amavis-stats (0.1.12) unstable; urgency=low * Makefile portability fixes thanks to James Davis. perl is now set to to value of `which perl` * Thanks to Jean Charles Delepine don't count multiple occurences of a virus in the same email. * Fixed a column ordering bug in amavis-stats.php, and made a basic column calculation based on the length of the longest virus name. * Statistics are now based on the true final determination of AMaViS: Passed, Not-Delivered, INFECTED, BANNED, plus SPAM classifications of Passed and Not-Delivered. * Virus colours are now fixed per virus - generated by the md5sum of the virus name. This means that all installations of amavis-stats will have the same colours :-) * fixed bug (introduced in rc2) that didn't delete the session ids from the %spamsess hash. * Fixed issue with regex not matching properly for clamav virus checker. -- Mark Lawrence Sat, 27 Mar 2004 14:40:47 +0000 amavis-stats (0.1.11) unstable; urgency=low * As per patch from Chris H, can now handle virus names with spaces in them. Unfortunately this breaks any amavis that separates multiple viruses by spaces, but that is broken anyway if the virus scanner reports virses names with spaces (which some do). * Added locale debugging statements. Add option to force locale detection (-l) otherwise English (and not "C") is assumed. * Added do_exit function to remove lockfile on error conditions. * amavis-ng virus detection thanks to Matthias L. Jugel. * Now using autoconf to install - ./configure; make; make install... etc. * Image directory has moved from /var/lib/amavis-stats/img to /var/cache/amavis-stats for FHS compliance. * Force images to be generated in PNG format. Graphs end at multiple of the rrd step value. * Limit updates to rrd files to be multiples of the "step" value. This should fix many of the "missing" single virus counts and other inaccuracies. * Fixed a configure bug on --with-group. -- Mark Lawrence Wed, 17 Mar 2004 22:36:40 +0000 amavis-stats (0.1.10) unstable; urgency=low * Added contents of state/seen/virus definition files to the debug option of amavis-stats.php script. * amavis-stats now uses the locale/LANG envinronment to correctly read international date strings from syslog files. php script also prints out localized date/time strings. * php script now produces better error message when the rrdtool executable can't be found. * Fixed an issue were graphs could not be generated if no "Passed" emails had been seen. * TODO: Improve RPM build. -- Mark Lawrence Fri, 6 Feb 2004 14:54:16 +0000 amavis-stats (0.1.9) unstable; urgency=low * Detects a "new" log entry of the form "amavisd-new[3823]:" which I have never seen before. * Fixed missing /usr/share/amavis-stats/img link (this has been bugging me for ages!) * Added "-V" option to display the version nuumber. Updated manpage. * amavis-stats: Converted perl regex's to be non-greedy. This should mean more accurate detection of virus names. * TODO: Improve RPM build. -- Mark Lawrence Thu, 27 Nov 2003 15:46:21 +0100 amavis-stats (0.1.8) unstable; urgency=low * Fixed a rotation bug introduced in version 0.1.7 (Thanks to Ricardo Stella) * TODO: Fix up the symbolic link installation problem . * TODO: Improve RPM build. -- Mark Lawrence Mon, 3 Nov 2003 19:20:33 +0100 amavis-stats (0.1.7) unstable; urgency=low * amavis-stats: Implemented a lock system to allow only one copy of amavis-stats to run at a time. * amavis-stats: The saveState() function now correctly saves the position we reached in the logfile. Was previously always recording the end of the file regardless of where we actually were. * Thanks to Pål Løberg now have support for counting BANNED messages. * amavis-stats: Correctly handle multiple viruses found in a single message. Now even get a nice "corrupted" virus count. * amavis-stats: Fixed a bug relating to reading lines that have not been fully output by syslog (ie missing newline at end of the file) * amavis-stats.php: Option to display rates per hour instead of rates per minute. Idea from Tom Spencer. * TODO: Fix up the RPM. -- Mark Lawrence Thu, 23 Oct 2003 09:56:51 +0200 amavis-stats (0.1.6) unstable; urgency=low * Debian fix only: added dependency on wwwconfig-common. -- Mark Lawrence Fri, 17 Oct 2003 00:48:51 +0200 amavis-stats (0.1.5) unstable; urgency=low * TODO: Correctly handle the case where multiple viruses are found in a single mail. * TODO: Locking in amavis-stats so that we can't run more than one at a time. * amavis-stats.php: Really, really fixed the command-line rrdtool integration. It turns out that the php "exec" command doesn't collect stderr * amavis-stats.php: Added a "debug" option to the web page, to display the rrdtool command that generates each graph. * amavis-stats: Handles the new SPAM and SPAM-TAG format of amavis-new -- Mark Lawrence Thu, 16 Oct 2003 14:54:39 +0200 amavis-stats (0.1.4) unstable; urgency=low * amavis-stats: Display version in help message * amavis-stats.php: Made the command-line version of rrdtool actually work. * amavis-stats.php: Display version and type of rrdtool in web page * wrote an apache include file to allow running amavis-stats from http://host/amavis-stats/ without having to copy the script into the web root. * Updated README for new installation. -- Mark Lawrence Tue, 7 Oct 2003 17:44:52 +0200 amavis-stats (0.1.3) unstable; urgency=low * amavis-stats: Must now specify log file on the command line. "-f" no longer needed but kept for legacy reasons. Man page updated. * amavis-stats: "-v" now does nothing. Default is to output summary/ interesting information. New option "-q" stops output. * amavis-stats: More robust logfile and rotation handling. * amavis-stats.php: rrdtool handling changes - if internal extentions are available use them, otherwise rely on an internal function and the command/shell "rrdtool" executable. Thanks to Daniel Huele. * First attempt at RPM package. Testers needed (hint, hint) * amavis-stats: Bugfix: Correctly ignore badly formed log lines (previously saw message like "use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//)... ") * amavis-stats: Bugfix: If more than one virus was detected by amavis then we were actually recording that as a single virus called "virus1 virus2...". Now only count the first virus. * amavis-stats: Now save the current state every 1000 lines. More robust and means you can watch the graphs grow when running large files :) * debian: dependency now on rrdtool _or_ php4-rrdtool. * Much improved README file. * amavis-stats: Partial CLAMAV support thanks to Alan Murrell. Needs feedback (hint, hint). Does clamav really put a newline in the middle of a syslog entry when more than one part is infected? * TODO: Correctly handle the case where multiple viruses are found in a single mail. * TODO: Locking in amavis-stats so that we can't run more than one at a time. * TODO: create/include apache configuration to run the php script from /usr/share/amavis-stats without having to copy/modify files. -- Mark Lawrence Mon, 29 Sep 2003 13:33:55 +0000 amavis-stats (0.1.2) unstable; urgency=low * amavis-stats: Based on input from Lars Hecking, should now parse files from amavisd as well as amavisd-new. * amavis-stats: Based on input from Ricardo Stella should also now work on Solaris syslog files. * amavis-stats: Check for existence and writability of /var/lib/amavis-stats during loadStats(). * amavis-stats: Added detection for SPAM (I think amavisd-new only) - Kai. * amavis-stats.php: Fixed a bug where script would die if zero detections had occurred. Support for SPAM detections. -- Mark Lawrence Fri, 5 Sep 2003 20:06:03 +0000 amavis-stats (0.1.1) unstable; urgency=low * amavis-stats.php: Added a check for the existence of the php4-rrdtool functions and display an error message if not found. * Documentation: Removed amavisd-new specific comments everywhere after learning that amavisd is alive and kicking * Makefile: Changed 'make dist' to use the Debian version for the package when creating the tgz archive. * debian: added dependency on php4-rrdtool. -- Mark Lawrence Thu, 4 Sep 2003 09:02:59 +0000 amavis-stats (0.1.0) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release. -- Mark Lawrence Thu, 21 Aug 2003 13:49:55 +0000 Local variables: mode: debian-changelog End: