/* * Copyright (c) 1998,1999,2000 * Traakan, Inc., Los Altos, CA * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice unmodified, this list of conditions, and the following * disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Project: NDMJOB * Ident: $Id: $ * * Description: * */ #include "ndmos.h" /* rpc/rpc.h */ #include "ndmprotocol.h" #ifndef NDMOS_OPTION_NO_NDMP3 int ndmp3_pp_header(void* data, char* buf) { ndmp3_header* mh = (ndmp3_header*)data; if (mh->message_type == NDMP3_MESSAGE_REQUEST) { sprintf(buf, "C %s %lu", ndmp3_message_to_str(mh->message), mh->sequence); } else if (mh->message_type == NDMP3_MESSAGE_REPLY) { sprintf(buf, "R %s %lu (%lu)", ndmp3_message_to_str(mh->message), mh->reply_sequence, mh->sequence); if (mh->error != NDMP3_NO_ERR) { sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), " %s", ndmp3_error_to_str(mh->error)); return 0; /* no body */ } } else { strcpy(buf, "??? INVALID MESSAGE TYPE"); return -1; /* no body */ } return 1; /* body */ } int ndmp3_pp_addr(char* buf, ndmp3_addr* ma) { sprintf(buf, "%s", ndmp3_addr_type_to_str(ma->addr_type)); if (ma->addr_type == NDMP3_ADDR_TCP) { sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), "(%lx,%d)", ma->ndmp3_addr_u.tcp_addr.ip_addr, ma->ndmp3_addr_u.tcp_addr.port); } return 0; } int ndmp3_pp_request(ndmp3_message msg, void* data, int lineno, char* buf) { int i; unsigned int j; switch (msg) { default: strcpy(buf, "<>"); return -1; case NDMP3_CONNECT_OPEN: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_connect_open_request) sprintf(buf, "version=%d", p->protocol_version); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_CONNECT_CLIENT_AUTH: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_connect_client_auth_request) sprintf(buf, "auth_type=%s", ndmp3_auth_type_to_str(p->auth_data.auth_type)); sprintf(buf, "auth_type=%s", ndmp3_auth_type_to_str(p->auth_data.auth_type)); switch (p->auth_data.auth_type) { case NDMP3_AUTH_NONE: break; case NDMP3_AUTH_TEXT: sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), " auth_id=%s", p->auth_data.ndmp3_auth_data_u.auth_text.auth_id); break; case NDMP3_AUTH_MD5: sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), " auth_id=%s", p->auth_data.ndmp3_auth_data_u.auth_md5.auth_id); break; default: sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), " ????"); break; } NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_CONNECT_CLOSE: case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_HOST_INFO: case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_CONNECTION_TYPE: case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_SERVER_INFO: case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_BUTYPE_INFO: case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_FS_INFO: case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_TAPE_INFO: case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_SCSI_INFO: case NDMP3_SCSI_CLOSE: case NDMP3_SCSI_GET_STATE: case NDMP3_SCSI_RESET_DEVICE: case NDMP3_SCSI_RESET_BUS: case NDMP3_TAPE_GET_STATE: case NDMP3_TAPE_CLOSE: case NDMP3_MOVER_GET_STATE: case NDMP3_MOVER_CONTINUE: case NDMP3_MOVER_ABORT: case NDMP3_MOVER_STOP: case NDMP3_MOVER_CLOSE: case NDMP3_DATA_GET_STATE: case NDMP3_DATA_ABORT: case NDMP3_DATA_STOP: case NDMP3_DATA_GET_ENV: *buf = 0; /* no body */ return 0; case NDMP3_CONNECT_SERVER_AUTH: strcpy(buf, "<>"); break; case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_AUTH_ATTR: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_config_get_auth_attr_request) sprintf(buf, "auth_type=%s", ndmp3_auth_type_to_str(p->auth_type)); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_SCSI_OPEN: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_scsi_open_request) sprintf(buf, "device='%s'", p->device); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_SCSI_SET_TARGET: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_scsi_set_target_request) sprintf(buf, "device='%s' cont=%d sid=%d lun=%d", p->device, p->target_controller, p->target_id, p->target_lun); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_SCSI_EXECUTE_CDB: case NDMP3_TAPE_EXECUTE_CDB: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_execute_cdb_request) switch (lineno) { case 0: sprintf(buf, "flags=0x%lx timeout=%ld datain_len=%ld", p->flags, p->timeout, p->datain_len); break; case 1: sprintf(buf, "cmd[%d]={", p->cdb.cdb_len); for (j = 0; j < p->cdb.cdb_len; j++) { sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), " %02x", p->cdb.cdb_val[j] & 0xFF); } strcat(buf, " }"); break; } return 2; NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_TAPE_OPEN: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_tape_open_request) sprintf(buf, "device='%s' mode=%s", p->device, ndmp3_tape_open_mode_to_str(p->mode)); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_TAPE_MTIO: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_tape_mtio_request) sprintf(buf, "op=%s