// This is a generated file!
// Do not edit manually, changes will be overwritten.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace KeePass.Resources
/// A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
public static partial class KPRes
private static string TryGetEx(Dictionary dictNew,
string strName, string strDefault)
string strTemp;
if(dictNew.TryGetValue(strName, out strTemp))
return strTemp;
return strDefault;
public static void SetTranslatedStrings(Dictionary dictNew)
if(dictNew == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dictNew");
m_strAbort = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Abort", m_strAbort);
m_strAbortTrigger = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AbortTrigger", m_strAbortTrigger);
m_strAction = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Action", m_strAction);
m_strActivateDatabaseTab = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ActivateDatabaseTab", m_strActivateDatabaseTab);
m_strActive = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Active", m_strActive);
m_strAddEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AddEntry", m_strAddEntry);
m_strAddEntryDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AddEntryDesc", m_strAddEntryDesc);
m_strAddGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AddGroup", m_strAddGroup);
m_strAddGroupDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AddGroupDesc", m_strAddGroupDesc);
m_strAddStringField = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AddStringField", m_strAddStringField);
m_strAddStringFieldDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AddStringFieldDesc", m_strAddStringFieldDesc);
m_strAdvanced = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Advanced", m_strAdvanced);
m_strAfterDatabaseOpen = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AfterDatabaseOpen", m_strAfterDatabaseOpen);
m_strAlignCenter = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AlignCenter", m_strAlignCenter);
m_strAlignLeft = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AlignLeft", m_strAlignLeft);
m_strAlignRight = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AlignRight", m_strAlignRight);
m_strAll = TryGetEx(dictNew, "All", m_strAll);
m_strAllFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AllFiles", m_strAllFiles);
m_strAllSupportedFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AllSupportedFiles", m_strAllSupportedFiles);
m_strAlternatingBgColors = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AlternatingBgColors", m_strAlternatingBgColors);
m_strApplication = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Application", m_strApplication);
m_strApplicationExit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ApplicationExit", m_strApplicationExit);
m_strApplicationInitialized = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ApplicationInitialized", m_strApplicationInitialized);
m_strApplicationStarted = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ApplicationStarted", m_strApplicationStarted);
m_strArguments = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Arguments", m_strArguments);
m_strAscending = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Ascending", m_strAscending);
m_strAskContinue = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AskContinue", m_strAskContinue);
m_strAssociationsLower = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AssociationsLower", m_strAssociationsLower);
m_strAsterisks = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Asterisks", m_strAsterisks);
m_strAttachedExistsAlready = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachedExistsAlready", m_strAttachedExistsAlready);
m_strAttachExtDiscardDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachExtDiscardDesc", m_strAttachExtDiscardDesc);
m_strAttachExtImportDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachExtImportDesc", m_strAttachExtImportDesc);
m_strAttachExtOpened = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachExtOpened", m_strAttachExtOpened);
m_strAttachExtOpenedPost = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachExtOpenedPost", m_strAttachExtOpenedPost);
m_strAttachExtSecDel = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachExtSecDel", m_strAttachExtSecDel);
m_strAttachFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachFailed", m_strAttachFailed);
m_strAttachFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachFiles", m_strAttachFiles);
m_strAttachments = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Attachments", m_strAttachments);
m_strAttachmentSave = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachmentSave", m_strAttachmentSave);
m_strAttachmentsSave = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachmentsSave", m_strAttachmentsSave);
m_strAttachNewRename = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachNewRename", m_strAttachNewRename);
m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks0 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachNewRenameRemarks0", m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks0);
m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks1 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachNewRenameRemarks1", m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks1);
m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AttachNewRenameRemarks2", m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks2);
m_strAuthor = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Author", m_strAuthor);
m_strAuto = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Auto", m_strAuto);
m_strAutoCreateNew = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoCreateNew", m_strAutoCreateNew);
m_strAutoGeneratedPasswordSettings = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoGeneratedPasswordSettings", m_strAutoGeneratedPasswordSettings);
m_strAutoRememberOpenLastFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoRememberOpenLastFile", m_strAutoRememberOpenLastFile);
m_strAutoSaveAfterEntryEdit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoSaveAfterEntryEdit", m_strAutoSaveAfterEntryEdit);
m_strAutoSaveAtExit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoSaveAtExit", m_strAutoSaveAtExit);
m_strAutoShowExpiredEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoShowExpiredEntries", m_strAutoShowExpiredEntries);
m_strAutoShowSoonToExpireEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoShowSoonToExpireEntries", m_strAutoShowSoonToExpireEntries);
m_strAutoType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoType", m_strAutoType);
m_strAutoTypeAbortedOnWindow = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeAbortedOnWindow", m_strAutoTypeAbortedOnWindow);
m_strAutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog", m_strAutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog);
m_strAutoTypeCancelOnTitleChange = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeCancelOnTitleChange", m_strAutoTypeCancelOnTitleChange);
m_strAutoTypeCancelOnWindowChange = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeCancelOnWindowChange", m_strAutoTypeCancelOnWindowChange);
m_strAutoTypeEntrySelection = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeEntrySelection", m_strAutoTypeEntrySelection);
m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescLong2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeEntrySelectionDescLong2", m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescLong2);
m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescShort = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeEntrySelectionDescShort", m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescShort);
m_strAutoTypeGlobalHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeGlobalHint", m_strAutoTypeGlobalHint);
m_strAutoTypeMatchByTagInTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeMatchByTagInTitle", m_strAutoTypeMatchByTagInTitle);
m_strAutoTypeMatchByTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeMatchByTitle", m_strAutoTypeMatchByTitle);
m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlHostInTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeMatchByUrlHostInTitle", m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlHostInTitle);
m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlInTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeMatchByUrlInTitle", m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlInTitle);
m_strAutoTypeObfuscationHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeObfuscationHint", m_strAutoTypeObfuscationHint);
m_strAutoTypePrependInitSeqForIE = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypePrependInitSeqForIE", m_strAutoTypePrependInitSeqForIE);
m_strAutoTypeReleaseAltWithKeyPress = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeReleaseAltWithKeyPress", m_strAutoTypeReleaseAltWithKeyPress);
m_strAutoTypeSelectedNoEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeSelectedNoEntry", m_strAutoTypeSelectedNoEntry);
m_strAutoTypeSequenceInvalid = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeSequenceInvalid", m_strAutoTypeSequenceInvalid);
m_strAutoTypeUnknownPlaceholder = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeUnknownPlaceholder", m_strAutoTypeUnknownPlaceholder);
m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequired = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeXDoToolRequired", m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequired);
m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequiredGlobalVer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "AutoTypeXDoToolRequiredGlobalVer", m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequiredGlobalVer);
m_strAvailable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Available", m_strAvailable);
m_strBackgroundColor = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BackgroundColor", m_strBackgroundColor);
m_strBackupDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BackupDatabase", m_strBackupDatabase);
m_strBackupFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BackupFile", m_strBackupFile);
m_strBackupLocation = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BackupLocation", m_strBackupLocation);
m_strBinaryNoConv = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BinaryNoConv", m_strBinaryNoConv);
m_strBits = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Bits", m_strBits);
m_strBitsA = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BitsA", m_strBitsA);
m_strBitsEx = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BitsEx", m_strBitsEx);
m_strBold = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Bold", m_strBold);
m_strBothForms = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BothForms", m_strBothForms);
m_strBrowser = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Browser", m_strBrowser);
m_strBuiltIn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BuiltIn", m_strBuiltIn);
m_strBuiltInU = TryGetEx(dictNew, "BuiltInU", m_strBuiltInU);
m_strButton = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Button", m_strButton);
m_strButtonBack = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ButtonBack", m_strButtonBack);
m_strButtonDefault = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ButtonDefault", m_strButtonDefault);
m_strButtonFinish = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ButtonFinish", m_strButtonFinish);
m_strButtonNext = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ButtonNext", m_strButtonNext);
m_strButtons = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Buttons", m_strButtons);
m_strCancel = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Cancel", m_strCancel);
m_strCannotMoveEntriesBcsGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CannotMoveEntriesBcsGroup", m_strCannotMoveEntriesBcsGroup);
m_strChangeMasterKey = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ChangeMasterKey", m_strChangeMasterKey);
m_strChangeMasterKeyIntroShort = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ChangeMasterKeyIntroShort", m_strChangeMasterKeyIntroShort);
m_strCharsAbbr = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CharsAbbr", m_strCharsAbbr);
m_strCharsStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CharsStc", m_strCharsStc);
m_strCheckForUpdAtStart = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CheckForUpdAtStart", m_strCheckForUpdAtStart);
m_strCheckingForUpd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CheckingForUpd", m_strCheckingForUpd);
m_strClassicAdj = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClassicAdj", m_strClassicAdj);
m_strClearKeyCmdLineParams = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClearKeyCmdLineParams", m_strClearKeyCmdLineParams);
m_strClearMru = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClearMru", m_strClearMru);
m_strClipboard = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Clipboard", m_strClipboard);
m_strClipboardClearDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardClearDesc", m_strClipboardClearDesc);
m_strClipboardClearInSeconds = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardClearInSeconds", m_strClipboardClearInSeconds);
m_strClipboardClearOnExit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardClearOnExit", m_strClipboardClearOnExit);
m_strClipboardDataCopied = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardDataCopied", m_strClipboardDataCopied);
m_strClipboardMain = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardMain", m_strClipboardMain);
m_strClipboardNoPersist = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardNoPersist", m_strClipboardNoPersist);
m_strClipboardOptionME = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardOptionME", m_strClipboardOptionME);
m_strClipboardViewerIgnoreFormat = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClipboardViewerIgnoreFormat", m_strClipboardViewerIgnoreFormat);
m_strClose = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Close", m_strClose);
m_strCloseActiveDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CloseActiveDatabase", m_strCloseActiveDatabase);
m_strCloseButtonMinimizes = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CloseButtonMinimizes", m_strCloseButtonMinimizes);
m_strClosingDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClosingDatabaseFile", m_strClosingDatabaseFile);
m_strClusterCenters2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClusterCenters2", m_strClusterCenters2);
m_strClusterCentersDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ClusterCentersDesc", m_strClusterCentersDesc);
m_strColumn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Column", m_strColumn);
m_strColumns = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Columns", m_strColumns);
m_strComments = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Comments", m_strComments);
m_strCompany = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Company", m_strCompany);
m_strComparison = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Comparison", m_strComparison);
m_strCompatWithOldVer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CompatWithOldVer", m_strCompatWithOldVer);
m_strComponent = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Component", m_strComponent);
m_strCondition = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Condition", m_strCondition);
m_strConfigAffectAdmin = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigAffectAdmin", m_strConfigAffectAdmin);
m_strConfigAffectUser = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigAffectUser", m_strConfigAffectUser);
m_strConfigError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigError", m_strConfigError);
m_strConfigOverwriteBackup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigOverwriteBackup", m_strConfigOverwriteBackup);
m_strConfigureAutoType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureAutoType", m_strConfigureAutoType);
m_strConfigureAutoTypeDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureAutoTypeDesc", m_strConfigureAutoTypeDesc);
m_strConfigureAutoTypeItem = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureAutoTypeItem", m_strConfigureAutoTypeItem);
m_strConfigureAutoTypeItemDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureAutoTypeItemDesc", m_strConfigureAutoTypeItemDesc);
m_strConfigureColumns = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureColumns", m_strConfigureColumns);
m_strConfigureColumnsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureColumnsDesc", m_strConfigureColumnsDesc);
m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeq = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureKeystrokeSeq", m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeq);
m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeqDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureKeystrokeSeqDesc", m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeqDesc);
m_strConfigureOnNewDatabase3 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConfigureOnNewDatabase3", m_strConfigureOnNewDatabase3);
m_strConsiderDashesEq = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ConsiderDashesEq", m_strConsiderDashesEq);
m_strContact = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Contact", m_strContact);
m_strContainsOp = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ContainsOp", m_strContainsOp);
m_strCopiedEntryData = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopiedEntryData", m_strCopiedEntryData);
m_strCopy = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Copy", m_strCopy);
m_strCopyAll = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyAll", m_strCopyAll);
m_strCopyLink = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyLink", m_strCopyLink);
m_strCopyOfItem = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyOfItem", m_strCopyOfItem);
m_strCopyPasswordMenu = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyPasswordMenu", m_strCopyPasswordMenu);
m_strCopyTanMenu = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyTanMenu", m_strCopyTanMenu);
m_strCopyUrls = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyUrls", m_strCopyUrls);
m_strCopyUrlsInsteadOfOpening = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyUrlsInsteadOfOpening", m_strCopyUrlsInsteadOfOpening);
m_strCopyUserName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyUserName", m_strCopyUserName);
m_strCopyWholeEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CopyWholeEntries", m_strCopyWholeEntries);
m_strCorruptionByExt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CorruptionByExt", m_strCorruptionByExt);
m_strCount = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Count", m_strCount);
m_strCreateMasterKey = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CreateMasterKey", m_strCreateMasterKey);
m_strCreateNewDatabase2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CreateNewDatabase2", m_strCreateNewDatabase2);
m_strCreateNewIDs = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CreateNewIDs", m_strCreateNewIDs);
m_strCreationTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CreationTime", m_strCreationTime);
m_strCredSaveAll = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CredSaveAll", m_strCredSaveAll);
m_strCredSaveNone = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CredSaveNone", m_strCredSaveNone);
m_strCredSaveUserOnly = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CredSaveUserOnly", m_strCredSaveUserOnly);
m_strCredSpecifyDifferent = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CredSpecifyDifferent", m_strCredSpecifyDifferent);
m_strCsprojCountError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CsprojCountError", m_strCsprojCountError);
m_strCsvImportDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CsvImportDesc", m_strCsvImportDesc);
m_strCsvTextFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CsvTextFile", m_strCsvTextFile);
m_strCtrlAltAConflict = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CtrlAltAConflict", m_strCtrlAltAConflict);
m_strCtrlAltAConflictHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CtrlAltAConflictHint", m_strCtrlAltAConflictHint);
m_strCurrentStyle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CurrentStyle", m_strCurrentStyle);
m_strCustom = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Custom", m_strCustom);
m_strCustomFields = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CustomFields", m_strCustomFields);
m_strCustomizableHtml = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CustomizableHtml", m_strCustomizableHtml);
m_strCustomTbButtonAdd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CustomTbButtonAdd", m_strCustomTbButtonAdd);
m_strCustomTbButtonClicked = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CustomTbButtonClicked", m_strCustomTbButtonClicked);
m_strCustomTbButtonRemove = TryGetEx(dictNew, "CustomTbButtonRemove", m_strCustomTbButtonRemove);
m_strCut = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Cut", m_strCut);
m_strData = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Data", m_strData);
m_strDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Database", m_strDatabase);
m_strDatabaseDescPrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseDescPrompt", m_strDatabaseDescPrompt);
m_strDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseFile", m_strDatabaseFile);
m_strDatabaseFileIntro = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseFileIntro", m_strDatabaseFileIntro);
m_strDatabaseFileRem = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseFileRem", m_strDatabaseFileRem);
m_strDatabaseHasUnsavedChanges = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseHasUnsavedChanges", m_strDatabaseHasUnsavedChanges);
m_strDatabaseMaintenance = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseMaintenance", m_strDatabaseMaintenance);
m_strDatabaseMaintenanceDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseMaintenanceDesc", m_strDatabaseMaintenanceDesc);
m_strDatabaseModifiedNoDot = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseModifiedNoDot", m_strDatabaseModifiedNoDot);
m_strDatabaseNamePrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseNamePrompt", m_strDatabaseNamePrompt);
m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionAsk = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionAsk", m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionAsk);
m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionInfo", m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionInfo);
m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionQ", m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionQ);
m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionRec = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionRec", m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionRec);
m_strDatabaseSettings = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseSettings", m_strDatabaseSettings);
m_strDatabaseSettingsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DatabaseSettingsDesc", m_strDatabaseSettingsDesc);
m_strDataEditorKP = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DataEditorKP", m_strDataEditorKP);
m_strDataLoss = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DataLoss", m_strDataLoss);
m_strDataViewerKP = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DataViewerKP", m_strDataViewerKP);
m_strDbMntncResults = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DbMntncResults", m_strDbMntncResults);
m_strDbNoModBy = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DbNoModBy", m_strDbNoModBy);
m_strDefault = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Default", m_strDefault);
m_strDelete = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Delete", m_strDelete);
m_strDeleteCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteCmd", m_strDeleteCmd);
m_strDeleteEntriesQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteEntriesQuestion", m_strDeleteEntriesQuestion);
m_strDeleteEntriesQuestionSingle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteEntriesQuestionSingle", m_strDeleteEntriesQuestionSingle);
m_strDeleteEntriesTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteEntriesTitle", m_strDeleteEntriesTitle);
m_strDeleteEntriesTitleSingle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteEntriesTitleSingle", m_strDeleteEntriesTitleSingle);
m_strDeleteGroupInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteGroupInfo", m_strDeleteGroupInfo);
m_strDeleteGroupQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteGroupQuestion", m_strDeleteGroupQuestion);
m_strDeleteGroupTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DeleteGroupTitle", m_strDeleteGroupTitle);
m_strDescending = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Descending", m_strDescending);
m_strDescription = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Description", m_strDescription);
m_strDestination = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Destination", m_strDestination);
m_strDetails = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Details", m_strDetails);
m_strDialogNoShowAgain = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DialogNoShowAgain", m_strDialogNoShowAgain);
m_strDialogs = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Dialogs", m_strDialogs);
m_strDisable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Disable", m_strDisable);
m_strDisabled = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Disabled", m_strDisabled);
m_strDisableSaveIfNotModified = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DisableSaveIfNotModified", m_strDisableSaveIfNotModified);
m_strDiscardChangesCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DiscardChangesCmd", m_strDiscardChangesCmd);
m_strDocumentationHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DocumentationHint", m_strDocumentationHint);
m_strDragDrop = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DragDrop", m_strDragDrop);
m_strDropToBackOnCopy = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DropToBackOnCopy", m_strDropToBackOnCopy);
m_strDuplicatePasswords = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DuplicatePasswords", m_strDuplicatePasswords);
m_strDuplicatePasswordsGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DuplicatePasswordsGroup", m_strDuplicatePasswordsGroup);
m_strDuplicatePasswordsList = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DuplicatePasswordsList", m_strDuplicatePasswordsList);
m_strDuplicatePasswordsNone = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DuplicatePasswordsNone", m_strDuplicatePasswordsNone);
m_strDuplicateStringFieldName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "DuplicateStringFieldName", m_strDuplicateStringFieldName);
m_strEditCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditCmd", m_strEditCmd);
m_strEditEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditEntries", m_strEditEntries);
m_strEditEntriesDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditEntriesDesc", m_strEditEntriesDesc);
m_strEditEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditEntry", m_strEditEntry);
m_strEditEntryDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditEntryDesc", m_strEditEntryDesc);
m_strEditGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditGroup", m_strEditGroup);
m_strEditGroupDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditGroupDesc", m_strEditGroupDesc);
m_strEditStringField = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditStringField", m_strEditStringField);
m_strEditStringFieldDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EditStringFieldDesc", m_strEditStringFieldDesc);
m_strEMail = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EMail", m_strEMail);
m_strEmergencySheet = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmergencySheet", m_strEmergencySheet);
m_strEmergencySheetAsk = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmergencySheetAsk", m_strEmergencySheetAsk);
m_strEmergencySheetInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmergencySheetInfo", m_strEmergencySheetInfo);
m_strEmergencySheetPrintInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmergencySheetPrintInfo", m_strEmergencySheetPrintInfo);
m_strEmergencySheetQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmergencySheetQ", m_strEmergencySheetQ);
m_strEmergencySheetRec = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmergencySheetRec", m_strEmergencySheetRec);
m_strEmpty = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Empty", m_strEmpty);
m_strEmptyMasterPw = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmptyMasterPw", m_strEmptyMasterPw);
m_strEmptyMasterPwHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmptyMasterPwHint", m_strEmptyMasterPwHint);
m_strEmptyMasterPwQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmptyMasterPwQuestion", m_strEmptyMasterPwQuestion);
m_strEmptyRecycleBinQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EmptyRecycleBinQuestion", m_strEmptyRecycleBinQuestion);
m_strEnable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Enable", m_strEnable);
m_strEnabled = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Enabled", m_strEnabled);
m_strEncoding = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Encoding", m_strEncoding);
m_strEncodingFail = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EncodingFail", m_strEncodingFail);
m_strEndsWith = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EndsWith", m_strEndsWith);
m_strEnterCompositeKey = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EnterCompositeKey", m_strEnterCompositeKey);
m_strEnterCurrentCompositeKey = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EnterCurrentCompositeKey", m_strEnterCurrentCompositeKey);
m_strEntropyDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EntropyDesc", m_strEntropyDesc);
m_strEntropyTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EntropyTitle", m_strEntropyTitle);
m_strEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Entry", m_strEntry);
m_strEntryList = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EntryList", m_strEntryList);
m_strEntryListAutoResizeColumns = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EntryListAutoResizeColumns", m_strEntryListAutoResizeColumns);
m_strEntrySelGroupSel = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EntrySelGroupSel", m_strEntrySelGroupSel);
m_strEnvironmentVariable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EnvironmentVariable", m_strEnvironmentVariable);
m_strEqualsOp = TryGetEx(dictNew, "EqualsOp", m_strEqualsOp);
m_strError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Error", m_strError);
m_strErrorCode = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ErrorCode", m_strErrorCode);
m_strErrors = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Errors", m_strErrors);
m_strEvent = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Event", m_strEvent);
m_strExecuteCmdLineUrl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExecuteCmdLineUrl", m_strExecuteCmdLineUrl);
m_strExit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Exit", m_strExit);
m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAfterTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExitInsteadOfLockingAfterTime", m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAfterTime);
m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAlways = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExitInsteadOfLockingAlways", m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAlways);
m_strExpiredEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExpiredEntries", m_strExpiredEntries);
m_strExpiredEntriesCanMatch = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExpiredEntriesCanMatch", m_strExpiredEntriesCanMatch);
m_strExpiryTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExpiryTime", m_strExpiryTime);
m_strExpiryTimeDateOnly = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExpiryTimeDateOnly", m_strExpiryTimeDateOnly);
m_strExport = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Export", m_strExport);
m_strExportFileDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportFileDesc", m_strExportFileDesc);
m_strExportFileTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportFileTitle", m_strExportFileTitle);
m_strExportHtml = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportHtml", m_strExportHtml);
m_strExportHtmlDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportHtmlDesc", m_strExportHtmlDesc);
m_strExportingStatusMsg = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportingStatusMsg", m_strExportingStatusMsg);
m_strExportStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportStc", m_strExportStc);
m_strExportToPrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExportToPrompt", m_strExportToPrompt);
m_strExternal = TryGetEx(dictNew, "External", m_strExternal);
m_strExternalApp = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ExternalApp", m_strExternalApp);
m_strFatalError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FatalError", m_strFatalError);
m_strFeature = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Feature", m_strFeature);
m_strField = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Field", m_strField);
m_strFieldName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldName", m_strFieldName);
m_strFieldNameExistsAlready = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldNameExistsAlready", m_strFieldNameExistsAlready);
m_strFieldNameInvalid = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldNameInvalid", m_strFieldNameInvalid);
m_strFieldNamePrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldNamePrompt", m_strFieldNamePrompt);
m_strFieldRefInvalidChars = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldRefInvalidChars", m_strFieldRefInvalidChars);
m_strFieldRefMultiMatch = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldRefMultiMatch", m_strFieldRefMultiMatch);
m_strFieldRefMultiMatchHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldRefMultiMatchHint", m_strFieldRefMultiMatchHint);
m_strFieldValue = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FieldValue", m_strFieldValue);
m_strFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "File", m_strFile);
m_strFileChanged = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileChanged", m_strFileChanged);
m_strFileChangedOverwrite = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileChangedOverwrite", m_strFileChangedOverwrite);
m_strFileChangedSync = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileChangedSync", m_strFileChangedSync);
m_strFileExists = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileExists", m_strFileExists);
m_strFileExistsAlready = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileExistsAlready", m_strFileExistsAlready);
m_strFileExtInstallFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileExtInstallFailed", m_strFileExtInstallFailed);
m_strFileExtInstallSuccess = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileExtInstallSuccess", m_strFileExtInstallSuccess);
m_strFileExtName2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileExtName2", m_strFileExtName2);
m_strFileFormatStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileFormatStc", m_strFileFormatStc);
m_strFileImportFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileImportFailed", m_strFileImportFailed);
m_strFileNameContainsSemicolonError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileNameContainsSemicolonError", m_strFileNameContainsSemicolonError);
m_strFileNotFoundError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileNotFoundError", m_strFileNotFoundError);
m_strFileOrUrl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileOrUrl", m_strFileOrUrl);
m_strFilePathFullReq = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FilePathFullReq", m_strFilePathFullReq);
m_strFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Files", m_strFiles);
m_strFileSaveQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQ", m_strFileSaveQ);
m_strFileSaveQClosing = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQClosing", m_strFileSaveQClosing);
m_strFileSaveQExiting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQExiting", m_strFileSaveQExiting);
m_strFileSaveQLocking = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQLocking", m_strFileSaveQLocking);
m_strFileSaveQOpCancel = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpCancel", m_strFileSaveQOpCancel);
m_strFileSaveQOpCancelClosing = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpCancelClosing", m_strFileSaveQOpCancelClosing);
m_strFileSaveQOpCancelExiting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpCancelExiting", m_strFileSaveQOpCancelExiting);
m_strFileSaveQOpCancelLocking = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpCancelLocking", m_strFileSaveQOpCancelLocking);
m_strFileSaveQOpNoClosing = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpNoClosing", m_strFileSaveQOpNoClosing);
m_strFileSaveQOpNoExiting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpNoExiting", m_strFileSaveQOpNoExiting);
m_strFileSaveQOpNoLocking = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpNoLocking", m_strFileSaveQOpNoLocking);
m_strFileSaveQOpYesClosing = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpYesClosing", m_strFileSaveQOpYesClosing);
m_strFileSaveQOpYesExiting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpYesExiting", m_strFileSaveQOpYesExiting);
m_strFileSaveQOpYesLocking = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSaveQOpYesLocking", m_strFileSaveQOpYesLocking);
m_strFileSearchModes = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSearchModes", m_strFileSearchModes);
m_strFileSearchNormalDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSearchNormalDesc", m_strFileSearchNormalDesc);
m_strFileSearchQuickDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileSearchQuickDesc", m_strFileSearchQuickDesc);
m_strFileTooLarge = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileTooLarge", m_strFileTooLarge);
m_strFileTxExtra = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileTxExtra", m_strFileTxExtra);
m_strFileVerifyHashFail = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileVerifyHashFail", m_strFileVerifyHashFail);
m_strFileVerifyHashFailRec = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FileVerifyHashFailRec", m_strFileVerifyHashFailRec);
