/* zxidpep.c - Handwritten functions for XACML Policy Enforcement Point * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Sampo Kellomaki (sampo@iki.fi), All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2009 Symlabs (symlabs@symlabs.com), All Rights Reserved. * Author: Sampo Kellomaki (sampo@iki.fi) * This is confidential unpublished proprietary source code of the author. * NO WARRANTY, not even implied warranties. Contains trade secrets. * Distribution prohibited unless authorized in writing. * Licensed under Apache License 2.0, see file COPYING. * $Id: zxidpep.c,v 1.10 2010-01-08 02:10:09 sampo Exp $ * * 24.8.2009, created --Sampo * 10.10.2009, added zxid_az() family --Sampo * 12.2.2010, added locking to lazy loading --Sampo * 31.5.2010, generalized to several PEPs model --Sampo * 7.9.2010, merged patches from Stijn Lievens --Sampo * 10.1.2011, added TrustPDP support --Sampo * * See also: zxid_simple_ab_pep() in zxidpdp.c, zxidwsc.c, zxidwsp.c */ #include "platform.h" #include "errmac.h" #include "zxid.h" #include "zxidpriv.h" #include "zxidconf.h" #include "saml2.h" #include "tas3.h" #include "c/zx-const.h" #include "c/zx-ns.h" #include "c/zx-data.h" #include "c/zx-e-data.h" #if 0 #define XS_STRING "xs:string" #else #define XS_STRING "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" #endif /*() Check for duplicate attribute in XACML attribute chain * for nth occurance of named attribute. * * - NULL or zero length name will match any * - minus one (-1) as either length field will cause strlen() to be done * - the index n is one based * * *Arguments* * * xac_at_list:: List of (already existing) xac attributes to scan, potentially NULL. * name_len:: Length of the attribute name, or 0 if no matching by attribute name is desired * name:: attribute name to match (or 0) * n:: Howmanieth instance of the matching attribute is desired. 1 means first. * return:: Data structure representing the matching attribute. */ /* Called by: zxid_pepmap_extract x4 */ static struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* zxid_find_xac_attribute(struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* xac_at_list, int name_len, char* name, int n) { struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* at; if (!name) { name_len = 0; name = ""; } if (name_len == -1 && name) name_len = strlen(name); if (!xac_at_list) { DD("No xac attribute list when looking for attribute name(%.*s) n=%d", name_len, name, n); return 0; } for (at = xac_at_list; at; at = (struct zx_xac_Attribute_s*)at->gg.g.n) { if (at->gg.g.tok != zx_xac_Attribute_ELEM) continue; if ((name_len ? (at->AttributeId && at->AttributeId->g.len == name_len && !memcmp(at->AttributeId->g.s, name, name_len)) : 1) ) { --n; if (!n) return at; } } return 0; } /*() Extract attributes from session pool according to pepmap, usually the PEPMAP * configuration variable. * * cf:: the configuration will need to have ~PEPMAP~ and ~PDP_URL~ options * set according to your situation. * cgi:: if non-null, will receive error and status codes * ses:: all attributes are obtained from the session. You may wish * to add additional attributes that are not known by SSO. * pepmap:: The map used to extract the attributes from the pool to the XACML request * subj:: Value-result parameter. Linked list of subject attributes. * rsrc:: Value-result parameter. Linked list of resource attributes. * act:: Value-result parameter. Linked list of action attributes (usually just one attribute). * env:: Value-result parameter. Linked list of environment attributes. */ /* Called by: zxid_call_trustpdp, zxid_pep_az_base_soap_pepmap, zxid_pep_az_soap_pepmap */ static void zxid_pepmap_extract(zxid_conf* cf, zxid_cgi* cgi, zxid_ses* ses, struct zxid_map* pepmap, struct zx_xac_Attribute_s** subj, struct zx_xac_Attribute_s** rsrc, struct zx_xac_Attribute_s** act, struct zx_xac_Attribute_s** env) { struct zxid_map* map; struct zxid_attr* at; struct zxid_attr* av; struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* xac_at; char* name; for (at = ses?ses->at:0; at; at = at->n) { map = zxid_find_map(pepmap, at->name); if (!map) { D("ATTR(%s)=VAL(%s): Ignored due to no matching PEPMAP", at->name, at->val); continue; } if (map->rule == ZXID_MAP_RULE_DEL) { D("attribute(%s) filtered out by del rule in PEPMAP", at->name); continue; } at->map_val = zxid_map_val(cf, ses, 0, map, at->name, at->val); if (!at->map_val || !at->map_val->len || !at->map_val->s) { if (cf->az_opt & 0x02) { INFO("attribute(%s) with empty value passed due to AZ_OPT=0x02", at->name); continue; } else { INFO("attribute(%s) filtered out due to empty value", at->name); continue; } } if (map->dst && *map->dst && map->src && map->src[0] != '*') { D("renaming(%s) to(%s) orig_val(%s) map_val(%.