// This is a generated file! // Do not edit manually, changes will be overwritten. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace KeePass.Resources { /// /// A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. /// public static partial class KPRes { private static string TryGetEx(Dictionary dictNew, string strName, string strDefault) { string strTemp; if(dictNew.TryGetValue(strName, out strTemp)) return strTemp; return strDefault; } public static void SetTranslatedStrings(Dictionary dictNew) { if(dictNew == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dictNew"); m_strAbort = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Abort", m_strAbort); m_strAbortTrigger = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AbortTrigger", m_strAbortTrigger); m_strAction = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Action", m_strAction); m_strActivateDatabaseTab = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ActivateDatabaseTab", m_strActivateDatabaseTab); m_strActive = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Active", m_strActive); m_strAddEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AddEntry", m_strAddEntry); m_strAddEntryDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AddEntryDesc", m_strAddEntryDesc); m_strAddGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AddGroup", m_strAddGroup); m_strAddGroupDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AddGroupDesc", m_strAddGroupDesc); m_strAddStringField = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AddStringField", m_strAddStringField); m_strAddStringFieldDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AddStringFieldDesc", m_strAddStringFieldDesc); m_strAdvanced = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Advanced", m_strAdvanced); m_strAfterDatabaseOpen = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AfterDatabaseOpen", m_strAfterDatabaseOpen); m_strAlignCenter = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AlignCenter", m_strAlignCenter); m_strAlignLeft = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AlignLeft", m_strAlignLeft); m_strAlignRight = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AlignRight", m_strAlignRight); m_strAll = TryGetEx(dictNew, "All", m_strAll); m_strAllFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AllFiles", m_strAllFiles); m_strAllSupportedFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AllSupportedFiles", m_strAllSupportedFiles); m_strAlternatingBgColors = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AlternatingBgColors", m_strAlternatingBgColors); m_strApplication = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Application", m_strApplication); m_strApplicationExit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ApplicationExit", m_strApplicationExit); m_strApplicationInitialized = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ApplicationInitialized", m_strApplicationInitialized); m_strApplicationStarted = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ApplicationStarted", m_strApplicationStarted); m_strArguments = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Arguments", m_strArguments); m_strAscending = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Ascending", m_strAscending); m_strAskContinue = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AskContinue", m_strAskContinue); m_strAssociationsLower = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AssociationsLower", m_strAssociationsLower); m_strAsterisks = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Asterisks", m_strAsterisks); m_strAttachedExistsAlready = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachedExistsAlready", m_strAttachedExistsAlready); m_strAttachExtDiscardDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachExtDiscardDesc", m_strAttachExtDiscardDesc); m_strAttachExtImportDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachExtImportDesc", m_strAttachExtImportDesc); m_strAttachExtOpened = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachExtOpened", m_strAttachExtOpened); m_strAttachExtOpenedPost = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachExtOpenedPost", m_strAttachExtOpenedPost); m_strAttachExtSecDel = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachExtSecDel", m_strAttachExtSecDel); m_strAttachFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachFailed", m_strAttachFailed); m_strAttachFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachFiles", m_strAttachFiles); m_strAttachments = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Attachments", m_strAttachments); m_strAttachmentSave = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachmentSave", m_strAttachmentSave); m_strAttachmentsSave = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachmentsSave", m_strAttachmentsSave); m_strAttachNewRename = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachNewRename", m_strAttachNewRename); m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks0 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachNewRenameRemarks0", m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks0); m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks1 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachNewRenameRemarks1", m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks1); m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachNewRenameRemarks2", m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks2); m_strAuthor = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Author", m_strAuthor); m_strAuto = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Auto", m_strAuto); m_strAutoCreateNew = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoCreateNew", m_strAutoCreateNew); m_strAutoGeneratedPasswordSettings = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoGeneratedPasswordSettings", m_strAutoGeneratedPasswordSettings); m_strAutoRememberOpenLastFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoRememberOpenLastFile", m_strAutoRememberOpenLastFile); m_strAutoSaveAfterEntryEdit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoSaveAfterEntryEdit", m_strAutoSaveAfterEntryEdit); m_strAutoSaveAtExit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoSaveAtExit", m_strAutoSaveAtExit); m_strAutoShowExpiredEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoShowExpiredEntries", m_strAutoShowExpiredEntries); m_strAutoShowSoonToExpireEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoShowSoonToExpireEntries", m_strAutoShowSoonToExpireEntries); m_strAutoType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoType", m_strAutoType); m_strAutoTypeAbortedOnWindow = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeAbortedOnWindow", m_strAutoTypeAbortedOnWindow); m_strAutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog", m_strAutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog); m_strAutoTypeCancelOnTitleChange = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeCancelOnTitleChange", m_strAutoTypeCancelOnTitleChange); m_strAutoTypeCancelOnWindowChange = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeCancelOnWindowChange", m_strAutoTypeCancelOnWindowChange); m_strAutoTypeEntrySelection = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeEntrySelection", m_strAutoTypeEntrySelection); m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescLong2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeEntrySelectionDescLong2", m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescLong2); m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescShort = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeEntrySelectionDescShort", m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescShort); m_strAutoTypeGlobalHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeGlobalHint", m_strAutoTypeGlobalHint); m_strAutoTypeMatchByTagInTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeMatchByTagInTitle", m_strAutoTypeMatchByTagInTitle); m_strAutoTypeMatchByTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeMatchByTitle", m_strAutoTypeMatchByTitle); m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlHostInTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeMatchByUrlHostInTitle", m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlHostInTitle); m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlInTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeMatchByUrlInTitle", m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlInTitle); m_strAutoTypeObfuscationHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeObfuscationHint", m_strAutoTypeObfuscationHint); m_strAutoTypePrependInitSeqForIE = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypePrependInitSeqForIE", m_strAutoTypePrependInitSeqForIE); m_strAutoTypeReleaseAltWithKeyPress = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeReleaseAltWithKeyPress", m_strAutoTypeReleaseAltWithKeyPress); m_strAutoTypeSelectedNoEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeSelectedNoEntry", m_strAutoTypeSelectedNoEntry); m_strAutoTypeSequenceInvalid = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeSequenceInvalid", m_strAutoTypeSequenceInvalid); m_strAutoTypeUnknownPlaceholder = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeUnknownPlaceholder", m_strAutoTypeUnknownPlaceholder); m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequired = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeXDoToolRequired", m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequired); m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequiredGlobalVer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeXDoToolRequiredGlobalVer", m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequiredGlobalVer); m_strAvailable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Available", m_strAvailable); m_strBackgroundColor = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BackgroundColor", m_strBackgroundColor); m_strBackupDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BackupDatabase", m_strBackupDatabase); m_strBackupFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BackupFile", m_strBackupFile); m_strBackupLocation = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BackupLocation", m_strBackupLocation); m_strBinaryNoConv = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BinaryNoConv", m_strBinaryNoConv); m_strBits = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Bits", m_strBits); m_strBitsA = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BitsA", m_strBitsA); m_strBitsEx = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BitsEx", m_strBitsEx); m_strBold = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Bold", m_strBold); m_strBothForms = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BothForms", m_strBothForms); m_strBrowser = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Browser", m_strBrowser); m_strBuiltIn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BuiltIn", m_strBuiltIn); m_strBuiltInU = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BuiltInU", m_strBuiltInU); m_strButton = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Button", m_strButton); m_strButtonBack = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ButtonBack", m_strButtonBack); m_strButtonDefault = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ButtonDefault", m_strButtonDefault); m_strButtonFinish = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ButtonFinish", m_strButtonFinish); m_strButtonNext = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ButtonNext", m_strButtonNext); m_strButtons = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Buttons", m_strButtons); m_strCancel = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Cancel", m_strCancel); m_strCannotMoveEntriesBcsGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CannotMoveEntriesBcsGroup", m_strCannotMoveEntriesBcsGroup); m_strChangeMasterKey = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ChangeMasterKey", m_strChangeMasterKey); m_strChangeMasterKeyIntroShort = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ChangeMasterKeyIntroShort", m_strChangeMasterKeyIntroShort); m_strCharsAbbr = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CharsAbbr", m_strCharsAbbr); m_strCharsStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CharsStc", m_strCharsStc); m_strCheckForUpdAtStart = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CheckForUpdAtStart", m_strCheckForUpdAtStart); m_strCheckingForUpd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CheckingForUpd", m_strCheckingForUpd); m_strClassicAdj = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClassicAdj", m_strClassicAdj); m_strClearKeyCmdLineParams = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClearKeyCmdLineParams", m_strClearKeyCmdLineParams); m_strClearMru = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClearMru", m_strClearMru); m_strClipboard = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Clipboard", m_strClipboard); m_strClipboardClearDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardClearDesc", m_strClipboardClearDesc); m_strClipboardClearInSeconds = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardClearInSeconds", m_strClipboardClearInSeconds); m_strClipboardClearOnExit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardClearOnExit", m_strClipboardClearOnExit); m_strClipboardDataCopied = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardDataCopied", m_strClipboardDataCopied); m_strClipboardMain = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardMain", m_strClipboardMain); m_strClipboardNoPersist = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardNoPersist", m_strClipboardNoPersist); m_strClipboardOptionME = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardOptionME", m_strClipboardOptionME); m_strClipboardViewerIgnoreFormat = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardViewerIgnoreFormat", m_strClipboardViewerIgnoreFormat); m_strClose = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Close", m_strClose); m_strCloseActiveDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CloseActiveDatabase", m_strCloseActiveDatabase); m_strCloseButtonMinimizes = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CloseButtonMinimizes", m_strCloseButtonMinimizes); m_strClosingDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClosingDatabaseFile", m_strClosingDatabaseFile); m_strClusterCenters2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClusterCenters2", m_strClusterCenters2); m_strClusterCentersDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClusterCentersDesc", m_strClusterCentersDesc); m_strColumn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Column", m_strColumn); m_strColumns = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Columns", m_strColumns); m_strComments = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Comments", m_strComments); m_strCompany = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Company", m_strCompany); m_strComparison = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Comparison", m_strComparison); m_strCompatWithOldVer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CompatWithOldVer", m_strCompatWithOldVer); m_strComponent = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Component", m_strComponent); m_strCondition = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Condition", m_strCondition); m_strConfigAffectAdmin = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigAffectAdmin", m_strConfigAffectAdmin); m_strConfigAffectUser = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigAffectUser", m_strConfigAffectUser); m_strConfigError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigError", m_strConfigError); m_strConfigOverwriteBackup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigOverwriteBackup", m_strConfigOverwriteBackup); m_strConfigureAutoType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureAutoType", m_strConfigureAutoType); m_strConfigureAutoTypeDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureAutoTypeDesc", m_strConfigureAutoTypeDesc); m_strConfigureAutoTypeItem = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureAutoTypeItem", m_strConfigureAutoTypeItem); m_strConfigureAutoTypeItemDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureAutoTypeItemDesc", m_strConfigureAutoTypeItemDesc); m_strConfigureColumns = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureColumns", m_strConfigureColumns); m_strConfigureColumnsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureColumnsDesc", m_strConfigureColumnsDesc); m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeq = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureKeystrokeSeq", m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeq); m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeqDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureKeystrokeSeqDesc", m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeqDesc); m_strConfigureOnNewDatabase3 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureOnNewDatabase3", m_strConfigureOnNewDatabase3); m_strConsiderDashesEq = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConsiderDashesEq", m_strConsiderDashesEq); m_strContact = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Contact", m_strContact); m_strContainsOp = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ContainsOp", m_strContainsOp); m_strCopiedEntryData = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopiedEntryData", m_strCopiedEntryData); m_strCopy = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Copy", m_strCopy); m_strCopyAll = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyAll", m_strCopyAll); m_strCopyLink = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyLink", m_strCopyLink); m_strCopyOfItem = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyOfItem", m_strCopyOfItem); m_strCopyPasswordMenu = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyPasswordMenu", m_strCopyPasswordMenu); m_strCopyTanMenu = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyTanMenu", m_strCopyTanMenu); m_strCopyUrls = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyUrls", m_strCopyUrls); m_strCopyUrlsInsteadOfOpening = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyUrlsInsteadOfOpening", m_strCopyUrlsInsteadOfOpening); m_strCopyUserName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyUserName", m_strCopyUserName); m_strCopyWholeEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyWholeEntries", m_strCopyWholeEntries); m_strCorruptionByExt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CorruptionByExt", m_strCorruptionByExt); m_strCount = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Count", m_strCount); m_strCreateMasterKey = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CreateMasterKey", m_strCreateMasterKey); m_strCreateNewDatabase2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CreateNewDatabase2", m_strCreateNewDatabase2); m_strCreateNewIDs = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CreateNewIDs", m_strCreateNewIDs); m_strCreationTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CreationTime", m_strCreationTime); m_strCredSaveAll = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CredSaveAll", m_strCredSaveAll); m_strCredSaveNone = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CredSaveNone", m_strCredSaveNone); m_strCredSaveUserOnly = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CredSaveUserOnly", m_strCredSaveUserOnly); m_strCredSpecifyDifferent = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CredSpecifyDifferent", m_strCredSpecifyDifferent); m_strCsprojCountError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CsprojCountError", m_strCsprojCountError); m_strCsvImportDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CsvImportDesc", m_strCsvImportDesc); m_strCsvTextFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CsvTextFile", m_strCsvTextFile); m_strCtrlAltAConflict = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CtrlAltAConflict", m_strCtrlAltAConflict); m_strCtrlAltAConflictHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CtrlAltAConflictHint", m_strCtrlAltAConflictHint); m_strCurrentStyle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CurrentStyle", m_strCurrentStyle); m_strCustom = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Custom", m_strCustom); m_strCustomFields = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CustomFields", m_strCustomFields); m_strCustomizableHtml = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CustomizableHtml", m_strCustomizableHtml); m_strCustomTbButtonAdd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CustomTbButtonAdd", m_strCustomTbButtonAdd); m_strCustomTbButtonClicked = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CustomTbButtonClicked", m_strCustomTbButtonClicked); m_strCustomTbButtonRemove = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CustomTbButtonRemove", m_strCustomTbButtonRemove); m_strCut = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Cut", m_strCut); m_strData = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Data", m_strData); m_strDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Database", m_strDatabase); m_strDatabaseDescPrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseDescPrompt", m_strDatabaseDescPrompt); m_strDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseFile", m_strDatabaseFile); m_strDatabaseFileIntro = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseFileIntro", m_strDatabaseFileIntro); m_strDatabaseFileRem = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseFileRem", m_strDatabaseFileRem); m_strDatabaseHasUnsavedChanges = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseHasUnsavedChanges", m_strDatabaseHasUnsavedChanges); m_strDatabaseMaintenance = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseMaintenance", m_strDatabaseMaintenance); m_strDatabaseMaintenanceDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseMaintenanceDesc", m_strDatabaseMaintenanceDesc); m_strDatabaseModifiedNoDot = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseModifiedNoDot", m_strDatabaseModifiedNoDot); m_strDatabaseNamePrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseNamePrompt", m_strDatabaseNamePrompt); m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionAsk = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionAsk", m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionAsk); m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionInfo", m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionInfo); m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionQ", m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionQ); m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionRec = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionRec", m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionRec); m_strDatabaseSettings = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseSettings", m_strDatabaseSettings); m_strDatabaseSettingsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseSettingsDesc", m_strDatabaseSettingsDesc); m_strDataEditorKP = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DataEditorKP", m_strDataEditorKP); m_strDataLoss = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DataLoss", m_strDataLoss); m_strDataViewerKP = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DataViewerKP", m_strDataViewerKP); m_strDbMntncResults = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DbMntncResults", m_strDbMntncResults); m_strDbNoModBy = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DbNoModBy", m_strDbNoModBy); m_strDefault = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Default", m_strDefault); m_strDelete = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Delete", m_strDelete); m_strDeleteCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteCmd", m_strDeleteCmd); m_strDeleteEntriesQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteEntriesQuestion", m_strDeleteEntriesQuestion); m_strDeleteEntriesQuestionSingle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteEntriesQuestionSingle", m_strDeleteEntriesQuestionSingle); m_strDeleteEntriesTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteEntriesTitle", m_strDeleteEntriesTitle); m_strDeleteEntriesTitleSingle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteEntriesTitleSingle", m_strDeleteEntriesTitleSingle); m_strDeleteGroupInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteGroupInfo", m_strDeleteGroupInfo); m_strDeleteGroupQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteGroupQuestion", m_strDeleteGroupQuestion); m_strDeleteGroupTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteGroupTitle", m_strDeleteGroupTitle); m_strDescending = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Descending", m_strDescending); m_strDescription = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Description", m_strDescription); m_strDestination = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Destination", m_strDestination); m_strDetails = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Details", m_strDetails); m_strDialogNoShowAgain = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DialogNoShowAgain", m_strDialogNoShowAgain); m_strDialogs = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Dialogs", m_strDialogs); m_strDisable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Disable", m_strDisable); m_strDisabled = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Disabled", m_strDisabled); m_strDisableSaveIfNotModified = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DisableSaveIfNotModified", m_strDisableSaveIfNotModified); m_strDiscardChangesCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DiscardChangesCmd", m_strDiscardChangesCmd); m_strDocumentationHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DocumentationHint", m_strDocumentationHint); m_strDragDrop = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DragDrop", m_strDragDrop); m_strDropToBackOnCopy = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DropToBackOnCopy", m_strDropToBackOnCopy); m_strDuplicatePasswords = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DuplicatePasswords", m_strDuplicatePasswords); m_strDuplicatePasswordsGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DuplicatePasswordsGroup", m_strDuplicatePasswordsGroup); m_strDuplicatePasswordsList = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DuplicatePasswordsList", m_strDuplicatePasswordsList); m_strDuplicatePasswordsNone = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DuplicatePasswordsNone", m_strDuplicatePasswordsNone); m_strDuplicateStringFieldName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DuplicateStringFieldName", m_strDuplicateStringFieldName); m_strEditCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditCmd", m_strEditCmd); m_strEditEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditEntries", m_strEditEntries); m_strEditEntriesDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditEntriesDesc", m_strEditEntriesDesc); m_strEditEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditEntry", m_strEditEntry); m_strEditEntryDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditEntryDesc", m_strEditEntryDesc); m_strEditGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditGroup", m_strEditGroup); m_strEditGroupDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditGroupDesc", m_strEditGroupDesc); m_strEditStringField = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditStringField", m_strEditStringField); m_strEditStringFieldDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditStringFieldDesc", m_strEditStringFieldDesc); m_strEMail = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EMail", m_strEMail); m_strEmergencySheet = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmergencySheet", m_strEmergencySheet); m_strEmergencySheetAsk = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmergencySheetAsk", m_strEmergencySheetAsk); m_strEmergencySheetInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmergencySheetInfo", m_strEmergencySheetInfo); m_strEmergencySheetPrintInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmergencySheetPrintInfo", m_strEmergencySheetPrintInfo); m_strEmergencySheetQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmergencySheetQ", m_strEmergencySheetQ); m_strEmergencySheetRec = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmergencySheetRec", m_strEmergencySheetRec); m_strEmpty = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Empty", m_strEmpty); m_strEmptyMasterPw = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmptyMasterPw", m_strEmptyMasterPw); m_strEmptyMasterPwHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmptyMasterPwHint", m_strEmptyMasterPwHint); m_strEmptyMasterPwQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmptyMasterPwQuestion", m_strEmptyMasterPwQuestion); m_strEmptyRecycleBinQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmptyRecycleBinQuestion", m_strEmptyRecycleBinQuestion); m_strEnable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Enable", m_strEnable); m_strEnabled = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Enabled", m_strEnabled); m_strEncoding = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Encoding", m_strEncoding); m_strEncodingFail = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EncodingFail", m_strEncodingFail); m_strEndsWith = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EndsWith", m_strEndsWith); m_strEnterCompositeKey = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EnterCompositeKey", m_strEnterCompositeKey); m_strEnterCurrentCompositeKey = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EnterCurrentCompositeKey", m_strEnterCurrentCompositeKey); m_strEntropyDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EntropyDesc", m_strEntropyDesc); m_strEntropyTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EntropyTitle", m_strEntropyTitle); m_strEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Entry", m_strEntry); m_strEntryList = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EntryList", m_strEntryList); m_strEntryListAutoResizeColumns = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EntryListAutoResizeColumns", m_strEntryListAutoResizeColumns); m_strEntrySelGroupSel = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EntrySelGroupSel", m_strEntrySelGroupSel); m_strEnvironmentVariable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EnvironmentVariable", m_strEnvironmentVariable); m_strEqualsOp = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EqualsOp", m_strEqualsOp); m_strError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Error", m_strError); m_strErrorCode = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ErrorCode", m_strErrorCode); m_strErrors = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Errors", m_strErrors); m_strEvent = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Event", m_strEvent); m_strExecuteCmdLineUrl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExecuteCmdLineUrl", m_strExecuteCmdLineUrl); m_strExit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Exit", m_strExit); m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAfterTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExitInsteadOfLockingAfterTime", m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAfterTime); m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAlways = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExitInsteadOfLockingAlways", m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAlways); m_strExpiredEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExpiredEntries", m_strExpiredEntries); m_strExpiredEntriesCanMatch = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExpiredEntriesCanMatch", m_strExpiredEntriesCanMatch); m_strExpiryTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExpiryTime", m_strExpiryTime); m_strExpiryTimeDateOnly = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExpiryTimeDateOnly", m_strExpiryTimeDateOnly); m_strExport = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Export", m_strExport); m_strExportFileDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportFileDesc", m_strExportFileDesc); m_strExportFileTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportFileTitle", m_strExportFileTitle); m_strExportHtml = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportHtml", m_strExportHtml); m_strExportHtmlDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportHtmlDesc", m_strExportHtmlDesc); m_strExportingStatusMsg = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportingStatusMsg", m_strExportingStatusMsg); m_strExportStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportStc", m_strExportStc); m_strExportToPrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportToPrompt", m_strExportToPrompt); m_strExternal = TryGetEx(dictNew, "External", m_strExternal); m_strExternalApp = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExternalApp", m_strExternalApp); m_strFatalError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FatalError", m_strFatalError); m_strFeature = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Feature", m_strFeature); m_strField = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Field", m_strField); m_strFieldName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldName", m_strFieldName); m_strFieldNameExistsAlready = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldNameExistsAlready", m_strFieldNameExistsAlready); m_strFieldNameInvalid = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldNameInvalid", m_strFieldNameInvalid); m_strFieldNamePrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldNamePrompt", m_strFieldNamePrompt); m_strFieldRefInvalidChars = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldRefInvalidChars", m_strFieldRefInvalidChars); m_strFieldRefMultiMatch = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldRefMultiMatch", m_strFieldRefMultiMatch); m_strFieldRefMultiMatchHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldRefMultiMatchHint", m_strFieldRefMultiMatchHint); m_strFieldValue = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldValue", m_strFieldValue); m_strFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "File", m_strFile); m_strFileChanged = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileChanged", m_strFileChanged); m_strFileChangedOverwrite = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileChangedOverwrite", m_strFileChangedOverwrite); m_strFileChangedSync = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileChangedSync", m_strFileChangedSync); m_strFileExists = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileExists", m_strFileExists); m_strFileExistsAlready = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileExistsAlready", m_strFileExistsAlready); m_strFileExtInstallFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileExtInstallFailed", m_strFileExtInstallFailed); m_strFileExtInstallSuccess = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileExtInstallSuccess", m_strFileExtInstallSuccess); m_strFileExtName2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileExtName2", m_strFileExtName2); m_strFileFormatStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileFormatStc", m_strFileFormatStc); m_strFileImportFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileImportFailed", m_strFileImportFailed); m_strFileNameContainsSemicolonError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileNameContainsSemicolonError", m_strFileNameContainsSemicolonError); m_strFileNotFoundError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileNotFoundError", m_strFileNotFoundError); m_strFileOrUrl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileOrUrl", m_strFileOrUrl); m_strFilePathFullReq = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FilePathFullReq", m_strFilePathFullReq); m_strFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Files", m_strFiles); m_strFileSaveQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQ", m_strFileSaveQ); m_strFileSaveQClosing = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQClosing", m_strFileSaveQClosing); m_strFileSaveQExiting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQExiting", m_strFileSaveQExiting); m_strFileSaveQLocking = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQLocking", m_strFileSaveQLocking); m_strFileSaveQOpCancel = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpCancel", m_strFileSaveQOpCancel); m_strFileSaveQOpCancelClosing = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpCancelClosing", m_strFileSaveQOpCancelClosing); m_strFileSaveQOpCancelExiting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpCancelExiting", m_strFileSaveQOpCancelExiting); m_strFileSaveQOpCancelLocking = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpCancelLocking", m_strFileSaveQOpCancelLocking); m_strFileSaveQOpNoClosing = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpNoClosing", m_strFileSaveQOpNoClosing); m_strFileSaveQOpNoExiting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpNoExiting", m_strFileSaveQOpNoExiting); m_strFileSaveQOpNoLocking = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpNoLocking", m_strFileSaveQOpNoLocking); m_strFileSaveQOpYesClosing = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpYesClosing", m_strFileSaveQOpYesClosing); m_strFileSaveQOpYesExiting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpYesExiting", m_strFileSaveQOpYesExiting); m_strFileSaveQOpYesLocking = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpYesLocking", m_strFileSaveQOpYesLocking); m_strFileSearchModes = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSearchModes", m_strFileSearchModes); m_strFileSearchNormalDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSearchNormalDesc", m_strFileSearchNormalDesc); m_strFileSearchQuickDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSearchQuickDesc", m_strFileSearchQuickDesc); m_strFileTooLarge = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileTooLarge", m_strFileTooLarge); m_strFileTxExtra = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileTxExtra", m_strFileTxExtra); m_strFileVerifyHashFail = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileVerifyHashFail", m_strFileVerifyHashFail); m_strFileVerifyHashFailRec = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileVerifyHashFailRec", m_strFileVerifyHashFailRec); m_strFilter = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Filter", m_strFilter); m_strFind = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Find", m_strFind); m_strFindEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FindEntries", m_strFindEntries); m_strFocusQuickFindOnRestore = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FocusQuickFindOnRestore", m_strFocusQuickFindOnRestore); m_strFocusQuickFindOnUntray = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FocusQuickFindOnUntray", m_strFocusQuickFindOnUntray); m_strFocusResultsAfterQuickSearch = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FocusResultsAfterQuickSearch", m_strFocusResultsAfterQuickSearch); m_strFolder = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Folder", m_strFolder); m_strFont = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Font", m_strFont); m_strFontDefault = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FontDefault", m_strFontDefault); m_strForceSystemFontUnix = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ForceSystemFontUnix", m_strForceSystemFontUnix); m_strFormat = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Format", m_strFormat); m_strFormatNoDatabaseDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FormatNoDatabaseDesc", m_strFormatNoDatabaseDesc); m_strFormatNoDatabaseName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FormatNoDatabaseName", m_strFormatNoDatabaseName); m_strFormatNoRootEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FormatNoRootEntries", m_strFormatNoRootEntries); m_strFormatNoSubGroupsInRoot = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FormatNoSubGroupsInRoot", m_strFormatNoSubGroupsInRoot); m_strFormatOnlyOneAttachment = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FormatOnlyOneAttachment", m_strFormatOnlyOneAttachment); m_strGeneral = TryGetEx(dictNew, "General", m_strGeneral); m_strGenerate = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Generate", m_strGenerate); m_strGenerateCount = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenerateCount", m_strGenerateCount); m_strGenerateCountDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenerateCountDesc", m_strGenerateCountDesc); m_strGenerateCountLongDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenerateCountLongDesc", m_strGenerateCountLongDesc); m_strGeneratedPasswordSamples = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GeneratedPasswordSamples", m_strGeneratedPasswordSamples); m_strGeneratePassword = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GeneratePassword", m_strGeneratePassword); m_strGenericCsvImporter = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenericCsvImporter", m_strGenericCsvImporter); m_strGenPwAccept = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenPwAccept", m_strGenPwAccept); m_strGenPwBasedOnPrevious = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenPwBasedOnPrevious", m_strGenPwBasedOnPrevious); m_strGenPwSprVariant = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenPwSprVariant", m_strGenPwSprVariant); m_strGradient = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Gradient", m_strGradient); m_strGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Group", m_strGroup); m_strGroupCannotStoreEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GroupCannotStoreEntries", m_strGroupCannotStoreEntries); m_strGroupsSkipped = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GroupsSkipped", m_strGroupsSkipped); m_strGroupsSkipped1 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GroupsSkipped1", m_strGroupsSkipped1); m_strHelpSourceNoLocalOption = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HelpSourceNoLocalOption", m_strHelpSourceNoLocalOption); m_strHelpSourceSelection = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HelpSourceSelection", m_strHelpSourceSelection); m_strHelpSourceSelectionDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HelpSourceSelectionDesc", m_strHelpSourceSelectionDesc); m_strHexKeyEx = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HexKeyEx", m_strHexKeyEx); m_strHexViewer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HexViewer", m_strHexViewer); m_strHidden = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Hidden", m_strHidden); m_strHideCloseDatabaseTb = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HideCloseDatabaseTb", m_strHideCloseDatabaseTb); m_strHideUsingAsterisks = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HideUsingAsterisks", m_strHideUsingAsterisks); m_strHistory = TryGetEx(dictNew, "History", m_strHistory); m_strHomebanking = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Homebanking", m_strHomebanking); m_strHost = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Host", m_strHost); m_strHotKeyAltOnly = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HotKeyAltOnly", m_strHotKeyAltOnly); m_strHotKeyAltOnlyHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HotKeyAltOnlyHint", m_strHotKeyAltOnlyHint); m_strHotKeyAltOnlyQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HotKeyAltOnlyQuestion", m_strHotKeyAltOnlyQuestion); m_strIcon = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Icon", m_strIcon); m_strId = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Id", m_strId); m_strIgnore = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Ignore", m_strIgnore); m_strImageFormatFeatureUnsupported = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImageFormatFeatureUnsupported", m_strImageFormatFeatureUnsupported); m_strImageViewer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImageViewer", m_strImageViewer); m_strImport = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Import", m_strImport); m_strImportBehavior = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportBehavior", m_strImportBehavior); m_strImportBehaviorDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportBehaviorDesc", m_strImportBehaviorDesc); m_strImportFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportFailed", m_strImportFailed); m_strImportFileDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportFileDesc", m_strImportFileDesc); m_strImportFileTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportFileTitle", m_strImportFileTitle); m_strImportFinished = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportFinished", m_strImportFinished); m_strImportingStatusMsg = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportingStatusMsg", m_strImportingStatusMsg); m_strImportMustRead = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportMustRead", m_strImportMustRead); m_strImportMustReadQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportMustReadQuestion", m_strImportMustReadQuestion); m_strImportStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportStc", m_strImportStc); m_strIncompatible = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Incompatible", m_strIncompatible); m_strIncompatibleEnv = TryGetEx(dictNew, "IncompatibleEnv", m_strIncompatibleEnv); m_strIncompatibleWithSorting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "IncompatibleWithSorting", m_strIncompatibleWithSorting); m_strInherited = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Inherited", m_strInherited); m_strInheritSettingFromParent = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InheritSettingFromParent", m_strInheritSettingFromParent); m_strInstalled = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Installed", m_strInstalled); m_strInstalledLanguages = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InstalledLanguages", m_strInstalledLanguages); m_strInstrAndGenInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InstrAndGenInfo", m_strInstrAndGenInfo); m_strInterleavedKeySending = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InterleavedKeySending", m_strInterleavedKeySending); m_strInternalEditor = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InternalEditor", m_strInternalEditor); m_strInternalViewer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InternalViewer", m_strInternalViewer); m_strInternet = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Internet", m_strInternet); m_strInterval = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Interval", m_strInterval); m_strInvalid = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Invalid", m_strInvalid); m_strInvalidUrl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InvalidUrl", m_strInvalidUrl); m_strInvalidUserPassword = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InvalidUserPassword", m_strInvalidUserPassword); m_strIOConnection = TryGetEx(dictNew, "IOConnection", m_strIOConnection); m_strIOConnectionLong = TryGetEx(dictNew, "IOConnectionLong", m_strIOConnectionLong); m_strItalic = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Italic", m_strItalic); m_strIterations = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Iterations", m_strIterations); m_strKdbKeePassLibC = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KdbKeePassLibC", m_strKdbKeePassLibC); m_strKdbWUA = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KdbWUA", m_strKdbWUA); m_strKdbxFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KdbxFiles", m_strKdbxFiles); m_strKdfAdjust = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KdfAdjust", m_strKdfAdjust); m_strKdfParams1Sec = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KdfParams1Sec", m_strKdfParams1Sec); m_strKeePassLibCLong = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeePassLibCLong", m_strKeePassLibCLong); m_strKeePassLibCNotFound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeePassLibCNotFound", m_strKeePassLibCNotFound); m_strKeePassLibCNotWindows = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeePassLibCNotWindows", m_strKeePassLibCNotWindows); m_strKeePassLibCNotWindowsHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeePassLibCNotWindowsHint", m_strKeePassLibCNotWindowsHint); m_strKeepExisting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeepExisting", m_strKeepExisting); m_strKeyboardKeyAlt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyboardKeyAlt", m_strKeyboardKeyAlt); m_strKeyboardKeyCtrl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyboardKeyCtrl", m_strKeyboardKeyCtrl); m_strKeyboardKeyEsc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyboardKeyEsc", m_strKeyboardKeyEsc); m_strKeyboardKeyModifiers = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyboardKeyModifiers", m_strKeyboardKeyModifiers); m_strKeyboardKeyReturn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyboardKeyReturn", m_strKeyboardKeyReturn); m_strKeyboardKeyShift = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyboardKeyShift", m_strKeyboardKeyShift); m_strKeyFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFile", m_strKeyFile); m_strKeyFileBackup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileBackup", m_strKeyFileBackup); m_strKeyFileContent = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileContent", m_strKeyFileContent); m_strKeyFileCreate = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileCreate", m_strKeyFileCreate); m_strKeyFileCreateTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileCreateTitle", m_strKeyFileCreateTitle); m_strKeyFileError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileError", m_strKeyFileError); m_strKeyFileFromBackup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileFromBackup", m_strKeyFileFromBackup); m_strKeyFileFromBackupF = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileFromBackupF", m_strKeyFileFromBackupF); m_strKeyFileFromBackupT = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileFromBackupT", m_strKeyFileFromBackupT); m_strKeyFileGenHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileGenHint", m_strKeyFileGenHint); m_strKeyFileNoXml = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileNoXml", m_strKeyFileNoXml); m_strKeyFilePrintAlso = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFilePrintAlso", m_strKeyFilePrintAlso); m_strKeyFilePrintLocal = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFilePrintLocal", m_strKeyFilePrintLocal); m_strKeyFilePrintReqXml = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFilePrintReqXml", m_strKeyFilePrintReqXml); m_strKeyFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFiles", m_strKeyFiles); m_strKeyFileSafe = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileSafe", m_strKeyFileSafe); m_strKeyFileSelect = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileSelect", m_strKeyFileSelect); m_strKeyFileUseAnywayQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileUseAnywayQ", m_strKeyFileUseAnywayQ); m_strKeyFileUseExisting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileUseExisting", m_strKeyFileUseExisting); m_strKeyProvider = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyProvider", m_strKeyProvider); m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSD = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyProvIncmpWithSD", m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSD); m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSDHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyProvIncmpWithSDHint", m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSDHint); m_strLanguageSelected = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LanguageSelected", m_strLanguageSelected); m_strLargeEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LargeEntries", m_strLargeEntries); m_strLargeEntriesList = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LargeEntriesList", m_strLargeEntriesList); m_strLastAccessTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LastAccessTime", m_strLastAccessTime); m_strLastModificationTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LastModificationTime", m_strLastModificationTime); m_strLastModified = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LastModified", m_strLastModified); m_strLastModifiedEntriesList = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LastModifiedEntriesList", m_strLastModifiedEntriesList); m_strLastModTimePwHist = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LastModTimePwHist", m_strLastModTimePwHist); m_strLatestVersionWeb = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LatestVersionWeb", m_strLatestVersionWeb); m_strLimitSingleInstance = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LimitSingleInstance", m_strLimitSingleInstance); m_strLng1xSel = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Lng1xSel", m_strLng1xSel); m_strLng2xWeb = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Lng2xWeb", m_strLng2xWeb); m_strLngInAppDir = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LngInAppDir", m_strLngInAppDir); m_strLngInAppDirNote = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LngInAppDirNote", m_strLngInAppDirNote); m_strLngInAppDirQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LngInAppDirQ", m_strLngInAppDirQ); m_strLocked = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Locked", m_strLocked); m_strLockMenuLock = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockMenuLock", m_strLockMenuLock); m_strLockMenuUnlock = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockMenuUnlock", m_strLockMenuUnlock); m_strLockOnMinimizeTaskbar = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockOnMinimizeTaskbar", m_strLockOnMinimizeTaskbar); m_strLockOnMinimizeTray = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockOnMinimizeTray", m_strLockOnMinimizeTray); m_strLockOnRemoteControlChange = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockOnRemoteControlChange", m_strLockOnRemoteControlChange); m_strLockOnSessionSwitch = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockOnSessionSwitch", m_strLockOnSessionSwitch); m_strLockOnSuspend = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockOnSuspend", m_strLockOnSuspend); m_strLockWorkspace = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockWorkspace", m_strLockWorkspace); m_strMainInstruction = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MainInstruction", m_strMainInstruction); m_strMainWindow = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MainWindow", m_strMainWindow); m_strMasterKey = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKey", m_strMasterKey); m_strMasterKeyChanged = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChanged", m_strMasterKeyChanged); m_strMasterKeyChangedSave = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChangedSave", m_strMasterKeyChangedSave); m_strMasterKeyChangedShort = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChangedShort", m_strMasterKeyChangedShort); m_strMasterKeyChangeForce = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChangeForce", m_strMasterKeyChangeForce); m_strMasterKeyChangeInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChangeInfo", m_strMasterKeyChangeInfo); m_strMasterKeyChangeQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChangeQ", m_strMasterKeyChangeQ); m_strMasterKeyChangeRec = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChangeRec", m_strMasterKeyChangeRec); m_strMasterKeyComponents = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyComponents", m_strMasterKeyComponents); m_strMasterKeyOnSecureDesktop = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyOnSecureDesktop", m_strMasterKeyOnSecureDesktop); m_strMasterPassword = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterPassword", m_strMasterPassword); m_strMasterPasswordConfirm = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterPasswordConfirm", m_strMasterPasswordConfirm); m_strMasterPasswordMinLengthFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterPasswordMinLengthFailed", m_strMasterPasswordMinLengthFailed); m_strMasterPasswordMinQualityFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterPasswordMinQualityFailed", 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m_strMinimizeAfterOpeningDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MinimizeAfterOpeningDatabase", m_strMinimizeAfterOpeningDatabase); m_strMinimized = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Minimized", m_strMinimized); m_strMinimizeToTray = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MinimizeToTray", m_strMinimizeToTray); m_strMinimizeToTrayStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MinimizeToTrayStc", m_strMinimizeToTrayStc); m_strMore = TryGetEx(dictNew, "More", m_strMore); m_strMoreAnd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MoreAnd", m_strMoreAnd); m_strMoreEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MoreEntries", m_strMoreEntries); m_strMoreInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MoreInfo", m_strMoreInfo); m_strMoveDown = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MoveDown", m_strMoveDown); m_strMoveToPreviousParentGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MoveToPreviousParentGroup", m_strMoveToPreviousParentGroup); m_strMoveUp = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MoveUp", m_strMoveUp); m_strMultipleValues = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MultipleValues", m_strMultipleValues); m_strName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Name", m_strName); m_strNativeLibUse = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NativeLibUse", m_strNativeLibUse); m_strNavigation = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Navigation", m_strNavigation); m_strNetwork = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Network", m_strNetwork); m_strNeverExpires = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NeverExpires", m_strNeverExpires); m_strNew = TryGetEx(dictNew, "New", m_strNew); m_strNewDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NewDatabase", m_strNewDatabase); m_strNewerNetRequired = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NewerNetRequired", m_strNewerNetRequired); m_strNewGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NewGroup", m_strNewGroup); m_strNewLine = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NewLine", m_strNewLine); m_strNewState = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NewState", m_strNewState); m_strNewVersionAvailable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NewVersionAvailable", m_strNewVersionAvailable); m_strNo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "No", m_strNo); m_strNoCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoCmd", m_strNoCmd); m_strNoEncNoCompress = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoEncNoCompress", m_strNoEncNoCompress); m_strNoFileAccessRead = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoFileAccessRead", m_strNoFileAccessRead); m_strNoKeyFileSpecifiedMeta = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoKeyFileSpecifiedMeta", m_strNoKeyFileSpecifiedMeta); m_strNoKeyRepeat = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoKeyRepeat", m_strNoKeyRepeat); m_strNone = TryGetEx(dictNew, "None", m_strNone); m_strNormal = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Normal", m_strNormal); m_strNoSort = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoSort", m_strNoSort); m_strNot = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Not", m_strNot); m_strNotes = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Notes", m_strNotes); m_strNotInstalled = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NotInstalled", m_strNotInstalled); m_strNotNow = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NotNow", m_strNotNow); m_strNotRecommended = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NotRecommended", m_strNotRecommended); m_strNoXslFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoXslFile", m_strNoXslFile); m_strObjectNotFound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ObjectNotFound", m_strObjectNotFound); m_strObjectsDeleted = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ObjectsDeleted", m_strObjectsDeleted); m_strObjectsFound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ObjectsFound", m_strObjectsFound); m_strOff = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Off", m_strOff); m_strOfLower = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OfLower", m_strOfLower); m_strOk = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Ok", m_strOk); m_strOldFormat = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OldFormat", m_strOldFormat); m_strOn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "On", m_strOn); m_strOpAborted = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpAborted", m_strOpAborted); m_strOpenCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenCmd", m_strOpenCmd); m_strOpenDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenDatabase", m_strOpenDatabase); m_strOpenDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenDatabaseFile", m_strOpenDatabaseFile); m_strOpenDatabaseFileStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenDatabaseFileStc", m_strOpenDatabaseFileStc); m_strOpened = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Opened", m_strOpened); m_strOpenedDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenedDatabaseFile", m_strOpenedDatabaseFile); m_strOpeningDatabase2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpeningDatabase2", m_strOpeningDatabase2); m_strOpenUrl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenUrl", m_strOpenUrl); m_strOpenWith = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenWith", m_strOpenWith); m_strOptimizeForScreenReader = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OptimizeForScreenReader", m_strOptimizeForScreenReader); m_strOptionReqOn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OptionReqOn", m_strOptionReqOn); m_strOptions = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Options", m_strOptions); m_strOptionsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OptionsDesc", m_strOptionsDesc); m_strOtherPlaceholders = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OtherPlaceholders", m_strOtherPlaceholders); m_strOverridesBuiltIn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OverridesBuiltIn", m_strOverridesBuiltIn); m_strOverridesCustom = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OverridesCustom", m_strOverridesCustom); m_strOverwrite = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Overwrite", m_strOverwrite); m_strOverwriteExisting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OverwriteExisting", m_strOverwriteExisting); m_strOverwriteExistingFileQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OverwriteExistingFileQuestion", m_strOverwriteExistingFileQuestion); m_strOverwriteIfNewer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OverwriteIfNewer", m_strOverwriteIfNewer); m_strOverwriteIfNewerAndApplyDel = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OverwriteIfNewerAndApplyDel", m_strOverwriteIfNewerAndApplyDel); m_strPackageInstallHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PackageInstallHint", m_strPackageInstallHint); m_strParallelism = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Parallelism", m_strParallelism); m_strParamDescHelp = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ParamDescHelp", m_strParamDescHelp); m_strParameters = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Parameters", m_strParameters); m_strPassword = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Password", m_strPassword); m_strPasswordLength = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordLength", m_strPasswordLength); m_strPasswordManagers = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordManagers", m_strPasswordManagers); m_strPasswordOptions = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordOptions", m_strPasswordOptions); m_strPasswordOptionsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordOptionsDesc", m_strPasswordOptionsDesc); m_strPasswordPrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordPrompt", m_strPasswordPrompt); m_strPasswordQuality = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordQuality", m_strPasswordQuality); m_strPasswordQualityReport2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordQualityReport2", m_strPasswordQualityReport2); m_strPasswordRepeatFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordRepeatFailed", m_strPasswordRepeatFailed); m_strPasswordRepeatHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordRepeatHint", m_strPasswordRepeatHint); m_strPaste = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Paste", m_strPaste); m_strPerformAutoType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PerformAutoType", m_strPerformAutoType); m_strPerformGlobalAutoType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PerformGlobalAutoType", m_strPerformGlobalAutoType); m_strPerformSelectedAutoType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PerformSelectedAutoType", m_strPerformSelectedAutoType); m_strPeriodic = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Periodic", m_strPeriodic); m_strPickCharacters = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PickCharacters", m_strPickCharacters); m_strPickCharactersDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PickCharactersDesc", m_strPickCharactersDesc); m_strPickField = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PickField", m_strPickField); m_strPickFieldDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PickFieldDesc", m_strPickFieldDesc); m_strPickIcon = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PickIcon", m_strPickIcon); m_strPlugin = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Plugin", m_strPlugin); m_strPlugin1x = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Plugin1x", m_strPlugin1x); m_strPlugin1xHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Plugin1xHint", m_strPlugin1xHint); m_strPluginCacheClearInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginCacheClearInfo", m_strPluginCacheClearInfo); m_strPluginIncompatible = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginIncompatible", m_strPluginIncompatible); m_strPluginLoadFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginLoadFailed", m_strPluginLoadFailed); m_strPluginMonoComplete = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginMonoComplete", m_strPluginMonoComplete); m_strPluginOperatingSystemUnsupported = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginOperatingSystemUnsupported", m_strPluginOperatingSystemUnsupported); m_strPluginProvided = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginProvided", m_strPluginProvided); m_strPlugins = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Plugins", m_strPlugins); m_strPluginsCompilingAndLoading = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginsCompilingAndLoading", m_strPluginsCompilingAndLoading); m_strPluginsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginsDesc", m_strPluginsDesc); m_strPluginUpdateHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginUpdateHint", m_strPluginUpdateHint); m_strPolicyAutoTypeDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyAutoTypeDesc", m_strPolicyAutoTypeDesc); m_strPolicyAutoTypeWithoutContextDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyAutoTypeWithoutContextDesc", m_strPolicyAutoTypeWithoutContextDesc); m_strPolicyChangeMasterKey = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyChangeMasterKey", m_strPolicyChangeMasterKey); m_strPolicyChangeMasterKeyNoKeyDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyChangeMasterKeyNoKeyDesc", m_strPolicyChangeMasterKeyNoKeyDesc); m_strPolicyClipboardDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyClipboardDesc", m_strPolicyClipboardDesc); m_strPolicyCopyWholeEntriesDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyCopyWholeEntriesDesc", m_strPolicyCopyWholeEntriesDesc); m_strPolicyDisallowed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyDisallowed", m_strPolicyDisallowed); m_strPolicyDragDropDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyDragDropDesc", m_strPolicyDragDropDesc); m_strPolicyExportDesc2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyExportDesc2", m_strPolicyExportDesc2); m_strPolicyExportNoKeyDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyExportNoKeyDesc", m_strPolicyExportNoKeyDesc); m_strPolicyImportDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyImportDesc", m_strPolicyImportDesc); m_strPolicyNewDatabaseDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyNewDatabaseDesc", m_strPolicyNewDatabaseDesc); m_strPolicyPluginsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyPluginsDesc", m_strPolicyPluginsDesc); m_strPolicyPrintDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyPrintDesc", m_strPolicyPrintDesc); m_strPolicyPrintNoKeyDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyPrintNoKeyDesc", m_strPolicyPrintNoKeyDesc); m_strPolicyRequiredFlag = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyRequiredFlag", m_strPolicyRequiredFlag); m_strPolicySaveDatabaseDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicySaveDatabaseDesc", m_strPolicySaveDatabaseDesc); m_strPolicyTriggersEditDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyTriggersEditDesc", m_strPolicyTriggersEditDesc); m_strPreReleaseVersion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PreReleaseVersion", m_strPreReleaseVersion); m_strPrint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Print", m_strPrint); m_strPrintDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PrintDesc", m_strPrintDesc); m_strPrivate = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Private", m_strPrivate); m_strProfessional = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Professional", m_strProfessional); m_strProfileDelete = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ProfileDelete", m_strProfileDelete); m_strProfileDeleteDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ProfileDeleteDesc", m_strProfileDeleteDesc); m_strProfileSave = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ProfileSave", m_strProfileSave); m_strProfileSaveDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ProfileSaveDesc", m_strProfileSaveDesc); m_strProfileSavePrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ProfileSavePrompt", m_strProfileSavePrompt); m_strQuality = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Quality", m_strQuality); m_strQualityCheckToggle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "QualityCheckToggle", m_strQualityCheckToggle); m_strQuick = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Quick", m_strQuick); m_strQuickSearchDerefData = TryGetEx(dictNew, "QuickSearchDerefData", m_strQuickSearchDerefData); m_strQuickSearchExclExpired = TryGetEx(dictNew, "QuickSearchExclExpired", m_strQuickSearchExclExpired); m_strQuickSearchInPwFields = TryGetEx(dictNew, "QuickSearchInPwFields", m_strQuickSearchInPwFields); m_strQuickSearchQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "QuickSearchQ", m_strQuickSearchQ); m_strQuickSearchTb = TryGetEx(dictNew, "QuickSearchTb", m_strQuickSearchTb); m_strRandomMacAddress = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RandomMacAddress", m_strRandomMacAddress); m_strReady = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Ready", m_strReady); m_strRecommended = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Recommended", m_strRecommended); m_strRecommendedCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecommendedCmd", m_strRecommendedCmd); m_strRecycleBin = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleBin", m_strRecycleBin); m_strRecycleBinCollapse = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleBinCollapse", m_strRecycleBinCollapse); m_strRecycleEntryConfirm = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleEntryConfirm", m_strRecycleEntryConfirm); m_strRecycleEntryConfirmSingle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleEntryConfirmSingle", m_strRecycleEntryConfirmSingle); m_strRecycleGroupConfirm = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleGroupConfirm", m_strRecycleGroupConfirm); m_strRecycleMoveInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleMoveInfo", m_strRecycleMoveInfo); m_strRecycleShowConfirm = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleShowConfirm", m_strRecycleShowConfirm); m_strRedo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Redo", m_strRedo); m_strRememberHidingPasswordsEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RememberHidingPasswordsEntry", m_strRememberHidingPasswordsEntry); m_strRememberHidingPasswordsMain = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RememberHidingPasswordsMain", m_strRememberHidingPasswordsMain); m_strRememberKeySources = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RememberKeySources", m_strRememberKeySources); m_strRememberWorkingDirectories = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RememberWorkingDirectories", m_strRememberWorkingDirectories); m_strRemoteHostReachable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RemoteHostReachable", m_strRemoteHostReachable); m_strRepairCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RepairCmd", m_strRepairCmd); m_strRepairMode = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RepairMode", m_strRepairMode); m_strRepairModeInt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RepairModeInt", m_strRepairModeInt); m_strRepairModeQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RepairModeQ", m_strRepairModeQ); m_strRepairModeUse = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RepairModeUse", m_strRepairModeUse); m_strRepeatOnlyWhenHidden = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RepeatOnlyWhenHidden", m_strRepeatOnlyWhenHidden); m_strReplace = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Replace", m_strReplace); m_strReplaceNo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ReplaceNo", m_strReplaceNo); m_strRestartKeePassQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RestartKeePassQuestion", m_strRestartKeePassQuestion); m_strRestore = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Restore", m_strRestore); m_strRetry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Retry", m_strRetry); m_strRetryCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RetryCmd", m_strRetryCmd); m_strRootDirectory = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RootDirectory", m_strRootDirectory); m_strSameKeybLayout = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SameKeybLayout", m_strSameKeybLayout); m_strSampleEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SampleEntry", m_strSampleEntry); m_strSave = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Save", m_strSave); m_strSaveBeforeCloseEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveBeforeCloseEntry", m_strSaveBeforeCloseEntry); m_strSaveBeforeCloseQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveBeforeCloseQuestion", m_strSaveBeforeCloseQuestion); m_strSaveBeforeCloseTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveBeforeCloseTitle", m_strSaveBeforeCloseTitle); m_strSaveCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveCmd", m_strSaveCmd); m_strSaveDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveDatabase", m_strSaveDatabase); m_strSaveDatabaseStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveDatabaseStc", m_strSaveDatabaseStc); m_strSavedDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SavedDatabaseFile", m_strSavedDatabaseFile); m_strSaveForceSync = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveForceSync", m_strSaveForceSync); m_strSavingDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SavingDatabase", m_strSavingDatabase); m_strSavingDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SavingDatabaseFile", m_strSavingDatabaseFile); m_strSavingPost = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SavingPost", m_strSavingPost); m_strSavingPre = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SavingPre", m_strSavingPre); m_strScheme = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Scheme", m_strScheme); m_strSearch = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Search", m_strSearch); m_strSearchDesc2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchDesc2", m_strSearchDesc2); m_strSearchEntriesFound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchEntriesFound", m_strSearchEntriesFound); m_strSearchEntriesFound1 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchEntriesFound1", m_strSearchEntriesFound1); m_strSearchGroupName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchGroupName", m_strSearchGroupName); m_strSearchingOp = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchingOp", m_strSearchingOp); m_strSearchKeyFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchKeyFiles", m_strSearchKeyFiles); m_strSearchKeyFilesAlsoOnRemovable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchKeyFilesAlsoOnRemovable", m_strSearchKeyFilesAlsoOnRemovable); m_strSearchQuickPrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchQuickPrompt", m_strSearchQuickPrompt); m_strSearchResultsInSeparator = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchResultsInSeparator", m_strSearchResultsInSeparator); m_strSearchTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchTitle", m_strSearchTitle); m_strSecDeskFileDialogHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SecDeskFileDialogHint", m_strSecDeskFileDialogHint); m_strSecDeskOtherSwitched = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SecDeskOtherSwitched", m_strSecDeskOtherSwitched); m_strSecDeskPlaySound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SecDeskPlaySound", m_strSecDeskPlaySound); m_strSecDeskSwitchBack = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SecDeskSwitchBack", m_strSecDeskSwitchBack); m_strSelectAll = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectAll", m_strSelectAll); m_strSelectColor = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectColor", m_strSelectColor); m_strSelectDifferentGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectDifferentGroup", m_strSelectDifferentGroup); m_strSelectedColumn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectedColumn", m_strSelectedColumn); m_strSelectedGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectedGroup", m_strSelectedGroup); m_strSelectedLower = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectedLower", m_strSelectedLower); m_strSelectFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectFile", m_strSelectFile); m_strSelectIcon = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectIcon", m_strSelectIcon); m_strSelectLanguage = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectLanguage", m_strSelectLanguage); m_strSelectLanguageDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectLanguageDesc", m_strSelectLanguageDesc); m_strSelfTestFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelfTestFailed", m_strSelfTestFailed); m_strSendingNoun = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SendingNoun", m_strSendingNoun); m_strSeparator = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Separator", m_strSeparator); m_strSequence = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Sequence", m_strSequence); m_strSequences = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Sequences", m_strSequences); m_strShowAdvAutoTypeCommands = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowAdvAutoTypeCommands", m_strShowAdvAutoTypeCommands); m_strShowDerefData = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowDerefData", m_strShowDerefData); m_strShowDerefDataAndRefs = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowDerefDataAndRefs", m_strShowDerefDataAndRefs); m_strShowDerefDataAsync = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowDerefDataAsync", m_strShowDerefDataAsync); m_strShowEntriesByTag = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowEntriesByTag", m_strShowEntriesByTag); m_strShowFullPathInTitleBar = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowFullPathInTitleBar", m_strShowFullPathInTitleBar); m_strShowIn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowIn", m_strShowIn); m_strShowMessageBox = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowMessageBox", m_strShowMessageBox); m_strShowMore = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowMore", m_strShowMore); m_strSimilarPasswords = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SimilarPasswords", m_strSimilarPasswords); m_strSimilarPasswordsGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SimilarPasswordsGroup", m_strSimilarPasswordsGroup); m_strSimilarPasswordsList2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SimilarPasswordsList2", m_strSimilarPasswordsList2); m_strSimilarPasswordsNoDup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SimilarPasswordsNoDup", m_strSimilarPasswordsNoDup); m_strSize = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Size", m_strSize); m_strSkip = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Skip", m_strSkip); m_strSlow = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Slow", m_strSlow); m_strSoonToExpireEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SoonToExpireEntries", m_strSoonToExpireEntries); m_strSource = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Source", m_strSource); m_strSpecialKeys = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SpecialKeys", m_strSpecialKeys); m_strSslCertsAcceptInvalid = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SslCertsAcceptInvalid", m_strSslCertsAcceptInvalid); m_strStandardExpireSelect = TryGetEx(dictNew, "StandardExpireSelect", m_strStandardExpireSelect); m_strStandardFields = TryGetEx(dictNew, "StandardFields", m_strStandardFields); m_strStartAndExit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "StartAndExit", m_strStartAndExit); m_strStartMinimizedAndLocked = TryGetEx(dictNew, "StartMinimizedAndLocked", m_strStartMinimizedAndLocked); m_strStartsWith = TryGetEx(dictNew, "StartsWith", m_strStartsWith); m_strStatus = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Status", m_strStatus); m_strStrikeout = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Strikeout", m_strStrikeout); m_strString = TryGetEx(dictNew, "String", m_strString); m_strSuccess = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Success", m_strSuccess); m_strSyncFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SyncFailed", m_strSyncFailed); m_strSynchronize = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Synchronize", m_strSynchronize); m_strSynchronizedDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SynchronizedDatabaseFile", m_strSynchronizedDatabaseFile); m_strSynchronizeStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SynchronizeStc", m_strSynchronizeStc); m_strSynchronizing = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Synchronizing", m_strSynchronizing); m_strSynchronizingDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SynchronizingDatabaseFile", m_strSynchronizingDatabaseFile); m_strSynchronizingHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SynchronizingHint", m_strSynchronizingHint); m_strSyncSuccess = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SyncSuccess", m_strSyncSuccess); m_strSystem = TryGetEx(dictNew, "System", m_strSystem); m_strSystemCodePage = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SystemCodePage", m_strSystemCodePage); m_strTag = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Tag", m_strTag); m_strTagAddNew = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TagAddNew", m_strTagAddNew); m_strTagNew = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TagNew", m_strTagNew); m_strTags = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Tags", m_strTags); m_strTagsAddRemove = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TagsAddRemove", m_strTagsAddRemove); m_strTagsInheritedCount = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TagsInheritedCount", m_strTagsInheritedCount); m_strTagsNotFound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TagsNotFound", m_strTagsNotFound); m_strTanExpiresOnUse = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TanExpiresOnUse", m_strTanExpiresOnUse); m_strTanWizard = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TanWizard", m_strTanWizard); m_strTanWizardDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TanWizardDesc", m_strTanWizardDesc); m_strTargetWindow = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TargetWindow", m_strTargetWindow); m_strTemplatesNotFound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TemplatesNotFound", m_strTemplatesNotFound); m_strTestSuccess = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TestSuccess", m_strTestSuccess); m_strText = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Text", m_strText); m_strTextColor = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TextColor", m_strTextColor); m_strTextViewer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TextViewer", m_strTextViewer); m_strTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Time", m_strTime); m_strTimeReq = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TimeReq", m_strTimeReq); m_strTimerRestartOnActivity = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TimerRestartOnActivity", m_strTimerRestartOnActivity); m_strTimeSpan = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TimeSpan", m_strTimeSpan); m_strTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Title", m_strTitle); m_strToggle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Toggle", m_strToggle); m_strTogglePasswordAsterisks = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TogglePasswordAsterisks", m_strTogglePasswordAsterisks); m_strToolBarNew = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ToolBarNew", m_strToolBarNew); m_strToolBarOpen = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ToolBarOpen", m_strToolBarOpen); m_strToolBarSaveAll = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ToolBarSaveAll", m_strToolBarSaveAll); m_strTooManyFilesError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TooManyFilesError", m_strTooManyFilesError); m_strTransformTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TransformTime", m_strTransformTime); m_strTrayIcon = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TrayIcon", m_strTrayIcon); m_strTrayIconGray = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TrayIconGray", m_strTrayIconGray); m_strTrayIconSingleClick = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TrayIconSingleClick", m_strTrayIconSingleClick); m_strTreeViewShowLines = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TreeViewShowLines", m_strTreeViewShowLines); m_strTrigger = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Trigger", m_strTrigger); m_strTriggerActionTypeUnknown = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerActionTypeUnknown", m_strTriggerActionTypeUnknown); m_strTriggerAdd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerAdd", m_strTriggerAdd); m_strTriggerAddDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerAddDesc", m_strTriggerAddDesc); m_strTriggerConditionTypeUnknown = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerConditionTypeUnknown", m_strTriggerConditionTypeUnknown); m_strTriggerEdit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerEdit", m_strTriggerEdit); m_strTriggerEditDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerEditDesc", m_strTriggerEditDesc); m_strTriggerEventTypeUnknown = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerEventTypeUnknown", m_strTriggerEventTypeUnknown); m_strTriggerExecutionFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerExecutionFailed", m_strTriggerExecutionFailed); m_strTriggering = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Triggering", m_strTriggering); m_strTriggerName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerName", m_strTriggerName); m_strTriggers = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Triggers", m_strTriggers); m_strTriggersDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggersDesc", m_strTriggersDesc); m_strTriggersEdit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggersEdit", m_strTriggersEdit); m_strTriggerStateChange = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerStateChange", m_strTriggerStateChange); m_strType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Type", m_strType); m_strTypeUnknownHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TypeUnknownHint", m_strTypeUnknownHint); m_strUnderline = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Underline", m_strUnderline); m_strUndo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Undo", m_strUndo); m_strUnhidePasswords = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UnhidePasswords", m_strUnhidePasswords); m_strUnhidePasswordsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UnhidePasswordsDesc", m_strUnhidePasswordsDesc); m_strUnhideSourceCharactersToo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UnhideSourceCharactersToo", m_strUnhideSourceCharactersToo); m_strUnknown = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Unknown", m_strUnknown); m_strUnsupportedByMono = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UnsupportedByMono", m_strUnsupportedByMono); m_strUpdateCheck = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheck", m_strUpdateCheck); m_strUpdateCheckEnableQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheckEnableQ", m_strUpdateCheckEnableQ); m_strUpdateCheckFailedNoDl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheckFailedNoDl", m_strUpdateCheckFailedNoDl); m_strUpdateCheckInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheckInfo", m_strUpdateCheckInfo); m_strUpdateCheckInfoPriv = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheckInfoPriv", m_strUpdateCheckInfoPriv); m_strUpdateCheckInfoRes = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheckInfoRes", m_strUpdateCheckInfoRes); m_strUpdateCheckResults = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheckResults", m_strUpdateCheckResults); m_strUpdatedUIState = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdatedUIState", m_strUpdatedUIState); m_strUpToDate = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpToDate", m_strUpToDate); m_strUrl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Url", m_strUrl); m_strUrlFieldEmptyFirstTab = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlFieldEmptyFirstTab", m_strUrlFieldEmptyFirstTab); m_strUrlOpenDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlOpenDesc", m_strUrlOpenDesc); m_strUrlOpenTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlOpenTitle", m_strUrlOpenTitle); m_strUrlOverride = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlOverride", m_strUrlOverride); m_strUrlOverrides = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlOverrides", m_strUrlOverrides); m_strUrlSaveDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlSaveDesc", m_strUrlSaveDesc); m_strUrlSaveTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlSaveTitle", m_strUrlSaveTitle); m_strURtfCheck = TryGetEx(dictNew, "URtfCheck", m_strURtfCheck); m_strURtfProblem = TryGetEx(dictNew, "URtfProblem", m_strURtfProblem); m_strURtfSuggestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "URtfSuggestion", m_strURtfSuggestion); m_strUseFileLocks = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UseFileLocks", m_strUseFileLocks); m_strUserName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UserName", m_strUserName); m_strUserNamePrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UserNamePrompt", m_strUserNamePrompt); m_strUserNameStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UserNameStc", m_strUserNameStc); m_strUseTransactedConfigWrites = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UseTransactedConfigWrites", m_strUseTransactedConfigWrites); m_strUseTransactedDatabaseWrites = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UseTransactedDatabaseWrites", m_strUseTransactedDatabaseWrites); m_strUuid = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Uuid", m_strUuid); m_strUuidDupInDb = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UuidDupInDb", m_strUuidDupInDb); m_strUuidFix = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UuidFix", m_strUuidFix); m_strValidationFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ValidationFailed", m_strValidationFailed); m_strValue = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Value", m_strValue); m_strVerb = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Verb", m_strVerb); m_strVerifyWrittenFileAfterSave = TryGetEx(dictNew, "VerifyWrittenFileAfterSave", m_strVerifyWrittenFileAfterSave); m_strVersion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Version", m_strVersion); m_strView = TryGetEx(dictNew, "View", m_strView); m_strViewCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ViewCmd", m_strViewCmd); m_strViewEntryDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ViewEntryDesc", m_strViewEntryDesc); m_strViewEntryReadOnly = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ViewEntryReadOnly", m_strViewEntryReadOnly); m_strWait = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Wait", m_strWait); m_strWaitForExit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WaitForExit", m_strWaitForExit); m_strWaitPlease = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WaitPlease", m_strWaitPlease); m_strWarning = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Warning", m_strWarning); m_strWarnings = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Warnings", m_strWarnings); m_strWebBrowser = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WebBrowser", m_strWebBrowser); m_strWebSiteLogin = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WebSiteLogin", m_strWebSiteLogin); m_strWebSites = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WebSites", m_strWebSites); m_strWindowsFavorites = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WindowsFavorites", m_strWindowsFavorites); m_strWindowsOS = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WindowsOS", m_strWindowsOS); m_strWindowStyle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WindowStyle", m_strWindowStyle); m_strWindowsUserAccount = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WindowsUserAccount", m_strWindowsUserAccount); m_strWindowsUserAccountBackup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WindowsUserAccountBackup", m_strWindowsUserAccountBackup); m_strWithoutContext = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WithoutContext", m_strWithoutContext); m_strWorkspaceLocked = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WorkspaceLocked", m_strWorkspaceLocked); m_strXmlModInvalid = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XmlModInvalid", m_strXmlModInvalid); m_strXmlReplace = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XmlReplace", m_strXmlReplace); m_strXmlReplaceDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XmlReplaceDesc", m_strXmlReplaceDesc); m_strXslExporter = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XslExporter", m_strXslExporter); m_strXslFileType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XslFileType", m_strXslFileType); m_strXslSelectFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XslSelectFile", m_strXslSelectFile); m_strXslStylesheetsKdbx = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XslStylesheetsKdbx", m_strXslStylesheetsKdbx); m_strYes = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Yes", m_strYes); m_strYesCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "YesCmd", m_strYesCmd); m_strZoom = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Zoom", m_strZoom); } private static readonly string[] m_vKeyNames = { "Abort", "AbortTrigger", "Action", "ActivateDatabaseTab", "Active", "AddEntry", "AddEntryDesc", "AddGroup", "AddGroupDesc", "AddStringField", "AddStringFieldDesc", "Advanced", "AfterDatabaseOpen", "AlignCenter", "AlignLeft", "AlignRight", "All", "AllFiles", "AllSupportedFiles", "AlternatingBgColors", "Application", "ApplicationExit", "ApplicationInitialized", "ApplicationStarted", "Arguments", "Ascending", "AskContinue", "AssociationsLower", "Asterisks", "AttachedExistsAlready", "AttachExtDiscardDesc", "AttachExtImportDesc", "AttachExtOpened", "AttachExtOpenedPost", "AttachExtSecDel", "AttachFailed", "AttachFiles", "Attachments", "AttachmentSave", "AttachmentsSave", "AttachNewRename", "AttachNewRenameRemarks0", "AttachNewRenameRemarks1", "AttachNewRenameRemarks2", "Author", "Auto", "AutoCreateNew", "AutoGeneratedPasswordSettings", "AutoRememberOpenLastFile", "AutoSaveAfterEntryEdit", "AutoSaveAtExit", "AutoShowExpiredEntries", "AutoShowSoonToExpireEntries", "AutoType", "AutoTypeAbortedOnWindow", "AutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog", "AutoTypeCancelOnTitleChange", "AutoTypeCancelOnWindowChange", "AutoTypeEntrySelection", "AutoTypeEntrySelectionDescLong2", "AutoTypeEntrySelectionDescShort", "AutoTypeGlobalHint", "AutoTypeMatchByTagInTitle", "AutoTypeMatchByTitle", "AutoTypeMatchByUrlHostInTitle", "AutoTypeMatchByUrlInTitle", "AutoTypeObfuscationHint", "AutoTypePrependInitSeqForIE", "AutoTypeReleaseAltWithKeyPress", "AutoTypeSelectedNoEntry", "AutoTypeSequenceInvalid", "AutoTypeUnknownPlaceholder", "AutoTypeXDoToolRequired", "AutoTypeXDoToolRequiredGlobalVer", "Available", "BackgroundColor", "BackupDatabase", "BackupFile", "BackupLocation", "BinaryNoConv", "Bits", "BitsA", "BitsEx", "Bold", "BothForms", "Browser", "BuiltIn", "BuiltInU", "Button", "ButtonBack", "ButtonDefault", "ButtonFinish", "ButtonNext", "Buttons", "Cancel", "CannotMoveEntriesBcsGroup", "ChangeMasterKey", "ChangeMasterKeyIntroShort", "CharsAbbr", "CharsStc", "CheckForUpdAtStart", "CheckingForUpd", "ClassicAdj", "ClearKeyCmdLineParams", "ClearMru", "Clipboard", "ClipboardClearDesc", "ClipboardClearInSeconds", "ClipboardClearOnExit", "ClipboardDataCopied", "ClipboardMain", "ClipboardNoPersist", "ClipboardOptionME", "ClipboardViewerIgnoreFormat", "Close", "CloseActiveDatabase", "CloseButtonMinimizes", "ClosingDatabaseFile", "ClusterCenters2", "ClusterCentersDesc", "Column", "Columns", "Comments", "Company", "Comparison", "CompatWithOldVer", "Component", "Condition", "ConfigAffectAdmin", "ConfigAffectUser", "ConfigError", "ConfigOverwriteBackup", "ConfigureAutoType", "ConfigureAutoTypeDesc", "ConfigureAutoTypeItem", "ConfigureAutoTypeItemDesc", "ConfigureColumns", "ConfigureColumnsDesc", "ConfigureKeystrokeSeq", "ConfigureKeystrokeSeqDesc", "ConfigureOnNewDatabase3", "ConsiderDashesEq", "Contact", "ContainsOp", "CopiedEntryData", "Copy", "CopyAll", "CopyLink", "CopyOfItem", "CopyPasswordMenu", "CopyTanMenu", "CopyUrls", "CopyUrlsInsteadOfOpening", "CopyUserName", "CopyWholeEntries", "CorruptionByExt", "Count", "CreateMasterKey", "CreateNewDatabase2", "CreateNewIDs", "CreationTime", "CredSaveAll", "CredSaveNone", "CredSaveUserOnly", "CredSpecifyDifferent", "CsprojCountError", "CsvImportDesc", "CsvTextFile", "CtrlAltAConflict", "CtrlAltAConflictHint", "CurrentStyle", "Custom", "CustomFields", "CustomizableHtml", "CustomTbButtonAdd", "CustomTbButtonClicked", "CustomTbButtonRemove", "Cut", "Data", "Database", "DatabaseDescPrompt", "DatabaseFile", "DatabaseFileIntro", "DatabaseFileRem", "DatabaseHasUnsavedChanges", "DatabaseMaintenance", "DatabaseMaintenanceDesc", "DatabaseModifiedNoDot", "DatabaseNamePrompt", "DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionAsk", "DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionInfo", "DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionQ", "DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionRec", "DatabaseSettings", "DatabaseSettingsDesc", "DataEditorKP", "DataLoss", "DataViewerKP", "DbMntncResults", "DbNoModBy", "Default", "Delete", "DeleteCmd", "DeleteEntriesQuestion", "DeleteEntriesQuestionSingle", "DeleteEntriesTitle", "DeleteEntriesTitleSingle", "DeleteGroupInfo", "DeleteGroupQuestion", "DeleteGroupTitle", "Descending", "Description", "Destination", "Details", "DialogNoShowAgain", "Dialogs", "Disable", "Disabled", "DisableSaveIfNotModified", "DiscardChangesCmd", "DocumentationHint", "DragDrop", "DropToBackOnCopy", "DuplicatePasswords", "DuplicatePasswordsGroup", "DuplicatePasswordsList", "DuplicatePasswordsNone", "DuplicateStringFieldName", "EditCmd", "EditEntries", "EditEntriesDesc", "EditEntry", "EditEntryDesc", "EditGroup", "EditGroupDesc", "EditStringField", "EditStringFieldDesc", "EMail", "EmergencySheet", "EmergencySheetAsk", "EmergencySheetInfo", "EmergencySheetPrintInfo", "EmergencySheetQ", "EmergencySheetRec", "Empty", "EmptyMasterPw", "EmptyMasterPwHint", "EmptyMasterPwQuestion", "EmptyRecycleBinQuestion", "Enable", "Enabled", "Encoding", "EncodingFail", "EndsWith", "EnterCompositeKey", "EnterCurrentCompositeKey", "EntropyDesc", "EntropyTitle", "Entry", "EntryList", "EntryListAutoResizeColumns", "EntrySelGroupSel", "EnvironmentVariable", "EqualsOp", "Error", "ErrorCode", "Errors", "Event", "ExecuteCmdLineUrl", "Exit", "ExitInsteadOfLockingAfterTime", "ExitInsteadOfLockingAlways", "ExpiredEntries", "ExpiredEntriesCanMatch", "ExpiryTime", "ExpiryTimeDateOnly", "Export", "ExportFileDesc", "ExportFileTitle", "ExportHtml", "ExportHtmlDesc", "ExportingStatusMsg", "ExportStc", "ExportToPrompt", "External", "ExternalApp", "FatalError", "Feature", "Field", "FieldName", "FieldNameExistsAlready", "FieldNameInvalid", "FieldNamePrompt", "FieldRefInvalidChars", "FieldRefMultiMatch", "FieldRefMultiMatchHint", "FieldValue", "File", "FileChanged", "FileChangedOverwrite", "FileChangedSync", "FileExists", "FileExistsAlready", "FileExtInstallFailed", "FileExtInstallSuccess", "FileExtName2", "FileFormatStc", "FileImportFailed", "FileNameContainsSemicolonError", "FileNotFoundError", "FileOrUrl", "FilePathFullReq", "Files", "FileSaveQ", "FileSaveQClosing", "FileSaveQExiting", "FileSaveQLocking", "FileSaveQOpCancel", "FileSaveQOpCancelClosing", "FileSaveQOpCancelExiting", "FileSaveQOpCancelLocking", "FileSaveQOpNoClosing", "FileSaveQOpNoExiting", "FileSaveQOpNoLocking", "FileSaveQOpYesClosing", "FileSaveQOpYesExiting", "FileSaveQOpYesLocking", "FileSearchModes", "FileSearchNormalDesc", "FileSearchQuickDesc", "FileTooLarge", "FileTxExtra", "FileVerifyHashFail", "FileVerifyHashFailRec", "Filter", "Find", "FindEntries", "FocusQuickFindOnRestore", "FocusQuickFindOnUntray", "FocusResultsAfterQuickSearch", "Folder", "Font", "FontDefault", "ForceSystemFontUnix", "Format", "FormatNoDatabaseDesc", "FormatNoDatabaseName", "FormatNoRootEntries", "FormatNoSubGroupsInRoot", "FormatOnlyOneAttachment", "General", "Generate", "GenerateCount", "GenerateCountDesc", "GenerateCountLongDesc", "GeneratedPasswordSamples", "GeneratePassword", "GenericCsvImporter", "GenPwAccept", "GenPwBasedOnPrevious", "GenPwSprVariant", "Gradient", "Group", "GroupCannotStoreEntries", "GroupsSkipped", "GroupsSkipped1", "HelpSourceNoLocalOption", "HelpSourceSelection", "HelpSourceSelectionDesc", "HexKeyEx", "HexViewer", "Hidden", "HideCloseDatabaseTb", "HideUsingAsterisks", "History", "Homebanking", "Host", "HotKeyAltOnly", "HotKeyAltOnlyHint", "HotKeyAltOnlyQuestion", "Icon", "Id", "Ignore", "ImageFormatFeatureUnsupported", "ImageViewer", "Import", "ImportBehavior", "ImportBehaviorDesc", "ImportFailed", "ImportFileDesc", "ImportFileTitle", "ImportFinished", "ImportingStatusMsg", "ImportMustRead", "ImportMustReadQuestion", "ImportStc", "Incompatible", "IncompatibleEnv", "IncompatibleWithSorting", "Inherited", "InheritSettingFromParent", "Installed", "InstalledLanguages", "InstrAndGenInfo", "InterleavedKeySending", "InternalEditor", "InternalViewer", "Internet", "Interval", "Invalid", "InvalidUrl", "InvalidUserPassword", "IOConnection", "IOConnectionLong", "Italic", "Iterations", "KdbKeePassLibC", "KdbWUA", "KdbxFiles", "KdfAdjust", "KdfParams1Sec", "KeePassLibCLong", "KeePassLibCNotFound", "KeePassLibCNotWindows", "KeePassLibCNotWindowsHint", "KeepExisting", "KeyboardKeyAlt", "KeyboardKeyCtrl", "KeyboardKeyEsc", "KeyboardKeyModifiers", "KeyboardKeyReturn", "KeyboardKeyShift", "KeyFile", "KeyFileBackup", "KeyFileContent", "KeyFileCreate", "KeyFileCreateTitle", "KeyFileError", "KeyFileFromBackup", "KeyFileFromBackupF", "KeyFileFromBackupT", "KeyFileGenHint", "KeyFileNoXml", "KeyFilePrintAlso", "KeyFilePrintLocal", "KeyFilePrintReqXml", "KeyFiles", "KeyFileSafe", "KeyFileSelect", "KeyFileUseAnywayQ", "KeyFileUseExisting", "KeyProvider", "KeyProvIncmpWithSD", "KeyProvIncmpWithSDHint", "LanguageSelected", "LargeEntries", "LargeEntriesList", "LastAccessTime", "LastModificationTime", "LastModified", "LastModifiedEntriesList", "LastModTimePwHist", "LatestVersionWeb", "LimitSingleInstance", "Lng1xSel", "Lng2xWeb", "LngInAppDir", "LngInAppDirNote", "LngInAppDirQ", "Locked", "LockMenuLock", "LockMenuUnlock", "LockOnMinimizeTaskbar", "LockOnMinimizeTray", "LockOnRemoteControlChange", "LockOnSessionSwitch", "LockOnSuspend", "LockWorkspace", "MainInstruction", "MainWindow", "MasterKey", "MasterKeyChanged", "MasterKeyChangedSave", "MasterKeyChangedShort", "MasterKeyChangeForce", "MasterKeyChangeInfo", "MasterKeyChangeQ", "MasterKeyChangeRec", "MasterKeyComponents", "MasterKeyOnSecureDesktop", "MasterPassword", "MasterPasswordConfirm", "MasterPasswordMinLengthFailed", "MasterPasswordMinQualityFailed", "MasterPasswordRmbWhileOpen", "MasterPasswordWeak", "MatchesRegEx", "MaxAttachmentSize", "Maximized", "Memory", "Menus", "Method", "Minimize", "MinimizeAfterAutoType", "MinimizeAfterCopy", "MinimizeAfterLocking", "MinimizeAfterOpeningDatabase", "Minimized", "MinimizeToTray", "MinimizeToTrayStc", "More", "MoreAnd", "MoreEntries", "MoreInfo", "MoveDown", "MoveToPreviousParentGroup", "MoveUp", "MultipleValues", "Name", "NativeLibUse", "Navigation", "Network", "NeverExpires", "New", "NewDatabase", "NewerNetRequired", "NewGroup", "NewLine", "NewState", "NewVersionAvailable", "No", "NoCmd", "NoEncNoCompress", "NoFileAccessRead", "NoKeyFileSpecifiedMeta", "NoKeyRepeat", "None", "Normal", "NoSort", "Not", "Notes", "NotInstalled", "NotNow", "NotRecommended", "NoXslFile", "ObjectNotFound", "ObjectsDeleted", "ObjectsFound", "Off", "OfLower", "Ok", "OldFormat", "On", "OpAborted", "OpenCmd", "OpenDatabase", "OpenDatabaseFile", "OpenDatabaseFileStc", "Opened", "OpenedDatabaseFile", "OpeningDatabase2", "OpenUrl", "OpenWith", "OptimizeForScreenReader", "OptionReqOn", "Options", "OptionsDesc", "OtherPlaceholders", "OverridesBuiltIn", "OverridesCustom", "Overwrite", "OverwriteExisting", "OverwriteExistingFileQuestion", "OverwriteIfNewer", "OverwriteIfNewerAndApplyDel", "PackageInstallHint", "Parallelism", "ParamDescHelp", "Parameters", "Password", "PasswordLength", "PasswordManagers", "PasswordOptions", "PasswordOptionsDesc", "PasswordPrompt", "PasswordQuality", "PasswordQualityReport2", "PasswordRepeatFailed", "PasswordRepeatHint", "Paste", "PerformAutoType", "PerformGlobalAutoType", "PerformSelectedAutoType", "Periodic", "PickCharacters", "PickCharactersDesc", "PickField", "PickFieldDesc", "PickIcon", "Plugin", "Plugin1x", "Plugin1xHint", "PluginCacheClearInfo", "PluginIncompatible", "PluginLoadFailed", "PluginMonoComplete", "PluginOperatingSystemUnsupported", "PluginProvided", "Plugins", "PluginsCompilingAndLoading", "PluginsDesc", "PluginUpdateHint", "PolicyAutoTypeDesc", "PolicyAutoTypeWithoutContextDesc", "PolicyChangeMasterKey", "PolicyChangeMasterKeyNoKeyDesc", "PolicyClipboardDesc", "PolicyCopyWholeEntriesDesc", "PolicyDisallowed", "PolicyDragDropDesc", "PolicyExportDesc2", "PolicyExportNoKeyDesc", "PolicyImportDesc", "PolicyNewDatabaseDesc", "PolicyPluginsDesc", "PolicyPrintDesc", "PolicyPrintNoKeyDesc", "PolicyRequiredFlag", "PolicySaveDatabaseDesc", "PolicyTriggersEditDesc", "PreReleaseVersion", "Print", "PrintDesc", "Private", "Professional", "ProfileDelete", "ProfileDeleteDesc", "ProfileSave", "ProfileSaveDesc", "ProfileSavePrompt", "Quality", "QualityCheckToggle", "Quick", "QuickSearchDerefData", "QuickSearchExclExpired", "QuickSearchInPwFields", "QuickSearchQ", "QuickSearchTb", "RandomMacAddress", "Ready", "Recommended", "RecommendedCmd", "RecycleBin", "RecycleBinCollapse", "RecycleEntryConfirm", "RecycleEntryConfirmSingle", "RecycleGroupConfirm", "RecycleMoveInfo", "RecycleShowConfirm", "Redo", "RememberHidingPasswordsEntry", "RememberHidingPasswordsMain", "RememberKeySources", "RememberWorkingDirectories", "RemoteHostReachable", "RepairCmd", "RepairMode", "RepairModeInt", "RepairModeQ", "RepairModeUse", "RepeatOnlyWhenHidden", "Replace", "ReplaceNo", "RestartKeePassQuestion", "Restore", "Retry", "RetryCmd", "RootDirectory", "SameKeybLayout", "SampleEntry", "Save", "SaveBeforeCloseEntry", "SaveBeforeCloseQuestion", "SaveBeforeCloseTitle", "SaveCmd", "SaveDatabase", "SaveDatabaseStc", "SavedDatabaseFile", "SaveForceSync", "SavingDatabase", "SavingDatabaseFile", "SavingPost", "SavingPre", "Scheme", "Search", "SearchDesc2", "SearchEntriesFound", "SearchEntriesFound1", "SearchGroupName", "SearchingOp", "SearchKeyFiles", "SearchKeyFilesAlsoOnRemovable", "SearchQuickPrompt", "SearchResultsInSeparator", "SearchTitle", "SecDeskFileDialogHint", "SecDeskOtherSwitched", "SecDeskPlaySound", "SecDeskSwitchBack", "SelectAll", "SelectColor", "SelectDifferentGroup", "SelectedColumn", "SelectedGroup", "SelectedLower", "SelectFile", "SelectIcon", "SelectLanguage", "SelectLanguageDesc", "SelfTestFailed", "SendingNoun", "Separator", "Sequence", "Sequences", "ShowAdvAutoTypeCommands", "ShowDerefData", "ShowDerefDataAndRefs", "ShowDerefDataAsync", "ShowEntriesByTag", "ShowFullPathInTitleBar", "ShowIn", "ShowMessageBox", "ShowMore", "SimilarPasswords", "SimilarPasswordsGroup", "SimilarPasswordsList2", "SimilarPasswordsNoDup", "Size", "Skip", "Slow", "SoonToExpireEntries", "Source", "SpecialKeys", "SslCertsAcceptInvalid", "StandardExpireSelect", "StandardFields", "StartAndExit", "StartMinimizedAndLocked", "StartsWith", "Status", "Strikeout", "String", "Success", "SyncFailed", "Synchronize", "SynchronizedDatabaseFile", "SynchronizeStc", "Synchronizing", "SynchronizingDatabaseFile", "SynchronizingHint", "SyncSuccess", "System", "SystemCodePage", "Tag", "TagAddNew", "TagNew", "Tags", "TagsAddRemove", "TagsInheritedCount", "TagsNotFound", "TanExpiresOnUse", "TanWizard", "TanWizardDesc", "TargetWindow", "TemplatesNotFound", "TestSuccess", "Text", "TextColor", "TextViewer", "Time", "TimeReq", "TimerRestartOnActivity", "TimeSpan", "Title", "Toggle", "TogglePasswordAsterisks", "ToolBarNew", "ToolBarOpen", "ToolBarSaveAll", "TooManyFilesError", "TransformTime", "TrayIcon", "TrayIconGray", "TrayIconSingleClick", "TreeViewShowLines", "Trigger", "TriggerActionTypeUnknown", "TriggerAdd", "TriggerAddDesc", "TriggerConditionTypeUnknown", "TriggerEdit", "TriggerEditDesc", "TriggerEventTypeUnknown", "TriggerExecutionFailed", "Triggering", "TriggerName", "Triggers", "TriggersDesc", "TriggersEdit", "TriggerStateChange", "Type", "TypeUnknownHint", "Underline", "Undo", "UnhidePasswords", "UnhidePasswordsDesc", "UnhideSourceCharactersToo", "Unknown", "UnsupportedByMono", "UpdateCheck", "UpdateCheckEnableQ", "UpdateCheckFailedNoDl", "UpdateCheckInfo", "UpdateCheckInfoPriv", "UpdateCheckInfoRes", "UpdateCheckResults", "UpdatedUIState", "UpToDate", "Url", "UrlFieldEmptyFirstTab", "UrlOpenDesc", "UrlOpenTitle", "UrlOverride", "UrlOverrides", "UrlSaveDesc", "UrlSaveTitle", "URtfCheck", "URtfProblem", "URtfSuggestion", "UseFileLocks", "UserName", "UserNamePrompt", "UserNameStc", "UseTransactedConfigWrites", "UseTransactedDatabaseWrites", "Uuid", "UuidDupInDb", "UuidFix", "ValidationFailed", "Value", "Verb", "VerifyWrittenFileAfterSave", "Version", "View", "ViewCmd", "ViewEntryDesc", "ViewEntryReadOnly", "Wait", "WaitForExit", "WaitPlease", "Warning", "Warnings", "WebBrowser", "WebSiteLogin", "WebSites", "WindowsFavorites", "WindowsOS", "WindowStyle", "WindowsUserAccount", "WindowsUserAccountBackup", "WithoutContext", "WorkspaceLocked", "XmlModInvalid", "XmlReplace", "XmlReplaceDesc", "XslExporter", "XslFileType", "XslSelectFile", "XslStylesheetsKdbx", "Yes", "YesCmd", "Zoom" }; public static string[] GetKeyNames() { return m_vKeyNames; } private static string m_strAbort = @"Abort"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Abort'. /// public static string Abort { get { return m_strAbort; } } private static string m_strAbortTrigger = @"Abort current trigger execution"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Abort current trigger execution'. /// public static string AbortTrigger { get { return m_strAbortTrigger; } } private static string m_strAction = @"Action"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Action'. /// public static string Action { get { return m_strAction; } } private static string m_strActivateDatabaseTab = @"Activate database (select tab)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Activate database (select tab)'. /// public static string ActivateDatabaseTab { get { return m_strActivateDatabaseTab; } } private static string m_strActive = @"Active"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Active'. /// public static string Active { get { return m_strActive; } } private static string m_strAddEntry = @"Add Entry"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Add Entry'. /// public static string AddEntry { get { return m_strAddEntry; } } private static string m_strAddEntryDesc = @"Create a new entry."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Create a new entry.'. /// public static string AddEntryDesc { get { return m_strAddEntryDesc; } } private static string m_strAddGroup = @"Add Group"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Add Group'. /// public static string AddGroup { get { return m_strAddGroup; } } private static string m_strAddGroupDesc = @"Create a new entry group."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Create a new entry group.'. /// public static string AddGroupDesc { get { return m_strAddGroupDesc; } } private static string m_strAddStringField = @"Add Entry String Field"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Add Entry String Field'. /// public static string AddStringField { get { return m_strAddStringField; } } private static string m_strAddStringFieldDesc = @"Create a new string field for the current entry."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Create a new string field for the current entry.'. /// public static string AddStringFieldDesc { get { return m_strAddStringFieldDesc; } } private static string m_strAdvanced = @"Advanced"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Advanced'. /// public static string Advanced { get { return m_strAdvanced; } } private static string m_strAfterDatabaseOpen = @"After Opening a Database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'After Opening a Database'. /// public static string AfterDatabaseOpen { get { return m_strAfterDatabaseOpen; } } private static string m_strAlignCenter = @"Align Center"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Align Center'. /// public static string AlignCenter { get { return m_strAlignCenter; } } private static string m_strAlignLeft = @"Align Left"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Align Left'. /// public static string AlignLeft { get { return m_strAlignLeft; } } private static string m_strAlignRight = @"Align Right"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Align Right'. /// public static string AlignRight { get { return m_strAlignRight; } } private static string m_strAll = @"All"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'All'. /// public static string All { get { return m_strAll; } } private static string m_strAllFiles = @"All Files"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'All Files'. /// public static string AllFiles { get { return m_strAllFiles; } } private static string m_strAllSupportedFiles = @"All Supported Files"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'All Supported Files'. /// public static string AllSupportedFiles { get { return m_strAllSupportedFiles; } } private static string m_strAlternatingBgColors = @"Use alternating item background colors"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Use alternating item background colors'. /// public static string AlternatingBgColors { get { return m_strAlternatingBgColors; } } private static string m_strApplication = @"Application"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Application'. /// public static string Application { get { return m_strApplication; } } private static string m_strApplicationExit = @"Application exit"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Application exit'. /// public static string ApplicationExit { get { return m_strApplicationExit; } } private static string m_strApplicationInitialized = @"Application initialized"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Application initialized'. /// public static string ApplicationInitialized { get { return m_strApplicationInitialized; } } private static string m_strApplicationStarted = @"Application started and ready"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Application started and ready'. /// public static string ApplicationStarted { get { return m_strApplicationStarted; } } private static string m_strArguments = @"Arguments"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Arguments'. /// public static string Arguments { get { return m_strArguments; } } private static string m_strAscending = @"&Ascending"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Ascending'. /// public static string Ascending { get { return m_strAscending; } } private static string m_strAskContinue = @"Do you want to continue?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do you want to continue?'. /// public static string AskContinue { get { return m_strAskContinue; } } private static string m_strAssociationsLower = @"association(s)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'association(s)'. /// public static string AssociationsLower { get { return m_strAssociationsLower; } } private static string m_strAsterisks = @"Asterisks"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Asterisks'. /// public static string Asterisks { get { return m_strAsterisks; } } private static string m_strAttachedExistsAlready = @"The following file has already been attached to the current entry:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The following file has already been attached to the current entry:'. /// public static string AttachedExistsAlready { get { return m_strAttachedExistsAlready; } } private static string m_strAttachExtDiscardDesc = @"Discard any changes made to the temporary file and do not modify the current attachment."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Discard any changes made to the temporary file and do not modify the current attachment.'. /// public static string AttachExtDiscardDesc { get { return m_strAttachExtDiscardDesc; } } private static string m_strAttachExtImportDesc = @"Replace the attachment by the (modified) temporary file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Replace the attachment by the (modified) temporary file.'. /// public static string AttachExtImportDesc { get { return m_strAttachExtImportDesc; } } private static string m_strAttachExtOpened = @"KeePass has extracted the attachment to a (EFS-encrypted) temporary file and opened it using an external application."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePass has extracted the attachment to a (EFS-encrypted) temporary file and opened it using an external application.'. /// public static string AttachExtOpened { get { return m_strAttachExtOpened; } } private static string m_strAttachExtOpenedPost = @"After viewing/editing and closing the file in the external application, please choose how to continue"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'After viewing/editing and closing the file in the external application, please choose how to continue'. /// public static string AttachExtOpenedPost { get { return m_strAttachExtOpenedPost; } } private static string m_strAttachExtSecDel = @"In any case, KeePass will securely delete the temporary file afterwards."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'In any case, KeePass will securely delete the temporary file afterwards.'. /// public static string AttachExtSecDel { get { return m_strAttachExtSecDel; } } private static string m_strAttachFailed = @"Failed to attach file:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Failed to attach file:'. /// public static string AttachFailed { get { return m_strAttachFailed; } } private static string m_strAttachFiles = @"Attach Files To Entry"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Attach Files To Entry'. /// public static string AttachFiles { get { return m_strAttachFiles; } } private static string m_strAttachments = @"Attachments"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Attachments'. /// public static string Attachments { get { return m_strAttachments; } } private static string m_strAttachmentSave = @"Save Attached File As"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save Attached File As'. /// public static string AttachmentSave { get { return m_strAttachmentSave; } } private static string m_strAttachmentsSave = @"Save attached files to:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save attached files to:'. /// public static string AttachmentsSave { get { return m_strAttachmentsSave; } } private static string m_strAttachNewRename = @"Do you wish to rename the new file or overwrite the existing attached file?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do you wish to rename the new file or overwrite the existing attached file?'. /// public static string AttachNewRename { get { return m_strAttachNewRename; } } private static string m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks0 = @"Click [Yes] to rename the new file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Click [Yes] to rename the new file.'. /// public static string AttachNewRenameRemarks0 { get { return m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks0; } } private static string m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks1 = @"Click [No] to overwrite the existing attached file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Click [No] to overwrite the existing attached file.'. /// public static string AttachNewRenameRemarks1 { get { return m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks1; } } private static string m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks2 = @"Click [Cancel] to skip this file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Click [Cancel] to skip this file.'. /// public static string AttachNewRenameRemarks2 { get { return m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks2; } } private static string m_strAuthor = @"Author"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Author'. /// public static string Author { get { return m_strAuthor; } } private static string m_strAuto = @"Auto"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Auto'. /// public static string Auto { get { return m_strAuto; } } private static string m_strAutoCreateNew = @"Automatically create new"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Automatically create new'. /// public static string AutoCreateNew { get { return m_strAutoCreateNew; } } private static string m_strAutoGeneratedPasswordSettings = @"Automatically generated passwords for new entries"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Automatically generated passwords for new entries'. /// public static string AutoGeneratedPasswordSettings { get { return m_strAutoGeneratedPasswordSettings; } } private static string m_strAutoRememberOpenLastFile = @"Remember and automatically open last used database on startup"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Remember and automatically open last used database on startup'. /// public static string AutoRememberOpenLastFile { get { return m_strAutoRememberOpenLastFile; } } private static string m_strAutoSaveAfterEntryEdit = @"Automatically save after modifying an entry using the entry editing dialog"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Automatically save after modifying an entry using the entry editing dialog'. /// public static string AutoSaveAfterEntryEdit { get { return m_strAutoSaveAfterEntryEdit; } } private static string m_strAutoSaveAtExit = @"Automatically save when closing/locking the database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Automatically save when closing/locking the database'. /// public static string AutoSaveAtExit { get { return m_strAutoSaveAtExit; } } private static string m_strAutoShowExpiredEntries = @"Show expired entries (if any)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show expired entries (if any)'. /// public static string AutoShowExpiredEntries { get { return m_strAutoShowExpiredEntries; } } private static string m_strAutoShowSoonToExpireEntries = @"Show entries that will expire soon (if any)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show entries that will expire soon (if any)'. /// public static string AutoShowSoonToExpireEntries { get { return m_strAutoShowSoonToExpireEntries; } } private static string m_strAutoType = @"Auto-Type"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Auto-Type'. /// public static string AutoType { get { return m_strAutoType; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeAbortedOnWindow = @"Auto-Type has been aborted, because the target window is disallowed by the application policy (defined by your administrator)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Auto-Type has been aborted, because the target window is disallowed by the application policy (defined by your administrator).'