## # This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb ## # Version 0.3 # 2011-02-25 # # Updated version detection ## # Version 0.2 # # Fixed regex ## Plugin.define "iDVR" do author "Brendan Coles " # 2010-07-20 version "0.3" description "iDVR (formerly Devloution Security System) is a video surveillance system for the Linux/X11 platform." website "http://code.google.com/p/idvr/" # default login: administrator/blank # Google results as at 2010-07-20 # # 247 for intitle:iDVR -intitle:"com | net | shop" -inurl:"asp | htm | pdf | html | php | shtml | com | at | cgi | tv" # Dorks # dorks [ 'intitle:iDVR -intitle:"com | net | shop" -inurl:"asp | htm | pdf | html | php | shtml | com | at | cgi | tv"' ] # Matches # matches [ # Default Title { :text=>'iDVR' }, # Default JavaScript { :regexp=>/ ' codebase="http:\/\/' + szDomainFull + '\/NSIDVRCtrlX.ocx#version=[\d]{1},[\d]{1},[\d]{1},[\d]{1}"\n'\+/ }, { :text=>' \' classid="clsid:16A017B9-6CB4-47C7-8E81-6E9396FAC2B6"\\n\' +' }, { :regexp=>/ monitorDiv.innerHTML = "