import pickle import numpy as np from os.path import isfile from gpaw.mpi import world from gpaw.utilities import unpack2 from gpaw.lcao.projected_wannier import dots from import tri2full from gpaw.lfc import LocalizedFunctionsCollection as LFC from ase.units import Bohr, Ha from gpaw.utilities.timing import StepTimer, nulltimer """This module is used to calculate the electron-phonon coupling matrix, expressed in terms of GPAW LCAO orbitals.""" class ElectronPhononCouplingMatrix: r"""Class for calculating the electron-phonon coupling matrix, defined by the electron phonon interaction. :: __ _____ \ l cc / h cc H = ) M c c /------ ( b + b ), el-ph /_ ij i j \/ 2 W l l l,ij l where the electron phonon coupling matrix is given by:: l ___ M = < i | \ / V * v |j> ij 'u eff l """ def __init__(self, atoms, indices=None, name='v', delta=0.005, nfree=2, derivativemethod='tci'): assert nfree in [2, 4] self.nfree = nfree = delta if indices is None: indices = range(len(self.atoms)) self.calc = atoms.calc self.atoms = atoms self.indices = np.asarray(indices) = name self.p0 = self.atoms.positions.copy() self.derivativemethod = derivativemethod if derivativemethod == 'grid': self.get_dP_aMix = get_grid_dP_aMix elif derivativemethod == 'grid2': self.get_dP_aMix = get_grid2_dP_aMix elif derivativemethod == 'tci': self.get_dP_aMix = get_tci_dP_aMix else: raise ValueError('derivativemethod must be grid, grid2, or tci') def run(self): if not isfile( + '.eq.pckl'): self.calc.calculate(self.atoms) Vt_G = self.calc.get_effective_potential(pad=False) Vt_G =, broadcast=True) / Ha dH_asp = self.calc.hamiltonian.dH_asp setups = self.calc.wfs.setups nspins = self.calc.wfs.nspins gd_comm = alldH_asp = {} for a, setup in enumerate(setups): ni = nii = ni * (ni + 1) // 2 tmpdH_sp = np.zeros((nspins, nii)) if a in dH_asp: tmpdH_sp[:] = dH_asp[a] gd_comm.sum(tmpdH_sp) alldH_asp[a] = tmpdH_sp forces = self.atoms.get_forces() self.calc.write('eq.gpw') world.barrier() if world.rank == 0: vd = open( + '.eq.pckl', 'wb') fd = open('vib.eq.pckl', 'wb') pickle.dump((Vt_G, alldH_asp), vd, 2) pickle.dump(forces, fd) vd.close() fd.close() world.barrier() p = self.atoms.positions.copy() for a in self.indices: for j in range(3): for sign in [-1, 1]: for ndis in range(1, self.nfree / 2 + 1): name = '.%d%s%s.pckl' % (a, 'xyz'[j], ndis * ' +-'[sign]) if isfile( + name): continue self.atoms.positions[a, j] = (p[a, j] + sign * ndis * self.calc.calculate(self.atoms) Vt_G = self.calc.get_effective_potential(pad=False) Vt_G =, broadcast=True) / Ha dH_asp = self.calc.hamiltonian.dH_asp alldH_asp = {} for a2, setup in enumerate(setups): ni = nii = ni * (ni + 1) // 2 tmpdH_sp = np.zeros((nspins, nii)) if a2 in dH_asp: tmpdH_sp[:] = dH_asp[a2] gd_comm.sum(tmpdH_sp) alldH_asp[a2] = tmpdH_sp forces = self.atoms.get_forces() world.barrier() if world.rank == 0: vd = open( + name, 'wb') fd = open('vib' + name, 'wb') pickle.dump((Vt_G, alldH_asp), vd) pickle.dump(forces, fd) vd.close() fd.close() world.barrier() self.atoms.positions[a, j] = p[a, j] self.atoms.set_positions(p) def get_gradient(self): """Calculates gradient""" nx = len(self.indices) * 3 veqt_G, dHeq_asp = pickle.load(open( + '.eq.pckl', 'rb')) gpts = veqt_G.shape dvt_Gx = np.zeros(gpts + (nx, )) ddH_aspx = {} for a, dH_sp in dHeq_asp.items(): ddH_aspx[a] = np.empty(dH_sp.shape + (nx,)) x = 0 for a in self.indices: for i in range(3): name = '%s.