import os, sys, subprocess import os.path as osp import configparser from setuptools import setup, Extension from distutils.dist import Distribution setuptools_extra_kwargs = { "install_requires": ["numpy>=1.9","cftime"], "setup_requires": ['setuptools>=18.0', "cython>=0.19"], "entry_points": { 'console_scripts': [ 'ncinfo = netCDF4.utils:ncinfo', 'nc4tonc3 = netCDF4.utils:nc4tonc3', 'nc3tonc4 = netCDF4.utils:nc3tonc4', ] }, } open_kwargs = {'encoding': 'utf-8'} def check_hdf5version(hdf5_includedir): try: f = open(os.path.join(hdf5_includedir, 'H5public.h'), **open_kwargs) except IOError: return None hdf5_version = None for line in f: if line.startswith('#define H5_VERS_INFO'): hdf5_version = line.split('"')[1] return hdf5_version def get_hdf5_version(direc): # check to see if hdf5 headers in direc, return version number or None hdf5_version = None sys.stdout.write('checking %s ...\n' % direc) hdf5_version = check_hdf5version(direc) if hdf5_version is None: sys.stdout.write('hdf5 headers not found in %s\n' % direc) return None else: sys.stdout.write('%s headers found in %s\n' % (hdf5_version,direc)) return hdf5_version def check_ifnetcdf4(netcdf4_includedir): try: f = open(os.path.join(netcdf4_includedir, 'netcdf.h'), **open_kwargs) except IOError: return False isnetcdf4 = False for line in f: if line.startswith('nc_inq_compound'): isnetcdf4 = True return isnetcdf4 def check_api(inc_dirs,netcdf_lib_version): has_rename_grp = False has_nc_inq_path = False has_nc_inq_format_extended = False has_cdf5_format = False has_nc_open_mem = False has_nc_create_mem = False has_parallel_support = False has_parallel4_support = False has_pnetcdf_support = False for d in inc_dirs: try: f = open(os.path.join(d, 'netcdf.h'), **open_kwargs) except IOError: continue has_nc_open_mem = os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'netcdf_mem.h')) for line in f: if line.startswith('nc_rename_grp'): has_rename_grp = True if line.startswith('nc_inq_path'): has_nc_inq_path = True if line.startswith('nc_inq_format_extended'): has_nc_inq_format_extended = True if line.startswith('#define NC_FORMAT_64BIT_DATA'): has_cdf5_format = True if has_nc_open_mem: try: f = open(os.path.join(d, 'netcdf_mem.h'), **open_kwargs) except IOError: continue for line in f: if line.startswith('EXTERNL int nc_create_mem'): has_nc_create_mem = True ncmetapath = os.path.join(d,'netcdf_meta.h') if os.path.exists(ncmetapath): for line in open(ncmetapath): if line.startswith('#define NC_HAS_CDF5'): has_cdf5_format = bool(int(line.split()[2])) if line.startswith('#define NC_HAS_PARALLEL'): has_parallel_support = bool(int(line.split()[2])) if line.startswith('#define NC_HAS_PARALLEL4'): has_parallel4_support = bool(int(line.split()[2])) if line.startswith('#define NC_HAS_PNETCDF'): has_pnetcdf_support = bool(int(line.split()[2])) # NC_HAS_PARALLEL4 missing in 4.6.1 (issue #964) if not has_parallel4_support and has_parallel_support and not has_pnetcdf_support: has_parallel4_support = True # for 4.6.1, if NC_HAS_PARALLEL=NC_HAS_PNETCDF=1, guess that # parallel HDF5 is enabled (must guess since there is no # NC_HAS_PARALLEL4) elif netcdf_lib_version == "4.6.1" and not has_parallel4_support and has_parallel_support: has_parallel4_support = True break return has_rename_grp, has_nc_inq_path, has_nc_inq_format_extended, \ has_cdf5_format, has_nc_open_mem, has_nc_create_mem, \ has_parallel4_support, has_pnetcdf_support def getnetcdfvers(libdirs): """ Get the version string for the first netcdf lib found in libdirs. (major.minor.release). If nothing found, return None. """ import os, re, sys, ctypes if sys.platform.startswith('win'): regexp = re.compile('^netcdf.dll$') elif sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): bindirs = [] for d in libdirs: bindirs.append(os.path.dirname(d) + '/bin') regexp = re.compile(r'^cygnetcdf-\d.dll') elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): regexp = re.compile(r'^libnetcdf.dylib') else: regexp = re.compile(r'^') if sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): dirs = bindirs else: dirs = libdirs for d in dirs: try: candidates = [x for x in os.listdir(d) if regexp.match(x)] if len(candidates) != 