subroutine argos_space_trvl(xw,vw,xwcr,gw,iwl,iwlp, + xs,vs,gs,isl,islp, + boxsiz,ibownr,ipl,ndx,itmp,rtmp,lenx) c implicit none c #include "argos_space_common.fh" #include "global.fh" #include "msgids.fh" c real*8 xw(mwm,3,mwa),vw(mwm,3,mwa),xwcr(mwm,3) real*8 xs(msa,3),vs(msa,3) real*8 gw(mwm,3,mwa),gs(msa,3) integer iwl(mwm,miw2),iwlp(mwm,npackw) integer isl(msa,mis2),islp(msa,npack) integer lenx real*8 boxsiz(maxbox,3) integer ipl(mbox,mip2),ibownr(maxbox,3) integer ndx(lenx),itmp(lenx) real*8 rtmp(lenx) logical lrec(27) c integer i,indexw,indexs,j,k,ibx,iby,ibz,ipx,ipy,ipz integer isbox,isnod,nrbox integer ilp,ihp,jlp,jhp integer il,ih,jl,jh,ilw,ihw,jlw,jhw,ils,ihs,jls,jhs integer iliw,ihiw,jliw,jhiw integer ilis,ihis,jlis,jhis integer iwm,iwstay,jwstay,lwstay,nwgo,nwgosm integer nwgtsm integer nwnew,nwstay,iwmloc,jwmloc,lwmloc,irw integer isa,jsa,isstay,jsstay,icsgm,ifsgm,ilsgm integer nsnew,nsstay,lsstay,isaloc,jsaloc,lsaloc,irs integer nsgo,jnode,iwfr,iwto,isfr,isto real*8 factor,xscx,xscy,xscz,boxi(3) integer itemps,nfold logical lend character*255 string c boxi(1)=one/box(1) boxi(2)=one/box(2) boxi(3)=one/box(3) nfold=0 lpbc9=.false. c nwstay=0 c c order the solvent molecules c if( then do 1 i=1,nwmloc ndx(i)=i 1 continue endif if( then lwmloc=nwmloc/2+1 irw=nwmloc 2 continue if( then lwmloc=lwmloc-1 itemps=ndx(lwmloc) else itemps=ndx(irw) ndx(irw)=ndx(1) irw=irw-1 if(irw.eq.1) then ndx(1)=itemps goto 3 endif endif iwmloc=lwmloc jwmloc=lwmloc+lwmloc 4 continue if(jwmloc.le.irw) then if( then if((iwl(ndx(jwmloc),lwnod).eq.iwl(ndx(jwmloc+1),lwnod).and. + iwl(ndx(jwmloc),lwbox).le.iwl(ndx(jwmloc+1),lwbox)).or. + ((iwl(ndx(jwmloc),lwnod) + (iwl(ndx(jwmloc),lwnod) + iwl(ndx(jwmloc),lwnod).le.iwl(ndx(jwmloc+1),lwnod))).and. + iwl(ndx(jwmloc+1),lwnod) jwmloc=jwmloc+1 endif if((iwl(itemps,lwnod).eq.iwl(ndx(jwmloc),lwnod).and. + iwl(itemps,lwbox).le.iwl(ndx(jwmloc),lwbox)).or. + ((iwl(itemps,lwnod) (iwl(itemps,lwnod) + iwl(itemps,lwnod).le.iwl(ndx(jwmloc),lwnod))).and. + iwl(ndx(jwmloc),lwnod) then ndx(iwmloc)=ndx(jwmloc) iwmloc=jwmloc jwmloc=jwmloc+jwmloc else jwmloc=irw+1 endif goto 4 endif ndx(iwmloc)=itemps goto 2 3 continue c do 5 k=1,3 do 8 i=1,nwmloc rtmp(i)=xwcr(i,k) 8 continue do 9 i=1,nwmloc xwcr(i,k)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 9 continue do 10 j=1,nwa do 11 i=1,nwmloc rtmp(i)=xw(i,k,j) 11 continue do 12 i=1,nwmloc xw(i,k,j)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 12 continue do 13 i=1,nwmloc rtmp(i)=vw(i,k,j) 13 continue do 14 i=1,nwmloc vw(i,k,j)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 14 continue if( then do 113 i=1,nwmloc rtmp(i)=gw(i,k,j) 113 continue do 114 i=1,nwmloc gw(i,k,j)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 114 continue endif 10 continue 5 continue do 18 k=1,miw2 do 19 i=1,nwmloc itmp(i)=iwl(i,k) 19 continue do 20 i=1,nwmloc