% List of physical constants % Thomas Helfer % 2017 \newcommand{\mol}{\mathrm{mol}} Various physical constants now available. The values are extracted from: | Symbol | Description | Value | Unit | |-----------+---------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------| | \(\mu\) | Atomic mass constant | \(1.660539040\,.10^{-27}\) | \(kg\) | | \(N_{a}\) | Avogadro constant | \(6.022140857\,.10^{23}\) | \(\mol^{-1}\) | | \(k_{b}\) | Boltzmann constant | \(1.38064852\,.10^{-23} \) | \(J.K^{-1}\) | | \(G_{0}\) | Conductance quantum | \(7.7480917310\,.10^{-5}\) | \(S\) | | \(e_{0}\) | Electric constant | \(8.854187817\,.10^{-12}\) | \(F.m^{-1}\) | | \(m_{e}\) | Electron mass | \(9.10938356\,.10^{-31} \) | \(kg\) | | \(eV\) | Electron volt | \(1.6021766208\,.10^{-19}\) | \(J\) | | \(e\) | Elementary charge | \(1.6021766208\,.10^{-19}\) | \(C\) | | \(F\) | Faraday constant | \(96485.33289\) | \(C.\mol^{-1}\) | | \(a\) | Fine-structure constant | \(7.2973525664\,.10^{-3}\) | | | \(R\) | Molar gas constant | \(8.3144598\) | \(J.\mol^{-1}.K^{-1}\) | | \(s\) | Stefan-Boltzmann constant | \(5.670367\,.10^{-8}\) | \(W.m^{-2}.K^{-4}\) | # `C++` The physical constants are available as constexpr static members of `tfel::PhysicalConstants` class defined in the `TFEL/PhysicalConstants.hxx` header. ~~~~{.cpp} using Cste = tfel::PhysicalConstants; const auto R = Cste::R; ~~~~ # `Python` The physical constants are available as members of the `tfel.PhysicalConstants` class, as follows: ~~~~{.python} from tfel import PhysicalConstants as Cste print(Cste.Na) ~~~~