\name{numEff} \alias{numEff} \concept{numerical efficiency} \title{Compute Numerical Standard Error and Relative Numerical Efficiency} \description{ \code{numEff} computes the numerical standard error for the mean of a vector of draws as well as the relative numerical efficiency (ratio of variance of mean of this time series process relative to iid sequence). } \usage{numEff(x, m = as.integer(min(length(x),(100/sqrt(5000))*sqrt(length(x)))))} \arguments{ \item{x}{ \eqn{R x 1} vector of draws } \item{m}{ number of lags for autocorrelations } } \details{ default for number of lags is chosen so that if \eqn{R=5000}, \eqn{m=100} and increases as the \eqn{sqrt(R)}. } \value{ A list containing: \item{stderr }{standard error of the mean of \eqn{x}} \item{f }{ variance ratio (relative numerical efficiency) } } \section{Warning}{ This routine is a utility routine that does \strong{not} check the input arguments for proper dimensions and type. } \author{Peter Rossi, Anderson School, UCLA, \email{perossichi@gmail.com}.} \references{For further discussion, see Chapter 3, \emph{Bayesian Statistics and Marketing} by Rossi, Allenby, and McCulloch. \cr \url{http://www.perossi.org/home/bsm-1}} \examples{ numEff(rnorm(1000), m=20) numEff(rnorm(1000)) } \keyword{ts} \keyword{utilities}