subroutine tce_jacobi_sub_t1(d_r1,d_t1,k_t1_offset,iter,iref) c implicit none #include "global.fh" #include "mafdecls.fh" #include "sym.fh" #include "util.fh" #include "stdio.fh" #include "errquit.fh" #include "tce.fh" #include "tce_main.fh" #include "tce_mrcc.fh" integer d_r1 integer d_t1 integer p1b integer h2b integer p1 integer h2 integer k_t1_offset integer size integer l_r1,k_r1 integer l_t1,k_t1 integer i integer nprocs integer count integer nex cc integer nxtask c integer iter integer iref double precision denom c cc external nxtask INTEGER NXTASKsub EXTERNAL NXTASKsub logical nodezero logical noloadbalance c *** shift *** double precision shift c ************* c if(iter.le.100) then shift=-zlshift else shift=0.0d0 end if c c ================ c Loop over blocks c ================ c nodezero = (ga_nodeid().eq.0) c noloadbalance = ((ioalg.eq.4).or. c 1 ((ioalg.eq.6).and.(.not.fileisga(d_r1)))) nprocs=GA_pgroup_NNODES(int_mb(k_innodes+ga_nnodes()+ga_nodeid())) count = 0 c call GA_Pgroup_SYNC(int_mb(k_innodes+ga_nnodes()+ga_nodeid())) nex=NXTASKsub(nprocs,1,int_mb(k_innodes+ga_nnodes()+ga_nodeid())) do p1b = noab+1,noab+nvab do h2b = 1,noab if (nex.eq.count) then if (int_mb(k_spin+p1b-1) .eq. int_mb(k_spin+h2b-1)) then if ((.not.restricted).or.(int_mb(k_spin+p1b-1) 1 +int_mb(k_spin+h2b-1).ne.4)) then if (ieor(int_mb(k_sym+p1b-1),int_mb(k_sym+h2b-1)).eq.0) then size = int_mb(k_range+p1b-1) * int_mb(k_range+h2b-1) if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,size,'r1',l_r1,k_r1)) 1 call errquit('tce_jacobi_t1: MA problem',0,MA_ERR) call get_hash_block(d_r1,dbl_mb(k_r1),size, 1 int_mb(k_t1_offset),((p1b-noab-1)*noab+h2b-1)) c if(lsubterm) then if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,size,'t1',l_t1,k_t1)) 1 call errquit('tce_jacobi_t1: MA problem',0,MA_ERR) call get_hash_block(d_t1,dbl_mb(k_t1),size, 1 int_mb(k_t1_offset),((p1b-noab-1)*noab+h2b-1)) c endif i = 0 do p1 = 1,int_mb(k_range+p1b-1) do h2 = 1,int_mb(k_range+h2b-1) i = i + 1 denom = (-dbl_mb(k_evl_sorted+int_mb(k_offset+p1b-1)+p1-1) 2 +dbl_mb(k_evl_sorted+int_mb(k_offset+h2b-1)+h2-1) 3 +mrccshift) if((abs(denom).lt.0.01).and. 1 (abs(dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1)/denom).gt.1.0d0)) 1 then write(6,"('1DENOM CLOSE TO ZERO: ',4F16.12,4F16.12)")denom, 1 dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1) c if( then c shift=-1.0d10 c else c shift=1.0d10 c endif endif if(.not.lsubterm) then if(forcedegen) then dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1) = (dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1)) 1 / (-orbdegenenergy(iref,p1b)+ 1 orbdegenenergy(iref,h2b)+mrccshift) else dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1) = (dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1)) 1 / (-dbl_mb(k_evl_sorted+int_mb(k_offset+p1b-1)+p1-1) 2 +dbl_mb(k_evl_sorted+int_mb(k_offset+h2b-1)+h2-1) 3 +shift+mrccshift) endif else if(forcedegen) then dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1) = (dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1) 1 -mrccshift*dbl_mb(k_t1+i-1)) 1 / (-orbdegenenergy(iref,p1b)+ 1 orbdegenenergy(iref,h2b)+mrccshift) else dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1) = (dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1) 1 -mrccshift*dbl_mb(k_t1+i-1)) 1 / (-dbl_mb(k_evl_sorted+int_mb(k_offset+p1b-1)+p1-1) 2 +dbl_mb(k_evl_sorted+int_mb(k_offset+h2b-1)+h2-1) 3 +shift+mrccshift) c dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1) = ((dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1) c 1 -mrccshift*dbl_mb(k_t1+i-1))*denom)/(denom*denom+ c 1 shift*shift) endif endif shift = 0.0d0 c if(abs(dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1)).gt.20.0d0) then c if(dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1).lt.0.0d0) then c dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1)=-20.0d0 c else c dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1)=20.0d0 c endif c write(6,"('1RESIDUE HAS BEEN CUTED')") c endif if(iter .lt. 4) then if(.not. lreadt) then if(abs(dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1)).gt. 0.1d0) then if(dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1).lt.0.0d0) then dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1)=-0.01d0 else dbl_mb(k_r1+i-1)=0.01d0 endif c if(nodezero) c write(luout,*)"t1 residue has been modified to 0.01" c if(nodezero) call util_flush(LuOut) endif endif endif enddo enddo call add_hash_block(d_t1,dbl_mb(k_r1),size, 1 int_mb(k_t1_offset),((p1b-noab-1)*noab+h2b-1)) c update of the res.-single vector to the form of increment used in DIIS proc. c call put_hash_block(d_r1,dbl_mb(k_r1),size, c 1 int_mb(k_t1_offset),((p1b-noab-1)*noab+h2b-1)) cc if (nodezero.and.util_print('t1',print_debug)) then call get_hash_block(d_t1,dbl_mb(k_r1),size, 1 int_mb(k_t1_offset),((p1b-noab-1)*noab+h2b-1)) call ma_print_compact(dbl_mb(k_r1),size,1,'t1') endif c if(lsubterm) then if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_t1)) 1 call errquit('tce_jacobi_t1: MA problem',1,MA_ERR) c endif if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_r1)) 1 call errquit('tce_jacobi_t1: MA problem',1,MA_ERR) endif endif endif nex=NXTASKsub(nprocs,1,int_mb(k_innodes+ga_nnodes()+ga_nodeid())) endif count = count + 1 enddo enddo nex=NXTASKsub(-nprocs,1,int_mb(k_innodes+ga_nnodes()+ga_nodeid())) call GA_Pgroup_SYNC(int_mb(k_innodes+ga_nnodes()+ga_nodeid())) call util_flush(LuOut) return end c c c c $Id$