m_strFilter = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Filter", m_strFilter);
m_strFind = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Find", m_strFind);
m_strFindEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FindEntries", m_strFindEntries);
m_strFocusQuickFindOnRestore = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FocusQuickFindOnRestore", m_strFocusQuickFindOnRestore);
m_strFocusQuickFindOnUntray = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FocusQuickFindOnUntray", m_strFocusQuickFindOnUntray);
m_strFocusResultsAfterQuickSearch = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FocusResultsAfterQuickSearch", m_strFocusResultsAfterQuickSearch);
m_strFolder = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Folder", m_strFolder);
m_strFont = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Font", m_strFont);
m_strFontDefault = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FontDefault", m_strFontDefault);
m_strForceSystemFontUnix = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ForceSystemFontUnix", m_strForceSystemFontUnix);
m_strFormat = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Format", m_strFormat);
m_strFormatNoDatabaseDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FormatNoDatabaseDesc", m_strFormatNoDatabaseDesc);
m_strFormatNoDatabaseName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FormatNoDatabaseName", m_strFormatNoDatabaseName);
m_strFormatNoRootEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FormatNoRootEntries", m_strFormatNoRootEntries);
m_strFormatNoSubGroupsInRoot = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FormatNoSubGroupsInRoot", m_strFormatNoSubGroupsInRoot);
m_strFormatOnlyOneAttachment = TryGetEx(dictNew, "FormatOnlyOneAttachment", m_strFormatOnlyOneAttachment);
m_strGeneral = TryGetEx(dictNew, "General", m_strGeneral);
m_strGenerate = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Generate", m_strGenerate);
m_strGenerateCount = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenerateCount", m_strGenerateCount);
m_strGenerateCountDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenerateCountDesc", m_strGenerateCountDesc);
m_strGenerateCountLongDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenerateCountLongDesc", m_strGenerateCountLongDesc);
m_strGeneratedPasswordSamples = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GeneratedPasswordSamples", m_strGeneratedPasswordSamples);
m_strGeneratePassword = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GeneratePassword", m_strGeneratePassword);
m_strGenericCsvImporter = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenericCsvImporter", m_strGenericCsvImporter);
m_strGenPwAccept = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenPwAccept", m_strGenPwAccept);
m_strGenPwBasedOnPrevious = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenPwBasedOnPrevious", m_strGenPwBasedOnPrevious);
m_strGenPwSprVariant = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GenPwSprVariant", m_strGenPwSprVariant);
m_strGradient = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Gradient", m_strGradient);
m_strGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Group", m_strGroup);
m_strGroupCannotStoreEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GroupCannotStoreEntries", m_strGroupCannotStoreEntries);
m_strGroupsSkipped = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GroupsSkipped", m_strGroupsSkipped);
m_strGroupsSkipped1 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "GroupsSkipped1", m_strGroupsSkipped1);
m_strHelpSourceNoLocalOption = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HelpSourceNoLocalOption", m_strHelpSourceNoLocalOption);
m_strHelpSourceSelection = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HelpSourceSelection", m_strHelpSourceSelection);
m_strHelpSourceSelectionDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HelpSourceSelectionDesc", m_strHelpSourceSelectionDesc);
m_strHexKeyEx = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HexKeyEx", m_strHexKeyEx);
m_strHexViewer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HexViewer", m_strHexViewer);
m_strHidden = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Hidden", m_strHidden);
m_strHideCloseDatabaseTb = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HideCloseDatabaseTb", m_strHideCloseDatabaseTb);
m_strHideUsingAsterisks = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HideUsingAsterisks", m_strHideUsingAsterisks);
m_strHistory = TryGetEx(dictNew, "History", m_strHistory);
m_strHomebanking = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Homebanking", m_strHomebanking);
m_strHost = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Host", m_strHost);
m_strHotKeyAltOnly = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HotKeyAltOnly", m_strHotKeyAltOnly);
m_strHotKeyAltOnlyHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HotKeyAltOnlyHint", m_strHotKeyAltOnlyHint);
m_strHotKeyAltOnlyQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "HotKeyAltOnlyQuestion", m_strHotKeyAltOnlyQuestion);
m_strIcon = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Icon", m_strIcon);
m_strId = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Id", m_strId);
m_strIgnore = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Ignore", m_strIgnore);
m_strImageFormatFeatureUnsupported = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImageFormatFeatureUnsupported", m_strImageFormatFeatureUnsupported);
m_strImageViewer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImageViewer", m_strImageViewer);
m_strImport = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Import", m_strImport);
m_strImportBehavior = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportBehavior", m_strImportBehavior);
m_strImportBehaviorDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportBehaviorDesc", m_strImportBehaviorDesc);
m_strImportFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportFailed", m_strImportFailed);
m_strImportFileDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportFileDesc", m_strImportFileDesc);
m_strImportFileTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportFileTitle", m_strImportFileTitle);
m_strImportFinished = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportFinished", m_strImportFinished);
m_strImportingStatusMsg = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportingStatusMsg", m_strImportingStatusMsg);
m_strImportMustRead = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportMustRead", m_strImportMustRead);
m_strImportMustReadQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportMustReadQuestion", m_strImportMustReadQuestion);
m_strImportStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ImportStc", m_strImportStc);
m_strIncompatible = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Incompatible", m_strIncompatible);
m_strIncompatibleEnv = TryGetEx(dictNew, "IncompatibleEnv", m_strIncompatibleEnv);
m_strIncompatibleWithSorting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "IncompatibleWithSorting", m_strIncompatibleWithSorting);
m_strInherited = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Inherited", m_strInherited);
m_strInheritSettingFromParent = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InheritSettingFromParent", m_strInheritSettingFromParent);
m_strInstalled = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Installed", m_strInstalled);
m_strInstalledLanguages = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InstalledLanguages", m_strInstalledLanguages);
m_strInstrAndGenInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InstrAndGenInfo", m_strInstrAndGenInfo);
m_strInterleavedKeySending = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InterleavedKeySending", m_strInterleavedKeySending);
m_strInternalEditor = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InternalEditor", m_strInternalEditor);
m_strInternalViewer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InternalViewer", m_strInternalViewer);
m_strInternet = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Internet", m_strInternet);
m_strInterval = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Interval", m_strInterval);
m_strInvalid = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Invalid", m_strInvalid);
m_strInvalidUrl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InvalidUrl", m_strInvalidUrl);
m_strInvalidUserPassword = TryGetEx(dictNew, "InvalidUserPassword", m_strInvalidUserPassword);
m_strIOConnection = TryGetEx(dictNew, "IOConnection", m_strIOConnection);
m_strIOConnectionLong = TryGetEx(dictNew, "IOConnectionLong", m_strIOConnectionLong);
m_strItalic = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Italic", m_strItalic);
m_strIterations = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Iterations", m_strIterations);
m_strKdbKeePassLibC = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KdbKeePassLibC", m_strKdbKeePassLibC);
m_strKdbWUA = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KdbWUA", m_strKdbWUA);
m_strKdbxFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KdbxFiles", m_strKdbxFiles);
m_strKdfAdjust = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KdfAdjust", m_strKdfAdjust);
m_strKdfParams1Sec = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KdfParams1Sec", m_strKdfParams1Sec);
m_strKeePassLibCLong = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeePassLibCLong", m_strKeePassLibCLong);
m_strKeePassLibCNotFound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeePassLibCNotFound", m_strKeePassLibCNotFound);
m_strKeePassLibCNotWindows = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeePassLibCNotWindows", m_strKeePassLibCNotWindows);
m_strKeePassLibCNotWindowsHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeePassLibCNotWindowsHint", m_strKeePassLibCNotWindowsHint);
m_strKeepExisting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeepExisting", m_strKeepExisting);
m_strKeyboardKeyAlt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyboardKeyAlt", m_strKeyboardKeyAlt);
m_strKeyboardKeyCtrl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyboardKeyCtrl", m_strKeyboardKeyCtrl);
m_strKeyboardKeyEsc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyboardKeyEsc", m_strKeyboardKeyEsc);
m_strKeyboardKeyModifiers = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyboardKeyModifiers", m_strKeyboardKeyModifiers);
m_strKeyboardKeyReturn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyboardKeyReturn", m_strKeyboardKeyReturn);
m_strKeyboardKeyShift = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyboardKeyShift", m_strKeyboardKeyShift);
m_strKeyFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFile", m_strKeyFile);
m_strKeyFileBackup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileBackup", m_strKeyFileBackup);
m_strKeyFileContent = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileContent", m_strKeyFileContent);
m_strKeyFileCreate = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileCreate", m_strKeyFileCreate);
m_strKeyFileCreateTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileCreateTitle", m_strKeyFileCreateTitle);
m_strKeyFileError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileError", m_strKeyFileError);
m_strKeyFileFromBackup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileFromBackup", m_strKeyFileFromBackup);
m_strKeyFileFromBackupF = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileFromBackupF", m_strKeyFileFromBackupF);
m_strKeyFileFromBackupT = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileFromBackupT", m_strKeyFileFromBackupT);
m_strKeyFileGenHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileGenHint", m_strKeyFileGenHint);
m_strKeyFileNoXml = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileNoXml", m_strKeyFileNoXml);
m_strKeyFilePrintAlso = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFilePrintAlso", m_strKeyFilePrintAlso);
m_strKeyFilePrintLocal = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFilePrintLocal", m_strKeyFilePrintLocal);
m_strKeyFilePrintReqXml = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFilePrintReqXml", m_strKeyFilePrintReqXml);
m_strKeyFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFiles", m_strKeyFiles);
m_strKeyFileSafe = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileSafe", m_strKeyFileSafe);
m_strKeyFileSelect = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileSelect", m_strKeyFileSelect);
m_strKeyFileUseAnywayQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileUseAnywayQ", m_strKeyFileUseAnywayQ);
m_strKeyFileUseExisting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyFileUseExisting", m_strKeyFileUseExisting);
m_strKeyProvider = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyProvider", m_strKeyProvider);
m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSD = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyProvIncmpWithSD", m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSD);
m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSDHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "KeyProvIncmpWithSDHint", m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSDHint);
m_strLanguageSelected = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LanguageSelected", m_strLanguageSelected);
m_strLargeEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LargeEntries", m_strLargeEntries);
m_strLargeEntriesList = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LargeEntriesList", m_strLargeEntriesList);
m_strLastAccessTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LastAccessTime", m_strLastAccessTime);
m_strLastModificationTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LastModificationTime", m_strLastModificationTime);
m_strLastModified = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LastModified", m_strLastModified);
m_strLastModifiedEntriesList = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LastModifiedEntriesList", m_strLastModifiedEntriesList);
m_strLastModTimePwHist = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LastModTimePwHist", m_strLastModTimePwHist);
m_strLatestVersionWeb = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LatestVersionWeb", m_strLatestVersionWeb);
m_strLimitSingleInstance = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LimitSingleInstance", m_strLimitSingleInstance);
m_strLng1xSel = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Lng1xSel", m_strLng1xSel);
m_strLng2xWeb = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Lng2xWeb", m_strLng2xWeb);
m_strLngInAppDir = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LngInAppDir", m_strLngInAppDir);
m_strLngInAppDirNote = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LngInAppDirNote", m_strLngInAppDirNote);
m_strLngInAppDirQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LngInAppDirQ", m_strLngInAppDirQ);
m_strLocked = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Locked", m_strLocked);
m_strLockMenuLock = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockMenuLock", m_strLockMenuLock);
m_strLockMenuUnlock = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockMenuUnlock", m_strLockMenuUnlock);
m_strLockOnMinimizeTaskbar = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockOnMinimizeTaskbar", m_strLockOnMinimizeTaskbar);
m_strLockOnMinimizeTray = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockOnMinimizeTray", m_strLockOnMinimizeTray);
m_strLockOnRemoteControlChange = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockOnRemoteControlChange", m_strLockOnRemoteControlChange);
m_strLockOnSessionSwitch = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockOnSessionSwitch", m_strLockOnSessionSwitch);
m_strLockOnSuspend = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockOnSuspend", m_strLockOnSuspend);
m_strLockWorkspace = TryGetEx(dictNew, "LockWorkspace", m_strLockWorkspace);
m_strMainInstruction = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MainInstruction", m_strMainInstruction);
m_strMainWindow = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MainWindow", m_strMainWindow);
m_strMasterKey = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKey", m_strMasterKey);
m_strMasterKeyChanged = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChanged", m_strMasterKeyChanged);
m_strMasterKeyChangedSave = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChangedSave", m_strMasterKeyChangedSave);
m_strMasterKeyChangedShort = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChangedShort", m_strMasterKeyChangedShort);
m_strMasterKeyChangeForce = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChangeForce", m_strMasterKeyChangeForce);
m_strMasterKeyChangeInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChangeInfo", m_strMasterKeyChangeInfo);
m_strMasterKeyChangeQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChangeQ", m_strMasterKeyChangeQ);
m_strMasterKeyChangeRec = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyChangeRec", m_strMasterKeyChangeRec);
m_strMasterKeyComponents = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyComponents", m_strMasterKeyComponents);
m_strMasterKeyOnSecureDesktop = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterKeyOnSecureDesktop", m_strMasterKeyOnSecureDesktop);
m_strMasterPassword = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterPassword", m_strMasterPassword);
m_strMasterPasswordConfirm = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterPasswordConfirm", m_strMasterPasswordConfirm);
m_strMasterPasswordMinLengthFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterPasswordMinLengthFailed", m_strMasterPasswordMinLengthFailed);
m_strMasterPasswordMinQualityFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterPasswordMinQualityFailed", m_strMasterPasswordMinQualityFailed);
m_strMasterPasswordRmbWhileOpen = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterPasswordRmbWhileOpen", m_strMasterPasswordRmbWhileOpen);
m_strMasterPasswordWeak = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MasterPasswordWeak", m_strMasterPasswordWeak);
m_strMatchesRegEx = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MatchesRegEx", m_strMatchesRegEx);
m_strMaxAttachmentSize = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MaxAttachmentSize", m_strMaxAttachmentSize);
m_strMaximized = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Maximized", m_strMaximized);
m_strMemory = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Memory", m_strMemory);
m_strMenus = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Menus", m_strMenus);
m_strMethod = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Method", m_strMethod);
m_strMinimize = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Minimize", m_strMinimize);
m_strMinimizeAfterAutoType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MinimizeAfterAutoType", m_strMinimizeAfterAutoType);
m_strMinimizeAfterCopy = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MinimizeAfterCopy", m_strMinimizeAfterCopy);
m_strMinimizeAfterLocking = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MinimizeAfterLocking", m_strMinimizeAfterLocking);
m_strMinimizeAfterOpeningDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MinimizeAfterOpeningDatabase", m_strMinimizeAfterOpeningDatabase);
m_strMinimized = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Minimized", m_strMinimized);
m_strMinimizeToTray = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MinimizeToTray", m_strMinimizeToTray);
m_strMinimizeToTrayStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MinimizeToTrayStc", m_strMinimizeToTrayStc);
m_strMore = TryGetEx(dictNew, "More", m_strMore);
m_strMoreAnd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MoreAnd", m_strMoreAnd);
m_strMoreEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MoreEntries", m_strMoreEntries);
m_strMoreInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MoreInfo", m_strMoreInfo);
m_strMoveDown = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MoveDown", m_strMoveDown);
m_strMoveToPreviousParentGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MoveToPreviousParentGroup", m_strMoveToPreviousParentGroup);
m_strMoveUp = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MoveUp", m_strMoveUp);
m_strMultipleValues = TryGetEx(dictNew, "MultipleValues", m_strMultipleValues);
m_strName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Name", m_strName);
m_strNativeLibUse = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NativeLibUse", m_strNativeLibUse);
m_strNavigation = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Navigation", m_strNavigation);
m_strNetwork = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Network", m_strNetwork);
m_strNeverExpires = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NeverExpires", m_strNeverExpires);
m_strNew = TryGetEx(dictNew, "New", m_strNew);
m_strNewDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NewDatabase", m_strNewDatabase);
m_strNewerNetRequired = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NewerNetRequired", m_strNewerNetRequired);
m_strNewGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NewGroup", m_strNewGroup);
m_strNewLine = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NewLine", m_strNewLine);
m_strNewState = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NewState", m_strNewState);
m_strNewVersionAvailable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NewVersionAvailable", m_strNewVersionAvailable);
m_strNo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "No", m_strNo);
m_strNoCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoCmd", m_strNoCmd);
m_strNoEncNoCompress = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoEncNoCompress", m_strNoEncNoCompress);
m_strNoFileAccessRead = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoFileAccessRead", m_strNoFileAccessRead);
m_strNoKeyFileSpecifiedMeta = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoKeyFileSpecifiedMeta", m_strNoKeyFileSpecifiedMeta);
m_strNoKeyRepeat = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoKeyRepeat", m_strNoKeyRepeat);
m_strNone = TryGetEx(dictNew, "None", m_strNone);
m_strNormal = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Normal", m_strNormal);
m_strNoSort = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoSort", m_strNoSort);
m_strNot = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Not", m_strNot);
m_strNotes = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Notes", m_strNotes);
m_strNotInstalled = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NotInstalled", m_strNotInstalled);
m_strNotNow = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NotNow", m_strNotNow);
m_strNotRecommended = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NotRecommended", m_strNotRecommended);
m_strNoXslFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "NoXslFile", m_strNoXslFile);
m_strObjectNotFound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ObjectNotFound", m_strObjectNotFound);
m_strObjectsDeleted = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ObjectsDeleted", m_strObjectsDeleted);
m_strObjectsFound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ObjectsFound", m_strObjectsFound);
m_strOff = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Off", m_strOff);
m_strOfLower = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OfLower", m_strOfLower);
m_strOk = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Ok", m_strOk);
m_strOldFormat = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OldFormat", m_strOldFormat);
m_strOn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "On", m_strOn);
m_strOpAborted = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpAborted", m_strOpAborted);
m_strOpenCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenCmd", m_strOpenCmd);
m_strOpenDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenDatabase", m_strOpenDatabase);
m_strOpenDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenDatabaseFile", m_strOpenDatabaseFile);
m_strOpenDatabaseFileStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenDatabaseFileStc", m_strOpenDatabaseFileStc);
m_strOpened = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Opened", m_strOpened);
m_strOpenedDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenedDatabaseFile", m_strOpenedDatabaseFile);
m_strOpeningDatabase2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpeningDatabase2", m_strOpeningDatabase2);
m_strOpenUrl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenUrl", m_strOpenUrl);
m_strOpenWith = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OpenWith", m_strOpenWith);
m_strOptimizeForScreenReader = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OptimizeForScreenReader", m_strOptimizeForScreenReader);
m_strOptionReqOn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OptionReqOn", m_strOptionReqOn);
m_strOptions = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Options", m_strOptions);
m_strOptionsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OptionsDesc", m_strOptionsDesc);
m_strOtherPlaceholders = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OtherPlaceholders", m_strOtherPlaceholders);
m_strOverridesBuiltIn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OverridesBuiltIn", m_strOverridesBuiltIn);
m_strOverridesCustom = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OverridesCustom", m_strOverridesCustom);
m_strOverwrite = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Overwrite", m_strOverwrite);
m_strOverwriteExisting = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OverwriteExisting", m_strOverwriteExisting);
m_strOverwriteExistingFileQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OverwriteExistingFileQuestion", m_strOverwriteExistingFileQuestion);
m_strOverwriteIfNewer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OverwriteIfNewer", m_strOverwriteIfNewer);
m_strOverwriteIfNewerAndApplyDel = TryGetEx(dictNew, "OverwriteIfNewerAndApplyDel", m_strOverwriteIfNewerAndApplyDel);
m_strPackageInstallHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PackageInstallHint", m_strPackageInstallHint);
m_strParallelism = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Parallelism", m_strParallelism);
m_strParamDescHelp = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ParamDescHelp", m_strParamDescHelp);
m_strParameters = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Parameters", m_strParameters);
m_strPassword = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Password", m_strPassword);
m_strPasswordLength = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordLength", m_strPasswordLength);
m_strPasswordManagers = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordManagers", m_strPasswordManagers);
m_strPasswordOptions = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordOptions", m_strPasswordOptions);
m_strPasswordOptionsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordOptionsDesc", m_strPasswordOptionsDesc);
m_strPasswordPrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordPrompt", m_strPasswordPrompt);
m_strPasswordQuality = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordQuality", m_strPasswordQuality);
m_strPasswordQualityReport2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordQualityReport2", m_strPasswordQualityReport2);
m_strPasswordRepeatFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordRepeatFailed", m_strPasswordRepeatFailed);
m_strPasswordRepeatHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PasswordRepeatHint", m_strPasswordRepeatHint);
m_strPaste = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Paste", m_strPaste);
m_strPerformAutoType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PerformAutoType", m_strPerformAutoType);
m_strPerformGlobalAutoType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PerformGlobalAutoType", m_strPerformGlobalAutoType);
m_strPerformSelectedAutoType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PerformSelectedAutoType", m_strPerformSelectedAutoType);
m_strPeriodic = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Periodic", m_strPeriodic);
m_strPickCharacters = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PickCharacters", m_strPickCharacters);
m_strPickCharactersDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PickCharactersDesc", m_strPickCharactersDesc);
m_strPickField = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PickField", m_strPickField);
m_strPickFieldDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PickFieldDesc", m_strPickFieldDesc);
m_strPickIcon = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PickIcon", m_strPickIcon);
m_strPlugin = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Plugin", m_strPlugin);
m_strPlugin1x = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Plugin1x", m_strPlugin1x);
m_strPlugin1xHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Plugin1xHint", m_strPlugin1xHint);
m_strPluginCacheClearInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginCacheClearInfo", m_strPluginCacheClearInfo);
m_strPluginIncompatible = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginIncompatible", m_strPluginIncompatible);
m_strPluginLoadFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginLoadFailed", m_strPluginLoadFailed);
m_strPluginMonoComplete = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginMonoComplete", m_strPluginMonoComplete);
m_strPluginOperatingSystemUnsupported = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginOperatingSystemUnsupported", m_strPluginOperatingSystemUnsupported);
m_strPluginProvided = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginProvided", m_strPluginProvided);
m_strPlugins = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Plugins", m_strPlugins);
m_strPluginsCompilingAndLoading = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginsCompilingAndLoading", m_strPluginsCompilingAndLoading);
m_strPluginsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginsDesc", m_strPluginsDesc);
m_strPluginUpdateHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PluginUpdateHint", m_strPluginUpdateHint);
m_strPolicyAutoTypeDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyAutoTypeDesc", m_strPolicyAutoTypeDesc);
m_strPolicyAutoTypeWithoutContextDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyAutoTypeWithoutContextDesc", m_strPolicyAutoTypeWithoutContextDesc);
m_strPolicyChangeMasterKey = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyChangeMasterKey", m_strPolicyChangeMasterKey);
m_strPolicyChangeMasterKeyNoKeyDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyChangeMasterKeyNoKeyDesc", m_strPolicyChangeMasterKeyNoKeyDesc);
m_strPolicyClipboardDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyClipboardDesc", m_strPolicyClipboardDesc);
m_strPolicyCopyWholeEntriesDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyCopyWholeEntriesDesc", m_strPolicyCopyWholeEntriesDesc);
m_strPolicyDisallowed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyDisallowed", m_strPolicyDisallowed);
m_strPolicyDragDropDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyDragDropDesc", m_strPolicyDragDropDesc);
m_strPolicyExportDesc2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyExportDesc2", m_strPolicyExportDesc2);
m_strPolicyExportNoKeyDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyExportNoKeyDesc", m_strPolicyExportNoKeyDesc);
m_strPolicyImportDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyImportDesc", m_strPolicyImportDesc);
m_strPolicyNewDatabaseDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyNewDatabaseDesc", m_strPolicyNewDatabaseDesc);
m_strPolicyPluginsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyPluginsDesc", m_strPolicyPluginsDesc);
m_strPolicyPrintDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyPrintDesc", m_strPolicyPrintDesc);
m_strPolicyPrintNoKeyDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyPrintNoKeyDesc", m_strPolicyPrintNoKeyDesc);
m_strPolicyRequiredFlag = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyRequiredFlag", m_strPolicyRequiredFlag);
m_strPolicySaveDatabaseDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicySaveDatabaseDesc", m_strPolicySaveDatabaseDesc);
m_strPolicyTriggersEditDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PolicyTriggersEditDesc", m_strPolicyTriggersEditDesc);
m_strPreReleaseVersion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PreReleaseVersion", m_strPreReleaseVersion);
m_strPrint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Print", m_strPrint);
m_strPrintDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "PrintDesc", m_strPrintDesc);
m_strPrivate = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Private", m_strPrivate);
m_strProfessional = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Professional", m_strProfessional);
m_strProfileDelete = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ProfileDelete", m_strProfileDelete);
m_strProfileDeleteDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ProfileDeleteDesc", m_strProfileDeleteDesc);
m_strProfileSave = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ProfileSave", m_strProfileSave);
m_strProfileSaveDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ProfileSaveDesc", m_strProfileSaveDesc);
m_strProfileSavePrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ProfileSavePrompt", m_strProfileSavePrompt);
m_strQuality = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Quality", m_strQuality);
m_strQualityCheckToggle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "QualityCheckToggle", m_strQualityCheckToggle);
m_strQuick = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Quick", m_strQuick);
m_strQuickSearchDerefData = TryGetEx(dictNew, "QuickSearchDerefData", m_strQuickSearchDerefData);
m_strQuickSearchExclExpired = TryGetEx(dictNew, "QuickSearchExclExpired", m_strQuickSearchExclExpired);
m_strQuickSearchInPwFields = TryGetEx(dictNew, "QuickSearchInPwFields", m_strQuickSearchInPwFields);
m_strQuickSearchQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "QuickSearchQ", m_strQuickSearchQ);
m_strQuickSearchTb = TryGetEx(dictNew, "QuickSearchTb", m_strQuickSearchTb);
m_strRandomMacAddress = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RandomMacAddress", m_strRandomMacAddress);
m_strReady = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Ready", m_strReady);
m_strRecommended = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Recommended", m_strRecommended);
m_strRecommendedCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecommendedCmd", m_strRecommendedCmd);
m_strRecycleBin = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleBin", m_strRecycleBin);
m_strRecycleBinCollapse = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleBinCollapse", m_strRecycleBinCollapse);
m_strRecycleEntryConfirm = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleEntryConfirm", m_strRecycleEntryConfirm);
m_strRecycleEntryConfirmSingle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleEntryConfirmSingle", m_strRecycleEntryConfirmSingle);
m_strRecycleGroupConfirm = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleGroupConfirm", m_strRecycleGroupConfirm);
m_strRecycleMoveInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleMoveInfo", m_strRecycleMoveInfo);
m_strRecycleShowConfirm = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RecycleShowConfirm", m_strRecycleShowConfirm);
m_strRedo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Redo", m_strRedo);
m_strRememberHidingPasswordsEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RememberHidingPasswordsEntry", m_strRememberHidingPasswordsEntry);
m_strRememberHidingPasswordsMain = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RememberHidingPasswordsMain", m_strRememberHidingPasswordsMain);
m_strRememberKeySources = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RememberKeySources", m_strRememberKeySources);
m_strRememberWorkingDirectories = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RememberWorkingDirectories", m_strRememberWorkingDirectories);
m_strRemoteHostReachable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RemoteHostReachable", m_strRemoteHostReachable);
m_strRepairCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RepairCmd", m_strRepairCmd);
m_strRepairMode = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RepairMode", m_strRepairMode);
m_strRepairModeInt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RepairModeInt", m_strRepairModeInt);
m_strRepairModeQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RepairModeQ", m_strRepairModeQ);
m_strRepairModeUse = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RepairModeUse", m_strRepairModeUse);
m_strRepeatOnlyWhenHidden = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RepeatOnlyWhenHidden", m_strRepeatOnlyWhenHidden);
m_strReplace = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Replace", m_strReplace);
m_strReplaceNo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ReplaceNo", m_strReplaceNo);
m_strRestartKeePassQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RestartKeePassQuestion", m_strRestartKeePassQuestion);
m_strRestore = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Restore", m_strRestore);
m_strRetry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Retry", m_strRetry);
m_strRetryCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RetryCmd", m_strRetryCmd);
m_strRootDirectory = TryGetEx(dictNew, "RootDirectory", m_strRootDirectory);
m_strSameKeybLayout = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SameKeybLayout", m_strSameKeybLayout);
m_strSampleEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SampleEntry", m_strSampleEntry);
m_strSave = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Save", m_strSave);
m_strSaveBeforeCloseEntry = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveBeforeCloseEntry", m_strSaveBeforeCloseEntry);
m_strSaveBeforeCloseQuestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveBeforeCloseQuestion", m_strSaveBeforeCloseQuestion);
m_strSaveBeforeCloseTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveBeforeCloseTitle", m_strSaveBeforeCloseTitle);
m_strSaveCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveCmd", m_strSaveCmd);
m_strSaveDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveDatabase", m_strSaveDatabase);
m_strSaveDatabaseStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveDatabaseStc", m_strSaveDatabaseStc);
