xsp = m_doc->view()->horizRuler->ruleSpacing(); double ysp = m_doc->view()->vertRuler->ruleSpacing(); double sc = m_viewMode.scale; // number of ruler divisions from ruler origin to ruler mark closest to the // selected mouse coordinate double xn = qRound((p.x()/sc - xoff)/xsp); double yn = qRound((p.y()/sc - yoff)/ysp); // xn*xsp + xoff, yn*ysp + yoff = distance in canvas coordinates // from canvas top-left to ruler mark closest to selected mouse coordinate // If these round to the selected mouse coordinate, use these to define // (x,y), the coordinates of the desired point relative to the canvas top-left. // Otherwise, simply scale the mouse coordinates. double x = ( qRound(sc*(xn*xsp + xoff)) == p.x() ? xn * xsp + xoff : p.x() / sc ); double y = ( qRound(sc*(yn*ysp + yoff)) == p.y() ? yn * ysp + yoff : p.y() / sc ); // Finally, add xmin,ymin to get the absolute canvas coordinates of the // desired point. return FPoint(x + xmin, y + ymin); } /* FPoint Canvas::localToCanvas(QPointF p) const { return FPoint(p.x() / m_viewMode.scale + m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() , p.y() / m_viewMode.scale + m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y()); } */ QPoint Canvas::canvasToLocal(const FPoint& p) const { return { qRound((p.x() - m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x()) * m_viewMode.scale), qRound((p.y() - m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y()) * m_viewMode.scale) }; } QPoint Canvas::canvasToLocal(QPointF p) const { return { qRound((p.x() - m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x()) * m_viewMode.scale), qRound((p.y() - m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y()) * m_viewMode.scale) }; } QRect Canvas::canvasToLocal(const QRectF& p) const { return { qRound((p.x() - m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x()) * m_viewMode.scale), qRound((p.y() - m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y()) * m_viewMode.scale), qRound(p.width() * m_viewMode.scale), qRound(p.height() * m_viewMode.scale) }; } QRectF Canvas::canvasToLocalF(const QRectF& p) const { return { (p.x() - m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x()) * m_viewMode.scale, (p.y() - m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y()) * m_viewMode.scale, p.width() * m_viewMode.scale, p.height() * m_viewMode.scale }; } QPoint Canvas::canvasToGlobal(const FPoint& p) const { return mapToParent(QPoint(0,0)) + parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)) + canvasToLocal(p); } QPoint Canvas::canvasToGlobal(QPointF p) const { return mapToParent(QPoint(0,0)) + parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)) + canvasToLocal(p); } QRect Canvas::canvasToGlobal(const QRectF& p) const { return { mapToParent(QPoint(0,0) + canvasToLocal(p.topLeft())) + parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)), QSize(qRound(p.width() * m_viewMode.scale), qRound(p.height() * m_viewMode.scale)) }; } FPoint Canvas::globalToCanvas(QPoint p) const { return localToCanvas(p - (mapToParent(QPoint(0, 0)) + parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)))); } /* FPoint Canvas::globalToCanvas(QPointF p) const { return localToCanvas(p - mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0))); } */ QRectF Canvas::globalToCanvas(QRect p) const { FPoint org = globalToCanvas(p.topLeft()); return { org.x(), org.y(), p.width() / m_viewMode.scale, p.height() / m_viewMode.scale }; } /* QRectF Canvas::globalToCanvas(QRectF p) const { FPoint org = globalToCanvas(p.topLeft()); return QRectF(org.x(), org.y(), p.width() / m_viewMode.scale, p.height() / m_viewMode.scale); } */ // ________________________ // Tests for Finding Things: bool Canvas::hitsCanvasPoint(QPoint globalPoint, const FPoint& canvasPoint) const { QPoint localPoint1 = globalPoint - (mapToParent(QPoint(0,0)) + parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0))); QPoint localPoint2 = canvasToLocal(canvasPoint); int radius = m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius; return qAbs(localPoint1.x() - localPoint2.x()) < radius && qAbs(localPoint1.y() - localPoint2.y()) < radius; } bool Canvas::hitsCanvasPoint(QPoint globalPoint, QPointF canvasPoint) const { QPoint localPoint1 = globalPoint - (mapToParent(QPoint(0,0)) + parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0))); QPoint localPoint2 = canvasToLocal(canvasPoint); int radius = m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius; return qAbs(localPoint1.x() - localPoint2.x()) < radius && qAbs(localPoint1.y() - localPoint2.y()) < radius; } bool Canvas::hitsCanvasPoint(const FPoint& globalPoint, const QPointF& canvasPoint) const { double radius = m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius; return qAbs(globalPoint.x() - canvasPoint.x()) < radius && qAbs(globalPoint.y() - canvasPoint.y()) < radius; } QRect Canvas::exposedRect() const { int ex( -(x() / m_viewMode.scale) + m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x()); int ey( -(y() / m_viewMode.scale) + m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y()); int ew( (m_view->visibleWidth() * 1.2) / m_viewMode.scale); int eh( (m_view->visibleHeight() * 1.2) / m_viewMode.scale); return { ex, ey, ew, eh }; } /// Little helper to calculate |p|^2 static double length2(const QPointF& p) { return p.x()*p.x() + p.y()*p.y(); } /*! returns -1 if canvasPoint is outside the frame + grabradius. returns frameHandle if canvasPoint is near a framehandle otherwise 0 */ Canvas::FrameHandle Canvas::frameHitTest(QPointF canvasPoint, PageItem* item) const { // As item->getTransform() will translate to Pos, we need to adjust the rect passed // to frameHitTest in order to take line width, which in very *creative* design can // be huge, into account. // ### might be interesting to investigate if it would be painless to just change // PageItem::getTransform. double extraS = - item->visualLineWidth() / 2.0; // if (item->lineColor() != CommonStrings::None) // extraS = (item->lineWidth() / -2.0); if (item->isTextFrame() && (m_doc->appMode == modeEdit) && !item->asTextFrame()->availableRegion().contains(item->getTransform().inverted().map(canvasPoint.toPoint()))) return OUTSIDE; QRectF visualRect = item->isLine() ? QRectF(0, extraS, item->visualWidth(), item->visualHeight()) : QRectF(extraS, extraS, item->visualWidth(), item->visualHeight()); Canvas::FrameHandle result = frameHitTest(item->getTransform().inverted().map(canvasPoint), visualRect); // qDebug() << "frameHitTest for item" << item->ItemNr // << item->getTransform().inverted().map(canvasPoint) // << item->getTransform().inverted() // << QRectF(0, 0, item->width(), item->height()); return result; } Canvas::FrameHandle Canvas::frameHitTest(QPointF canvasPoint, const QRectF& frame) const { FrameHandle result = INSIDE; const double radius = m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius / m_viewMode.scale; const double radius2 = radius * radius; double resultDistance = radius2 * 10.0; // far off const double frameWidth = frame.width(); const double frameHeight = frame.height(); const QPointF frameOrigin = frame.topLeft(); if (canvasPoint.x() < frameOrigin.x() - radius || canvasPoint.x() > frameOrigin.x() + frameWidth + radius || canvasPoint.y() < frameOrigin.y() - radius || canvasPoint.y() > frameOrigin.y() + frameHeight + radius) { // qDebug() << "framehittest" << canvasPoint << frame << "-> OUTSIDE"; return OUTSIDE; } QPointF framePoint = frameOrigin; double distance = length2(canvasPoint - framePoint); if (distance < radius2 && distance < resultDistance) { result = NORTHWEST; resultDistance = distance; } framePoint.setX(frameOrigin.x() + frameWidth/2); distance = length2(canvasPoint - framePoint); if (distance < radius2 && distance < resultDistance) { result = NORTH; resultDistance = distance; } framePoint.setX(frameOrigin.x() + frameWidth); distance = length2(canvasPoint - framePoint); if (distance < radius2 && distance < resultDistance) { result = NORTHEAST; resultDistance = distance; } framePoint.setY(frameOrigin.y() + frameHeight/2); distance = length2(canvasPoint - framePoint); if (distance < radius2 && distance < resultDistance) { result = EAST; resultDistance = distance; } framePoint.setY(frameOrigin.y() + frameHeight); distance = length2(canvasPoint - framePoint); if (distance < radius2 && distance < resultDistance) { result = SOUTHEAST; resultDistance = distance; } framePoint.setX(frameOrigin.x() + frameWidth/2); distance = length2(canvasPoint - framePoint); if (distance < radius2 && distance < resultDistance) { result = SOUTH; resultDistance = distance; } framePoint.setX(frameOrigin.x()); distance = length2(canvasPoint - framePoint); if (distance < radius2 && distance < resultDistance) { result = SOUTHWEST; resultDistance = distance; } framePoint.setY(frameOrigin.y() + frameHeight/2); distance = length2(canvasPoint - framePoint); if (distance < radius2 && distance < resultDistance) { result = WEST; //resultDistance = distance; } // qDebug() << "framehittest" << canvasPoint << frame << "->" << result; return result; } PageItem* Canvas::itemUnderCursor(QPoint globalPos, PageItem* itemAbove, bool allowInGroup, bool allowMasterItems) const { PageItem* currItem; QRectF mouseArea = globalToCanvas(QRect(globalPos, QSize(2*m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius, 2*m_doc->guidesPrefs().grabRadius))); // look for masterpage items first if (allowMasterItems && !m_doc->masterPageMode() && m_doc->currentPage()->FromMaster.count() != 0) { ScPage* Mp = m_doc->MasterPages.at(m_doc->MasterNames[m_doc->currentPage()->masterPageName()]); // if itemAbove is given, we expect to find it among the masterpage items of this page int currNr = itemAbove? m_doc->currentPage()->FromMaster.indexOf(itemAbove)-1 : m_doc->currentPage()->FromMaster.count()-1; if (currNr < 0) return nullptr; while (currNr >= 0) { currItem = m_doc->currentPage()->FromMaster.at(currNr); QTransform itemPos; if (m_doc->canSelectItemOnLayer(currItem->m_layerID)) { if (!currItem->ChangedMasterItem) { itemPos.translate(-Mp->xOffset() + m_doc->currentPage()->xOffset(), -Mp->yOffset() + m_doc->currentPage()->yOffset()); } currItem->getTransform(itemPos); QPainterPath currPath; if (currItem->isLine()) { double visualLineWidth = currItem->visualLineWidth(); currPath.moveTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(0.