iwl(i,k)=itmp(ndx(i)) 20 continue 18 continue endif c if( then do 21 iwm=1,nwmloc if(iwl(iwm,lwnod) then nwstay=iwm else c c check if moving atoms go to neighboring processor c do 222 k=1,27 if(iwl(iwm,lwnod).eq.neighb(k,1)) goto 223 222 continue write(string,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,9f6.2)') + 'argos_space_travel: solvent molecule ', + iwl(iwm,lwgmn),' moving to non-neighbor ',iwl(iwm,lwnod), + ' from ',me,((xw(iwm,i,j),i=1,3),j=1,3) call md_abort(string,me) 223 continue c endif c c testcode c if(iand(idebug,8).eq.8) then if(iwl(iwm,lwnod) write(lfndbg,'(a,3i5)') + 'Travel w fnd ',me,iwl(iwm,lwnod),iwl(iwm,lwgmn) endif c c end test code c 21 continue endif c c order the solute atoms c c isl(isa,lsbox) : box c isl(isa,lsnod) : node c isl(isa,lssgm) : segment c nsstay=0 if( then do 22 i=1,nsaloc ndx(i)=i 22 continue endif c if( then lsaloc=nsaloc/2+1 irs=nsaloc 23 continue if( then lsaloc=lsaloc-1 itemps=ndx(lsaloc) else itemps=ndx(irs) ndx(irs)=ndx(1) irs=irs-1 if(irs.eq.1) then ndx(1)=itemps goto 24 endif endif isaloc=lsaloc jsaloc=lsaloc+lsaloc 25 continue if(jsaloc.le.irs) then if( then if((isl(ndx(jsaloc),lsnod).eq.isl(ndx(jsaloc+1),lsnod).and. + (isl(ndx(jsaloc),lsbox).lt.isl(ndx(jsaloc+1),lsbox).or. + (isl(ndx(jsaloc),lsbox).eq.isl(ndx(jsaloc+1),lsbox).and. + isl(ndx(jsaloc),lssgm).le.isl(ndx(jsaloc+1),lssgm)))).or. + ((isl(ndx(jsaloc),lsnod) + (isl(ndx(jsaloc),lsnod) + isl(ndx(jsaloc),lsnod).le.isl(ndx(jsaloc+1),lsnod))).and. + isl(ndx(jsaloc+1),lsnod) jsaloc=jsaloc+1 endif if((isl(itemps,lsnod).eq.isl(ndx(jsaloc),lsnod).and. + (isl(itemps,lsbox).lt.isl(ndx(jsaloc),lsbox).or. + (isl(itemps,lsbox).eq.isl(ndx(jsaloc),lsbox).and. + isl(itemps,lssgm).le.isl(ndx(jsaloc),lssgm)))).or. + ((isl(itemps,lsnod) (isl(itemps,lsnod) + isl(itemps,lsnod).le.isl(ndx(jsaloc),lsnod))).and. + isl(ndx(jsaloc),lsnod) then ndx(isaloc)=ndx(jsaloc) isaloc=jsaloc jsaloc=jsaloc+jsaloc else jsaloc=irs+1 endif goto 25 endif ndx(isaloc)=itemps goto 23 24 continue c do 26 k=1,3 do 27 i=1,nsaloc rtmp(i)=xs(i,k) 27 continue do 28 i=1,nsaloc xs(i,k)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 28 continue do 29 i=1,nsaloc rtmp(i)=vs(i,k) 29 continue do 30 i=1,nsaloc vs(i,k)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 30 continue if( then do 2129 i=1,nsaloc rtmp(i)=gs(i,k) 2129 continue do 2130 i=1,nsaloc gs(i,k)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 2130 continue endif 26 continue do 40 k=1,mis2 do 41 i=1,nsaloc itmp(i)=isl(i,k) 41 continue do 42 i=1,nsaloc isl(i,k)=itmp(ndx(i)) 42 continue 40 continue endif c if( then do 43 isa=1,nsaloc if(isl(isa,lsnod) then nsstay=isa else c c check if moving atoms go to neighboring processor c do 444 k=1,27 if(isl(isa,lsnod).eq.neighb(k,1)) goto 445 444 continue write(string,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,3f6.2)') + 