## # This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/whatweb ## Plugin.define "WebDVR" do author "Brendan Coles " # 2010-07-20 version "0.1" description "Digital video recording system web fronend" # 125 Google results for intitle:"WEBDVR" -ext:php -ext:html -ext:asp @ 2010-07-20 # http://www.hackersforcharity.org/ghdb/?function=detail&id=1352 matches [ { :text=>'WebDVR' }, { :text=>'WEBDVR' }, { :text=>' alert("Direct Draw Overlay Mode: It is faster than GDI but only available on ATI Video Card and requires Direct 7 or above.\nIf you have other video cards than ATI, you shouldn\'t use this mode.");' }, { :text=>' alert("DirectDraw Video acceleration will be enabled if your VGA card supports Microsoft DirectX 8.1 or later.");' }, { :text=>' window.location="webdvr.html";' }, ] end