Horde_Crypt_Blowfish pear.horde.org Blowfish encryption library A library that provides blowfish encryption/decryption for PHP string data. Michael Slusarz slusarz slusarz@horde.org no 2019-11-03 1.1.3 1.1.0 stable stable LGPL-2.1 * [mjr] PHP 7.4 compatibility fixes (Remi Collet <remi@famillecollet.com>, PR #1). 5.3.0 8.0.0alpha1 8.0.0alpha1 1.7.0 Horde_Exception pear.horde.org 2.0.0 3.0.0alpha1 3.0.0alpha1 Horde_Support pear.horde.org 2.0.0 3.0.0alpha1 3.0.0alpha1 Horde_Test pear.horde.org 2.1.0 3.0.0alpha1 3.0.0alpha1 mcrypt openssl 1.0.0 1.0.0 stable stable 2012-11-19 LGPL-2.1 * [mms] Initial release of package. 1.0.1 1.0.0 stable stable 2012-11-22 LGPL-2.1 * [mms] Mask harmless warning messages when using openssl_encrypt() on out-of-date PHP versions. 1.0.2 1.0.0 stable stable 2013-01-09 LGPL-2.1 * [mms] Fix Openssl driver for PHP 5.3.0-5.3.2 (Bug #11797). 1.0.3 1.0.0 stable stable 2015-01-08 LGPL-2.1 * [jan] Improve PSR-2 compatibility. * [jan] Add Composer definition. 1.1.0 1.1.0 stable stable 2015-05-21 LGPL-2.1 * [mms] Add Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Pbkdf2. 1.1.1 1.1.0 stable stable 2016-02-01 LGPL-2.1 * [jan] Mark PHP 7 as supported. 1.1.2 1.1.0 stable stable 2016-09-01 LGPL-2.1 * [jan] Support PHP 7.1 with deprecated mcrypt extension. 1.1.3 1.1.0 stable stable 2019-11-03 LGPL-2.1 * [mjr] PHP 7.4 compatibility fixes (Remi Collet <remi@famillecollet.com>, PR #1).