'argos_space_travel: solute segment ', + isl(isa,lssgm),' moving to non-neighbor ',isl(isa,lsnod), + ' from ',me,(xs(isa,i),i=1,3) call md_abort(string,me) 445 continue c endif 43 continue endif c c make packages ready for shipment c c loop over all neighboring nodes c call ga_distribution(ga_iw,me,iliw,ihiw,jliw,jhiw) call ga_distribution(ga_w,me,ilw,ihw,jlw,jhw) call ga_distribution(ga_is,me,ilis,ihis,jlis,jhis) call ga_distribution(ga_s,me,ils,ihs,jls,jhs) c indexw=0 indexs=0 nwgosm=0 c do 70 i=1,27 jnode=neighb(i,1) if( then c c for the solvent c iwfr=0 iwto=0 do 71 iwm=nwstay+1,nwmloc if(iwl(iwm,lwnod).eq.jnode) then if(iwfr.eq.0) iwfr=iwm iwto=iwm c c testcode c if(iand(idebug,8).eq.8) then if(iwl(iwm,lwnod) write(lfndbg,'(a,3i5)') + 'Travel w snd ',me,iwl(iwm,lwnod),iwl(iwm,lwgmn) endif c c end test code c endif 71 continue c c if molecules need to travel copy coordinates etc into global array c nwgo=iwto-iwfr+1 if(iwfr.eq.0) nwgo=0 ipl(1,1)=0 ipl(1,2)=0 c if( then nwgosm=nwgosm+nwgo il=iliw+indexw ih=il+nwgo-1 if(npackw.eq.0) then call ga_put(ga_iw,il,ih,jliw,jhiw,iwl(iwfr,1),mwm) else call argos_space_packw(ih-il+1,iwl(iwfr,1),iwlp(iwfr,1)) call ga_put(ga_iw,il,ih,jliw,jliw+npackw-1,iwlp(iwfr,1),mwm) endif il=ilw+indexw ih=il+nwgo-1 call ga_put(ga_w,il,ih,jlw,jlw+3*mwa-1,xw(iwfr,1,1),mwm) call ga_put(ga_w,il,ih,jlw+3*mwa,jlw+6*mwa-1,vw(iwfr,1,1),mwm) call ga_put(ga_w,il,ih,jlw+6*mwa,jlw+6*mwa+2,xwcr(iwfr,1),mwm) if( then call ga_put(ga_w,il,ih,jlw+6*mwa+3,jlw+9*mwa+2,gw(iwfr,1,1),mwm) endif ipl(1,1)=indexw+1 ipl(1,2)=indexw+nwgo indexw=indexw+nwgo endif c c for the solute c isfr=0 isto=0 do 72 isa=nsstay+1,nsaloc if(isl(isa,lsnod).eq.jnode) then if(isfr.eq.0) isfr=isa isto=isa endif 72 continue nsgo=isto-isfr+1 if(isfr.eq.0) nsgo=0 ipl(1,3)=0 ipl(1,4)=0 if( then il=ilis+indexs ih=il+nsgo-1 if(npack.eq.0) then call ga_put(ga_is,il,ih,jlis,jhis,isl(isfr,1),msa) else call argos_space_pack(ih-il+1,isl(isfr,1),islp(isfr,1)) call ga_put(ga_is,il,ih,jlis,jlis+npack-1,islp(isfr,1),msa) endif call ga_put(ga_s,il,ih,jls,jls+2,xs(isfr,1),msa) call ga_put(ga_s,il,ih,jls+3,jls+5,vs(isfr,1),msa) if( then call ga_put(ga_s,il,ih,jls+6,jls+8,gs(isfr,1),msa) endif ipl(1,3)=indexs+1 ipl(1,4)=indexs+nsgo indexs=indexs+nsgo endif c c inform other node of number of molecules to get c if(ipl(1,1).gt.0.or.ipl(1,3).gt.0) then call ga_distribution(ga_ip,jnode,ilp,ihp,jlp,jhp) ilp=ilp+2+i call ga_put(ga_ip,ilp,ilp,jlp,jhp,ipl,mbox) endif endif lrec(i)=.false. 