m_strSavedDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SavedDatabaseFile", m_strSavedDatabaseFile);
m_strSaveForceSync = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SaveForceSync", m_strSaveForceSync);
m_strSavingDatabase = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SavingDatabase", m_strSavingDatabase);
m_strSavingDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SavingDatabaseFile", m_strSavingDatabaseFile);
m_strSavingPost = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SavingPost", m_strSavingPost);
m_strSavingPre = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SavingPre", m_strSavingPre);
m_strScheme = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Scheme", m_strScheme);
m_strSearch = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Search", m_strSearch);
m_strSearchDesc2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchDesc2", m_strSearchDesc2);
m_strSearchEntriesFound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchEntriesFound", m_strSearchEntriesFound);
m_strSearchEntriesFound1 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchEntriesFound1", m_strSearchEntriesFound1);
m_strSearchGroupName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchGroupName", m_strSearchGroupName);
m_strSearchingOp = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchingOp", m_strSearchingOp);
m_strSearchKeyFiles = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchKeyFiles", m_strSearchKeyFiles);
m_strSearchKeyFilesAlsoOnRemovable = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchKeyFilesAlsoOnRemovable", m_strSearchKeyFilesAlsoOnRemovable);
m_strSearchQuickPrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchQuickPrompt", m_strSearchQuickPrompt);
m_strSearchResultsInSeparator = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchResultsInSeparator", m_strSearchResultsInSeparator);
m_strSearchTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SearchTitle", m_strSearchTitle);
m_strSecDeskFileDialogHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SecDeskFileDialogHint", m_strSecDeskFileDialogHint);
m_strSecDeskOtherSwitched = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SecDeskOtherSwitched", m_strSecDeskOtherSwitched);
m_strSecDeskPlaySound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SecDeskPlaySound", m_strSecDeskPlaySound);
m_strSecDeskSwitchBack = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SecDeskSwitchBack", m_strSecDeskSwitchBack);
m_strSelectAll = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectAll", m_strSelectAll);
m_strSelectColor = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectColor", m_strSelectColor);
m_strSelectDifferentGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectDifferentGroup", m_strSelectDifferentGroup);
m_strSelectedColumn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectedColumn", m_strSelectedColumn);
m_strSelectedGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectedGroup", m_strSelectedGroup);
m_strSelectedLower = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectedLower", m_strSelectedLower);
m_strSelectFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectFile", m_strSelectFile);
m_strSelectIcon = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectIcon", m_strSelectIcon);
m_strSelectLanguage = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectLanguage", m_strSelectLanguage);
m_strSelectLanguageDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelectLanguageDesc", m_strSelectLanguageDesc);
m_strSelfTestFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SelfTestFailed", m_strSelfTestFailed);
m_strSendingNoun = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SendingNoun", m_strSendingNoun);
m_strSeparator = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Separator", m_strSeparator);
m_strSequence = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Sequence", m_strSequence);
m_strSequences = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Sequences", m_strSequences);
m_strShowAdvAutoTypeCommands = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowAdvAutoTypeCommands", m_strShowAdvAutoTypeCommands);
m_strShowDerefData = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowDerefData", m_strShowDerefData);
m_strShowDerefDataAndRefs = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowDerefDataAndRefs", m_strShowDerefDataAndRefs);
m_strShowDerefDataAsync = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowDerefDataAsync", m_strShowDerefDataAsync);
m_strShowEntriesByTag = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowEntriesByTag", m_strShowEntriesByTag);
m_strShowFullPathInTitleBar = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowFullPathInTitleBar", m_strShowFullPathInTitleBar);
m_strShowIn = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowIn", m_strShowIn);
m_strShowMessageBox = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowMessageBox", m_strShowMessageBox);
m_strShowMore = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ShowMore", m_strShowMore);
m_strSimilarPasswords = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SimilarPasswords", m_strSimilarPasswords);
m_strSimilarPasswordsGroup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SimilarPasswordsGroup", m_strSimilarPasswordsGroup);
m_strSimilarPasswordsList2 = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SimilarPasswordsList2", m_strSimilarPasswordsList2);
m_strSimilarPasswordsNoDup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SimilarPasswordsNoDup", m_strSimilarPasswordsNoDup);
m_strSize = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Size", m_strSize);
m_strSkip = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Skip", m_strSkip);
m_strSlow = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Slow", m_strSlow);
m_strSoonToExpireEntries = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SoonToExpireEntries", m_strSoonToExpireEntries);
m_strSource = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Source", m_strSource);
m_strSpecialKeys = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SpecialKeys", m_strSpecialKeys);
m_strSslCertsAcceptInvalid = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SslCertsAcceptInvalid", m_strSslCertsAcceptInvalid);
m_strStandardExpireSelect = TryGetEx(dictNew, "StandardExpireSelect", m_strStandardExpireSelect);
m_strStandardFields = TryGetEx(dictNew, "StandardFields", m_strStandardFields);
m_strStartAndExit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "StartAndExit", m_strStartAndExit);
m_strStartMinimizedAndLocked = TryGetEx(dictNew, "StartMinimizedAndLocked", m_strStartMinimizedAndLocked);
m_strStartsWith = TryGetEx(dictNew, "StartsWith", m_strStartsWith);
m_strStatus = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Status", m_strStatus);
m_strStrikeout = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Strikeout", m_strStrikeout);
m_strString = TryGetEx(dictNew, "String", m_strString);
m_strSuccess = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Success", m_strSuccess);
m_strSyncFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SyncFailed", m_strSyncFailed);
m_strSynchronize = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Synchronize", m_strSynchronize);
m_strSynchronizedDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SynchronizedDatabaseFile", m_strSynchronizedDatabaseFile);
m_strSynchronizeStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SynchronizeStc", m_strSynchronizeStc);
m_strSynchronizing = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Synchronizing", m_strSynchronizing);
m_strSynchronizingDatabaseFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SynchronizingDatabaseFile", m_strSynchronizingDatabaseFile);
m_strSynchronizingHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SynchronizingHint", m_strSynchronizingHint);
m_strSyncSuccess = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SyncSuccess", m_strSyncSuccess);
m_strSystem = TryGetEx(dictNew, "System", m_strSystem);
m_strSystemCodePage = TryGetEx(dictNew, "SystemCodePage", m_strSystemCodePage);
m_strTag = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Tag", m_strTag);
m_strTagAddNew = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TagAddNew", m_strTagAddNew);
m_strTagNew = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TagNew", m_strTagNew);
m_strTags = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Tags", m_strTags);
m_strTagsAddRemove = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TagsAddRemove", m_strTagsAddRemove);
m_strTagsInheritedCount = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TagsInheritedCount", m_strTagsInheritedCount);
m_strTagsNotFound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TagsNotFound", m_strTagsNotFound);
m_strTanExpiresOnUse = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TanExpiresOnUse", m_strTanExpiresOnUse);
m_strTanWizard = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TanWizard", m_strTanWizard);
m_strTanWizardDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TanWizardDesc", m_strTanWizardDesc);
m_strTargetWindow = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TargetWindow", m_strTargetWindow);
m_strTemplatesNotFound = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TemplatesNotFound", m_strTemplatesNotFound);
m_strTestSuccess = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TestSuccess", m_strTestSuccess);
m_strText = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Text", m_strText);
m_strTextColor = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TextColor", m_strTextColor);
m_strTextViewer = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TextViewer", m_strTextViewer);
m_strTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Time", m_strTime);
m_strTimeReq = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TimeReq", m_strTimeReq);
m_strTimerRestartOnActivity = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TimerRestartOnActivity", m_strTimerRestartOnActivity);
m_strTimeSpan = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TimeSpan", m_strTimeSpan);
m_strTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Title", m_strTitle);
m_strToggle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Toggle", m_strToggle);
m_strTogglePasswordAsterisks = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TogglePasswordAsterisks", m_strTogglePasswordAsterisks);
m_strToolBarNew = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ToolBarNew", m_strToolBarNew);
m_strToolBarOpen = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ToolBarOpen", m_strToolBarOpen);
m_strToolBarSaveAll = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ToolBarSaveAll", m_strToolBarSaveAll);
m_strTooManyFilesError = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TooManyFilesError", m_strTooManyFilesError);
m_strTransformTime = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TransformTime", m_strTransformTime);
m_strTrayIcon = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TrayIcon", m_strTrayIcon);
m_strTrayIconGray = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TrayIconGray", m_strTrayIconGray);
m_strTrayIconSingleClick = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TrayIconSingleClick", m_strTrayIconSingleClick);
m_strTreeViewShowLines = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TreeViewShowLines", m_strTreeViewShowLines);
m_strTrigger = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Trigger", m_strTrigger);
m_strTriggerActionTypeUnknown = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerActionTypeUnknown", m_strTriggerActionTypeUnknown);
m_strTriggerAdd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerAdd", m_strTriggerAdd);
m_strTriggerAddDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerAddDesc", m_strTriggerAddDesc);
m_strTriggerConditionTypeUnknown = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerConditionTypeUnknown", m_strTriggerConditionTypeUnknown);
m_strTriggerEdit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerEdit", m_strTriggerEdit);
m_strTriggerEditDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerEditDesc", m_strTriggerEditDesc);
m_strTriggerEventTypeUnknown = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerEventTypeUnknown", m_strTriggerEventTypeUnknown);
m_strTriggerExecutionFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerExecutionFailed", m_strTriggerExecutionFailed);
m_strTriggering = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Triggering", m_strTriggering);
m_strTriggerName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerName", m_strTriggerName);
m_strTriggers = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Triggers", m_strTriggers);
m_strTriggersDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggersDesc", m_strTriggersDesc);
m_strTriggersEdit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggersEdit", m_strTriggersEdit);
m_strTriggerStateChange = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TriggerStateChange", m_strTriggerStateChange);
m_strType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Type", m_strType);
m_strTypeUnknownHint = TryGetEx(dictNew, "TypeUnknownHint", m_strTypeUnknownHint);
m_strUnderline = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Underline", m_strUnderline);
m_strUndo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Undo", m_strUndo);
m_strUnhidePasswords = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UnhidePasswords", m_strUnhidePasswords);
m_strUnhidePasswordsDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UnhidePasswordsDesc", m_strUnhidePasswordsDesc);
m_strUnhideSourceCharactersToo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UnhideSourceCharactersToo", m_strUnhideSourceCharactersToo);
m_strUnknown = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Unknown", m_strUnknown);
m_strUnsupportedByMono = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UnsupportedByMono", m_strUnsupportedByMono);
m_strUpdateCheck = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheck", m_strUpdateCheck);
m_strUpdateCheckEnableQ = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheckEnableQ", m_strUpdateCheckEnableQ);
m_strUpdateCheckFailedNoDl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheckFailedNoDl", m_strUpdateCheckFailedNoDl);
m_strUpdateCheckInfo = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheckInfo", m_strUpdateCheckInfo);
m_strUpdateCheckInfoPriv = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheckInfoPriv", m_strUpdateCheckInfoPriv);
m_strUpdateCheckInfoRes = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheckInfoRes", m_strUpdateCheckInfoRes);
m_strUpdateCheckResults = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdateCheckResults", m_strUpdateCheckResults);
m_strUpdatedUIState = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpdatedUIState", m_strUpdatedUIState);
m_strUpToDate = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UpToDate", m_strUpToDate);
m_strUrl = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Url", m_strUrl);
m_strUrlFieldEmptyFirstTab = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlFieldEmptyFirstTab", m_strUrlFieldEmptyFirstTab);
m_strUrlOpenDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlOpenDesc", m_strUrlOpenDesc);
m_strUrlOpenTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlOpenTitle", m_strUrlOpenTitle);
m_strUrlOverride = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlOverride", m_strUrlOverride);
m_strUrlOverrides = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlOverrides", m_strUrlOverrides);
m_strUrlSaveDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlSaveDesc", m_strUrlSaveDesc);
m_strUrlSaveTitle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UrlSaveTitle", m_strUrlSaveTitle);
m_strURtfCheck = TryGetEx(dictNew, "URtfCheck", m_strURtfCheck);
m_strURtfProblem = TryGetEx(dictNew, "URtfProblem", m_strURtfProblem);
m_strURtfSuggestion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "URtfSuggestion", m_strURtfSuggestion);
m_strUseFileLocks = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UseFileLocks", m_strUseFileLocks);
m_strUserName = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UserName", m_strUserName);
m_strUserNamePrompt = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UserNamePrompt", m_strUserNamePrompt);
m_strUserNameStc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UserNameStc", m_strUserNameStc);
m_strUseTransactedConfigWrites = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UseTransactedConfigWrites", m_strUseTransactedConfigWrites);
m_strUseTransactedDatabaseWrites = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UseTransactedDatabaseWrites", m_strUseTransactedDatabaseWrites);
m_strUuid = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Uuid", m_strUuid);
m_strUuidDupInDb = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UuidDupInDb", m_strUuidDupInDb);
m_strUuidFix = TryGetEx(dictNew, "UuidFix", m_strUuidFix);
m_strValidationFailed = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ValidationFailed", m_strValidationFailed);
m_strValue = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Value", m_strValue);
m_strVerb = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Verb", m_strVerb);
m_strVerifyWrittenFileAfterSave = TryGetEx(dictNew, "VerifyWrittenFileAfterSave", m_strVerifyWrittenFileAfterSave);
m_strVersion = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Version", m_strVersion);
m_strView = TryGetEx(dictNew, "View", m_strView);
m_strViewCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ViewCmd", m_strViewCmd);
m_strViewEntryDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ViewEntryDesc", m_strViewEntryDesc);
m_strViewEntryReadOnly = TryGetEx(dictNew, "ViewEntryReadOnly", m_strViewEntryReadOnly);
m_strWait = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Wait", m_strWait);
m_strWaitForExit = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WaitForExit", m_strWaitForExit);
m_strWaitPlease = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WaitPlease", m_strWaitPlease);
m_strWarning = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Warning", m_strWarning);
m_strWarnings = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Warnings", m_strWarnings);
m_strWebBrowser = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WebBrowser", m_strWebBrowser);
m_strWebSiteLogin = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WebSiteLogin", m_strWebSiteLogin);
m_strWebSites = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WebSites", m_strWebSites);
m_strWindowsFavorites = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WindowsFavorites", m_strWindowsFavorites);
m_strWindowsOS = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WindowsOS", m_strWindowsOS);
m_strWindowStyle = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WindowStyle", m_strWindowStyle);
m_strWindowsUserAccount = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WindowsUserAccount", m_strWindowsUserAccount);
m_strWindowsUserAccountBackup = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WindowsUserAccountBackup", m_strWindowsUserAccountBackup);
m_strWithoutContext = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WithoutContext", m_strWithoutContext);
m_strWorkspaceLocked = TryGetEx(dictNew, "WorkspaceLocked", m_strWorkspaceLocked);
m_strXmlModInvalid = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XmlModInvalid", m_strXmlModInvalid);
m_strXmlReplace = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XmlReplace", m_strXmlReplace);
m_strXmlReplaceDesc = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XmlReplaceDesc", m_strXmlReplaceDesc);
m_strXslExporter = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XslExporter", m_strXslExporter);
m_strXslFileType = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XslFileType", m_strXslFileType);
m_strXslSelectFile = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XslSelectFile", m_strXslSelectFile);
m_strXslStylesheetsKdbx = TryGetEx(dictNew, "XslStylesheetsKdbx", m_strXslStylesheetsKdbx);
m_strYes = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Yes", m_strYes);
m_strYesCmd = TryGetEx(dictNew, "YesCmd", m_strYesCmd);
m_strZoom = TryGetEx(dictNew, "Zoom", m_strZoom);
private static readonly string[] m_vKeyNames = {
public static string[] GetKeyNames()
return m_vKeyNames;
private static string m_strAbort =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Abort'.
public static string Abort
get { return m_strAbort; }
private static string m_strAbortTrigger =
@"Abort current trigger execution";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Abort current trigger execution'.
public static string AbortTrigger
get { return m_strAbortTrigger; }
private static string m_strAction =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Action'.
public static string Action
get { return m_strAction; }
private static string m_strActivateDatabaseTab =
@"Activate database (select tab)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Activate database (select tab)'.
public static string ActivateDatabaseTab
get { return m_strActivateDatabaseTab; }
private static string m_strActive =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Active'.
public static string Active
get { return m_strActive; }
private static string m_strAddEntry =
@"Add Entry";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Add Entry'.
public static string AddEntry
get { return m_strAddEntry; }
private static string m_strAddEntryDesc =
@"Create a new entry.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Create a new entry.'.
public static string AddEntryDesc
get { return m_strAddEntryDesc; }
private static string m_strAddGroup =
@"Add Group";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Add Group'.
public static string AddGroup
get { return m_strAddGroup; }
private static string m_strAddGroupDesc =
@"Create a new entry group.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Create a new entry group.'.
public static string AddGroupDesc
get { return m_strAddGroupDesc; }
private static string m_strAddStringField =
@"Add Entry String Field";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Add Entry String Field'.
public static string AddStringField
get { return m_strAddStringField; }
private static string m_strAddStringFieldDesc =
@"Create a new string field for the current entry.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Create a new string field for the current entry.'.
public static string AddStringFieldDesc
get { return m_strAddStringFieldDesc; }
private static string m_strAdvanced =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Advanced'.
public static string Advanced
get { return m_strAdvanced; }
private static string m_strAfterDatabaseOpen =
@"After Opening a Database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'After Opening a Database'.
public static string AfterDatabaseOpen
get { return m_strAfterDatabaseOpen; }
private static string m_strAlignCenter =
@"Align Center";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Align Center'.
public static string AlignCenter
get { return m_strAlignCenter; }
private static string m_strAlignLeft =
@"Align Left";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Align Left'.
public static string AlignLeft
get { return m_strAlignLeft; }
private static string m_strAlignRight =
@"Align Right";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Align Right'.
public static string AlignRight
get { return m_strAlignRight; }
private static string m_strAll =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'All'.
public static string All
get { return m_strAll; }
private static string m_strAllFiles =
@"All Files";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'All Files'.
public static string AllFiles
get { return m_strAllFiles; }
private static string m_strAllSupportedFiles =
@"All Supported Files";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'All Supported Files'.
public static string AllSupportedFiles
get { return m_strAllSupportedFiles; }
private static string m_strAlternatingBgColors =
@"Use alternating item background colors";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Use alternating item background colors'.
public static string AlternatingBgColors
get { return m_strAlternatingBgColors; }
private static string m_strApplication =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Application'.
public static string Application
get { return m_strApplication; }
private static string m_strApplicationExit =
@"Application exit";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Application exit'.
public static string ApplicationExit
get { return m_strApplicationExit; }
private static string m_strApplicationInitialized =
@"Application initialized";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Application initialized'.
public static string ApplicationInitialized
get { return m_strApplicationInitialized; }
private static string m_strApplicationStarted =
@"Application started and ready";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Application started and ready'.
public static string ApplicationStarted
get { return m_strApplicationStarted; }
private static string m_strArguments =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Arguments'.
public static string Arguments
get { return m_strArguments; }
private static string m_strAscending =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Ascending'.
public static string Ascending
get { return m_strAscending; }
private static string m_strAskContinue =
@"Do you want to continue?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do you want to continue?'.
public static string AskContinue
get { return m_strAskContinue; }
private static string m_strAssociationsLower =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'association(s)'.
public static string AssociationsLower
get { return m_strAssociationsLower; }
private static string m_strAsterisks =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Asterisks'.
public static string Asterisks
get { return m_strAsterisks; }
private static string m_strAttachedExistsAlready =
@"The following file has already been attached to the current entry:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The following file has already been attached to the current entry:'.
public static string AttachedExistsAlready
get { return m_strAttachedExistsAlready; }
private static string m_strAttachExtDiscardDesc =
@"Discard any changes made to the temporary file and do not modify the current attachment.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Discard any changes made to the temporary file and do not modify the current attachment.'.
public static string AttachExtDiscardDesc
get { return m_strAttachExtDiscardDesc; }
private static string m_strAttachExtImportDesc =
@"Replace the attachment by the (modified) temporary file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Replace the attachment by the (modified) temporary file.'.
public static string AttachExtImportDesc
get { return m_strAttachExtImportDesc; }
private static string m_strAttachExtOpened =
@"KeePass has extracted the attachment to a (EFS-encrypted) temporary file and opened it using an external application.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePass has extracted the attachment to a (EFS-encrypted) temporary file and opened it using an external application.'.
public static string AttachExtOpened
get { return m_strAttachExtOpened; }
private static string m_strAttachExtOpenedPost =
@"After viewing/editing and closing the file in the external application, please choose how to continue";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'After viewing/editing and closing the file in the external application, please choose how to continue'.
public static string AttachExtOpenedPost
get { return m_strAttachExtOpenedPost; }
private static string m_strAttachExtSecDel =
@"In any case, KeePass will securely delete the temporary file afterwards.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'In any case, KeePass will securely delete the temporary file afterwards.'.
public static string AttachExtSecDel
get { return m_strAttachExtSecDel; }
private static string m_strAttachFailed =
@"Failed to attach file:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Failed to attach file:'.
public static string AttachFailed
get { return m_strAttachFailed; }
private static string m_strAttachFiles =
@"Attach Files To Entry";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Attach Files To Entry'.
public static string AttachFiles
get { return m_strAttachFiles; }
private static string m_strAttachments =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Attachments'.
public static string Attachments
get { return m_strAttachments; }
private static string m_strAttachmentSave =
@"Save Attached File As";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save Attached File As'.
public static string AttachmentSave
get { return m_strAttachmentSave; }
private static string m_strAttachmentsSave =
@"Save attached files to:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save attached files to:'.
public static string AttachmentsSave
get { return m_strAttachmentsSave; }
private static string m_strAttachNewRename =
@"Do you wish to rename the new file or overwrite the existing attached file?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do you wish to rename the new file or overwrite the existing attached file?'.
public static string AttachNewRename
get { return m_strAttachNewRename; }
private static string m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks0 =
@"Click [Yes] to rename the new file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Click [Yes] to rename the new file.'.
public static string AttachNewRenameRemarks0
get { return m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks0; }
private static string m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks1 =
@"Click [No] to overwrite the existing attached file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Click [No] to overwrite the existing attached file.'.
public static string AttachNewRenameRemarks1
get { return m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks1; }
private static string m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks2 =
@"Click [Cancel] to skip this file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Click [Cancel] to skip this file.'.
public static string AttachNewRenameRemarks2
get { return m_strAttachNewRenameRemarks2; }
private static string m_strAuthor =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Author'.
public static string Author
get { return m_strAuthor; }
private static string m_strAuto =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Auto'.
public static string Auto
get { return m_strAuto; }
private static string m_strAutoCreateNew =
@"Automatically create new";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Automatically create new'.
public static string AutoCreateNew
get { return m_strAutoCreateNew; }
private static string m_strAutoGeneratedPasswordSettings =
@"Automatically generated passwords for new entries";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Automatically generated passwords for new entries'.
public static string AutoGeneratedPasswordSettings
get { return m_strAutoGeneratedPasswordSettings; }
private static string m_strAutoRememberOpenLastFile =
@"Remember and automatically open last used database on startup";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Remember and automatically open last used database on startup'.
public static string AutoRememberOpenLastFile
get { return m_strAutoRememberOpenLastFile; }
private static string m_strAutoSaveAfterEntryEdit =
@"Automatically save after modifying an entry using the entry editing dialog";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Automatically save after modifying an entry using the entry editing dialog'.
public static string AutoSaveAfterEntryEdit
get { return m_strAutoSaveAfterEntryEdit; }
private static string m_strAutoSaveAtExit =
@"Automatically save when closing/locking the database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Automatically save when closing/locking the database'.
public static string AutoSaveAtExit
get { return m_strAutoSaveAtExit; }
private static string m_strAutoShowExpiredEntries =
@"Show expired entries (if any)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show expired entries (if any)'.
public static string AutoShowExpiredEntries
get { return m_strAutoShowExpiredEntries; }
private static string m_strAutoShowSoonToExpireEntries =
@"Show entries that will expire soon (if any)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show entries that will expire soon (if any)'.
public static string AutoShowSoonToExpireEntries
get { return m_strAutoShowSoonToExpireEntries; }
private static string m_strAutoType =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Auto-Type'.
public static string AutoType
get { return m_strAutoType; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeAbortedOnWindow =
@"Auto-Type has been aborted, because the target window is disallowed by the application policy (defined by your administrator).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Auto-Type has been aborted, because the target window is disallowed by the application policy (defined by your administrator).'.
public static string AutoTypeAbortedOnWindow
get { return m_strAutoTypeAbortedOnWindow; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog =
@"Always show global auto-type entry selection dialog";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Always show global auto-type entry selection dialog'.
public static string AutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog
get { return m_strAutoTypeAlwaysShowSelDialog; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeCancelOnTitleChange =
@"Cancel auto-type when the target window title changes";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Cancel auto-type when the target window title changes'.
public static string AutoTypeCancelOnTitleChange
get { return m_strAutoTypeCancelOnTitleChange; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeCancelOnWindowChange =
@"Cancel auto-type when the target window changes";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Cancel auto-type when the target window changes'.
public static string AutoTypeCancelOnWindowChange
get { return m_strAutoTypeCancelOnWindowChange; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeEntrySelection =
@"Auto-Type Entry Selection";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Auto-Type Entry Selection'.
public static string AutoTypeEntrySelection
get { return m_strAutoTypeEntrySelection; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescLong2 =
@"The following entries have been found for the currently active target window. Please select the entry that you want to auto-type into the target window.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The following entries have been found for the currently active target window. Please select the entry that you want to auto-type into the target window.'.
public static string AutoTypeEntrySelectionDescLong2
get { return m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescLong2; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescShort =
@"Multiple entries exist for the current window.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Multiple entries exist for the current window.'.
public static string AutoTypeEntrySelectionDescShort
get { return m_strAutoTypeEntrySelectionDescShort; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeGlobalHint =
@"If you want KeePass to search the active database for a matching entry and auto-type it, use the 'Global auto-type' hot key.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'If you want KeePass to search the active database for a matching entry and auto-type it, use the 'Global auto-type' hot key.'.
public static string AutoTypeGlobalHint
get { return m_strAutoTypeGlobalHint; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeMatchByTagInTitle =
@"An entry matches if one of its tags is contained in the target window title";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'An entry matches if one of its tags is contained in the target window title'.
public static string AutoTypeMatchByTagInTitle
get { return m_strAutoTypeMatchByTagInTitle; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeMatchByTitle =
@"An entry matches if its title is contained in the target window title";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'An entry matches if its title is contained in the target window title'.
public static string AutoTypeMatchByTitle
get { return m_strAutoTypeMatchByTitle; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlHostInTitle =
@"An entry matches if the host component of its URL is contained in the target window title";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'An entry matches if the host component of its URL is contained in the target window title'.
public static string AutoTypeMatchByUrlHostInTitle
get { return m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlHostInTitle; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlInTitle =
@"An entry matches if its URL is contained in the target window title";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'An entry matches if its URL is contained in the target window title'.
public static string AutoTypeMatchByUrlInTitle
get { return m_strAutoTypeMatchByUrlInTitle; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeObfuscationHint =
@"Auto-Type obfuscation may not work with all windows.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Auto-Type obfuscation may not work with all windows.'.
public static string AutoTypeObfuscationHint
get { return m_strAutoTypeObfuscationHint; }
private static string m_strAutoTypePrependInitSeqForIE =
@"Prepend special initialization sequence for Internet Explorer windows";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Prepend special initialization sequence for Internet Explorer windows'.
public static string AutoTypePrependInitSeqForIE
get { return m_strAutoTypePrependInitSeqForIE; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeReleaseAltWithKeyPress =
@"Send Alt keypress when only the Alt modifier is active";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Send Alt keypress when only the Alt modifier is active'.