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0))); currPath.lineTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(currItem->width(), -visualLineWidth / 2.0))); currPath.lineTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(currItem->width(), visualLineWidth / 2.0))); currPath.lineTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(0.0, visualLineWidth / 2.0))); } else { currPath.moveTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(0, 0))); currPath.lineTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(currItem->width(), 0))); currPath.lineTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(currItem->width(), currItem->height()))); currPath.lineTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(0, currItem->height()))); } currPath.closeSubpath(); QPainterPath currClip; currClip.addPolygon(itemPos.map(QPolygonF(currItem->Clip))); currClip.closeSubpath(); if (currPath.intersects(mouseArea) || currClip.intersects(mouseArea)) { if (currItem->isGroup() && allowInGroup) { currItem->asGroupFrame()->adjustXYPosition(); PageItem* ret = itemInGroup(currItem, mouseArea); if (ret != nullptr) return ret; } return currItem; } } --currNr; } } // now look for normal items if (m_doc->Items->isEmpty()) return nullptr; QList *itemList = (itemAbove && itemAbove->isGroupChild()) ? &itemAbove->parentGroup()->groupItemList : m_doc->Items; int currNr = itemAbove ? itemList->indexOf(itemAbove) - 1 : itemList->count() - 1; while (currNr >= 0) { currItem = itemList->at(currNr); if ((m_doc->masterPageMode()) && (!((currItem->OwnPage == -1) || (currItem->OwnPage == static_cast(m_doc->currentPage()->pageNr()))))) { --currNr; continue; } if ((m_doc->drawAsPreview && !m_doc->editOnPreview) && !(currItem->isAnnotation() || currItem->isGroup())) { --currNr; continue; } if (m_doc->canSelectItemOnLayer(currItem->m_layerID)) { QTransform itemPos = currItem->getTransform(); QPainterPath currPath; if (currItem->isLine()) { double visualLineWidth = currItem->visualLineWidth(); currPath.moveTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(0.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0))); currPath.lineTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(currItem->width(), -visualLineWidth / 2.0))); currPath.lineTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(currItem->width(), visualLineWidth / 2.0))); currPath.lineTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(0.0, visualLineWidth / 2.0))); } else { currPath.moveTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(0, 0))); currPath.lineTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(currItem->width(), 0))); currPath.lineTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(currItem->width(), currItem->height()))); currPath.lineTo(itemPos.map(QPointF(0, currItem->height()))); } currPath.closeSubpath(); QPainterPath currClip; currClip.addPolygon(itemPos.map(QPolygonF(currItem->Clip))); currClip.closeSubpath(); if (currPath.intersects(mouseArea) || currClip.intersects(mouseArea)) { if (currItem->isGroup() && allowInGroup) { currItem->asGroupFrame()->adjustXYPosition(); PageItem* ret = itemInGroup(currItem, mouseArea); if (ret != nullptr) { if ((m_doc->drawAsPreview && !m_doc->editOnPreview) && !ret->isAnnotation()) return nullptr; return ret; } } return currItem; } } --currNr; } return nullptr; } bool Canvas::cursorOverTextFrameControl(QPoint globalPos, PageItem* frame) { FPoint mp=globalToCanvas(globalPos); qreal sideLength = 10 / qMax(m_viewMode.scale, 1.0); qreal left = frame->xPos() + frame->width() - sideLength;// / 2; qreal right = left + sideLength; qreal top = frame->yPos() + frame->height() - sideLength;// * 1.5; qreal bottom = top + sideLength; return mp.x()>left && mp.x()top && mp.y()xPos(), frame->yPos()); return tg.contains(QPointF(mp.x(), mp.y())); } PageItem* Canvas::itemInGroup(PageItem* group, const QRectF& mouseArea) const { int currNr = group->groupItemList.count() - 1; while (currNr >= 0) { PageItem* embedded = group->groupItemList.at(currNr); QTransform itemPosN = embedded->getTransform(); QPainterPath currPath(itemPosN.map(QPointF(0, 0))); currPath.lineTo(itemPosN.map(QPointF(embedded->width(), 0))); currPath.lineTo(itemPosN.map(QPointF(embedded->width(), embedded->height()))); currPath.lineTo(itemPosN.map(QPointF(0, embedded->height()))); currPath.closeSubpath(); QPainterPath currClip; currClip.addPolygon(itemPosN.map(QPolygonF(embedded->Clip))); currClip.closeSubpath(); currClip.translate(embedded->gXpos, embedded->gYpos); if (currPath.intersects(mouseArea) || currClip.intersects(mouseArea)) { if (embedded->isGroup()) { PageItem* ret = itemInGroup(embedded, mouseArea); if (ret != nullptr) return ret; } else return embedded; } --currNr; } return nullptr; } PageItem * Canvas::itemUnderItem(PageItem * item, int& index) const { int indice = qMin(index, m_doc->Items->count()); if (index < 0 || indice < 0) return nullptr; int itemid = m_doc->Items->indexOf(item); QRectF baseRect(item->getBoundingRect()); int itemLevel = m_doc->layerLevelFromID(item->m_layerID); if (itemLevel < 0) return nullptr; for(index = indice - 1; index >= 0; --index) { PageItem* item1 = m_doc->Items->at(index); int item1id = m_doc->Items->indexOf(item1); int level = m_doc->layerLevelFromID(item1->m_layerID); if ((item != item1) && (level >= 0) && (level <= itemLevel)) { if ((level == itemLevel) && (item1id > itemid)) continue; QRectF uRect(item1->getBoundingRect()); if (baseRect.intersects(uRect)) return item1; } } return nullptr; } // __________________ // Buffered rendering: /* Rendermodes: m_buffer holds the current page(s) m_bufferRect describes the contents in local coordinates: minCanvasCoordinate |-> local (0,0) (0,0) |-> local (scale*minCanvasCoordinate) local m_bufferRect.topLeft |-> buffer (0,0) */ void Canvas::setRenderMode(RenderMode mode) { // qDebug() << "setRenderMode" << m_renderMode << "-->" << mode; if ( (mode < RENDER_SELECTION_SEPARATE) != (m_renderMode < RENDER_SELECTION_SEPARATE) ) { clearBuffers(); } m_renderMode = mode; } void Canvas::clearBuffers() { m_buffer = QPixmap(); m_bufferRect = QRect(); m_selectionBuffer = QPixmap(); m_selectionRect = QRect(); } void Canvas::setScale(double scale) { if (m_viewMode.scale == scale) return; m_viewMode.scale = scale; clearBuffers(); update(); } bool Canvas::adjustBuffer() { bool ret = false; QRect viewport(-x(), -y(), m_view->viewport()->width(), m_view->viewport()->height()); // qDebug()<<"Canvas::adjustBuffer"< viewport.left()) newRect.translate(viewport.left() - m_bufferRect.left(), 0); if (m_bufferRect.right() < viewport.right()) newRect.translate(viewport.right() - m_bufferRect.right(), 0); if (m_bufferRect.top() > viewport.top()) newRect.translate(0, viewport.top() - m_bufferRect.top()); if (m_bufferRect.bottom() < viewport.bottom()) newRect.translate(0, viewport.bottom() - m_bufferRect.bottom()); // qDebug() << "adjust buffer: " << m_bufferRect << "outside viewport" << viewport << " new rect:" << newRect; if (!m_bufferRect.intersects(newRect)) { // qDebug() << "adjust buffer: fresh buffer" << m_bufferRect << "-->" << newRect; m_bufferRect = newRect; m_buffer = createPixmap(m_bufferRect.width(), m_bufferRect.height()); fillBuffer(&m_buffer, m_bufferRect.topLeft(), m_bufferRect); ret = true; #if DRAW_DEBUG_LINES QPainter p(&m_buffer); p.setPen(Qt::blue); p.drawLine(0, 0, m_buffer.width(), m_buffer.height()); p.drawLine(m_buffer.width(), 0, 0, m_buffer.height()); p.end(); #endif } else { // copy buffer: QPixmap newBuffer = createPixmap(newRect.width(), newRect.height()); QPainter p(&newBuffer); int xpos = m_bufferRect.x() - newRect.x(); int ypos = m_bufferRect.y() - newRect.y(); int x = 0; int y = 0; int width = m_bufferRect.width(); int height = m_bufferRect.height(); if (xpos < 0) { x = -xpos; width -= x; xpos = 0; } if (ypos < 0) { y = -ypos; height -= y; ypos = 0; } if (xpos + width > newRect.width()) { width = newRect.width() - xpos; } if (ypos + height > newRect.height()) { height = newRect.height() - ypos; } drawPixmap(p, xpos, ypos, m_buffer, x, y, width + 1, height + 1); #if DRAW_DEBUG_LINES p.setPen(Qt::blue); p.drawLine(xpos, ypos+height/2, xpos+width/2, ypos); p.drawLine(xpos+width, ypos+height/2, xpos+width/2, ypos); p.drawLine(xpos, ypos+height/2, xpos+width/2, ypos+height); p.drawLine(xpos+width, ypos+height/2, xpos+width/2, ypos+height); // qDebug() << "adjust