70 continue c call ga_sync() c c receive molecules from other nodes c nwgtsm=0 c call ga_distribution(ga_ip,me,ilp,ihp,jlp,jhp) call ga_get(ga_ip,ilp,ilp+30,jlp,jhp,ipl,mbox) c do 74 i=1,27 jnode=neighb(i,2) if( then c iwfr=ipl(3+i,1) iwto=ipl(3+i,2) isfr=ipl(3+i,3) isto=ipl(3+i,4) c nwnew=iwto-iwfr+1 nsnew=isto-isfr+1 c if(iwfr.eq.0) nwnew=0 if(isfr.eq.0) nsnew=0 c if( then write(string,'(a,i7,a,i7)') + 'Travel: mwm needs increase with ',nwnew,' to ',nwstay+nwnew call md_abort(string,me) endif if( then write(string,'(a,i7,a,i7)') + 'Travel: msa needs increase with ',nsnew,' to ',nsstay+nsnew call md_abort(string,me) endif c lrec(i)=.true. c if( then nwgtsm=nwgtsm+nwnew iwto=ipl(3+i,2) call ga_distribution(ga_iw,jnode,iliw,ihiw,jliw,jhiw) call ga_distribution(ga_w,jnode,ilw,ihw,jlw,jhw) c c get data for additional molecules c il=iliw+iwfr-1 ih=iliw+iwto-1 if(npackw.eq.0) then call ga_get(ga_iw,il,ih,jliw,jhiw,iwl(nwstay+1,1),mwm) else call ga_get(ga_iw,il,ih,jliw,jliw+npackw-1,iwlp(nwstay+1,1),mwm) call argos_space_unpackw(ih-il+1,iwl(nwstay+1,1),iwlp(nwstay+1,1)) endif call ga_get(ga_w,il,ih,jlw,jlw+3*mwa-1,xw(nwstay+1,1,1),mwm) call ga_get(ga_w,il,ih,jlw+3*mwa,jlw+6*mwa-1,vw(nwstay+1,1,1),mwm) call ga_get(ga_w,il,ih,jlw+6*mwa,jlw+6*mwa+2,xwcr(nwstay+1,1),mwm) if( then call ga_get(ga_w,il,ih,jlw+6*mwa+3,jlw+9*mwa+2, + gw(nwstay+1,1,1),mwm) endif c c testcode c if(iand(idebug,8).eq.8) then write(lfndbg,'(a,3i5)') + ('Travel w rcv ',me,jnode,iwl(nwstay+k,lwgmn),k=1,nwnew) endif c c end test code c c c update number of local solvent molecules c nwstay=nwstay+nwnew c endif c c for the solute c if( then call ga_distribution(ga_is,jnode,ilis,ihis,jlis,jhis) call ga_distribution(ga_s,jnode,ils,ihs,jls,jhs) il=ilis+isfr-1 ih=ilis+isto-1 jl=jlis jh=jhis if(npack.eq.0) then call ga_get(ga_is,il,ih,jlis,jhis,isl(nsstay+1,1),msa) else call ga_get(ga_is,il,ih,jlis,jlis+npack-1,islp(nsstay+1,1),msa) call argos_space_unpack(ih-il+1,isl(nsstay+1,1),islp(nsstay+1,1)) endif call ga_get(ga_s,il,ih,jls,jls+2,xs(nsstay+1,1),msa) call ga_get(ga_s,il,ih,jls+3,jls+5,vs(nsstay+1,1),msa) if( then call ga_get(ga_s,il,ih,jls+6,jls+8,gs(nsstay+1,1),msa) endif c nsstay=nsstay+nsnew endif c endif c c reset the pointers to zero c ipl(3+i,1)=0 ipl(3+i,2)=0 ipl(3+i,3)=0 ipl(3+i,4)=0 c 74 continue c c reset ipl in global array c call ga_put(ga_ip,ilp,ilp+30,jlp,jhp,ipl,mbox) c c order the solvent molecules according to subbox and c store indices into ip c c ip(1,1) : number of boxes on this node c ip(1,2) : number of solvent molecules on this node c ip(2,2) : number of solute atoms on this node c c ip(3+i,1) : index for solvents to be moved to the i-th neighbor c c ip(30+i,1) : number of i-th box on this node c ip(30+i,2) : index to first solvent in i-th box c ip(30+i,3) : index to lasst solvent in i-th box c if( then do 81 i=1,nwstay ndx(i)=i 81 continue if( then lwstay=nwstay/2+1 irw=nwstay 82 continue if( then lwstay=lwstay-1 itemps=ndx(lwstay) else itemps=ndx(irw) ndx(irw)=ndx(1) irw=irw-1 if(irw.eq.1) then ndx(1)=itemps goto 83 endif endif iwstay=lwstay jwstay=lwstay+lwstay 84 continue if(jwstay.le.irw) then if( then if(iwl(ndx(jwstay),lwbox).le.iwl(ndx(jwstay+1),lwbox)) + jwstay=jwstay+1 endif