public static string AutoTypeReleaseAltWithKeyPress
get { return m_strAutoTypeReleaseAltWithKeyPress; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeSelectedNoEntry =
@"To use the 'Auto-type selected entry' hot key, you first need to select an entry in KeePass.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'To use the 'Auto-type selected entry' hot key, you first need to select an entry in KeePass.'.
public static string AutoTypeSelectedNoEntry
get { return m_strAutoTypeSelectedNoEntry; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeSequenceInvalid =
@"The specified auto-type sequence is invalid.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The specified auto-type sequence is invalid.'.
public static string AutoTypeSequenceInvalid
get { return m_strAutoTypeSequenceInvalid; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeUnknownPlaceholder =
@"The following auto-type placeholder or special key code is unknown/unsupported:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The following auto-type placeholder or special key code is unknown/unsupported:'.
public static string AutoTypeUnknownPlaceholder
get { return m_strAutoTypeUnknownPlaceholder; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequired =
@"The 'xdotool' utility/package is required for auto-type.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The 'xdotool' utility/package is required for auto-type.'.
public static string AutoTypeXDoToolRequired
get { return m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequired; }
private static string m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequiredGlobalVer =
@"For global auto-type, the 'xdotool' utility/package is required (version 2.20100818.3004 or higher!).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'For global auto-type, the 'xdotool' utility/package is required (version 2.20100818.3004 or higher!).'.
public static string AutoTypeXDoToolRequiredGlobalVer
get { return m_strAutoTypeXDoToolRequiredGlobalVer; }
private static string m_strAvailable =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Available'.
public static string Available
get { return m_strAvailable; }
private static string m_strBackgroundColor =
@"Background Color";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Background Color'.
public static string BackgroundColor
get { return m_strBackgroundColor; }
private static string m_strBackupDatabase =
@"You should regularly create a backup of the database file (onto an independent data storage device).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'You should regularly create a backup of the database file (onto an independent data storage device).'.
public static string BackupDatabase
get { return m_strBackupDatabase; }
private static string m_strBackupFile =
@"You should create a backup of this file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'You should create a backup of this file.'.
public static string BackupFile
get { return m_strBackupFile; }
private static string m_strBackupLocation =
@"Backups are stored here:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Backups are stored here:'.
public static string BackupLocation
get { return m_strBackupLocation; }
private static string m_strBinaryNoConv =
@"Binary (no conversion)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Binary (no conversion)'.
public static string BinaryNoConv
get { return m_strBinaryNoConv; }
private static string m_strBits =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Bits'.
public static string Bits
get { return m_strBits; }
private static string m_strBitsA =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '{PARAM}-bit'.
public static string BitsA
get { return m_strBitsA; }
private static string m_strBitsEx =
@"{PARAM} bits";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '{PARAM} bits'.
public static string BitsEx
get { return m_strBitsEx; }
private static string m_strBold =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Bold'.
public static string Bold
get { return m_strBold; }
private static string m_strBothForms =
@"Both forms";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Both forms'.
public static string BothForms
get { return m_strBothForms; }
private static string m_strBrowser =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Browser'.
public static string Browser
get { return m_strBrowser; }
private static string m_strBuiltIn =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'built-in'.
public static string BuiltIn
get { return m_strBuiltIn; }
private static string m_strBuiltInU =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Built-in'.
public static string BuiltInU
get { return m_strBuiltInU; }
private static string m_strButton =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Button'.
public static string Button
get { return m_strButton; }
private static string m_strButtonBack =
@"< &Back";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '< &Back'.
public static string ButtonBack
get { return m_strButtonBack; }
private static string m_strButtonDefault =
@"Default button";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Default button'.
public static string ButtonDefault
get { return m_strButtonDefault; }
private static string m_strButtonFinish =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Finish'.
public static string ButtonFinish
get { return m_strButtonFinish; }
private static string m_strButtonNext =
@"&Next >";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Next >'.
public static string ButtonNext
get { return m_strButtonNext; }
private static string m_strButtons =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Buttons'.
public static string Buttons
get { return m_strButtons; }
private static string m_strCancel =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Cancel'.
public static string Cancel
get { return m_strCancel; }
private static string m_strCannotMoveEntriesBcsGroup =
@"Cannot move entries because they are not stored in the same group.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Cannot move entries because they are not stored in the same group.'.
public static string CannotMoveEntriesBcsGroup
get { return m_strCannotMoveEntriesBcsGroup; }
private static string m_strChangeMasterKey =
@"Change Master Key";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Change Master Key'.
public static string ChangeMasterKey
get { return m_strChangeMasterKey; }
private static string m_strChangeMasterKeyIntroShort =
@"You are changing the master key for the currently open database.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'You are changing the master key for the currently open database.'.
public static string ChangeMasterKeyIntroShort
get { return m_strChangeMasterKeyIntroShort; }
private static string m_strCharsAbbr =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'ch.'.
public static string CharsAbbr
get { return m_strCharsAbbr; }
private static string m_strCharsStc =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'characters'.
public static string CharsStc
get { return m_strCharsStc; }
private static string m_strCheckForUpdAtStart =
@"Check for update at KeePass startup";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Check for update at KeePass startup'.
public static string CheckForUpdAtStart
get { return m_strCheckForUpdAtStart; }
private static string m_strCheckingForUpd =
@"Checking for updates";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Checking for updates'.
public static string CheckingForUpd
get { return m_strCheckingForUpd; }
private static string m_strClassicAdj =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Classic'.
public static string ClassicAdj
get { return m_strClassicAdj; }
private static string m_strClearKeyCmdLineParams =
@"Clear master key command line parameters after using them once";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Clear master key command line parameters after using them once'.
public static string ClearKeyCmdLineParams
get { return m_strClearKeyCmdLineParams; }
private static string m_strClearMru =
@"&Clear List";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Clear List'.
public static string ClearMru
get { return m_strClearMru; }
private static string m_strClipboard =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Clipboard'.
public static string Clipboard
get { return m_strClipboard; }
private static string m_strClipboardClearDesc =
@"Copying sensitive data to the clipboard starts a countdown. After the specified time, the clipboard is cleared.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Copying sensitive data to the clipboard starts a countdown. After the specified time, the clipboard is cleared.'.
public static string ClipboardClearDesc
get { return m_strClipboardClearDesc; }
private static string m_strClipboardClearInSeconds =
@"Clipboard will be cleared in [PARAM] seconds";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Clipboard will be cleared in [PARAM] seconds'.
public static string ClipboardClearInSeconds
get { return m_strClipboardClearInSeconds; }
private static string m_strClipboardClearOnExit =
@"Clear clipboard when closing KeePass";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Clear clipboard when closing KeePass'.
public static string ClipboardClearOnExit
get { return m_strClipboardClearOnExit; }
private static string m_strClipboardDataCopied =
@"Data copied to clipboard.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Data copied to clipboard.'.
public static string ClipboardDataCopied
get { return m_strClipboardDataCopied; }
private static string m_strClipboardMain =
@"Clipboard (Main Entry List)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Clipboard (Main Entry List)'.
public static string ClipboardMain
get { return m_strClipboardMain; }
private static string m_strClipboardNoPersist =
@"Do not store data in the Windows clipboard history and the cloud clipboard";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do not store data in the Windows clipboard history and the cloud clipboard'.
public static string ClipboardNoPersist
get { return m_strClipboardNoPersist; }
private static string m_strClipboardOptionME =
@"This option applies to entry clipboard commands in the main window (like 'Copy User Name' and 'Copy Password').";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'This option applies to entry clipboard commands in the main window (like 'Copy User Name' and 'Copy Password').'.
public static string ClipboardOptionME
get { return m_strClipboardOptionME; }
private static string m_strClipboardViewerIgnoreFormat =
@"Use 'Clipboard Viewer Ignore' clipboard format";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Use 'Clipboard Viewer Ignore' clipboard format'.
public static string ClipboardViewerIgnoreFormat
get { return m_strClipboardViewerIgnoreFormat; }
private static string m_strClose =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Close'.
public static string Close
get { return m_strClose; }
private static string m_strCloseActiveDatabase =
@"Close active database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Close active database'.
public static string CloseActiveDatabase
get { return m_strCloseActiveDatabase; }
private static string m_strCloseButtonMinimizes =
@"Close button [X] minimizes main window instead of terminating the application";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Close button [X] minimizes main window instead of terminating the application'.
public static string CloseButtonMinimizes
get { return m_strCloseButtonMinimizes; }
private static string m_strClosingDatabaseFile =
@"Closing database file";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Closing database file'.
public static string ClosingDatabaseFile
get { return m_strClosingDatabaseFile; }
private static string m_strClusterCenters2 =
@"Clusters of similar passwords (excluding TANs).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Clusters of similar passwords (excluding TANs).'.
public static string ClusterCenters2
get { return m_strClusterCenters2; }
private static string m_strClusterCentersDesc =
@"Each entry in the list below is the center of a cluster of entries that have similar, but not identical passwords. Click on an entry to see the cluster (list of entries with descending similarity).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Each entry in the list below is the center of a cluster of entries that have similar, but not identical passwords. Click on an entry to see the cluster (list of entries with descending similarity).'.
public static string ClusterCentersDesc
get { return m_strClusterCentersDesc; }
private static string m_strColumn =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Column'.
public static string Column
get { return m_strColumn; }
private static string m_strColumns =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Columns'.
public static string Columns
get { return m_strColumns; }
private static string m_strComments =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Comments'.
public static string Comments
get { return m_strComments; }
private static string m_strCompany =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Company'.
public static string Company
get { return m_strCompany; }
private static string m_strComparison =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Comparison'.
public static string Comparison
get { return m_strComparison; }
private static string m_strCompatWithOldVer =
@"compatible with older KeePass versions/ports";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'compatible with older KeePass versions/ports'.
public static string CompatWithOldVer
get { return m_strCompatWithOldVer; }
private static string m_strComponent =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Component'.
public static string Component
get { return m_strComponent; }
private static string m_strCondition =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Condition'.
public static string Condition
get { return m_strCondition; }
private static string m_strConfigAffectAdmin =
@"Changes to the configuration/policy will affect you and all users of this KeePass installation.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Changes to the configuration/policy will affect you and all users of this KeePass installation.'.
public static string ConfigAffectAdmin
get { return m_strConfigAffectAdmin; }
private static string m_strConfigAffectUser =
@"Changes to the configuration/policy will only affect you. Policy flags that are enforced by the administrator are reset after restarting KeePass.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Changes to the configuration/policy will only affect you. Policy flags that are enforced by the administrator are reset after restarting KeePass.'.
public static string ConfigAffectUser
get { return m_strConfigAffectUser; }
private static string m_strConfigError =
@"Configuration error";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Configuration error'.
public static string ConfigError
get { return m_strConfigError; }
private static string m_strConfigOverwriteBackup =
@"KeePass will maybe overwrite the configuration file. Therefore, a backup has been created.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePass will maybe overwrite the configuration file. Therefore, a backup has been created.'.
public static string ConfigOverwriteBackup
get { return m_strConfigOverwriteBackup; }
private static string m_strConfigureAutoType =
@"Configure Auto-Type";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Configure Auto-Type'.
public static string ConfigureAutoType
get { return m_strConfigureAutoType; }
private static string m_strConfigureAutoTypeDesc =
@"Configure auto-type behaviour for this entry.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Configure auto-type behaviour for this entry.'.
public static string ConfigureAutoTypeDesc
get { return m_strConfigureAutoTypeDesc; }
private static string m_strConfigureAutoTypeItem =
@"Configure Auto-Type Item";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Configure Auto-Type Item'.
public static string ConfigureAutoTypeItem
get { return m_strConfigureAutoTypeItem; }
private static string m_strConfigureAutoTypeItemDesc =
@"Associate a window title with a keystroke sequence.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Associate a window title with a keystroke sequence.'.
public static string ConfigureAutoTypeItemDesc
get { return m_strConfigureAutoTypeItemDesc; }
private static string m_strConfigureColumns =
@"Configure Columns";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Configure Columns'.
public static string ConfigureColumns
get { return m_strConfigureColumns; }
private static string m_strConfigureColumnsDesc =
@"Configure entry list columns.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Configure entry list columns.'.
public static string ConfigureColumnsDesc
get { return m_strConfigureColumnsDesc; }
private static string m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeq =
@"Configure Keystroke Sequence";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Configure Keystroke Sequence'.
public static string ConfigureKeystrokeSeq
get { return m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeq; }
private static string m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeqDesc =
@"Define a default keystroke sequence.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Define a default keystroke sequence.'.
public static string ConfigureKeystrokeSeqDesc
get { return m_strConfigureKeystrokeSeqDesc; }
private static string m_strConfigureOnNewDatabase3 =
@"Configure New Database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Configure New Database'.
public static string ConfigureOnNewDatabase3
get { return m_strConfigureOnNewDatabase3; }
private static string m_strConsiderDashesEq =
@"Consider similar dashes as identical";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Consider similar dashes as identical'.
public static string ConsiderDashesEq
get { return m_strConsiderDashesEq; }
private static string m_strContact =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Contact'.
public static string Contact
get { return m_strContact; }
private static string m_strContainsOp =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Contains'.
public static string ContainsOp
get { return m_strContainsOp; }
private static string m_strCopiedEntryData =
@"Copied entry data to clipboard";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Copied entry data to clipboard'.
public static string CopiedEntryData
get { return m_strCopiedEntryData; }
private static string m_strCopy =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Copy'.
public static string Copy
get { return m_strCopy; }
private static string m_strCopyAll =
@"Copy All";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Copy All'.
public static string CopyAll
get { return m_strCopyAll; }
private static string m_strCopyLink =
@"Copy Link";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Copy Link'.
public static string CopyLink
get { return m_strCopyLink; }
private static string m_strCopyOfItem =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Copy'.
public static string CopyOfItem
get { return m_strCopyOfItem; }
private static string m_strCopyPasswordMenu =
@"Copy &Password";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Copy &Password'.
public static string CopyPasswordMenu
get { return m_strCopyPasswordMenu; }
private static string m_strCopyTanMenu =
@"Co&py TAN";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Co&py TAN'.
public static string CopyTanMenu
get { return m_strCopyTanMenu; }
private static string m_strCopyUrls =
@"&Copy URL(s)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Copy URL(s)'.
public static string CopyUrls
get { return m_strCopyUrls; }
private static string m_strCopyUrlsInsteadOfOpening =
@"Copy URLs to clipboard instead of opening them";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Copy URLs to clipboard instead of opening them'.
public static string CopyUrlsInsteadOfOpening
get { return m_strCopyUrlsInsteadOfOpening; }
private static string m_strCopyUserName =
@"Copy User Name";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Copy User Name'.
public static string CopyUserName
get { return m_strCopyUserName; }
private static string m_strCopyWholeEntries =
@"Copy Whole Entries";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Copy Whole Entries'.
public static string CopyWholeEntries
get { return m_strCopyWholeEntries; }
private static string m_strCorruptionByExt =
@"Such a corruption is usually caused by a plugin or a KeePass port. Please try to find out which plugin/port is causing it and report the issue to the corresponding developer.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Such a corruption is usually caused by a plugin or a KeePass port. Please try to find out which plugin/port is causing it and report the issue to the corresponding developer.'.
public static string CorruptionByExt
get { return m_strCorruptionByExt; }
private static string m_strCount =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Count'.
public static string Count
get { return m_strCount; }
private static string m_strCreateMasterKey =
@"Create Master Key";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Create Master Key'.
public static string CreateMasterKey
get { return m_strCreateMasterKey; }
private static string m_strCreateNewDatabase2 =
@"Create New Database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Create New Database'.
public static string CreateNewDatabase2
get { return m_strCreateNewDatabase2; }
private static string m_strCreateNewIDs =
@"Create new &IDs";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Create new &IDs'.
public static string CreateNewIDs
get { return m_strCreateNewIDs; }
private static string m_strCreationTime =
@"Creation Time";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Creation Time'.
public static string CreationTime
get { return m_strCreationTime; }
private static string m_strCredSaveAll =
@"Remember user name and password";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Remember user name and password'.
public static string CredSaveAll
get { return m_strCredSaveAll; }
private static string m_strCredSaveNone =
@"Do not remember user name and password";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do not remember user name and password'.
public static string CredSaveNone
get { return m_strCredSaveNone; }
private static string m_strCredSaveUserOnly =
@"Remember user name only";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Remember user name only'.
public static string CredSaveUserOnly
get { return m_strCredSaveUserOnly; }
private static string m_strCredSpecifyDifferent =
@"&Specify different server credentials";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Specify different server credentials'.
public static string CredSpecifyDifferent
get { return m_strCredSpecifyDifferent; }
private static string m_strCsprojCountError =
@"There must be exactly one .csproj or .vbproj file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'There must be exactly one .csproj or .vbproj file.'.
public static string CsprojCountError
get { return m_strCsprojCountError; }
private static string m_strCsvImportDesc =
@"Import data from a file containing comma-separated values (CSV).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Import data from a file containing comma-separated values (CSV).'.
public static string CsvImportDesc
get { return m_strCsvImportDesc; }
private static string m_strCsvTextFile =
@"CSV/Text File";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'CSV/Text File'.
public static string CsvTextFile
get { return m_strCsvTextFile; }
private static string m_strCtrlAltAConflict =
@"KeePass' global auto-type hot key Ctrl+Alt+A is in conflict with a system key combination that is producing '{PARAM}'.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePass' global auto-type hot key Ctrl+Alt+A is in conflict with a system key combination that is producing '{PARAM}'.'.
public static string CtrlAltAConflict
get { return m_strCtrlAltAConflict; }
private static string m_strCtrlAltAConflictHint =
@"You can change the global auto-type hot key to a different key combination in 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> tab 'Integration'.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'You can change the global auto-type hot key to a different key combination in 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> tab 'Integration'.'.
public static string CtrlAltAConflictHint
get { return m_strCtrlAltAConflictHint; }
private static string m_strCurrentStyle =
@"Current style";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Current style'.
public static string CurrentStyle
get { return m_strCurrentStyle; }
private static string m_strCustom =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Custom'.
public static string Custom
get { return m_strCustom; }
private static string m_strCustomFields =
@"Custom Fields";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Custom Fields'.
public static string CustomFields
get { return m_strCustomFields; }
private static string m_strCustomizableHtml =
@"Customizable HTML File";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Customizable HTML File'.
public static string CustomizableHtml
get { return m_strCustomizableHtml; }
private static string m_strCustomTbButtonAdd =
@"Add custom toolbar button";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Add custom toolbar button'.
public static string CustomTbButtonAdd
get { return m_strCustomTbButtonAdd; }
private static string m_strCustomTbButtonClicked =
@"Custom toolbar button clicked";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Custom toolbar button clicked'.
public static string CustomTbButtonClicked
get { return m_strCustomTbButtonClicked; }
private static string m_strCustomTbButtonRemove =
@"Remove custom toolbar button";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Remove custom toolbar button'.
public static string CustomTbButtonRemove
get { return m_strCustomTbButtonRemove; }
private static string m_strCut =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Cut'.
public static string Cut
get { return m_strCut; }
private static string m_strData =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Data'.
public static string Data
get { return m_strData; }
private static string m_strDatabase =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Database'.
public static string Database
get { return m_strDatabase; }
private static string m_strDatabaseDescPrompt =
@"Enter a short description of the database or leave it empty.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enter a short description of the database or leave it empty.'.
public static string DatabaseDescPrompt
get { return m_strDatabaseDescPrompt; }
private static string m_strDatabaseFile =
@"Database file";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Database file'.
public static string DatabaseFile
get { return m_strDatabaseFile; }
private static string m_strDatabaseFileIntro =
@"Your data will be stored in a KeePass database file, which is a regular file. After clicking [OK], you will be prompted to specify the location where KeePass should save this file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Your data will be stored in a KeePass database file, which is a regular file. After clicking [OK], you will be prompted to specify the location where KeePass should save this file.'.
public static string DatabaseFileIntro
get { return m_strDatabaseFileIntro; }
private static string m_strDatabaseFileRem =
@"It is important that you remember where the database file is stored.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'It is important that you remember where the database file is stored.'.
public static string DatabaseFileRem
get { return m_strDatabaseFileRem; }
private static string m_strDatabaseHasUnsavedChanges =
@"Database has unsaved changes";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Database has unsaved changes'.
public static string DatabaseHasUnsavedChanges
get { return m_strDatabaseHasUnsavedChanges; }
private static string m_strDatabaseMaintenance =
@"Database Maintenance";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Database Maintenance'.
public static string DatabaseMaintenance
get { return m_strDatabaseMaintenance; }
private static string m_strDatabaseMaintenanceDesc =
@"Here you can maintain the currently open database.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Here you can maintain the currently open database.'.
public static string DatabaseMaintenanceDesc
get { return m_strDatabaseMaintenanceDesc; }
private static string m_strDatabaseModifiedNoDot =
@"The current database file has been modified";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The current database file has been modified'.
public static string DatabaseModifiedNoDot
get { return m_strDatabaseModifiedNoDot; }
private static string m_strDatabaseNamePrompt =
@"Enter a name for the database or leave it empty.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enter a name for the database or leave it empty.'.
public static string DatabaseNamePrompt
get { return m_strDatabaseNamePrompt; }
private static string m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionAsk =
@"Show confirmation dialog when opening a database file whose minor format version is unknown";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show confirmation dialog when opening a database file whose minor format version is unknown'.
public static string DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionAsk
get { return m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionAsk; }
private static string m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionInfo =
@"The format version of the selected database file is higher than the one supported by the currently running KeePass instance. Most likely, the database file has been created by a newer KeePass version. KeePass can try to open the database file, but certain data may be lost.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The format version of the selected database file is higher than the one supported by the currently running KeePass instance. Most likely, the database file has been created by a newer KeePass version. KeePass can try to open the database file, but certain data may be lost.'.
public static string DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionInfo
get { return m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionInfo; }
private static string m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionQ =
@"Do you want to try opening the database file, possibly losing certain data?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do you want to try opening the database file, possibly losing certain data?'.
public static string DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionQ
get { return m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionQ; }
private static string m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionRec =
@"In order to avoid data loss, it is recommended to install/use the latest version of KeePass.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'In order to avoid data loss, it is recommended to install/use the latest version of KeePass.'.
public static string DatabaseOpenUnknownVersionRec
get { return m_strDatabaseOpenUnknownVersionRec; }
private static string m_strDatabaseSettings =
@"Database Settings";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Database Settings'.
public static string DatabaseSettings
get { return m_strDatabaseSettings; }
private static string m_strDatabaseSettingsDesc =
@"Here you can configure various database settings.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Here you can configure various database settings.'.
public static string DatabaseSettingsDesc
get { return m_strDatabaseSettingsDesc; }
private static string m_strDataEditorKP =
@"KeePass Data Editor";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePass Data Editor'.
public static string DataEditorKP
get { return m_strDataEditorKP; }
private static string m_strDataLoss =
@"If you lose the database file or any of the master key components (or forget the composition), all data stored in the database is lost. KeePass does not have any built-in file backup functionality. There is no backdoor and no universal key that can open your database.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'If you lose the database file or any of the master key components (or forget the composition), all data stored in the database is lost. KeePass does not have any built-in file backup functionality. There is no backdoor and no universal key that can open your database.'.
public static string DataLoss
get { return m_strDataLoss; }
private static string m_strDataViewerKP =
@"KeePass Data Viewer";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePass Data Viewer'.
public static string DataViewerKP
get { return m_strDataViewerKP; }
private static string m_strDbMntncResults =
@"Show results of database maintenance in a dialog";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show results of database maintenance in a dialog'.
public static string DbMntncResults
get { return m_strDbMntncResults; }
private static string m_strDbNoModBy =
@"{PARAM} has not modified the database.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '{PARAM} has not modified the database.'.
public static string DbNoModBy
get { return m_strDbNoModBy; }
private static string m_strDefault =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Default'.
public static string Default
get { return m_strDefault; }
private static string m_strDelete =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Delete'.
public static string Delete
get { return m_strDelete; }
private static string m_strDeleteCmd =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Delete'.
public static string DeleteCmd
get { return m_strDeleteCmd; }
private static string m_strDeleteEntriesQuestion =
@"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected entries?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected entries?'.
public static string DeleteEntriesQuestion
get { return m_strDeleteEntriesQuestion; }
private static string m_strDeleteEntriesQuestionSingle =
@"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected entry?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected entry?'.
public static string DeleteEntriesQuestionSingle
get { return m_strDeleteEntriesQuestionSingle; }
private static string m_strDeleteEntriesTitle =
@"Delete Entries";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Delete Entries'.
public static string DeleteEntriesTitle
get { return m_strDeleteEntriesTitle; }
private static string m_strDeleteEntriesTitleSingle =
@"Delete Entry";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Delete Entry'.
public static string DeleteEntriesTitleSingle
get { return m_strDeleteEntriesTitleSingle; }
private static string m_strDeleteGroupInfo =
@"Deleting a group will also delete all entries and subgroups in that group.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Deleting a group will also delete all entries and subgroups in that group.'.
public static string DeleteGroupInfo
get { return m_strDeleteGroupInfo; }
private static string m_strDeleteGroupQuestion =
@"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected group?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected group?'.
public static string DeleteGroupQuestion
get { return m_strDeleteGroupQuestion; }
private static string m_strDeleteGroupTitle =
@"Delete Group";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Delete Group'.
public static string DeleteGroupTitle
get { return m_strDeleteGroupTitle; }
private static string m_strDescending =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Descending'.
public static string Descending
get { return m_strDescending; }
private static string m_strDescription =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Description'.
public static string Description
get { return m_strDescription; }
private static string m_strDestination =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Destination'.
public static string Destination
get { return m_strDestination; }
private static string m_strDetails =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Details'.
public static string Details
get { return m_strDetails; }
private static string m_strDialogNoShowAgain =
@"Do not show this dialog again.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do not show this dialog again.'.
public static string DialogNoShowAgain
get { return m_strDialogNoShowAgain; }
private static string m_strDialogs =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Dialogs'.
public static string Dialogs
get { return m_strDialogs; }
private static string m_strDisable =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Disable'.
public static string Disable
get { return m_strDisable; }
private static string m_strDisabled =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Disabled'.
public static string Disabled
get { return m_strDisabled; }
private static string m_strDisableSaveIfNotModified =
@"Disable 'Save' command (instead of graying it out) if the database hasn't been modified";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Disable 'Save' command (instead of graying it out) if the database hasn't been modified'.
public static string DisableSaveIfNotModified
get { return m_strDisableSaveIfNotModified; }
private static string m_strDiscardChangesCmd =
@"&Discard changes";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Discard changes'.
public static string DiscardChangesCmd
get { return m_strDiscardChangesCmd; }
private static string m_strDocumentationHint =
@"Please see the documentation for more details.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Please see the documentation for more details.'.
public static string DocumentationHint
get { return m_strDocumentationHint; }
private static string m_strDragDrop =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Drag&Drop'.
public static string DragDrop
get { return m_strDragDrop; }
private static string m_strDropToBackOnCopy =
@"Drop to background after copying data to the clipboard";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Drop to background after copying data to the clipboard'.
public static string DropToBackOnCopy
get { return m_strDropToBackOnCopy; }
private static string m_strDuplicatePasswords =
@"Duplicate Passwords";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Duplicate Passwords'.
public static string DuplicatePasswords
get { return m_strDuplicatePasswords; }
private static string m_strDuplicatePasswordsGroup =
@"Entries using the same password:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Entries using the same password:'.
public static string DuplicatePasswordsGroup
get { return m_strDuplicatePasswordsGroup; }
private static string m_strDuplicatePasswordsList =
@"List of entries that are using the same passwords.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'List of entries that are using the same passwords.'.
public static string DuplicatePasswordsList
get { return m_strDuplicatePasswordsList; }
private static string m_strDuplicatePasswordsNone =
@"No duplicate passwords have been found.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'No duplicate passwords have been found.'.