*s)", at->name, map->dst, at->val, at->map_val->len, at->map_val->s); name = map->dst; } else { name = at->name; } xac_at = zxid_mk_xacml_simple_at(cf, 0, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, name), zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, XS_STRING), at->issuer, at->map_val); if (map->ns && *map->ns) { if (!strcmp(map->ns, "subj")) { if (cf->az_opt & 0x04) { DD("Dup allowed by AZ_OPT=0x04"); } else if (zxid_find_xac_attribute(*subj, -1, at->name, 1)) { INFO("attribute(%s) filtered out as duplicate", at->name); continue; } ZX_NEXT(xac_at) = (void*)*subj; *subj = xac_at; } else if (!strcmp(map->ns, "rsrc")) { if (cf->az_opt & 0x04) { DD("Dup allowed by AZ_OPT=0x04"); } else if (zxid_find_xac_attribute(*rsrc, -1, at->name, 1)) { INFO("attribute(%s) filtered out as duplicate", at->name); continue; } ZX_NEXT(xac_at) = (void*)*rsrc; *rsrc = xac_at; } else if (!strcmp(map->ns, "act")) { if (cf->az_opt & 0x04) { DD("Dup allowed by AZ_OPT=0x04"); } else if (zxid_find_xac_attribute(*act, -1, at->name, 1)) { INFO("attribute(%s) filtered out as duplicate", at->name); continue; } #if 0 *act = xac_at; /* there can be only one */ #else ZX_NEXT(xac_at) = (void*)*act; *act = xac_at; /* We can have multiple attributes in the action section */ #endif } else if (!strcmp(map->ns, "env")) { if (cf->az_opt & 0x04) { DD("Dup allowed by AZ_OPT=0x04"); } else if (zxid_find_xac_attribute(*env, -1, at->name, 1)) { INFO("attribute(%s) filtered out as duplicate", at->name); continue; } ZX_NEXT(xac_at) = (void*)*env; *env = xac_at; } else { ERR("PEPMAP unknown ns(%s). Valid values are subj, rsrc, act, and env.", map->ns); } } else { ERR("PEPMAP entry lacks ns %p", map->ns); } for (av = at->nv; av; av = av->n) { av->map_val = zxid_map_val(cf, ses, 0, map, at->name, av->val); xac_at = zxid_mk_xacml_simple_at(cf, 0, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, name), zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, XS_STRING), at->issuer, at->map_val); if (map->ns && *map->ns) { if (!strcmp(map->ns, "subj")) { ZX_NEXT(xac_at) = (void*)*subj; *subj = xac_at; } else if (!strcmp(map->ns, "rsrc")) { ZX_NEXT(xac_at) = (void*)*rsrc; *rsrc = xac_at; } else if (!strcmp(map->ns, "act")) { ERR("PEPMAP: Only one XACML action attribute allowed %d", 0); } else if (!strcmp(map->ns, "env")) { ZX_NEXT(xac_at) = (void*)*env; *env = xac_at; } else { ERR("PEPMAP unknown ns(%s). Valid values are subj, rsrc, act, and env.", map->ns); } } else { ERR("PEPMAP entry lacks ns %p", map->ns); } } } if (!*act) { *act = zxid_mk_xacml_simple_at(cf, 0, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:action-id"), zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, XS_STRING), 0, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:implied-action")); } } /* ============== Policy Enforcement Point, Authorization Decision Query ============== */ /*() Call Policy Decision Point (PDP) to obtain an authorization decision * about a contemplated action on a resource. The attributes from the session * pool, as filtered by PEPMAP are fed to the PDP as inputs * for the decision. The call is using XACML SAML profile over SOAP. * * cf:: the configuration will need to have ~PEPMAP~ and ~PDP_URL~ options * set according to your situation. * cgi:: if non-null, will receive error and status codes * ses:: all attributes are obtained from the session. You may wish * to add additional attributes that are not known by SSO. * pdp_url:: URL of the PDP to contact * subj:: Linked list of subject attributes. * rsrc:: Linked list of resource attributes. * act:: Linked list of action attributes (usually just one attribute). * envi:: Linked list of environment attributes. * returns:: SAML Response as