. /// public static string AutoTypeAbortedOnWindow { get { return m_strAutoTypeAbortedOnWindow; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog = @"Always show global auto-type entry selection dialog"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Always show global auto-type entry selection dialog'. /// public static string AutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog { get { return m_strAutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeCancelOnTitleChange = @"Cancel auto-type when the target window title changes"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Cancel auto-type when the target window title changes'. /// public static string AutoTypeCancelOnTitleChange { get { return m_strAutoTypeCancelOnTitleChange; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeCancelOnWindowChange = @"Cancel auto-type when the target window changes"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Cancel auto-type when the target window changes'. /// public static string AutoTypeCancelOnWindowChange { get { return m_strAutoTypeCancelOnWindowChange; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeEntrySelection = @"Auto-Type Entry Selection"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Auto-Type Entry Selection'. /// public static string AutoTypeEntrySelection { get { return m_strAutoTypeEntrySelection; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescLong2 = @"The following entries have been found for the currently active target window. Please select the entry that you want to auto-type into the target window."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The following entries have been found for the currently active target window. Please select the entry that you want to auto-type into the target window.'. /// public static string AutoTypeEntrySelectionDescLong2 { get { return m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescLong2; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescShort = @"Multiple entries exist for the current window."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Multiple entries exist for the current window.'. /// public static string AutoTypeEntrySelectionDescShort { get { return m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescShort; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeGlobalHint = @"If you want KeePass to search the active database for a matching entry and auto-type it, use the 'Global auto-type' hot key."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'If you want KeePass to search the active database for a matching entry and auto-type it, use the 'Global auto-type' hot key.'. /// public static string AutoTypeGlobalHint { get { return m_strAutoTypeGlobalHint; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeMatchByTagInTitle = @"An entry matches if one of its tags is contained in the target window title"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'An entry matches if one of its tags is contained in the target window title'. /// public static string AutoTypeMatchByTagInTitle { get { return m_strAutoTypeMatchByTagInTitle; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeMatchByTitle = @"An entry matches if its title is contained in the target window title"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'An entry matches if its title is contained in the target window title'. /// public static string AutoTypeMatchByTitle { get { return m_strAutoTypeMatchByTitle; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlHostInTitle = @"An entry matches if the host component of its URL is contained in the target window title"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'An entry matches if the host component of its URL is contained in the target window title'. /// public static string AutoTypeMatchByUrlHostInTitle { get { return m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlHostInTitle; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlInTitle = @"An entry matches if its URL is contained in the target window title"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'An entry matches if its URL is contained in the target window title'. /// public static string AutoTypeMatchByUrlInTitle { get { return m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlInTitle; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeObfuscationHint = @"Auto-Type obfuscation may not work with all windows."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Auto-Type obfuscation may not work with all windows.'. /// public static string AutoTypeObfuscationHint { get { return m_strAutoTypeObfuscationHint; } } private static string m_strAutoTypePrependInitSeqForIE = @"Prepend special initialization sequence for Internet Explorer windows"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Prepend special initialization sequence for Internet Explorer windows'. /// public static string AutoTypePrependInitSeqForIE { get { return m_strAutoTypePrependInitSeqForIE; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeReleaseAltWithKeyPress = @"Send Alt keypress when only the Alt modifier is active"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Send Alt keypress when only the Alt modifier is active'. /// public static string AutoTypeReleaseAltWithKeyPress { get { return m_strAutoTypeReleaseAltWithKeyPress; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeSelectedNoEntry = @"To use the 'Auto-type selected entry' hot key, you first need to select an entry in KeePass."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'To use the 'Auto-type selected entry' hot key, you first need to select an entry in KeePass.'. /// public static string AutoTypeSelectedNoEntry { get { return m_strAutoTypeSelectedNoEntry; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeSequenceInvalid = @"The specified auto-type sequence is invalid."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The specified auto-type sequence is invalid.'. /// public static string AutoTypeSequenceInvalid { get { return m_strAutoTypeSequenceInvalid; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeUnknownPlaceholder = @"The following auto-type placeholder or special key code is unknown/unsupported:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The following auto-type placeholder or special key code is unknown/unsupported:'. /// public static string AutoTypeUnknownPlaceholder { get { return m_strAutoTypeUnknownPlaceholder; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequired = @"The 'xdotool' utility/package is required for auto-type."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The 'xdotool' utility/package is required for auto-type.'. /// public static string AutoTypeXDoToolRequired { get { return m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequired; } } private static string m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequiredGlobalVer = @"For global auto-type, the 'xdotool' utility/package is required (version 2.20100818.3004 or higher!)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'For global auto-type, the 'xdotool' utility/package is required (version 2.20100818.3004 or higher!).'. /// public static string AutoTypeXDoToolRequiredGlobalVer { get { return m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequiredGlobalVer; } } private static string m_strAvailable = @"Available"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Available'. /// public static string Available { get { return m_strAvailable; } } private static string m_strBackgroundColor = @"Background Color"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Background Color'. /// public static string BackgroundColor { get { return m_strBackgroundColor; } } private static string m_strBackupDatabase = @"You should regularly create a backup of the database file (onto an independent data storage device)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'You should regularly create a backup of the database file (onto an independent data storage device).'. /// public static string BackupDatabase { get { return m_strBackupDatabase; } } private static string m_strBackupFile = @"You should create a backup of this file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'You should create a backup of this file.'. /// public static string BackupFile { get { return m_strBackupFile; } } private static string m_strBackupLocation = @"Backups are stored here:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Backups are stored here:'. /// public static string BackupLocation { get { return m_strBackupLocation; } } private static string m_strBinaryNoConv = @"Binary (no conversion)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Binary (no conversion)'. /// public static string BinaryNoConv { get { return m_strBinaryNoConv; } } private static string m_strBits = @"Bits"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Bits'. /// public static string Bits { get { return m_strBits; } } private static string m_strBitsA = @"{PARAM}-bit"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '{PARAM}-bit'. /// public static string BitsA { get { return m_strBitsA; } } private static string m_strBitsEx = @"{PARAM} bits"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '{PARAM} bits'. /// public static string BitsEx { get { return m_strBitsEx; } } private static string m_strBold = @"Bold"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Bold'. /// public static string Bold { get { return m_strBold; } } private static string m_strBothForms = @"Both forms"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Both forms'. /// public static string BothForms { get { return m_strBothForms; } } private static string m_strBrowser = @"Browser"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Browser'. /// public static string Browser { get { return m_strBrowser; } } private static string m_strBuiltIn = @"built-in"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'built-in'. /// public static string BuiltIn { get { return m_strBuiltIn; } } private static string m_strBuiltInU = @"Built-in"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Built-in'. /// public static string BuiltInU { get { return m_strBuiltInU; } } private static string m_strButton = @"Button"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Button'. /// public static string Button { get { return m_strButton; } } private static string m_strButtonBack = @"< &Back"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '< &Back'. /// public static string ButtonBack { get { return m_strButtonBack; } } private static string m_strButtonDefault = @"Default button"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Default button'. /// public static string ButtonDefault { get { return m_strButtonDefault; } } private static string m_strButtonFinish = @"&Finish"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Finish'. /// public static string ButtonFinish { get { return m_strButtonFinish; } } private static string m_strButtonNext = @"&Next >"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Next >'. /// public static string ButtonNext { get { return m_strButtonNext; } } private static string m_strButtons = @"Buttons"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Buttons'. /// public static string Buttons { get { return m_strButtons; } } private static string m_strCancel = @"Cancel"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Cancel'. /// public static string Cancel { get { return m_strCancel; } } private static string m_strCannotMoveEntriesBcsGroup = @"Cannot move entries because they are not stored in the same group."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Cannot move entries because they are not stored in the same group.'. /// public static string CannotMoveEntriesBcsGroup { get { return m_strCannotMoveEntriesBcsGroup; } } private static string m_strChangeMasterKey = @"Change Master Key"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Change Master Key'. /// public static string ChangeMasterKey { get { return m_strChangeMasterKey; } } private static string m_strChangeMasterKeyIntroShort = @"You are changing the master key for the currently open database."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'You are changing the master key for the currently open database.'. /// public static string ChangeMasterKeyIntroShort { get { return m_strChangeMasterKeyIntroShort; } } private static string m_strCharsAbbr = @"ch."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'ch.'. /// public static string CharsAbbr { get { return m_strCharsAbbr; } } private static string m_strCharsStc = @"characters"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'characters'. /// public static string CharsStc { get { return m_strCharsStc; } } private static string m_strCheckForUpdAtStart = @"Check for update at KeePass startup"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Check for update at KeePass startup'. /// public static string CheckForUpdAtStart { get { return m_strCheckForUpdAtStart; } } private static string m_strCheckingForUpd = @"Checking for updates"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Checking for updates'. /// public static string CheckingForUpd { get { return m_strCheckingForUpd; } } private static string m_strClassicAdj = @"Classic"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Classic'. /// public static string ClassicAdj { get { return m_strClassicAdj; } } private static string m_strClearKeyCmdLineParams = @"Clear master key command line parameters after using them once"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Clear master key command line parameters after using them once'. /// public static string ClearKeyCmdLineParams { get { return m_strClearKeyCmdLineParams; } } private static string m_strClearMru = @"&Clear List"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Clear List'. /// public static string ClearMru { get { return m_strClearMru; } } private static string m_strClipboard = @"Clipboard"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Clipboard'. /// public static string Clipboard { get { return m_strClipboard; } } private static string m_strClipboardClearDesc = @"Copying sensitive data to the clipboard starts a countdown. After the specified time, the clipboard is cleared."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Copying sensitive data to the clipboard starts a countdown. After the specified time, the clipboard is cleared.'. /// public static string ClipboardClearDesc { get { return m_strClipboardClearDesc; } } private static string m_strClipboardClearInSeconds = @"Clipboard will be cleared in [PARAM] seconds"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Clipboard will be cleared in [PARAM] seconds'. /// public static string ClipboardClearInSeconds { get { return m_strClipboardClearInSeconds; } } private static string m_strClipboardClearOnExit = @"Clear clipboard when closing KeePass"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Clear clipboard when closing KeePass'. /// public static string ClipboardClearOnExit { get { return m_strClipboardClearOnExit; } } private static string m_strClipboardDataCopied = @"Data copied to clipboard."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Data copied to clipboard.'. /// public static string ClipboardDataCopied { get { return m_strClipboardDataCopied; } } private static string m_strClipboardMain = @"Clipboard (Main Entry List)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Clipboard (Main Entry List)'. /// public static string ClipboardMain { get { return m_strClipboardMain; } } private static string m_strClipboardNoPersist = @"Do not store data in the Windows clipboard history and the cloud clipboard"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do not store data in the Windows clipboard history and the cloud clipboard'. /// public static string ClipboardNoPersist { get { return m_strClipboardNoPersist; } } private static string m_strClipboardOptionME = @"This option applies to entry clipboard commands in the main window (like 'Copy User Name' and 'Copy Password')."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'This option applies to entry clipboard commands in the main window (like 'Copy User Name' and 'Copy Password').'. /// public static string ClipboardOptionME { get { return m_strClipboardOptionME; } } private static string m_strClipboardViewerIgnoreFormat = @"Use 'Clipboard Viewer Ignore' clipboard format"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Use 'Clipboard Viewer Ignore' clipboard format'. /// public static string ClipboardViewerIgnoreFormat { get { return m_strClipboardViewerIgnoreFormat; } } private static string m_strClose = @"Close"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Close'. /// public static string Close { get { return m_strClose; } } private static string m_strCloseActiveDatabase = @"Close active database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Close active database'. /// public static string CloseActiveDatabase { get { return m_strCloseActiveDatabase; } } private static string m_strCloseButtonMinimizes = @"Close button [X] minimizes main window instead of terminating the application"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Close button [X] minimizes main window instead of terminating the application'. /// public static string CloseButtonMinimizes { get { return m_strCloseButtonMinimizes; } } private static string m_strClosingDatabaseFile = @"Closing database file"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Closing database file'. /// public static string ClosingDatabaseFile { get { return m_strClosingDatabaseFile; } } private static string m_strClusterCenters2 = @"Clusters of similar passwords (excluding TANs)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Clusters of similar passwords (excluding TANs).'. /// public static string ClusterCenters2 { get { return m_strClusterCenters2; } } private static string m_strClusterCentersDesc = @"Each entry in the list below is the center of a cluster of entries that have similar, but not identical passwords. Click on an entry to see the cluster (list of entries with descending similarity)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Each entry in the list below is the center of a cluster of entries that have similar, but not identical passwords. Click on an entry to see the cluster (list of entries with descending similarity).'. /// public static string ClusterCentersDesc { get { return m_strClusterCentersDesc; } } private static string m_strColumn = @"Column"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Column'. /// public static string Column { get { return m_strColumn; } } private static string m_strColumns = @"Columns"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Columns'. /// public static string Columns { get { return m_strColumns; } } private static string m_strComments = @"Comments"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Comments'. /// public static string Comments { get { return m_strComments; } } private static string m_strCompany = @"Company"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Company'. /// public static string Company { get { return m_strCompany; } } private static string m_strComparison = @"Comparison"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Comparison'. /// public static string Comparison { get { return m_strComparison; } } private static string m_strCompatWithOldVer = @"compatible with older KeePass versions/ports"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'compatible with older KeePass versions/ports'. /// public static string CompatWithOldVer { get { return m_strCompatWithOldVer; } } private static string m_strComponent = @"Component"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Component'. /// public static string Component { get { return m_strComponent; } } private static string m_strCondition = @"Condition"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Condition'. /// public static string Condition { get { return m_strCondition; } } private static string m_strConfigAffectAdmin = @"Changes to the configuration/policy will affect you and all users of this KeePass installation."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Changes to the configuration/policy will affect you and all users of this KeePass installation.'. /// public static string ConfigAffectAdmin { get { return m_strConfigAffectAdmin; } } private static string m_strConfigAffectUser = @"Changes to the configuration/policy will only affect you. Policy flags that are enforced by the administrator are reset after restarting KeePass."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Changes to the configuration/policy will only affect you. Policy flags that are enforced by the administrator are reset after restarting KeePass.'. /// public static string ConfigAffectUser { get { return m_strConfigAffectUser; } } private static string m_strConfigError = @"Configuration error"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Configuration error'. /// public static string ConfigError { get { return m_strConfigError; } } private static string m_strConfigOverwriteBackup = @"KeePass will maybe overwrite the configuration file. Therefore, a backup has been created."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePass will maybe overwrite the configuration file. Therefore, a backup has been created.'. /// public static string ConfigOverwriteBackup { get { return m_strConfigOverwriteBackup; } } private static string m_strConfigureAutoType = @"Configure Auto-Type"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Configure Auto-Type'. /// public static string ConfigureAutoType { get { return m_strConfigureAutoType; } } private static string m_strConfigureAutoTypeDesc = @"Configure auto-type behaviour for this entry."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Configure auto-type behaviour for this entry.'. /// public static string ConfigureAutoTypeDesc { get { return m_strConfigureAutoTypeDesc; } } private static string m_strConfigureAutoTypeItem = @"Configure Auto-Type Item"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Configure Auto-Type Item'. /// public static string ConfigureAutoTypeItem { get { return m_strConfigureAutoTypeItem; } } private static string m_strConfigureAutoTypeItemDesc = @"Associate a window title with a keystroke sequence."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Associate a window title with a keystroke sequence.'. /// public static string ConfigureAutoTypeItemDesc { get { return m_strConfigureAutoTypeItemDesc; } } private static string m_strConfigureColumns = @"Configure Columns"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Configure Columns'. /// public static string ConfigureColumns { get { return m_strConfigureColumns; } } private static string m_strConfigureColumnsDesc = @"Configure entry list columns."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Configure entry list columns.'. /// public static string ConfigureColumnsDesc { get { return m_strConfigureColumnsDesc; } } private static string m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeq = @"Configure Keystroke Sequence"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Configure Keystroke Sequence'. /// public static string ConfigureKeystrokeSeq { get { return m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeq; } } private static string m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeqDesc = @"Define a default keystroke sequence."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Define a default keystroke sequence.'. /// public static string ConfigureKeystrokeSeqDesc { get { return m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeqDesc; } } private static string m_strConfigureOnNewDatabase3 = @"Configure New Database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Configure New Database'. /// public static string ConfigureOnNewDatabase3 { get { return m_strConfigureOnNewDatabase3; } } private static string m_strConsiderDashesEq = @"Consider similar dashes as identical"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Consider similar dashes as identical'. /// public static string ConsiderDashesEq { get { return m_strConsiderDashesEq; } } private static string m_strContact = @"Contact"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Contact'. /// public static string Contact { get { return m_strContact; } } private static string m_strContainsOp = @"Contains"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Contains'. /// public static string ContainsOp { get { return m_strContainsOp; } } private static string m_strCopiedEntryData = @"Copied entry data to clipboard"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Copied entry data to clipboard'. /// public static string CopiedEntryData { get { return m_strCopiedEntryData; } } private static string m_strCopy = @"Copy"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Copy'. /// public static string Copy { get { return m_strCopy; } } private static string m_strCopyAll = @"Copy All"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Copy All'. /// public static string CopyAll { get { return m_strCopyAll; } } private static string m_strCopyLink = @"Copy Link"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Copy Link'. /// public static string CopyLink { get { return m_strCopyLink; } } private static string m_strCopyOfItem = @"Copy"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Copy'. /// public static string CopyOfItem { get { return m_strCopyOfItem; } } private static string m_strCopyPasswordMenu = @"Copy &Password"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Copy &Password'. /// public static string CopyPasswordMenu { get { return m_strCopyPasswordMenu; } } private static string m_strCopyTanMenu = @"Co&py TAN"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Co&py TAN'. /// public static string CopyTanMenu { get { return m_strCopyTanMenu; } } private static string m_strCopyUrls = @"&Copy URL(s)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Copy URL(s)'. /// public static string CopyUrls { get { return m_strCopyUrls; } } private static string m_strCopyUrlsInsteadOfOpening = @"Copy URLs to clipboard instead of opening them"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Copy URLs to clipboard instead of opening them'. /// public static string CopyUrlsInsteadOfOpening { get { return m_strCopyUrlsInsteadOfOpening; } } private static string m_strCopyUserName = @"Copy User Name"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Copy User Name'. /// public static string CopyUserName { get { return m_strCopyUserName; } } private static string m_strCopyWholeEntries = @"Copy Whole Entries"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Copy Whole Entries'. /// public static string CopyWholeEntries { get { return m_strCopyWholeEntries; } } private static string m_strCorruptionByExt = @"Such a corruption is usually caused by a plugin or a KeePass port. Please try to find out which plugin/port is causing it and report the issue to the corresponding developer."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Such a corruption is usually caused by a plugin or a KeePass port. Please try to find out which plugin/port is causing it and report the issue to the corresponding developer.'. /// public static string CorruptionByExt { get { return m_strCorruptionByExt; } } private static string m_strCount = @"Count"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Count'. /// public static string Count { get { return m_strCount; } } private static string m_strCreateMasterKey = @"Create Master Key"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Create Master Key'. /// public static string CreateMasterKey { get { return m_strCreateMasterKey; } } private static string m_strCreateNewDatabase2 = @"Create New Database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Create New Database'. /// public static string CreateNewDatabase2 { get { return m_strCreateNewDatabase2; } } private static string m_strCreateNewIDs = @"Create new &IDs"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Create new &IDs'. /// public static string CreateNewIDs { get { return m_strCreateNewIDs; } } private static string m_strCreationTime = @"Creation Time"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Creation Time'. /// public static string CreationTime { get { return m_strCreationTime; } } private static string m_strCredSaveAll = @"Remember user name and password"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Remember user name and password'. /// public static string CredSaveAll { get { return m_strCredSaveAll; } } private static string m_strCredSaveNone = @"Do not remember user name and password"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do not remember user name and password'. /// public static string CredSaveNone { get { return m_strCredSaveNone; } } private static string m_strCredSaveUserOnly = @"Remember user name only"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Remember user name only'. /// public static string CredSaveUserOnly { get { return m_strCredSaveUserOnly; } } private static string m_strCredSpecifyDifferent = @"&Specify different server credentials"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Specify different server credentials'. /// public static string CredSpecifyDifferent { get { return m_strCredSpecifyDifferent; } } private static string m_strCsprojCountError = @"There must be exactly one .csproj or .vbproj file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'There must be exactly one .csproj or .vbproj file.'. /// public static string CsprojCountError { get { return m_strCsprojCountError; } } private static string m_strCsvImportDesc = @"Import data from a file containing comma-separated values (CSV)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Import data from a file containing comma-separated values (CSV).'. /// public static string CsvImportDesc { get { return m_strCsvImportDesc; } } private static string m_strCsvTextFile = @"CSV/Text File"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'CSV/Text File'. /// public static string CsvTextFile { get { return m_strCsvTextFile; } } private static string m_strCtrlAltAConflict = @"KeePass' global auto-type hot key Ctrl+Alt+A is in conflict with a system key combination that is producing '{PARAM}'."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePass' global auto-type hot key Ctrl+Alt+A is in conflict with a system key combination that is producing '{PARAM}'.'. /// public static string CtrlAltAConflict { get { return m_strCtrlAltAConflict; } } private static string m_strCtrlAltAConflictHint = @"You can change the global auto-type hot key to a different key combination in 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> tab 'Integration'."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'You can change the global auto-type hot key to a different key combination in 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> tab 'Integration'.'. /// public static string CtrlAltAConflictHint { get { return m_strCtrlAltAConflictHint; } } private static string m_strCurrentStyle = @"Current style"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Current style'. /// public static string CurrentStyle { get { return m_strCurrentStyle; } } private static string m_strCustom = @"Custom"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Custom'. /// public static string Custom { get { return m_strCustom; } } private static string m_strCustomFields = @"Custom Fields"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Custom Fields'. /// public static string CustomFields { get { return m_strCustomFields; } } private static string m_strCustomizableHtml = @"Customizable HTML File"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Customizable HTML File'. /// public static string CustomizableHtml { get { return m_strCustomizableHtml; } } private static string m_strCustomTbButtonAdd = @"Add custom toolbar button"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Add custom toolbar button'. /// public static string CustomTbButtonAdd { get { return m_strCustomTbButtonAdd; } } private static string m_strCustomTbButtonClicked = @"Custom toolbar button clicked"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Custom toolbar button clicked'. /// public static string CustomTbButtonClicked { get { return m_strCustomTbButtonClicked; } } private static string m_strCustomTbButtonRemove = @"Remove custom toolbar button"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Remove custom toolbar button'. /// public static string CustomTbButtonRemove { get { return m_strCustomTbButtonRemove; } } private static string m_strCut = @"Cut"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Cut'. /// public static string Cut { get { return m_strCut; } } private static string m_strData = @"Data"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Data'. /// public static string Data { get { return m_strData; } } private static string m_strDatabase = @"Database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Database'. /// public static string Database { get { return m_strDatabase; } } private static string m_strDatabaseDescPrompt = @"Enter a short description of the database or leave it empty."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enter a short description of the database or leave it empty.'. /// public static string DatabaseDescPrompt { get { return m_strDatabaseDescPrompt; } } private static string m_strDatabaseFile = @"Database file"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Database file'. /// public static string DatabaseFile { get { return m_strDatabaseFile; } } private static string m_strDatabaseFileIntro = @"Your data will be stored in a KeePass database file, which is a regular file. After clicking [OK], you will be prompted to specify the location where KeePass should save this file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Your data will be stored in a KeePass database file, which is a regular file. After clicking [OK], you will be prompted to specify the location where KeePass should save this file.'. /// public static string DatabaseFileIntro { get { return m_strDatabaseFileIntro; } } private static string m_strDatabaseFileRem = @"It is important that you remember where the database file is stored."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'It is important that you remember where the database file is stored.'. /// public static string DatabaseFileRem { get { return m_strDatabaseFileRem; } } private static string m_strDatabaseHasUnsavedChanges = @"Database has unsaved changes"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Database has unsaved changes'. /// public static string DatabaseHasUnsavedChanges { get { return m_strDatabaseHasUnsavedChanges; } } private static string m_strDatabaseMaintenance = @"Database Maintenance"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Database Maintenance'. /// public static string DatabaseMaintenance { get { return m_strDatabaseMaintenance; } } private static string m_strDatabaseMaintenanceDesc = @"Here you can maintain the currently open database."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Here you can maintain the currently open database.'. /// public static string DatabaseMaintenanceDesc { get { return m_strDatabaseMaintenanceDesc; } } private static string m_strDatabaseModifiedNoDot = @"The current database file has been modified"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The current database file has been modified'. /// public static string DatabaseModifiedNoDot { get { return m_strDatabaseModifiedNoDot; } } private static string m_strDatabaseNamePrompt = @"Enter a name for the database or leave it empty."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enter a name for the database or leave it empty.'. /// public static string DatabaseNamePrompt { get { return m_strDatabaseNamePrompt; } } private static string m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionAsk = @"Show confirmation dialog when opening a database file whose minor format version is unknown"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show confirmation dialog when opening a database file whose minor format version is unknown'. /// public static string DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionAsk { get { return m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionAsk; } } private static string m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionInfo = @"The format version of the selected database file is higher than the one supported by the currently running KeePass instance. Most likely, the database file has been created by a newer KeePass version. KeePass can try to open the database file, but certain data may be lost."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The format version of the selected database file is higher than the one supported by the currently running KeePass instance. Most likely, the database file has been created by a newer KeePass version. KeePass can try to open the database file, but certain data may be lost.'. /// public static string DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionInfo { get { return m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionInfo; } } private static string m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionQ = @"Do you want to try opening the database file, possibly losing certain data?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do you want to try opening the database file, possibly losing certain data?'. /// public static string DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionQ { get { return m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionQ; } } private static string m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionRec = @"In order to avoid data loss, it is recommended to install/use the latest version of KeePass."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'In order to avoid data loss, it is recommended to install/use the latest version of KeePass.'. /// public static string DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionRec { get { return m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionRec; } } private static string m_strDatabaseSettings = @"Database Settings"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Database Settings'. /// public static string DatabaseSettings { get { return m_strDatabaseSettings; } } private static string m_strDatabaseSettingsDesc = @"Here you can configure various database settings."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Here you can configure various database settings.'. /// public static string DatabaseSettingsDesc { get { return m_strDatabaseSettingsDesc; } } private static string m_strDataEditorKP = @"KeePass Data Editor"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePass Data Editor'. /// public static string DataEditorKP { get { return m_strDataEditorKP; } } private static string m_strDataLoss = @"If you lose the database file or any of the master key components (or forget the composition), all data stored in the database is lost. KeePass does not have any built-in file backup functionality. There is no backdoor and no universal key that can open your database."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'If you lose the database file or any of the master key components (or forget the composition), all data stored in the database is lost. KeePass does not have any built-in file backup functionality. There is no backdoor and no universal key that can open your database.'. /// public static string DataLoss { get { return m_strDataLoss; } } private static string m_strDataViewerKP = @"KeePass Data Viewer"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePass Data Viewer'. /// public static string DataViewerKP { get { return m_strDataViewerKP; } } private static string m_strDbMntncResults = @"Show results of database maintenance in a dialog"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show results of database maintenance in a dialog'. /// public static string DbMntncResults { get { return m_strDbMntncResults; } } private static string m_strDbNoModBy = @"{PARAM} has not modified the database."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '{PARAM} has not modified the database.'. /// public static string DbNoModBy { get { return m_strDbNoModBy; } } private static string m_strDefault = @"Default"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Default'. /// public static string Default { get { return m_strDefault; } } private static string m_strDelete = @"Delete"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Delete'. /// public static string Delete { get { return m_strDelete; } } private static string m_strDeleteCmd = @"&Delete"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Delete'. /// public static string DeleteCmd { get { return m_strDeleteCmd; } } private static string m_strDeleteEntriesQuestion = @"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected entries?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected entries?'. /// public static string DeleteEntriesQuestion { get { return m_strDeleteEntriesQuestion; } } private static string m_strDeleteEntriesQuestionSingle = @"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected entry?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected entry?'. /// public static string DeleteEntriesQuestionSingle { get { return m_strDeleteEntriesQuestionSingle; } } private static string m_strDeleteEntriesTitle = @"Delete Entries"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Delete Entries'. /// public static string DeleteEntriesTitle { get { return m_strDeleteEntriesTitle; } } private static string m_strDeleteEntriesTitleSingle = @"Delete Entry"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Delete Entry'. /// public static string DeleteEntriesTitleSingle { get { return m_strDeleteEntriesTitleSingle; } } private static string m_strDeleteGroupInfo = @"Deleting a group will also delete all entries and subgroups in that group."