plugin = { type = "piglet", name = "piglet::raw_buffer", test = function() dofile(SCRIPT_DIR .. "/../common.lua") return run_tests(tests) end } INIT_SIZE = 16 INIT_STRING = "foobar" INIT_16_CONTENT = string.rep("00 ", 16) tests = { initialize_default = function() local rb = assert(rb) assert(rb:size() == 0) end, initialize_with_size = function() local rb = assert(rb:size() == INIT_SIZE) assert(rb:read() == INIT_16_CONTENT:encode_hex()) end, initialize_with_string = function() local rb = assert(rb:size() == string.len(INIT_STRING)) assert(rb:read() == INIT_STRING) rb =, INIT_SIZE) assert(rb:size() == INIT_SIZE) assert(rb:read(0, #INIT_STRING) == INIT_STRING) local rv = rb:read(#INIT_STRING, rb:size()) assert(rb:read(#INIT_STRING, rb:size()) == "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0") end, write = function() local rb = -- write without offset rb:write("foobar") assert(rb:size() == 6, "write() extends length") assert(rb:read() == "foobar") -- write with offset rb = -- zero offset (should be same as no offset) rb:write("foobar", 0) assert(rb:size() == 6, "size should be 6, not " .. rb:size()) assert(rb:read() == "foobar", "contents should be 'foobar', not '" .. rb:read() .. "'") -- non-zero offset rb = rb:write("foobar", 1) assert(rb:size() == 7) assert(rb:read() == "\0foobar") end, read_empty = function() local rv local rb = -- read with no args rv = rb:read() assert(#rv == 0, "length should equal 0, not " .. tostring(rv)) -- read with 1 arg rv = rb:read(0) assert(#rv == 0, "length should equal 0, not " .. tostring(rv)) -- read oor with 1 arg (-1, 10) check.raises(function() rb:read(-1) end) check.raises(function() rb:read(2) end) -- read with 2 args rv = rb:read(0, 0) assert(#rv == 0, "length should equal 0, not " .. tostring(rv)) -- read oor with 2 args check.raises(function() rb:read(-1, 0) end) check.raises(function() rb:read(0, 2) end) end, read_nonempty = function() local rb ="foobar") -- read with no args local rv = rb:read() assert(rv == "foobar") -- read with 1 arg (full string) rv = rb:read(rb:size()) assert(rv == "foobar") -- read with 1 arg (slice), length rv = rb:read(2) assert(rv == "fo") -- read oob with 1 arg check.raises(function() rb:read(10) end) -- read with 2 args (full string), offset, length rv = rb:read(0, rb:size()) assert(rv == "foobar") -- read with 2 args (slice begin/end/middle) rv = rb:read(0, rb:size() - 1) assert(rv == "fooba") rv = rb:read(1, rb:size()) assert(rv == "oobar") rv = rb:read(1, rb:size() - 1) assert(rv == "ooba") -- read oob with 2 args (offset/length) check.raises(function() rb:read(-1, rb:size()) end) check.raises(function() rb:read(0, rb:size() + 1) end) end, resize = function() local rb = -- resize rb:resize(4) assert(rb:size() == 4) -- new contents is null-initialized assert(rb:read() == "\0\0\0\0") -- resize less rb:resize(3) assert(rb:size() == 3) assert(rb:read() == "\0\0\0") end }