data structure or null upon error. */ /* Called by: zxid_call_trustpdp, zxid_pep_az_base_soap_pepmap, zxid_pep_az_soap_pepmap */ static struct zx_sp_Response_s* zxid_az_soap(zxid_conf* cf, zxid_cgi* cgi, zxid_ses* ses, const char* pdp_url, struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* subj, struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* rsrc, struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* act, struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* envi) { X509* sign_cert; EVP_PKEY* sign_pkey; struct zxsig_ref refs; struct zx_root_s* r; struct zx_e_Header_s* hdr; struct zx_e_Body_s* body; struct zx_wsse_Security_s* sec; struct zx_str* ss; struct zx_sp_Response_s* resp; hdr = zx_NEW_e_Header(cf->ctx,0); #if 0 hdr->Action = zx_NEW_a_Action(cf->ctx, &hdr->gg); //zx_add_content(cf->ctx, &hdr->Action->gg, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:profile:saml2.0:v2:schema:protocol:cd-01")); zx_add_content(cf->ctx, &hdr->Action->gg, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, "urn:oasis:xacml:2.0:saml:protocol:schema:os")); //zx_add_content(cf->ctx, &hdr->Action->gg, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, "SAML2XACMLAuthzRequest")); //zx_add_content(cf->ctx, &hdr->Action->gg, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, "http://ws.apache.org/axis2/TestPolicyPortType/authRequestRequest")); hdr->Action->mustUnderstand = zx_ref_str(cf->ctx, XML_TRUE); hdr->Action->actor = zx_ref_str(cf->ctx, SOAP_ACTOR_NEXT); #endif /* Add our own token so PDP can do whatever PEP can (they are considered to be * part of the same entity). This is TAS3 specific hack. */ if (!(cf->az_opt & 0x01)) { sec = hdr->Security = zx_NEW_wsse_Security(cf->ctx, &hdr->gg); sec->actor = zx_ref_attr(cf->ctx, &sec->gg, zx_e_actor_ATTR, SOAP_ACTOR_NEXT); sec->mustUnderstand = zx_ref_attr(cf->ctx, &sec->gg, zx_e_mustUnderstand_ATTR, XML_TRUE); sec->Timestamp = zx_NEW_wsu_Timestamp(cf->ctx, &sec->gg); sec->Timestamp->Created = zx_NEW_wsu_Created(cf->ctx, &sec->Timestamp->gg); zx_add_content(cf->ctx, &sec->Timestamp->Created->gg, zxid_date_time(cf, time(0))); sec->Assertion = ses->tgta7n; zx_reverse_elem_lists(&sec->gg); D("tgta7n=%p", ses->tgta7n); } /* Prepare request according to the version */ body = zx_NEW_e_Body(cf->ctx,0); if (!strcmp(cf->xasp_vers, "xac-soap")) { ZX_ADD_KID(body, xac_Request, zxid_mk_xac_az(cf, &body->gg, subj, rsrc, act, envi)); #if 0 /* *** xac:Response does not have signature field */ if (cf->sso_soap_sign) { ZERO(&refs, sizeof(refs)); refs.id = body->xac_Request->ID; refs.canon = zx_EASY_ENC_SO_xac_Request(cf->ctx, body->xac_Request); if (zxid_lazy_load_sign_cert_and_pkey(cf, &sign_cert, &sign_pkey, "use sign cert az xac-soap")) { body->xac_Request->Signature = zxsig_sign(cf->ctx, 1, &refs, sign_cert, sign_pkey, cf->xmldsig_sig_meth, cf->xmldsig_digest_algo); zx_add_kid(&body->xac_Request->gg, &body->xac_Request->Signature->gg); } zx_str_free(cf->ctx, refs.canon); } #endif } else if (!strcmp(cf->xasp_vers, "2.0-cd1")) { ZX_ADD_KID(body, xaspcd1_XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery, zxid_mk_az_cd1(cf, subj, rsrc, act, envi)); if (cf->sso_soap_sign) { ZERO(&refs, sizeof(refs)); refs.id = &body->xaspcd1_XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery->ID->g; refs.canon = zx_easy_enc_elem_sig(cf, &body->xaspcd1_XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery->gg); if (zxid_lazy_load_sign_cert_and_pkey(cf, &sign_cert, &sign_pkey, "use sign cert az cd1")) { body->xaspcd1_XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery->Signature = zxsig_sign(cf->ctx, 1, &refs, sign_cert, sign_pkey, cf->xmldsig_sig_meth, cf->xmldsig_digest_algo); zx_add_kid_after_sa_Issuer(&body->xaspcd1_XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery->gg, &body->xaspcd1_XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery->Signature->gg); } zx_str_free(cf->ctx, refs.canon); } } else { ZX_ADD_KID(body, XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery, zxid_mk_az(cf, subj, rsrc, act, envi)); if (cf->sso_soap_sign) { ZERO(&refs, sizeof(refs)); refs.id = &body->XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery->ID->g; refs.canon = zx_easy_enc_elem_sig(cf, &body->XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery->gg); if (zxid_lazy_load_sign_cert_and_pkey(cf, &sign_cert, &sign_pkey, "use sign cert az")) { body->XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery->Signature = zxsig_sign(cf->ctx, 1, &refs, sign_cert, sign_pkey, cf->xmldsig_sig_meth, cf->xmldsig_digest_algo); zx_add_kid_after_sa_Issuer(&body->XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery->gg, &body->XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery->Signature->gg); } zx_str_free(cf->ctx, refs.canon); } } /* Perform the network I/O for the call (connect to PDP) */ #if 0 //ss = zx_ref_str(cf->ctx, "https://idpdemo.tas3.eu:8443/zxididp?o=S"); // // // ss = zx_ref_str(cf->ctx, ""); //ss = zx_ref_str(cf->ctx, ""); //ss = zx_ref_str(cf->ctx, ""); //ss = zx_ref_str(cf->ctx, ""); #else ss = zx_ref_str(cf->ctx, pdp_url); #endif r = zxid_soap_call_hdr_body(cf, ss, hdr, body); //r = zxid_idp_soap(cf, cgi, ses, idp_meta, ZXID_MNI_SVC, body); if (!r || !r->Envelope || !r->Envelope->Body || !r->Envelope->Body->Response) { ERR("Missing Response or other essential element %p %p %p %p", r, r?r->Envelope:0, r && r->Envelope?r->Envelope->Body:0, r && r->Envelope && r->Envelope->Body ? r->Envelope->Body->Response:0); return 0; } resp = r->Envelope->Body->Response; /* Parse response from the PDP. */ if (!zxid_saml_ok(cf, cgi, resp->Status, "AzResp")) { ERR("Response->Status no OK (%p)", resp->Status); return 0; } if (!resp->Assertion) { ERR("No Assertion in the Response (%p)", resp); return 0; } return resp; } /*(i) Call Policy Decision Point (PDP) to obtain an authorization decision * about a contemplated action on a resource. The attributes from the session * pool, as filtered by PEPMAP are fed to the PDP as inputs * for the decision. The call is using XACML SAML profile over SOAP. * * cf:: the configuration will need to have ~PEPMAP~ * set according to your situation. * cgi:: if non-null, will receive error and status codes * ses:: all attributes are obtained from the session. You may wish * to add additional attributes that are not known by SSO. * pdp_url:: URL of the PDP to contact * pepmap:: The map used to extract the attributes from the pool to the XACML request * returns:: 0 on error or deny (for any reason, e.g. indeterminate); in case of * permit returns as string, allowing the obligations to be extracted. * * For simpler API, see zxid_az() family of functions. */ /* Called by: zxid_pep_az_soap, zxid_query_ctlpt_pdp, zxid_simple_ab_pep, zxid_simple_ses_active_cf */ char* zxid_pep_az_soap_pepmap(zxid_conf* cf, zxid_cgi* cgi, zxid_ses* ses, const char* pdp_url, struct zxid_map* pepmap, const char* lk) { struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* subj = 0; struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* rsrc = 0; struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* act = 0; struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* env = 0; struct zx_str* ss; struct zx_sp_Response_s* resp; struct zx_sa_Statement_s* stmt; struct zx_xasa_XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement_s* az_stmt; struct zx_xasacd1_XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement_s* az_stmt_cd1; struct zx_elem_s* decision = 0; char* p; if (cf->log_level>0) zxlog(cf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ses?ZX_GET_CONTENT(ses->nameid):0, "N", "W", "AZSOAP", ses?ses->sid:0, " "); if (!pdp_url || !*pdp_url) { if (cf->az_fail_mode & (ZXID_AZ_FAIL_MODE1_MISSING_URL | ZXID_AZ_FAIL_MODE4_PERMIT_ALWAYS)) { ERR("%s: No PDP_URL or PDP_CALL_URL set. Permit due to AZ_FAIL_MODE=%d",lk,cf->az_fail_mode); goto fail_mode_permit; } else { ERR("%s: No PDP_URL or PDP_CALL_URL set. Deny. %p", lk, pdp_url); return 0; } } zxid_pepmap_extract(cf, cgi, ses, pepmap, &subj, &rsrc, &act, &env); resp = zxid_az_soap(cf, cgi, ses, pdp_url, subj, rsrc, act, env); if (!resp || !resp->Assertion) { if (cf->az_fail_mode & (ZXID_AZ_FAIL_MODE2_NET_FAIL | ZXID_AZ_FAIL_MODE4_PERMIT_ALWAYS)) { ERR("%s: Malformed or nonexistent authorization response from PDP(%s) (%p).