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Deleting a group will also delete all entries and subgroups in that group.'. /// public static string DeleteGroupInfo { get { return m_strDeleteGroupInfo; } } private static string m_strDeleteGroupQuestion = @"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected group?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected group?'. /// public static string DeleteGroupQuestion { get { return m_strDeleteGroupQuestion; } } private static string m_strDeleteGroupTitle = @"Delete Group"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Delete Group'. /// public static string DeleteGroupTitle { get { return m_strDeleteGroupTitle; } } private static string m_strDescending = @"&Descending"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Descending'. /// public static string Descending { get { return m_strDescending; } } private static string m_strDescription = @"Description"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Description'. /// public static string Description { get { return m_strDescription; } } private static string m_strDestination = @"Destination"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Destination'. /// public static string Destination { get { return m_strDestination; } } private static string m_strDetails = @"Details"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Details'. /// public static string Details { get { return m_strDetails; } } private static string m_strDialogNoShowAgain = @"Do not show this dialog again."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do not show this dialog again.'. /// public static string DialogNoShowAgain { get { return m_strDialogNoShowAgain; } } private static string m_strDialogs = @"Dialogs"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Dialogs'. /// public static string Dialogs { get { return m_strDialogs; } } private static string m_strDisable = @"Disable"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Disable'. /// public static string Disable { get { return m_strDisable; } } private static string m_strDisabled = @"Disabled"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Disabled'. /// public static string Disabled { get { return m_strDisabled; } } private static string m_strDisableSaveIfNotModified = @"Disable 'Save' command (instead of graying it out) if the database hasn't been modified"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Disable 'Save' command (instead of graying it out) if the database hasn't been modified'. /// public static string DisableSaveIfNotModified { get { return m_strDisableSaveIfNotModified; } } private static string m_strDiscardChangesCmd = @"&Discard changes"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Discard changes'. /// public static string DiscardChangesCmd { get { return m_strDiscardChangesCmd; } } private static string m_strDocumentationHint = @"Please see the documentation for more details."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Please see the documentation for more details.'. /// public static string DocumentationHint { get { return m_strDocumentationHint; } } private static string m_strDragDrop = @"Drag&Drop"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Drag&Drop'. /// public static string DragDrop { get { return m_strDragDrop; } } private static string m_strDropToBackOnCopy = @"Drop to background after copying data to the clipboard"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Drop to background after copying data to the clipboard'. /// public static string DropToBackOnCopy { get { return m_strDropToBackOnCopy; } } private static string m_strDuplicatePasswords = @"Duplicate Passwords"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Duplicate Passwords'. /// public static string DuplicatePasswords { get { return m_strDuplicatePasswords; } } private static string m_strDuplicatePasswordsGroup = @"Entries using the same password:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Entries using the same password:'. /// public static string DuplicatePasswordsGroup { get { return m_strDuplicatePasswordsGroup; } } private static string m_strDuplicatePasswordsList = @"List of entries that are using the same passwords."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'List of entries that are using the same passwords.'. /// public static string DuplicatePasswordsList { get { return m_strDuplicatePasswordsList; } } private static string m_strDuplicatePasswordsNone = @"No duplicate passwords have been found."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'No duplicate passwords have been found.'. /// public static string DuplicatePasswordsNone { get { return m_strDuplicatePasswordsNone; } } private static string m_strDuplicateStringFieldName = @"The string field name you specified already exists. String field names must be unique for each entry."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The string field name you specified already exists. String field names must be unique for each entry.'. /// public static string DuplicateStringFieldName { get { return m_strDuplicateStringFieldName; } } private static string m_strEditCmd = @"&Edit"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Edit'. /// public static string EditCmd { get { return m_strEditCmd; } } private static string m_strEditEntries = @"Edit Entries"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Edit Entries'. /// public static string EditEntries { get { return m_strEditEntries; } } private static string m_strEditEntriesDesc = @"Edit all currently selected entries."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Edit all currently selected entries.'. /// public static string EditEntriesDesc { get { return m_strEditEntriesDesc; } } private static string m_strEditEntry = @"Edit Entry"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Edit Entry'. /// public static string EditEntry { get { return m_strEditEntry; } } private static string m_strEditEntryDesc = @"You're editing an existing entry."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'You're editing an existing entry.'. /// public static string EditEntryDesc { get { return m_strEditEntryDesc; } } private static string m_strEditGroup = @"Edit Group"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Edit Group'. /// public static string EditGroup { get { return m_strEditGroup; } } private static string m_strEditGroupDesc = @"Edit properties of the currently selected group."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Edit properties of the currently selected group.'. /// public static string EditGroupDesc { get { return m_strEditGroupDesc; } } private static string m_strEditStringField = @"Edit Entry String Field"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Edit Entry String Field'. /// public static string EditStringField { get { return m_strEditStringField; } } private static string m_strEditStringFieldDesc = @"Edit one of the entry's string fields."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Edit one of the entry's string fields.'. /// public static string EditStringFieldDesc { get { return m_strEditStringFieldDesc; } } private static string m_strEMail = @"eMail"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'eMail'. /// public static string EMail { get { return m_strEMail; } } private static string m_strEmergencySheet = @"Emergency Sheet"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Emergency Sheet'. /// public static string EmergencySheet { get { return m_strEmergencySheet; } } private static string m_strEmergencySheetAsk = @"Ask whether to create an emergency sheet"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Ask whether to create an emergency sheet'. /// public static string EmergencySheetAsk { get { return m_strEmergencySheetAsk; } } private static string m_strEmergencySheetInfo = @"A KeePass emergency sheet contains all important information that is required to open your database. It should be printed, filled out and stored in a secure location, where only you and possibly a few other people that you trust have access to."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'A KeePass emergency sheet contains all important information that is required to open your database. It should be printed, filled out and stored in a secure location, where only you and possibly a few other people that you trust have access to.'. /// public static string EmergencySheetInfo { get { return m_strEmergencySheetInfo; } } private static string m_strEmergencySheetPrintInfo = @"KeePass will print an emergency sheet, which you can then fill out."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePass will print an emergency sheet, which you can then fill out.'. /// public static string EmergencySheetPrintInfo { get { return m_strEmergencySheetPrintInfo; } } private static string m_strEmergencySheetQ = @"Do you want to print an emergency sheet now?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do you want to print an emergency sheet now?'. /// public static string EmergencySheetQ { get { return m_strEmergencySheetQ; } } private static string m_strEmergencySheetRec = @"It is recommended that you create an emergency sheet for your database."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'It is recommended that you create an emergency sheet for your database.'. /// public static string EmergencySheetRec { get { return m_strEmergencySheetRec; } } private static string m_strEmpty = @"Empty"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Empty'. /// public static string Empty { get { return m_strEmpty; } } private static string m_strEmptyMasterPw = @"You have selected to use an empty master password."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'You have selected to use an empty master password.'. /// public static string EmptyMasterPw { get { return m_strEmptyMasterPw; } } private static string m_strEmptyMasterPwHint = @"An empty master password is not the same as using no master password at all."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'An empty master password is not the same as using no master password at all.'. /// public static string EmptyMasterPwHint { get { return m_strEmptyMasterPwHint; } } private static string m_strEmptyMasterPwQuestion = @"Are you sure you want to use an empty master password?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Are you sure you want to use an empty master password?'. /// public static string EmptyMasterPwQuestion { get { return m_strEmptyMasterPwQuestion; } } private static string m_strEmptyRecycleBinQuestion = @"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the items?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the items?'. /// public static string EmptyRecycleBinQuestion { get { return m_strEmptyRecycleBinQuestion; } } private static string m_strEnable = @"Enable"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enable'. /// public static string Enable { get { return m_strEnable; } } private static string m_strEnabled = @"Enabled"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enabled'. /// public static string Enabled { get { return m_strEnabled; } } private static string m_strEncoding = @"Encoding"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Encoding'. /// public static string Encoding { get { return m_strEncoding; } } private static string m_strEncodingFail = @"Selected encoding is invalid. The file cannot be interpreted using the selected encoding."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Selected encoding is invalid. The file cannot be interpreted using the selected encoding.'. /// public static string EncodingFail { get { return m_strEncodingFail; } } private static string m_strEndsWith = @"Ends with"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Ends with'. /// public static string EndsWith { get { return m_strEndsWith; } } private static string m_strEnterCompositeKey = @"Enter Master Key"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enter Master Key'. /// public static string EnterCompositeKey { get { return m_strEnterCompositeKey; } } private static string m_strEnterCurrentCompositeKey = @"Enter Current Master Key"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enter Current Master Key'. /// public static string EnterCurrentCompositeKey { get { return m_strEnterCurrentCompositeKey; } } private static string m_strEntropyDesc = @"Generate additional random bits."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Generate additional random bits.'. /// public static string EntropyDesc { get { return m_strEntropyDesc; } } private static string m_strEntropyTitle = @"Entropy Collection"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Entropy Collection'. /// public static string EntropyTitle { get { return m_strEntropyTitle; } } private static string m_strEntry = @"Entry"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Entry'. /// public static string Entry { get { return m_strEntry; } } private static string m_strEntryList = @"Entry List"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Entry List'. /// public static string EntryList { get { return m_strEntryList; } } private static string m_strEntryListAutoResizeColumns = @"Automatically resize entry list columns when resizing the main window"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Automatically resize entry list columns when resizing the main window'. /// public static string EntryListAutoResizeColumns { get { return m_strEntryListAutoResizeColumns; } } private static string m_strEntrySelGroupSel = @"When selecting an entry, automatically select its parent group, too"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'When selecting an entry, automatically select its parent group, too'. /// public static string EntrySelGroupSel { get { return m_strEntrySelGroupSel; } } private static string m_strEnvironmentVariable = @"Environment variable"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Environment variable'. /// public static string EnvironmentVariable { get { return m_strEnvironmentVariable; } } private static string m_strEqualsOp = @"Equals"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Equals'. /// public static string EqualsOp { get { return m_strEqualsOp; } } private static string m_strError = @"Error"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Error'. /// public static string Error { get { return m_strError; } } private static string m_strErrorCode = @"Error Code"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Error Code'. /// public static string ErrorCode { get { return m_strErrorCode; } } private static string m_strErrors = @"Errors"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Errors'. /// public static string Errors { get { return m_strErrors; } } private static string m_strEvent = @"Event"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Event'. /// public static string Event { get { return m_strEvent; } } private static string m_strExecuteCmdLineUrl = @"Execute command line / URL"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Execute command line / URL'. /// public static string ExecuteCmdLineUrl { get { return m_strExecuteCmdLineUrl; } } private static string m_strExit = @"Exit"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Exit'. /// public static string Exit { get { return m_strExit; } } private static string m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAfterTime = @"Exit instead of locking the workspace after the specified time"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Exit instead of locking the workspace after the specified time'. /// public static string ExitInsteadOfLockingAfterTime { get { return m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAfterTime; } } private static string m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAlways = @"Always exit instead of locking the workspace"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Always exit instead of locking the workspace'. /// public static string ExitInsteadOfLockingAlways { get { return m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAlways; } } private static string m_strExpiredEntries = @"Expired Entries"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Expired Entries'. /// public static string ExpiredEntries { get { return m_strExpiredEntries; } } private static string m_strExpiredEntriesCanMatch = @"Expired entries can match"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Expired entries can match'. /// public static string ExpiredEntriesCanMatch { get { return m_strExpiredEntriesCanMatch; } } private static string m_strExpiryTime = @"Expiry Time"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Expiry Time'. /// public static string ExpiryTime { get { return m_strExpiryTime; } } private static string m_strExpiryTimeDateOnly = @"Expiry Time (Date Only)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Expiry Time (Date Only)'. /// public static string ExpiryTimeDateOnly { get { return m_strExpiryTimeDateOnly; } } private static string m_strExport = @"Export"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Export'. /// public static string Export { get { return m_strExport; } } private static string m_strExportFileDesc = @"Export data to an external file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Export data to an external file.'. /// public static string ExportFileDesc { get { return m_strExportFileDesc; } } private static string m_strExportFileTitle = @"Export File/Data"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Export File/Data'. /// public static string ExportFileTitle { get { return m_strExportFileTitle; } } private static string m_strExportHtml = @"Export To HTML"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Export To HTML'. /// public static string ExportHtml { get { return m_strExportHtml; } } private static string m_strExportHtmlDesc = @"Export entries to a HTML file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Export entries to a HTML file.'. /// public static string ExportHtmlDesc { get { return m_strExportHtmlDesc; } } private static string m_strExportingStatusMsg = @"Exporting..."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Exporting...'. /// public static string ExportingStatusMsg { get { return m_strExportingStatusMsg; } } private static string m_strExportStc = @"Export active database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Export active database'. /// public static string ExportStc { get { return m_strExportStc; } } private static string m_strExportToPrompt = @"Export to:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Export to:'. /// public static string ExportToPrompt { get { return m_strExportToPrompt; } } private static string m_strExternal = @"External"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'External'. /// public static string External { get { return m_strExternal; } } private static string m_strExternalApp = @"External Application"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'External Application'. /// public static string ExternalApp { get { return m_strExternalApp; } } private static string m_strFatalError = @"Fatal Error"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Fatal Error'. /// public static string FatalError { get { return m_strFatalError; } } private static string m_strFeature = @"Feature"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Feature'. /// public static string Feature { get { return m_strFeature; } } private static string m_strField = @"Field"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Field'. /// public static string Field { get { return m_strField; } } private static string m_strFieldName = @"Field Name"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Field Name'. /// public static string FieldName { get { return m_strFieldName; } } private static string m_strFieldNameExistsAlready = @"The entered name exists already and cannot be used."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The entered name exists already and cannot be used.'. /// public static string FieldNameExistsAlready { get { return m_strFieldNameExistsAlready; } } private static string m_strFieldNameInvalid = @"The entered name is invalid and cannot be used."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The entered name is invalid and cannot be used.'. /// public static string FieldNameInvalid { get { return m_strFieldNameInvalid; } } private static string m_strFieldNamePrompt = @"Please enter a field name."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Please enter a field name.'. /// public static string FieldNamePrompt { get { return m_strFieldNamePrompt; } } private static string m_strFieldRefInvalidChars = @"The selected field, which identifies the source entry, contains illegal characters (like '{', '}', newline characters, ...)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The selected field, which identifies the source entry, contains illegal characters (like '{', '}', newline characters, ...).'. /// public static string FieldRefInvalidChars { get { return m_strFieldRefInvalidChars; } } private static string m_strFieldRefMultiMatch = @"Multiple entries match the specified identifying field."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Multiple entries match the specified identifying field.'. /// public static string FieldRefMultiMatch { get { return m_strFieldRefMultiMatch; } } private static string m_strFieldRefMultiMatchHint = @"To avoid ambiguity, entries can be identified by their UUIDs, which are unique."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'To avoid ambiguity, entries can be identified by their UUIDs, which are unique.'. /// public static string FieldRefMultiMatchHint { get { return m_strFieldRefMultiMatchHint; } } private static string m_strFieldValue = @"Field Value"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Field Value'. /// public static string FieldValue { get { return m_strFieldValue; } } private static string m_strFile = @"File"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'File'. /// public static string File { get { return m_strFile; } } private static string m_strFileChanged = @"The file on disk/server has changed since it was loaded. Probably someone else has edited and saved the database."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The file on disk/server has changed since it was loaded. Probably someone else has edited and saved the database.'. /// public static string FileChanged { get { return m_strFileChanged; } } private static string m_strFileChangedOverwrite = @"Save the current database to the file. Changes made by the other user will be lost."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save the current database to the file. Changes made by the other user will be lost.'. /// public static string FileChangedOverwrite { get { return m_strFileChangedOverwrite; } } private static string m_strFileChangedSync = @"Load the file on disk/server and merge it with the current database in memory."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Load the file on disk/server and merge it with the current database in memory.'. /// public static string FileChangedSync { get { return m_strFileChangedSync; } } private static string m_strFileExists = @"File exists"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'File exists'. /// public static string FileExists { get { return m_strFileExists; } } private static string m_strFileExistsAlready = @"The following file exists already:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The following file exists already:'. /// public static string FileExistsAlready { get { return m_strFileExistsAlready; } } private static string m_strFileExtInstallFailed = @"Failed to create the file association. Make sure you have write access to the file associations list."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Failed to create the file association. Make sure you have write access to the file associations list.'. /// public static string FileExtInstallFailed { get { return m_strFileExtInstallFailed; } } private static string m_strFileExtInstallSuccess = @"Successfully associated KDBX files with KeePass! KDBX files will now be opened by KeePass when you double-click on them."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Successfully associated KDBX files with KeePass! KDBX files will now be opened by KeePass when you double-click on them.'. /// public static string FileExtInstallSuccess { get { return m_strFileExtInstallSuccess; } } private static string m_strFileExtName2 = @"KeePass Database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePass Database'. /// public static string FileExtName2 { get { return m_strFileExtName2; } } private static string m_strFileFormatStc = @"File format"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'File format'. /// public static string FileFormatStc { get { return m_strFileFormatStc; } } private static string m_strFileImportFailed = @"Failed to import the specified file!"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Failed to import the specified file!'. /// public static string FileImportFailed { get { return m_strFileImportFailed; } } private static string m_strFileNameContainsSemicolonError = @"This file path contains a semicolon (;) and therefore cannot be processed. Replace the semicolon and repeat the procedure."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'This file path contains a semicolon (;) and therefore cannot be processed. Replace the semicolon and repeat the procedure.'. /// public static string FileNameContainsSemicolonError { get { return m_strFileNameContainsSemicolonError; } } private static string m_strFileNotFoundError = @"The specified file could not be found."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The specified file could not be found.'. /// public static string FileNotFoundError { get { return m_strFileNotFoundError; } } private static string m_strFileOrUrl = @"File/URL"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'File/URL'. /// public static string FileOrUrl { get { return m_strFileOrUrl; } } private static string m_strFilePathFullReq = @"Please specify the full path to the file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Please specify the full path to the file.'. /// public static string FilePathFullReq { get { return m_strFilePathFullReq; } } private static string m_strFiles = @"Files"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Files'. /// public static string Files { get { return m_strFiles; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQ = @"Do you want to save the database now?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do you want to save the database now?'. /// public static string FileSaveQ { get { return m_strFileSaveQ; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQClosing = @"Save database changes before closing the file?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save database changes before closing the file?'. /// public static string FileSaveQClosing { get { return m_strFileSaveQClosing; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQExiting = @"Save database changes before exiting KeePass?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save database changes before exiting KeePass?'. /// public static string FileSaveQExiting { get { return m_strFileSaveQExiting; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQLocking = @"Save database changes before locking the workspace?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save database changes before locking the workspace?'. /// public static string FileSaveQLocking { get { return m_strFileSaveQLocking; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQOpCancel = @"Abort the current operation."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Abort the current operation.'. /// public static string FileSaveQOpCancel { get { return m_strFileSaveQOpCancel; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQOpCancelClosing = @"The file will not be closed."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The file will not be closed.'. /// public static string FileSaveQOpCancelClosing { get { return m_strFileSaveQOpCancelClosing; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQOpCancelExiting = @"KeePass will not be closed."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePass will not be closed.'. /// public static string FileSaveQOpCancelExiting { get { return m_strFileSaveQOpCancelExiting; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQOpCancelLocking = @"The KeePass workspace will not be locked."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The KeePass workspace will not be locked.'. /// public static string FileSaveQOpCancelLocking { get { return m_strFileSaveQOpCancelLocking; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQOpNoClosing = @"Discard all changes made to the database and close the file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Discard all changes made to the database and close the file.'. /// public static string FileSaveQOpNoClosing { get { return m_strFileSaveQOpNoClosing; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQOpNoExiting = @"Discard all changes made to the database and exit KeePass."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Discard all changes made to the database and exit KeePass.'. /// public static string FileSaveQOpNoExiting { get { return m_strFileSaveQOpNoExiting; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQOpNoLocking = @"Discard all changes made to the database and lock the KeePass workspace."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Discard all changes made to the database and lock the KeePass workspace.'. /// public static string FileSaveQOpNoLocking { get { return m_strFileSaveQOpNoLocking; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQOpYesClosing = @"Save all changes made to the database and close the file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save all changes made to the database and close the file.'. /// public static string FileSaveQOpYesClosing { get { return m_strFileSaveQOpYesClosing; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQOpYesExiting = @"Save all changes made to the database and exit KeePass."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save all changes made to the database and exit KeePass.'. /// public static string FileSaveQOpYesExiting { get { return m_strFileSaveQOpYesExiting; } } private static string m_strFileSaveQOpYesLocking = @"Save all changes made to the database and lock the KeePass workspace."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save all changes made to the database and lock the KeePass workspace.'. /// public static string FileSaveQOpYesLocking { get { return m_strFileSaveQOpYesLocking; } } private static string m_strFileSearchModes = @"There are two search modes: quick and normal."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'There are two search modes: quick and normal.'. /// public static string FileSearchModes { get { return m_strFileSearchModes; } } private static string m_strFileSearchNormalDesc = @"A normal search finds all files (by looking at file contents), but requires a lot more time than a quick search."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'A normal search finds all files (by looking at file contents), but requires a lot more time than a quick search.'. /// public static string FileSearchNormalDesc { get { return m_strFileSearchNormalDesc; } } private static string m_strFileSearchQuickDesc = @"In a quick search, KeePass only considers files that have one of the usual file name extensions. This is fast, but may not find all files."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'In a quick search, KeePass only considers files that have one of the usual file name extensions. This is fast, but may not find all files.'. /// public static string FileSearchQuickDesc { get { return m_strFileSearchQuickDesc; } } private static string m_strFileTooLarge = @"The file is too large."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The file is too large.'. /// public static string FileTooLarge { get { return m_strFileTooLarge; } } private static string m_strFileTxExtra = @"Extra-safe file transactions"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Extra-safe file transactions'. /// public static string FileTxExtra { get { return m_strFileTxExtra; } } private static string m_strFileVerifyHashFail = @"The new file's content does not match the data that KeePass has written, i.e. writing to the file has failed and it might be corrupted now."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The new file's content does not match the data that KeePass has written, i.e. writing to the file has failed and it might be corrupted now.'. /// public static string FileVerifyHashFail { get { return m_strFileVerifyHashFail; } } private static string m_strFileVerifyHashFailRec = @"Please try saving again, and if that fails, save the database to a different location."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Please try saving again, and if that fails, save the database to a different location.'. /// public static string FileVerifyHashFailRec { get { return m_strFileVerifyHashFailRec; } } private static string m_strFilter = @"Filter"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Filter'. /// public static string Filter { get { return m_strFilter; } } private static string m_strFind = @"Find"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Find'. /// public static string Find { get { return m_strFind; } } private static string m_strFindEntries = @"Find Entries"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Find Entries'. /// public static string FindEntries { get { return m_strFindEntries; } } private static string m_strFocusQuickFindOnRestore = @"Focus quick search box when restoring from taskbar"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Focus quick search box when restoring from taskbar'. /// public static string FocusQuickFindOnRestore { get { return m_strFocusQuickFindOnRestore; } } private static string m_strFocusQuickFindOnUntray = @"Focus quick search box when restoring from tray"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Focus quick search box when restoring from tray'. /// public static string FocusQuickFindOnUntray { get { return m_strFocusQuickFindOnUntray; } } private static string m_strFocusResultsAfterQuickSearch = @"Focus entry list after a successful quick search"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Focus entry list after a successful quick search'. /// public static string FocusResultsAfterQuickSearch { get { return m_strFocusResultsAfterQuickSearch; } } private static string m_strFolder = @"Folder"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Folder'. /// public static string Folder { get { return m_strFolder; } } private static string m_strFont = @"Font"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Font'. /// public static string Font { get { return m_strFont; } } private static string m_strFontDefault = @"Default &Font"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Default &Font'. /// public static string FontDefault { get { return m_strFontDefault; } } private static string m_strForceSystemFontUnix = @"Force usage of system font (Unix only)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Force usage of system font (Unix only)'. /// public static string ForceSystemFontUnix { get { return m_strForceSystemFontUnix; } } private static string m_strFormat = @"Format"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Format'. /// public static string Format { get { return m_strFormat; } } private static string m_strFormatNoDatabaseDesc = @"This file format doesn't support database descriptions."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'This file format doesn't support database descriptions.'. /// public static string FormatNoDatabaseDesc { get { return m_strFormatNoDatabaseDesc; } } private static string m_strFormatNoDatabaseName = @"This file format doesn't support database names."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'This file format doesn't support database names.'. /// public static string FormatNoDatabaseName { get { return m_strFormatNoDatabaseName; } } private static string m_strFormatNoRootEntries = @"This file format doesn't support root groups. All entries in the root group are moved to the first subgroup."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'This file format doesn't support root groups. All entries in the root group are moved to the first subgroup.'. /// public static string FormatNoRootEntries { get { return m_strFormatNoRootEntries; } } private static string m_strFormatNoSubGroupsInRoot = @"To export to this file format, the root group must have at least one subgroup."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'To export to this file format, the root group must have at least one subgroup.'. /// public static string FormatNoSubGroupsInRoot { get { return m_strFormatNoSubGroupsInRoot; } } private static string m_strFormatOnlyOneAttachment = @"This file format only supports one attachment per entry. Only the first attachment is saved, the others are ignored."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'This file format only supports one attachment per entry. Only the first attachment is saved, the others are ignored.'. /// public static string FormatOnlyOneAttachment { get { return m_strFormatOnlyOneAttachment; } } private static string m_strGeneral = @"General"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'General'. /// public static string General { get { return m_strGeneral; } } private static string m_strGenerate = @"Generate"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Generate'. /// public static string Generate { get { return m_strGenerate; } } private static string m_strGenerateCount = @"Generated Passwords Count"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Generated Passwords Count'. /// public static string GenerateCount { get { return m_strGenerateCount; } } private static string m_strGenerateCountDesc = @"Enter number of passwords to generate."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enter number of passwords to generate.'. /// public static string GenerateCountDesc { get { return m_strGenerateCountDesc; } } private static string m_strGenerateCountLongDesc = @"Please enter the number of passwords to generate:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Please enter the number of passwords to generate:'. /// public static string GenerateCountLongDesc { get { return m_strGenerateCountLongDesc; } } private static string m_strGeneratedPasswordSamples = @"Generated Passwords Samples"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Generated Passwords Samples'. /// public static string GeneratedPasswordSamples { get { return m_strGeneratedPasswordSamples; } } private static string m_strGeneratePassword = @"Generate a password"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Generate a password'. /// public static string GeneratePassword { get { return m_strGeneratePassword; } } private static string m_strGenericCsvImporter = @"Generic CSV Importer"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Generic CSV Importer'. /// public static string GenericCsvImporter { get { return m_strGenericCsvImporter; } } private static string m_strGenPwAccept = @"Accept this password?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Accept this password?'. /// public static string GenPwAccept { get { return m_strGenPwAccept; } } private static string m_strGenPwBasedOnPrevious = @"Derive from previous password"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Derive from previous password'. /// public static string GenPwBasedOnPrevious { get { return m_strGenPwBasedOnPrevious; } } private static string m_strGenPwSprVariant = @"The generated password contains a placeholder. When using this password (e.g. by copying it to the clipboard or auto-typing it), the placeholder will be replaced, i.e. effectively a different password might be used."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The generated password contains a placeholder. When using this password (e.g. by copying it to the clipboard or auto-typing it), the placeholder will be replaced, i.e. effectively a different password might be used.'. /// public static string GenPwSprVariant { get { return m_strGenPwSprVariant; } } private static string m_strGradient = @"Gradient"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Gradient'. /// public static string Gradient { get { return m_strGradient; } } private static string m_strGroup = @"Group"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Group'. /// public static string Group { get { return m_strGroup; } } private static string m_strGroupCannotStoreEntries = @"The selected group cannot store any entries."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The selected group cannot store any entries.'. /// public static string GroupCannotStoreEntries { get { return m_strGroupCannotStoreEntries; } } private static string m_strGroupsSkipped = @"{PARAM} groups skipped"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '{PARAM} groups skipped'. /// public static string GroupsSkipped { get { return m_strGroupsSkipped; } } private static string m_strGroupsSkipped1 = @"1 group skipped"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '1 group skipped'. /// public static string GroupsSkipped1 { get { return m_strGroupsSkipped1; } } private static string m_strHelpSourceNoLocalOption = @"This option is disabled, because local help is not installed."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'This option is disabled, because local help is not installed.'