/* * Copyright (c) 2018 NextMove Software * * Contact: cdk-devel@lists.sourceforge.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. All we ask is that proper credit is given * for our work, which includes - but is not limited to - adding the above * copyright notice to the beginning of your source code files, and to any * copyright notice that you may distribute with programs based on this work. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.openscience.cdk.isomorphism.matchers; import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder; import com.google.common.cache.CacheLoader; import com.google.common.cache.LoadingCache; import com.google.common.cache.Weigher; import org.openscience.cdk.CDKConstants; import org.openscience.cdk.ReactionRole; import org.openscience.cdk.config.Elements; import org.openscience.cdk.graph.Cycles; import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom; import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtomContainer; import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtomType; import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IBond; import org.openscience.cdk.isomorphism.DfPattern; import static org.openscience.cdk.isomorphism.matchers.Expr.Type.*; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Objects; /** * A expression stores a predicate tree for checking properties of atoms * and bonds. *
 * Expr expr = new Expr(ELEMENT, 6);
 * if (expr.matches(atom)) {
 *   // expression matches if atom is a carbon!
 * }
* An expression is composed of an {@link Type}, an optional 'value', and * optionally one or more 'sub-expressions'. Each expr can either be a leaf or * an intermediate (logical) node. The simplest expression trees contain a * single leaf node: *
 * new Expr(IS_AROMATIC); // matches any aromatic atom
 * new Expr(ELEMENT, 6);  // matches any carbon atom (atomic num=6)
 * new Expr(VALENCE, 4);  // matches an atom with valence 4
 * new Expr(DEGREE, 1);   // matches a terminal atom, e.g. -OH, =O
 * new Expr(IS_IN_RING);  // matches any atom marked as in a ring
 * new Expr(IS_HETERO);   // matches anything other than carbon or nitrogen
 * new Expr(TRUE);        // any atom
* Logical internal nodes combine one or two sub-expressions with conjunction * (and), disjunction (or), and negation (not). *
* Consider the following expression tree, is matches fluorine, chlorine, or * bromine. *
 *     OR
 *    /  \
 *   F   OR
 *      /  \
 *     Cl   Br
* We can construct this tree as follows: *
 * Expr expr = new Expr(ELEMENT, 9) // F
 *                  .or(new Expr(ELEMENT, 17)) // Cl
 *                  .or(new Expr(ELEMENT, 35))  // Br
* A more verbose construction could also be used: *
 * Expr leafF  = new Expr(ELEMENT, 9); // F
 * Expr leafCl = new Expr(ELEMENT, 17); // Cl
 * Expr leafBr = new Expr(ELEMENT, 35);  // Br
 * Expr node4  = new Expr(OR, leaf2, leaf3);
 * Expr node5  = new Expr(OR, leaf1, node4);
* * Expressions can be used to match bonds. Note some expressions apply to either * atoms or bonds. *
 * new Expr(TRUE);               // any bond
 * new Expr(IS_IN_RING);         // any ring bond
 * new Expr(ALIPHATIC_ORDER, 2); // double bond
* See the documentation for {@link Type}s for a detail explanation of * each type. */ public final class Expr { /** Sentinel value for indicating the stereochemistry configuration * is not yet known. Since stereochemistry depends on the ordering * of neighbors we can't check this until those neighbors are * matched. */ public static final int UNKNOWN_STEREO = -1; // the expression type private Type type; // used for primitive leaf types private int value; // used for unary and binary types; not, and, or private Expr left, right; // user for recursive expression types private IAtomContainer query; private DfPattern ptrn; /** * Creates an atom expression that will always match ({@link Type#TRUE}). */ public Expr() { this(Type.TRUE); } /** * Creates an atom expression for the specified primitive. */ public Expr(Type op) { setPrimitive(op); } /** * Creates an atom expression for the specified primitive and 'value'. */ public Expr(Type op, int val) { setPrimitive(op, val); } /** * Creates a logical atom expression for