\nWARNING: Permit due to AZ_FAIL_MODE=%d", lk, pdp_url, resp, cf->az_fail_mode); goto fail_mode_permit; } else { ERR("%s: DENY due to malformed authorization response from PDP. Either no response or response lacking assertion. %p", lk, resp); return 0; } } az_stmt = resp->Assertion->XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement; if (az_stmt && az_stmt->Response && az_stmt->Response->Result) { decision = az_stmt->Response->Result->Decision; if (ZX_CONTENT_EQ_CONST(decision, "Permit")) { ss = zx_easy_enc_elem_opt(cf, &az_stmt->Response->gg); if (!ss || !ss->len) goto nomem; p = ss->s; INFO("%s: PERMIT found in azstmt len=%d", lk, ss->len); ZX_FREE(cf->ctx, ss); return p; } } az_stmt_cd1 = resp->Assertion->xasacd1_XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement; if (az_stmt_cd1 && az_stmt_cd1->Response && az_stmt_cd1->Response->Result) { decision = az_stmt_cd1->Response->Result->Decision; if (ZX_CONTENT_EQ_CONST(decision, "Permit")) { ss = zx_easy_enc_elem_opt(cf, &az_stmt_cd1->Response->gg); if (!ss || !ss->len) goto nomem; p = ss->s; ZX_FREE(cf->ctx, ss); INFO("%s: PERMIT found in azstmt_cd1 len=%d", lk, ss->len); ZX_FREE(cf->ctx, ss); return p; } } stmt = resp->Assertion->Statement; if (stmt && stmt->Response && stmt->Response->Result) { /* Response here is xac:Response */ decision = stmt->Response->Result->Decision; if (ZX_CONTENT_EQ_CONST(decision, "Permit")) { ss = zx_easy_enc_elem_opt(cf, &stmt->Response->gg); if (!ss || !ss->len) goto nomem; p = ss->s; INFO("%s: PERMIT found in stmt len=%d", lk, ss->len); ZX_FREE(cf->ctx, ss); return p; } } /*if (resp->Assertion->AuthzDecisionStatement) { }*/ if (decision) { if (ZX_CONTENT_EQ_CONST(decision, "Deny")) { if (cf->az_fail_mode & ZXID_AZ_FAIL_MODE4_PERMIT_ALWAYS) { ERR("%s: DENY found in stmt.\nWARNING: Permit due to AZ_FAIL_MODE=%d",lk,cf->az_fail_mode); goto fail_mode_permit; } else { INFO("%s: DENY found in stmt", lk); return 0; } } else { if (cf->az_fail_mode & ZXID_AZ_FAIL_MODE4_PERMIT_ALWAYS) { ERR("%s: DENY due to Other(%.*s).\nWARNING: Permit due to AZ_FAIL_MODE=%d", lk, ZX_GET_CONTENT_LEN(decision), ZX_GET_CONTENT_S(decision), cf->az_fail_mode); goto fail_mode_permit; } else { INFO("%s: DENY due to Other(%.*s) (treated as Deny) found in stmt", lk, ZX_GET_CONTENT_LEN(decision), ZX_GET_CONTENT_S(decision)); return 0; } } } if (cf->az_fail_mode & ZXID_AZ_FAIL_MODE4_PERMIT_ALWAYS) { ERR("%s: DENY due to error or no xac:Response from PPD.\nWARNING: Permit due to AZ_FAIL_MODE=%d", lk, cf->az_fail_mode); goto fail_mode_permit; } else { ERR("%s: DENY due to error or no xac:Response from PDP %p %p %p", lk,az_stmt,az_stmt_cd1,stmt); return 0; } nomem: ERR("%s: DENY due memory allocation error. %p", lk, ss); return 0; fail_mode_permit: return zx_dup_cstr(cf->ctx,"Permit"); } /*(i) Call Policy Decision Point (PDP) to obtain an authorization decision * about a contemplated action on a resource. The attributes from the session * pool, as filtered by PEPMAP are fed to the PDP as inputs * for the decision. The call is using XACML SAML profile over SOAP. * * This is similar to zxid_pep_az_soap_pepmap() with the difference that the * element is returned even in the deny and indeterminate cases (null * is still returned if there was an error). Effectively this +base+ * form does not make judgement about whether means * permit, deny, or something else. * * You should use this function if the Deny message contains interesting * obligations (normally it does not). * * cf:: the configuration will need to have ~PEPMAP~ and ~PDP_URL~ options * set according to your situation. * cgi:: if non-null, will receive error and status codes * ses:: all attributes are obtained from the session. You may wish * to add additional attributes that are not known by SSO. * pdp_url:: URL of the PDP to contact * pepmap:: The map used to extract the attributes from the pool to the XACML request * returns:: 0 on error; in case of deny (or indeterminate, etc.) as well as * permit returns as string, allowing the obligations to be extracted. * * For simpler API, see zxid_az_base() family of functions. */ /* Called by: zxid_pep_az_base_soap */ char* zxid_pep_az_base_soap_pepmap(zxid_conf* cf, zxid_cgi* cgi, zxid_ses* ses, const char* pdp_url, struct zxid_map* pepmap) { struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* subj = 0; struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* rsrc = 0; struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* act = 0; struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* env = 0; char* res; struct zx_str* ss; struct zx_sp_Response_s* resp; struct zx_sa_Statement_s* stmt; struct zx_xasa_XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement_s* az_stmt; struct zx_xasacd1_XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement_s* az_stmt_cd1; if (cf->log_level>0) zxlog(cf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ses?ZX_GET_CONTENT(ses->nameid):0, "N", "W", "AZSOAP", ses?ses->sid:0, " "); if (!pdp_url || !