buffer old" << m_bufferRect << "@" << xpos << ypos << "--> new" << newRect; #endif p.end(); // #8548, #13470 do not return true in this case, we only partially update buffer content // and the redraw rect from paintEvent may not be included in the updated area if // canvas has just been resized, after an object has been put in scrap area for eg. if (newRect.top() < m_bufferRect.top()) { fillBuffer(&newBuffer, newRect.topLeft(), QRect(newRect.left(), newRect.top(), newRect.width(), m_bufferRect.top() - newRect.top() + 2)); //ret = true; } if (newRect.bottom() > m_bufferRect.bottom()) { fillBuffer(&newBuffer, newRect.topLeft(), QRect(newRect.left(), m_bufferRect.bottom() - 1, newRect.width(), newRect.bottom() - m_bufferRect.bottom() + 2)); //ret = true; } if (newRect.left() < m_bufferRect.left()) { fillBuffer(&newBuffer, newRect.topLeft(), QRect(newRect.left(), m_bufferRect.top(), m_bufferRect.left() - newRect.left() + 2, m_bufferRect.height())); //ret = true; } if (newRect.right() > m_bufferRect.right()) { fillBuffer(&newBuffer, newRect.topLeft(), QRect(m_bufferRect.right() - 1, m_bufferRect.top(), newRect.right() - m_bufferRect.right() + 2, m_bufferRect.height())); //ret = true; } m_buffer = newBuffer; m_bufferRect = newRect; #if DRAW_DEBUG_LINES QPainter p2(&m_buffer); p2.setPen(Qt::blue); p2.drawRect(xpos, ypos, width, height); p2.end(); #endif } } // else // qDebug() << "adjustBuffer: reusing" << m_bufferRect; // qDebug() << "Canvas::adjustBuffer"<rect()<isLoading() || !m_doc->DoDrawing) return; // #define SHOW_ME_WHAT_YOU_GET_IN_D_CANVA #ifdef SHOW_ME_WHAT_YOU_GET_IN_D_CANVA QTime t; QString dmode(""); int t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6; t1 = t2=t3=t4=t5 =t6= 0; t.start(); #endif // fill buffer if necessary bool bufferFilled = adjustBuffer(); QPainter qp(this); switch (m_renderMode) { case RENDER_NORMAL: { #if DRAW_DEBUG_LINES // qDebug() << "update Buffer:" << m_bufferRect << p->rect() << m_viewMode.forceRedraw; #endif #ifdef SHOW_ME_WHAT_YOU_GET_IN_D_CANVA dmode = "NORMAL"; t1 = t.elapsed(); t.start(); #endif if ((m_viewMode.forceRedraw || m_viewMode.operTextSelecting) && (!bufferFilled)) { // qDebug() << "Canvas::paintEvent: forceRedraw=" << m_viewMode.forceRedraw << "bufferFilled=" << bufferFilled; fillBuffer(&m_buffer, m_bufferRect.topLeft(), p->rect()); } #ifdef SHOW_ME_WHAT_YOU_GET_IN_D_CANVA t2 = t.elapsed(); t.start(); #endif int xV = p->rect().x() - m_bufferRect.x(); int yV = p->rect().y() - m_bufferRect.y(); int wV = p->rect().width(); int hV = p->rect().height(); if (hV > 0 && wV > 0) { drawPixmap(qp, p->rect().x(), p->rect().y(), m_buffer, xV, yV, wV, hV); #if DRAW_DEBUG_LINES // qDebug() << "normal rendering" << xV << yV << wV << hV << "at" << p->rect().x() << p->rect().y(); qp.setPen(Qt::blue); qp.drawLine(p->rect().x(), p->rect().y(), p->rect().x() + p->rect().width(), p->rect().y() + p->rect().height()); qp.drawLine(p->rect().x() + p->rect().width(), p->rect().y(), p->rect().x(), p->rect().y() + p->rect().height()); #endif } } #ifdef SHOW_ME_WHAT_YOU_GET_IN_D_CANVA t3 = t.elapsed(); t.start(); #endif if (m_doc->appMode != modeNormal) { qp.save(); qp.scale(m_viewMode.scale, m_viewMode.scale); qp.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); drawControls( &qp ); qp.restore(); } #ifdef SHOW_ME_WHAT_YOU_GET_IN_D_CANVA t4 = t.elapsed(); t.start(); #endif break; case RENDER_BUFFERED: { #ifdef SHOW_ME_WHAT_YOU_GET_IN_D_CANVA dmode = "BUFFER"; t1 = t.elapsed(); t.start(); #endif int xV = p->rect().x() - m_bufferRect.x(); int yV = p->rect().y() - m_bufferRect.y(); int wV = p->rect().width(); int hV = p->rect().height(); if (xV < 0) { wV += xV; xV = 0; } if (yV < 0) { hV += yV; yV = 0; } #ifdef SHOW_ME_WHAT_YOU_GET_IN_D_CANVA t2 = t.elapsed(); t.start(); #endif if (hV > 0 && wV > 0) { drawPixmap(qp, p->rect().x(), p->rect().y(), m_buffer, xV, yV, wV, hV); #if DRAW_DEBUG_LINES // qDebug() << "buffered rendering" << xV << yV << wV << hV << "at" << p->rect().x() << p->rect().y(); qp.setPen(Qt::green); qp.drawLine(p->rect().x(), p->rect().y(), p->rect().x() + p->rect().width(), p->rect().y() + p->rect().height()); qp.drawLine(p->rect().x() + p->rect().width(), p->rect().y(), p->rect().x(), p->rect().y() + p->rect().height()); #endif } #ifdef SHOW_ME_WHAT_YOU_GET_IN_D_CANVA t3 = t.elapsed(); t.start(); #endif if (m_doc->appMode != modeNormal) { qp.save(); qp.scale(m_viewMode.scale, m_viewMode.scale); qp.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x(), -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y()); drawControls( &qp ); qp.restore(); } #ifdef SHOW_ME_WHAT_YOU_GET_IN_D_CANVA t4 = t.elapsed(); t.start(); #endif } break; case RENDER_SELECTION_SEPARATE: break; case RENDER_SELECTION_BUFFERED: break; case RENDER_LEGACY: default: assert (false); } #ifdef SHOW_ME_WHAT_YOU_GET_IN_D_CANVA t5 = t.elapsed(); t.start(); #endif // does mode specific rendering, currently selection in legacymode and nodes in nodeedit m_view->m_canvasMode->drawControls(&qp); m_view->m_canvasMode->drawSnapLine(&qp); #ifdef SHOW_ME_WHAT_YOU_GET_IN_D_CANVA t6 = t.elapsed(); qDebug()<Pages->count(); ScPainter *painter = nullptr; QImage img = QImage(clipw * devicePixelRatioF(), cliph * devicePixelRatioF(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); img.setDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatioF()); painter = new ScPainter(&img, img.width(), img.height(), 1.0, 0); painter->clear(palette().color(QPalette::Window)); painter->newPath(); painter->moveTo(0, 0); painter->lineTo(clipw, 0); painter->lineTo(clipw, cliph); painter->lineTo(0, cliph); painter->closePath(); painter->setClipPath(); painter->translate(-clipx, -clipy); painter->setZoomFactor(m_viewMode.scale); painter->translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x(), -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y()); painter->setLineWidth(1); painter->setFillMode(ScPainter::Solid); ScLayer layer; layer.isViewable = false; layer.ID = 0; if (!m_doc->masterPageMode()) { drawBackgroundPageOutlines(painter, clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph); m_viewMode.linkedFramesToShow.clear(); QRectF clip = QRectF(clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph); DrawPageBorder(painter, clip); if (m_viewMode.viewAsPreview) { FPointArray PoLine; getClipPathForPages(&PoLine); painter->beginLayer(1.0, 0, &PoLine); } else painter->beginLayer(1.0, 0); int renderStackCount = m_doc->guidesPrefs().renderStackOrder.count(); for (int r = 0; r < renderStackCount; r++) { int ri = m_doc->guidesPrefs().renderStackOrder[r]; if (ri == 0) { if (!m_viewMode.viewAsPreview) DrawPageMargins(painter, clip); // drawing stack id = 0 } else if (ri == 1) { if (!m_viewMode.viewAsPreview) DrawPageBaselineGrid(painter, clip); // drawing stack id = 1 } else if (ri == 2) { if (!m_viewMode.viewAsPreview) DrawPageGrid(painter, clip); // drawing stack id = 2 } else if (ri == 3) { if (!m_viewMode.viewAsPreview) DrawPageGuides(painter, clip); // drawing stack id = 3 } else if (ri == 4) { int layerCount = m_doc->layerCount(); // drawing stack id = 4 for (int layerLevel = 0; layerLevel < layerCount; ++layerLevel) { m_doc->Layers.levelToLayer(layer, layerLevel); for (int a = 0; a < docPagesCount; ++a) { DrawMasterItems(painter, m_doc->Pages->at(a), layer, QRect(clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph)); } //first pass draws all except notes frames DrawPageItems(painter, layer, QRect(clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph), false); //seconf only for notes frames DrawPageItems(painter, layer, QRect(clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph), true); } } } if (!m_viewMode.viewAsPreview) DrawPageIndicator(painter, clip); painter->endLayer(); } else // masterPageMode { m_viewMode.linkedFramesToShow.clear(); drawBackgroundMasterpage(painter, clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph); painter->beginLayer(1.0, 0); QRectF clip = QRectF(clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph); DrawPageBorder(painter, clip, true); int renderStackCount = m_doc->guidesPrefs().renderStackOrder.count(); for (int r = 0; r < renderStackCount; r++) { int ri = m_doc->guidesPrefs().renderStackOrder[r]; if (ri == 0) { DrawPageMargins(painter, clip, true); // drawing stack id = 0 } else if (ri == 1) { DrawPageBaselineGrid(painter, clip, true); // drawing stack id = 1 } else if (ri == 2) { DrawPageGrid(painter, clip, true); // drawing stack id = 2 } else if (ri == 3) { DrawPageGuides(painter, clip, true); // drawing stack id = 3 } else if (ri == 4) { int layerCount = m_doc->layerCount(); // drawing stack id = 4 for (int layerLevel = 0; layerLevel < layerCount; ++layerLevel) { m_doc->Layers.levelToLayer(layer, layerLevel); //first pass draws all except notes frames DrawPageItems(painter, layer, QRect(clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph), false); //second pass draw only notes frames DrawPageItems(painter, layer, QRect(clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph), true); } } } DrawPageIndicator(painter, clip, true); painter->endLayer(); } if (((m_doc->m_Selection->count() != 0) || (m_viewMode.linkedFramesToShow.count() != 