. /// public static string HelpSourceNoLocalOption { get { return m_strHelpSourceNoLocalOption; } } private static string m_strHelpSourceSelection = @"Help Source Selection"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Help Source Selection'. /// public static string HelpSourceSelection { get { return m_strHelpSourceSelection; } } private static string m_strHelpSourceSelectionDesc = @"Choose between local help and online help center."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Choose between local help and online help center.'. /// public static string HelpSourceSelectionDesc { get { return m_strHelpSourceSelectionDesc; } } private static string m_strHexKeyEx = @"Hex Key - {PARAM}-Bit"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Hex Key - {PARAM}-Bit'. /// public static string HexKeyEx { get { return m_strHexKeyEx; } } private static string m_strHexViewer = @"Hex Viewer"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Hex Viewer'. /// public static string HexViewer { get { return m_strHexViewer; } } private static string m_strHidden = @"Hidden"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Hidden'. /// public static string Hidden { get { return m_strHidden; } } private static string m_strHideCloseDatabaseTb = @"Hide 'Close Database' toolbar button when at most one database is open"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Hide 'Close Database' toolbar button when at most one database is open'. /// public static string HideCloseDatabaseTb { get { return m_strHideCloseDatabaseTb; } } private static string m_strHideUsingAsterisks = @"Hide field using asterisks"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Hide field using asterisks'. /// public static string HideUsingAsterisks { get { return m_strHideUsingAsterisks; } } private static string m_strHistory = @"History"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'History'. /// public static string History { get { return m_strHistory; } } private static string m_strHomebanking = @"Homebanking"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Homebanking'. /// public static string Homebanking { get { return m_strHomebanking; } } private static string m_strHost = @"Host"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Host'. /// public static string Host { get { return m_strHost; } } private static string m_strHotKeyAltOnly = @"It is recommended not to use global hot keys with only Alt or Alt+Shift as modifier."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'It is recommended not to use global hot keys with only Alt or Alt+Shift as modifier.'. /// public static string HotKeyAltOnly { get { return m_strHotKeyAltOnly; } } private static string m_strHotKeyAltOnlyHint = @"Recommended modifiers are Ctrl+Alt, Ctrl+Shift and Ctrl+Alt+Shift."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Recommended modifiers are Ctrl+Alt, Ctrl+Shift and Ctrl+Alt+Shift.'. /// public static string HotKeyAltOnlyHint { get { return m_strHotKeyAltOnlyHint; } } private static string m_strHotKeyAltOnlyQuestion = @"Are you sure you want to use the specified hot keys?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Are you sure you want to use the specified hot keys?'. /// public static string HotKeyAltOnlyQuestion { get { return m_strHotKeyAltOnlyQuestion; } } private static string m_strIcon = @"Icon"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Icon'. /// public static string Icon { get { return m_strIcon; } } private static string m_strId = @"ID"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'ID'. /// public static string Id { get { return m_strId; } } private static string m_strIgnore = @"Ignore"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Ignore'. /// public static string Ignore { get { return m_strIgnore; } } private static string m_strImageFormatFeatureUnsupported = @"This file uses a file format feature that is not supported."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'This file uses a file format feature that is not supported.'. /// public static string ImageFormatFeatureUnsupported { get { return m_strImageFormatFeatureUnsupported; } } private static string m_strImageViewer = @"Image Viewer"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Image Viewer'. /// public static string ImageViewer { get { return m_strImageViewer; } } private static string m_strImport = @"Import"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Import'. /// public static string Import { get { return m_strImport; } } private static string m_strImportBehavior = @"Import Behavior"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Import Behavior'. /// public static string ImportBehavior { get { return m_strImportBehavior; } } private static string m_strImportBehaviorDesc = @"Select an import method."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Select an import method.'. /// public static string ImportBehaviorDesc { get { return m_strImportBehaviorDesc; } } private static string m_strImportFailed = @"Import failed."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Import failed.'. /// public static string ImportFailed { get { return m_strImportFailed; } } private static string m_strImportFileDesc = @"Import an external file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Import an external file.'. /// public static string ImportFileDesc { get { return m_strImportFileDesc; } } private static string m_strImportFileTitle = @"Import File/Data"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Import File/Data'. /// public static string ImportFileTitle { get { return m_strImportFileTitle; } } private static string m_strImportFinished = @"The import process has finished!"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The import process has finished!'. /// public static string ImportFinished { get { return m_strImportFinished; } } private static string m_strImportingStatusMsg = @"Importing..."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Importing...'. /// public static string ImportingStatusMsg { get { return m_strImportingStatusMsg; } } private static string m_strImportMustRead = @"It is indispensable that you read the documentation about this import method before continuing."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'It is indispensable that you read the documentation about this import method before continuing.'. /// public static string ImportMustRead { get { return m_strImportMustRead; } } private static string m_strImportMustReadQuestion = @"Have you understood how the import process works and want to start it now?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Have you understood how the import process works and want to start it now?'. /// public static string ImportMustReadQuestion { get { return m_strImportMustReadQuestion; } } private static string m_strImportStc = @"Import into active database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Import into active database'. /// public static string ImportStc { get { return m_strImportStc; } } private static string m_strIncompatible = @"Incompatible"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Incompatible'. /// public static string Incompatible { get { return m_strIncompatible; } } private static string m_strIncompatibleEnv = @"incompatible with current environment"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'incompatible with current environment'. /// public static string IncompatibleEnv { get { return m_strIncompatibleEnv; } } private static string m_strIncompatibleWithSorting = @"incompatible with sorting"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'incompatible with sorting'. /// public static string IncompatibleWithSorting { get { return m_strIncompatibleWithSorting; } } private static string m_strInherited = @"Inherited"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Inherited'. /// public static string Inherited { get { return m_strInherited; } } private static string m_strInheritSettingFromParent = @"Inherit setting from parent"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Inherit setting from parent'. /// public static string InheritSettingFromParent { get { return m_strInheritSettingFromParent; } } private static string m_strInstalled = @"Installed"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Installed'. /// public static string Installed { get { return m_strInstalled; } } private static string m_strInstalledLanguages = @"Installed Languages"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Installed Languages'. /// public static string InstalledLanguages { get { return m_strInstalledLanguages; } } private static string m_strInstrAndGenInfo = @"Instructions and General Information"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Instructions and General Information'. /// public static string InstrAndGenInfo { get { return m_strInstrAndGenInfo; } } private static string m_strInterleavedKeySending = @"Allow interleaved sending of keys"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow interleaved sending of keys'. /// public static string InterleavedKeySending { get { return m_strInterleavedKeySending; } } private static string m_strInternalEditor = @"Internal Editor"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Internal Editor'. /// public static string InternalEditor { get { return m_strInternalEditor; } } private static string m_strInternalViewer = @"Internal Viewer"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Internal Viewer'. /// public static string InternalViewer { get { return m_strInternalViewer; } } private static string m_strInternet = @"Internet"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Internet'. /// public static string Internet { get { return m_strInternet; } } private static string m_strInterval = @"Interval"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Interval'. /// public static string Interval { get { return m_strInterval; } } private static string m_strInvalid = @"Invalid"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Invalid'. /// public static string Invalid { get { return m_strInvalid; } } private static string m_strInvalidUrl = @"The specified URL is invalid."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The specified URL is invalid.'. /// public static string InvalidUrl { get { return m_strInvalidUrl; } } private static string m_strInvalidUserPassword = @"The specified user name / password combination is invalid."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The specified user name / password combination is invalid.'. /// public static string InvalidUserPassword { get { return m_strInvalidUserPassword; } } private static string m_strIOConnection = @"I/O Connection"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'I/O Connection'. /// public static string IOConnection { get { return m_strIOConnection; } } private static string m_strIOConnectionLong = @"File Input/Output Connections"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'File Input/Output Connections'. /// public static string IOConnectionLong { get { return m_strIOConnectionLong; } } private static string m_strItalic = @"Italic"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Italic'. /// public static string Italic { get { return m_strItalic; } } private static string m_strIterations = @"Iterations"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Iterations'. /// public static string Iterations { get { return m_strIterations; } } private static string m_strKdbKeePassLibC = @"The KeePassLibC library is required to open and save KDB files created by KeePass 1.x."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The KeePassLibC library is required to open and save KDB files created by KeePass 1.x.'. /// public static string KdbKeePassLibC { get { return m_strKdbKeePassLibC; } } private static string m_strKdbWUA = @"KDB files can be encrypted using a master password and/or a key file, not using a Windows User Account."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KDB files can be encrypted using a master password and/or a key file, not using a Windows User Account.'. /// public static string KdbWUA { get { return m_strKdbWUA; } } private static string m_strKdbxFiles = @"KeePass KDBX Files"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePass KDBX Files'. /// public static string KdbxFiles { get { return m_strKdbxFiles; } } private static string m_strKdfAdjust = @"The value of a key derivation function parameter lies outside the range of valid values. KeePass adjusts the value to the nearest valid value."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The value of a key derivation function parameter lies outside the range of valid values. KeePass adjusts the value to the nearest valid value.'. /// public static string KdfAdjust { get { return m_strKdfAdjust; } } private static string m_strKdfParams1Sec = @"Compute parameters that lead to a delay of 1 second on this computer."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Compute parameters that lead to a delay of 1 second on this computer.'. /// public static string KdfParams1Sec { get { return m_strKdfParams1Sec; } } private static string m_strKeePassLibCLong = @"KeePassLibC (1.x File Support)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePassLibC (1.x File Support)'. /// public static string KeePassLibCLong { get { return m_strKeePassLibCLong; } } private static string m_strKeePassLibCNotFound = @"KeePassLibC could not be found."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePassLibC could not be found.'. /// public static string KeePassLibCNotFound { get { return m_strKeePassLibCNotFound; } } private static string m_strKeePassLibCNotWindows = @"Importing/exporting data from/to KDB files is only supported on Windows (because a library is used that contains the core code of KeePass 1.x, which is Windows-only)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Importing/exporting data from/to KDB files is only supported on Windows (because a library is used that contains the core code of KeePass 1.x, which is Windows-only).'. /// public static string KeePassLibCNotWindows { get { return m_strKeePassLibCNotWindows; } } private static string m_strKeePassLibCNotWindowsHint = @"Please use a different file format for migrating your data."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Please use a different file format for migrating your data.'. /// public static string KeePassLibCNotWindowsHint { get { return m_strKeePassLibCNotWindowsHint; } } private static string m_strKeepExisting = @"&Keep existing"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Keep existing'. /// public static string KeepExisting { get { return m_strKeepExisting; } } private static string m_strKeyboardKeyAlt = @"Alt"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Alt'. /// public static string KeyboardKeyAlt { get { return m_strKeyboardKeyAlt; } } private static string m_strKeyboardKeyCtrl = @"Ctrl"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Ctrl'. /// public static string KeyboardKeyCtrl { get { return m_strKeyboardKeyCtrl; } } private static string m_strKeyboardKeyEsc = @"Esc"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Esc'. /// public static string KeyboardKeyEsc { get { return m_strKeyboardKeyEsc; } } private static string m_strKeyboardKeyModifiers = @"Key Modifiers"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Key Modifiers'. /// public static string KeyboardKeyModifiers { get { return m_strKeyboardKeyModifiers; } } private static string m_strKeyboardKeyReturn = @"Enter"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enter'. /// public static string KeyboardKeyReturn { get { return m_strKeyboardKeyReturn; } } private static string m_strKeyboardKeyShift = @"Shift"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Shift'. /// public static string KeyboardKeyShift { get { return m_strKeyboardKeyShift; } } private static string m_strKeyFile = @"Key file"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Key file'. /// public static string KeyFile { get { return m_strKeyFile; } } private static string m_strKeyFileBackup = @"Key File Backup"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Key File Backup'. /// public static string KeyFileBackup { get { return m_strKeyFileBackup; } } private static string m_strKeyFileContent = @"Key file content"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Key file content'. /// public static string KeyFileContent { get { return m_strKeyFileContent; } } private static string m_strKeyFileCreate = @"Create a new key file"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Create a new key file'. /// public static string KeyFileCreate { get { return m_strKeyFileCreate; } } private static string m_strKeyFileCreateTitle = @"Create Key File"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Create Key File'. /// public static string KeyFileCreateTitle { get { return m_strKeyFileCreateTitle; } } private static string m_strKeyFileError = @"The specified key file could not be found or its format is unknown."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The specified key file could not be found or its format is unknown.'. /// public static string KeyFileError { get { return m_strKeyFileError; } } private static string m_strKeyFileFromBackup = @"There are two ways to recreate a key file from this backup"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'There are two ways to recreate a key file from this backup'. /// public static string KeyFileFromBackup { get { return m_strKeyFileFromBackup; } } private static string m_strKeyFileFromBackupF = @"Start KeePass, click on 'Tools' -> 'Advanced Tools' -> 'Create Key File', and fill out the form that is displayed on the screen."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Start KeePass, click on 'Tools' -> 'Advanced Tools' -> 'Create Key File', and fill out the form that is displayed on the screen.'. /// public static string KeyFileFromBackupF { get { return m_strKeyFileFromBackupF; } } private static string m_strKeyFileFromBackupT = @"Alternatively, start a text editor (e.g. Notepad), type the content above, and save it to a new file (with file extension 'keyx')."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Alternatively, start a text editor (e.g. Notepad), type the content above, and save it to a new file (with file extension 'keyx').'. /// public static string KeyFileFromBackupT { get { return m_strKeyFileFromBackupT; } } private static string m_strKeyFileGenHint = @"You can generate an XML key file in the master key creation dialog."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'You can generate an XML key file in the master key creation dialog.'. /// public static string KeyFileGenHint { get { return m_strKeyFileGenHint; } } private static string m_strKeyFileNoXml = @"The file is not an XML key file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The file is not an XML key file.'. /// public static string KeyFileNoXml { get { return m_strKeyFileNoXml; } } private static string m_strKeyFilePrintAlso = @"Also print a key file backup"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Also print a key file backup'. /// public static string KeyFilePrintAlso { get { return m_strKeyFilePrintAlso; } } private static string m_strKeyFilePrintLocal = @"For security reasons, it is recommended to print a key file backup on a local printer, not over a network."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'For security reasons, it is recommended to print a key file backup on a local printer, not over a network.'. /// public static string KeyFilePrintLocal { get { return m_strKeyFilePrintLocal; } } private static string m_strKeyFilePrintReqXml = @"Printing a key file backup is supported only for XML key files."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Printing a key file backup is supported only for XML key files.'. /// public static string KeyFilePrintReqXml { get { return m_strKeyFilePrintReqXml; } } private static string m_strKeyFiles = @"Key Files"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Key Files'. /// public static string KeyFiles { get { return m_strKeyFiles; } } private static string m_strKeyFileSafe = @"KeyFile"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeyFile'. /// public static string KeyFileSafe { get { return m_strKeyFileSafe; } } private static string m_strKeyFileSelect = @"Select key file manually"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Select key file manually'. /// public static string KeyFileSelect { get { return m_strKeyFileSelect; } } private static string m_strKeyFileUseAnywayQ = @"Do you want to use the file as key file anyway?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do you want to use the file as key file anyway?'. /// public static string KeyFileUseAnywayQ { get { return m_strKeyFileUseAnywayQ; } } private static string m_strKeyFileUseExisting = @"Use an existing key file"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Use an existing key file'. /// public static string KeyFileUseExisting { get { return m_strKeyFileUseExisting; } } private static string m_strKeyProvider = @"Key provider"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Key provider'. /// public static string KeyProvider { get { return m_strKeyProvider; } } private static string m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSD = @"The selected key provider cannot be used, because it is incompatible with the secure desktop."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The selected key provider cannot be used, because it is incompatible with the secure desktop.'. /// public static string KeyProvIncmpWithSD { get { return m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSD; } } private static string m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSDHint = @"If you want to use the selected key provider, you have to disable the secure desktop option in 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> tab 'Security'."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'If you want to use the selected key provider, you have to disable the secure desktop option in 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> tab 'Security'.'. /// public static string KeyProvIncmpWithSDHint { get { return m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSDHint; } } private static string m_strLanguageSelected = @"The selected language has been activated. KeePass must be restarted in order to load the language."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The selected language has been activated. KeePass must be restarted in order to load the language.'. /// public static string LanguageSelected { get { return m_strLanguageSelected; } } private static string m_strLargeEntries = @"Large Entries"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Large Entries'. /// public static string LargeEntries { get { return m_strLargeEntries; } } private static string m_strLargeEntriesList = @"List of entries that require a lot of memory."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'List of entries that require a lot of memory.'. /// public static string LargeEntriesList { get { return m_strLargeEntriesList; } } private static string m_strLastAccessTime = @"Last Access Time"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Last Access Time'. /// public static string LastAccessTime { get { return m_strLastAccessTime; } } private static string m_strLastModificationTime = @"Last Modification Time"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Last Modification Time'. /// public static string LastModificationTime { get { return m_strLastModificationTime; } } private static string m_strLastModified = @"Last Modified"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Last Modified'. /// public static string LastModified { get { return m_strLastModified; } } private static string m_strLastModifiedEntriesList = @"List of entries that have been modified recently."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'List of entries that have been modified recently.'. /// public static string LastModifiedEntriesList { get { return m_strLastModifiedEntriesList; } } private static string m_strLastModTimePwHist = @"Last Password Modification Time (Based on History)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Last Password Modification Time (Based on History)'. /// public static string LastModTimePwHist { get { return m_strLastModTimePwHist; } } private static string m_strLatestVersionWeb = @"The latest KeePass version can be found on the KeePass website"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The latest KeePass version can be found on the KeePass website'. /// public static string LatestVersionWeb { get { return m_strLatestVersionWeb; } } private static string m_strLimitSingleInstance = @"Limit to single instance"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Limit to single instance'. /// public static string LimitSingleInstance { get { return m_strLimitSingleInstance; } } private static string m_strLng1xSel = @"The selected LNG language file is compatible with KeePass 1.x only. KeePass 2.x uses LNGX language files."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The selected LNG language file is compatible with KeePass 1.x only. KeePass 2.x uses LNGX language files.'. /// public static string Lng1xSel { get { return m_strLng1xSel; } } private static string m_strLng2xWeb = @"LNGX language files for KeePass 2.x are available on the KeePass website."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'LNGX language files for KeePass 2.x are available on the KeePass website.'. /// public static string Lng2xWeb { get { return m_strLng2xWeb; } } private static string m_strLngInAppDir = @"One or more language files have been found in the KeePass application directory."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'One or more language files have been found in the KeePass application directory.'. /// public static string LngInAppDir { get { return m_strLngInAppDir; } } private static string m_strLngInAppDirNote = @"Loading language files directly from the application directory is not supported. Language files should instead be stored in the 'Languages' folder of the application directory."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Loading language files directly from the application directory is not supported. Language files should instead be stored in the 'Languages' folder of the application directory.'. /// public static string LngInAppDirNote { get { return m_strLngInAppDirNote; } } private static string m_strLngInAppDirQ = @"Do you want to open the application directory (in order to move or delete language files)?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do you want to open the application directory (in order to move or delete language files)?'. /// public static string LngInAppDirQ { get { return m_strLngInAppDirQ; } } private static string m_strLocked = @"Locked"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Locked'. /// public static string Locked { get { return m_strLocked; } } private static string m_strLockMenuLock = @"&Lock Workspace"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Lock Workspace'. /// public static string LockMenuLock { get { return m_strLockMenuLock; } } private static string m_strLockMenuUnlock = @"Un&lock Workspace"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Un&lock Workspace'. /// public static string LockMenuUnlock { get { return m_strLockMenuUnlock; } } private static string m_strLockOnMinimizeTaskbar = @"Lock workspace when minimizing main window to taskbar"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Lock workspace when minimizing main window to taskbar'. /// public static string LockOnMinimizeTaskbar { get { return m_strLockOnMinimizeTaskbar; } } private static string m_strLockOnMinimizeTray = @"Lock workspace when minimizing main window to tray"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Lock workspace when minimizing main window to tray'. /// public static string LockOnMinimizeTray { get { return m_strLockOnMinimizeTray; } } private static string m_strLockOnRemoteControlChange = @"Lock workspace when the remote control mode changes"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Lock workspace when the remote control mode changes'. /// public static string LockOnRemoteControlChange { get { return m_strLockOnRemoteControlChange; } } private static string m_strLockOnSessionSwitch = @"Lock workspace when locking the computer or switching the user"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Lock workspace when locking the computer or switching the user'. /// public static string LockOnSessionSwitch { get { return m_strLockOnSessionSwitch; } } private static string m_strLockOnSuspend = @"Lock workspace when the computer is about to be suspended"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Lock workspace when the computer is about to be suspended'. /// public static string LockOnSuspend { get { return m_strLockOnSuspend; } } private static string m_strLockWorkspace = @"Lock workspace"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Lock workspace'. /// public static string LockWorkspace { get { return m_strLockWorkspace; } } private static string m_strMainInstruction = @"Main instruction"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Main instruction'. /// public static string MainInstruction { get { return m_strMainInstruction; } } private static string m_strMainWindow = @"Main Window"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Main Window'. /// public static string MainWindow { get { return m_strMainWindow; } } private static string m_strMasterKey = @"Master Key"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Master Key'. /// public static string MasterKey { get { return m_strMasterKey; } } private static string m_strMasterKeyChanged = @"The master key has been changed!"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The master key has been changed!'. /// public static string MasterKeyChanged { get { return m_strMasterKeyChanged; } } private static string m_strMasterKeyChangedSave = @"In order to apply the new master key, the database must be saved."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'In order to apply the new master key, the database must be saved.'. /// public static string MasterKeyChangedSave { get { return m_strMasterKeyChangedSave; } } private static string m_strMasterKeyChangedShort = @"Master key changed"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Master key changed'. /// public static string MasterKeyChangedShort { get { return m_strMasterKeyChangedShort; } } private static string m_strMasterKeyChangeForce = @"The master key for this database has been used for quite a while and must be changed now."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The master key for this database has been used for quite a while and must be changed now.'. /// public static string MasterKeyChangeForce { get { return m_strMasterKeyChangeForce; } } private static string m_strMasterKeyChangeInfo = @"Click [OK] to open the master key changing dialog."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Click [OK] to open the master key changing dialog.'. /// public static string MasterKeyChangeInfo { get { return m_strMasterKeyChangeInfo; } } private static string m_strMasterKeyChangeQ = @"Do you want to change the master key now?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do you want to change the master key now?'. /// public static string MasterKeyChangeQ { get { return m_strMasterKeyChangeQ; } } private static string m_strMasterKeyChangeRec = @"The master key for this database has been used for quite a while and it is recommended to change it now."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The master key for this database has been used for quite a while and it is recommended to change it now.'. /// public static string MasterKeyChangeRec { get { return m_strMasterKeyChangeRec; } } private static string m_strMasterKeyComponents = @"The master key for this database file consists of the following components:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The master key for this database file consists of the following components:'. /// public static string MasterKeyComponents { get { return m_strMasterKeyComponents; } } private static string m_strMasterKeyOnSecureDesktop = @"Enter master key on secure desktop"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enter master key on secure desktop'. /// public static string MasterKeyOnSecureDesktop { get { return m_strMasterKeyOnSecureDesktop; } } private static string m_strMasterPassword = @"Master password"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Master password'. /// public static string MasterPassword { get { return m_strMasterPassword; } } private static string m_strMasterPasswordConfirm = @"Are you sure that you want to use this master password?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Are you sure that you want to use this master password?'. /// public static string MasterPasswordConfirm { get { return m_strMasterPasswordConfirm; } } private static string m_strMasterPasswordMinLengthFailed = @"The master password must be at least {PARAM} characters long!"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The master password must be at least {PARAM} characters long!'. /// public static string MasterPasswordMinLengthFailed { get { return m_strMasterPasswordMinLengthFailed; } } private static string m_strMasterPasswordMinQualityFailed = @"The estimated quality of the master password must be at least {PARAM} bits!"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The estimated quality of the master password must be at least {PARAM} bits!'. /// public static string MasterPasswordMinQualityFailed { get { return m_strMasterPasswordMinQualityFailed; } } private static string m_strMasterPasswordRmbWhileOpen = @"Remember master password (in encrypted form) of a database while it is open"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Remember master password (in encrypted form) of a database while it is open'. /// public static string MasterPasswordRmbWhileOpen { get { return m_strMasterPasswordRmbWhileOpen; } } private static string m_strMasterPasswordWeak = @"The specified master password is weak."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The specified master password is weak.'. /// public static string MasterPasswordWeak { get { return m_strMasterPasswordWeak; } } private static string m_strMatchesRegEx = @"Matches regular expression"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Matches regular expression'. /// public static string MatchesRegEx { get { return m_strMatchesRegEx; } } private static string m_strMaxAttachmentSize = @"The maximum supported attachment size is {PARAM}."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The maximum supported attachment size is {PARAM}.'. /// public static string MaxAttachmentSize { get { return m_strMaxAttachmentSize; } } private static string m_strMaximized = @"Maximized"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Maximized'. /// public static string Maximized { get { return m_strMaximized; } } private static string m_strMemory = @"Memory"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Memory'. /// public static string Memory { get { return m_strMemory; } } private static string m_strMenus = @"Menus"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Menus'. /// public static string Menus { get { return m_strMenus; } } private static string m_strMethod = @"Method"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Method'. /// public static string Method { get { return m_strMethod; } } private static string m_strMinimize = @"Minimize"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Minimize'. /// public static string Minimize { get { return m_strMinimize; } } private static string m_strMinimizeAfterAutoType = @"Minimize main window after performing auto-type"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Minimize main window after performing auto-type'. /// public static string MinimizeAfterAutoType { get { return m_strMinimizeAfterAutoType; } } private static string m_strMinimizeAfterCopy = @"Minimize main window after copying data to the clipboard"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Minimize main window after copying data to the clipboard'. /// public static string MinimizeAfterCopy { get { return m_strMinimizeAfterCopy; } } private static string m_strMinimizeAfterLocking = @"Minimize main window after locking the workspace"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Minimize main window after locking the workspace'. /// public static string MinimizeAfterLocking { get { return m_strMinimizeAfterLocking; } } private static string m_strMinimizeAfterOpeningDatabase = @"Minimize main window after opening a database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Minimize main window after opening a database'. /// public static string MinimizeAfterOpeningDatabase { get { return m_strMinimizeAfterOpeningDatabase; } } private static string m_strMinimized = @"Minimized"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Minimized'. /// public static string Minimized { get { return m_strMinimized; } } private static string m_strMinimizeToTray = @"Minimize to tray instead of taskbar"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Minimize to tray instead of taskbar'. /// public static string MinimizeToTray { get { return m_strMinimizeToTray; } } private static string m_strMinimizeToTrayStc = @"Minimize to tray"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Minimize to tray'. /// public static string MinimizeToTrayStc { get { return m_strMinimizeToTrayStc; } } private static string m_strMore = @"More"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'More'. /// public static string More { get { return m_strMore; } } private static string m_strMoreAnd = @"and {PARAM} more"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'and {PARAM} more'. /// public static string MoreAnd { get { return m_strMoreAnd; } } private static string m_strMoreEntries = @"{PARAM} more entries"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '{PARAM} more entries'. /// public static string MoreEntries { get { return m_strMoreEntries; } } private static string m_strMoreInfo = @"More information"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'More information'. /// public static string MoreInfo { get { return m_strMoreInfo; } } private static string m_strMoveDown = @"Move down"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Move down'. /// public static string MoveDown { get { return m_strMoveDown; } } private static string m_strMoveToPreviousParentGroup = @"Move to &Previous Parent Group"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Move to &Previous Parent Group'. /// public static string MoveToPreviousParentGroup { get { return m_strMoveToPreviousParentGroup; } } private static string m_strMoveUp = @"Move up"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Move up'. /// public static string MoveUp { get { return m_strMoveUp; } } private static string m_strMultipleValues = @"Multiple values"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Multiple values'. /// public static string MultipleValues { get { return m_strMultipleValues; } } private static string m_strName = @"Name"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Name'. /// public static string Name { get { return m_strName; } } private static string m_strNativeLibUse = @"Use native library for faster key transformations"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Use native library for faster key transformations'. /// public static string NativeLibUse { get { return m_strNativeLibUse; } } private static string m_strNavigation = @"Navigation"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Navigation'. /// public static string Navigation { get { return m_strNavigation; } } private static string m_strNetwork = @"Network"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Network'. /// public static string Network { get { return m_strNetwork; } } private static string m_strNeverExpires = @"Never expires"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Never expires'. /// public static string NeverExpires { get { return m_strNeverExpires; } } private static string m_strNew = @"New"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'New'. /// public static string New { get { return m_strNew; } } private static string m_strNewDatabase = @"New Database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'New Database'. /// public static string NewDatabase { get { return m_strNewDatabase; } } private static string m_strNewerNetRequired = @"A newer .NET Framework is required."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'A newer .NET Framework is required.'. /// public static string NewerNetRequired { get { return m_strNewerNetRequired; } } private static string m_strNewGroup = @"New Group"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'New Group'. /// public static string NewGroup { get { return m_strNewGroup; } } private static string m_strNewLine = @"New line"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'New line'. /// public static string NewLine { get { return m_strNewLine; } } private static string m_strNewState = @"New state"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'New state'. /// public static string NewState { get { return m_strNewState; } } private static string m_strNewVersionAvailable = @"New version available"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'New version available'. /// public static string NewVersionAvailable { get { return m_strNewVersionAvailable; } } private static string m_strNo = @"No"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'No'. /// public static string No { get { return m_strNo; } } private static string m_strNoCmd = @"&No"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&No'. /// public static string NoCmd { get { return m_strNoCmd; } } private static string m_strNoEncNoCompress = @"Make sure that it is not encrypted and not compressed."