0: candidates.sort( key=lambda x: len(x)) # Prefer to path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(d, candidates[0])) lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(path) inq_libvers = lib.nc_inq_libvers inq_libvers.restype = ctypes.c_char_p vers = lib.nc_inq_libvers() return vers.split()[0] except Exception: pass # We skip invalid entries, because that's what the C compiler does return None def extract_version(CYTHON_FNAME): version = None with open(CYTHON_FNAME) as fi: for line in fi: if (line.startswith('__version__')): _, version = line.split('=') version = version.strip()[1:-1] # Remove quotation characters. break return version HDF5_dir = os.environ.get('HDF5_DIR') HDF5_incdir = os.environ.get('HDF5_INCDIR') HDF5_libdir = os.environ.get('HDF5_LIBDIR') netCDF4_dir = os.environ.get('NETCDF4_DIR') netCDF4_incdir = os.environ.get('NETCDF4_INCDIR') netCDF4_libdir = os.environ.get('NETCDF4_LIBDIR') szip_dir = os.environ.get('SZIP_DIR') szip_libdir = os.environ.get('SZIP_LIBDIR') szip_incdir = os.environ.get('SZIP_INCDIR') hdf4_dir = os.environ.get('HDF4_DIR') hdf4_libdir = os.environ.get('HDF4_LIBDIR') hdf4_incdir = os.environ.get('HDF4_INCDIR') jpeg_dir = os.environ.get('JPEG_DIR') jpeg_libdir = os.environ.get('JPEG_LIBDIR') jpeg_incdir = os.environ.get('JPEG_INCDIR') curl_dir = os.environ.get('CURL_DIR') curl_libdir = os.environ.get('CURL_LIBDIR') curl_incdir = os.environ.get('CURL_INCDIR') mpi_incdir = os.environ.get('MPI_INCDIR') USE_NCCONFIG = os.environ.get('USE_NCCONFIG') if USE_NCCONFIG is not None: USE_NCCONFIG = bool(int(USE_NCCONFIG)) USE_SETUPCFG = os.environ.get('USE_SETUPCFG') # override use of setup.cfg with env var. if USE_SETUPCFG is not None: USE_SETUPCFG = bool(int(USE_SETUPCFG)) else: USE_SETUPCFG = True setup_cfg = 'setup.cfg' # contents of setup.cfg will override env vars, unless # USE_SETUPCFG evaluates to False. ncconfig = None use_ncconfig = None if USE_SETUPCFG and os.path.exists(setup_cfg): sys.stdout.write('reading from setup.cfg...\n') config = configparser.ConfigParser() try: HDF5_dir = config.get("directories", "HDF5_dir") except: pass try: HDF5_libdir = config.get("directories", "HDF5_libdir") except: pass try: HDF5_incdir = config.get("directories", "HDF5_incdir") except: pass try: netCDF4_dir = config.get("directories", "netCDF4_dir") except: pass try: netCDF4_libdir = config.get("directories", "netCDF4_libdir") except: pass try: netCDF4_incdir = config.get("directories", "netCDF4_incdir") except: pass try: szip_dir = config.get("directories", "szip_dir") except: pass try: szip_libdir = config.get("directories", "szip_libdir") except: pass try: szip_incdir = config.get("directories", "szip_incdir") except: pass try: hdf4_dir = config.get("directories", "hdf4_dir") except: pass try: hdf4_libdir = config.get("directories", "hdf4_libdir") except: pass try: hdf4_incdir = config.get("directories", "hdf4_incdir") except: pass try: jpeg_dir = config.get("directories", "jpeg_dir") except: pass try: jpeg_libdir = config.get("directories", "jpeg_libdir") except: pass try: jpeg_incdir = config.get("directories", "jpeg_incdir") except: pass try: curl_dir = config.get("directories", "curl_dir") except: pass try: curl_libdir = config.get("directories", "curl_libdir") except: pass try: curl_incdir = config.get("directories", "curl_incdir") except: pass try: mpi_incdir = config.get("directories","mpi_incdir") except: pass try: use_ncconfig = config.getboolean("options", "use_ncconfig") except: pass try: ncconfig = config.get("options", "ncconfig") except: pass try: if ncconfig is None: if netCDF4_dir is not None: ncconfig = os.path.join(netCDF4_dir, 'bin/nc-config') else: # otherwise, just hope it's in the users PATH. ncconfig = 'nc-config' HAS_NCCONFIG =[ncconfig, '--libs'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) == 0 except OSError: HAS_NCCONFIG = False # make sure USE_NCCONFIG from environment takes # precendence over use_ncconfig from setup.cfg (issue #341). if USE_NCCONFIG is None and use_ncconfig is not None: USE_NCCONFIG = use_ncconfig elif USE_NCCONFIG is None: # if nc-config exists, and USE_NCCONFIG not set, try to use it. if HAS_NCCONFIG: USE_NCCONFIG=True #elif USE_NCCONFIG is None: # USE_NCCONFIG = False # don't try to use nc-config if USE_NCCONFIG not set try: HAS_PKG_CONFIG =['pkg-config', '--libs', 'hdf5'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) == 0 except OSError: HAS_PKG_CONFIG = False def _populate_hdf5_info(dirstosearch, inc_dirs, libs, lib_dirs): global HDF5_incdir, HDF5_dir, HDF5_libdir nohdf5dirs = HDF5_incdir is None and HDF5_libdir is None and HDF5_dir is None if HAS_PKG_CONFIG and nohdf5dirs: # if HDF5 dirs not specified, and pkg-config available, use it dep = subprocess.Popen(['pkg-config', '--cflags', 'hdf5'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] inc_dirs.extend([str(i[2:].decode()) for i in dep.split() if i[0:2].decode() == '-I']) dep = subprocess.Popen(['pkg-config', '--libs', 'hdf5'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] libs.extend( [str(l[2:].decode()) for l in dep.split() if l[0:2].decode() == '-l']) lib_dirs.extend( [str(l[2:].decode()) for l in dep.split() if l[0:2].decode() == '-L']) dep = subprocess.Popen(['pkg-config', '--cflags', 'hdf5'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] inc_dirs.extend( [str(i[2:].decode()) for i in dep.split() if i[0:2].decode() == '-I']) else: if HDF5_incdir is None and HDF5_dir is None: sys.stdout.write(""" HDF5_DIR environment variable not set, checking some standard locations ..\n""") for direc in dirstosearch: hdf5_version = get_hdf5_version(os.path.join(direc, 'include')) if hdf5_version is None: continue else: HDF5_dir = direc HDF5_incdir = os.path.join(direc, 'include') sys.stdout.write('%s found in %s\n' % (hdf5_version,HDF5_dir)) break if HDF5_dir is None: raise ValueError('did not find HDF5 headers') else: if HDF5_incdir is None: HDF5_incdir = os.path.join(HDF5_dir, 'include') hdf5_version = get_hdf5_version(HDF5_incdir) if hdf5_version is None: raise ValueError('did not find HDF5 headers in %s' % HDF5_incdir) else: sys.stdout.write('%s found in %s\n' % (hdf5_version,HDF5_dir)) if HDF5_libdir is None and HDF5_dir is not None: HDF5_libdir = os.path.join(HDF5_dir, 'lib') if HDF5_libdir is not None: lib_dirs.append(HDF5_libdir) if HDF5_incdir is not None: inc_dirs.append(HDF5_incdir) libs.extend(['hdf5_hl', 'hdf5']) dirstosearch = [] if os.environ.get("CONDA_PREFIX"): dirstosearch.append(os.environ["CONDA_PREFIX"]) # linux,macosx dirstosearch.append(os.path.join(os.environ["CONDA_PREFIX"],'Library')) # windows dirstosearch += [os.path.expanduser('~'), '/usr/local', '/sw', '/opt', '/opt/local', '/usr'] # try nc-config first if USE_NCCONFIG and HAS_NCCONFIG: # Try nc-config. sys.stdout.write('using %s...\n' % ncconfig) dep = subprocess.Popen([ncconfig, '--libs'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] libs = [str(l[2:].decode()) for l in dep.split() if l[0:2].decode() == '-l'] lib_dirs = [str(l[2:].decode()) for l in dep.split() if l[0:2].decode() == '-L'] dep = subprocess.Popen([ncconfig, '--cflags'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] inc_dirs = [str(i[2:].decode()) for i in dep.split() if i[0:2].decode() == '-I'] # check to see if hdf5 found in directories returned by nc-config hdf5_version = None for direc in inc_dirs: hdf5_version = get_hdf5_version(direc) if hdf5_version is not None: break # if hdf5 not found, search other standard locations (including those specified in env vars). if hdf5_version is None: sys.stdout.write('nc-config did provide path to HDF5 headers, search standard locations...') _populate_hdf5_info(dirstosearch, inc_dirs, libs, lib_dirs) # If nc-config doesn't work, fall back on brute force method. else: lib_dirs = [] inc_dirs = [] libs = [] # _populate_hdf5_info will use HDF5_dir, HDF5_libdir and HDF5_incdir if they are set. # otherwise pkg-config will be tried, and if that fails, dirstosearch will be searched. _populate_hdf5_info(dirstosearch, inc_dirs, libs, lib_dirs) if netCDF4_incdir is None and netCDF4_dir is None: sys.stdout.write(""" NETCDF4_DIR environment variable not set, checking standard locations.. \n""") for direc in dirstosearch: sys.stdout.write('checking %s ...