0)) && (!m_viewMode.viewAsPreview)) { drawFrameLinks(painter); } painter->end(); psx->drawImage(clipx, clipy, img); delete painter; painter=nullptr; // qDebug( "Time elapsed: %d ms, setup=%d, outlines=%d, background=%d, contents=%d, rest=%d", tim.elapsed(), Tsetup,Toutlines -Tsetup, Tbackground-Toutlines, Tcontents-Tbackground, tim.elapsed() - Tcontents ); } void Canvas::drawControls(QPainter *psx) { psx->save(); if ((m_doc->appMode == modeDrawBezierLine) && (!m_viewMode.redrawPolygon.isEmpty()) && (m_doc->m_Selection->count() != 0)) { drawControlsBezierCurve(psx, m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0)); } if (m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed && (m_doc->appMode == modeMeasurementTool)) { drawControlsMeasurementLine(psx); } if (m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed && (m_doc->appMode == modeDrawLine)) { drawControlsDrawLine(psx); } if (m_viewMode.operItemMoving || m_viewMode.operItemResizing) { if (m_viewMode.operItemResizing) { if (!m_viewMode.redrawPolygon.isEmpty()) { if (m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed && ((m_doc->appMode == modeDrawFreehandLine) || (m_doc->appMode == modeDrawCalligraphicLine))) { drawControlsFreehandLine(psx); } else if (m_doc->appMode != modeDrawFreehandLine) { // qDebug() << "XXX drawControls - operItemResizing"; assert(false); // drawControlsHighlightRect(psx); } } } else { drawControlsMovingItemsRect(psx); } } else { if ((m_doc->m_Selection->count() != 0) && (m_doc->appMode != modeDrawBezierLine)) { // drawControlsSelection(psx, m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0)); /* PageItem *currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); if ((m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip) && (currItem->isSelected())) { drawControlsNodeEditPoints(psx, currItem); } else { drawControlsSelectionSpecial(psx, currItem); }*/ } } psx->restore(); } /** */ void Canvas::drawControlsMovingItemsRect(QPainter* pp) { int selectedItemCount = m_doc->m_Selection->count(); if (selectedItemCount <= 0) return; PageItem *currItem = nullptr; if (selectedItemCount >= moveWithBoxesOnlyThreshold) { double gx, gy, gw, gh; m_doc->m_Selection->getGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh); pp->translate(gx, gy); pp->drawRect(QRectF(0.0, 0.0, gw, gh)); return; } for (int cu = 0; cu < selectedItemCount; cu++) { currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(cu); pp->save(); pp->translate(currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos()); pp->rotate(currItem->rotation()); pp->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); pp->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1.0 / m_viewMode.scale, Qt::DotLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin)); if (currItem->isGroup()) { PageItem_Group* gItem = currItem->asGroupFrame(); pp->scale(gItem->width() / gItem->groupWidth, gItem->height() / gItem->groupHeight); int itemCountG = gItem->groupItemList.count(); if (itemCountG < moveWithFullOutlinesThreshold) { for (int cg = 0; cg < itemCountG; cg++) { currItem = gItem->groupItemList.at(cg); if (!(currItem->isLine())) currItem->DrawPolyL(pp, currItem->Clip); else { if (currItem->isLine()) { int lw2 = 1; int lw = 1; Qt::PenCapStyle le = Qt::FlatCap; if (currItem->NamedLStyle.isEmpty()) { if (currItem->lineColor() != CommonStrings::None) { lw2 = qRound(currItem->lineWidth() / 2.0); lw = qRound(qMax(currItem->lineWidth(), 1.0)); } le = currItem->PLineEnd; } else { multiLine ml = m_doc->docLineStyles[currItem->NamedLStyle]; lw2 = qRound(ml[ml.size()-1].Width / 2.0); lw = qRound(qMax(ml[ml.size()-1].Width, 1.0)); le = static_cast(ml[ml.size()-1].LineEnd); } if (le != Qt::FlatCap) pp->drawRect(-lw2, -lw2, qRound(currItem->width())+lw, lw); else pp->drawRect(-1, -lw2, qRound(currItem->width()), lw); } } } } } else if (selectedItemCount < moveWithFullOutlinesThreshold) { if (!currItem->asLine()) currItem->DrawPolyL(pp, currItem->Clip); else { int lw2 = 1; int lw = 1; Qt::PenCapStyle le = Qt::FlatCap; if (currItem->NamedLStyle.isEmpty()) { if (currItem->lineColor() != CommonStrings::None) { lw2 = qRound(currItem->lineWidth() / 2.0); lw = qRound(qMax(currItem->lineWidth(), 1.0)); } le = currItem->PLineEnd; } else { multiLine ml = m_doc->docLineStyles[currItem->NamedLStyle]; lw2 = qRound(ml[ml.size()-1].Width / 2.0); lw = qRound(qMax(ml[ml.size()-1].Width, 1.0)); le = static_cast(ml[ml.size()-1].LineEnd); } if (le != Qt::FlatCap) pp->drawRect(-lw2, -lw2, qRound(currItem->width())+lw, lw); else pp->drawRect(-1, -lw2, qRound(currItem->width()), lw); } } else pp->drawRect(0, 0, static_cast(currItem->width())+1, static_cast(currItem->height())+1); pp->restore(); } } /** draws the bezier curve in edit bezier mode */ void Canvas::drawControlsBezierCurve(QPainter* pp, PageItem* currItem) { pp->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); pp->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1.0 / m_viewMode.scale, Qt::DotLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin)); pp->translate(static_cast(currItem->xPos()), static_cast(currItem->yPos())); pp->rotate(currItem->rotation()); QPainterPath Bez; if (currItem->PoLine.size() > 1) { QPoint nXY = m_viewMode.redrawPolygon.point(0); if (!m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed) { FPoint a1 = currItem->PoLine.point(currItem->PoLine.size()-2); FPoint a2 = currItem->PoLine.point(currItem->PoLine.size()-1); Bez.moveTo(a1.x(), a1.y()); Bez.cubicTo(a2.x(), a2.y(), nXY.x(), nXY.y(), nXY.x(), nXY.y()); pp->drawPath(Bez); } else { FPoint a2 = currItem->PoLine.point(currItem->PoLine.size()-1); if (currItem->PoLine.size() > 2) { FPoint a1 = currItem->PoLine.point(currItem->PoLine.size()-2); FPoint a3 = currItem->PoLine.point(currItem->PoLine.size()-3); Bez.moveTo(a3.x(), a3.y()); Bez.cubicTo(a1.x(), a1.y(), nXY.x(), nXY.y(), a2.x(), a2.y()); pp->drawPath(Bez); } pp->drawLine(QPoint(qRound(a2.x()), qRound(a2.y())), nXY); } } else { QPoint a2 = currItem->PoLine.pointQ(currItem->PoLine.size()-1); QPoint nXY = m_viewMode.redrawPolygon.point(0); pp->drawLine(a2, nXY); } m_viewMode.redrawPolygon.clear(); } /** draws the measurement line in measure mode */ void Canvas::drawControlsMeasurementLine(QPainter* pp) { pp->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); pp->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1.0, Qt::DotLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin)); pp->drawPolyline(m_viewMode.redrawPolygon); m_viewMode.redrawPolygon.clear(); } /** draws the line in drawline mode */ void Canvas::drawControlsDrawLine(QPainter* pp) { pp->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); pp->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1.0 / m_viewMode.scale, Qt::DotLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin)); pp->drawPolyline(m_viewMode.redrawPolygon); m_viewMode.redrawPolygon.clear(); } /** draws the freehand curve in freehand mode */ void Canvas::drawControlsFreehandLine(QPainter* pp) { pp->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); pp->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1.0 / m_viewMode.scale, Qt::DotLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin)); pp->drawPolyline(m_viewMode.redrawPolygon); m_viewMode.redrawPolygon.clear(); } /** draws masterpage items of a specific layer */ void Canvas::DrawMasterItems(ScPainter *painter, ScPage *page, ScLayer& layer, QRect clip) { if ((m_viewMode.previewMode) && (!layer.isPrintable)) return; if ((m_viewMode.viewAsPreview) && (!layer.isPrintable)) return; if (!layer.isViewable) return; if (page->masterPageNameEmpty()) return; if (page->FromMaster.count() <= 0) return; FPoint orig = localToCanvas(clip.topLeft()); QRectF cullingArea = QRectF(static_cast(orig.x()), static_cast(orig.y()), qRound(clip.width() / m_viewMode.scale + 0.5), qRound(clip.height() / m_viewMode.scale + 0.5)); PageItem *currItem; ScPage* Mp = m_doc->MasterPages.at(m_doc->MasterNames[page->masterPageName()]); int layerCount = m_doc->layerCount(); if ((layerCount > 1) && ((layer.blendMode != 0) || (layer.transparency != 1.0)) && (!layer.outlineMode)) painter->beginLayer(layer.transparency, layer.blendMode); int pageFromMasterCount = page->FromMaster.count(); for (int a = 0; a < pageFromMasterCount; ++a) { currItem = page->FromMaster.at(a); if (currItem->m_layerID != layer.ID) continue; if ((currItem->OwnPage != -1) && (currItem->OwnPage != static_cast(Mp->pageNr()))) continue; if ((m_viewMode.previewMode) && (!currItem->printEnabled())) continue; if ((m_viewMode.viewAsPreview) && (!currItem->printEnabled())) continue; double oldX = currItem->xPos(); double oldY = currItem->yPos(); double oldBX = currItem->BoundingX; double oldBY = currItem->BoundingY; if (!currItem->ChangedMasterItem) { //Hack to not check for undo changes, indicate drawing only currItem->moveBy(-Mp->xOffset() + page->xOffset(), -Mp->yOffset() + page->yOffset(), true); currItem->BoundingX = oldBX - Mp->xOffset() + page->xOffset(); currItem->BoundingY = oldBY - Mp->yOffset() + page->yOffset(); } // Save PageItem's OwnPage and set its value to page number // so that page number placed in text frames can work, also modify // OwnPage of items embeded inside groups for same reason currItem->savedOwnPage = currItem->OwnPage; currItem->OwnPage = page->pageNr(); if (currItem->isGroup()) { PageItem_Group *groupItem = currItem->asGroupFrame(); PageItemIterator itemIt(groupItem->groupItemList, PageItemIterator::IterateInGroups); for ( ; *itemIt; ++itemIt) { PageItem* item = *itemIt; item->savedOwnPage = currItem->OwnPage; item->OwnPage = page->pageNr(); } } if (cullingArea.intersects(currItem->getBoundingRect().adjusted(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0))) { if (!