the specified. */ public Expr(Type op, Expr left, Expr right) { setLogical(op, left, right); } /** * Creates a recursive atom expression. */ public Expr(Type op, IAtomContainer mol) { setRecursive(op, mol); } /** * Copy-constructor, creates a shallow copy of the provided expression. * * @param expr the expre */ public Expr(final Expr expr) { set(expr); } private static boolean eq(Integer a, int b) { return a != null && a == b; } private static int unbox(Integer x) { return x != null ? x : 0; } private static boolean isInRingSize(IAtom atom, IBond prev, IAtom beg, int size, int req) { atom.setFlag(CDKConstants.VISITED, true); for (IBond bond : atom.bonds()) { if (bond == prev) continue; IAtom nbr = bond.getOther(atom); if (nbr.equals(beg)) return size == req; else if (size < req && !nbr.getFlag(CDKConstants.VISITED) && isInRingSize(nbr, bond, beg, size + 1, req)) return true; } atom.setFlag(CDKConstants.VISITED, false); return false; } private static boolean isInRingSize(IAtom atom, int size) { for (IAtom a : atom.getContainer().atoms()) a.setFlag(CDKConstants.VISITED, false); return isInRingSize(atom, null, atom, 1, size); } private static boolean isInSmallRingSize(IAtom atom, int size) { IAtomContainer mol = atom.getContainer(); int[] distTo = new int[mol.getAtomCount()]; Arrays.fill(distTo, 1 + distTo.length); distTo[atom.getIndex()] = 0; Deque queue = new ArrayDeque<>(); queue.push(atom); int smallest = 1 + distTo.length; while (!queue.isEmpty()) { IAtom a = queue.poll(); int dist = 1 + distTo[a.getIndex()]; for (IBond b : a.bonds()) { IAtom nbr = b.getOther(a); if (dist < distTo[nbr.getIndex()]) { distTo[nbr.getIndex()] = dist; queue.add(nbr); } else if (dist != 2 + distTo[nbr.getIndex()]) { int tmp = dist + distTo[nbr.getIndex()]; if (tmp < smallest) smallest = tmp; } } if (2 * dist > 1 + size) break; } return smallest == size; } /** * Internal match methods - does not null check. * * @param type the type * @param atom the atom * @return the expression matches */ private boolean matches(Type type, IAtom atom, int stereo) { switch (type) { // predicates case TRUE: return true; case FALSE: return false; case IS_AROMATIC: return atom.isAromatic(); case IS_ALIPHATIC: return !atom.isAromatic(); case IS_IN_RING: return atom.isInRing(); case IS_IN_CHAIN: return !atom.isInRing(); case IS_HETERO: return !eq(atom.getAtomicNumber(), 6) && !eq(atom.getAtomicNumber(), 1); case HAS_IMPLICIT_HYDROGEN: return atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() != null && atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() > 0; case HAS_ISOTOPE: return atom.getMassNumber() != null; case HAS_UNSPEC_ISOTOPE: return atom.getMassNumber() == null; case UNSATURATED: for (IBond bond : atom.bonds()) if (bond.getOrder() == IBond.Order.DOUBLE) return true; return false; // value primitives case ELEMENT: return eq(atom.getAtomicNumber(), value); case ALIPHATIC_ELEMENT: return !atom.isAromatic() && eq(atom.getAtomicNumber(), value); case AROMATIC_ELEMENT: return atom.isAromatic() && eq(atom.getAtomicNumber(), value); case IMPL_H_COUNT: return eq(atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount(), value); case TOTAL_H_COUNT: if (atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() != null && atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() > value) return false; return getTotalHCount(atom) == value; case DEGREE: return atom.getBondCount() == value; case HEAVY_DEGREE: // XXX: CDK quirk return atom.getBondCount() - (getTotalHCount(atom) - atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount()) == value; case TOTAL_DEGREE: int x = atom.getBondCount() + unbox(atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount()); return x == value; case VALENCE: int v = unbox(atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount()); if (v > value) return false; for (IBond bond : atom.bonds()) { if (bond.getOrder() != null) v += bond.getOrder().numeric(); } return v == value; case ISOTOPE: return eq(atom.getMassNumber(), value); case FORMAL_CHARGE: return eq(atom.getFormalCharge(), value); case RING_BOND_COUNT: if (!atom.isInRing() || atom.getBondCount() < value) return false; int rbonds = 0; for (IBond bond : atom.bonds()) rbonds += bond.isInRing() ? 