SCF input parameters Convergence threshold THRESH tol The convergence criterion is on the maximum value of the gradient vector. The default value is 10^-6. Maximum number of iterations MAXITER n default is 5 ... usually only 3 are needed. e.g. maxiter 10 Input/output MO vectors VECTORS [input] [output ] output vectors default to either the same filename as the input vectors if they were read from a file or to the filename movecs (which is searched for by the application). E.g. These two are equivalent and implement the default vectors atomic output movecs vectors input atomic output movecs This gets input vectors from one file and outputs final vectors back to the same file vectors h2o.movecs This gets input vectors from one file and outputs final vectors to another file vectors input h2o.guess output SCF level shifting LEVEL [pcg initial [tol final]] [nr initial [tol final]] Both the 1-electron preconditioned conjgugate gradient (PCG) and the Newton-Raphson (NR) use level shifting to stabilize convergence (by making the preconditioning matices more positive definite and diagonally dominate). For both you can specify an initial level shift, a gradient value at which to change shifts, and a final level shift. The defaults pcg initial = 10.0 pcg change shift at max. gradient = 0.5 pcg final = 0.0 nr initial = 10.0 nr change shift at max. gradient = 0.5 nr final = 0.0 are almost always acceptable because the program will increase the level shift if convergence problems are encountered with the preconditioning. However, some cases do require increased level shifts to speed convergence e.g. This enables the default options level nr 0 0 0 pcg 10 .5 0 Controlling use of newton-raphson quadratically convergent algorithm NR tol The QC algorithm (use of exact hessian preconditioner) is enabled by default when the maximum element of the orbital gradient falls below 0.1. This value can be changed using this directive e.g. This enables the default NR 0.1 This disables the QCSCF entirely NR 0.0 Atomic guess shift (subject to change) SET "scf:atom shift" real value The atomic guess routines form a density matrix (D) from a superposition of the atomic density matrices. Vectors are obtained from diagonalizing the matrix Fock(D) - shift * SDS If the density matrix was idempotent then this is equivalent to standard level shifting. The default value of shift is 0.0 which seems best for 'normal' molecules. Values of 1-2 can help with transition metals. There is no special input for this parameter so U have to use the generic set directive.