libkpass releases: Version 6 - 20130823 Fix some linking problems with the test programs. Improve FreeBSD compatibility. Version 5 - 20121107 ** Packagers and users -- Changed ABI/SONAME/dependencies Switched from OpenSSL to nettle due to licensing issues. Some functions changed to void since they no longer can produce errors. Changed libtool version to change SONAME due to interface changes. Changed error message format, now using a function that goes through gettext for localized text (translations welcome). Change kpass_hash_pw and kpass_hash_pw_keyfile to not require a DB argument. Version 4 - 20121013 Add support for keyfiles and pull in a bunch of autotools changes. Version 3 - 20100218 Fixed build issues regarding libssl/libcrypto and "-Wl,--as-needed" LDFLAGS. Libtool upgrade. "make" was failing quite spectacularly until I did so. Version 2 - 20090926 Fixed build issues on PPC. Added decoding/encoding of dates. Version 1 - 20090821 Initial release. Yay! Pre-release poem (for posterity): Changes will come, And changes will go, But until a real release, No changes will this show.