((m_viewMode.operItemMoving) && (currItem->isSelected()))) { if (m_viewMode.forceRedraw) currItem->invalidateLayout(); currItem->DrawObj(painter, cullingArea); currItem->DrawObj_Decoration(painter); } // else // qDebug() << "skip masterpage item (move/resizeEdit/selected)" << m_viewMode.operItemMoving << currItem->isSelected(); } // Restore items' OwnPage including those of item embedded inside groups if (currItem->isGroup()) { PageItem_Group *groupItem = currItem->asGroupFrame(); PageItemIterator itemIt(groupItem->groupItemList, PageItemIterator::IterateInGroups); for ( ; *itemIt; ++itemIt) { PageItem* item = *itemIt; item->OwnPage = item->savedOwnPage; } } currItem->OwnPage = currItem->savedOwnPage; if (!currItem->ChangedMasterItem) { //Hack to not check for undo changes, indicate drawing only currItem->setXYPos(oldX, oldY, true); currItem->BoundingX = oldBX; currItem->BoundingY = oldBY; } } if ((layerCount > 1) && ((layer.blendMode != 0) || (layer.transparency != 1.0)) && (!layer.outlineMode)) painter->endLayer(); } /** draws page items contained in a specific Layer */ void Canvas::DrawPageItems(ScPainter *painter, ScLayer& layer, QRect clip, bool notesFramesPass) { if ((m_viewMode.previewMode) && (!layer.isPrintable)) return; if ((m_viewMode.viewAsPreview) && (!layer.isPrintable)) return; if (!layer.isViewable) return; if (m_doc->Items->count() <= 0) return; // qDebug()<<"Canvas::DrawPageItems"<(orig.x()), static_cast(orig.y()), qRound(clip.width() / m_viewMode.scale + 0.5), qRound(clip.height() / m_viewMode.scale + 0.5)); PageItem *currItem; int layerCount = m_doc->layerCount(); int docCurrPageNo=static_cast(m_doc->currentPageNumber()); if ((layerCount > 1) && ((layer.blendMode != 0) || (layer.transparency != 1.0)) && (!layer.outlineMode)) painter->beginLayer(layer.transparency, layer.blendMode); //if notes are used //then we must be sure that text frames are valid and all notes frames are created before we start drawing if (!notesFramesPass && !m_doc->notesList().isEmpty()) { for (auto it = m_doc->Items->begin(); it != m_doc->Items->end(); ++it) { PageItem* currItem = *it; if ( !currItem->isTextFrame() || currItem->isNoteFrame() || !currItem->invalid || (currItem->m_layerID != layer.ID) || (m_viewMode.previewMode && !currItem->printEnabled()) || (m_viewMode.viewAsPreview && (!currItem->printEnabled())) || (m_doc->masterPageMode() && ((currItem->OwnPage != -1) && (currItem->OwnPage != docCurrPageNo))) || ((!m_doc->masterPageMode() && !currItem->OnMasterPage.isEmpty()) && (currItem->OnMasterPage != m_doc->currentPage()->pageName()))) continue; if (cullingArea.intersects(currItem->getBoundingRect().adjusted(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0))) currItem->layout(); } } for (int it = 0; it < m_doc->Items->count(); ++it) { currItem = m_doc->Items->at(it); if (notesFramesPass && !currItem->isNoteFrame()) continue; if (!notesFramesPass && currItem->isNoteFrame()) continue; if (currItem->m_layerID != layer.ID) continue; if ((m_viewMode.previewMode) && (!currItem->printEnabled())) continue; if ((m_viewMode.viewAsPreview) && (!currItem->printEnabled())) continue; if ((m_doc->masterPageMode()) && ((currItem->OwnPage != -1) && (currItem->OwnPage != docCurrPageNo))) continue; if (!m_doc->masterPageMode() && !currItem->OnMasterPage.isEmpty()) { if (currItem->OnMasterPage != m_doc->currentPage()->pageName()) continue; } if (cullingArea.intersects(currItem->getBoundingRect().adjusted(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0))) { //FIXME if (!evSpon || forceRedraw) // currItem->invalid = true; // if ((!m_MouseButtonPressed) || (m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip)) if (((m_viewMode.operItemMoving || m_viewMode.drawSelectedItemsWithControls) && currItem->isSelected())) { // qDebug() << "skipping pageitem (move/resizeEdit/selected)" << m_viewMode.operItemMoving << currItem->isSelected(); } else if (m_viewMode.operItemSelecting) { currItem->invalid = false; currItem->DrawObj(painter, cullingArea); currItem->DrawObj_Decoration(painter); } else { // I comment it because the "view" should not // alter the "data". And it really prevents optimisation - pm // if (m_viewMode.forceRedraw) // currItem->invalidateLayout(); currItem->DrawObj(painter, cullingArea); currItem->DrawObj_Decoration(painter); } getLinkedFrames(currItem); /* if ((currItem->isTextFrame()) && ((currItem->nextInChain() != 0) || (currItem->prevInChain() != 0))) { PageItem *nextItem = currItem; while (nextItem != 0) { if (nextItem->prevInChain() != 0) nextItem = nextItem->prevInChain(); else break; } if (!m_viewMode.linkedFramesToShow.contains(nextItem)) m_viewMode.linkedFramesToShow.append(nextItem); }*/ /* FIXME:av - what to fix exactly? - pm */ if ((m_doc->appMode == modeEdit) && (currItem->isSelected()) && (currItem->itemType() == PageItem::TextFrame)) { setupEditHRuler(currItem); } } } if ((layerCount > 1) && ((layer.blendMode != 0) || (layer.transparency != 1.0)) && (!layer.outlineMode)) painter->endLayer(); } /** Draws the canvas background for masterpages, incl. bleeds */ void Canvas::drawBackgroundMasterpage(ScPainter* painter, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph) { const ScPage* currentPage = m_doc->currentPage(); double x = currentPage->xOffset() * m_viewMode.scale; double y = currentPage->yOffset() * m_viewMode.scale; double w = currentPage->width() * m_viewMode.scale; double h = currentPage->height() * m_viewMode.scale; QRectF drawRect = QRectF(x, y, w+5, h+5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (!drawRect.intersects(QRectF(clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph))) return; painter->setFillMode(ScPainter::Solid); painter->setBrush(QColor(128,128,128)); MarginStruct pageBleeds; if (!m_doc->bleeds()->isNull() && m_doc->guidesPrefs().showBleed) m_doc->getBleeds(currentPage, pageBleeds); double px = currentPage->xOffset() - pageBleeds.left(); double py = currentPage->yOffset() - pageBleeds.top(); double pw = currentPage->width() + pageBleeds.left() + pageBleeds.right(); double ph = currentPage->height() + pageBleeds.bottom() + pageBleeds.top(); painter->setAntialiasing(false); painter->setPen(Qt::black, 1 / m_viewMode.scale, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); if (PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.showPageShadow) painter->drawRect(px + 5, py + 5, pw, ph); painter->setBrush(m_doc->paperColor()); painter->drawRect(px, py, pw, ph); painter->setAntialiasing(true); } /** draws the page outlines on canvas, including bleed area */ void Canvas::drawBackgroundPageOutlines(ScPainter* painter, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph) { int docPagesCount=m_doc->Pages->count(); if (PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.showPageShadow) { painter->setBrush(QColor(128,128,128)); painter->setAntialiasing(false); painter->setPen(Qt::black, 1.0 / m_viewMode.scale, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); ScPage *actPg; MarginStruct pageBleeds; for (int a = 0; a < static_cast(docPagesCount); ++a) { actPg = m_doc->Pages->at(a); m_doc->getBleeds(actPg, pageBleeds); if (m_viewMode.viewAsPreview) pageBleeds.resetToZero(); double blx = (actPg->xOffset() - pageBleeds.left()) * m_viewMode.scale; double bly = (actPg->yOffset() - pageBleeds.top()) * m_viewMode.scale; double blw = (actPg->width() + pageBleeds.left() + pageBleeds.right()) * m_viewMode.scale; double blh = (actPg->height() + pageBleeds.bottom() + pageBleeds.top()) * m_viewMode.scale; QRectF drawRect = QRectF(blx-1, bly-1, blw+6, blh+6); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(QRectF(clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph))) { painter->setFillMode(ScPainter::Solid); double blx2 = actPg->xOffset(); double bly2 = actPg->yOffset(); double blw2 = actPg->width(); double blh2 = actPg->height(); if (m_doc->guidesPrefs().showBleed) { blx2 -= pageBleeds.left(); bly2 -= pageBleeds.top(); blw2 += pageBleeds.left() + pageBleeds.right(); blh2 += pageBleeds.bottom() + pageBleeds.top(); } painter->drawRect(blx2 + 5, bly2 + 5, blw2, blh2); if (!m_doc->bleeds()->isNull() && m_doc->guidesPrefs().showBleed) { painter->setFillMode(ScPainter::None); painter->setPen(Qt::black, 1.0 / m_viewMode.scale, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); painter->drawRect(blx2 - 1 / m_viewMode.scale, bly2 - 1 / m_viewMode.scale, blw2 + 2 / m_viewMode.scale, blh2 + 2 / m_viewMode.scale); } } } painter->setAntialiasing(true); } painter->setFillMode(ScPainter::Solid); ScPage *actPg; MarginStruct pageBleeds; for (int a = 0; a < static_cast(docPagesCount); ++a) { actPg = m_doc->Pages->at(a); double x = actPg->xOffset(); double y = actPg->yOffset(); double w = actPg->width(); double h = actPg->height(); bool drawBleed = false; if (!m_doc->bleeds()->isNull() && m_doc->guidesPrefs().showBleed) { drawBleed = true; m_doc->getBleeds(a, pageBleeds); } else