public static string DuplicatePasswordsNone
get { return m_strDuplicatePasswordsNone; }
private static string m_strDuplicateStringFieldName =
@"The string field name you specified already exists. String field names must be unique for each entry.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The string field name you specified already exists. String field names must be unique for each entry.'.
public static string DuplicateStringFieldName
get { return m_strDuplicateStringFieldName; }
private static string m_strEditCmd =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Edit'.
public static string EditCmd
get { return m_strEditCmd; }
private static string m_strEditEntries =
@"Edit Entries";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Edit Entries'.
public static string EditEntries
get { return m_strEditEntries; }
private static string m_strEditEntriesDesc =
@"Edit all currently selected entries.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Edit all currently selected entries.'.
public static string EditEntriesDesc
get { return m_strEditEntriesDesc; }
private static string m_strEditEntry =
@"Edit Entry";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Edit Entry'.
public static string EditEntry
get { return m_strEditEntry; }
private static string m_strEditEntryDesc =
@"You're editing an existing entry.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'You're editing an existing entry.'.
public static string EditEntryDesc
get { return m_strEditEntryDesc; }
private static string m_strEditGroup =
@"Edit Group";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Edit Group'.
public static string EditGroup
get { return m_strEditGroup; }
private static string m_strEditGroupDesc =
@"Edit properties of the currently selected group.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Edit properties of the currently selected group.'.
public static string EditGroupDesc
get { return m_strEditGroupDesc; }
private static string m_strEditStringField =
@"Edit Entry String Field";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Edit Entry String Field'.
public static string EditStringField
get { return m_strEditStringField; }
private static string m_strEditStringFieldDesc =
@"Edit one of the entry's string fields.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Edit one of the entry's string fields.'.
public static string EditStringFieldDesc
get { return m_strEditStringFieldDesc; }
private static string m_strEMail =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'eMail'.
public static string EMail
get { return m_strEMail; }
private static string m_strEmergencySheet =
@"Emergency Sheet";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Emergency Sheet'.
public static string EmergencySheet
get { return m_strEmergencySheet; }
private static string m_strEmergencySheetAsk =
@"Ask whether to create an emergency sheet";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Ask whether to create an emergency sheet'.
public static string EmergencySheetAsk
get { return m_strEmergencySheetAsk; }
private static string m_strEmergencySheetInfo =
@"A KeePass emergency sheet contains all important information that is required to open your database. It should be printed, filled out and stored in a secure location, where only you and possibly a few other people that you trust have access to.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'A KeePass emergency sheet contains all important information that is required to open your database. It should be printed, filled out and stored in a secure location, where only you and possibly a few other people that you trust have access to.'.
public static string EmergencySheetInfo
get { return m_strEmergencySheetInfo; }
private static string m_strEmergencySheetPrintInfo =
@"KeePass will print an emergency sheet, which you can then fill out.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePass will print an emergency sheet, which you can then fill out.'.
public static string EmergencySheetPrintInfo
get { return m_strEmergencySheetPrintInfo; }
private static string m_strEmergencySheetQ =
@"Do you want to print an emergency sheet now?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do you want to print an emergency sheet now?'.
public static string EmergencySheetQ
get { return m_strEmergencySheetQ; }
private static string m_strEmergencySheetRec =
@"It is recommended that you create an emergency sheet for your database.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'It is recommended that you create an emergency sheet for your database.'.
public static string EmergencySheetRec
get { return m_strEmergencySheetRec; }
private static string m_strEmpty =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Empty'.
public static string Empty
get { return m_strEmpty; }
private static string m_strEmptyMasterPw =
@"You have selected to use an empty master password.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'You have selected to use an empty master password.'.
public static string EmptyMasterPw
get { return m_strEmptyMasterPw; }
private static string m_strEmptyMasterPwHint =
@"An empty master password is not the same as using no master password at all.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'An empty master password is not the same as using no master password at all.'.
public static string EmptyMasterPwHint
get { return m_strEmptyMasterPwHint; }
private static string m_strEmptyMasterPwQuestion =
@"Are you sure you want to use an empty master password?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Are you sure you want to use an empty master password?'.
public static string EmptyMasterPwQuestion
get { return m_strEmptyMasterPwQuestion; }
private static string m_strEmptyRecycleBinQuestion =
@"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the items?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete the items?'.
public static string EmptyRecycleBinQuestion
get { return m_strEmptyRecycleBinQuestion; }
private static string m_strEnable =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enable'.
public static string Enable
get { return m_strEnable; }
private static string m_strEnabled =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enabled'.
public static string Enabled
get { return m_strEnabled; }
private static string m_strEncoding =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Encoding'.
public static string Encoding
get { return m_strEncoding; }
private static string m_strEncodingFail =
@"Selected encoding is invalid. The file cannot be interpreted using the selected encoding.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Selected encoding is invalid. The file cannot be interpreted using the selected encoding.'.
public static string EncodingFail
get { return m_strEncodingFail; }
private static string m_strEndsWith =
@"Ends with";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Ends with'.
public static string EndsWith
get { return m_strEndsWith; }
private static string m_strEnterCompositeKey =
@"Enter Master Key";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enter Master Key'.
public static string EnterCompositeKey
get { return m_strEnterCompositeKey; }
private static string m_strEnterCurrentCompositeKey =
@"Enter Current Master Key";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enter Current Master Key'.
public static string EnterCurrentCompositeKey
get { return m_strEnterCurrentCompositeKey; }
private static string m_strEntropyDesc =
@"Generate additional random bits.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Generate additional random bits.'.
public static string EntropyDesc
get { return m_strEntropyDesc; }
private static string m_strEntropyTitle =
@"Entropy Collection";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Entropy Collection'.
public static string EntropyTitle
get { return m_strEntropyTitle; }
private static string m_strEntry =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Entry'.
public static string Entry
get { return m_strEntry; }
private static string m_strEntryList =
@"Entry List";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Entry List'.
public static string EntryList
get { return m_strEntryList; }
private static string m_strEntryListAutoResizeColumns =
@"Automatically resize entry list columns when resizing the main window";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Automatically resize entry list columns when resizing the main window'.
public static string EntryListAutoResizeColumns
get { return m_strEntryListAutoResizeColumns; }
private static string m_strEntrySelGroupSel =
@"When selecting an entry, automatically select its parent group, too";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'When selecting an entry, automatically select its parent group, too'.
public static string EntrySelGroupSel
get { return m_strEntrySelGroupSel; }
private static string m_strEnvironmentVariable =
@"Environment variable";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Environment variable'.
public static string EnvironmentVariable
get { return m_strEnvironmentVariable; }
private static string m_strEqualsOp =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Equals'.
public static string EqualsOp
get { return m_strEqualsOp; }
private static string m_strError =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Error'.
public static string Error
get { return m_strError; }
private static string m_strErrorCode =
@"Error Code";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Error Code'.
public static string ErrorCode
get { return m_strErrorCode; }
private static string m_strErrors =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Errors'.
public static string Errors
get { return m_strErrors; }
private static string m_strEvent =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Event'.
public static string Event
get { return m_strEvent; }
private static string m_strExecuteCmdLineUrl =
@"Execute command line / URL";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Execute command line / URL'.
public static string ExecuteCmdLineUrl
get { return m_strExecuteCmdLineUrl; }
private static string m_strExit =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Exit'.
public static string Exit
get { return m_strExit; }
private static string m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAfterTime =
@"Exit instead of locking the workspace after the specified time";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Exit instead of locking the workspace after the specified time'.
public static string ExitInsteadOfLockingAfterTime
get { return m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAfterTime; }
private static string m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAlways =
@"Always exit instead of locking the workspace";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Always exit instead of locking the workspace'.
public static string ExitInsteadOfLockingAlways
get { return m_strExitInsteadOfLockingAlways; }
private static string m_strExpiredEntries =
@"Expired Entries";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Expired Entries'.
public static string ExpiredEntries
get { return m_strExpiredEntries; }
private static string m_strExpiredEntriesCanMatch =
@"Expired entries can match";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Expired entries can match'.
public static string ExpiredEntriesCanMatch
get { return m_strExpiredEntriesCanMatch; }
private static string m_strExpiryTime =
@"Expiry Time";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Expiry Time'.
public static string ExpiryTime
get { return m_strExpiryTime; }
private static string m_strExpiryTimeDateOnly =
@"Expiry Time (Date Only)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Expiry Time (Date Only)'.
public static string ExpiryTimeDateOnly
get { return m_strExpiryTimeDateOnly; }
private static string m_strExport =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Export'.
public static string Export
get { return m_strExport; }
private static string m_strExportFileDesc =
@"Export data to an external file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Export data to an external file.'.
public static string ExportFileDesc
get { return m_strExportFileDesc; }
private static string m_strExportFileTitle =
@"Export File/Data";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Export File/Data'.
public static string ExportFileTitle
get { return m_strExportFileTitle; }
private static string m_strExportHtml =
@"Export To HTML";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Export To HTML'.
public static string ExportHtml
get { return m_strExportHtml; }
private static string m_strExportHtmlDesc =
@"Export entries to a HTML file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Export entries to a HTML file.'.
public static string ExportHtmlDesc
get { return m_strExportHtmlDesc; }
private static string m_strExportingStatusMsg =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Exporting...'.
public static string ExportingStatusMsg
get { return m_strExportingStatusMsg; }
private static string m_strExportStc =
@"Export active database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Export active database'.
public static string ExportStc
get { return m_strExportStc; }
private static string m_strExportToPrompt =
@"Export to:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Export to:'.
public static string ExportToPrompt
get { return m_strExportToPrompt; }
private static string m_strExternal =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'External'.
public static string External
get { return m_strExternal; }
private static string m_strExternalApp =
@"External Application";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'External Application'.
public static string ExternalApp
get { return m_strExternalApp; }
private static string m_strFatalError =
@"Fatal Error";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Fatal Error'.
public static string FatalError
get { return m_strFatalError; }
private static string m_strFeature =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Feature'.
public static string Feature
get { return m_strFeature; }
private static string m_strField =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Field'.
public static string Field
get { return m_strField; }
private static string m_strFieldName =
@"Field Name";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Field Name'.
public static string FieldName
get { return m_strFieldName; }
private static string m_strFieldNameExistsAlready =
@"The entered name exists already and cannot be used.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The entered name exists already and cannot be used.'.
public static string FieldNameExistsAlready
get { return m_strFieldNameExistsAlready; }
private static string m_strFieldNameInvalid =
@"The entered name is invalid and cannot be used.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The entered name is invalid and cannot be used.'.
public static string FieldNameInvalid
get { return m_strFieldNameInvalid; }
private static string m_strFieldNamePrompt =
@"Please enter a field name.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Please enter a field name.'.
public static string FieldNamePrompt
get { return m_strFieldNamePrompt; }
private static string m_strFieldRefInvalidChars =
@"The selected field, which identifies the source entry, contains illegal characters (like '{', '}', newline characters, ...).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The selected field, which identifies the source entry, contains illegal characters (like '{', '}', newline characters, ...).'.
public static string FieldRefInvalidChars
get { return m_strFieldRefInvalidChars; }
private static string m_strFieldRefMultiMatch =
@"Multiple entries match the specified identifying field.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Multiple entries match the specified identifying field.'.
public static string FieldRefMultiMatch
get { return m_strFieldRefMultiMatch; }
private static string m_strFieldRefMultiMatchHint =
@"To avoid ambiguity, entries can be identified by their UUIDs, which are unique.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'To avoid ambiguity, entries can be identified by their UUIDs, which are unique.'.
public static string FieldRefMultiMatchHint
get { return m_strFieldRefMultiMatchHint; }
private static string m_strFieldValue =
@"Field Value";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Field Value'.
public static string FieldValue
get { return m_strFieldValue; }
private static string m_strFile =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'File'.
public static string File
get { return m_strFile; }
private static string m_strFileChanged =
@"The file on disk/server has changed since it was loaded. Probably someone else has edited and saved the database.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The file on disk/server has changed since it was loaded. Probably someone else has edited and saved the database.'.
public static string FileChanged
get { return m_strFileChanged; }
private static string m_strFileChangedOverwrite =
@"Save the current database to the file. Changes made by the other user will be lost.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save the current database to the file. Changes made by the other user will be lost.'.
public static string FileChangedOverwrite
get { return m_strFileChangedOverwrite; }
private static string m_strFileChangedSync =
@"Load the file on disk/server and merge it with the current database in memory.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Load the file on disk/server and merge it with the current database in memory.'.
public static string FileChangedSync
get { return m_strFileChangedSync; }
private static string m_strFileExists =
@"File exists";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'File exists'.
public static string FileExists
get { return m_strFileExists; }
private static string m_strFileExistsAlready =
@"The following file exists already:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The following file exists already:'.
public static string FileExistsAlready
get { return m_strFileExistsAlready; }
private static string m_strFileExtInstallFailed =
@"Failed to create the file association. Make sure you have write access to the file associations list.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Failed to create the file association. Make sure you have write access to the file associations list.'.
public static string FileExtInstallFailed
get { return m_strFileExtInstallFailed; }
private static string m_strFileExtInstallSuccess =
@"Successfully associated KDBX files with KeePass! KDBX files will now be opened by KeePass when you double-click on them.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Successfully associated KDBX files with KeePass! KDBX files will now be opened by KeePass when you double-click on them.'.
public static string FileExtInstallSuccess
get { return m_strFileExtInstallSuccess; }
private static string m_strFileExtName2 =
@"KeePass Database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePass Database'.
public static string FileExtName2
get { return m_strFileExtName2; }
private static string m_strFileFormatStc =
@"File format";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'File format'.
public static string FileFormatStc
get { return m_strFileFormatStc; }
private static string m_strFileImportFailed =
@"Failed to import the specified file!";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Failed to import the specified file!'.
public static string FileImportFailed
get { return m_strFileImportFailed; }
private static string m_strFileNameContainsSemicolonError =
@"This file path contains a semicolon (;) and therefore cannot be processed. Replace the semicolon and repeat the procedure.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'This file path contains a semicolon (;) and therefore cannot be processed. Replace the semicolon and repeat the procedure.'.
public static string FileNameContainsSemicolonError
get { return m_strFileNameContainsSemicolonError; }
private static string m_strFileNotFoundError =
@"The specified file could not be found.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The specified file could not be found.'.
public static string FileNotFoundError
get { return m_strFileNotFoundError; }
private static string m_strFileOrUrl =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'File/URL'.
public static string FileOrUrl
get { return m_strFileOrUrl; }
private static string m_strFilePathFullReq =
@"Please specify the full path to the file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Please specify the full path to the file.'.
public static string FilePathFullReq
get { return m_strFilePathFullReq; }
private static string m_strFiles =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Files'.
public static string Files
get { return m_strFiles; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQ =
@"Do you want to save the database now?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do you want to save the database now?'.
public static string FileSaveQ
get { return m_strFileSaveQ; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQClosing =
@"Save database changes before closing the file?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save database changes before closing the file?'.
public static string FileSaveQClosing
get { return m_strFileSaveQClosing; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQExiting =
@"Save database changes before exiting KeePass?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save database changes before exiting KeePass?'.
public static string FileSaveQExiting
get { return m_strFileSaveQExiting; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQLocking =
@"Save database changes before locking the workspace?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save database changes before locking the workspace?'.
public static string FileSaveQLocking
get { return m_strFileSaveQLocking; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQOpCancel =
@"Abort the current operation.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Abort the current operation.'.
public static string FileSaveQOpCancel
get { return m_strFileSaveQOpCancel; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQOpCancelClosing =
@"The file will not be closed.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The file will not be closed.'.
public static string FileSaveQOpCancelClosing
get { return m_strFileSaveQOpCancelClosing; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQOpCancelExiting =
@"KeePass will not be closed.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePass will not be closed.'.
public static string FileSaveQOpCancelExiting
get { return m_strFileSaveQOpCancelExiting; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQOpCancelLocking =
@"The KeePass workspace will not be locked.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The KeePass workspace will not be locked.'.
public static string FileSaveQOpCancelLocking
get { return m_strFileSaveQOpCancelLocking; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQOpNoClosing =
@"Discard all changes made to the database and close the file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Discard all changes made to the database and close the file.'.
public static string FileSaveQOpNoClosing
get { return m_strFileSaveQOpNoClosing; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQOpNoExiting =
@"Discard all changes made to the database and exit KeePass.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Discard all changes made to the database and exit KeePass.'.
public static string FileSaveQOpNoExiting
get { return m_strFileSaveQOpNoExiting; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQOpNoLocking =
@"Discard all changes made to the database and lock the KeePass workspace.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Discard all changes made to the database and lock the KeePass workspace.'.
public static string FileSaveQOpNoLocking
get { return m_strFileSaveQOpNoLocking; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQOpYesClosing =
@"Save all changes made to the database and close the file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save all changes made to the database and close the file.'.
public static string FileSaveQOpYesClosing
get { return m_strFileSaveQOpYesClosing; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQOpYesExiting =
@"Save all changes made to the database and exit KeePass.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save all changes made to the database and exit KeePass.'.
public static string FileSaveQOpYesExiting
get { return m_strFileSaveQOpYesExiting; }
private static string m_strFileSaveQOpYesLocking =
@"Save all changes made to the database and lock the KeePass workspace.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save all changes made to the database and lock the KeePass workspace.'.
public static string FileSaveQOpYesLocking
get { return m_strFileSaveQOpYesLocking; }
private static string m_strFileSearchModes =
@"There are two search modes: quick and normal.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'There are two search modes: quick and normal.'.
public static string FileSearchModes
get { return m_strFileSearchModes; }
private static string m_strFileSearchNormalDesc =
@"A normal search finds all files (by looking at file contents), but requires a lot more time than a quick search.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'A normal search finds all files (by looking at file contents), but requires a lot more time than a quick search.'.
public static string FileSearchNormalDesc
get { return m_strFileSearchNormalDesc; }
private static string m_strFileSearchQuickDesc =
@"In a quick search, KeePass only considers files that have one of the usual file name extensions. This is fast, but may not find all files.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'In a quick search, KeePass only considers files that have one of the usual file name extensions. This is fast, but may not find all files.'.
public static string FileSearchQuickDesc
get { return m_strFileSearchQuickDesc; }
private static string m_strFileTooLarge =
@"The file is too large.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The file is too large.'.
public static string FileTooLarge
get { return m_strFileTooLarge; }
private static string m_strFileTxExtra =
@"Extra-safe file transactions";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Extra-safe file transactions'.
public static string FileTxExtra
get { return m_strFileTxExtra; }
private static string m_strFileVerifyHashFail =
@"The new file's content does not match the data that KeePass has written, i.e. writing to the file has failed and it might be corrupted now.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The new file's content does not match the data that KeePass has written, i.e. writing to the file has failed and it might be corrupted now.'.
public static string FileVerifyHashFail
get { return m_strFileVerifyHashFail; }
private static string m_strFileVerifyHashFailRec =
@"Please try saving again, and if that fails, save the database to a different location.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Please try saving again, and if that fails, save the database to a different location.'.
public static string FileVerifyHashFailRec
get { return m_strFileVerifyHashFailRec; }
private static string m_strFilter =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Filter'.
public static string Filter
get { return m_strFilter; }
private static string m_strFind =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Find'.
public static string Find
get { return m_strFind; }
private static string m_strFindEntries =
@"Find Entries";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Find Entries'.
public static string FindEntries
get { return m_strFindEntries; }
private static string m_strFocusQuickFindOnRestore =
@"Focus quick search box when restoring from taskbar";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Focus quick search box when restoring from taskbar'.
public static string FocusQuickFindOnRestore
get { return m_strFocusQuickFindOnRestore; }
private static string m_strFocusQuickFindOnUntray =
@"Focus quick search box when restoring from tray";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Focus quick search box when restoring from tray'.
public static string FocusQuickFindOnUntray
get { return m_strFocusQuickFindOnUntray; }
private static string m_strFocusResultsAfterQuickSearch =
@"Focus entry list after a successful quick search";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Focus entry list after a successful quick search'.
public static string FocusResultsAfterQuickSearch
get { return m_strFocusResultsAfterQuickSearch; }
private static string m_strFolder =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Folder'.
public static string Folder
get { return m_strFolder; }
private static string m_strFont =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Font'.
public static string Font
get { return m_strFont; }
private static string m_strFontDefault =
@"Default &Font";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Default &Font'.
public static string FontDefault
get { return m_strFontDefault; }
private static string m_strForceSystemFontUnix =
@"Force usage of system font (Unix only)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Force usage of system font (Unix only)'.
public static string ForceSystemFontUnix
get { return m_strForceSystemFontUnix; }
private static string m_strFormat =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Format'.
public static string Format
get { return m_strFormat; }
private static string m_strFormatNoDatabaseDesc =
@"This file format doesn't support database descriptions.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'This file format doesn't support database descriptions.'.
public static string FormatNoDatabaseDesc
get { return m_strFormatNoDatabaseDesc; }
private static string m_strFormatNoDatabaseName =
@"This file format doesn't support database names.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'This file format doesn't support database names.'.
public static string FormatNoDatabaseName
get { return m_strFormatNoDatabaseName; }
private static string m_strFormatNoRootEntries =
@"This file format doesn't support root groups. All entries in the root group are moved to the first subgroup.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'This file format doesn't support root groups. All entries in the root group are moved to the first subgroup.'.
public static string FormatNoRootEntries
get { return m_strFormatNoRootEntries; }
private static string m_strFormatNoSubGroupsInRoot =
@"To export to this file format, the root group must have at least one subgroup.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'To export to this file format, the root group must have at least one subgroup.'.
public static string FormatNoSubGroupsInRoot
get { return m_strFormatNoSubGroupsInRoot; }
private static string m_strFormatOnlyOneAttachment =
@"This file format only supports one attachment per entry. Only the first attachment is saved, the others are ignored.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'This file format only supports one attachment per entry. Only the first attachment is saved, the others are ignored.'.
public static string FormatOnlyOneAttachment
get { return m_strFormatOnlyOneAttachment; }
private static string m_strGeneral =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'General'.
public static string General
get { return m_strGeneral; }
private static string m_strGenerate =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Generate'.
public static string Generate
get { return m_strGenerate; }
private static string m_strGenerateCount =
@"Generated Passwords Count";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Generated Passwords Count'.
public static string GenerateCount
get { return m_strGenerateCount; }
private static string m_strGenerateCountDesc =
@"Enter number of passwords to generate.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enter number of passwords to generate.'.
public static string GenerateCountDesc
get { return m_strGenerateCountDesc; }
private static string m_strGenerateCountLongDesc =
@"Please enter the number of passwords to generate:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Please enter the number of passwords to generate:'.
public static string GenerateCountLongDesc
get { return m_strGenerateCountLongDesc; }
private static string m_strGeneratedPasswordSamples =
@"Generated Passwords Samples";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Generated Passwords Samples'.
public static string GeneratedPasswordSamples
get { return m_strGeneratedPasswordSamples; }
private static string m_strGeneratePassword =
@"Generate a password";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Generate a password'.
public static string GeneratePassword
get { return m_strGeneratePassword; }
private static string m_strGenericCsvImporter =
@"Generic CSV Importer";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Generic CSV Importer'.
public static string GenericCsvImporter
get { return m_strGenericCsvImporter; }
private static string m_strGenPwAccept =
@"Accept this password?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Accept this password?'.
public static string GenPwAccept
get { return m_strGenPwAccept; }
private static string m_strGenPwBasedOnPrevious =
@"Derive from previous password";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Derive from previous password'.
public static string GenPwBasedOnPrevious
get { return m_strGenPwBasedOnPrevious; }
private static string m_strGenPwSprVariant =
@"The generated password contains a placeholder. When using this password (e.g. by copying it to the clipboard or auto-typing it), the placeholder will be replaced, i.e. effectively a different password might be used.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The generated password contains a placeholder. When using this password (e.g. by copying it to the clipboard or auto-typing it), the placeholder will be replaced, i.e. effectively a different password might be used.'.
public static string GenPwSprVariant
get { return m_strGenPwSprVariant; }
private static string m_strGradient =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Gradient'.
public static string Gradient
get { return m_strGradient; }
private static string m_strGroup =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Group'.
public static string Group
get { return m_strGroup; }
private static string m_strGroupCannotStoreEntries =
@"The selected group cannot store any entries.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The selected group cannot store any entries.'.
public static string GroupCannotStoreEntries
get { return m_strGroupCannotStoreEntries; }
private static string m_strGroupsSkipped =
@"{PARAM} groups skipped";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '{PARAM} groups skipped'.
public static string GroupsSkipped
get { return m_strGroupsSkipped; }
private static string m_strGroupsSkipped1 =
@"1 group skipped";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '1 group skipped'.
public static string GroupsSkipped1
get { return m_strGroupsSkipped1; }
private static string m_strHelpSourceNoLocalOption =
@"This option is disabled, because local help is not installed.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'This option is disabled, because local help is not installed.'.
public static string HelpSourceNoLocalOption
get { return m_strHelpSourceNoLocalOption; }
private static string m_strHelpSourceSelection =
@"Help Source Selection";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Help Source Selection'.
public static string HelpSourceSelection
get { return m_strHelpSourceSelection; }
private static string m_strHelpSourceSelectionDesc =
@"Choose between local help and online help center.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Choose between local help and online help center.'.
public static string HelpSourceSelectionDesc
get { return m_strHelpSourceSelectionDesc; }
private static string m_strHexKeyEx =
@"Hex Key - {PARAM}-Bit";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Hex Key - {PARAM}-Bit'.
public static string HexKeyEx
get { return m_strHexKeyEx; }
private static string m_strHexViewer =
@"Hex Viewer";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Hex Viewer'.
public static string HexViewer
get { return m_strHexViewer; }
private static string m_strHidden =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Hidden'.
public static string Hidden
get { return m_strHidden; }
private static string m_strHideCloseDatabaseTb =
@"Hide 'Close Database' toolbar button when at most one database is open";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Hide 'Close Database' toolbar button when at most one database is open'.
public static string HideCloseDatabaseTb
get { return m_strHideCloseDatabaseTb; }
private static string m_strHideUsingAsterisks =
@"Hide field using asterisks";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Hide field using asterisks'.
public static string HideUsingAsterisks
get { return m_strHideUsingAsterisks; }
private static string m_strHistory =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'History'.
public static string History
get { return m_strHistory; }
private static string m_strHomebanking =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Homebanking'.
public static string Homebanking
get { return m_strHomebanking; }
private static string m_strHost =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Host'.
public static string Host
get { return m_strHost; }
private static string m_strHotKeyAltOnly =
@"It is recommended not to use global hot keys with only Alt or Alt+Shift as modifier.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'It is recommended not to use global hot keys with only Alt or Alt+Shift as modifier.'.
public static string HotKeyAltOnly
get { return m_strHotKeyAltOnly; }
private static string m_strHotKeyAltOnlyHint =
@"Recommended modifiers are Ctrl+Alt, Ctrl+Shift and Ctrl+Alt+Shift.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Recommended modifiers are Ctrl+Alt, Ctrl+Shift and Ctrl+Alt+Shift.'.
public static string HotKeyAltOnlyHint
get { return m_strHotKeyAltOnlyHint; }
private static string m_strHotKeyAltOnlyQuestion =
@"Are you sure you want to use the specified hot keys?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Are you sure you want to use the specified hot keys?'.
public static string HotKeyAltOnlyQuestion
get { return m_strHotKeyAltOnlyQuestion; }
private static string m_strIcon =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Icon'.
public static string Icon
get { return m_strIcon; }
private static string m_strId =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'ID'.
public static string Id
get { return m_strId; }
private static string m_strIgnore =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Ignore'.
public static string Ignore
get { return m_strIgnore; }
private static string m_strImageFormatFeatureUnsupported =
@"This file uses a file format feature that is not supported.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'This file uses a file format feature that is not supported.'.
public static string ImageFormatFeatureUnsupported
get { return m_strImageFormatFeatureUnsupported; }
private static string m_strImageViewer =
@"Image Viewer";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Image Viewer'.
public static string ImageViewer
get { return m_strImageViewer; }
private static string m_strImport =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Import'.