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Make sure that it is not encrypted and not compressed.'. /// public static string NoEncNoCompress { get { return m_strNoEncNoCompress; } } private static string m_strNoFileAccessRead = @"The operating system didn't grant KeePass read access to the specified file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The operating system didn't grant KeePass read access to the specified file.'. /// public static string NoFileAccessRead { get { return m_strNoFileAccessRead; } } private static string m_strNoKeyFileSpecifiedMeta = @"(None)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '(None)'. /// public static string NoKeyFileSpecifiedMeta { get { return m_strNoKeyFileSpecifiedMeta; } } private static string m_strNoKeyRepeat = @"No Key Repeat"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'No Key Repeat'. /// public static string NoKeyRepeat { get { return m_strNoKeyRepeat; } } private static string m_strNone = @"None"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'None'. /// public static string None { get { return m_strNone; } } private static string m_strNormal = @"Normal"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Normal'. /// public static string Normal { get { return m_strNormal; } } private static string m_strNoSort = @"&No Sort"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&No Sort'. /// public static string NoSort { get { return m_strNoSort; } } private static string m_strNot = @"Not"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Not'. /// public static string Not { get { return m_strNot; } } private static string m_strNotes = @"Notes"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Notes'. /// public static string Notes { get { return m_strNotes; } } private static string m_strNotInstalled = @"Not installed"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Not installed'. /// public static string NotInstalled { get { return m_strNotInstalled; } } private static string m_strNotNow = @"Not now"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Not now'. /// public static string NotNow { get { return m_strNotNow; } } private static string m_strNotRecommended = @"(not recommended)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '(not recommended)'. /// public static string NotRecommended { get { return m_strNotRecommended; } } private static string m_strNoXslFile = @"The selected file isn't a valid XSL stylesheet."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The selected file isn't a valid XSL stylesheet.'. /// public static string NoXslFile { get { return m_strNoXslFile; } } private static string m_strObjectNotFound = @"The object with the specified name could not be found."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The object with the specified name could not be found.'. /// public static string ObjectNotFound { get { return m_strObjectNotFound; } } private static string m_strObjectsDeleted = @"{PARAM} object(s) deleted"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '{PARAM} object(s) deleted'. /// public static string ObjectsDeleted { get { return m_strObjectsDeleted; } } private static string m_strObjectsFound = @"{PARAM} object(s) found"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '{PARAM} object(s) found'. /// public static string ObjectsFound { get { return m_strObjectsFound; } } private static string m_strOff = @"Off"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Off'. /// public static string Off { get { return m_strOff; } } private static string m_strOfLower = @"of"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'of'. /// public static string OfLower { get { return m_strOfLower; } } private static string m_strOk = @"OK"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'OK'. /// public static string Ok { get { return m_strOk; } } private static string m_strOldFormat = @"Old Format"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Old Format'. /// public static string OldFormat { get { return m_strOldFormat; } } private static string m_strOn = @"On"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'On'. /// public static string On { get { return m_strOn; } } private static string m_strOpAborted = @"Operation aborted."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Operation aborted.'. /// public static string OpAborted { get { return m_strOpAborted; } } private static string m_strOpenCmd = @"&Open"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Open'. /// public static string OpenCmd { get { return m_strOpenCmd; } } private static string m_strOpenDatabase = @"Open Database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Open Database'. /// public static string OpenDatabase { get { return m_strOpenDatabase; } } private static string m_strOpenDatabaseFile = @"Open Database File"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Open Database File'. /// public static string OpenDatabaseFile { get { return m_strOpenDatabaseFile; } } private static string m_strOpenDatabaseFileStc = @"Open database file"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Open database file'. /// public static string OpenDatabaseFileStc { get { return m_strOpenDatabaseFileStc; } } private static string m_strOpened = @"Opened"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Opened'. /// public static string Opened { get { return m_strOpened; } } private static string m_strOpenedDatabaseFile = @"Opened database file"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Opened database file'. /// public static string OpenedDatabaseFile { get { return m_strOpenedDatabaseFile; } } private static string m_strOpeningDatabase2 = @"Opening database..."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Opening database...'. /// public static string OpeningDatabase2 { get { return m_strOpeningDatabase2; } } private static string m_strOpenUrl = @"&Open URL(s)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Open URL(s)'. /// public static string OpenUrl { get { return m_strOpenUrl; } } private static string m_strOpenWith = @"Open with {PARAM}"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Open with {PARAM}'. /// public static string OpenWith { get { return m_strOpenWith; } } private static string m_strOptimizeForScreenReader = @"Optimize for screen reader (activate only if you are using a screen reader)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Optimize for screen reader (activate only if you are using a screen reader)'. /// public static string OptimizeForScreenReader { get { return m_strOptimizeForScreenReader; } } private static string m_strOptionReqOn = @"For this operation, the following option must be turned on:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'For this operation, the following option must be turned on:'. /// public static string OptionReqOn { get { return m_strOptionReqOn; } } private static string m_strOptions = @"Options"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Options'. /// public static string Options { get { return m_strOptions; } } private static string m_strOptionsDesc = @"Here you can configure the global KeePass program options."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Here you can configure the global KeePass program options.'. /// public static string OptionsDesc { get { return m_strOptionsDesc; } } private static string m_strOtherPlaceholders = @"Other Placeholders"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Other Placeholders'. /// public static string OtherPlaceholders { get { return m_strOtherPlaceholders; } } private static string m_strOverridesBuiltIn = @"Built-In Overrides"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Built-In Overrides'. /// public static string OverridesBuiltIn { get { return m_strOverridesBuiltIn; } } private static string m_strOverridesCustom = @"Custom Overrides"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Custom Overrides'. /// public static string OverridesCustom { get { return m_strOverridesCustom; } } private static string m_strOverwrite = @"Overwrite"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Overwrite'. /// public static string Overwrite { get { return m_strOverwrite; } } private static string m_strOverwriteExisting = @"Overwrite &existing"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Overwrite &existing'. /// public static string OverwriteExisting { get { return m_strOverwriteExisting; } } private static string m_strOverwriteExistingFileQuestion = @"Overwrite the existing file?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Overwrite the existing file?'. /// public static string OverwriteExistingFileQuestion { get { return m_strOverwriteExistingFileQuestion; } } private static string m_strOverwriteIfNewer = @"Overwrite if &newer"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Overwrite if &newer'. /// public static string OverwriteIfNewer { get { return m_strOverwriteIfNewer; } } private static string m_strOverwriteIfNewerAndApplyDel = @"Overwrite if newer and apply &deletions"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Overwrite if newer and apply &deletions'. /// public static string OverwriteIfNewerAndApplyDel { get { return m_strOverwriteIfNewerAndApplyDel; } } private static string m_strPackageInstallHint = @"Install this package and try again."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Install this package and try again.'. /// public static string PackageInstallHint { get { return m_strPackageInstallHint; } } private static string m_strParallelism = @"Parallelism"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Parallelism'. /// public static string Parallelism { get { return m_strParallelism; } } private static string m_strParamDescHelp = @"Detailed descriptions of all parameters can be found in the help manual."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Detailed descriptions of all parameters can be found in the help manual.'. /// public static string ParamDescHelp { get { return m_strParamDescHelp; } } private static string m_strParameters = @"Parameters"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Parameters'. /// public static string Parameters { get { return m_strParameters; } } private static string m_strPassword = @"Password"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Password'. /// public static string Password { get { return m_strPassword; } } private static string m_strPasswordLength = @"Password length"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Password length'. /// public static string PasswordLength { get { return m_strPasswordLength; } } private static string m_strPasswordManagers = @"Password Managers"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Password Managers'. /// public static string PasswordManagers { get { return m_strPasswordManagers; } } private static string m_strPasswordOptions = @"Password Generation Options"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Password Generation Options'. /// public static string PasswordOptions { get { return m_strPasswordOptions; } } private static string m_strPasswordOptionsDesc = @"Here you can define properties of generated passwords."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Here you can define properties of generated passwords.'. /// public static string PasswordOptionsDesc { get { return m_strPasswordOptionsDesc; } } private static string m_strPasswordPrompt = @"Enter the password:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enter the password:'. /// public static string PasswordPrompt { get { return m_strPasswordPrompt; } } private static string m_strPasswordQuality = @"Password Quality"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Password Quality'. /// public static string PasswordQuality { get { return m_strPasswordQuality; } } private static string m_strPasswordQualityReport2 = @"Estimated quality of the entry passwords (excluding TANs)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Estimated quality of the entry passwords (excluding TANs).'. /// public static string PasswordQualityReport2 { get { return m_strPasswordQualityReport2; } } private static string m_strPasswordRepeatFailed = @"Password and repeated password aren't identical!"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Password and repeated password aren't identical!'. /// public static string PasswordRepeatFailed { get { return m_strPasswordRepeatFailed; } } private static string m_strPasswordRepeatHint = @"Repeat the password to prevent typing errors."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Repeat the password to prevent typing errors.'. /// public static string PasswordRepeatHint { get { return m_strPasswordRepeatHint; } } private static string m_strPaste = @"Paste"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Paste'. /// public static string Paste { get { return m_strPaste; } } private static string m_strPerformAutoType = @"Perform Auto-&Type"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Perform Auto-&Type'. /// public static string PerformAutoType { get { return m_strPerformAutoType; } } private static string m_strPerformGlobalAutoType = @"Perform global auto-type"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Perform global auto-type'. /// public static string PerformGlobalAutoType { get { return m_strPerformGlobalAutoType; } } private static string m_strPerformSelectedAutoType = @"Perform auto-type with selected entry"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Perform auto-type with selected entry'. /// public static string PerformSelectedAutoType { get { return m_strPerformSelectedAutoType; } } private static string m_strPeriodic = @"Periodic"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Periodic'. /// public static string Periodic { get { return m_strPeriodic; } } private static string m_strPickCharacters = @"Pick Characters"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Pick Characters'. /// public static string PickCharacters { get { return m_strPickCharacters; } } private static string m_strPickCharactersDesc = @"Select the requested character positions."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Select the requested character positions.'. /// public static string PickCharactersDesc { get { return m_strPickCharactersDesc; } } private static string m_strPickField = @"Pick Field"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Pick Field'. /// public static string PickField { get { return m_strPickField; } } private static string m_strPickFieldDesc = @"Choose a field whose value will be inserted."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Choose a field whose value will be inserted.'. /// public static string PickFieldDesc { get { return m_strPickFieldDesc; } } private static string m_strPickIcon = @"Pick an icon."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Pick an icon.'. /// public static string PickIcon { get { return m_strPickIcon; } } private static string m_strPlugin = @"Plugin"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Plugin'. /// public static string Plugin { get { return m_strPlugin; } } private static string m_strPlugin1x = @"This plugin appears to be a plugin for KeePass 1.x."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'This plugin appears to be a plugin for KeePass 1.x.'. /// public static string Plugin1x { get { return m_strPlugin1x; } } private static string m_strPlugin1xHint = @"KeePass 1.x plugins cannot be used together with KeePass 2.x and vice versa."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePass 1.x plugins cannot be used together with KeePass 2.x and vice versa.'. /// public static string Plugin1xHint { get { return m_strPlugin1xHint; } } private static string m_strPluginCacheClearInfo = @"The plugin cache will be cleared and rebuilt if necessary when KeePass is restarted."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The plugin cache will be cleared and rebuilt if necessary when KeePass is restarted.'. /// public static string PluginCacheClearInfo { get { return m_strPluginCacheClearInfo; } } private static string m_strPluginIncompatible = @"The following plugin is incompatible with the current KeePass version:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The following plugin is incompatible with the current KeePass version:'. /// public static string PluginIncompatible { get { return m_strPluginIncompatible; } } private static string m_strPluginLoadFailed = @"The plugin cannot be loaded."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The plugin cannot be loaded.'. /// public static string PluginLoadFailed { get { return m_strPluginLoadFailed; } } private static string m_strPluginMonoComplete = @"On some systems, the 'mono-complete' package may be required for plugins to work properly."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'On some systems, the 'mono-complete' package may be required for plugins to work properly.'. /// public static string PluginMonoComplete { get { return m_strPluginMonoComplete; } } private static string m_strPluginOperatingSystemUnsupported = @"The current operating system is unsupported by the plugin."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The current operating system is unsupported by the plugin.'. /// public static string PluginOperatingSystemUnsupported { get { return m_strPluginOperatingSystemUnsupported; } } private static string m_strPluginProvided = @"Provided by Plugins"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Provided by Plugins'. /// public static string PluginProvided { get { return m_strPluginProvided; } } private static string m_strPlugins = @"Plugins"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Plugins'. /// public static string Plugins { get { return m_strPlugins; } } private static string m_strPluginsCompilingAndLoading = @"Compiling and loading plugins..."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Compiling and loading plugins...'. /// public static string PluginsCompilingAndLoading { get { return m_strPluginsCompilingAndLoading; } } private static string m_strPluginsDesc = @"Here you can configure all loaded KeePass plugins."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Here you can configure all loaded KeePass plugins.'. /// public static string PluginsDesc { get { return m_strPluginsDesc; } } private static string m_strPluginUpdateHint = @"Have a look at the plugin's website for an appropriate version."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Have a look at the plugin's website for an appropriate version.'. /// public static string PluginUpdateHint { get { return m_strPluginUpdateHint; } } private static string m_strPolicyAutoTypeDesc = @"Allow auto-typing entries to other windows."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow auto-typing entries to other windows.'. /// public static string PolicyAutoTypeDesc { get { return m_strPolicyAutoTypeDesc; } } private static string m_strPolicyAutoTypeWithoutContextDesc = @"Allow auto-typing using the 'Perform Auto-Type' command (Ctrl+V)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow auto-typing using the 'Perform Auto-Type' command (Ctrl+V).'. /// public static string PolicyAutoTypeWithoutContextDesc { get { return m_strPolicyAutoTypeWithoutContextDesc; } } private static string m_strPolicyChangeMasterKey = @"Allow changing the master key of a database."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow changing the master key of a database.'. /// public static string PolicyChangeMasterKey { get { return m_strPolicyChangeMasterKey; } } private static string m_strPolicyChangeMasterKeyNoKeyDesc = @"Do not require entering current master key before changing it."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do not require entering current master key before changing it.'. /// public static string PolicyChangeMasterKeyNoKeyDesc { get { return m_strPolicyChangeMasterKeyNoKeyDesc; } } private static string m_strPolicyClipboardDesc = @"Allow copying entry information to clipboard (main window only)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow copying entry information to clipboard (main window only).'. /// public static string PolicyClipboardDesc { get { return m_strPolicyClipboardDesc; } } private static string m_strPolicyCopyWholeEntriesDesc = @"Allow copying whole entries to clipboard."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow copying whole entries to clipboard.'. /// public static string PolicyCopyWholeEntriesDesc { get { return m_strPolicyCopyWholeEntriesDesc; } } private static string m_strPolicyDisallowed = @"This operation is disallowed by the application policy. Ask your administrator to allow this operation."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'This operation is disallowed by the application policy. Ask your administrator to allow this operation.'. /// public static string PolicyDisallowed { get { return m_strPolicyDisallowed; } } private static string m_strPolicyDragDropDesc = @"Allow sending information to other windows using drag&drop."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow sending information to other windows using drag&drop.'. /// public static string PolicyDragDropDesc { get { return m_strPolicyDragDropDesc; } } private static string m_strPolicyExportDesc2 = @"Allow exporting entries."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow exporting entries.'. /// public static string PolicyExportDesc2 { get { return m_strPolicyExportDesc2; } } private static string m_strPolicyExportNoKeyDesc = @"Do not require entering current master key before exporting."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do not require entering current master key before exporting.'. /// public static string PolicyExportNoKeyDesc { get { return m_strPolicyExportNoKeyDesc; } } private static string m_strPolicyImportDesc = @"Allow importing entries from external files."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow importing entries from external files.'. /// public static string PolicyImportDesc { get { return m_strPolicyImportDesc; } } private static string m_strPolicyNewDatabaseDesc = @"Allow creating new database files."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow creating new database files.'. /// public static string PolicyNewDatabaseDesc { get { return m_strPolicyNewDatabaseDesc; } } private static string m_strPolicyPluginsDesc = @"Allow loading plugins to extend KeePass functionality."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow loading plugins to extend KeePass functionality.'. /// public static string PolicyPluginsDesc { get { return m_strPolicyPluginsDesc; } } private static string m_strPolicyPrintDesc = @"Allow printing entry lists."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow printing entry lists.'. /// public static string PolicyPrintDesc { get { return m_strPolicyPrintDesc; } } private static string m_strPolicyPrintNoKeyDesc = @"Do not require entering current master key before printing."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do not require entering current master key before printing.'. /// public static string PolicyPrintNoKeyDesc { get { return m_strPolicyPrintNoKeyDesc; } } private static string m_strPolicyRequiredFlag = @"The following policy flag is required"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The following policy flag is required'. /// public static string PolicyRequiredFlag { get { return m_strPolicyRequiredFlag; } } private static string m_strPolicySaveDatabaseDesc = @"Allow saving databases to disk/URL."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow saving databases to disk/URL.'. /// public static string PolicySaveDatabaseDesc { get { return m_strPolicySaveDatabaseDesc; } } private static string m_strPolicyTriggersEditDesc = @"Allow editing triggers."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow editing triggers.'. /// public static string PolicyTriggersEditDesc { get { return m_strPolicyTriggersEditDesc; } } private static string m_strPreReleaseVersion = @"Pre-release version"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Pre-release version'. /// public static string PreReleaseVersion { get { return m_strPreReleaseVersion; } } private static string m_strPrint = @"Print"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Print'. /// public static string Print { get { return m_strPrint; } } private static string m_strPrintDesc = @"Print password entries."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Print password entries.'. /// public static string PrintDesc { get { return m_strPrintDesc; } } private static string m_strPrivate = @"Private"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Private'. /// public static string Private { get { return m_strPrivate; } } private static string m_strProfessional = @"Professional"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Professional'. /// public static string Professional { get { return m_strProfessional; } } private static string m_strProfileDelete = @"Delete Profile"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Delete Profile'. /// public static string ProfileDelete { get { return m_strProfileDelete; } } private static string m_strProfileDeleteDesc = @"Delete the selected profile."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Delete the selected profile.'. /// public static string ProfileDeleteDesc { get { return m_strProfileDeleteDesc; } } private static string m_strProfileSave = @"Save as Profile"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save as Profile'. /// public static string ProfileSave { get { return m_strProfileSave; } } private static string m_strProfileSaveDesc = @"Save the current settings as a profile."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save the current settings as a profile.'. /// public static string ProfileSaveDesc { get { return m_strProfileSaveDesc; } } private static string m_strProfileSavePrompt = @"Enter a name for the new profile or select an existing profile to overwrite it:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enter a name for the new profile or select an existing profile to overwrite it:'. /// public static string ProfileSavePrompt { get { return m_strProfileSavePrompt; } } private static string m_strQuality = @"Quality"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Quality'. /// public static string Quality { get { return m_strQuality; } } private static string m_strQualityCheckToggle = @"Enable/disable quality estimation for this entry (here, in password quality reports, ...)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enable/disable quality estimation for this entry (here, in password quality reports, ...)'. /// public static string QualityCheckToggle { get { return m_strQualityCheckToggle; } } private static string m_strQuick = @"Quick"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Quick'. /// public static string Quick { get { return m_strQuick; } } private static string m_strQuickSearchDerefData = @"Resolve field references in quick searches"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Resolve field references in quick searches'. /// public static string QuickSearchDerefData { get { return m_strQuickSearchDerefData; } } private static string m_strQuickSearchExclExpired = @"Exclude expired entries in quick searches"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Exclude expired entries in quick searches'. /// public static string QuickSearchExclExpired { get { return m_strQuickSearchExclExpired; } } private static string m_strQuickSearchInPwFields = @"Search for passwords in quick searches"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Search for passwords in quick searches'. /// public static string QuickSearchInPwFields { get { return m_strQuickSearchInPwFields; } } private static string m_strQuickSearchQ = @"Would you like to perform a quick search?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Would you like to perform a quick search?'. /// public static string QuickSearchQ { get { return m_strQuickSearchQ; } } private static string m_strQuickSearchTb = @"Quick Search (Toolbar)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Quick Search (Toolbar)'. /// public static string QuickSearchTb { get { return m_strQuickSearchTb; } } private static string m_strRandomMacAddress = @"Random MAC Address"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Random MAC Address'. /// public static string RandomMacAddress { get { return m_strRandomMacAddress; } } private static string m_strReady = @"Ready."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Ready.'. /// public static string Ready { get { return m_strReady; } } private static string m_strRecommended = @"recommended"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'recommended'. /// public static string Recommended { get { return m_strRecommended; } } private static string m_strRecommendedCmd = @"&Recommended"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Recommended'. /// public static string RecommendedCmd { get { return m_strRecommendedCmd; } } private static string m_strRecycleBin = @"Recycle Bin"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Recycle Bin'. /// public static string RecycleBin { get { return m_strRecycleBin; } } private static string m_strRecycleBinCollapse = @"Collapse newly-created recycle bin tree node"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Collapse newly-created recycle bin tree node'. /// public static string RecycleBinCollapse { get { return m_strRecycleBinCollapse; } } private static string m_strRecycleEntryConfirm = @"Are you sure you want to move the selected entries to the recycle bin?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Are you sure you want to move the selected entries to the recycle bin?'. /// public static string RecycleEntryConfirm { get { return m_strRecycleEntryConfirm; } } private static string m_strRecycleEntryConfirmSingle = @"Are you sure you want to move the selected entry to the recycle bin?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Are you sure you want to move the selected entry to the recycle bin?'. /// public static string RecycleEntryConfirmSingle { get { return m_strRecycleEntryConfirmSingle; } } private static string m_strRecycleGroupConfirm = @"Are you sure you want to move the selected group to the recycle bin?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Are you sure you want to move the selected group to the recycle bin?'. /// public static string RecycleGroupConfirm { get { return m_strRecycleGroupConfirm; } } private static string m_strRecycleMoveInfo = @"At least one of the selected entries/groups will be moved into/within the recycle bin."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'At least one of the selected entries/groups will be moved into/within the recycle bin.'. /// public static string RecycleMoveInfo { get { return m_strRecycleMoveInfo; } } private static string m_strRecycleShowConfirm = @"Show confirmation dialog when moving entries/groups to the recycle bin"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show confirmation dialog when moving entries/groups to the recycle bin'. /// public static string RecycleShowConfirm { get { return m_strRecycleShowConfirm; } } private static string m_strRedo = @"Redo"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Redo'. /// public static string Redo { get { return m_strRedo; } } private static string m_strRememberHidingPasswordsEntry = @"Remember password hiding setting in the entry editing dialog"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Remember password hiding setting in the entry editing dialog'. /// public static string RememberHidingPasswordsEntry { get { return m_strRememberHidingPasswordsEntry; } } private static string m_strRememberHidingPasswordsMain = @"Remember password hiding setting in the main window"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Remember password hiding setting in the main window'. /// public static string RememberHidingPasswordsMain { get { return m_strRememberHidingPasswordsMain; } } private static string m_strRememberKeySources = @"Remember key sources (key file paths, provider names, ...)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Remember key sources (key file paths, provider names, ...)'. /// public static string RememberKeySources { get { return m_strRememberKeySources; } } private static string m_strRememberWorkingDirectories = @"Remember working directories"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Remember working directories'. /// public static string RememberWorkingDirectories { get { return m_strRememberWorkingDirectories; } } private static string m_strRemoteHostReachable = @"Remote host is reachable (ping)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Remote host is reachable (ping)'. /// public static string RemoteHostReachable { get { return m_strRemoteHostReachable; } } private static string m_strRepairCmd = @"&Repair"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Repair'. /// public static string RepairCmd { get { return m_strRepairCmd; } } private static string m_strRepairMode = @"Repair Mode"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Repair Mode'. /// public static string RepairMode { get { return m_strRepairMode; } } private static string m_strRepairModeInt = @"In repair mode, the integrity of the data is not checked (in order to rescue as much data as possible). When no integrity checks are performed, corrupted/malicious data might be incorporated into the database."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'In repair mode, the integrity of the data is not checked (in order to rescue as much data as possible). When no integrity checks are performed, corrupted/malicious data might be incorporated into the database.'. /// public static string RepairModeInt { get { return m_strRepairModeInt; } } private static string m_strRepairModeQ = @"Are you sure you want to attempt to repair the selected file?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Are you sure you want to attempt to repair the selected file?'. /// public static string RepairModeQ { get { return m_strRepairModeQ; } } private static string m_strRepairModeUse = @"Thus the repair functionality should only be used when there really is no other solution. If you use it, afterwards you should thoroughly check your whole database for corrupted/malicious data."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Thus the repair functionality should only be used when there really is no other solution. If you use it, afterwards you should thoroughly check your whole database for corrupted/malicious data.'. /// public static string RepairModeUse { get { return m_strRepairModeUse; } } private static string m_strRepeatOnlyWhenHidden = @"Require password repetition only when hiding using asterisks is enabled"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Require password repetition only when hiding using asterisks is enabled'. /// public static string RepeatOnlyWhenHidden { get { return m_strRepeatOnlyWhenHidden; } } private static string m_strReplace = @"Replace"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Replace'. /// public static string Replace { get { return m_strReplace; } } private static string m_strReplaceNo = @"Do not replace"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do not replace'. /// public static string ReplaceNo { get { return m_strReplaceNo; } } private static string m_strRestartKeePassQuestion = @"Do you wish to restart KeePass now?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do you wish to restart KeePass now?'. /// public static string RestartKeePassQuestion { get { return m_strRestartKeePassQuestion; } } private static string m_strRestore = @"Restore"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Restore'. /// public static string Restore { get { return m_strRestore; } } private static string m_strRetry = @"Retry"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Retry'. /// public static string Retry { get { return m_strRetry; } } private static string m_strRetryCmd = @"&Retry"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Retry'. /// public static string RetryCmd { get { return m_strRetryCmd; } } private static string m_strRootDirectory = @"Root Directory"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Root Directory'. /// public static string RootDirectory { get { return m_strRootDirectory; } } private static string m_strSameKeybLayout = @"Ensure same keyboard layouts during auto-type"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Ensure same keyboard layouts during auto-type'. /// public static string SameKeybLayout { get { return m_strSameKeybLayout; } } private static string m_strSampleEntry = @"Sample Entry"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Sample Entry'. /// public static string SampleEntry { get { return m_strSampleEntry; } } private static string m_strSave = @"Save"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save'. /// public static string Save { get { return m_strSave; } } private static string m_strSaveBeforeCloseEntry = @"Do you want to save the changes you have made to this entry?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do you want to save the changes you have made to this entry?'. /// public static string SaveBeforeCloseEntry { get { return m_strSaveBeforeCloseEntry; } } private static string m_strSaveBeforeCloseQuestion = @"Do you want to save the changes before closing?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do you want to save the changes before closing?'. /// public static string SaveBeforeCloseQuestion { get { return m_strSaveBeforeCloseQuestion; } } private static string m_strSaveBeforeCloseTitle = @"KeePass - Save Before Close/Lock?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePass - Save Before Close/Lock?'. /// public static string SaveBeforeCloseTitle { get { return m_strSaveBeforeCloseTitle; } } private static string m_strSaveCmd = @"&Save"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Save'. /// public static string SaveCmd { get { return m_strSaveCmd; } } private static string m_strSaveDatabase = @"Save Database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save Database'. /// public static string SaveDatabase { get { return m_strSaveDatabase; } } private static string m_strSaveDatabaseStc = @"Save active database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save active database'. /// public static string SaveDatabaseStc { get { return m_strSaveDatabaseStc; } } private static string m_strSavedDatabaseFile = @"Saved database file"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Saved database file'. /// public static string SavedDatabaseFile { get { return m_strSavedDatabaseFile; } } private static string m_strSaveForceSync = @"Do not ask whether to synchronize or overwrite; force synchronization"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Do not ask whether to synchronize or overwrite; force synchronization'. /// public static string SaveForceSync { get { return m_strSaveForceSync; } } private static string m_strSavingDatabase = @"Saving database..."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Saving database...'. /// public static string SavingDatabase { get { return m_strSavingDatabase; } } private static string m_strSavingDatabaseFile = @"Saving database file"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Saving database file'. /// public static string SavingDatabaseFile { get { return m_strSavingDatabaseFile; } } private static string m_strSavingPost = @"after saving"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'after saving'. /// public static string SavingPost { get { return m_strSavingPost; } } private static string m_strSavingPre = @"before saving"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'before saving'. /// public static string SavingPre { get { return m_strSavingPre; } } private static string m_strScheme = @"Scheme"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Scheme'. /// public static string Scheme { get { return m_strScheme; } } private static string m_strSearch = @"Search..."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Search...'. /// public static string Search { get { return m_strSearch; } } private static string m_strSearchDesc2 = @"Search the database for entries."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Search the database for entries.'. /// public static string SearchDesc2 { get { return m_strSearchDesc2; } } private static string m_strSearchEntriesFound = @"{PARAM} entries found"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '{PARAM} entries found'. /// public static string SearchEntriesFound { get { return m_strSearchEntriesFound; } } private static string m_strSearchEntriesFound1 = @"1 entry found"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '1 entry found'. /// public static string SearchEntriesFound1 { get { return m_strSearchEntriesFound1; } } private static string m_strSearchGroupName = @"Search Results"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Search Results'. /// public static string SearchGroupName { get { return m_strSearchGroupName; } } private static string m_strSearchingOp = @"Searching"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Searching'. /// public static string SearchingOp { get { return m_strSearchingOp; } } private static string m_strSearchKeyFiles = @"Automatically search key files"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Automatically search key files'. /// public static string SearchKeyFiles { get { return m_strSearchKeyFiles; } } private static string m_strSearchKeyFilesAlsoOnRemovable = @"Automatically search key files also on removable media"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Automatically search key files also on removable media'. /// public static string SearchKeyFilesAlsoOnRemovable { get { return m_strSearchKeyFilesAlsoOnRemovable; } } private static string m_strSearchQuickPrompt = @"Type to search the database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Type to search the database'. /// public static string SearchQuickPrompt { get { return m_strSearchQuickPrompt; } } private static string m_strSearchResultsInSeparator = @"in"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'in'. /// public static string SearchResultsInSeparator { get { return m_strSearchResultsInSeparator; } } private static string m_strSearchTitle = @"Find"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Find'. /// public static string SearchTitle { get { return m_strSearchTitle; } } private static string m_strSecDeskFileDialogHint = @"Note: KeePass shows this simple file browser dialog, because standard Windows file dialogs cannot be shown on the secure desktop for security reasons."