import sys
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
import select
import shutil
HELP="""OVERVIEW: ZESTI like wrapper of KLEE
USAGE: klee-zesti [klee-options]
WARNING this script is not equivalent to ZESTI in ICSE 2012. It just provides a similar interface to KLEE. Namely it first explores the path of and then continues symbolic execution from that point. Most importantly it does not implement the ZESTI searcher.
def find_klee_bin_dir():
global KLEE
global GEN_BOUT
bin_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
KLEE = bin_dir + "/klee"
GEN_BOUT = bin_dir + "/gen-bout"
if not os.path.isfile(KLEE):
print("WARNING can't find klee at " + KLEE)
KLEE= shutil.which("klee")
print("Using klee in PATH", KLEE)
if not os.path.isfile(GEN_BOUT):
print("WARNING can't find gen-bout at " + GEN_BOUT)
GEN_BOUT= shutil.which("gen-bout")
print("Using gen-bout in PATH", GEN_BOUT)
if GEN_BOUT is None or KLEE is None:
print("Failed to find KLEE at this script location or in PATH. Quitting ...")
print("Using", KLEE)
def split_args():
prog = None
prog_args = []
klee_args = []
is_progargs = False
for a in sys.argv[1:]:
if is_progargs:
prog_args += [a]
elif a.startswith("-"):
klee_args += [a]
prog = a
is_progargs = True
return klee_args, prog, prog_args
def maybe_file_size(name):
return os.path.getsize(name)
return None
def get_stdin_file(tmpdir):
stdin = ""
stdin_size = 0
if sys.stdin in select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0]:
stdin += sys.stdin.readline()
if stdin == "":
return None, stdin_size
stdin_file_name = tmpdir.name + "/stdin.file"
with open(stdin_file_name, 'w') as f:
stdin_size = f.write(stdin)
return stdin_file_name, stdin_size
def prog_args_to_posix(prog_args):
posix_args = []
sym_file = 'A'
sym_file_sizes = []
gen_out_args = []
for parg in prog_args:
file_size = maybe_file_size(parg)
if file_size is None:
posix_args += ['--sym-arg', str(len(parg))]
gen_out_args += [parg]
sym_file_sizes += [file_size]
posix_args += [sym_file]
sym_file = chr(ord(sym_file) + 1)
gen_out_args += ['--sym-file', parg]
if ord(sym_file) - ord('A') > 0:
posix_args += ['--sym-files', str(ord(sym_file) - ord('A')), str(max(sym_file_sizes))]
return posix_args, gen_out_args
def create_ktest_file(gen_out_args, tmpdir):
out_file=tmpdir + "/test.ktest"
subprocess.run([GEN_BOUT, "--bout-file", out_file] + gen_out_args, check=True)
return out_file
def main():
klee_args, prog, prog_args = split_args()
if len(sys.argv) == 1 or prog is None:
tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
stdin_file, stdin_size = get_stdin_file(tmpdir)
posix_args, gen_out_args = prog_args_to_posix(prog_args)
if stdin_file is not None:
gen_out_args += ["--sym-stdin", stdin_file]
posix_args += ["--sym-stdin", str(stdin_size)]
ktest_file = create_ktest_file(gen_out_args,tmpdir.name)
klee_args += ["-seed-file=" + ktest_file]
proc = subprocess.Popen([KLEE] + klee_args + [prog] + posix_args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
while proc.returncode is None:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
pass # This is expected when stopping KLEE, so we wait for KLEE to finish
if __name__ == "__main__":