if(iwl(itemps,lwbox).le.iwl(ndx(jwstay),lwbox)) then ndx(iwstay)=ndx(jwstay) iwstay=jwstay jwstay=jwstay+jwstay else jwstay=irw+1 endif goto 84 endif ndx(iwstay)=itemps goto 82 83 continue c do 85 k=1,3 do 88 i=1,nwstay rtmp(i)=xwcr(i,k) 88 continue do 89 i=1,nwstay xwcr(i,k)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 89 continue do 90 j=1,nwa do 91 i=1,nwstay rtmp(i)=xw(i,k,j) 91 continue do 92 i=1,nwstay xw(i,k,j)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 92 continue do 93 i=1,nwstay rtmp(i)=vw(i,k,j) 93 continue do 94 i=1,nwstay vw(i,k,j)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 94 continue if( then do 193 i=1,nwstay rtmp(i)=gw(i,k,j) 193 continue do 194 i=1,nwstay gw(i,k,j)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 194 continue endif 90 continue 85 continue do 98 k=1,miw2 do 99 i=1,nwstay itmp(i)=iwl(i,k) 99 continue do 100 i=1,nwstay iwl(i,k)=itmp(ndx(i)) 100 continue 98 continue c endif endif c c order the solute according to segment c if( then do 122 i=1,nsstay ndx(i)=i 122 continue if( then lsstay=nsstay/2+1 irs=nsstay 123 continue if( then lsstay=lsstay-1 itemps=ndx(lsstay) else itemps=ndx(irs) ndx(irs)=ndx(1) irs=irs-1 if(irs.eq.1) then ndx(1)=itemps goto 124 endif endif isstay=lsstay jsstay=lsstay+lsstay 125 continue if(jsstay.le.irs) then if( then if(isl(ndx(jsstay),lssgm).le.isl(ndx(jsstay+1),lssgm)) + jsstay=jsstay+1 endif if(isl(itemps,lssgm).le.isl(ndx(jsstay),lssgm)) then ndx(isstay)=ndx(jsstay) isstay=jsstay jsstay=jsstay+jsstay else jsstay=irs+1 endif goto 125 endif ndx(isstay)=itemps goto 123 124 continue endif c c for each segment : 1. determine box number c 2. assign box number to each atom c 3. when box not owned by node: c a. assign box number c b. assign correct node number c goto 666 icsgm=isl(ndx(1),lssgm) ifsgm=1 ilsgm=1 do 126 isa=2,nsstay+1 c c if isa is first atom of a new segment or very last atom c if(isa.le.nsstay) then lend=isl(ndx(isa),lssgm).ne.icsgm else lend=.true. endif if(lend) then if( ilsgm=nsstay if( then xscx=zero xscy=zero xscz=zero do 127 jsa=ifsgm,ilsgm xscx=xscx+xs(ndx(jsa),1) xscy=xscy+xs(ndx(jsa),2) xscz=xscz+xs(ndx(jsa),3) 127 continue factor=one/dble(ilsgm-ifsgm+1) xscx=factor*xscx xscy=factor*xscy xscz=factor*xscz if( then if(abs(xscx).gt.boxh(1)) then xscx=xscx-nint(xscx*boxi(1))*box(1) nfold=1 endif if(abs(xscy).gt.boxh(2)) then xscy=xscy-nint(xscy*boxi(2))*box(2) nfold=1 endif if(abs(xscz).gt.boxh(3)) then xscz=xscz-nint(xscz*boxi(3))*box(3) nfold=1 endif endif c c determine the box number c ibx=0 iby=0 ibz=0 do 128 i=1,nbx-1 if(xscx+boxh(1).gt.boxsiz(i,1)) ibx=i 128 continue do 129 i=1,nby-1 if(xscy+boxh(2).gt.boxsiz(i,2)) iby=i 129 continue do 1130 i=1,nbz-1 if(xscz+boxh(3).gt.boxsiz(i,3)) ibz=i 1130 continue if( then if( ibx=ibx-nbx if( iby=iby-nby if( ibx=ibx+nbx if( iby=iby+nby if(npbtyp.eq.1) then if( ibz=ibz-nbz if( ibz=ibz+nbz