subroutine print_exndcf(msg) implicit none c $Id$ #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" #include "util.fh" character *(*) msg integer i,j write(6,*)'<<<< print_exndcf: ',msg,' >>>>' do i = 1, nbasis_bsmx write(6,10000)i,(exndcf(j,i), j=1,3) enddo 10000 format(' basis:',i2,' handle :',i10,/ & ' ', ' index :',i10,/ & ' ', ' size :',i10/) end *..................................................................... logical function bas_add_ucnt_init(basisin) implicit none #include "errquit.fh" #include "mafdecls.fh" #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" #include "bas_exndcf_dec.fh" integer basisin c::local integer input_size parameter(input_size = 10000) integer basis, h_tmp, k_tmp c #include "bas_exndcf_sfn.fh" c basis = basisin + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET c bas_add_ucnt_init = ma_alloc_get( & mt_dbl,input_size,' input for basis heap ', & h_tmp,k_tmp) exndcf(H_exndcf,basis) = h_tmp exndcf(K_exndcf,basis)= k_tmp if (.not. bas_add_ucnt_init) call errquit & ('bas_add_unct_init: error allocating input heap space',911, & MEM_ERR) call dfill(input_size,0.0d00,dbl_mb(k_tmp),1) exndcf(SZ_exndcf,basis) = input_size end *..................................................................... logical function bas_add_ucnt_tidy(basisin) implicit none #include "errquit.fh" #include "mafdecls.fh" #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" #include "bas_exndcf_dec.fh" integer basisin c::local integer basis integer h_tmp c #include "bas_exndcf_sfn.fh" c basis = basisin + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET c h_tmp = exndcf(H_exndcf,basis) bas_add_ucnt_tidy = ma_free_heap(h_tmp) if (.not.bas_add_ucnt_tidy) call errquit & ('bas_add_unct_tidy: error freeing heap',911, MEM_ERR) exndcf(H_exndcf ,basis) = -1 exndcf(K_exndcf ,basis) = 0 exndcf(SZ_exndcf,basis) = 0 bas_add_ucnt_tidy = .true. end *..................................................................... logical function bas_set_ecp_basis(basis) implicit none #include "basdeclsP.fh" #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" logical bas_check_handle external bas_check_handle c integer basis c integer bas c bas_set_ecp_basis = bas_check_handle(basis,'bas_set_ecp_basis') if (.not. bas_set_ecp_basis) return bas = basis + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET c infbs_head(Head_ECP,bas) = 1 end *..................................................................... logical function bas_set_so_basis(basis) implicit none #include "basdeclsP.fh" #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" logical bas_check_handle external bas_check_handle c integer basis c integer bas c bas_set_so_basis = bas_check_handle(basis,'bas_set_so_basis') if (.not. bas_set_so_basis) return bas = basis + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET c infbs_head(Head_ECP,bas) = 2 end *..................................................................... logical function ecp_set_num_elec(ecpid,tag,num_elec,stdtag) implicit none #include "basdeclsP.fh" #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" *functions:: logical ecp_check_handle logical bas_add_utag external ecp_check_handle external bas_add_utag *passed:: integer ecpid ! [input] basis set handle character*16 tag ! [input] tag to set number of electrons for integer num_elec ! [input] number of electrons ecp replaces character*(*) stdtag ! [input] name associated with ecp on tag c *local:: integer ecp_indx integer itag c c sets the number of electrons replaced by the ecp on the c specified tag. If the tag is not present it will also add c that by calling bas_add_utag c ecp_set_num_elec = ecp_check_handle(ecpid,'ecp_set_num_elec') if (.not. ecp_set_num_elec) return ecp_indx = ecpid + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET c c Make sure that the tag is in the list c ecp_set_num_elec = bas_add_utag(ecpid, tag, stdtag, itag) if (.not. ecp_set_num_elec) return infbs_tags(Tag_Nelec,itag,ecp_indx) = num_elec c end *..................................................................... logical function ecp_get_num_elec(ecpid,tag,num_elec) implicit none #include "basdeclsP.fh" #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" #include "stdio.fh" *functions:: logical ecp_check_handle external ecp_check_handle *passed:: integer ecpid ! [input] basis set handle character*16 tag ! [input] tag to get number of electrons for integer num_elec ! [input] number of electrons ecp replaces c *local:: integer ecp_indx integer itag, ntag c c gets the number of electrons replaced by the ecp on the c specified tag. If the tag is not present it will error * c ecp_get_num_elec = ecp_check_handle(ecpid,'ecp_get_num_elec') if (.not.ecp_get_num_elec) return ecp_indx = ecpid + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET c ntag = infbs_head(Head_Ntags,ecp_indx) do itag = 1,ntag if (tag.eq.bs_tags(itag,ecp_indx)) then num_elec = infbs_tags(Tag_Nelec,itag,ecp_indx) ecp_get_num_elec = .true. return endif enddo c num_elec = 0 ecp_get_num_elec = .false. c end *..................................................................... logical function bas_add_utag(basisin, tag, stdtag, itag) implicit none #include "basdeclsP.fh" #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" #include "inp.fh" integer basisin ! [input] basis handle character*(*) tag ! [input] name of tag character*(*) stdtag ! [input] name of basis set on tag integer itag ! [output] index of tag c integer basis ! [local] index into basis arrays logical bas_check_handle external bas_check_handle integer tmp c c Add the unique tag to the list of tags in the basis, c incrementing the no. of tags if necessary. c Return in itag the index of the unique tag c bas_add_utag = bas_check_handle(basisin, 'bas_add_utag') if (.not. bas_add_utag) return basis = basisin + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET c do itag = 1, infbs_head(HEAD_NTAGS,basis) if (bs_tags(itag,basis) .eq. tag) then if (bs_stdname(itag,basis).eq.'unknown') then bs_stdname(itag,basis) = stdtag else if (bs_stdname(itag,basis) .ne. stdtag) then if (.not.(bs_stdname(itag,basis)(1:9).eq.'modified:')) then tmp = inp_strlen(bs_stdname(itag,basis)) bs_stdname(itag,basis) = & 'modified:'//bs_stdname(itag,basis)(1:tmp) endif endif return endif enddo c c No match found ... append new tag to the list c itag = infbs_head(HEAD_NTAGS,basis) + 1 if (itag .gt. ntags_bsmx) then write(6,*) 'bas_add_utag: too many tags', itag bas_add_utag = .false. return endif c infbs_head(HEAD_NTAGS,basis) = itag bs_tags(itag,basis) = tag bs_stdname(itag,basis) = stdtag c end *..................................................................... subroutine bas_err_info(info) implicit none #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" c character*(*) info ! [input] integer bas,basin integer nbas logical status c c For internal use of the basis set routines only: print out c info of known basis sets to aid in diagnosing a problem c c::function logical bas_print external bas_print c nbas = 0 do 00100 bas = 1, nbasis_bsmx if (bsactive(bas)) nbas = nbas + 1 00100 continue write(6,'(1x,a,a,i2)') & info, ': open basis sets:',nbas c nbas = 0 do 00200 bas = 1, nbasis_bsmx if (bsactive(bas)) then basin = bas - BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET status = bas_print(basin) endif 00200 continue c if (nbasis_rtdb .gt. 0) then write(6,'(1x,a,a,i3)') & info,': basis sets in current rtdb ',nbasis_rtdb do 00300 bas = 1, nbasis_rtdb write(6,'(1x,a,1x,i3,3x,a,1x,a)') & 'number:',bas, & 'basis set name:', & bs_names_rtdb(bas)(1:len_bs_rtdb(bas)) 00300 continue endif c end *..................................................................... logical function bas_ucontinfo(basisin,icont,itype, & nprimo,ngeno,sphcart) implicit none #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" #include "geobasmapP.fh" #include "basdeclsP.fh" c::function logical bas_check_handle external bas_check_handle c::passed integer basisin, icont, nprimo, ngeno, sphcart, itype c::local integer basis,myucont,icontmax c nprimo = -123 ngeno = -456 sphcart = -789 c bas_ucontinfo = bas_check_handle(basisin,'bas_ucontinfo') if (.not.bas_ucontinfo) return basis = basisin + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET c icontmax = infbs_head(HEAD_NCONT,basis) c if (.not.