\n' % direc) isnetcdf4 = check_ifnetcdf4(os.path.join(direc, 'include')) if not isnetcdf4: continue else: netCDF4_dir = direc netCDF4_incdir = os.path.join(direc, 'include') sys.stdout.write('netCDF4 found in %s\n' % netCDF4_dir) break if netCDF4_dir is None: raise ValueError('did not find netCDF version 4 headers') else: if netCDF4_incdir is None: netCDF4_incdir = os.path.join(netCDF4_dir, 'include') isnetcdf4 = check_ifnetcdf4(netCDF4_incdir) if not isnetcdf4: raise ValueError( 'did not find netCDF version 4 headers %s' % netCDF4_incdir) if netCDF4_libdir is None and netCDF4_dir is not None: netCDF4_libdir = os.path.join(netCDF4_dir, 'lib') if sys.platform == 'win32': libs.extend(['netcdf', 'zlib']) else: libs.extend(['netcdf', 'z']) if netCDF4_libdir is not None: lib_dirs.append(netCDF4_libdir) if netCDF4_incdir is not None: inc_dirs.append(netCDF4_incdir) # add szip to link if desired. if szip_libdir is None and szip_dir is not None: szip_libdir = os.path.join(szip_dir, 'lib') if szip_incdir is None and szip_dir is not None: szip_incdir = os.path.join(szip_dir, 'include') if szip_incdir is not None and szip_libdir is not None: libs.append('sz') lib_dirs.append(szip_libdir) inc_dirs.append(szip_incdir) # add hdf4 to link if desired. if hdf4_libdir is None and hdf4_dir is not None: hdf4_libdir = os.path.join(hdf4_dir, 'lib') if hdf4_incdir is None and hdf4_dir is not None: hdf4_incdir = os.path.join(hdf4_dir, 'include') if hdf4_incdir is not None and hdf4_libdir is not None: libs.append('mfhdf') libs.append('df') lib_dirs.append(hdf4_libdir) inc_dirs.append(hdf4_incdir) # add jpeg to link if desired. if jpeg_libdir is None and jpeg_dir is not None: jpeg_libdir = os.path.join(jpeg_dir, 'lib') if jpeg_incdir is None and jpeg_dir is not None: jpeg_incdir = os.path.join(jpeg_dir, 'include') if jpeg_incdir is not None and jpeg_libdir is not None: libs.append('jpeg') lib_dirs.append(jpeg_libdir) inc_dirs.append(jpeg_incdir) # add curl to link if desired. if curl_libdir is None and curl_dir is not None: curl_libdir = os.path.join(curl_dir, 'lib') if curl_incdir is None and curl_dir is not None: curl_incdir = os.path.join(curl_dir, 'include') if curl_incdir is not None and curl_libdir is not None: libs.append('curl') lib_dirs.append(curl_libdir) inc_dirs.append(curl_incdir) if sys.platform == 'win32': runtime_lib_dirs = [] else: runtime_lib_dirs = lib_dirs # Do not require numpy for just querying the package # Taken from the h5py setup file. if any('--' + opt in sys.argv for opt in Distribution.display_option_names + ['help-commands', 'help']) or sys.argv[1] == 'egg_info': pass else: # append numpy include dir. import numpy inc_dirs.append(numpy.get_include()) # get netcdf library version. netcdf_lib_version = getnetcdfvers(lib_dirs) if netcdf_lib_version is None: sys.stdout.write('unable to detect netcdf library version\n') else: netcdf_lib_version = str(netcdf_lib_version) sys.stdout.write('using netcdf library version %s\n' % netcdf_lib_version) cmdclass = {} DEFINE_MACROS = [("NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API", "NPY_1_7_API_VERSION")] netcdf4_src_root = osp.join(osp.join('src','netCDF4'), '_netCDF4') netcdf4_src_c = netcdf4_src_root + '.c' netcdf4_src_pyx = netcdf4_src_root + '.pyx' if 'sdist' not in sys.argv[1:] and 'clean' not in sys.argv[1:] and '--version' not in sys.argv[1:]: sys.stdout.write('using Cython to compile netCDF4.pyx...\n') # remove _netCDF4.c file if it exists, so cython will recompile _netCDF4.pyx. # run for build *and* install (issue #263). Otherwise 'pip install' will # not regenerate _netCDF4.c, even if the C lib supports the new features. if len(sys.argv) >= 2: if os.path.exists(netcdf4_src_c): os.remove(netcdf4_src_c) # this determines whether renameGroup and filepath methods will work. has_rename_grp, has_nc_inq_path, has_nc_inq_format_extended, \ has_cdf5_format, has_nc_open_mem, has_nc_create_mem, \ has_parallel4_support, has_pnetcdf_support = \ check_api(inc_dirs,netcdf_lib_version) # for netcdf 4.4.x CDF5 format is always enabled. if netcdf_lib_version is not None and\ (netcdf_lib_version > "4.4" and netcdf_lib_version < "4.5"): has_cdf5_format = True # disable parallel support if mpi4py not available. try: import mpi4py except ImportError: has_parallel4_support = False has_pnetcdf_support = False f = open(osp.join('include', 'constants.pyx'), 'w') if has_rename_grp: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib has group rename capability\n') f.write('DEF HAS_RENAME_GRP = 1\n') else: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib does not have group rename capability\n') f.write('DEF HAS_RENAME_GRP = 0\n') if has_nc_inq_path: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib has nc_inq_path function\n') f.write('DEF HAS_NC_INQ_PATH = 1\n') else: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib does not have nc_inq_path function\n') f.write('DEF HAS_NC_INQ_PATH = 0\n') if has_nc_inq_format_extended: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib has nc_inq_format_extended function\n') f.write('DEF HAS_NC_INQ_FORMAT_EXTENDED = 1\n') else: sys.stdout.write( 'netcdf lib does not have nc_inq_format_extended function\n') f.write('DEF HAS_NC_INQ_FORMAT_EXTENDED = 0\n') if has_nc_open_mem: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib has nc_open_mem function\n') f.write('DEF HAS_NC_OPEN_MEM = 1\n') else: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib does not have nc_open_mem function\n') f.write('DEF HAS_NC_OPEN_MEM = 0\n') if has_nc_create_mem: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib has nc_create_mem function\n') f.write('DEF HAS_NC_CREATE_MEM = 1\n') else: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib does not have nc_create_mem function\n') f.write('DEF HAS_NC_CREATE_MEM = 0\n') if has_cdf5_format: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib has cdf-5 format capability\n') f.write('DEF HAS_CDF5_FORMAT = 1\n') else: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib does not have cdf-5 format capability\n') f.write('DEF HAS_CDF5_FORMAT = 0\n') if has_parallel4_support: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib has netcdf4 parallel functions\n') f.write('DEF HAS_PARALLEL4_SUPPORT = 1\n') else: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib does not have netcdf4 parallel functions\n') f.write('DEF HAS_PARALLEL4_SUPPORT = 0\n') if has_pnetcdf_support: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib has pnetcdf parallel functions\n') f.write('DEF HAS_PNETCDF_SUPPORT = 1\n') else: sys.stdout.write('netcdf lib does not have pnetcdf parallel functions\n') f.write('DEF HAS_PNETCDF_SUPPORT = 0\n') f.close() if has_parallel4_support or has_pnetcdf_support: inc_dirs.append(mpi4py.get_include()) # mpi_incdir should not be needed if using nc-config # (should be included in nc-config --cflags) if mpi_incdir is not None: inc_dirs.append(mpi_incdir) ext_modules = [Extension("netCDF4._netCDF4", [netcdf4_src_pyx], define_macros=DEFINE_MACROS, libraries=libs, library_dirs=lib_dirs, include_dirs=inc_dirs + ['include'], runtime_library_dirs=runtime_lib_dirs)] else: ext_modules = None setup(name="netCDF4", cmdclass=cmdclass, version=extract_version(netcdf4_src_pyx), long_description="netCDF version 4 has many features not found in earlier versions of the library, such as hierarchical groups, zlib compression, multiple unlimited dimensions, and new data types. It is implemented on top of HDF5. This module implements most of the new features, and can read and write netCDF files compatible with older versions of the library. The API is modelled after Scientific.IO.NetCDF, and should be familiar to users of that module.\n\nThis project is hosted on a `GitHub repository `_ where you may access the most up-to-date source.", author="Jeff Whitaker", author_email="", url="", download_url="", platforms=["any"], license='License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', description="Provides an object-oriented python interface to the netCDF version 4 library.", keywords=['numpy', 'netcdf', 'data', 'science', 'network', 'oceanography', 'meteorology', 'climate'], classifiers=["Development Status :: 3 - Alpha", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", "Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Compression", "Operating System :: OS Independent"], packages=['netCDF4'], package_dir={'':'src'}, ext_modules=ext_modules, **setuptools_extra_kwargs)