#! /usr/freeware/bin/python # # This is dump2trj, a program written by Keir E. Novik to convert # Lammps position dump files to Amber trajectory files. # # Copyright 2000 Keir E. Novik; all rights reserved. # #============================================================ def Convert_files(): 'Handle the whole conversion process' print print 'Welcome to dump2trj, a program to convert Lammps position dump files to\nAmber trajectory format!' print Basename_list = Find_dump_files() for Basename in Basename_list: t = Trajectory() if t.Read_dump(Basename): t.Write_trj(Basename) del t print #============================================================ def Find_dump_files(): 'Look for sets of Lammps position dump files to process' '''If passed something on the command line, treat it as a list of files to process. Otherwise, look for *.dump in the current directory. ''' import os, sys Basename_list = [] # Extract basenames from command line for Name in sys.argv[1:]: if Name[-5:] == '.dump': Basename_list.append(Name[:-5]) else: Basename_list.append(Name) if Basename_list == []: print 'Looking for Lammps dump files...', Dir_list = os.listdir('.') for Filename in Dir_list: if Filename[-5:] == '.dump': Basename_list.append(Filename[:-5]) Basename_list.sort() if Basename_list != []: print 'found', for i in range(len(Basename_list)-1): print Basename_list[i] + ',', print Basename_list[-1] + '\n' if Basename_list == []: print 'none.\n' return Basename_list #============================================================ class Snapshot: def __init__(self, The_trajectory): 'Initialize the Snapshot class' self.atoms = The_trajectory.atoms self.xlo = The_trajectory.xlo self.xhi = The_trajectory.xhi self.ylo = The_trajectory.ylo self.yhi = The_trajectory.yhi self.zlo = The_trajectory.zlo self.zhi = The_trajectory.zhi #-------------------------------------------------------- def Read_dump(self, Lines): 'Read a snapshot (timestep) from a Lammps position dump file' '''Trajectory.Read_dump() will pass us only the lines we need (including the timestep number). ''' self.Atom_list = Lines[3:] #-------------------------------------------------------- def Write_trj(self, F): 'Write a snapshot (timestep) to an Amber trajectory file' '''The Atom_list must be sorted, as it may not be in order (for example, in a parallel Lammps simulation). The first element (before the sort) is the header line. ''' import string xBOX = (self.xhi - self.xlo) yBOX = (self.yhi - self.ylo) zBOX = (self.zhi - self.zlo) Min = min(self.xlo, self.ylo, self.zlo) Max = max(self.xhi, self.yhi, self.zhi, xBOX, yBOX, zBOX) if Min <= -1000 or Max >= 10000: print '(error: coordinates too large!)' return Print_list = [] self.Atom_list = self.Atom_list[1:] self.Atom_list.sort() for Line in self.Atom_list: Item_list = string.split(Line) x = xBOX * Float(Item_list[2]) y = yBOX * Float(Item_list[3]) z = zBOX * Float(Item_list[4]) Print_list.append('%(x)8.3f' % vars()) Print_list.append('%(y)8.3f' % vars()) Print_list.append('%(z)8.3f' % vars()) if len(Print_list) > 9: Line = '' for j in range(10): Line = Line + Print_list[j] Line = Line + '\n' Print_list = Print_list[10:] try: F.write(Line) except IOError, Detail: print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)' F.close() return if len(Print_list) > 0: Line = '' for j in range(len(Print_list)): Line = Line + Print_list[j] Line = Line + '\n' try: F.write(Line) except IOError, Detail: print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)' F.close() return Line = '%(xBOX)8.3f%(yBOX)8.3f%(zBOX)8.3f\n' % vars() try: F.write(Line) except IOError, Detail: print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)' F.close() return #============================================================ class Trajectory: #-------------------------------------------------------- def Read_dump(self, Basename): 'Read a Lammps position dump file' import string, sys Filename = Basename + '.dump' print 'Reading', Filename + '...', sys.stdout.flush() try: F = open(Filename) except IOError, Detail: print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)' return 0 try: Lines = F.readlines() except IOError, Detail: print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)' F.close() return 0 F.close() # Read the number of atoms self.atoms = int(Lines[1]) # Read the periodic box boundaries Item_list = string.split(Lines[3]) self.xlo = Float(Item_list[0]) self.xhi = Float(Item_list[1]) Item_list = string.split(Lines[4]) self.ylo = Float(Item_list[0]) self.yhi = Float(Item_list[1]) Item_list = string.split(Lines[5]) self.zlo = Float(Item_list[0]) self.zhi = Float(Item_list[1]) # Read atom positions in each snapshot Snapshots = (len(Lines) - 6) / (self.atoms + 3) if int(Snapshots) != Snapshots: print '(error: wrong length of dump!)' return self.Snapshot_list = [] for i in range(Snapshots): self.Snapshot_list.append(Snapshot(self)) Start = 5 + i * (self.atoms + 3) End = Start + (self.atoms + 3) + 1 self.Snapshot_list[-1].Read_dump(Lines[Start:End]) print 'done.' return 1 #-------------------------------------------------------- def Write_trj(self, Basename): 'Write an Amber trajectory file' import os, sys Filename = Basename + '.x' Dir_list = os.listdir('.') i = 1 while Filename in Dir_list: Filename = Basename + `i` + '.x' i = i + 1 del i print 'Writing', Filename + '...', sys.stdout.flush() try: F = open(Filename, 'w') except IOError, Detail: print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)' return try: F.write(Basename + '\n') except IOError, Detail: print '(error:', Detail[1] + '!)' F.close() return for S in self.Snapshot_list: S.Write_trj(F) F.close() print 'done.' #============================================================ def Float(s): 'Return the string s as a float, if possible' try: x = float(s) except ValueError: if s[-1] == ',': s = s[:-1] x = float(s) return x #============================================================ Convert_files()