*pdp_url) { ERR("No PDP_URL or PDP_CALL_URL set. Deny. %p", pdp_url); return 0; } zxid_pepmap_extract(cf, cgi, ses, pepmap, &subj, &rsrc, &act, &env); resp = zxid_az_soap(cf, cgi, ses, pdp_url, subj, rsrc, act, env); if (!resp || !resp->Assertion) { ERR("DENY due to malformed authorization response from PDP. Either no response or response lacking assertion. %p", resp); return 0; } az_stmt = resp->Assertion->XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement; if (az_stmt && az_stmt->Response) { ss = zx_easy_enc_elem_opt(cf, &az_stmt->Response->gg); if (!ss || !ss->len) return 0; res = ss->s; ZX_FREE(cf->ctx, ss); D("azstmt(%s)", res); return res; } az_stmt_cd1 = resp->Assertion->xasacd1_XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement; if (az_stmt_cd1 && az_stmt_cd1->Response) { ss = zx_easy_enc_elem_opt(cf, &az_stmt_cd1->Response->gg); if (!ss || !ss->len) return 0; res = ss->s; ZX_FREE(cf->ctx, ss); D("cd1(%s)", res); return res; } stmt = resp->Assertion->Statement; if (stmt && stmt->Response) { /* Response here is xac:Response */ ss = zx_easy_enc_elem_opt(cf, &stmt->Response->gg); if (!ss || !ss->len) return 0; res = ss->s; ZX_FREE(cf->ctx, ss); D("stmt(%s)", res); return res; } D("Missing az related Response element %d",0); return 0; } /*() Call Policy Decision Point (PDP) to obtain an authorization decision. * Uses default PEPMAP to call zxid_pep_az_soap_pepmap(). */ /* Called by: zxid_az_cf_ses */ char* zxid_pep_az_soap(zxid_conf* cf, zxid_cgi* cgi, zxid_ses* ses, const char* pdp_url) { return zxid_pep_az_soap_pepmap(cf, cgi, ses, pdp_url, cf->pepmap, "az_soap"); } /* Called by: zxid_az_base_cf_ses */ char* zxid_pep_az_base_soap(zxid_conf* cf, zxid_cgi* cgi, zxid_ses* ses, const char* pdp_url) { return zxid_pep_az_base_soap_pepmap(cf, cgi, ses, pdp_url, cf->pepmap); } /*int zxid_az_cf_cgi_ses(zxid_conf* cf, zxid_cgi* cgi, zxid_ses* ses);*/ /*(i) Call Policy Decision Point (PDP) to obtain an authorization decision * about a contemplated action on a resource. The attributes from the session * pool, as filtered by ~PEPMAP~ are fed to the PDP as inputs * for the decision. Session object is passed in as an argument. * * cf:: the configuration will need to have ~PEPMAP~ and ~PDP_URL~ * or ~PDP_CALL_URL~ options set according to your situation. * qs:: if non-null, will resceive error and status codes * ses:: all attributes are obtained from the session. You may wish * to add additional attributes that are not known by SSO. * The session object, e.g. from zxid_get_ses() * returns:: 0 on deny (for any reason, e.g. indeterminate), or string * containing the obligations on permit. * * For simpler API, see zxid_az() family of functions. */ /* Called by: zxcall_main, zxid_az_cf */ char* zxid_az_cf_ses(zxid_conf* cf, const char* qs, zxid_ses* ses) { zxid_cgi cgi; char* ret; char* url = (cf->pdp_call_url&&*cf->pdp_call_url) ? cf->pdp_call_url : cf->pdp_url; D_INDENT("az: "); ZERO(&cgi, sizeof(cgi)); /*zxid_parse_cgi(cf, &cgi, ""); DD("qs(%s) ses=%p", STRNULLCHKD(qs), ses);*/ if (qs && ses) zxid_add_qs2ses(cf, ses, zx_dup_cstr(cf->ctx, qs), 1); ret = zxid_pep_az_soap(cf, &cgi, ses, url); D_DEDENT("az: "); return ret; } /* Called by: zxid_az_base_cf */ char* zxid_az_base_cf_ses(zxid_conf* cf, const char* qs, zxid_ses* ses) { zxid_cgi cgi; char* ret; char* url = (cf->pdp_call_url&&*cf->pdp_call_url) ? cf->pdp_call_url : cf->pdp_url; D_INDENT("azb: "); ZERO(&cgi, sizeof(cgi)); /*zxid_parse_cgi(cf, &cgi, ""); DD("qs(%s) ses=%p", STRNULLCHKD(qs), ses);*/ if (qs && ses) zxid_add_qs2ses(cf, ses, zx_dup_cstr(cf->ctx, qs), 1); ret = zxid_pep_az_base_soap(cf, &cgi, ses, url); D_DEDENT("azb: "); return