pageBleeds.resetToZero(); double blx = (actPg->xOffset() - pageBleeds.left()) * m_viewMode.scale; double bly = (actPg->yOffset() - pageBleeds.top()) * m_viewMode.scale; double blw = (actPg->width() + pageBleeds.left() + pageBleeds.right()) * m_viewMode.scale; double blh = (actPg->height() + pageBleeds.bottom() + pageBleeds.top()) * m_viewMode.scale; QRectF drawRect = QRectF(blx, bly, blw+5, blh+5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(QRectF(clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph))) { painter->setFillMode(ScPainter::Solid); painter->setPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); painter->setAntialiasing(false); painter->setLineWidth(0.0); painter->setBrush(m_doc->paperColor()); if (!m_viewMode.viewAsPreview) { double blx2 = actPg->xOffset() - pageBleeds.left(); double bly2 = actPg->yOffset() - pageBleeds.top(); double blw2 = actPg->width() + pageBleeds.left() + pageBleeds.right(); double blh2 = actPg->height() + pageBleeds.bottom() + pageBleeds.top(); painter->drawRect(blx2, bly2, blw2, blh2); if (drawBleed) painter->drawRect(x, y, w, h); } else painter->drawRect(x, y, w, h); painter->setAntialiasing(true); } } } void Canvas::getLinkedFrames(PageItem* currItem) { if (currItem->isGroup()) { for (int em = 0; em < currItem->groupItemList.count(); ++em) { PageItem* embedded = currItem->groupItemList.at(em); getLinkedFrames(embedded); } } else if ((currItem->isTextFrame()) && ((currItem->nextInChain() != nullptr) || (currItem->prevInChain() != nullptr))) { PageItem *nextItem = currItem; while (nextItem != nullptr) { if (nextItem->prevInChain() != nullptr) nextItem = nextItem->prevInChain(); else break; } if (!m_viewMode.linkedFramesToShow.contains(nextItem)) m_viewMode.linkedFramesToShow.append(nextItem); } } /** fills PoLine with a clippath for the doc pages */ void Canvas::getClipPathForPages(FPointArray* PoLine) { PoLine->resize(0); bool first = true; ScPage *actPg; int firstPage = 0; int lastPage = m_doc->Pages->count(); if (m_doc->Pages == &m_doc->MasterPages) { firstPage = m_doc->currentPage()->pageNr(); lastPage = firstPage + 1; } for (int i = firstPage; i < lastPage; ++i) { if (!first) PoLine->setMarker(); first = false; actPg = m_doc->Pages->at(i); double x = actPg->xOffset(); double y = actPg->yOffset(); double w = actPg->width(); double h = actPg->height(); static double rect[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; for (int j = 0; j < 29; j += 4) { PoLine->addPoint(x + w * rect[j], y + h * rect[j+1]); PoLine->addPoint(x + w * rect[j+2], y + h * rect[j+3]); } } } /** draws page border */ void Canvas::DrawPageBorderSub(ScPainter *p, ScPage *page) { p->save(); p->setAntialiasing(false); p->translate(page->xOffset(), page->yOffset()); double lineWidth = 1.0 / m_viewMode.scale; double pageHeight = page->height(); double pageWidth = page->width(); p->setFillMode(ScPainter::None); p->setStrokeMode(ScPainter::Solid); p->setPen(Qt::black, lineWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); p->drawRect(0, 0, pageWidth, pageHeight); p->setAntialiasing(true); p->restore(); } void Canvas::DrawPageBorder(ScPainter *p, const QRectF& clip, bool master) { if (master) { ScPage *page = m_doc->currentPage(); double x = m_doc->scratch()->left() * m_viewMode.scale; double y = m_doc->scratch()->top() * m_viewMode.scale; double w = page->width() * m_viewMode.scale; double h = page->height() * m_viewMode.scale; QRectF drawRect = QRectF(x, y, w+5, h+5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(clip)) DrawPageBorderSub(p, page); } else { int docPagesCount = m_doc->Pages->count(); for (int a = 0; a < docPagesCount; ++a) { ScPage *page = m_doc->Pages->at(a); QRectF drawRect = QRectF(page->xOffset() * m_viewMode.scale, page->yOffset() * m_viewMode.scale, page->width() * m_viewMode.scale + 5, page->height() * m_viewMode.scale + 5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(clip)) DrawPageBorderSub(p, page); } } } /** draws margins */ void Canvas::DrawPageMarginsGridSub(ScPainter *p, ScPage *page) { p->save(); p->setAntialiasing(false); p->translate(page->xOffset(), page->yOffset()); double lineWidth = 1.0 / m_viewMode.scale; double pageHeight = page->height(); double pageWidth = page->width(); p->setFillMode(ScPainter::None); p->setStrokeMode(ScPainter::Solid); p->setPen(Qt::black, lineWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); if (m_doc->guidesPrefs().marginsShown) { p->setPen(m_doc->guidesPrefs().marginColor); if (m_doc->marginColored()) { p->setFillMode(ScPainter::Solid); p->setBrush(m_doc->guidesPrefs().marginColor); p->drawRect(0, 0, pageWidth, page->Margins.top()); p->drawRect(0, page->Margins.top(), page->Margins.left(), pageHeight - page->Margins.top()); p->drawRect(page->Margins.left(), pageHeight - page->Margins.bottom(), pageWidth - page->Margins.right() - page->Margins.left(), page->Margins.bottom()); p->drawRect(pageWidth - page->Margins.right(), page->Margins.top(), page->Margins.right(), pageHeight-page->Margins.top()); p->setFillMode(ScPainter::None); } p->setFillMode(ScPainter::None); p->drawRect(page->Margins.left(), page->Margins.top(), pageWidth - page->Margins.left() - page->Margins.right(), pageHeight - page->Margins.top() - page->Margins.bottom()); } p->setAntialiasing(true); p->restore(); } void Canvas::DrawPageMargins(ScPainter *p, const QRectF& clip, bool master) { if (master) { ScPage *page = m_doc->currentPage(); double x = m_doc->scratch()->left() * m_viewMode.scale; double y = m_doc->scratch()->top() * m_viewMode.scale; double w = page->width() * m_viewMode.scale; double h = page->height() * m_viewMode.scale; QRectF drawRect = QRectF(x, y, w+5, h+5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(clip)) DrawPageMarginsGridSub(p, page); } else { int docPagesCount = m_doc->Pages->count(); for (int a = 0; a < docPagesCount; ++a) { ScPage *page = m_doc->Pages->at(a); QRectF drawRect = QRectF(page->xOffset() * m_viewMode.scale, page->yOffset() * m_viewMode.scale, page->width() * m_viewMode.scale + 5, page->height() * m_viewMode.scale + 5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(clip)) DrawPageMarginsGridSub(p, page); } } } /** draws baseline grid */ void Canvas::DrawPageBaselineGridSub(ScPainter *p, ScPage *page) { if (!m_doc->guidesPrefs().baselineGridShown) return; p->save(); p->setAntialiasing(false); p->translate(page->xOffset(), page->yOffset()); double lineWidth = 1.0 / m_viewMode.scale; double pageHeight = page->height(); double pageWidth = page->width(); p->setFillMode(ScPainter::None); p->setStrokeMode(ScPainter::Solid); p->setPen(m_doc->guidesPrefs().baselineGridColor, lineWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); for (double yg = m_doc->guidesPrefs().offsetBaselineGrid; yg < pageHeight; yg += m_doc->guidesPrefs().valueBaselineGrid) p->drawLine(FPoint(0, yg), FPoint(pageWidth, yg)); p->setAntialiasing(true); p->restore(); } void Canvas::DrawPageBaselineGrid(ScPainter *p, const QRectF& clip, bool master) { if (!m_doc->guidesPrefs().baselineGridShown) return; if (master) { ScPage *page = m_doc->currentPage(); double x = m_doc->scratch()->left() * m_viewMode.scale; double y = m_doc->scratch()->top() * m_viewMode.scale; double w = page->width() * m_viewMode.scale; double h = page->height() * m_viewMode.scale; QRectF drawRect = QRectF(x, y, w+5, h+5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(clip)) DrawPageBaselineGridSub(p, page); } else { int docPagesCount = m_doc->Pages->count(); for (int a = 0; a < docPagesCount; ++a) { ScPage *page = m_doc->Pages->at(a); QRectF drawRect = QRectF(page->xOffset() * m_viewMode.scale, page->yOffset() * m_viewMode.scale, page->width() * m_viewMode.scale + 5, page->height() * m_viewMode.scale + 5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(clip)) DrawPageBaselineGridSub(p, page); } } } /** draws grid */ void Canvas::DrawPageGridSub(ScPainter *p, ScPage *page, const QRectF& clip) { if (!m_doc->guidesPrefs().gridShown) return; p->save(); FPointArray PoLine; getClipPathForPages(&PoLine); p->beginLayer(1.0, 0, &PoLine); p->setAntialiasing(false); p->translate(page->xOffset(), page->yOffset()); double lineWidth = 1.0 / m_viewMode.scale; double pageHeight = page->height(); double pageWidth = page->width(); p->setFillMode(ScPainter::None); p->setStrokeMode(ScPainter::Solid); p->setPen(Qt::black, lineWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); double lowerBx = qMax(clip.x() / m_viewMode.scale + m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() - page->xOffset(), 0.0); double lowerBy = qMax(clip.y() / m_viewMode.scale + m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() - page->yOffset(), 0.0); double highBx = qMin(lowerBx + clip.width() / m_viewMode.scale, pageWidth); double highBy = qMin(lowerBy + clip.height() / m_viewMode.scale, pageHeight); if (m_viewMode.scale > 0.49) { if (m_doc->guidesPrefs().gridType == 0) { double i,start; i = m_doc->guidesPrefs().majorGridSpacing; p->setPen(m_doc->guidesPrefs().majorGridColor, lineWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); start = floor(lowerBy / i); start *= i; for (double b = start; b <= highBy; b+=i) { p->drawLine(FPoint(qMax(lowerBx, 0.0), b), FPoint(qMin(pageWidth, highBx), b)); } start=floor(lowerBx/i); start*=i; for (double b = start; b <= highBx; b+=i) { p->drawLine(FPoint(b, qMax(lowerBy, 0.0)), FPoint(b, qMin(pageHeight, highBy))); } i = m_doc->guidesPrefs().minorGridSpacing; p->setPen(m_doc->guidesPrefs().minorGridColor, lineWidth, Qt::DotLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); start = floor(lowerBy / i); start *= i; for (double b = start; b <= highBy; b+=i) { p->drawLine(FPoint(qMax(lowerBx, 0.0), b), FPoint(qMin(pageWidth, highBx), b)); } start=floor(lowerBx/i); start*=i; for (double b = start; b <= highBx; b+=i) { p->drawLine(FPoint(b, qMax(lowerBy, 0.0)), FPoint(b, qMin(pageHeight, highBy))); } } else if (m_doc->guidesPrefs().gridType == 1) { double i, startX, startY; i = m_doc->guidesPrefs().minorGridSpacing; p->setPen(m_doc->guidesPrefs().minorGridColor, 3.0 / m_viewMode.scale, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::MiterJoin); startY = floor(lowerBy / i); startY *= i; startX = floor(lowerBx / i); startX *= i; for (double b = startY; b <= highBy; b += i) { for (double bb = startX; bb <= highBx; bb += i) { p->drawLine(FPoint(bb, b), FPoint(bb, b)); } } i = m_doc->guidesPrefs().majorGridSpacing; p->setPen(m_doc->guidesPrefs().majorGridColor, lineWidth * 2, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); startY = floor(lowerBy / i); startY *= i; startX = floor(lowerBx / i); startX *= i; for (double b = startY; b <= highBy; b += i) { for (double bb = startX; bb <= highBx; bb += i) { p->drawLine(FPoint(bb - 4, b), FPoint(bb + 4, b)); p->drawLine(FPoint(bb, b - 4), FPoint(bb, b + 4)); } } } } p->setAntialiasing(true); p->endLayer(); p->restore(); } void Canvas::DrawPageGrid(ScPainter *p, const QRectF& clip, bool master) { if (!m_doc->guidesPrefs().gridShown) return; if (master) { ScPage *page = m_doc->currentPage(); double x = m_doc->scratch()->left() * m_viewMode.scale; double y = m_doc->scratch()->top() * m_viewMode.scale; double w = page->width() * m_viewMode.scale; double h = page->height() * m_viewMode.scale; QRectF drawRect = QRectF(x, y, w+5, h+5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(clip)) DrawPageGridSub(p, page, clip); } else { int docPagesCount = m_doc->Pages->count(); for (int a = 0; a < docPagesCount; ++a) { ScPage *page = m_doc->Pages->at(a); QRectF drawRect = QRectF(page->xOffset() * m_viewMode.scale, page->yOffset() * m_viewMode.scale, page->width() * m_viewMode.scale + 5, page->height() * m_viewMode.scale + 5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(clip)) DrawPageGridSub(p, page, clip); } } } /** draws guides */ void Canvas::DrawPageGuidesSub(ScPainter *p, ScPage *page) { if (!m_doc->guidesPrefs().guidesShown) return; p->save(); p->setAntialiasing(false); p->translate(page->xOffset(), page->yOffset()); double lineWidth = 1.0 / m_viewMode.scale; p->setFillMode(ScPainter::None); p->setStrokeMode(ScPainter::Solid); p->setPen(Qt::black, lineWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); page->guides.drawPage(p, m_doc, lineWidth); p->setAntialiasing(true); p->restore(); } void Canvas::DrawPageGuides(ScPainter *p, const QRectF& clip, bool master) { if (!m_doc->guidesPrefs().guidesShown) return; if (master) { ScPage *page = m_doc->currentPage(); double x = m_doc->scratch()->left() * m_viewMode.scale; double y = m_doc->scratch()->top() * m_viewMode.scale; double w = page->width() * m_viewMode.scale; double h = page->height() * m_viewMode.scale; QRectF drawRect = QRectF(x, y, w+5, h+5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(clip)) DrawPageGuidesSub(p, page); } else { int docPagesCount = m_doc->Pages->count(); for (int a = 0; a < docPagesCount; ++a) { ScPage *page = m_doc->Pages->at(a); QRectF drawRect = QRectF(page->xOffset() * m_viewMode.scale, page->yOffset() * m_viewMode.scale, page->width() * m_viewMode.scale + 5, page->height() * m_viewMode.scale + 5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(clip)) DrawPageGuidesSub(p, page); } } } /** draws actual page indicator frame */ void Canvas::DrawPageIndicatorSub(ScPainter *p, ScPage *page) { p->save(); int fm = p->fillMode(); p->setAntialiasing(false); p->translate(page->xOffset(), page->yOffset()); double lineWidth = 1.0 / m_viewMode.scale; double pageHeight = page->height(); double pageWidth = page->width(); p->setFillMode(ScPainter::None); p->setStrokeMode(ScPainter::Solid); p->setPen(Qt::black, lineWidth, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); p->setPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.pageBorderColor, 1 / m_viewMode.scale, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); p->drawRect(0, 0, pageWidth, pageHeight); p->setAntialiasing(true); p->setFillMode(fm); p->restore(); } void Canvas::DrawPageIndicator(ScPainter *p, const QRectF& clip, bool master) { if (master) { ScPage *page = m_doc->currentPage(); double x = m_doc->scratch()->left() * m_viewMode.scale; double y = m_doc->scratch()->top() * m_viewMode.scale; double w = page->width() * m_viewMode.scale; double h = page->height() * m_viewMode.scale; QRectF drawRect = QRectF(x, y, w+5, h+5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(clip)) DrawPageIndicatorSub(p, page); } else { int docPagesCount = m_doc->Pages->count(); for (int a = 0; a < docPagesCount; ++a) { ScPage *page = m_doc->Pages->at(a); if (page == m_doc->currentPage()) { QRectF drawRect = QRectF(page->xOffset() * m_viewMode.scale, page->yOffset() * m_viewMode.scale, page->width() * m_viewMode.scale + 5, page->height() * m_viewMode.scale + 5); drawRect.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale, -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale); if (drawRect.intersects(clip)) DrawPageIndicatorSub(p, page); } } } } /** draws the links between textframe chains. needs the list of visible textframes in m_viewMode.linkedFramesToShow */ void Canvas::drawFrameLinks(ScPainter* painter) { PageItem *currItem = nullptr; if ((m_doc->appMode == modeLinkFrames) || (m_doc->appMode == modeUnlinkFrames)) { if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 0) currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); else if (m_viewMode.linkedFramesToShow.count() > 0) currItem = m_viewMode.linkedFramesToShow.at(0); if (currItem && (currItem->itemType() != PageItem::TextFrame)) currItem = nullptr; } //Draw the frame links painter->save(); if (m_doc->guidesPrefs().linkShown || m_viewMode.drawFramelinksWithContents) { for (int i = 0; i < m_viewMode.linkedFramesToShow.count(); ++i) { PageItem* nextItem = m_viewMode.linkedFramesToShow.at(i); while (nextItem != nullptr) { if (nextItem->nextInChain() != nullptr) { FPoint start, end; calculateFrameLinkPoints(nextItem, nextItem->nextInChain(), start, end); drawLinkFrameLine(painter, start, end); } nextItem = nextItem->nextInChain(); } } } else if ((((m_doc->appMode == modeLinkFrames) || (m_doc->appMode == modeUnlinkFrames)) && (currItem != nullptr))) { PageItem *nextItem = currItem->firstInChain(); while (nextItem != nullptr) { if (nextItem->nextInChain() != nullptr) { FPoint start, end; calculateFrameLinkPoints(nextItem, nextItem->nextInChain(), start, end); drawLinkFrameLine(painter, start, end); } nextItem = nextItem->nextInChain(); } } painter->setLineWidth(1); painter->setPenOpacity(1.0); painter->restore(); } /** draws one linkline between textframes */ void Canvas::drawLinkFrameLine(ScPainter* painter, FPoint &start, FPoint &end) { //CB FIXME Add some checking that the painter is setup? Q_ASSERT(painter!=nullptr); painter->setPen(Qt::black, 1.0 / m_viewMode.scale, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); painter->setPenOpacity(1.0); painter->drawLine(start, end); QTransform arrowTrans; arrowTrans.translate(end.x(), end.y()); double r = atan2(end.y()-start.y(), end.x()-start.x())*(180.0/M_PI); arrowTrans.rotate(r); double sc = 0.8 / m_viewMode.scale; arrowTrans.scale(sc, sc); FPointArray arrow; arrow.addQuadPoint(-12, 0, -12, 0, -12, 0, -12, 0); arrow.addQuadPoint(-15, -5, -15, -5, -15, -5, -15, -5); arrow.addQuadPoint(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); arrow.addQuadPoint(-15, 5, -15, 5, -15, 5, -15, 5); arrow.addQuadPoint(-12, 0, -12, 0, -12, 0, -12, 0); arrow.map(arrowTrans); painter->setBrush(painter->pen()); painter->setBrushOpacity(1.0); painter->setLineWidth(0); painter->setFillMode(ScPainter::Solid); painter->setupPolygon(&arrow); painter->fillPath(); } /** this is a wrapper around repaint() */ void Canvas::PaintSizeRect(QRect newRect) { static QRect oldRect; if (!newRect.isNull()) { if (!oldRect.isNull()) newRect = newRect.united(oldRect); repaint(newRect.adjusted(-10, -10, 20, 20)); } oldRect = newRect; } /// ??? void Canvas::PaintSizeRect(QPolygon newRect) { static QRect oldRect; QRect newR = newRect.boundingRect(); if (!newR.isNull()) { if (!oldRect.isNull()) newRect = newRect.united(oldRect); // newR.moveBy(qRound(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale), qRound(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale)); m_viewMode.redrawPolygon = newRect; // m_viewMode.redrawPolygon.translate(qRound(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale), qRound(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale)); repaint(newR.adjusted(-20, -20, 40, 40)); } oldRect = newR; } void Canvas::getGroupRectScreen(double *x, double *y, double *w, double *h) { double gx, gy, gh, gw; m_doc->m_Selection->getGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh); QPoint