public static string Import
get { return m_strImport; }
private static string m_strImportBehavior =
@"Import Behavior";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Import Behavior'.
public static string ImportBehavior
get { return m_strImportBehavior; }
private static string m_strImportBehaviorDesc =
@"Select an import method.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Select an import method.'.
public static string ImportBehaviorDesc
get { return m_strImportBehaviorDesc; }
private static string m_strImportFailed =
@"Import failed.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Import failed.'.
public static string ImportFailed
get { return m_strImportFailed; }
private static string m_strImportFileDesc =
@"Import an external file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Import an external file.'.
public static string ImportFileDesc
get { return m_strImportFileDesc; }
private static string m_strImportFileTitle =
@"Import File/Data";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Import File/Data'.
public static string ImportFileTitle
get { return m_strImportFileTitle; }
private static string m_strImportFinished =
@"The import process has finished!";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The import process has finished!'.
public static string ImportFinished
get { return m_strImportFinished; }
private static string m_strImportingStatusMsg =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Importing...'.
public static string ImportingStatusMsg
get { return m_strImportingStatusMsg; }
private static string m_strImportMustRead =
@"It is indispensable that you read the documentation about this import method before continuing.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'It is indispensable that you read the documentation about this import method before continuing.'.
public static string ImportMustRead
get { return m_strImportMustRead; }
private static string m_strImportMustReadQuestion =
@"Have you understood how the import process works and want to start it now?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Have you understood how the import process works and want to start it now?'.
public static string ImportMustReadQuestion
get { return m_strImportMustReadQuestion; }
private static string m_strImportStc =
@"Import into active database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Import into active database'.
public static string ImportStc
get { return m_strImportStc; }
private static string m_strIncompatible =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Incompatible'.
public static string Incompatible
get { return m_strIncompatible; }
private static string m_strIncompatibleEnv =
@"incompatible with current environment";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'incompatible with current environment'.
public static string IncompatibleEnv
get { return m_strIncompatibleEnv; }
private static string m_strIncompatibleWithSorting =
@"incompatible with sorting";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'incompatible with sorting'.
public static string IncompatibleWithSorting
get { return m_strIncompatibleWithSorting; }
private static string m_strInherited =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Inherited'.
public static string Inherited
get { return m_strInherited; }
private static string m_strInheritSettingFromParent =
@"Inherit setting from parent";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Inherit setting from parent'.
public static string InheritSettingFromParent
get { return m_strInheritSettingFromParent; }
private static string m_strInstalled =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Installed'.
public static string Installed
get { return m_strInstalled; }
private static string m_strInstalledLanguages =
@"Installed Languages";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Installed Languages'.
public static string InstalledLanguages
get { return m_strInstalledLanguages; }
private static string m_strInstrAndGenInfo =
@"Instructions and General Information";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Instructions and General Information'.
public static string InstrAndGenInfo
get { return m_strInstrAndGenInfo; }
private static string m_strInterleavedKeySending =
@"Allow interleaved sending of keys";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow interleaved sending of keys'.
public static string InterleavedKeySending
get { return m_strInterleavedKeySending; }
private static string m_strInternalEditor =
@"Internal Editor";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Internal Editor'.
public static string InternalEditor
get { return m_strInternalEditor; }
private static string m_strInternalViewer =
@"Internal Viewer";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Internal Viewer'.
public static string InternalViewer
get { return m_strInternalViewer; }
private static string m_strInternet =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Internet'.
public static string Internet
get { return m_strInternet; }
private static string m_strInterval =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Interval'.
public static string Interval
get { return m_strInterval; }
private static string m_strInvalid =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Invalid'.
public static string Invalid
get { return m_strInvalid; }
private static string m_strInvalidUrl =
@"The specified URL is invalid.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The specified URL is invalid.'.
public static string InvalidUrl
get { return m_strInvalidUrl; }
private static string m_strInvalidUserPassword =
@"The specified user name / password combination is invalid.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The specified user name / password combination is invalid.'.
public static string InvalidUserPassword
get { return m_strInvalidUserPassword; }
private static string m_strIOConnection =
@"I/O Connection";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'I/O Connection'.
public static string IOConnection
get { return m_strIOConnection; }
private static string m_strIOConnectionLong =
@"File Input/Output Connections";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'File Input/Output Connections'.
public static string IOConnectionLong
get { return m_strIOConnectionLong; }
private static string m_strItalic =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Italic'.
public static string Italic
get { return m_strItalic; }
private static string m_strIterations =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Iterations'.
public static string Iterations
get { return m_strIterations; }
private static string m_strKdbKeePassLibC =
@"The KeePassLibC library is required to open and save KDB files created by KeePass 1.x.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The KeePassLibC library is required to open and save KDB files created by KeePass 1.x.'.
public static string KdbKeePassLibC
get { return m_strKdbKeePassLibC; }
private static string m_strKdbWUA =
@"KDB files can be encrypted using a master password and/or a key file, not using a Windows User Account.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KDB files can be encrypted using a master password and/or a key file, not using a Windows User Account.'.
public static string KdbWUA
get { return m_strKdbWUA; }
private static string m_strKdbxFiles =
@"KeePass KDBX Files";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePass KDBX Files'.
public static string KdbxFiles
get { return m_strKdbxFiles; }
private static string m_strKdfAdjust =
@"The value of a key derivation function parameter lies outside the range of valid values. KeePass adjusts the value to the nearest valid value.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The value of a key derivation function parameter lies outside the range of valid values. KeePass adjusts the value to the nearest valid value.'.
public static string KdfAdjust
get { return m_strKdfAdjust; }
private static string m_strKdfParams1Sec =
@"Compute parameters that lead to a delay of 1 second on this computer.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Compute parameters that lead to a delay of 1 second on this computer.'.
public static string KdfParams1Sec
get { return m_strKdfParams1Sec; }
private static string m_strKeePassLibCLong =
@"KeePassLibC (1.x File Support)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePassLibC (1.x File Support)'.
public static string KeePassLibCLong
get { return m_strKeePassLibCLong; }
private static string m_strKeePassLibCNotFound =
@"KeePassLibC could not be found.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePassLibC could not be found.'.
public static string KeePassLibCNotFound
get { return m_strKeePassLibCNotFound; }
private static string m_strKeePassLibCNotWindows =
@"Importing/exporting data from/to KDB files is only supported on Windows (because a library is used that contains the core code of KeePass 1.x, which is Windows-only).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Importing/exporting data from/to KDB files is only supported on Windows (because a library is used that contains the core code of KeePass 1.x, which is Windows-only).'.
public static string KeePassLibCNotWindows
get { return m_strKeePassLibCNotWindows; }
private static string m_strKeePassLibCNotWindowsHint =
@"Please use a different file format for migrating your data.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Please use a different file format for migrating your data.'.
public static string KeePassLibCNotWindowsHint
get { return m_strKeePassLibCNotWindowsHint; }
private static string m_strKeepExisting =
@"&Keep existing";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Keep existing'.
public static string KeepExisting
get { return m_strKeepExisting; }
private static string m_strKeyboardKeyAlt =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Alt'.
public static string KeyboardKeyAlt
get { return m_strKeyboardKeyAlt; }
private static string m_strKeyboardKeyCtrl =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Ctrl'.
public static string KeyboardKeyCtrl
get { return m_strKeyboardKeyCtrl; }
private static string m_strKeyboardKeyEsc =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Esc'.
public static string KeyboardKeyEsc
get { return m_strKeyboardKeyEsc; }
private static string m_strKeyboardKeyModifiers =
@"Key Modifiers";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Key Modifiers'.
public static string KeyboardKeyModifiers
get { return m_strKeyboardKeyModifiers; }
private static string m_strKeyboardKeyReturn =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enter'.
public static string KeyboardKeyReturn
get { return m_strKeyboardKeyReturn; }
private static string m_strKeyboardKeyShift =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Shift'.
public static string KeyboardKeyShift
get { return m_strKeyboardKeyShift; }
private static string m_strKeyFile =
@"Key file";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Key file'.
public static string KeyFile
get { return m_strKeyFile; }
private static string m_strKeyFileBackup =
@"Key File Backup";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Key File Backup'.
public static string KeyFileBackup
get { return m_strKeyFileBackup; }
private static string m_strKeyFileContent =
@"Key file content";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Key file content'.
public static string KeyFileContent
get { return m_strKeyFileContent; }
private static string m_strKeyFileCreate =
@"Create a new key file";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Create a new key file'.
public static string KeyFileCreate
get { return m_strKeyFileCreate; }
private static string m_strKeyFileCreateTitle =
@"Create Key File";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Create Key File'.
public static string KeyFileCreateTitle
get { return m_strKeyFileCreateTitle; }
private static string m_strKeyFileError =
@"The specified key file could not be found or its format is unknown.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The specified key file could not be found or its format is unknown.'.
public static string KeyFileError
get { return m_strKeyFileError; }
private static string m_strKeyFileFromBackup =
@"There are two ways to recreate a key file from this backup";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'There are two ways to recreate a key file from this backup'.
public static string KeyFileFromBackup
get { return m_strKeyFileFromBackup; }
private static string m_strKeyFileFromBackupF =
@"Start KeePass, click on 'Tools' -> 'Advanced Tools' -> 'Create Key File', and fill out the form that is displayed on the screen.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Start KeePass, click on 'Tools' -> 'Advanced Tools' -> 'Create Key File', and fill out the form that is displayed on the screen.'.
public static string KeyFileFromBackupF
get { return m_strKeyFileFromBackupF; }
private static string m_strKeyFileFromBackupT =
@"Alternatively, start a text editor (e.g. Notepad), type the content above, and save it to a new file (with file extension 'keyx').";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Alternatively, start a text editor (e.g. Notepad), type the content above, and save it to a new file (with file extension 'keyx').'.
public static string KeyFileFromBackupT
get { return m_strKeyFileFromBackupT; }
private static string m_strKeyFileGenHint =
@"You can generate an XML key file in the master key creation dialog.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'You can generate an XML key file in the master key creation dialog.'.
public static string KeyFileGenHint
get { return m_strKeyFileGenHint; }
private static string m_strKeyFileNoXml =
@"The file is not an XML key file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The file is not an XML key file.'.
public static string KeyFileNoXml
get { return m_strKeyFileNoXml; }
private static string m_strKeyFilePrintAlso =
@"Also print a key file backup";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Also print a key file backup'.
public static string KeyFilePrintAlso
get { return m_strKeyFilePrintAlso; }
private static string m_strKeyFilePrintLocal =
@"For security reasons, it is recommended to print a key file backup on a local printer, not over a network.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'For security reasons, it is recommended to print a key file backup on a local printer, not over a network.'.
public static string KeyFilePrintLocal
get { return m_strKeyFilePrintLocal; }
private static string m_strKeyFilePrintReqXml =
@"Printing a key file backup is supported only for XML key files.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Printing a key file backup is supported only for XML key files.'.
public static string KeyFilePrintReqXml
get { return m_strKeyFilePrintReqXml; }
private static string m_strKeyFiles =
@"Key Files";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Key Files'.
public static string KeyFiles
get { return m_strKeyFiles; }
private static string m_strKeyFileSafe =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeyFile'.
public static string KeyFileSafe
get { return m_strKeyFileSafe; }
private static string m_strKeyFileSelect =
@"Select key file manually";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Select key file manually'.
public static string KeyFileSelect
get { return m_strKeyFileSelect; }
private static string m_strKeyFileUseAnywayQ =
@"Do you want to use the file as key file anyway?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do you want to use the file as key file anyway?'.
public static string KeyFileUseAnywayQ
get { return m_strKeyFileUseAnywayQ; }
private static string m_strKeyFileUseExisting =
@"Use an existing key file";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Use an existing key file'.
public static string KeyFileUseExisting
get { return m_strKeyFileUseExisting; }
private static string m_strKeyProvider =
@"Key provider";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Key provider'.
public static string KeyProvider
get { return m_strKeyProvider; }
private static string m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSD =
@"The selected key provider cannot be used, because it is incompatible with the secure desktop.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The selected key provider cannot be used, because it is incompatible with the secure desktop.'.
public static string KeyProvIncmpWithSD
get { return m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSD; }
private static string m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSDHint =
@"If you want to use the selected key provider, you have to disable the secure desktop option in 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> tab 'Security'.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'If you want to use the selected key provider, you have to disable the secure desktop option in 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> tab 'Security'.'.
public static string KeyProvIncmpWithSDHint
get { return m_strKeyProvIncmpWithSDHint; }
private static string m_strLanguageSelected =
@"The selected language has been activated. KeePass must be restarted in order to load the language.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The selected language has been activated. KeePass must be restarted in order to load the language.'.
public static string LanguageSelected
get { return m_strLanguageSelected; }
private static string m_strLargeEntries =
@"Large Entries";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Large Entries'.
public static string LargeEntries
get { return m_strLargeEntries; }
private static string m_strLargeEntriesList =
@"List of entries that require a lot of memory.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'List of entries that require a lot of memory.'.
public static string LargeEntriesList
get { return m_strLargeEntriesList; }
private static string m_strLastAccessTime =
@"Last Access Time";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Last Access Time'.
public static string LastAccessTime
get { return m_strLastAccessTime; }
private static string m_strLastModificationTime =
@"Last Modification Time";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Last Modification Time'.
public static string LastModificationTime
get { return m_strLastModificationTime; }
private static string m_strLastModified =
@"Last Modified";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Last Modified'.
public static string LastModified
get { return m_strLastModified; }
private static string m_strLastModifiedEntriesList =
@"List of entries that have been modified recently.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'List of entries that have been modified recently.'.
public static string LastModifiedEntriesList
get { return m_strLastModifiedEntriesList; }
private static string m_strLastModTimePwHist =
@"Last Password Modification Time (Based on History)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Last Password Modification Time (Based on History)'.
public static string LastModTimePwHist
get { return m_strLastModTimePwHist; }
private static string m_strLatestVersionWeb =
@"The latest KeePass version can be found on the KeePass website";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The latest KeePass version can be found on the KeePass website'.
public static string LatestVersionWeb
get { return m_strLatestVersionWeb; }
private static string m_strLimitSingleInstance =
@"Limit to single instance";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Limit to single instance'.
public static string LimitSingleInstance
get { return m_strLimitSingleInstance; }
private static string m_strLng1xSel =
@"The selected LNG language file is compatible with KeePass 1.x only. KeePass 2.x uses LNGX language files.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The selected LNG language file is compatible with KeePass 1.x only. KeePass 2.x uses LNGX language files.'.
public static string Lng1xSel
get { return m_strLng1xSel; }
private static string m_strLng2xWeb =
@"LNGX language files for KeePass 2.x are available on the KeePass website.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'LNGX language files for KeePass 2.x are available on the KeePass website.'.
public static string Lng2xWeb
get { return m_strLng2xWeb; }
private static string m_strLngInAppDir =
@"One or more language files have been found in the KeePass application directory.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'One or more language files have been found in the KeePass application directory.'.
public static string LngInAppDir
get { return m_strLngInAppDir; }
private static string m_strLngInAppDirNote =
@"Loading language files directly from the application directory is not supported. Language files should instead be stored in the 'Languages' folder of the application directory.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Loading language files directly from the application directory is not supported. Language files should instead be stored in the 'Languages' folder of the application directory.'.
public static string LngInAppDirNote
get { return m_strLngInAppDirNote; }
private static string m_strLngInAppDirQ =
@"Do you want to open the application directory (in order to move or delete language files)?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do you want to open the application directory (in order to move or delete language files)?'.
public static string LngInAppDirQ
get { return m_strLngInAppDirQ; }
private static string m_strLocked =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Locked'.
public static string Locked
get { return m_strLocked; }
private static string m_strLockMenuLock =
@"&Lock Workspace";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Lock Workspace'.
public static string LockMenuLock
get { return m_strLockMenuLock; }
private static string m_strLockMenuUnlock =
@"Un&lock Workspace";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Un&lock Workspace'.
public static string LockMenuUnlock
get { return m_strLockMenuUnlock; }
private static string m_strLockOnMinimizeTaskbar =
@"Lock workspace when minimizing main window to taskbar";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Lock workspace when minimizing main window to taskbar'.
public static string LockOnMinimizeTaskbar
get { return m_strLockOnMinimizeTaskbar; }
private static string m_strLockOnMinimizeTray =
@"Lock workspace when minimizing main window to tray";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Lock workspace when minimizing main window to tray'.
public static string LockOnMinimizeTray
get { return m_strLockOnMinimizeTray; }
private static string m_strLockOnRemoteControlChange =
@"Lock workspace when the remote control mode changes";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Lock workspace when the remote control mode changes'.
public static string LockOnRemoteControlChange
get { return m_strLockOnRemoteControlChange; }
private static string m_strLockOnSessionSwitch =
@"Lock workspace when locking the computer or switching the user";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Lock workspace when locking the computer or switching the user'.
public static string LockOnSessionSwitch
get { return m_strLockOnSessionSwitch; }
private static string m_strLockOnSuspend =
@"Lock workspace when the computer is about to be suspended";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Lock workspace when the computer is about to be suspended'.
public static string LockOnSuspend
get { return m_strLockOnSuspend; }
private static string m_strLockWorkspace =
@"Lock workspace";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Lock workspace'.
public static string LockWorkspace
get { return m_strLockWorkspace; }
private static string m_strMainInstruction =
@"Main instruction";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Main instruction'.
public static string MainInstruction
get { return m_strMainInstruction; }
private static string m_strMainWindow =
@"Main Window";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Main Window'.
public static string MainWindow
get { return m_strMainWindow; }
private static string m_strMasterKey =
@"Master Key";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Master Key'.
public static string MasterKey
get { return m_strMasterKey; }
private static string m_strMasterKeyChanged =
@"The master key has been changed!";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The master key has been changed!'.
public static string MasterKeyChanged
get { return m_strMasterKeyChanged; }
private static string m_strMasterKeyChangedSave =
@"In order to apply the new master key, the database must be saved.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'In order to apply the new master key, the database must be saved.'.
public static string MasterKeyChangedSave
get { return m_strMasterKeyChangedSave; }
private static string m_strMasterKeyChangedShort =
@"Master key changed";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Master key changed'.
public static string MasterKeyChangedShort
get { return m_strMasterKeyChangedShort; }
private static string m_strMasterKeyChangeForce =
@"The master key for this database has been used for quite a while and must be changed now.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The master key for this database has been used for quite a while and must be changed now.'.
public static string MasterKeyChangeForce
get { return m_strMasterKeyChangeForce; }
private static string m_strMasterKeyChangeInfo =
@"Click [OK] to open the master key changing dialog.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Click [OK] to open the master key changing dialog.'.
public static string MasterKeyChangeInfo
get { return m_strMasterKeyChangeInfo; }
private static string m_strMasterKeyChangeQ =
@"Do you want to change the master key now?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do you want to change the master key now?'.
public static string MasterKeyChangeQ
get { return m_strMasterKeyChangeQ; }
private static string m_strMasterKeyChangeRec =
@"The master key for this database has been used for quite a while and it is recommended to change it now.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The master key for this database has been used for quite a while and it is recommended to change it now.'.
public static string MasterKeyChangeRec
get { return m_strMasterKeyChangeRec; }
private static string m_strMasterKeyComponents =
@"The master key for this database file consists of the following components:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The master key for this database file consists of the following components:'.
public static string MasterKeyComponents
get { return m_strMasterKeyComponents; }
private static string m_strMasterKeyOnSecureDesktop =
@"Enter master key on secure desktop";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enter master key on secure desktop'.
public static string MasterKeyOnSecureDesktop
get { return m_strMasterKeyOnSecureDesktop; }
private static string m_strMasterPassword =
@"Master password";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Master password'.
public static string MasterPassword
get { return m_strMasterPassword; }
private static string m_strMasterPasswordConfirm =
@"Are you sure that you want to use this master password?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Are you sure that you want to use this master password?'.
public static string MasterPasswordConfirm
get { return m_strMasterPasswordConfirm; }
private static string m_strMasterPasswordMinLengthFailed =
@"The master password must be at least {PARAM} characters long!";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The master password must be at least {PARAM} characters long!'.
public static string MasterPasswordMinLengthFailed
get { return m_strMasterPasswordMinLengthFailed; }
private static string m_strMasterPasswordMinQualityFailed =
@"The estimated quality of the master password must be at least {PARAM} bits!";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The estimated quality of the master password must be at least {PARAM} bits!'.
public static string MasterPasswordMinQualityFailed
get { return m_strMasterPasswordMinQualityFailed; }
private static string m_strMasterPasswordRmbWhileOpen =
@"Remember master password (in encrypted form) of a database while it is open";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Remember master password (in encrypted form) of a database while it is open'.
public static string MasterPasswordRmbWhileOpen
get { return m_strMasterPasswordRmbWhileOpen; }
private static string m_strMasterPasswordWeak =
@"The specified master password is weak.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The specified master password is weak.'.
public static string MasterPasswordWeak
get { return m_strMasterPasswordWeak; }
private static string m_strMatchesRegEx =
@"Matches regular expression";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Matches regular expression'.
public static string MatchesRegEx
get { return m_strMatchesRegEx; }
private static string m_strMaxAttachmentSize =
@"The maximum supported attachment size is {PARAM}.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The maximum supported attachment size is {PARAM}.'.
public static string MaxAttachmentSize
get { return m_strMaxAttachmentSize; }
private static string m_strMaximized =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Maximized'.
public static string Maximized
get { return m_strMaximized; }
private static string m_strMemory =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Memory'.
public static string Memory
get { return m_strMemory; }
private static string m_strMenus =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Menus'.
public static string Menus
get { return m_strMenus; }
private static string m_strMethod =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Method'.
public static string Method
get { return m_strMethod; }
private static string m_strMinimize =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Minimize'.
public static string Minimize
get { return m_strMinimize; }
private static string m_strMinimizeAfterAutoType =
@"Minimize main window after performing auto-type";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Minimize main window after performing auto-type'.
public static string MinimizeAfterAutoType
get { return m_strMinimizeAfterAutoType; }
private static string m_strMinimizeAfterCopy =
@"Minimize main window after copying data to the clipboard";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Minimize main window after copying data to the clipboard'.
public static string MinimizeAfterCopy
get { return m_strMinimizeAfterCopy; }
private static string m_strMinimizeAfterLocking =
@"Minimize main window after locking the workspace";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Minimize main window after locking the workspace'.
public static string MinimizeAfterLocking
get { return m_strMinimizeAfterLocking; }
private static string m_strMinimizeAfterOpeningDatabase =
@"Minimize main window after opening a database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Minimize main window after opening a database'.
public static string MinimizeAfterOpeningDatabase
get { return m_strMinimizeAfterOpeningDatabase; }
private static string m_strMinimized =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Minimized'.
public static string Minimized
get { return m_strMinimized; }
private static string m_strMinimizeToTray =
@"Minimize to tray instead of taskbar";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Minimize to tray instead of taskbar'.
public static string MinimizeToTray
get { return m_strMinimizeToTray; }
private static string m_strMinimizeToTrayStc =
@"Minimize to tray";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Minimize to tray'.
public static string MinimizeToTrayStc
get { return m_strMinimizeToTrayStc; }
private static string m_strMore =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'More'.
public static string More
get { return m_strMore; }
private static string m_strMoreAnd =
@"and {PARAM} more";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'and {PARAM} more'.
public static string MoreAnd
get { return m_strMoreAnd; }
private static string m_strMoreEntries =
@"{PARAM} more entries";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '{PARAM} more entries'.
public static string MoreEntries
get { return m_strMoreEntries; }
private static string m_strMoreInfo =
@"More information";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'More information'.
public static string MoreInfo
get { return m_strMoreInfo; }
private static string m_strMoveDown =
@"Move down";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Move down'.
public static string MoveDown
get { return m_strMoveDown; }
private static string m_strMoveToPreviousParentGroup =
@"Move to &Previous Parent Group";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Move to &Previous Parent Group'.
public static string MoveToPreviousParentGroup
get { return m_strMoveToPreviousParentGroup; }
private static string m_strMoveUp =
@"Move up";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Move up'.
public static string MoveUp
get { return m_strMoveUp; }
private static string m_strMultipleValues =
@"Multiple values";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Multiple values'.
public static string MultipleValues
get { return m_strMultipleValues; }
private static string m_strName =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Name'.
public static string Name
get { return m_strName; }
private static string m_strNativeLibUse =
@"Use native library for faster key transformations";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Use native library for faster key transformations'.
public static string NativeLibUse
get { return m_strNativeLibUse; }
private static string m_strNavigation =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Navigation'.
public static string Navigation
get { return m_strNavigation; }
private static string m_strNetwork =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Network'.
public static string Network
get { return m_strNetwork; }
private static string m_strNeverExpires =
@"Never expires";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Never expires'.
public static string NeverExpires
get { return m_strNeverExpires; }
private static string m_strNew =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'New'.
public static string New
get { return m_strNew; }
private static string m_strNewDatabase =
@"New Database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'New Database'.
public static string NewDatabase
get { return m_strNewDatabase; }
private static string m_strNewerNetRequired =
@"A newer .NET Framework is required.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'A newer .NET Framework is required.'.
public static string NewerNetRequired
get { return m_strNewerNetRequired; }
private static string m_strNewGroup =
@"New Group";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'New Group'.
public static string NewGroup
get { return m_strNewGroup; }
private static string m_strNewLine =
@"New line";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'New line'.
public static string NewLine
get { return m_strNewLine; }
private static string m_strNewState =
@"New state";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'New state'.
public static string NewState
get { return m_strNewState; }
private static string m_strNewVersionAvailable =
@"New version available";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'New version available'.
public static string NewVersionAvailable
get { return m_strNewVersionAvailable; }
private static string m_strNo =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'No'.
public static string No
get { return m_strNo; }
private static string m_strNoCmd =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&No'.
public static string NoCmd
get { return m_strNoCmd; }
private static string m_strNoEncNoCompress =
@"Make sure that it is not encrypted and not compressed.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Make sure that it is not encrypted and not compressed.'.
public static string NoEncNoCompress
get { return m_strNoEncNoCompress; }
private static string m_strNoFileAccessRead =
@"The operating system didn't grant KeePass read access to the specified file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The operating system didn't grant KeePass read access to the specified file.'.
public static string NoFileAccessRead
get { return m_strNoFileAccessRead; }
private static string m_strNoKeyFileSpecifiedMeta =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '(None)'.
public static string NoKeyFileSpecifiedMeta
get { return m_strNoKeyFileSpecifiedMeta; }
private static string m_strNoKeyRepeat =
@"No Key Repeat";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'No Key Repeat'.
public static string NoKeyRepeat
get { return m_strNoKeyRepeat; }
private static string m_strNone =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'None'.
public static string None
get { return m_strNone; }
private static string m_strNormal =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Normal'.
public static string Normal
get { return m_strNormal; }
private static string m_strNoSort =
@"&No Sort";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&No Sort'.
public static string NoSort
get { return m_strNoSort; }
private static string m_strNot =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Not'.
public static string Not
get { return m_strNot; }
private static string m_strNotes =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Notes'.
public static string Notes
get { return m_strNotes; }
private static string m_strNotInstalled =
@"Not installed";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Not installed'.
public static string NotInstalled
get { return m_strNotInstalled; }
private static string m_strNotNow =
@"Not now";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Not now'.
public static string NotNow
get { return m_strNotNow; }
private static string m_strNotRecommended =
@"(not recommended)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '(not recommended)'.
public static string NotRecommended
get { return m_strNotRecommended; }
private static string m_strNoXslFile =
@"The selected file isn't a valid XSL stylesheet.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The selected file isn't a valid XSL stylesheet.'.
public static string NoXslFile
get { return m_strNoXslFile; }
private static string m_strObjectNotFound =
@"The object with the specified name could not be found.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The object with the specified name could not be found.'.
public static string ObjectNotFound
get { return m_strObjectNotFound; }
private static string m_strObjectsDeleted =
@"{PARAM} object(s) deleted";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '{PARAM} object(s) deleted'.