ret; } /*(i) Call Policy Decision Point (PDP) to obtain an authorization decision * about a contemplated action on a resource. The attributes from the session * pool, as filtered by ~PEPMAP~ are fed to the PDP as inputs * for the decision. Session is identified by a session id. * * cf:: the configuration will need to have ~PEPMAP~ and ~PDP_URL~ options * set according to your situation. * qs:: if non-null, will resceive error and status codes * sid:: all attributes are obtained from the session. You may wish * to add additional attributes that are not known by SSO. The * session id, such as returned from SSO. * returns:: 0 on deny (for any reason, e.g. indeterminate), or string * containing the obligations on permit. * * For simpler API, see zxid_az() family of functions. */ /* Called by: zxid_az */ char* zxid_az_cf(zxid_conf* cf, const char* qs, const char* sid) { zxid_ses ses; ZERO(&ses, sizeof(ses)); if (sid && sid[0]) { zxid_get_ses(cf, &ses, sid); zxid_ses_to_pool(cf, &ses); } return zxid_az_cf_ses(cf, qs, &ses); } /* Called by: zxid_az_base */ char* zxid_az_base_cf(zxid_conf* cf, const char* qs, const char* sid) { zxid_ses ses; ZERO(&ses, sizeof(ses)); if (sid && sid[0]) { zxid_get_ses(cf, &ses, sid); zxid_ses_to_pool(cf, &ses); } return zxid_az_base_cf_ses(cf, qs, &ses); } /*() See zxid_az_cf() for description. Only difference is that the configuration * is accepted as a string instead of an object. */ /* Called by: */ char* zxid_az(const char* conf, const char* qs, const char* sid) { struct zx_ctx ctx; zxid_conf cf; zx_reset_ctx(&ctx); ZERO(&cf, sizeof(cf)); cf.ctx = &ctx; zxid_conf_to_cf_len(&cf, -1, conf); return zxid_az_cf(&cf, qs, sid); } /* Called by: */ char* zxid_az_base(const char* conf, const char* qs, const char* sid) { struct zx_ctx ctx; zxid_conf cf; zx_reset_ctx(&ctx); ZERO(&cf, sizeof(cf)); cf.ctx = &ctx; zxid_conf_to_cf_len(&cf, -1, conf); return zxid_az_base_cf(&cf, qs, sid); } /*() Call Trust Policy Decision Point (PDP) to obtain a trust evaluation and scoring * * You should use this function if the Deny message contains interesting * obligations (normally it does not). * * cf:: the configuration will need to have ~PEPMAP~ and ~PDP_URL~ options * set according to your situation. * cgi:: if non-null, will receive error and status codes * ses:: all attributes are obtained from the session. You may wish * to add additional attributes that are not known by SSO. * pepmap:: The map used to extract the attributes from the pool to the XACML request * start:: Start of query string format buffer of trust options * lim:: One past end of trust option buffer * returns:: 0 on error; in case of deny (or indeterminate, etc.) as well as * permit returns as string, allowing the obligations to be extracted. */ /* Called by: zxid_di_query */ int zxid_call_trustpdp(zxid_conf* cf, zxid_cgi* cgi, zxid_ses* ses, struct zxid_map* pepmap, const char* start, const char* lim, zxid_epr* epr) { struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* xac_at; struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* subj = 0; struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* rsrc = 0; struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* act = 0; struct zx_xac_Attribute_s* env = 0; const char* val; const char* sep; struct zx_str* ss; struct zx_sp_Response_s* resp; struct zx_sp_StatusCode_s* sc; struct zx_sa_Statement_s* stmt; struct zx_xasa_XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement_s* az_stmt; struct zx_xasacd1_XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement_s* az_stmt_cd1; struct zx_elem_s* decision; struct zx_tas3_TrustRanking_s* tr; D("option(%.*s)", ((int)(lim-start)), start); if (cf->log_level>0) zxlog(cf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ses?ZX_GET_CONTENT(ses->nameid):0, "N", "W", "TRUSTPDP", ses?ses->sid:0, " "); if (!cf->trustpdp_url || !*cf->trustpdp_url) { ERR("No TRUSTPDP_URL. Deny. %p", cf->trustpdp_url); return 0; } #if 1 if (epr->Metadata && epr->Metadata->ProviderID) { ss = ZX_GET_CONTENT(epr->Metadata->ProviderID); D("Using ProviderID(%.