( then write(6,*)' bas_continfo: ERROR ' write(6,*)' unique contraction range for basis is 1:', & icontmax write(6,*)' information requested for contraction:',icont bas_ucontinfo = .false. return endif c myucont = icont if (bas_spherical(basis)) then sphcart = 1 else sphcart = 0 endif itype = infbs_cont(CONT_TYPE,myucont,basis) nprimo = infbs_cont(CONT_NPRIM,myucont,basis) ngeno = infbs_cont(CONT_NGEN,myucont,basis) bas_ucontinfo=.true. return end *..................................................................... logical function bas_unumcont(basisin,numcont) implicit none #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" #include "geobasmapP.fh" #include "basdeclsP.fh" c::function logical bas_check_handle external bas_check_handle c::passed integer basisin,numcont c::local integer basis c numcont = -6589 bas_unumcont = bas_check_handle(basisin,'bas_numcont') if (.not.bas_unumcont) return basis = basisin + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET numcont = infbs_head(HEAD_NCONT,basis) bas_unumcont = .true. return end *..................................................................... block data basis_data c c Block data structure to initialize the common block variables in the c internal basis set object data structures c implicit none #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" c data nbasis_rtdb /0/ data bsactive /nbasis_bsmx*.false./ data bas_spherical /nbasis_bsmx*.false./ data angular_bs /nbasis_bsmx*-565/ data bas_norm_id /nbasis_bsmx*-565/ data nbfmax_bs /nbasis_bsmx*-565/ data bsversion /5.00d00/ * version 5 includes so stuff c end *..................................................................... integer function nbf_from_ucont(ucont,basisin) c c function that returns the number of basis functions in a contraction c c types 0->S, 1->P, 2->D, 3->F etc. -1->SP -2->SPD c implicit none #include "errquit.fh" #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" #include "basdeclsP.fh" c:: function logical bas_check_handle external bas_check_handle c:: passed integer ucont ! [input] unique contraction integer basisin ! [input] basis set handle c:: local integer type integer basis integer ngen c if(.not.bas_check_handle(basisin,'nbf_from_ucont')) & call errquit('nbf_from_ucont: bad basis handle',basisin, & BASIS_ERR) c basis = basisin + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET c type = infbs_cont(CONT_TYPE,ucont,basis) ngen = infbs_cont(CONT_NGEN,ucont,basis) if ( then if (bas_spherical(basis)) then nbf_from_ucont = ngen*(2*type+1) else nbf_from_ucont = ngen*(type+1)*(type+2)/2 endif else if (type.eq.-1) then nbf_from_ucont = ngen*2 else if (type.eq.-2) then if (bas_spherical(basis)) then nbf_from_ucont = ngen*9/3 else nbf_from_ucont = ngen*10/3 endif else call errquit('nbf_from_ucont: bad cont type',type, BASIS_ERR) endif end *..................................................................... logical function bas_set_spherical(basisin, ospherical) implicit none #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" #include "basdeclsP.fh" c integer basisin ! [input] basis set handle logical ospherical ! [input] logical for spherical setting c integer basis c bas_set_spherical = .false. c basis = basisin + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET if (ospherical) then infbs_head(HEAD_SPH,basis) = 1 bas_spherical(basis) = .true. else infbs_head(HEAD_SPH,basis) = 0 bas_spherical(basis) = .false. endif bas_set_spherical = .true. end *..................................................................... logical function bas_get_spherical(basisin, is_spherical) implicit none #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" #include "basdeclsP.fh" c integer basisin ! [input] basis get handle logical is_spherical ! [output] logical for spherical getting c integer basis c bas_get_spherical = .false. c basis = basisin + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET if (infbs_head(head_sph,basis).eq.1) then is_spherical = .true. else is_spherical = .false. endif bas_get_spherical = .true. end *..................................................................... logical function bas_name_exist_rtdb(rtdb,name) implicit none #include "errquit.fh" * * function to determin if "name" has been stored on the * current rtdb in actual or translated by a set directive. * #include "mafdecls.fh" #include "rtdb.fh" #include "context.fh" #include "inp.fh" #include "nwc_const.fh" #include "basP.fh" c::functions logical bas_rtdb_in external bas_rtdb_in c::passed integer rtdb ! [input] run time data base handle character*(*) name ! [input] test name c::local integer index character*256 trans_name c bas_name_exist_rtdb = bas_rtdb_in(rtdb) if (.not.bas_name_exist_rtdb) call errquit & ('bas_name_exist_rtdb: bas_rtdb_in failed',911, RTDB_ERR) c bas_name_exist_rtdb = .false. if (inp_match & (nbasis_rtdb,.false.,name,bs_names_rtdb,index)) then bas_name_exist_rtdb = .true. return endif if (context_rtdb_match(rtdb,name,trans_name)) then if (inp_match & (nbasis_rtdb,.false.,trans_name,bs_names_rtdb,index)) then bas_name_exist_rtdb = .true. return endif endif end