1 : 0; return rbonds == value; case RING_COUNT: return atom.isInRing() && getRingCount(atom) == value; case RING_SMALLEST: return atom.isInRing() && isInSmallRingSize(atom, value); case RING_SIZE: return atom.isInRing() && isInRingSize(atom, value); case HETERO_SUBSTITUENT_COUNT: if (atom.getBondCount() < value) return false; int q = 0; for (IBond bond : atom.bonds()) q += matches(Type.IS_HETERO, bond.getOther(atom), stereo) ? 1 : 0; return q == value; case INSATURATION: int db = 0; for (IBond bond : atom.bonds()) if (bond.getOrder() == IBond.Order.DOUBLE) db++; return db == value; case HYBRIDISATION_NUMBER: IAtomType.Hybridization hyb = atom.getHybridization(); if (hyb == null) return false; switch (value) { case 1: return hyb == IAtomType.Hybridization.SP1; case 2: return hyb == IAtomType.Hybridization.SP2; case 3: return hyb == IAtomType.Hybridization.SP3; case 4: return hyb == IAtomType.Hybridization.SP3D1; case 5: return hyb == IAtomType.Hybridization.SP3D2; case 6: return hyb == IAtomType.Hybridization.SP3D3; case 7: return hyb == IAtomType.Hybridization.SP3D4; case 8: return hyb == IAtomType.Hybridization.SP3D5; default: return false; } case PERIODIC_GROUP: return atom.getAtomicNumber() != null && Elements.ofNumber(atom.getAtomicNumber()).group() == value; case STEREOCHEMISTRY: return stereo == UNKNOWN_STEREO || stereo == value; case REACTION_ROLE: ReactionRole role = atom.getProperty(CDKConstants.REACTION_ROLE); return role != null && role.ordinal() == value; case AND: return left.matches(left.type, atom, stereo) && right.matches(right.type, atom, stereo); case OR: return left.matches(left.type, atom, stereo) || right.matches(right.type, atom, stereo); case NOT: return !left.matches(left.type, atom, stereo) || // XXX: ugly but needed, when matching stereo (stereo == UNKNOWN_STEREO && (left.type == STEREOCHEMISTRY || left.type == OR && left.left.type == STEREOCHEMISTRY)); case RECURSIVE: if (ptrn == null) ptrn = DfPattern.findSubstructure(query); return ptrn.matchesRoot(atom); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot match AtomExpr, type=" + type); } } public boolean matches(IBond bond, int stereo) { switch (type) { case TRUE: return true; case FALSE: return false; case ALIPHATIC_ORDER: return !bond.isAromatic() && bond.getOrder() != null && bond.getOrder().numeric() == value; case ORDER: return bond.getOrder() != null && bond.getOrder().numeric() == value; case IS_AROMATIC: return bond.isAromatic(); case IS_ALIPHATIC: return !bond.isAromatic(); case IS_IN_RING: return bond.isInRing(); case IS_IN_CHAIN: return !bond.isInRing(); case SINGLE_OR_AROMATIC: return bond.isAromatic() || IBond.Order.SINGLE.equals(bond.getOrder()); case DOUBLE_OR_AROMATIC: return bond.isAromatic() || IBond.Order.DOUBLE.equals(bond.getOrder()); case SINGLE_OR_DOUBLE: return IBond.Order.SINGLE.equals(bond.getOrder()) || IBond.Order.DOUBLE.equals(bond.getOrder()); case STEREOCHEMISTRY: return stereo == UNKNOWN_STEREO || value == stereo; case AND: return left.matches(bond, stereo) && right.matches(bond, stereo); case OR: return left.matches(bond, stereo) || right.matches(bond, stereo); case NOT: return !left.matches(bond, stereo) || // XXX: ugly but needed, when matching stereo (stereo == UNKNOWN_STEREO && (left.type == STEREOCHEMISTRY || left.type == OR && left.left.type == STEREOCHEMISTRY)); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot match BondExpr, type=" + type); } } public boolean matches(IBond bond) { return matches(bond, UNKNOWN_STEREO); } private static int getTotalHCount(IAtom atom) { int h = unbox(atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount()); for (IBond bond : atom.bonds()) if (eq(bond.getOther(atom).getAtomicNumber(), 1)) h++; return h; } /** * Test whether this expression matches an atom instance. * * @param atom an atom (nullable) * @return the atom matches */ public boolean matches(final IAtom atom) { return atom != null && matches(type, atom, UNKNOWN_STEREO); } public boolean matches(final IAtom atom, final int stereo) { return atom != null && matches(type, atom, stereo); } /** * Utility, combine this expression with another, using conjunction. * The expression will