public static string ObjectsDeleted
get { return m_strObjectsDeleted; }
private static string m_strObjectsFound =
@"{PARAM} object(s) found";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '{PARAM} object(s) found'.
public static string ObjectsFound
get { return m_strObjectsFound; }
private static string m_strOff =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Off'.
public static string Off
get { return m_strOff; }
private static string m_strOfLower =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'of'.
public static string OfLower
get { return m_strOfLower; }
private static string m_strOk =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'OK'.
public static string Ok
get { return m_strOk; }
private static string m_strOldFormat =
@"Old Format";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Old Format'.
public static string OldFormat
get { return m_strOldFormat; }
private static string m_strOn =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'On'.
public static string On
get { return m_strOn; }
private static string m_strOpAborted =
@"Operation aborted.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Operation aborted.'.
public static string OpAborted
get { return m_strOpAborted; }
private static string m_strOpenCmd =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Open'.
public static string OpenCmd
get { return m_strOpenCmd; }
private static string m_strOpenDatabase =
@"Open Database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Open Database'.
public static string OpenDatabase
get { return m_strOpenDatabase; }
private static string m_strOpenDatabaseFile =
@"Open Database File";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Open Database File'.
public static string OpenDatabaseFile
get { return m_strOpenDatabaseFile; }
private static string m_strOpenDatabaseFileStc =
@"Open database file";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Open database file'.
public static string OpenDatabaseFileStc
get { return m_strOpenDatabaseFileStc; }
private static string m_strOpened =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Opened'.
public static string Opened
get { return m_strOpened; }
private static string m_strOpenedDatabaseFile =
@"Opened database file";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Opened database file'.
public static string OpenedDatabaseFile
get { return m_strOpenedDatabaseFile; }
private static string m_strOpeningDatabase2 =
@"Opening database...";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Opening database...'.
public static string OpeningDatabase2
get { return m_strOpeningDatabase2; }
private static string m_strOpenUrl =
@"&Open URL(s)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Open URL(s)'.
public static string OpenUrl
get { return m_strOpenUrl; }
private static string m_strOpenWith =
@"Open with {PARAM}";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Open with {PARAM}'.
public static string OpenWith
get { return m_strOpenWith; }
private static string m_strOptimizeForScreenReader =
@"Optimize for screen reader (activate only if you are using a screen reader)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Optimize for screen reader (activate only if you are using a screen reader)'.
public static string OptimizeForScreenReader
get { return m_strOptimizeForScreenReader; }
private static string m_strOptionReqOn =
@"For this operation, the following option must be turned on:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'For this operation, the following option must be turned on:'.
public static string OptionReqOn
get { return m_strOptionReqOn; }
private static string m_strOptions =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Options'.
public static string Options
get { return m_strOptions; }
private static string m_strOptionsDesc =
@"Here you can configure the global KeePass program options.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Here you can configure the global KeePass program options.'.
public static string OptionsDesc
get { return m_strOptionsDesc; }
private static string m_strOtherPlaceholders =
@"Other Placeholders";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Other Placeholders'.
public static string OtherPlaceholders
get { return m_strOtherPlaceholders; }
private static string m_strOverridesBuiltIn =
@"Built-In Overrides";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Built-In Overrides'.
public static string OverridesBuiltIn
get { return m_strOverridesBuiltIn; }
private static string m_strOverridesCustom =
@"Custom Overrides";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Custom Overrides'.
public static string OverridesCustom
get { return m_strOverridesCustom; }
private static string m_strOverwrite =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Overwrite'.
public static string Overwrite
get { return m_strOverwrite; }
private static string m_strOverwriteExisting =
@"Overwrite &existing";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Overwrite &existing'.
public static string OverwriteExisting
get { return m_strOverwriteExisting; }
private static string m_strOverwriteExistingFileQuestion =
@"Overwrite the existing file?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Overwrite the existing file?'.
public static string OverwriteExistingFileQuestion
get { return m_strOverwriteExistingFileQuestion; }
private static string m_strOverwriteIfNewer =
@"Overwrite if &newer";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Overwrite if &newer'.
public static string OverwriteIfNewer
get { return m_strOverwriteIfNewer; }
private static string m_strOverwriteIfNewerAndApplyDel =
@"Overwrite if newer and apply &deletions";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Overwrite if newer and apply &deletions'.
public static string OverwriteIfNewerAndApplyDel
get { return m_strOverwriteIfNewerAndApplyDel; }
private static string m_strPackageInstallHint =
@"Install this package and try again.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Install this package and try again.'.
public static string PackageInstallHint
get { return m_strPackageInstallHint; }
private static string m_strParallelism =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Parallelism'.
public static string Parallelism
get { return m_strParallelism; }
private static string m_strParamDescHelp =
@"Detailed descriptions of all parameters can be found in the help manual.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Detailed descriptions of all parameters can be found in the help manual.'.
public static string ParamDescHelp
get { return m_strParamDescHelp; }
private static string m_strParameters =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Parameters'.
public static string Parameters
get { return m_strParameters; }
private static string m_strPassword =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Password'.
public static string Password
get { return m_strPassword; }
private static string m_strPasswordLength =
@"Password length";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Password length'.
public static string PasswordLength
get { return m_strPasswordLength; }
private static string m_strPasswordManagers =
@"Password Managers";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Password Managers'.
public static string PasswordManagers
get { return m_strPasswordManagers; }
private static string m_strPasswordOptions =
@"Password Generation Options";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Password Generation Options'.
public static string PasswordOptions
get { return m_strPasswordOptions; }
private static string m_strPasswordOptionsDesc =
@"Here you can define properties of generated passwords.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Here you can define properties of generated passwords.'.
public static string PasswordOptionsDesc
get { return m_strPasswordOptionsDesc; }
private static string m_strPasswordPrompt =
@"Enter the password:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enter the password:'.
public static string PasswordPrompt
get { return m_strPasswordPrompt; }
private static string m_strPasswordQuality =
@"Password Quality";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Password Quality'.
public static string PasswordQuality
get { return m_strPasswordQuality; }
private static string m_strPasswordQualityReport2 =
@"Estimated quality of the entry passwords (excluding TANs).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Estimated quality of the entry passwords (excluding TANs).'.
public static string PasswordQualityReport2
get { return m_strPasswordQualityReport2; }
private static string m_strPasswordRepeatFailed =
@"Password and repeated password aren't identical!";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Password and repeated password aren't identical!'.
public static string PasswordRepeatFailed
get { return m_strPasswordRepeatFailed; }
private static string m_strPasswordRepeatHint =
@"Repeat the password to prevent typing errors.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Repeat the password to prevent typing errors.'.
public static string PasswordRepeatHint
get { return m_strPasswordRepeatHint; }
private static string m_strPaste =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Paste'.
public static string Paste
get { return m_strPaste; }
private static string m_strPerformAutoType =
@"Perform Auto-&Type";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Perform Auto-&Type'.
public static string PerformAutoType
get { return m_strPerformAutoType; }
private static string m_strPerformGlobalAutoType =
@"Perform global auto-type";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Perform global auto-type'.
public static string PerformGlobalAutoType
get { return m_strPerformGlobalAutoType; }
private static string m_strPerformSelectedAutoType =
@"Perform auto-type with selected entry";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Perform auto-type with selected entry'.
public static string PerformSelectedAutoType
get { return m_strPerformSelectedAutoType; }
private static string m_strPeriodic =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Periodic'.
public static string Periodic
get { return m_strPeriodic; }
private static string m_strPickCharacters =
@"Pick Characters";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Pick Characters'.
public static string PickCharacters
get { return m_strPickCharacters; }
private static string m_strPickCharactersDesc =
@"Select the requested character positions.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Select the requested character positions.'.
public static string PickCharactersDesc
get { return m_strPickCharactersDesc; }
private static string m_strPickField =
@"Pick Field";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Pick Field'.
public static string PickField
get { return m_strPickField; }
private static string m_strPickFieldDesc =
@"Choose a field whose value will be inserted.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Choose a field whose value will be inserted.'.
public static string PickFieldDesc
get { return m_strPickFieldDesc; }
private static string m_strPickIcon =
@"Pick an icon.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Pick an icon.'.
public static string PickIcon
get { return m_strPickIcon; }
private static string m_strPlugin =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Plugin'.
public static string Plugin
get { return m_strPlugin; }
private static string m_strPlugin1x =
@"This plugin appears to be a plugin for KeePass 1.x.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'This plugin appears to be a plugin for KeePass 1.x.'.
public static string Plugin1x
get { return m_strPlugin1x; }
private static string m_strPlugin1xHint =
@"KeePass 1.x plugins cannot be used together with KeePass 2.x and vice versa.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePass 1.x plugins cannot be used together with KeePass 2.x and vice versa.'.
public static string Plugin1xHint
get { return m_strPlugin1xHint; }
private static string m_strPluginCacheClearInfo =
@"The plugin cache will be cleared and rebuilt if necessary when KeePass is restarted.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The plugin cache will be cleared and rebuilt if necessary when KeePass is restarted.'.
public static string PluginCacheClearInfo
get { return m_strPluginCacheClearInfo; }
private static string m_strPluginIncompatible =
@"The following plugin is incompatible with the current KeePass version:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The following plugin is incompatible with the current KeePass version:'.
public static string PluginIncompatible
get { return m_strPluginIncompatible; }
private static string m_strPluginLoadFailed =
@"The plugin cannot be loaded.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The plugin cannot be loaded.'.
public static string PluginLoadFailed
get { return m_strPluginLoadFailed; }
private static string m_strPluginMonoComplete =
@"On some systems, the 'mono-complete' package may be required for plugins to work properly.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'On some systems, the 'mono-complete' package may be required for plugins to work properly.'.
public static string PluginMonoComplete
get { return m_strPluginMonoComplete; }
private static string m_strPluginOperatingSystemUnsupported =
@"The current operating system is unsupported by the plugin.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The current operating system is unsupported by the plugin.'.
public static string PluginOperatingSystemUnsupported
get { return m_strPluginOperatingSystemUnsupported; }
private static string m_strPluginProvided =
@"Provided by Plugins";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Provided by Plugins'.
public static string PluginProvided
get { return m_strPluginProvided; }
private static string m_strPlugins =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Plugins'.
public static string Plugins
get { return m_strPlugins; }
private static string m_strPluginsCompilingAndLoading =
@"Compiling and loading plugins...";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Compiling and loading plugins...'.
public static string PluginsCompilingAndLoading
get { return m_strPluginsCompilingAndLoading; }
private static string m_strPluginsDesc =
@"Here you can configure all loaded KeePass plugins.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Here you can configure all loaded KeePass plugins.'.
public static string PluginsDesc
get { return m_strPluginsDesc; }
private static string m_strPluginUpdateHint =
@"Have a look at the plugin's website for an appropriate version.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Have a look at the plugin's website for an appropriate version.'.
public static string PluginUpdateHint
get { return m_strPluginUpdateHint; }
private static string m_strPolicyAutoTypeDesc =
@"Allow auto-typing entries to other windows.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow auto-typing entries to other windows.'.
public static string PolicyAutoTypeDesc
get { return m_strPolicyAutoTypeDesc; }
private static string m_strPolicyAutoTypeWithoutContextDesc =
@"Allow auto-typing using the 'Perform Auto-Type' command (Ctrl+V).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow auto-typing using the 'Perform Auto-Type' command (Ctrl+V).'.
public static string PolicyAutoTypeWithoutContextDesc
get { return m_strPolicyAutoTypeWithoutContextDesc; }
private static string m_strPolicyChangeMasterKey =
@"Allow changing the master key of a database.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow changing the master key of a database.'.
public static string PolicyChangeMasterKey
get { return m_strPolicyChangeMasterKey; }
private static string m_strPolicyChangeMasterKeyNoKeyDesc =
@"Do not require entering current master key before changing it.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do not require entering current master key before changing it.'.
public static string PolicyChangeMasterKeyNoKeyDesc
get { return m_strPolicyChangeMasterKeyNoKeyDesc; }
private static string m_strPolicyClipboardDesc =
@"Allow copying entry information to clipboard (main window only).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow copying entry information to clipboard (main window only).'.
public static string PolicyClipboardDesc
get { return m_strPolicyClipboardDesc; }
private static string m_strPolicyCopyWholeEntriesDesc =
@"Allow copying whole entries to clipboard.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow copying whole entries to clipboard.'.
public static string PolicyCopyWholeEntriesDesc
get { return m_strPolicyCopyWholeEntriesDesc; }
private static string m_strPolicyDisallowed =
@"This operation is disallowed by the application policy. Ask your administrator to allow this operation.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'This operation is disallowed by the application policy. Ask your administrator to allow this operation.'.
public static string PolicyDisallowed
get { return m_strPolicyDisallowed; }
private static string m_strPolicyDragDropDesc =
@"Allow sending information to other windows using drag&drop.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow sending information to other windows using drag&drop.'.
public static string PolicyDragDropDesc
get { return m_strPolicyDragDropDesc; }
private static string m_strPolicyExportDesc2 =
@"Allow exporting entries.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow exporting entries.'.
public static string PolicyExportDesc2
get { return m_strPolicyExportDesc2; }
private static string m_strPolicyExportNoKeyDesc =
@"Do not require entering current master key before exporting.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do not require entering current master key before exporting.'.
public static string PolicyExportNoKeyDesc
get { return m_strPolicyExportNoKeyDesc; }
private static string m_strPolicyImportDesc =
@"Allow importing entries from external files.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow importing entries from external files.'.
public static string PolicyImportDesc
get { return m_strPolicyImportDesc; }
private static string m_strPolicyNewDatabaseDesc =
@"Allow creating new database files.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow creating new database files.'.
public static string PolicyNewDatabaseDesc
get { return m_strPolicyNewDatabaseDesc; }
private static string m_strPolicyPluginsDesc =
@"Allow loading plugins to extend KeePass functionality.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow loading plugins to extend KeePass functionality.'.
public static string PolicyPluginsDesc
get { return m_strPolicyPluginsDesc; }
private static string m_strPolicyPrintDesc =
@"Allow printing entry lists.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow printing entry lists.'.
public static string PolicyPrintDesc
get { return m_strPolicyPrintDesc; }
private static string m_strPolicyPrintNoKeyDesc =
@"Do not require entering current master key before printing.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do not require entering current master key before printing.'.
public static string PolicyPrintNoKeyDesc
get { return m_strPolicyPrintNoKeyDesc; }
private static string m_strPolicyRequiredFlag =
@"The following policy flag is required";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The following policy flag is required'.
public static string PolicyRequiredFlag
get { return m_strPolicyRequiredFlag; }
private static string m_strPolicySaveDatabaseDesc =
@"Allow saving databases to disk/URL.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow saving databases to disk/URL.'.
public static string PolicySaveDatabaseDesc
get { return m_strPolicySaveDatabaseDesc; }
private static string m_strPolicyTriggersEditDesc =
@"Allow editing triggers.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow editing triggers.'.
public static string PolicyTriggersEditDesc
get { return m_strPolicyTriggersEditDesc; }
private static string m_strPreReleaseVersion =
@"Pre-release version";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Pre-release version'.
public static string PreReleaseVersion
get { return m_strPreReleaseVersion; }
private static string m_strPrint =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Print'.
public static string Print
get { return m_strPrint; }
private static string m_strPrintDesc =
@"Print password entries.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Print password entries.'.
public static string PrintDesc
get { return m_strPrintDesc; }
private static string m_strPrivate =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Private'.
public static string Private
get { return m_strPrivate; }
private static string m_strProfessional =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Professional'.
public static string Professional
get { return m_strProfessional; }
private static string m_strProfileDelete =
@"Delete Profile";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Delete Profile'.
public static string ProfileDelete
get { return m_strProfileDelete; }
private static string m_strProfileDeleteDesc =
@"Delete the selected profile.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Delete the selected profile.'.
public static string ProfileDeleteDesc
get { return m_strProfileDeleteDesc; }
private static string m_strProfileSave =
@"Save as Profile";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save as Profile'.
public static string ProfileSave
get { return m_strProfileSave; }
private static string m_strProfileSaveDesc =
@"Save the current settings as a profile.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save the current settings as a profile.'.
public static string ProfileSaveDesc
get { return m_strProfileSaveDesc; }
private static string m_strProfileSavePrompt =
@"Enter a name for the new profile or select an existing profile to overwrite it:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enter a name for the new profile or select an existing profile to overwrite it:'.
public static string ProfileSavePrompt
get { return m_strProfileSavePrompt; }
private static string m_strQuality =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Quality'.
public static string Quality
get { return m_strQuality; }
private static string m_strQualityCheckToggle =
@"Enable/disable quality estimation for this entry (here, in password quality reports, ...)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enable/disable quality estimation for this entry (here, in password quality reports, ...)'.
public static string QualityCheckToggle
get { return m_strQualityCheckToggle; }
private static string m_strQuick =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Quick'.
public static string Quick
get { return m_strQuick; }
private static string m_strQuickSearchDerefData =
@"Resolve field references in quick searches";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Resolve field references in quick searches'.
public static string QuickSearchDerefData
get { return m_strQuickSearchDerefData; }
private static string m_strQuickSearchExclExpired =
@"Exclude expired entries in quick searches";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Exclude expired entries in quick searches'.
public static string QuickSearchExclExpired
get { return m_strQuickSearchExclExpired; }
private static string m_strQuickSearchInPwFields =
@"Search for passwords in quick searches";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Search for passwords in quick searches'.
public static string QuickSearchInPwFields
get { return m_strQuickSearchInPwFields; }
private static string m_strQuickSearchQ =
@"Would you like to perform a quick search?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Would you like to perform a quick search?'.
public static string QuickSearchQ
get { return m_strQuickSearchQ; }
private static string m_strQuickSearchTb =
@"Quick Search (Toolbar)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Quick Search (Toolbar)'.
public static string QuickSearchTb
get { return m_strQuickSearchTb; }
private static string m_strRandomMacAddress =
@"Random MAC Address";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Random MAC Address'.
public static string RandomMacAddress
get { return m_strRandomMacAddress; }
private static string m_strReady =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Ready.'.
public static string Ready
get { return m_strReady; }
private static string m_strRecommended =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'recommended'.
public static string Recommended
get { return m_strRecommended; }
private static string m_strRecommendedCmd =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Recommended'.
public static string RecommendedCmd
get { return m_strRecommendedCmd; }
private static string m_strRecycleBin =
@"Recycle Bin";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Recycle Bin'.
public static string RecycleBin
get { return m_strRecycleBin; }
private static string m_strRecycleBinCollapse =
@"Collapse newly-created recycle bin tree node";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Collapse newly-created recycle bin tree node'.
public static string RecycleBinCollapse
get { return m_strRecycleBinCollapse; }
private static string m_strRecycleEntryConfirm =
@"Are you sure you want to move the selected entries to the recycle bin?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Are you sure you want to move the selected entries to the recycle bin?'.
public static string RecycleEntryConfirm
get { return m_strRecycleEntryConfirm; }
private static string m_strRecycleEntryConfirmSingle =
@"Are you sure you want to move the selected entry to the recycle bin?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Are you sure you want to move the selected entry to the recycle bin?'.
public static string RecycleEntryConfirmSingle
get { return m_strRecycleEntryConfirmSingle; }
private static string m_strRecycleGroupConfirm =
@"Are you sure you want to move the selected group to the recycle bin?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Are you sure you want to move the selected group to the recycle bin?'.
public static string RecycleGroupConfirm
get { return m_strRecycleGroupConfirm; }
private static string m_strRecycleMoveInfo =
@"At least one of the selected entries/groups will be moved into/within the recycle bin.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'At least one of the selected entries/groups will be moved into/within the recycle bin.'.
public static string RecycleMoveInfo
get { return m_strRecycleMoveInfo; }
private static string m_strRecycleShowConfirm =
@"Show confirmation dialog when moving entries/groups to the recycle bin";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show confirmation dialog when moving entries/groups to the recycle bin'.
public static string RecycleShowConfirm
get { return m_strRecycleShowConfirm; }
private static string m_strRedo =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Redo'.
public static string Redo
get { return m_strRedo; }
private static string m_strRememberHidingPasswordsEntry =
@"Remember password hiding setting in the entry editing dialog";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Remember password hiding setting in the entry editing dialog'.
public static string RememberHidingPasswordsEntry
get { return m_strRememberHidingPasswordsEntry; }
private static string m_strRememberHidingPasswordsMain =
@"Remember password hiding setting in the main window";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Remember password hiding setting in the main window'.
public static string RememberHidingPasswordsMain
get { return m_strRememberHidingPasswordsMain; }
private static string m_strRememberKeySources =
@"Remember key sources (key file paths, provider names, ...)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Remember key sources (key file paths, provider names, ...)'.
public static string RememberKeySources
get { return m_strRememberKeySources; }
private static string m_strRememberWorkingDirectories =
@"Remember working directories";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Remember working directories'.
public static string RememberWorkingDirectories
get { return m_strRememberWorkingDirectories; }
private static string m_strRemoteHostReachable =
@"Remote host is reachable (ping)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Remote host is reachable (ping)'.
public static string RemoteHostReachable
get { return m_strRemoteHostReachable; }
private static string m_strRepairCmd =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Repair'.
public static string RepairCmd
get { return m_strRepairCmd; }
private static string m_strRepairMode =
@"Repair Mode";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Repair Mode'.
public static string RepairMode
get { return m_strRepairMode; }
private static string m_strRepairModeInt =
@"In repair mode, the integrity of the data is not checked (in order to rescue as much data as possible). When no integrity checks are performed, corrupted/malicious data might be incorporated into the database.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'In repair mode, the integrity of the data is not checked (in order to rescue as much data as possible). When no integrity checks are performed, corrupted/malicious data might be incorporated into the database.'.
public static string RepairModeInt
get { return m_strRepairModeInt; }
private static string m_strRepairModeQ =
@"Are you sure you want to attempt to repair the selected file?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Are you sure you want to attempt to repair the selected file?'.
public static string RepairModeQ
get { return m_strRepairModeQ; }
private static string m_strRepairModeUse =
@"Thus the repair functionality should only be used when there really is no other solution. If you use it, afterwards you should thoroughly check your whole database for corrupted/malicious data.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Thus the repair functionality should only be used when there really is no other solution. If you use it, afterwards you should thoroughly check your whole database for corrupted/malicious data.'.
public static string RepairModeUse
get { return m_strRepairModeUse; }
private static string m_strRepeatOnlyWhenHidden =
@"Require password repetition only when hiding using asterisks is enabled";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Require password repetition only when hiding using asterisks is enabled'.
public static string RepeatOnlyWhenHidden
get { return m_strRepeatOnlyWhenHidden; }
private static string m_strReplace =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Replace'.
public static string Replace
get { return m_strReplace; }
private static string m_strReplaceNo =
@"Do not replace";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do not replace'.
public static string ReplaceNo
get { return m_strReplaceNo; }
private static string m_strRestartKeePassQuestion =
@"Do you wish to restart KeePass now?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do you wish to restart KeePass now?'.
public static string RestartKeePassQuestion
get { return m_strRestartKeePassQuestion; }
private static string m_strRestore =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Restore'.
public static string Restore
get { return m_strRestore; }
private static string m_strRetry =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Retry'.
public static string Retry
get { return m_strRetry; }
private static string m_strRetryCmd =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Retry'.
public static string RetryCmd
get { return m_strRetryCmd; }
private static string m_strRootDirectory =
@"Root Directory";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Root Directory'.
public static string RootDirectory
get { return m_strRootDirectory; }
private static string m_strSameKeybLayout =
@"Ensure same keyboard layouts during auto-type";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Ensure same keyboard layouts during auto-type'.
public static string SameKeybLayout
get { return m_strSameKeybLayout; }
private static string m_strSampleEntry =
@"Sample Entry";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Sample Entry'.
public static string SampleEntry
get { return m_strSampleEntry; }
private static string m_strSave =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save'.
public static string Save
get { return m_strSave; }
private static string m_strSaveBeforeCloseEntry =
@"Do you want to save the changes you have made to this entry?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do you want to save the changes you have made to this entry?'.
public static string SaveBeforeCloseEntry
get { return m_strSaveBeforeCloseEntry; }
private static string m_strSaveBeforeCloseQuestion =
@"Do you want to save the changes before closing?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do you want to save the changes before closing?'.
public static string SaveBeforeCloseQuestion
get { return m_strSaveBeforeCloseQuestion; }
private static string m_strSaveBeforeCloseTitle =
@"KeePass - Save Before Close/Lock?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePass - Save Before Close/Lock?'.
public static string SaveBeforeCloseTitle
get { return m_strSaveBeforeCloseTitle; }
private static string m_strSaveCmd =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Save'.
public static string SaveCmd
get { return m_strSaveCmd; }
private static string m_strSaveDatabase =
@"Save Database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save Database'.
public static string SaveDatabase
get { return m_strSaveDatabase; }
private static string m_strSaveDatabaseStc =
@"Save active database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save active database'.
public static string SaveDatabaseStc
get { return m_strSaveDatabaseStc; }
private static string m_strSavedDatabaseFile =
@"Saved database file";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Saved database file'.
public static string SavedDatabaseFile
get { return m_strSavedDatabaseFile; }
private static string m_strSaveForceSync =
@"Do not ask whether to synchronize or overwrite; force synchronization";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Do not ask whether to synchronize or overwrite; force synchronization'.
public static string SaveForceSync
get { return m_strSaveForceSync; }
private static string m_strSavingDatabase =
@"Saving database...";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Saving database...'.
public static string SavingDatabase
get { return m_strSavingDatabase; }
private static string m_strSavingDatabaseFile =
@"Saving database file";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Saving database file'.
public static string SavingDatabaseFile
get { return m_strSavingDatabaseFile; }
private static string m_strSavingPost =
@"after saving";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'after saving'.
public static string SavingPost
get { return m_strSavingPost; }
private static string m_strSavingPre =
@"before saving";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'before saving'.
public static string SavingPre
get { return m_strSavingPre; }
private static string m_strScheme =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Scheme'.
public static string Scheme
get { return m_strScheme; }
private static string m_strSearch =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Search...'.
public static string Search
get { return m_strSearch; }
private static string m_strSearchDesc2 =
@"Search the database for entries.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Search the database for entries.'.
public static string SearchDesc2
get { return m_strSearchDesc2; }
private static string m_strSearchEntriesFound =
@"{PARAM} entries found";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '{PARAM} entries found'.
public static string SearchEntriesFound
get { return m_strSearchEntriesFound; }
private static string m_strSearchEntriesFound1 =
@"1 entry found";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '1 entry found'.
public static string SearchEntriesFound1
get { return m_strSearchEntriesFound1; }
private static string m_strSearchGroupName =
@"Search Results";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Search Results'.
public static string SearchGroupName
get { return m_strSearchGroupName; }
private static string m_strSearchingOp =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Searching'.
public static string SearchingOp
get { return m_strSearchingOp; }
private static string m_strSearchKeyFiles =
@"Automatically search key files";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Automatically search key files'.
public static string SearchKeyFiles
get { return m_strSearchKeyFiles; }
private static string m_strSearchKeyFilesAlsoOnRemovable =
@"Automatically search key files also on removable media";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Automatically search key files also on removable media'.
public static string SearchKeyFilesAlsoOnRemovable
get { return m_strSearchKeyFilesAlsoOnRemovable; }
private static string m_strSearchQuickPrompt =
@"Type to search the database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Type to search the database'.
public static string SearchQuickPrompt
get { return m_strSearchQuickPrompt; }
private static string m_strSearchResultsInSeparator =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'in'.
public static string SearchResultsInSeparator
get { return m_strSearchResultsInSeparator; }
private static string m_strSearchTitle =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Find'.
public static string SearchTitle
get { return m_strSearchTitle; }
private static string m_strSecDeskFileDialogHint =
@"Note: KeePass shows this simple file browser dialog, because standard Windows file dialogs cannot be shown on the secure desktop for security reasons.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Note: KeePass shows this simple file browser dialog, because standard Windows file dialogs cannot be shown on the secure desktop for security reasons.'.