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Note: KeePass shows this simple file browser dialog, because standard Windows file dialogs cannot be shown on the secure desktop for security reasons.'. /// public static string SecDeskFileDialogHint { get { return m_strSecDeskFileDialogHint; } } private static string m_strSecDeskOtherSwitched = @"An application has switched from the secure desktop to a different desktop."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'An application has switched from the secure desktop to a different desktop.'. /// public static string SecDeskOtherSwitched { get { return m_strSecDeskOtherSwitched; } } private static string m_strSecDeskPlaySound = @"Play UAC sound when switching to secure desktop"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Play UAC sound when switching to secure desktop'. /// public static string SecDeskPlaySound { get { return m_strSecDeskPlaySound; } } private static string m_strSecDeskSwitchBack = @"Click [OK] to switch back to the secure desktop."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Click [OK] to switch back to the secure desktop.'. /// public static string SecDeskSwitchBack { get { return m_strSecDeskSwitchBack; } } private static string m_strSelectAll = @"Select All"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Select All'. /// public static string SelectAll { get { return m_strSelectAll; } } private static string m_strSelectColor = @"Select Color"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Select Color'. /// public static string SelectColor { get { return m_strSelectColor; } } private static string m_strSelectDifferentGroup = @"Please select a different group."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Please select a different group.'. /// public static string SelectDifferentGroup { get { return m_strSelectDifferentGroup; } } private static string m_strSelectedColumn = @"Selected column"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Selected column'. /// public static string SelectedColumn { get { return m_strSelectedColumn; } } private static string m_strSelectedGroup = @"Selected Group"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Selected Group'. /// public static string SelectedGroup { get { return m_strSelectedGroup; } } private static string m_strSelectedLower = @"selected"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'selected'. /// public static string SelectedLower { get { return m_strSelectedLower; } } private static string m_strSelectFile = @"Select a file."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Select a file.'. /// public static string SelectFile { get { return m_strSelectFile; } } private static string m_strSelectIcon = @"Select an icon"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Select an icon'. /// public static string SelectIcon { get { return m_strSelectIcon; } } private static string m_strSelectLanguage = @"Select Language"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Select Language'. /// public static string SelectLanguage { get { return m_strSelectLanguage; } } private static string m_strSelectLanguageDesc = @"Here you can change the user interface language."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Here you can change the user interface language.'. /// public static string SelectLanguageDesc { get { return m_strSelectLanguageDesc; } } private static string m_strSelfTestFailed = @"One or more of the KeePass self-tests failed."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'One or more of the KeePass self-tests failed.'. /// public static string SelfTestFailed { get { return m_strSelfTestFailed; } } private static string m_strSendingNoun = @"Sending"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Sending'. /// public static string SendingNoun { get { return m_strSendingNoun; } } private static string m_strSeparator = @"Separator"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Separator'. /// public static string Separator { get { return m_strSeparator; } } private static string m_strSequence = @"Sequence"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Sequence'. /// public static string Sequence { get { return m_strSequence; } } private static string m_strSequences = @"Sequences"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Sequences'. /// public static string Sequences { get { return m_strSequences; } } private static string m_strShowAdvAutoTypeCommands = @"Show additional auto-type menu commands"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show additional auto-type menu commands'. /// public static string ShowAdvAutoTypeCommands { get { return m_strShowAdvAutoTypeCommands; } } private static string m_strShowDerefData = @"Show dereferenced data"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show dereferenced data'. /// public static string ShowDerefData { get { return m_strShowDerefData; } } private static string m_strShowDerefDataAndRefs = @"When showing dereferenced data, additionally show references"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'When showing dereferenced data, additionally show references'. /// public static string ShowDerefDataAndRefs { get { return m_strShowDerefDataAndRefs; } } private static string m_strShowDerefDataAsync = @"Show dereferenced data asynchronously"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show dereferenced data asynchronously'. /// public static string ShowDerefDataAsync { get { return m_strShowDerefDataAsync; } } private static string m_strShowEntriesByTag = @"Show entries by tag"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show entries by tag'. /// public static string ShowEntriesByTag { get { return m_strShowEntriesByTag; } } private static string m_strShowFullPathInTitleBar = @"Show full path in title bar (instead of file name only)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show full path in title bar (instead of file name only)'. /// public static string ShowFullPathInTitleBar { get { return m_strShowFullPathInTitleBar; } } private static string m_strShowIn = @"Show in"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show in'. /// public static string ShowIn { get { return m_strShowIn; } } private static string m_strShowMessageBox = @"Show message box"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show message box'. /// public static string ShowMessageBox { get { return m_strShowMessageBox; } } private static string m_strShowMore = @"Show more"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show more'. /// public static string ShowMore { get { return m_strShowMore; } } private static string m_strSimilarPasswords = @"Similar Passwords"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Similar Passwords'. /// public static string SimilarPasswords { get { return m_strSimilarPasswords; } } private static string m_strSimilarPasswordsGroup = @"Entries using similar passwords (similarity: {PARAM}):"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Entries using similar passwords (similarity: {PARAM}):'. /// public static string SimilarPasswordsGroup { get { return m_strSimilarPasswordsGroup; } } private static string m_strSimilarPasswordsList2 = @"List of entries that are using similar passwords (excluding TANs)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'List of entries that are using similar passwords (excluding TANs).'. /// public static string SimilarPasswordsList2 { get { return m_strSimilarPasswordsList2; } } private static string m_strSimilarPasswordsNoDup = @"The list shows entries that are using similar, but not identical passwords. For finding entries that are using the same passwords, use the 'Duplicate Passwords' command (in the main menu)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The list shows entries that are using similar, but not identical passwords. For finding entries that are using the same passwords, use the 'Duplicate Passwords' command (in the main menu).'. /// public static string SimilarPasswordsNoDup { get { return m_strSimilarPasswordsNoDup; } } private static string m_strSize = @"Size"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Size'. /// public static string Size { get { return m_strSize; } } private static string m_strSkip = @"Skip"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Skip'. /// public static string Skip { get { return m_strSkip; } } private static string m_strSlow = @"slow"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'slow'. /// public static string Slow { get { return m_strSlow; } } private static string m_strSoonToExpireEntries = @"Expired Entries and Entries That Will Expire Soon"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Expired Entries and Entries That Will Expire Soon'. /// public static string SoonToExpireEntries { get { return m_strSoonToExpireEntries; } } private static string m_strSource = @"Source"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Source'. /// public static string Source { get { return m_strSource; } } private static string m_strSpecialKeys = @"Special Keys"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Special Keys'. /// public static string SpecialKeys { get { return m_strSpecialKeys; } } private static string m_strSslCertsAcceptInvalid = @"Accept invalid SSL certificates (self-signed, expired, ...)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Accept invalid SSL certificates (self-signed, expired, ...)'. /// public static string SslCertsAcceptInvalid { get { return m_strSslCertsAcceptInvalid; } } private static string m_strStandardExpireSelect = @"Select one of the standard expiry times"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Select one of the standard expiry times'. /// public static string StandardExpireSelect { get { return m_strStandardExpireSelect; } } private static string m_strStandardFields = @"Standard Fields"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Standard Fields'. /// public static string StandardFields { get { return m_strStandardFields; } } private static string m_strStartAndExit = @"Start and Exit"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Start and Exit'. /// public static string StartAndExit { get { return m_strStartAndExit; } } private static string m_strStartMinimizedAndLocked = @"Start minimized and locked"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Start minimized and locked'. /// public static string StartMinimizedAndLocked { get { return m_strStartMinimizedAndLocked; } } private static string m_strStartsWith = @"Starts with"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Starts with'. /// public static string StartsWith { get { return m_strStartsWith; } } private static string m_strStatus = @"Status"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Status'. /// public static string Status { get { return m_strStatus; } } private static string m_strStrikeout = @"Strikeout"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Strikeout'. /// public static string Strikeout { get { return m_strStrikeout; } } private static string m_strString = @"String"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'String'. /// public static string String { get { return m_strString; } } private static string m_strSuccess = @"Success."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Success.'. /// public static string Success { get { return m_strSuccess; } } private static string m_strSyncFailed = @"Synchronization failed."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Synchronization failed.'. /// public static string SyncFailed { get { return m_strSyncFailed; } } private static string m_strSynchronize = @"Synchronize"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Synchronize'. /// public static string Synchronize { get { return m_strSynchronize; } } private static string m_strSynchronizedDatabaseFile = @"Synchronized database file"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Synchronized database file'. /// public static string SynchronizedDatabaseFile { get { return m_strSynchronizedDatabaseFile; } } private static string m_strSynchronizeStc = @"Synchronize active database with a file/URL"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Synchronize active database with a file/URL'. /// public static string SynchronizeStc { get { return m_strSynchronizeStc; } } private static string m_strSynchronizing = @"Synchronizing..."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Synchronizing...'. /// public static string Synchronizing { get { return m_strSynchronizing; } } private static string m_strSynchronizingDatabaseFile = @"Synchronizing database file"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Synchronizing database file'. /// public static string SynchronizingDatabaseFile { get { return m_strSynchronizingDatabaseFile; } } private static string m_strSynchronizingHint = @"Make sure that the two databases use the same master key. This is required for a synchronization."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Make sure that the two databases use the same master key. This is required for a synchronization.'. /// public static string SynchronizingHint { get { return m_strSynchronizingHint; } } private static string m_strSyncSuccess = @"Synchronization completed successfully."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Synchronization completed successfully.'. /// public static string SyncSuccess { get { return m_strSyncSuccess; } } private static string m_strSystem = @"System"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'System'. /// public static string System { get { return m_strSystem; } } private static string m_strSystemCodePage = @"System Code Page"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'System Code Page'. /// public static string SystemCodePage { get { return m_strSystemCodePage; } } private static string m_strTag = @"Tag"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Tag'. /// public static string Tag { get { return m_strTag; } } private static string m_strTagAddNew = @"Add a new tag."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Add a new tag.'. /// public static string TagAddNew { get { return m_strTagAddNew; } } private static string m_strTagNew = @"New Tag"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'New Tag'. /// public static string TagNew { get { return m_strTagNew; } } private static string m_strTags = @"Tags"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Tags'. /// public static string Tags { get { return m_strTags; } } private static string m_strTagsAddRemove = @"Add/remove tags"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Add/remove tags'. /// public static string TagsAddRemove { get { return m_strTagsAddRemove; } } private static string m_strTagsInheritedCount = @"{PARAM} inherited tag(s)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '{PARAM} inherited tag(s)'. /// public static string TagsInheritedCount { get { return m_strTagsInheritedCount; } } private static string m_strTagsNotFound = @"No tags found"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'No tags found'. /// public static string TagsNotFound { get { return m_strTagsNotFound; } } private static string m_strTanExpiresOnUse = @"Mark TAN entries as expired when using them"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Mark TAN entries as expired when using them'. /// public static string TanExpiresOnUse { get { return m_strTanExpiresOnUse; } } private static string m_strTanWizard = @"TAN Wizard"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'TAN Wizard'. /// public static string TanWizard { get { return m_strTanWizard; } } private static string m_strTanWizardDesc = @"With this TAN wizard you can easily add TAN entries."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'With this TAN wizard you can easily add TAN entries.'. /// public static string TanWizardDesc { get { return m_strTanWizardDesc; } } private static string m_strTargetWindow = @"Target Window"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Target Window'. /// public static string TargetWindow { get { return m_strTargetWindow; } } private static string m_strTemplatesNotFound = @"No templates found"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'No templates found'. /// public static string TemplatesNotFound { get { return m_strTemplatesNotFound; } } private static string m_strTestSuccess = @"Test succeeded!"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Test succeeded!'. /// public static string TestSuccess { get { return m_strTestSuccess; } } private static string m_strText = @"Text"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Text'. /// public static string Text { get { return m_strText; } } private static string m_strTextColor = @"Text Color"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Text Color'. /// public static string TextColor { get { return m_strTextColor; } } private static string m_strTextViewer = @"Text Viewer"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Text Viewer'. /// public static string TextViewer { get { return m_strTextViewer; } } private static string m_strTime = @"Time"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Time'. /// public static string Time { get { return m_strTime; } } private static string m_strTimeReq = @"may take some time"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'may take some time'. /// public static string TimeReq { get { return m_strTimeReq; } } private static string m_strTimerRestartOnActivity = @"Restart timer on KeePass activity"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Restart timer on KeePass activity'. /// public static string TimerRestartOnActivity { get { return m_strTimerRestartOnActivity; } } private static string m_strTimeSpan = @"Time span"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Time span'. /// public static string TimeSpan { get { return m_strTimeSpan; } } private static string m_strTitle = @"Title"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Title'. /// public static string Title { get { return m_strTitle; } } private static string m_strToggle = @"Toggle"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Toggle'. /// public static string Toggle { get { return m_strToggle; } } private static string m_strTogglePasswordAsterisks = @"Show/hide password using asterisks"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show/hide password using asterisks'. /// public static string TogglePasswordAsterisks { get { return m_strTogglePasswordAsterisks; } } private static string m_strToolBarNew = @"New..."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'New...'. /// public static string ToolBarNew { get { return m_strToolBarNew; } } private static string m_strToolBarOpen = @"Open..."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Open...'. /// public static string ToolBarOpen { get { return m_strToolBarOpen; } } private static string m_strToolBarSaveAll = @"Save All"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save All'. /// public static string ToolBarSaveAll { get { return m_strToolBarSaveAll; } } private static string m_strTooManyFilesError = @"Too many files have been selected. Select smaller groups and repeat the current procedure a few times."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Too many files have been selected. Select smaller groups and repeat the current procedure a few times.'. /// public static string TooManyFilesError { get { return m_strTooManyFilesError; } } private static string m_strTransformTime = @"The key transformation took {PARAM} seconds."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The key transformation took {PARAM} seconds.'. /// public static string TransformTime { get { return m_strTransformTime; } } private static string m_strTrayIcon = @"Tray Icon"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Tray Icon'. /// public static string TrayIcon { get { return m_strTrayIcon; } } private static string m_strTrayIconGray = @"Use gray tray icon"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Use gray tray icon'. /// public static string TrayIconGray { get { return m_strTrayIconGray; } } private static string m_strTrayIconSingleClick = @"Single click instead of double click for default tray icon action"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Single click instead of double click for default tray icon action'. /// public static string TrayIconSingleClick { get { return m_strTrayIconSingleClick; } } private static string m_strTreeViewShowLines = @"Show lines between nodes in tree views"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Show lines between nodes in tree views'. /// public static string TreeViewShowLines { get { return m_strTreeViewShowLines; } } private static string m_strTrigger = @"Trigger"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Trigger'. /// public static string Trigger { get { return m_strTrigger; } } private static string m_strTriggerActionTypeUnknown = @"The trigger action type is unknown."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The trigger action type is unknown.'. /// public static string TriggerActionTypeUnknown { get { return m_strTriggerActionTypeUnknown; } } private static string m_strTriggerAdd = @"Add Trigger"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Add Trigger'. /// public static string TriggerAdd { get { return m_strTriggerAdd; } } private static string m_strTriggerAddDesc = @"Create a new workflow automation."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Create a new workflow automation.'. /// public static string TriggerAddDesc { get { return m_strTriggerAddDesc; } } private static string m_strTriggerConditionTypeUnknown = @"The trigger condition type is unknown."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The trigger condition type is unknown.'. /// public static string TriggerConditionTypeUnknown { get { return m_strTriggerConditionTypeUnknown; } } private static string m_strTriggerEdit = @"Edit Trigger"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Edit Trigger'. /// public static string TriggerEdit { get { return m_strTriggerEdit; } } private static string m_strTriggerEditDesc = @"Modify an existing workflow automation."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Modify an existing workflow automation.'. /// public static string TriggerEditDesc { get { return m_strTriggerEditDesc; } } private static string m_strTriggerEventTypeUnknown = @"The trigger event type is unknown."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The trigger event type is unknown.'. /// public static string TriggerEventTypeUnknown { get { return m_strTriggerEventTypeUnknown; } } private static string m_strTriggerExecutionFailed = @"Trigger execution failed"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Trigger execution failed'. /// public static string TriggerExecutionFailed { get { return m_strTriggerExecutionFailed; } } private static string m_strTriggering = @"Triggering"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Triggering'. /// public static string Triggering { get { return m_strTriggering; } } private static string m_strTriggerName = @"Trigger name"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Trigger name'. /// public static string TriggerName { get { return m_strTriggerName; } } private static string m_strTriggers = @"Triggers"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Triggers'. /// public static string Triggers { get { return m_strTriggers; } } private static string m_strTriggersDesc = @"Automate workflows using the trigger system."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Automate workflows using the trigger system.'. /// public static string TriggersDesc { get { return m_strTriggersDesc; } } private static string m_strTriggersEdit = @"Edit Triggers"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Edit Triggers'. /// public static string TriggersEdit { get { return m_strTriggersEdit; } } private static string m_strTriggerStateChange = @"Change trigger on/off state"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Change trigger on/off state'. /// public static string TriggerStateChange { get { return m_strTriggerStateChange; } } private static string m_strType = @"Type"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Type'. /// public static string Type { get { return m_strType; } } private static string m_strTypeUnknownHint = @"A newer KeePass version or a plugin might be required for this type."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'A newer KeePass version or a plugin might be required for this type.'. /// public static string TypeUnknownHint { get { return m_strTypeUnknownHint; } } private static string m_strUnderline = @"Underline"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Underline'. /// public static string Underline { get { return m_strUnderline; } } private static string m_strUndo = @"Undo"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Undo'. /// public static string Undo { get { return m_strUndo; } } private static string m_strUnhidePasswords = @"Unhide Passwords"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Unhide Passwords'. /// public static string UnhidePasswords { get { return m_strUnhidePasswords; } } private static string m_strUnhidePasswordsDesc = @"Allow displaying passwords as plain-text."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Allow displaying passwords as plain-text.'. /// public static string UnhidePasswordsDesc { get { return m_strUnhidePasswordsDesc; } } private static string m_strUnhideSourceCharactersToo = @"Unhide button also unhides source characters"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Unhide button also unhides source characters'. /// public static string UnhideSourceCharactersToo { get { return m_strUnhideSourceCharactersToo; } } private static string m_strUnknown = @"Unknown"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Unknown'. /// public static string Unknown { get { return m_strUnknown; } } private static string m_strUnsupportedByMono = @"unsupported by Mono"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'unsupported by Mono'. /// public static string UnsupportedByMono { get { return m_strUnsupportedByMono; } } private static string m_strUpdateCheck = @"Update Check"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Update Check'. /// public static string UpdateCheck { get { return m_strUpdateCheck; } } private static string m_strUpdateCheckEnableQ = @"Enable automatic update check?"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enable automatic update check?'. /// public static string UpdateCheckEnableQ { get { return m_strUpdateCheckEnableQ; } } private static string m_strUpdateCheckFailedNoDl = @"Update check failed. Version information file cannot be downloaded."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Update check failed. Version information file cannot be downloaded.'. /// public static string UpdateCheckFailedNoDl { get { return m_strUpdateCheckFailedNoDl; } } private static string m_strUpdateCheckInfo = @"KeePass can automatically check for updates on each program start."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePass can automatically check for updates on each program start.'. /// public static string UpdateCheckInfo { get { return m_strUpdateCheckInfo; } } private static string m_strUpdateCheckInfoPriv = @"No personal information is sent to the KeePass web server. KeePass just downloads a small version information file and compares the available version with the installed version."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'No personal information is sent to the KeePass web server. KeePass just downloads a small version information file and compares the available version with the installed version.'. /// public static string UpdateCheckInfoPriv { get { return m_strUpdateCheckInfoPriv; } } private static string m_strUpdateCheckInfoRes = @"Automatic update checks are performed unintrusively in the background. A notification is only displayed when an update is available. Updates are not downloaded or installed automatically."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Automatic update checks are performed unintrusively in the background. A notification is only displayed when an update is available. Updates are not downloaded or installed automatically.'. /// public static string UpdateCheckInfoRes { get { return m_strUpdateCheckInfoRes; } } private static string m_strUpdateCheckResults = @"The results of the update check."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The results of the update check.'. /// public static string UpdateCheckResults { get { return m_strUpdateCheckResults; } } private static string m_strUpdatedUIState = @"User interface state updated"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'User interface state updated'. /// public static string UpdatedUIState { get { return m_strUpdatedUIState; } } private static string m_strUpToDate = @"Up to date"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Up to date'. /// public static string UpToDate { get { return m_strUpToDate; } } private static string m_strUrl = @"URL"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'URL'. /// public static string Url { get { return m_strUrl; } } private static string m_strUrlFieldEmptyFirstTab = @"The URL field (on the first tab page) is empty."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The URL field (on the first tab page) is empty.'. /// public static string UrlFieldEmptyFirstTab { get { return m_strUrlFieldEmptyFirstTab; } } private static string m_strUrlOpenDesc = @"Open a database stored on a server."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Open a database stored on a server.'. /// public static string UrlOpenDesc { get { return m_strUrlOpenDesc; } } private static string m_strUrlOpenTitle = @"Open From URL"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Open From URL'. /// public static string UrlOpenTitle { get { return m_strUrlOpenTitle; } } private static string m_strUrlOverride = @"URL Override"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'URL Override'. /// public static string UrlOverride { get { return m_strUrlOverride; } } private static string m_strUrlOverrides = @"URL Overrides"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'URL Overrides'. /// public static string UrlOverrides { get { return m_strUrlOverrides; } } private static string m_strUrlSaveDesc = @"Save current database on a server."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save current database on a server.'. /// public static string UrlSaveDesc { get { return m_strUrlSaveDesc; } } private static string m_strUrlSaveTitle = @"Save To URL"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Save To URL'. /// public static string UrlSaveTitle { get { return m_strUrlSaveTitle; } } private static string m_strURtfCheck = @"It is recommended to reopen the text and check it carefully."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'It is recommended to reopen the text and check it carefully.'. /// public static string URtfCheck { get { return m_strURtfCheck; } } private static string m_strURtfProblem = @"KeePass has detected that certain characters in your text may have been corrupted (due to a bug in Windows)."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'KeePass has detected that certain characters in your text may have been corrupted (due to a bug in Windows).'. /// public static string URtfProblem { get { return m_strURtfProblem; } } private static string m_strURtfSuggestion = @"In order to avoid text corruptions, turn off the Windows option 'Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support'."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'In order to avoid text corruptions, turn off the Windows option 'Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support'.'. /// public static string URtfSuggestion { get { return m_strURtfSuggestion; } } private static string m_strUseFileLocks = @"Use database lock files"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Use database lock files'. /// public static string UseFileLocks { get { return m_strUseFileLocks; } } private static string m_strUserName = @"User Name"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'User Name'. /// public static string UserName { get { return m_strUserName; } } private static string m_strUserNamePrompt = @"Enter the user name:"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Enter the user name:'. /// public static string UserNamePrompt { get { return m_strUserNamePrompt; } } private static string m_strUserNameStc = @"User name"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'User name'. /// public static string UserNameStc { get { return m_strUserNameStc; } } private static string m_strUseTransactedConfigWrites = @"Use file transactions for writing configuration settings"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Use file transactions for writing configuration settings'. /// public static string UseTransactedConfigWrites { get { return m_strUseTransactedConfigWrites; } } private static string m_strUseTransactedDatabaseWrites = @"Use file transactions for writing databases"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Use file transactions for writing databases'. /// public static string UseTransactedDatabaseWrites { get { return m_strUseTransactedDatabaseWrites; } } private static string m_strUuid = @"UUID"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'UUID'. /// public static string Uuid { get { return m_strUuid; } } private static string m_strUuidDupInDb = @"The database contains duplicate UUIDs."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The database contains duplicate UUIDs.'. /// public static string UuidDupInDb { get { return m_strUuidDupInDb; } } private static string m_strUuidFix = @"When closing this dialog, KeePass will fix the problem (by generating new UUIDs for duplicates) and continue."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'When closing this dialog, KeePass will fix the problem (by generating new UUIDs for duplicates) and continue.'. /// public static string UuidFix { get { return m_strUuidFix; } } private static string m_strValidationFailed = @"Validation failed"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Validation failed'. /// public static string ValidationFailed { get { return m_strValidationFailed; } } private static string m_strValue = @"Value"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Value'. /// public static string Value { get { return m_strValue; } } private static string m_strVerb = @"Verb"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Verb'. /// public static string Verb { get { return m_strVerb; } } private static string m_strVerifyWrittenFileAfterSave = @"Verify written file after saving a database"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Verify written file after saving a database'. /// public static string VerifyWrittenFileAfterSave { get { return m_strVerifyWrittenFileAfterSave; } } private static string m_strVersion = @"Version"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Version'. /// public static string Version { get { return m_strVersion; } } private static string m_strView = @"View"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'View'. /// public static string View { get { return m_strView; } } private static string m_strViewCmd = @"&View"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&View'. /// public static string ViewCmd { get { return m_strViewCmd; } } private static string m_strViewEntryDesc = @"You're viewing an entry."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'You're viewing an entry.'. /// public static string ViewEntryDesc { get { return m_strViewEntryDesc; } } private static string m_strViewEntryReadOnly = @"View Entry (Read-Only)"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'View Entry (Read-Only)'. /// public static string ViewEntryReadOnly { get { return m_strViewEntryReadOnly; } } private static string m_strWait = @"Wait"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Wait'. /// public static string Wait { get { return m_strWait; } } private static string m_strWaitForExit = @"Wait for exit"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Wait for exit'. /// public static string WaitForExit { get { return m_strWaitForExit; } } private static string m_strWaitPlease = @"Please wait"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Please wait'. /// public static string WaitPlease { get { return m_strWaitPlease; } } private static string m_strWarning = @"Warning"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Warning'. /// public static string Warning { get { return m_strWarning; } } private static string m_strWarnings = @"Warnings"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Warnings'. /// public static string Warnings { get { return m_strWarnings; } } private static string m_strWebBrowser = @"Web Browser"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Web Browser'. /// public static string WebBrowser { get { return m_strWebBrowser; } } private static string m_strWebSiteLogin = @"Web Site Login"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Web Site Login'. /// public static string WebSiteLogin { get { return m_strWebSiteLogin; } } private static string m_strWebSites = @"Web Sites"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Web Sites'. /// public static string WebSites { get { return m_strWebSites; } } private static string m_strWindowsFavorites = @"Windows Favorites"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Windows Favorites'. /// public static string WindowsFavorites { get { return m_strWindowsFavorites; } } private static string m_strWindowsOS = @"Windows"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Windows'. /// public static string WindowsOS { get { return m_strWindowsOS; } } private static string m_strWindowStyle = @"Window style"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Window style'. /// public static string WindowStyle { get { return m_strWindowStyle; } } private static string m_strWindowsUserAccount = @"Windows user account"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Windows user account'. /// public static string WindowsUserAccount { get { return m_strWindowsUserAccount; } } private static string m_strWindowsUserAccountBackup = @"You should create a complete backup of your Windows user account."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'You should create a complete backup of your Windows user account.'. /// public static string WindowsUserAccountBackup { get { return m_strWindowsUserAccountBackup; } } private static string m_strWithoutContext = @"Without Context"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Without Context'. /// public static string WithoutContext { get { return m_strWithoutContext; } } private static string m_strWorkspaceLocked = @"Workspace Locked"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Workspace Locked'. /// public static string WorkspaceLocked { get { return m_strWorkspaceLocked; } } private static string m_strXmlModInvalid = @"The modified XML data is invalid."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'The modified XML data is invalid.'. /// public static string XmlModInvalid { get { return m_strXmlModInvalid; } } private static string m_strXmlReplace = @"XML Replace"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'XML Replace'. /// public static string XmlReplace { get { return m_strXmlReplace; } } private static string m_strXmlReplaceDesc = @"Replace data in the XML representation of the database."; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Replace data in the XML representation of the database.'. /// public static string XmlReplaceDesc { get { return m_strXmlReplaceDesc; } } private static string m_strXslExporter = @"Transform using XSL Stylesheet"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Transform using XSL Stylesheet'. /// public static string XslExporter { get { return m_strXslExporter; } } private static string m_strXslFileType = @"XSL Stylesheets"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'XSL Stylesheets'. /// public static string XslFileType { get { return m_strXslFileType; } } private static string m_strXslSelectFile = @"Select XSL Transformation File"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Select XSL Transformation File'. /// public static string XslSelectFile { get { return m_strXslSelectFile; } } private static string m_strXslStylesheetsKdbx = @"XSL Stylesheets for KDBX XML"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'XSL Stylesheets for KDBX XML'. /// public static string XslStylesheetsKdbx { get { return m_strXslStylesheetsKdbx; } } private static string m_strYes = @"Yes"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Yes'. /// public static string Yes { get { return m_strYes; } } private static string m_strYesCmd = @"&Yes"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// '&Yes'. /// public static string YesCmd { get { return m_strYesCmd; } } private static string m_strZoom = @"Zoom"; /// /// Look up a localized string similar to /// 'Zoom'. /// public static string Zoom { get { return m_strZoom; } } } }