/*************************************************************************** gayberne_ext.cpp ------------------- W. Michael Brown LAMMPS Wrappers for Gay-Berne Acceleration __________________________________________________________________________ This file is part of the LAMMPS Accelerator Library (LAMMPS_AL) __________________________________________________________________________ begin : email : brownw@ornl.gov ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "lal_gayberne.h" using namespace std; using namespace LAMMPS_AL; static GayBerne GBMF; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allocate memory on host and device and copy constants to device // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int gb_gpu_init(const int ntypes, const double gamma, const double upsilon, const double mu, double **shape, double **well, double **cutsq, double **sigma, double **epsilon, double *host_lshape, int **form, double **host_lj1, double **host_lj2, double **host_lj3, double **host_lj4, double **offset, double *special_lj, const int inum, const int nall, const int max_nbors, const int maxspecial, const double cell_size, int &gpu_mode, FILE *screen) { GBMF.clear(); gpu_mode=GBMF.device->gpu_mode(); double gpu_split=GBMF.device->particle_split(); int first_gpu=GBMF.device->first_device(); int last_gpu=GBMF.device->last_device(); int world_me=GBMF.device->world_me(); int gpu_rank=GBMF.device->gpu_rank(); int procs_per_gpu=GBMF.device->procs_per_gpu(); GBMF.device->init_message(screen,"gayberne",first_gpu,last_gpu); bool message=false; if (GBMF.device->replica_me()==0 && screen) message=true; if (message) { fprintf(screen,"Initializing GPU and compiling on process 0..."); fflush(screen); } int init_ok=0; if (world_me==0) init_ok=GBMF.init(ntypes, gamma, upsilon, mu, shape, well, cutsq, sigma, epsilon, host_lshape, form, host_lj1, host_lj2, host_lj3, host_lj4, offset, special_lj, inum, nall, max_nbors, maxspecial, cell_size, gpu_split, screen); GBMF.device->world_barrier(); if (message) fprintf(screen,"Done.\n"); for (int i=0; igpu_barrier(); if (message) fprintf(screen,"Done.\n"); } if (message) fprintf(screen,"\n"); if (init_ok==0) GBMF.estimate_gpu_overhead(); return init_ok; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Clear memory on host and device // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void gb_gpu_clear() { GBMF.clear(); } int** compute(const int ago, const int inum_full, const int nall, double **host_x, int *host_type, double *sublo, double *subhi, int *tag, int **nspecial, int **special, const bool eflag, const bool vflag, const bool eatom, const bool vatom, int &host_start, int **ilist, int **numj, const double cpu_time, bool &success, double **host_quat); int** gb_gpu_compute_n(const int ago, const int inum_full, const int nall, double **host_x, int *host_type, double *sublo, double *subhi, int *tag, int **nspecial, int **special, const bool eflag, const bool vflag, const bool eatom, const bool vatom, int &host_start, int **ilist, int **jnum, const double cpu_time, bool &success, double **host_quat) { return GBMF.compute(ago, inum_full, nall, host_x, host_type, sublo, subhi, tag, nspecial, special, eflag, vflag, eatom, vatom, host_start, ilist, jnum, cpu_time, success, host_quat); } int * gb_gpu_compute(const int ago, const int inum_full, const int nall, double **host_x, int *host_type, int *ilist, int *numj, int **firstneigh, const bool eflag, const bool vflag, const bool eatom, const bool vatom, int &host_start, const double cpu_time, bool &success, double **host_quat) { return GBMF.compute(ago, inum_full, nall, host_x, host_type, ilist, numj, firstneigh, eflag, vflag, eatom, vatom, host_start, cpu_time, success, host_quat); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Return memory usage // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- double gb_gpu_bytes() { return GBMF.host_memory_usage(); }