in(qRound(gx* m_viewMode.scale), qRound(gy* m_viewMode.scale)); // in -= QPoint(qRound(m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_viewMode.scale), qRound(m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_viewMode.scale)); QPoint out = contentsToViewport(in); *x = static_cast(out.x()); *y = static_cast(out.y()); *w = gw* m_viewMode.scale; *h = gh* m_viewMode.scale; } void Canvas::Transform(PageItem *currItem, QPainter *p) { p->translate(currItem->xPos()*m_viewMode.scale, currItem->yPos()*m_viewMode.scale); p->scale(m_viewMode.scale, m_viewMode.scale); p->rotate(currItem->rotation()); } void Canvas::Transform(PageItem *currItem, QTransform& m) { m.translate(currItem->xPos()*m_viewMode.scale, currItem->yPos()*m_viewMode.scale); m.scale(m_viewMode.scale, m_viewMode.scale); m.rotate(currItem->rotation()); } void Canvas::TransformM(PageItem *currItem, QPainter *p) { if (currItem->imageFlippedH()) { p->translate(currItem->width(), 0); p->scale(-1, 1); } if (currItem->imageFlippedV()) { p->translate(0, currItem->height()); p->scale(1, -1); } } void Canvas::calculateFrameLinkPoints(PageItem *pi1, PageItem *pi2, FPoint & start, FPoint & end) { if (pi1==nullptr || pi2==nullptr) return; //Calculate the link points of the frames double x11 = pi1->xPos(); double y11 = pi1->yPos(); double x12 = x11 + pi1->width(); double y12 = y11 + pi1->height(); if (pi1->isGroupChild()) { QTransform itemTrans = pi1->getTransform(); QPointF itPos = itemTrans.map(QPointF(0, 0)); x11 = itPos.x(); y11 = itPos.y(); double grScXi = 1.0; double grScYi = 1.0; getScaleFromMatrix(itemTrans, grScXi, grScYi); if (itemTrans.m11() < 0) x11 -= pi1->width() * grScXi; if (itemTrans.m22() < 0) y11 -= pi1->height() * grScYi; x12 = x11 + pi1->width() * grScXi; y12 = y11 + pi1->height() * grScYi; } double x1mid = x11 + (x12 - x11) / 2.0; double y1mid = y11 + (y12 - y11) / 2.0; if (pi1->rotation()!=0.000) { FPoint tempPoint(0,0, x11, y11, pi1->rotation(), 1, 1); x11=tempPoint.x(); y11=tempPoint.y(); FPoint tempPoint2(0,0, x12, y12, pi1->rotation(), 1, 1); x12=tempPoint2.x(); y12=tempPoint2.y(); FPoint tempPoint3(0,0, x1mid, y1mid, pi1->rotation(), 1, 1); x1mid=tempPoint3.x(); y1mid=tempPoint3.y(); } double a1, b1, a2, b2; a1 = a2 = b1 = b2 = 0; double x21 = pi2->xPos(); double y21 = pi2->yPos(); double x22 = x21 + pi2->width(); double y22 = y21 + pi2->height(); if (pi2->isGroupChild()) { QTransform itemTrans = pi2->getTransform(); QPointF itPos = itemTrans.map(QPointF(0, 0)); x21 = itPos.x(); y21 = itPos.y(); double grScXi = 1.0; double grScYi = 1.0; getScaleFromMatrix(itemTrans, grScXi, grScYi); if (itemTrans.m11() < 0) x21 -= pi2->width() * grScXi; if (itemTrans.m22() < 0) y11 -= pi2->height() * grScYi; x22 = x21 + pi2->width() * grScXi; y22 = y21 + pi2->height() * grScYi; } double x2mid = x21 + (x22 - x21) / 2.0; double y2mid = y21 + (y22 - y21) / 2.0; if (pi2->rotation()!=0.000) { FPoint tempPoint(0,0, x21, y21, pi2->rotation(), 1, 1); x21=tempPoint.x(); y21=tempPoint.y(); FPoint tempPoint2(0,0, x22, y22, pi2->rotation(), 1, 1); x22=tempPoint2.x(); y22=tempPoint2.y(); FPoint tempPoint3(0,0, x2mid, y2mid, pi2->rotation(), 1, 1); x2mid=tempPoint3.x(); y2mid=tempPoint3.y(); } if (x22x12) { a1 = x12; a2 = x21; } if (y22y12) { b1 = y12; b2 = y21; } if (x21x11) { a1 = x1mid; a2 = x2mid; } if (x21x11) { a1 = x1mid; a2 = x2mid; } if (y21y11) { b1 = y1mid; b2 = y2mid; } if (y21y11) { b1 = y1mid; b2 = y2mid; } //When our points (in pt) are exactly the same, cover this too. #3634 if (x11==x21) { a1 = x1mid; a2 = x2mid; } if (y11==y21) { b1 = y1mid; b2 = y2mid; } //Set the link frame lines' endpoints start.setXY(a1-pi1->xPos(), b1-pi1->yPos()); start.transform(pi1->xPos(), pi1->yPos(), pi1->rotation(), 1, 1, false); end.setXY(a2-pi2->xPos(), b2-pi2->yPos()); end.transform(pi2->xPos(), pi2->yPos(), pi2->rotation(), 1, 1, false); } QPixmap Canvas::createPixmap(double w, double h) { QPixmap p(w * devicePixelRatioF(), h * devicePixelRatioF()); p.setDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatioF()); return p; } void Canvas::drawPixmap(QPainter& painter, double x, double y, const QPixmap& pixmap, double sx, double sy, double sw, double sh) { sx *= devicePixelRatioF(); sy *= devicePixelRatioF(); sw *= devicePixelRatioF(); sh *= devicePixelRatioF(); painter.drawPixmap(x, y, pixmap, sx, sy, sw, sh); } void Canvas::displayXYHUD(QPoint m) { if (!PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.showMouseCoordinates) return; double gx, gy, gh, gw, r; if (m_doc->m_Selection->isMultipleSelection()) { m_doc->m_Selection->getGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh); r = 0.0; } else { PageItem* currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0); gx = currItem->xPos(); gy = currItem->yPos(); gw = currItem->width(); gh = currItem->height(); r = currItem->rotation(); } QTransform ma; ma.translate(gx, gy); ma.rotate(r); FPoint n; if (m_doc->rotationMode() == 0) n = FPoint(0.0, 0.0); else if (m_doc->rotationMode() == 1) n = FPoint(gw, 0.0); else if (m_doc->rotationMode() == 2) n = FPoint(gw / 2.0, gh / 2.0); else if (m_doc->rotationMode() == 3) n = FPoint(0.0, gh); else if (m_doc->rotationMode() == 4) n = FPoint(gw, gh); gx = ma.m11() * n.x() + ma.m21() * n.y() + ma.dx(); gy = ma.m22() * n.y() + ma.m12() * n.x() + ma.dy(); if (m_doc->guidesPrefs().rulerMode) { gx -= m_doc->currentPage()->xOffset(); gy -= m_doc->currentPage()->yOffset(); } gx -= m_doc->rulerXoffset; gy -= m_doc->rulerYoffset; displayXYHUD(m, gx, gy); } void Canvas::displayCorrectedXYHUD(QPoint m, double x, double y) { if (!PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.showMouseCoordinates) return; double gx = x; double gy = y; if (m_doc->guidesPrefs().rulerMode) { gx -= m_doc->currentPage()->xOffset(); gy -= m_doc->currentPage()->yOffset(); } gx -= m_doc->rulerXoffset; gy -= m_doc->rulerYoffset; QToolTip::showText(m + QPoint(5, 5), tr("X: %1\nY: %2").arg(value2String(gx, m_doc->unitIndex(), true, true), value2String(gy, m_doc->unitIndex(), true, true)), this); } void Canvas::displayCorrectedSingleHUD(QPoint m, double val, bool isX) { if (!PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.showMouseCoordinates) return; double gx = val; if (isX) { if (m_doc->guidesPrefs().rulerMode) gx -= m_doc->currentPage()->xOffset(); gx -= m_doc->rulerXoffset; QToolTip::showText(m + QPoint(5, 5), tr("X: %1").arg(value2String(gx, m_doc->unitIndex(), true, true)), this); } else { if (m_doc->guidesPrefs().rulerMode) gx -= m_doc->currentPage()->yOffset(); gx -= m_doc->rulerYoffset; QToolTip::showText(m + QPoint(5, 5), tr("Y: %1").arg(value2String(gx, m_doc->unitIndex(), true, true)), this); } } void Canvas::displayXYHUD(QPoint m, double x, double y) { if (!PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.showMouseCoordinates) return; QToolTip::showText(m + QPoint(5, 5), tr("X: %1\nY: %2").arg(value2String(x, m_doc->unitIndex(), true, true), value2String(y, m_doc->unitIndex(), true, true)), this); } void Canvas::displaySizeHUD(QPoint m, double x, double y, bool isLine) { if (!PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.showMouseCoordinates) return; if (isLine) QToolTip::showText(m + QPoint(5, 5), tr("Length: %1\nAngle: %2").arg(value2String(x, m_doc->unitIndex(), true, true), value2String(y, SC_DEGREES, true, true)), this); else QToolTip::showText(m + QPoint(5, 5), tr("Width: %1\nHeight: %2").arg(value2String(x, m_doc->unitIndex(), true, true), value2String(y, m_doc->unitIndex(), true, true)), this); } void Canvas::displayRotHUD(QPoint m, double rot) { if (!PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.showMouseCoordinates) return; double r; if (rot < 0.0) r = rot * -1.0; else r = 360.0 - rot; QToolTip::showText(m + QPoint(5, 5), tr("Angle: %1").arg(value2String(r, SC_DEGREES, true, true)), this); } void Canvas::displayRealRotHUD(QPoint m, double rot) { if (!PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.showMouseCoordinates) return; QToolTip::showText(m + QPoint(5, 5), tr("Angle: %1").arg(value2String(rot, SC_DEGREES, true, true)), this); } void Canvas::displayDoubleHUD(QPoint point, const QString& label, double value) { if (!PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.showMouseCoordinates) return; QToolTip::showText(point + QPoint(5, 5), QString("%1: %2").arg(label, value2String(value, m_doc->unitIndex(), true, true)), this); } void Canvas::setupEditHRuler(PageItem * item, bool forceAndReset) { static QString rulerItemRef; static double rulerDumbHash(0.0); if ((rulerItemRef != item->itemName()) || forceAndReset ) { rulerItemRef = item->itemName(); rulerDumbHash = 0.0; } double controlHash(0.0); controlHash = item->xPos() + item->yPos() * 1.0 + item->m_columnGap * 2.0 + item->m_columns * 3.0 + item->textToFrameDistLeft() * 4.0 + item->textToFrameDistRight() * 5.0 + item->currentStyle().firstIndent() * 6.0 + item->currentStyle().leftMargin() * 7.0 + item->width() * 8.0 + item->currentStyle().rightMargin() * 9.0 + (item->imageFlippedH() ? 32.32 : 13.13); const ParagraphStyle& currParaStyle = item->currentStyle(); for (const ParagraphStyle::TabRecord& tabrec : currParaStyle.tabValues()) { controlHash += tabrec.tabPosition; } // qDebug()<<"Canvas::setupEditHRuler"<horizRuler->setItem(item); m_view->horizRuler->update(); }