only match if both conditions are met. * * @param expr the other expression * @return self for chaining */ public Expr and(Expr expr) { if (type == Type.TRUE) { set(expr); } else if (expr.type != Type.TRUE) { if (type.isLogical() && !expr.type.isLogical()) { if (type == AND) right.and(expr); else if (type != NOT) setLogical(Type.AND, expr, new Expr(this)); else setLogical(Type.AND, expr, new Expr(this)); } else { setLogical(Type.AND, new Expr(this), expr); } } return this; } /** * Utility, combine this expression with another, using disjunction. * The expression will match if either conditions is met. * @param expr the other expression * @return self for chaining */ public Expr or(Expr expr) { if (type == Type.TRUE || type == Type.FALSE || type == NONE) { set(expr); } else if (expr.type != Type.TRUE && expr.type != Type.FALSE && expr.type != Type.NONE) { if (type.isLogical() && !expr.type.isLogical()) { if (type == OR) right.or(expr); else if (type != NOT) setLogical(Type.OR, expr, new Expr(this)); else setLogical(Type.OR, new Expr(this), expr); } else setLogical(Type.OR, new Expr(this), expr); } return this; } /** * Negate the expression, the expression will not return true only if * the condition is not met. Some expressions have explicit types * that are more efficient to use, for example: * IS_IN_RING => NOT(IS_IN_RING) => IS_IN_CHAIN. This * negation method will use the more efficient type where possible. *
     * Expr e = new Expr(ELEMENT, 8); // SMARTS: [#8]
     * e.negate(); // SMARTS: [!#8]
     * }
* @return self for chaining */ public Expr negate() { switch (type) { case TRUE: type = Type.FALSE; break; case FALSE: type = Type.TRUE; break; case HAS_ISOTOPE: type = Type.HAS_UNSPEC_ISOTOPE; break; case HAS_UNSPEC_ISOTOPE: type = Type.HAS_ISOTOPE; break; case IS_AROMATIC: type = Type.IS_ALIPHATIC; break; case IS_ALIPHATIC: type = Type.IS_AROMATIC; break; case IS_IN_RING: type = Type.IS_IN_CHAIN; break; case IS_IN_CHAIN: type = Type.IS_IN_RING; break; case NOT: set(this.left); break; default: setLogical(Type.NOT, new Expr(this), null); break; } return this; } /** * Set the primitive value of this atom expression. * * @param type the type of expression * @param val the value to check */ public void setPrimitive(Type type, int val) { if (type.hasValue()) { this.type = type; this.value = val; this.left = null; this.right = null; this.query = null; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value provided for non-value " + "expression type!"); } } /** * Set the primitive value of this atom expression. * * @param type the type of expression */ public void setPrimitive(Type type) { if (!type.hasValue() && !type.isLogical()) { this.type = type; this.value = -1; this.left = null; this.right = null; this.query = null; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expression type requires a value!"); } } /** * Set the logical value of this atom expression. * * @param type the type of expression * @param left the left sub-expression * @param right the right sub-expression */ public void setLogical(Type type, Expr left, Expr right) { switch (type) { case AND: case OR: this.type = type; this.value = 0; this.left = left; this.right = right; this.query = null; break; case NOT: this.type = type; if (left != null && right == null) this.left = left; else if (left == null && right != null) this.left = right; else if (left != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only one sub-expression" + " should be provided" + " for NOT expressions!"); this.query = null; this.value = 0; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Left/Right sub expressions " + "supplied for " + " non-logical operator!"); } } /** * Set the recursive value of this atom expression. * * @param type the type of expression * @param mol the recursive pattern */ private void setRecursive(Type type, IAtomContainer mol) { switch (type) { case RECURSIVE: this.type = type; this.value = 0; this.left = null; this.right = null; this.query = mol; this.ptrn = null; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } /** * Set this expression to another (shallow copy). * * @param expr the other expression */ public void set(Expr expr) { this.type = expr.type; this.value = expr.value; this.left = expr.left; this.right = expr.right; this.query = expr.query; } /** * Access the type of the atom expression. * * @return the expression type */ public Type type() { return type; } /** * Access the value of this atom expression being * tested. * * @return the expression value */ public int value() { return value; } /** * Access the left sub-expression of this atom expression being * tested. * * @return the expression value */ public Expr left() { return left; } /** * Access the right sub-expression of this atom expression being * tested. * * @return the expression value */ public Expr right() { return right; } /** * Access the sub-query, only applicable to recursive types. * @return the sub-query * @see Type#RECURSIVE */ public IAtomContainer subquery() { return query; } /* Property Caches */ private static LoadingCache cacheRCounts; private static int[] getRingCounts(IAtomContainer mol) { int[] rcounts = new int[mol.getAtomCount()]; for (int[] path : Cycles.mcb(mol).paths()) { for (int i = 1; i < path.length; i++) { rcounts[path[i]]++; } } return rcounts; } private static int getRingCount(IAtom atom) { final IAtomContainer mol = atom.getContainer(); if (cacheRCounts == null) { cacheRCounts = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumWeight(1000) // 4KB .weigher(new Weigher() { @Override public int weigh(IAtomContainer key, int[] value) { return value.length; } }) .build(new CacheLoader() { @Override public int[] load(IAtomContainer key) throws Exception { return getRingCounts(key); } }); } return cacheRCounts.getUnchecked(mol)[atom.getIndex()]; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Expr atomExpr = (Expr) o; return type == atomExpr.type && value == atomExpr.value && Objects.equals(left, atomExpr.left) && Objects.equals(right, atomExpr.right); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(type, value, left, right); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(type); if (type.isLogical()) { switch (type) { case NOT: sb.append('(').append(left).append(')'); break; case OR: case AND: sb.append('(').append(left).append(',').append(right).append(')'); break; } } else if (type.hasValue()) { sb.append('=').append(value); } else if (type == Type.RECURSIVE) { sb.append("(...)"); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Types of expression, for use in the {@link Expr} tree object. */ public enum Type { /** Always returns true. */ TRUE, /** Always returns false. */ FALSE, /** Return true if {@link IAtom#isAromatic} or {@link IBond#isAromatic} is * true. */ IS_AROMATIC, /** Return true if {@link IAtom#isAromatic} or {@link IBond#isAromatic} is * flase. */ IS_ALIPHATIC, /** Return true if {@link IAtom#isInRing()} or {@link IBond#isInRing} is * true. */ IS_IN_RING, /** Return true if {@link IAtom#isInRing()} or {@link IBond#isInRing} is * false. */ IS_IN_CHAIN, /** Return true if {@link IAtom#getAtomicNumber()} is neither 6 (carbon) * nor 1 (hydrogen). */ IS_HETERO, /** Return true if {@link IAtom#getAtomicNumber()} is neither 6 (carbon) * nor 1 (hydrogen) and the atom is aliphatic. */ IS_ALIPHATIC_HETERO, /** True if the hydrogen count ({@link IAtom#getImplicitHydrogenCount()}) * is > 0. */ HAS_IMPLICIT_HYDROGEN, /** True if the atom mass ({@link IAtom#getMassNumber()}) is non-null. */ HAS_ISOTOPE, /** True if the atom mass ({@link IAtom#getMassNumber()}) is null * (unspecified). */ HAS_UNSPEC_ISOTOPE, /** True if the atom is adjacent to a hetero atom. */ HAS_HETERO_SUBSTITUENT, /** True if the atom is adjacent to an aliphatic hetero atom. */ HAS_ALIPHATIC_HETERO_SUBSTITUENT, /** True if the atom is unsaturated. * TODO: check if CACTVS if double bond to non-carbons are counted. */ UNSATURATED, /** True if the bond order ({@link IBond#getOrder()}) is single or double. */ SINGLE_OR_DOUBLE, /** True if the bond order ({@link IBond#getOrder()}) is single or the bond * is marked as aromatic ({@link IBond#isAromatic()}). */ SINGLE_OR_AROMATIC, /** True if the bond order ({@link IBond#getOrder()}) is double or the bond * is marked as aromatic ({@link IBond#isAromatic()}). */ DOUBLE_OR_AROMATIC, /* Expressions that take values */ /** True if the atomic number ({@link IAtom#getAtomicNumber()} ()}) * of an atom equals the specified 'value'. */ ELEMENT, /** True if the atomic number ({@link IAtom#getAtomicNumber()} ()}) * of an atom equals the specified 'value' and {@link IAtom#isAromatic()} * is false. */ ALIPHATIC_ELEMENT, /** True if the atomic number ({@link IAtom#getAtomicNumber()} ()}) * of an atom equals the specified 'value' and {@link IAtom#isAromatic()} * is true. */ AROMATIC_ELEMENT, /** True if the hydrogen count ({@link IAtom#getImplicitHydrogenCount()}) * of an atom equals the specified 'value'. */ IMPL_H_COUNT, /** True if the total hydrogen count of an atom equals the specified * 'value'. */ TOTAL_H_COUNT, /** True if the degree ({@link IAtom#getBondCount()}) of an atom * equals the specified 'value'. */ DEGREE, /** True if the total degree ({@link IAtom#getBondCount()} + * {@link IAtom#getImplicitHydrogenCount()}) of an atom equals the * specified 'value'. */ TOTAL_DEGREE, /** True if the degree ({@link IAtom#getBondCount()}) - any hydrogen atoms x* equals the specified 'value'. */ HEAVY_DEGREE, /** True if the valence of an atom equals the specified 'value'. */ VALENCE, /** True if the mass ({@link IAtom#getMassNumber()}) of an atom equals the * specified 'value'. */ ISOTOPE, /** True if the formal charge ({@link IAtom#getFormalCharge()}) of an atom * equals the specified 'value'. */ FORMAL_CHARGE, /** True if the ring bond count of an atom equals the specified 'value'. */ RING_BOND_COUNT, /** True if the number of rings this atom belongs to matches the specified * 'value'. Here a ring means a member of the Minimum Cycle Basis (MCB) * (aka Smallest Set of Smallest Rings). Since the MCB is non-unique the * numbers often don't make sense of bicyclo systems. */ RING_COUNT, /** True if the smallest ring this atom belongs to equals the specified * 'value' */ RING_SMALLEST, /** True if the this atom belongs to a ring equal to the specified * 'value' */ RING_SIZE, /** True if the this atom hybridisation ({@link IAtom#getHybridization()}) * is equal to the specified 'value'. SP1=1, SP2=2, SP3=3, SP3D1=4, * SP3D2=5, SP3D3=6, SP3D4=7, SP3D5=8. */ HYBRIDISATION_NUMBER, /** True if the number hetero atoms (see {@link #IS_HETERO}) this atom is * next to is equal to the specified value. */ HETERO_SUBSTITUENT_COUNT, /** True if the number hetero atoms (see {@link #IS_ALIPHATIC_HETERO}) this atom is * next to is equal to the specified value. */ ALIPHATIC_HETERO_SUBSTITUENT_COUNT, /** True if the periodic table group of this atom is equal to the specified * value. For example halogens are Group '17'.*/ PERIODIC_GROUP, /** True if the number of double bonds equals the specified value. * TODO: check if CACTVS if double bond to non-carbons are counted. */ INSATURATION, /** True if an atom has the specified reaction role. */ REACTION_ROLE, /** True if an atom or bond has the specified stereochemistry value, see * ({@link org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IStereoElement}) for a list of * values.*/ STEREOCHEMISTRY, /** True if the bond order {@link IBond#getOrder()} equals the specified * value and the bond is not marked as aromatic * ({@link IAtom#isAromatic()}). */ ALIPHATIC_ORDER, /** True if the bond order {@link IBond#getOrder()} equals the specified * value and the bond, aromaticity is not check. */ ORDER, /* Binary/unary internal nodes */ /** True if both the subexpressions are true. */ AND, /** True if both either subexpressions are true. */ OR, /** True if the subexpression is not true. */ NOT, /** Recursive query. */ RECURSIVE, /** Undefined expression type. */ NONE; boolean isLogical() { switch (this) { case OR: case NOT: case AND: return true; default: return false; } } boolean hasValue() { switch (this) { case OR: case NOT: case AND: case TRUE: case FALSE: case NONE: case IS_AROMATIC: case IS_ALIPHATIC: case IS_IN_RING: case IS_IN_CHAIN: case IS_HETERO: case IS_ALIPHATIC_HETERO: case HAS_IMPLICIT_HYDROGEN: case HAS_ISOTOPE: case HAS_UNSPEC_ISOTOPE: case HAS_ALIPHATIC_HETERO_SUBSTITUENT: case HAS_HETERO_SUBSTITUENT: case UNSATURATED: case SINGLE_OR_AROMATIC: case SINGLE_OR_DOUBLE: case DOUBLE_OR_AROMATIC: case RECURSIVE: return false; default: return true; } } } }