else if( ibz=nbz-1 if( ibz=0 endif else if( ibx=nbx-1 if( iby=nby-1 if( ibz=nbz-1 if( ibx=0 if( iby=0 if( ibz=0 endif ipx=ibownr(ibx+1,1) ipy=ibownr(iby+1,2) ipz=ibownr(ibz+1,3) isbox=(ibz*nby+iby)*nbx+ibx isnod=(ipz*npy+ipy)*npx+ipx c c assign box and node numbers c do 1131 jsa=ifsgm,ilsgm isl(ndx(jsa),lsbox)=isbox isl(ndx(jsa),lsnod)=isnod 1131 continue c endif if(isa.le.nsstay) icsgm=isl(ndx(isa),lssgm) ifsgm=isa else ilsgm=isa endif 126 continue 666 continue c c order solute according to box, segment, charge group, atom number c if( then lsstay=nsstay/2+1 irs=nsstay 132 continue if( then lsstay=lsstay-1 itemps=ndx(lsstay) else itemps=ndx(irs) ndx(irs)=ndx(1) irs=irs-1 if(irs.eq.1) then ndx(1)=itemps goto 133 endif endif isstay=lsstay jsstay=lsstay+lsstay 134 continue if(jsstay.le.irs) then if( then if(isl(ndx(jsstay),lsbox).lt.isl(ndx(jsstay+1),lsbox).or. + (isl(ndx(jsstay),lsbox).eq.isl(ndx(jsstay+1),lsbox).and. + (isl(ndx(jsstay),lssgm).lt.isl(ndx(jsstay+1),lssgm).or. + (isl(ndx(jsstay),lssgm).eq.isl(ndx(jsstay+1),lssgm).and. + (isl(ndx(jsstay),lsgrp).lt.isl(ndx(jsstay+1),lsgrp).or. + (isl(ndx(jsstay),lsgrp).eq.isl(ndx(jsstay+1),lsgrp).and. + isl(ndx(jsstay),lsgan).le.isl(ndx(jsstay+1),lsgan))))))) + jsstay=jsstay+1 endif if(isl(itemps,lsbox).lt.isl(ndx(jsstay),lsbox).or. + (isl(itemps,lsbox).eq.isl(ndx(jsstay),lsbox).and. + (isl(itemps,lssgm).lt.isl(ndx(jsstay),lssgm).or. + (isl(itemps,lssgm).eq.isl(ndx(jsstay),lssgm).and. + (isl(itemps,lsgrp).lt.isl(ndx(jsstay),lsgrp).or. + (isl(itemps,lsgrp).eq.isl(ndx(jsstay),lsgrp).and. + isl(itemps,lsgan).le.isl(ndx(jsstay),lsgan))))))) then ndx(isstay)=ndx(jsstay) isstay=jsstay jsstay=jsstay+jsstay else jsstay=irs+1 endif goto 134 endif ndx(isstay)=itemps goto 132 133 continue endif c do 135 k=1,3 do 136 i=1,nsstay rtmp(i)=xs(i,k) 136 continue do 137 i=1,nsstay xs(i,k)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 137 continue do 138 i=1,nsstay rtmp(i)=vs(i,k) 138 continue do 139 i=1,nsstay vs(i,k)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 139 continue if( then do 1138 i=1,nsstay rtmp(i)=gs(i,k) 1138 continue do 1139 i=1,nsstay gs(i,k)=rtmp(ndx(i)) 1139 continue endif 135 continue do 149 k=1,mis2 do 150 i=1,nsstay itmp(i)=isl(i,k) 150 continue do 151 i=1,nsstay isl(i,k)=itmp(ndx(i)) 151 continue 149 continue c endif c do 200 i=1,ipl(1,1) ipl(30+i,2)=0 ipl(30+i,3)=0 ipl(30+i,4)=0 ipl(30+i,5)=0 200 continue c do 201 i=1,ipl(1,1) nrbox=ipl(30+i,1) if( then do 202 iwm=1,nwstay if(iwl(iwm,lwbox).eq.nrbox) then if(ipl(30+i,2).eq.0) ipl(30+i,2)=iwm ipl(30+i,3)=iwm endif 202 continue endif if( then do 203 isa=1,nsstay if(isl(isa,lsbox).eq.nrbox) then if(ipl(30+i,4).eq.0) ipl(30+i,4)=isa ipl(30+i,5)=isa endif 203 continue endif 201 continue c nwmloc=nwstay ipl(1,2)=nwmloc nsaloc=nsstay ipl(2,2)=nsaloc c call ga_igop(msp_23,nfold,1,'+') c return end c $Id$