## # This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb ## Plugin.define "Synology-DiskStation" do author "Brendan Coles " # 2011-08-07 version "0.1" description "Synology DiskStation provides a full-featured Network Attached Storage (NAS) solution which offers RAID storage, backup, and network surveillance (NVR)." website "http://www.synology.com/" # ShodanHQ results as at 2011-08-07 # # 2,425 for stauts # 545 for webman # 534 for webman/index.cgi # Google results as at 2011-08-07 # # 60 for intitle:"Synology DiskStation" inurl:"webman/index.cgi" # Dorks # dorks [ 'intitle:"Synology DiskStation" inurl:"webman/index.cgi"' ] # Matches # matches [ # Extract Device Name # Title { :string=>/Synology DiskStation - ([^\s]+)<\/title>/ }, # HTML Comment { :text=>"<!-- Don't contain any text node to avoid IE insertBefore bug -->" }, # JavaScript { :text=>'<script type="text/javascript">SYNO.SDS.Session = {' }, # div id="sds-login-dialog-form" { :text=>'<div id="sds-login-dialog-form" style="position: absolute; top: -10000px; left: -10000px;"><form id="login-form" class="x-plain-body" method="POST" action="login.cgi" target="login_iframe"' }, # Version Detection { :url=>"/webman/index.cgi", :version=>/<script type="text\/javascript" src="synodefs\.cgi\?v=([\d]+)"><\/script>/ }, # Stauts Header { :certainty=>75, :search=>"headers[stauts]", :status=>302, :url=>"/", :regexp=>/^301 Moved Permanently$/ }, ] end