#!/bin/sh REPO_ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) RESOLVE_REPO_ROOT_STATUS=$? if [ "$RESOLVE_REPO_ROOT_STATUS" -ne "0" ]; then printf "Unable to resolve repository root. Error:\n%s\n" "$RESOLVE_REPO_ROOT_STATUS" > /dev/stderr exit $RESOLVE_REPO_ROOT_STATUS fi cd $REPO_ROOT GOFMT_ERRORS=$(gofmt -s -l . 2>&1) if [ -n "$GOFMT_ERRORS" ]; then printf 'gofmt failed for the following files:\n%s\n\nPlease run "gofmt -s -l ." in the root of your repository before committing\n' "$GOFMT_ERRORS" > /dev/stderr exit 1 fi GOLINT_ERRORS=$(golint ./... 2>&1) if [ -n "$GOLINT_ERRORS" ]; then printf "golint failed with the following errors:\n%s\n" "$GOLINT_ERRORS" > /dev/stderr exit 1 fi GOVET_ERRORS=$(go vet ./... 2>&1) GOVET_STATUS=$? if [ "$GOVET_STATUS" -ne "0" ]; then printf "govet failed with the following errors:\n%s\n" "$GOVET_ERRORS" > /dev/stderr exit $GOVET_STATUS fi