public static string SecDeskFileDialogHint
get { return m_strSecDeskFileDialogHint; }
private static string m_strSecDeskOtherSwitched =
@"An application has switched from the secure desktop to a different desktop.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'An application has switched from the secure desktop to a different desktop.'.
public static string SecDeskOtherSwitched
get { return m_strSecDeskOtherSwitched; }
private static string m_strSecDeskPlaySound =
@"Play UAC sound when switching to secure desktop";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Play UAC sound when switching to secure desktop'.
public static string SecDeskPlaySound
get { return m_strSecDeskPlaySound; }
private static string m_strSecDeskSwitchBack =
@"Click [OK] to switch back to the secure desktop.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Click [OK] to switch back to the secure desktop.'.
public static string SecDeskSwitchBack
get { return m_strSecDeskSwitchBack; }
private static string m_strSelectAll =
@"Select All";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Select All'.
public static string SelectAll
get { return m_strSelectAll; }
private static string m_strSelectColor =
@"Select Color";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Select Color'.
public static string SelectColor
get { return m_strSelectColor; }
private static string m_strSelectDifferentGroup =
@"Please select a different group.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Please select a different group.'.
public static string SelectDifferentGroup
get { return m_strSelectDifferentGroup; }
private static string m_strSelectedColumn =
@"Selected column";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Selected column'.
public static string SelectedColumn
get { return m_strSelectedColumn; }
private static string m_strSelectedGroup =
@"Selected Group";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Selected Group'.
public static string SelectedGroup
get { return m_strSelectedGroup; }
private static string m_strSelectedLower =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'selected'.
public static string SelectedLower
get { return m_strSelectedLower; }
private static string m_strSelectFile =
@"Select a file.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Select a file.'.
public static string SelectFile
get { return m_strSelectFile; }
private static string m_strSelectIcon =
@"Select an icon";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Select an icon'.
public static string SelectIcon
get { return m_strSelectIcon; }
private static string m_strSelectLanguage =
@"Select Language";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Select Language'.
public static string SelectLanguage
get { return m_strSelectLanguage; }
private static string m_strSelectLanguageDesc =
@"Here you can change the user interface language.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Here you can change the user interface language.'.
public static string SelectLanguageDesc
get { return m_strSelectLanguageDesc; }
private static string m_strSelfTestFailed =
@"One or more of the KeePass self-tests failed.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'One or more of the KeePass self-tests failed.'.
public static string SelfTestFailed
get { return m_strSelfTestFailed; }
private static string m_strSendingNoun =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Sending'.
public static string SendingNoun
get { return m_strSendingNoun; }
private static string m_strSeparator =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Separator'.
public static string Separator
get { return m_strSeparator; }
private static string m_strSequence =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Sequence'.
public static string Sequence
get { return m_strSequence; }
private static string m_strSequences =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Sequences'.
public static string Sequences
get { return m_strSequences; }
private static string m_strShowAdvAutoTypeCommands =
@"Show additional auto-type menu commands";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show additional auto-type menu commands'.
public static string ShowAdvAutoTypeCommands
get { return m_strShowAdvAutoTypeCommands; }
private static string m_strShowDerefData =
@"Show dereferenced data";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show dereferenced data'.
public static string ShowDerefData
get { return m_strShowDerefData; }
private static string m_strShowDerefDataAndRefs =
@"When showing dereferenced data, additionally show references";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'When showing dereferenced data, additionally show references'.
public static string ShowDerefDataAndRefs
get { return m_strShowDerefDataAndRefs; }
private static string m_strShowDerefDataAsync =
@"Show dereferenced data asynchronously";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show dereferenced data asynchronously'.
public static string ShowDerefDataAsync
get { return m_strShowDerefDataAsync; }
private static string m_strShowEntriesByTag =
@"Show entries by tag";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show entries by tag'.
public static string ShowEntriesByTag
get { return m_strShowEntriesByTag; }
private static string m_strShowFullPathInTitleBar =
@"Show full path in title bar (instead of file name only)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show full path in title bar (instead of file name only)'.
public static string ShowFullPathInTitleBar
get { return m_strShowFullPathInTitleBar; }
private static string m_strShowIn =
@"Show in";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show in'.
public static string ShowIn
get { return m_strShowIn; }
private static string m_strShowMessageBox =
@"Show message box";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show message box'.
public static string ShowMessageBox
get { return m_strShowMessageBox; }
private static string m_strShowMore =
@"Show more";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show more'.
public static string ShowMore
get { return m_strShowMore; }
private static string m_strSimilarPasswords =
@"Similar Passwords";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Similar Passwords'.
public static string SimilarPasswords
get { return m_strSimilarPasswords; }
private static string m_strSimilarPasswordsGroup =
@"Entries using similar passwords (similarity: {PARAM}):";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Entries using similar passwords (similarity: {PARAM}):'.
public static string SimilarPasswordsGroup
get { return m_strSimilarPasswordsGroup; }
private static string m_strSimilarPasswordsList2 =
@"List of entries that are using similar passwords (excluding TANs).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'List of entries that are using similar passwords (excluding TANs).'.
public static string SimilarPasswordsList2
get { return m_strSimilarPasswordsList2; }
private static string m_strSimilarPasswordsNoDup =
@"The list shows entries that are using similar, but not identical passwords. For finding entries that are using the same passwords, use the 'Duplicate Passwords' command (in the main menu).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The list shows entries that are using similar, but not identical passwords. For finding entries that are using the same passwords, use the 'Duplicate Passwords' command (in the main menu).'.
public static string SimilarPasswordsNoDup
get { return m_strSimilarPasswordsNoDup; }
private static string m_strSize =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Size'.
public static string Size
get { return m_strSize; }
private static string m_strSkip =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Skip'.
public static string Skip
get { return m_strSkip; }
private static string m_strSlow =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'slow'.
public static string Slow
get { return m_strSlow; }
private static string m_strSoonToExpireEntries =
@"Expired Entries and Entries That Will Expire Soon";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Expired Entries and Entries That Will Expire Soon'.
public static string SoonToExpireEntries
get { return m_strSoonToExpireEntries; }
private static string m_strSource =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Source'.
public static string Source
get { return m_strSource; }
private static string m_strSpecialKeys =
@"Special Keys";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Special Keys'.
public static string SpecialKeys
get { return m_strSpecialKeys; }
private static string m_strSslCertsAcceptInvalid =
@"Accept invalid SSL certificates (self-signed, expired, ...)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Accept invalid SSL certificates (self-signed, expired, ...)'.
public static string SslCertsAcceptInvalid
get { return m_strSslCertsAcceptInvalid; }
private static string m_strStandardExpireSelect =
@"Select one of the standard expiry times";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Select one of the standard expiry times'.
public static string StandardExpireSelect
get { return m_strStandardExpireSelect; }
private static string m_strStandardFields =
@"Standard Fields";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Standard Fields'.
public static string StandardFields
get { return m_strStandardFields; }
private static string m_strStartAndExit =
@"Start and Exit";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Start and Exit'.
public static string StartAndExit
get { return m_strStartAndExit; }
private static string m_strStartMinimizedAndLocked =
@"Start minimized and locked";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Start minimized and locked'.
public static string StartMinimizedAndLocked
get { return m_strStartMinimizedAndLocked; }
private static string m_strStartsWith =
@"Starts with";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Starts with'.
public static string StartsWith
get { return m_strStartsWith; }
private static string m_strStatus =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Status'.
public static string Status
get { return m_strStatus; }
private static string m_strStrikeout =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Strikeout'.
public static string Strikeout
get { return m_strStrikeout; }
private static string m_strString =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'String'.
public static string String
get { return m_strString; }
private static string m_strSuccess =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Success.'.
public static string Success
get { return m_strSuccess; }
private static string m_strSyncFailed =
@"Synchronization failed.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Synchronization failed.'.
public static string SyncFailed
get { return m_strSyncFailed; }
private static string m_strSynchronize =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Synchronize'.
public static string Synchronize
get { return m_strSynchronize; }
private static string m_strSynchronizedDatabaseFile =
@"Synchronized database file";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Synchronized database file'.
public static string SynchronizedDatabaseFile
get { return m_strSynchronizedDatabaseFile; }
private static string m_strSynchronizeStc =
@"Synchronize active database with a file/URL";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Synchronize active database with a file/URL'.
public static string SynchronizeStc
get { return m_strSynchronizeStc; }
private static string m_strSynchronizing =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Synchronizing...'.
public static string Synchronizing
get { return m_strSynchronizing; }
private static string m_strSynchronizingDatabaseFile =
@"Synchronizing database file";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Synchronizing database file'.
public static string SynchronizingDatabaseFile
get { return m_strSynchronizingDatabaseFile; }
private static string m_strSynchronizingHint =
@"Make sure that the two databases use the same master key. This is required for a synchronization.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Make sure that the two databases use the same master key. This is required for a synchronization.'.
public static string SynchronizingHint
get { return m_strSynchronizingHint; }
private static string m_strSyncSuccess =
@"Synchronization completed successfully.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Synchronization completed successfully.'.
public static string SyncSuccess
get { return m_strSyncSuccess; }
private static string m_strSystem =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'System'.
public static string System
get { return m_strSystem; }
private static string m_strSystemCodePage =
@"System Code Page";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'System Code Page'.
public static string SystemCodePage
get { return m_strSystemCodePage; }
private static string m_strTag =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Tag'.
public static string Tag
get { return m_strTag; }
private static string m_strTagAddNew =
@"Add a new tag.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Add a new tag.'.
public static string TagAddNew
get { return m_strTagAddNew; }
private static string m_strTagNew =
@"New Tag";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'New Tag'.
public static string TagNew
get { return m_strTagNew; }
private static string m_strTags =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Tags'.
public static string Tags
get { return m_strTags; }
private static string m_strTagsAddRemove =
@"Add/remove tags";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Add/remove tags'.
public static string TagsAddRemove
get { return m_strTagsAddRemove; }
private static string m_strTagsInheritedCount =
@"{PARAM} inherited tag(s)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '{PARAM} inherited tag(s)'.
public static string TagsInheritedCount
get { return m_strTagsInheritedCount; }
private static string m_strTagsNotFound =
@"No tags found";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'No tags found'.
public static string TagsNotFound
get { return m_strTagsNotFound; }
private static string m_strTanExpiresOnUse =
@"Mark TAN entries as expired when using them";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Mark TAN entries as expired when using them'.
public static string TanExpiresOnUse
get { return m_strTanExpiresOnUse; }
private static string m_strTanWizard =
@"TAN Wizard";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'TAN Wizard'.
public static string TanWizard
get { return m_strTanWizard; }
private static string m_strTanWizardDesc =
@"With this TAN wizard you can easily add TAN entries.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'With this TAN wizard you can easily add TAN entries.'.
public static string TanWizardDesc
get { return m_strTanWizardDesc; }
private static string m_strTargetWindow =
@"Target Window";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Target Window'.
public static string TargetWindow
get { return m_strTargetWindow; }
private static string m_strTemplatesNotFound =
@"No templates found";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'No templates found'.
public static string TemplatesNotFound
get { return m_strTemplatesNotFound; }
private static string m_strTestSuccess =
@"Test succeeded!";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Test succeeded!'.
public static string TestSuccess
get { return m_strTestSuccess; }
private static string m_strText =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Text'.
public static string Text
get { return m_strText; }
private static string m_strTextColor =
@"Text Color";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Text Color'.
public static string TextColor
get { return m_strTextColor; }
private static string m_strTextViewer =
@"Text Viewer";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Text Viewer'.
public static string TextViewer
get { return m_strTextViewer; }
private static string m_strTime =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Time'.
public static string Time
get { return m_strTime; }
private static string m_strTimeReq =
@"may take some time";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'may take some time'.
public static string TimeReq
get { return m_strTimeReq; }
private static string m_strTimerRestartOnActivity =
@"Restart timer on KeePass activity";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Restart timer on KeePass activity'.
public static string TimerRestartOnActivity
get { return m_strTimerRestartOnActivity; }
private static string m_strTimeSpan =
@"Time span";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Time span'.
public static string TimeSpan
get { return m_strTimeSpan; }
private static string m_strTitle =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Title'.
public static string Title
get { return m_strTitle; }
private static string m_strToggle =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Toggle'.
public static string Toggle
get { return m_strToggle; }
private static string m_strTogglePasswordAsterisks =
@"Show/hide password using asterisks";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show/hide password using asterisks'.
public static string TogglePasswordAsterisks
get { return m_strTogglePasswordAsterisks; }
private static string m_strToolBarNew =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'New...'.
public static string ToolBarNew
get { return m_strToolBarNew; }
private static string m_strToolBarOpen =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Open...'.
public static string ToolBarOpen
get { return m_strToolBarOpen; }
private static string m_strToolBarSaveAll =
@"Save All";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save All'.
public static string ToolBarSaveAll
get { return m_strToolBarSaveAll; }
private static string m_strTooManyFilesError =
@"Too many files have been selected. Select smaller groups and repeat the current procedure a few times.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Too many files have been selected. Select smaller groups and repeat the current procedure a few times.'.
public static string TooManyFilesError
get { return m_strTooManyFilesError; }
private static string m_strTransformTime =
@"The key transformation took {PARAM} seconds.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The key transformation took {PARAM} seconds.'.
public static string TransformTime
get { return m_strTransformTime; }
private static string m_strTrayIcon =
@"Tray Icon";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Tray Icon'.
public static string TrayIcon
get { return m_strTrayIcon; }
private static string m_strTrayIconGray =
@"Use gray tray icon";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Use gray tray icon'.
public static string TrayIconGray
get { return m_strTrayIconGray; }
private static string m_strTrayIconSingleClick =
@"Single click instead of double click for default tray icon action";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Single click instead of double click for default tray icon action'.
public static string TrayIconSingleClick
get { return m_strTrayIconSingleClick; }
private static string m_strTreeViewShowLines =
@"Show lines between nodes in tree views";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Show lines between nodes in tree views'.
public static string TreeViewShowLines
get { return m_strTreeViewShowLines; }
private static string m_strTrigger =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Trigger'.
public static string Trigger
get { return m_strTrigger; }
private static string m_strTriggerActionTypeUnknown =
@"The trigger action type is unknown.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The trigger action type is unknown.'.
public static string TriggerActionTypeUnknown
get { return m_strTriggerActionTypeUnknown; }
private static string m_strTriggerAdd =
@"Add Trigger";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Add Trigger'.
public static string TriggerAdd
get { return m_strTriggerAdd; }
private static string m_strTriggerAddDesc =
@"Create a new workflow automation.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Create a new workflow automation.'.
public static string TriggerAddDesc
get { return m_strTriggerAddDesc; }
private static string m_strTriggerConditionTypeUnknown =
@"The trigger condition type is unknown.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The trigger condition type is unknown.'.
public static string TriggerConditionTypeUnknown
get { return m_strTriggerConditionTypeUnknown; }
private static string m_strTriggerEdit =
@"Edit Trigger";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Edit Trigger'.
public static string TriggerEdit
get { return m_strTriggerEdit; }
private static string m_strTriggerEditDesc =
@"Modify an existing workflow automation.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Modify an existing workflow automation.'.
public static string TriggerEditDesc
get { return m_strTriggerEditDesc; }
private static string m_strTriggerEventTypeUnknown =
@"The trigger event type is unknown.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The trigger event type is unknown.'.
public static string TriggerEventTypeUnknown
get { return m_strTriggerEventTypeUnknown; }
private static string m_strTriggerExecutionFailed =
@"Trigger execution failed";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Trigger execution failed'.
public static string TriggerExecutionFailed
get { return m_strTriggerExecutionFailed; }
private static string m_strTriggering =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Triggering'.
public static string Triggering
get { return m_strTriggering; }
private static string m_strTriggerName =
@"Trigger name";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Trigger name'.
public static string TriggerName
get { return m_strTriggerName; }
private static string m_strTriggers =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Triggers'.
public static string Triggers
get { return m_strTriggers; }
private static string m_strTriggersDesc =
@"Automate workflows using the trigger system.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Automate workflows using the trigger system.'.
public static string TriggersDesc
get { return m_strTriggersDesc; }
private static string m_strTriggersEdit =
@"Edit Triggers";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Edit Triggers'.
public static string TriggersEdit
get { return m_strTriggersEdit; }
private static string m_strTriggerStateChange =
@"Change trigger on/off state";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Change trigger on/off state'.
public static string TriggerStateChange
get { return m_strTriggerStateChange; }
private static string m_strType =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Type'.
public static string Type
get { return m_strType; }
private static string m_strTypeUnknownHint =
@"A newer KeePass version or a plugin might be required for this type.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'A newer KeePass version or a plugin might be required for this type.'.
public static string TypeUnknownHint
get { return m_strTypeUnknownHint; }
private static string m_strUnderline =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Underline'.
public static string Underline
get { return m_strUnderline; }
private static string m_strUndo =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Undo'.
public static string Undo
get { return m_strUndo; }
private static string m_strUnhidePasswords =
@"Unhide Passwords";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Unhide Passwords'.
public static string UnhidePasswords
get { return m_strUnhidePasswords; }
private static string m_strUnhidePasswordsDesc =
@"Allow displaying passwords as plain-text.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Allow displaying passwords as plain-text.'.
public static string UnhidePasswordsDesc
get { return m_strUnhidePasswordsDesc; }
private static string m_strUnhideSourceCharactersToo =
@"Unhide button also unhides source characters";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Unhide button also unhides source characters'.
public static string UnhideSourceCharactersToo
get { return m_strUnhideSourceCharactersToo; }
private static string m_strUnknown =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Unknown'.
public static string Unknown
get { return m_strUnknown; }
private static string m_strUnsupportedByMono =
@"unsupported by Mono";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'unsupported by Mono'.
public static string UnsupportedByMono
get { return m_strUnsupportedByMono; }
private static string m_strUpdateCheck =
@"Update Check";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Update Check'.
public static string UpdateCheck
get { return m_strUpdateCheck; }
private static string m_strUpdateCheckEnableQ =
@"Enable automatic update check?";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enable automatic update check?'.
public static string UpdateCheckEnableQ
get { return m_strUpdateCheckEnableQ; }
private static string m_strUpdateCheckFailedNoDl =
@"Update check failed. Version information file cannot be downloaded.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Update check failed. Version information file cannot be downloaded.'.
public static string UpdateCheckFailedNoDl
get { return m_strUpdateCheckFailedNoDl; }
private static string m_strUpdateCheckInfo =
@"KeePass can automatically check for updates on each program start.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePass can automatically check for updates on each program start.'.
public static string UpdateCheckInfo
get { return m_strUpdateCheckInfo; }
private static string m_strUpdateCheckInfoPriv =
@"No personal information is sent to the KeePass web server. KeePass just downloads a small version information file and compares the available version with the installed version.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'No personal information is sent to the KeePass web server. KeePass just downloads a small version information file and compares the available version with the installed version.'.
public static string UpdateCheckInfoPriv
get { return m_strUpdateCheckInfoPriv; }
private static string m_strUpdateCheckInfoRes =
@"Automatic update checks are performed unintrusively in the background. A notification is only displayed when an update is available. Updates are not downloaded or installed automatically.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Automatic update checks are performed unintrusively in the background. A notification is only displayed when an update is available. Updates are not downloaded or installed automatically.'.
public static string UpdateCheckInfoRes
get { return m_strUpdateCheckInfoRes; }
private static string m_strUpdateCheckResults =
@"The results of the update check.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The results of the update check.'.
public static string UpdateCheckResults
get { return m_strUpdateCheckResults; }
private static string m_strUpdatedUIState =
@"User interface state updated";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'User interface state updated'.
public static string UpdatedUIState
get { return m_strUpdatedUIState; }
private static string m_strUpToDate =
@"Up to date";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Up to date'.
public static string UpToDate
get { return m_strUpToDate; }
private static string m_strUrl =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'URL'.
public static string Url
get { return m_strUrl; }
private static string m_strUrlFieldEmptyFirstTab =
@"The URL field (on the first tab page) is empty.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The URL field (on the first tab page) is empty.'.
public static string UrlFieldEmptyFirstTab
get { return m_strUrlFieldEmptyFirstTab; }
private static string m_strUrlOpenDesc =
@"Open a database stored on a server.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Open a database stored on a server.'.
public static string UrlOpenDesc
get { return m_strUrlOpenDesc; }
private static string m_strUrlOpenTitle =
@"Open From URL";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Open From URL'.
public static string UrlOpenTitle
get { return m_strUrlOpenTitle; }
private static string m_strUrlOverride =
@"URL Override";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'URL Override'.
public static string UrlOverride
get { return m_strUrlOverride; }
private static string m_strUrlOverrides =
@"URL Overrides";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'URL Overrides'.
public static string UrlOverrides
get { return m_strUrlOverrides; }
private static string m_strUrlSaveDesc =
@"Save current database on a server.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save current database on a server.'.
public static string UrlSaveDesc
get { return m_strUrlSaveDesc; }
private static string m_strUrlSaveTitle =
@"Save To URL";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Save To URL'.
public static string UrlSaveTitle
get { return m_strUrlSaveTitle; }
private static string m_strURtfCheck =
@"It is recommended to reopen the text and check it carefully.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'It is recommended to reopen the text and check it carefully.'.
public static string URtfCheck
get { return m_strURtfCheck; }
private static string m_strURtfProblem =
@"KeePass has detected that certain characters in your text may have been corrupted (due to a bug in Windows).";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'KeePass has detected that certain characters in your text may have been corrupted (due to a bug in Windows).'.
public static string URtfProblem
get { return m_strURtfProblem; }
private static string m_strURtfSuggestion =
@"In order to avoid text corruptions, turn off the Windows option 'Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support'.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'In order to avoid text corruptions, turn off the Windows option 'Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support'.'.
public static string URtfSuggestion
get { return m_strURtfSuggestion; }
private static string m_strUseFileLocks =
@"Use database lock files";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Use database lock files'.
public static string UseFileLocks
get { return m_strUseFileLocks; }
private static string m_strUserName =
@"User Name";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'User Name'.
public static string UserName
get { return m_strUserName; }
private static string m_strUserNamePrompt =
@"Enter the user name:";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Enter the user name:'.
public static string UserNamePrompt
get { return m_strUserNamePrompt; }
private static string m_strUserNameStc =
@"User name";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'User name'.
public static string UserNameStc
get { return m_strUserNameStc; }
private static string m_strUseTransactedConfigWrites =
@"Use file transactions for writing configuration settings";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Use file transactions for writing configuration settings'.
public static string UseTransactedConfigWrites
get { return m_strUseTransactedConfigWrites; }
private static string m_strUseTransactedDatabaseWrites =
@"Use file transactions for writing databases";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Use file transactions for writing databases'.
public static string UseTransactedDatabaseWrites
get { return m_strUseTransactedDatabaseWrites; }
private static string m_strUuid =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'UUID'.
public static string Uuid
get { return m_strUuid; }
private static string m_strUuidDupInDb =
@"The database contains duplicate UUIDs.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The database contains duplicate UUIDs.'.
public static string UuidDupInDb
get { return m_strUuidDupInDb; }
private static string m_strUuidFix =
@"When closing this dialog, KeePass will fix the problem (by generating new UUIDs for duplicates) and continue.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'When closing this dialog, KeePass will fix the problem (by generating new UUIDs for duplicates) and continue.'.
public static string UuidFix
get { return m_strUuidFix; }
private static string m_strValidationFailed =
@"Validation failed";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Validation failed'.
public static string ValidationFailed
get { return m_strValidationFailed; }
private static string m_strValue =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Value'.
public static string Value
get { return m_strValue; }
private static string m_strVerb =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Verb'.
public static string Verb
get { return m_strVerb; }
private static string m_strVerifyWrittenFileAfterSave =
@"Verify written file after saving a database";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Verify written file after saving a database'.
public static string VerifyWrittenFileAfterSave
get { return m_strVerifyWrittenFileAfterSave; }
private static string m_strVersion =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Version'.
public static string Version
get { return m_strVersion; }
private static string m_strView =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'View'.
public static string View
get { return m_strView; }
private static string m_strViewCmd =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&View'.
public static string ViewCmd
get { return m_strViewCmd; }
private static string m_strViewEntryDesc =
@"You're viewing an entry.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'You're viewing an entry.'.
public static string ViewEntryDesc
get { return m_strViewEntryDesc; }
private static string m_strViewEntryReadOnly =
@"View Entry (Read-Only)";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'View Entry (Read-Only)'.
public static string ViewEntryReadOnly
get { return m_strViewEntryReadOnly; }
private static string m_strWait =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Wait'.
public static string Wait
get { return m_strWait; }
private static string m_strWaitForExit =
@"Wait for exit";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Wait for exit'.
public static string WaitForExit
get { return m_strWaitForExit; }
private static string m_strWaitPlease =
@"Please wait";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Please wait'.
public static string WaitPlease
get { return m_strWaitPlease; }
private static string m_strWarning =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Warning'.
public static string Warning
get { return m_strWarning; }
private static string m_strWarnings =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Warnings'.
public static string Warnings
get { return m_strWarnings; }
private static string m_strWebBrowser =
@"Web Browser";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Web Browser'.
public static string WebBrowser
get { return m_strWebBrowser; }
private static string m_strWebSiteLogin =
@"Web Site Login";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Web Site Login'.
public static string WebSiteLogin
get { return m_strWebSiteLogin; }
private static string m_strWebSites =
@"Web Sites";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Web Sites'.
public static string WebSites
get { return m_strWebSites; }
private static string m_strWindowsFavorites =
@"Windows Favorites";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Windows Favorites'.
public static string WindowsFavorites
get { return m_strWindowsFavorites; }
private static string m_strWindowsOS =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Windows'.
public static string WindowsOS
get { return m_strWindowsOS; }
private static string m_strWindowStyle =
@"Window style";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Window style'.
public static string WindowStyle
get { return m_strWindowStyle; }
private static string m_strWindowsUserAccount =
@"Windows user account";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Windows user account'.
public static string WindowsUserAccount
get { return m_strWindowsUserAccount; }
private static string m_strWindowsUserAccountBackup =
@"You should create a complete backup of your Windows user account.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'You should create a complete backup of your Windows user account.'.
public static string WindowsUserAccountBackup
get { return m_strWindowsUserAccountBackup; }
private static string m_strWithoutContext =
@"Without Context";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Without Context'.
public static string WithoutContext
get { return m_strWithoutContext; }
private static string m_strWorkspaceLocked =
@"Workspace Locked";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Workspace Locked'.
public static string WorkspaceLocked
get { return m_strWorkspaceLocked; }
private static string m_strXmlModInvalid =
@"The modified XML data is invalid.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'The modified XML data is invalid.'.
public static string XmlModInvalid
get { return m_strXmlModInvalid; }
private static string m_strXmlReplace =
@"XML Replace";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'XML Replace'.
public static string XmlReplace
get { return m_strXmlReplace; }
private static string m_strXmlReplaceDesc =
@"Replace data in the XML representation of the database.";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Replace data in the XML representation of the database.'.
public static string XmlReplaceDesc
get { return m_strXmlReplaceDesc; }
private static string m_strXslExporter =
@"Transform using XSL Stylesheet";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Transform using XSL Stylesheet'.
public static string XslExporter
get { return m_strXslExporter; }
private static string m_strXslFileType =
@"XSL Stylesheets";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'XSL Stylesheets'.
public static string XslFileType
get { return m_strXslFileType; }
private static string m_strXslSelectFile =
@"Select XSL Transformation File";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Select XSL Transformation File'.
public static string XslSelectFile
get { return m_strXslSelectFile; }
private static string m_strXslStylesheetsKdbx =
@"XSL Stylesheets for KDBX XML";
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'XSL Stylesheets for KDBX XML'.
public static string XslStylesheetsKdbx
get { return m_strXslStylesheetsKdbx; }
private static string m_strYes =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Yes'.
public static string Yes
get { return m_strYes; }
private static string m_strYesCmd =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// '&Yes'.
public static string YesCmd
get { return m_strYesCmd; }
private static string m_strZoom =
/// Look up a localized string similar to
/// 'Zoom'.
public static string Zoom
get { return m_strZoom; }