*s) as resource-id", ss->len, ss->s); rsrc = zxid_mk_xacml_simple_at(cf, 0, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id"), zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, XS_STRING), 0, zx_dup_zx_str(cf->ctx, ss)); ss = ZX_GET_CONTENT(epr->Metadata->ServiceType); xac_at = zxid_mk_xacml_simple_at(cf, 0, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, "urn:tas3:servicetype"), zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, XS_STRING), 0, zx_dup_zx_str(cf->ctx, ss)); ZX_NEXT(xac_at) = &rsrc->gg.g; rsrc = xac_at; } else { ERR("EPR does not have Metadata or Metadata/ProviderID. resource-id not set %p",epr->Metadata); } if (ses->nid && *ses->nid) { #if 0 /* Pass user as subject. This is TAS3 correct behaviour. */ subj = zxid_mk_xacml_simple_at(cf, 0, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id"), zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, XS_STRING), 0, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, ses->nid)); #else /* *** Pass service to rank as subject. This is a kludge to work around Jerry's bug. */ ss = ZX_GET_CONTENT(epr->Metadata->ProviderID); D("*** Using ProviderID(%.*s) as subject-id", ss->len, ss->s); subj = zxid_mk_xacml_simple_at(cf, 0, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id"), zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, XS_STRING), 0, zx_dup_zx_str(cf->ctx, ss)); #endif } else { D("No ses->nid %p", ses->nid); } act = zxid_mk_xacml_simple_at(cf, 0, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:action-id"), zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, XS_STRING), 0, zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:implied-action")); #else zxid_pepmap_extract(cf, cgi, ses, pepmap, &subj, &rsrc, &act, &env); #endif while (start < lim && (start = zx_memmem(start, (lim - start), TAS3_TRUST_INPUT_CTL1, sizeof(TAS3_TRUST_INPUT_CTL1)-1))) { val = memchr(start+sizeof(TAS3_TRUST_INPUT_CTL1)-1, '=', lim - (start+sizeof(TAS3_TRUST_INPUT_CTL1)-1)); if (!val) { ERR("Malformed trust option(%.*s)", ((int)(lim-start)), start); break; } ++val; sep = memchr(val, '&', lim-val); if (!sep) { sep = lim; } D("add trust attr(%.*s) val(%.*s)", ((int)(val-1-start)), start, ((int)(sep-val)), val); xac_at = zxid_mk_xacml_simple_at(cf, 0, zx_dup_len_str(cf->ctx, val-1-start, start), zx_dup_str(cf->ctx, XS_STRING), 0, zx_dup_len_str(cf->ctx, sep-val, val)); ZX_NEXT(xac_at) = &env->gg.g; env = xac_at; start = sep; } resp = zxid_az_soap(cf, cgi, ses, cf->trustpdp_url, subj, rsrc, act, env); if (!resp) return 0; az_stmt = resp->Assertion->XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement; if (az_stmt && az_stmt->Response) { decision = az_stmt->Response->Result->Decision; } else { az_stmt_cd1 = resp->Assertion->xasacd1_XACMLAuthzDecisionStatement; if (az_stmt_cd1 && az_stmt_cd1->Response) { decision = az_stmt_cd1->Response->Result->Decision; } else { stmt = resp->Assertion->Statement; if (stmt && stmt->Response) { /* Response here is xac:Response */ decision = stmt->Response->Result->Decision; } else { D("Missing az related Response element %d",0); return 0; } } } if (ZX_CONTENT_EQ_CONST(decision, "Permit")) { D("Permit %d",0); if (resp->Status && resp->Status->StatusCode && resp->Status->StatusCode->StatusCode) { /* Second and further layer status codes may contain Trust Rankings */ for (sc = resp->Status->StatusCode->StatusCode; sc; sc = sc->StatusCode) { if (!sc->Value || !sc->Value->g.len < sizeof(TAS3_TRUST_RANKING_CTL1)-1 ||!sc->Value->g.s || memcmp(sc->Value->g.s, TAS3_TRUST_RANKING_CTL1,sizeof(TAS3_TRUST_RANKING_CTL1)-1)) continue; val = memchr(sc->Value->g.s + sizeof(TAS3_TRUST_RANKING_CTL1)-1, '=', sc->Value->g.len - (sizeof(TAS3_TRUST_RANKING_CTL1)-1)); if (!val) { ERR("Malformed trust ranking(%.*s)", sc->Value->g.len, sc->Value->g.s); continue; } if (!epr->Metadata) epr->Metadata = zx_NEW_a_Metadata(cf->ctx, &epr->gg); if (!epr->Metadata->Trust) epr->Metadata->Trust = zx_NEW_tas3_Trust(cf->ctx, &epr->Metadata->gg); tr = zx_NEW_tas3_TrustRanking(cf->ctx, &epr->Metadata->Trust->gg); tr->metric = zx_dup_len_attr(cf->ctx, &tr->gg, zx_metric_ATTR, val - sc->Value->g.s, sc->Value->g.s); ++val; tr->val = zx_dup_len_attr(cf->ctx, &tr->gg, zx_val_ATTR, sc->Value->g.len - (val - sc->Value->g.s), val); } } INFO("PERMIT found in azstmt len=%d", ss->len); ZX_FREE(cf->ctx, ss); return 1; } else { D("Deny %d",0); return 0; } } /* EOF -- zxidpep.c */