%d%s' % (, a, 'xyz'[i]) vtm_G, dHm_asp = pickle.load(open(name + '-.pckl', 'rb')) vtp_G, dHp_asp = pickle.load(open(name + '+.pckl', 'rb')) if self.nfree == 4: vtmm_G, dHmm_asp = pickle.load( open(name + '--.pckl', 'rb')) vtpp_G, dHpp_asp = pickle.load( open(name + '++.pckl', 'rb')) dvtdx_G = (-vtpp_G + 8.0 * vtp_G - 8 * vtm_G + vtmm_G) / (12 * / Bohr) dvt_Gx[:, :, :, x] = dvtdx_G for atom, ddH_spx in ddH_aspx.items(): ddH_aspx[atom][:, :, x] = ( -dHpp_asp[atom] + 8.0 * dHp_asp[atom] - 8.0 * dHm_asp[atom] + dHmm_asp[atom]) / (12 * / Bohr) else: # nfree = 2 dvtdx_G = (vtp_G - vtm_G) / (2 * / Bohr) dvt_Gx[..., x] = dvtdx_G for atom, ddH_spx in ddH_aspx.items(): ddH_aspx[atom][:, :, x] = ( dHp_asp[atom] - dHm_asp[atom]) / (2 * / Bohr) x += 1 return dvt_Gx, ddH_aspx def get_M(self, modes, log=None, q=0): r"""Calculate el-ph coupling matrix for given modes(s). XXX: kwarg "q=0" is an ugly hack for k-points. There shuold be loops over q! Note that modes must be given as a dictionary with mode frequencies in eV and corresponding mode vectors in units of 1/sqrt(amu), where amu = 1.6605402e-27 Kg is an atomic mass unit. In short frequencies and mode vectors must be given in ase units. :: d d ~ < w | -- v | w' > = < w | -- v | w'> dP dP _ \ ~a d . ~a + ) < w | p > -- /_\H < p | w' > /_ i dP ij j a,ij _ \ d ~a . ~a + ) < w | -- p > /_\H < p | w' > /_ dP i ij j a,ij _ \ ~a . d ~a + ) < w | p > /_\H < -- p | w' > /_ i ij dP j a,ij """ if log is None: timer = nulltimer elif log == '-': timer = StepTimer(name='EPCM') else: timer = StepTimer(name='EPCM', out=open(log, 'w')) modes1 = modes.copy() # convert to atomic units amu = 1.6605402e-27 # atomic unit mass [Kg] me = 9.1093897e-31 # electron mass [Kg] modes = {} for k in modes1.keys(): modes[k / Ha] = modes1[k] / np.sqrt(amu / me) dvt_Gx, ddH_aspx = self.get_gradient() from gpaw import restart atoms, calc = restart('eq.gpw', txt=None) if calc.wfs.S_qMM is None: calc.initialize(atoms) calc.initialize_positions(atoms) wfs = calc.wfs nao = wfs.setups.nao bfs = wfs.basis_functions dtype = wfs.dtype spin = 0 # XXX M_lii = {} timer.write_now('Starting gradient of pseudo part') for f, mode in modes.items(): mo = [] M_ii = np.zeros((nao, nao), dtype) for a in self.indices: mo.append(mode[a]) mode = np.asarray(mo).flatten() dvtdP_G =, mode) bfs.calculate_potential_matrix(dvtdP_G, M_ii, q=q) tri2full(M_ii, 'L') M_lii[f] = M_ii timer.write_now('Finished gradient of pseudo part') P_aqMi = calc.wfs.P_aqMi # Add the term # _ # \ ~a d . ~a # ) < w | p > -- /_\H < p | w' > # /_ i dP ij j # a,ij Ma_lii = {} for f, mode in modes.items(): Ma_lii[f] = np.zeros_like(M_lii.values()[0]) timer.write_now('Starting gradient of dH^a part') for f, mode in modes.items(): mo = [] for a in self.indices: mo.append(mode[a]) mode = np.asarray(mo).flatten() for a, ddH_spx in ddH_aspx.items(): ddHdP_sp =, mode) ddHdP_ii = unpack2(ddHdP_sp[spin]) Ma_lii[f] += dots(P_aqMi[a][q], ddHdP_ii, P_aqMi[a][q].T) timer.write_now('Finished gradient of dH^a part') timer.write_now('Starting gradient of projectors part') dP_aMix = self.get_dP_aMix(calc.spos_ac, wfs, q, timer) timer.write_now('Finished gradient of projectors part') dH_asp = pickle.load(open('v.eq.pckl', 'rb'))[1] Mb_lii = {} for f, mode in modes.items(): Mb_lii[f] = np.zeros_like(M_lii.values()[0]) for f, mode in modes.items(): for a, dP_Mix in dP_aMix.items(): dPdP_Mi =, mode[a]) dH_ii = unpack2(dH_asp[a][spin]) dPdP_MM = dots(dPdP_Mi, dH_ii, P_aqMi[a][q].T) Mb_lii[f] -= dPdP_MM + dPdP_MM.T # XXX The minus sign here is quite subtle. # It is related to how the derivative of projector # functions in GPAW is calculated. # More thorough explanations, anyone...? # Units of M_lii are Hartree/(Bohr * sqrt(m_e)) for mode in M_lii.keys(): M_lii[mode] += Ma_lii[mode] + Mb_lii[mode] # conversion to eV. The prefactor 1 / sqrt(hb^2 / 2 * hb * f) # has units Bohr * sqrt(me) M_lii_1 = M_lii.copy() M_lii = {} for f in M_lii_1.keys(): M_lii[f * Ha] = M_lii_1[f] * Ha / np.sqrt(2 * f) return M_lii ##################################################### # XXX grid and grid 2 sometimes gives random numbers, # XXX sometimes even nan! ##################################################### def get_grid_dP_aMix(spos_ac, wfs, q, timer=nulltimer): # XXXXXX q nao = wfs.setups.nao C_MM = np.identity(nao, dtype=wfs.dtype) # XXX In the future use the New Two-Center integrals # to evaluate this dP_aMix = {} for a, setup in enumerate(wfs.setups): ni = 0 dP_Mix = np.zeros((nao,, 3)) pt = LFC(, [setup.pt_j], wfs.kd.comm, dtype=wfs.dtype, forces=True) spos1_ac = [spos_ac[a]] pt.set_k_points(wfs.ibzk_qc) pt.set_positions(spos1_ac) for b, setup_b in enumerate(wfs.setups): nao = setup_b.nao phi_MG =, wfs.dtype) phi_MG =, broadcast=False) wfs.basis_functions.lcao_to_grid(C_MM[ni:ni + nao], phi_MG, q) dP_bMix = pt.dict(len(phi_MG), derivative=True) pt.derivative(phi_MG, dP_bMix, q=q) dP_Mix[ni:ni + nao] = dP_bMix[0] ni += nao timer.write_now('projector grad. doing atoms (%s, %s) ' % (a, b)) dP_aMix[a] = dP_Mix return dP_aMix def get_grid2_dP_aMix(spos_ac, wfs, q, *args, **kwargs): # XXXXXX q nao = wfs.setups.nao C_MM = np.identity(nao, dtype=wfs.dtype) bfs = wfs.basis_functions phi_MG =, wfs.dtype) bfs.lcao_to_grid(C_MM, phi_MG, q) setups = wfs.setups pt = LFC(, [setup.pt_j for setup in setups], wfs.kd.comm, dtype=wfs.dtype, forces=True) pt.set_k_points(wfs.ibzk_qc) pt.set_positions(spos_ac) dP_aMix = pt.dict(len(phi_MG), derivative=True) pt.derivative(phi_MG, dP_aMix, q=q) return dP_aMix def get_tci_dP_aMix(spos_ac, wfs, q, *args, **kwargs): # container for spline expansions of basis function-projector pairs # (note to self: remember to conjugate/negate because of that) from gpaw.lcao.overlap import ManySiteDictionaryWrapper,\ TwoCenterIntegralCalculator, NewTwoCenterIntegrals if not isinstance(, NewTwoCenterIntegrals): raise RuntimeError('Please remember --gpaw=usenewtci=True') dP_aqxMi = {} nao = wfs.setups.nao nq = len(wfs.ibzk_qc) for a, setup in enumerate(wfs.setups): dP_aqxMi[a] = np.zeros((nq, 3, nao,, wfs.dtype) calc = TwoCenterIntegralCalculator(wfs.ibzk_qc, derivative=True) expansions = ManySiteDictionaryWrapper(, dP_aqxMi) calc.calculate(, [expansions], [dP_aqxMi]) dP_aMix = {} for a in dP_aqxMi: dP_aMix[a] = dP_aqxMi[a].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).copy()[q] # XXX q return dP_aMix