subroutine argos_diana_center_ref(x) c c $Id$ c implicit none c #include "argos_diana_common.fh" #include "mafdecls.fh" #include "msgids.fh" #include "rtdb.fh" c real*8 x(nsa,3) integer i,j c c center and fold c if( then if(.not.ltop) call md_abort('No topology for center',0) call argos_diana_center_fold(x,x,int_mb(i_imol),0) endif c c broadcast coordinates to all nodes c if( then call ga_brdcst(mag_d02,x(1,1),3*nsa*ma_sizeof(mt_dbl,1,mt_byte),0) endif c do 1 j=1,3 xsmin(j)=x(1,j) xsmax(j)=x(1,j) do 1 i=2,nsa xsmin(j)=min(xsmin(j),x(i,j)) xsmax(j)=max(xsmax(j),x(i,j)) 1 continue c c xsmin=xsmin-0.5d0 c xsmax=xsmax+0.5d0 c return end