count=%ld", ndmp3_tape_mtio_op_to_str(p->tape_op), p->count); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_TAPE_WRITE: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_tape_write_request) sprintf(buf, "data_out_len=%d", p->data_out.data_out_len); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_TAPE_READ: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_tape_read_request) sprintf(buf, "count=%ld", p->count); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_DATA_START_BACKUP: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_data_start_backup_request) if (lineno == 0) { sprintf(buf, "bu_type='%s' n_env=%d", p->bu_type, p->env.env_len); } else { i = lineno - 1; if (0 <= i && (unsigned)i < p->env.env_len) { sprintf(buf, "env[%d] name='%s' value='%s'", i, p->env.env_val[i].name, p->env.env_val[i].value); } else { strcpy(buf, "--INVALID--"); } } return 1 + p->env.env_len; NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_DATA_START_RECOVER: case NDMP3_DATA_START_RECOVER_FILEHIST: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_data_start_recover_request) if (lineno == 0) { sprintf(buf, "bu_type='%s' n_env=%d n_nlist=%d", p->bu_type, p->env.env_len, p->nlist.nlist_len); } else { i = lineno - 1; if (0 <= i && (unsigned)i < p->env.env_len) { sprintf(buf, "env[%d] name='%s' value='%s'", i, p->env.env_val[i].name, p->env.env_val[i].value); } else { i -= p->env.env_len; if (0 <= i && (unsigned)i < p->nlist.nlist_len * 4) { ndmp3_name* nm = &p->nlist.nlist_val[i / 4]; switch (i % 4) { case 0: sprintf(buf, "nl[%d] original_path='%s'", i / 4, nm->original_path); break; case 1: sprintf(buf, "..... destination_dir='%s'", nm->destination_dir); break; case 2: sprintf(buf, "..... new_name='%s' other='%s'", nm->new_name, nm->other_name); break; case 3: sprintf(buf, "..... node=%lld fh_info=%lld", nm->node, nm->fh_info); break; } } else { strcpy(buf, "--INVALID--"); } } } return 1 + p->env.env_len + p->nlist.nlist_len * 4; NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_DATA_LISTEN: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_data_listen_request) sprintf(buf, "addr_type=%s", ndmp3_addr_type_to_str(p->addr_type)); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_DATA_CONNECT: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_data_connect_request) sprintf(buf, "addr="); ndmp3_pp_addr(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), &p->addr); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_NOTIFY_DATA_HALTED: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_notify_data_halted_request) sprintf(buf, "reason=%s text_reason='%s'", ndmp3_data_halt_reason_to_str(p->reason), p->text_reason); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_NOTIFY_CONNECTED: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_notify_connected_request) sprintf(buf, "reason=%s protocol_version=%d text_reason='%s'", ndmp3_connect_reason_to_str(p->reason), p->protocol_version, p->text_reason); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_NOTIFY_MOVER_HALTED: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_notify_mover_halted_request) sprintf(buf, "reason=%s text_reason='%s'", ndmp3_mover_halt_reason_to_str(p->reason), p->text_reason); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_NOTIFY_MOVER_PAUSED: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_notify_mover_paused_request) sprintf(buf, "reason=%s seek_position=%lld", ndmp3_mover_pause_reason_to_str(p->reason), p->seek_position); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_NOTIFY_DATA_READ: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_notify_data_read_request) sprintf(buf, "offset=%lld length=%lld", p->offset, p->length); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_LOG_FILE: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_log_file_request) sprintf(buf, "file=%s error=%s", p->name, ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error)); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_LOG_MESSAGE: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_log_message_request) sprintf(buf, "log_type=%s id=%lu message='%s'", ndmp3_log_type_to_str(p->log_type), p->message_id, p->entry); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_FH_ADD_FILE: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_fh_add_file_request) int n_line = 0, n_names = 0, n_stats = 0; unsigned int n_normal = 0; n_line++; for (j = 0; j < p->files.files_len; j++) { int nn, ns; nn = p->files.files_val[j].names.names_len; ns = p->files.files_val[j].stats.stats_len; n_line += 1 + nn + ns; if (nn == 1 && ns == 1) n_normal++; n_names += nn; n_stats += ns; } if (n_normal == p->files.files_len) { /* could do something more efficient here */ } if (lineno == 0) { sprintf(buf, "n_files=%d total n_names=%d n_stats=%d", p->files.files_len, n_names, n_stats); return n_line; } lineno--; for (j = 0; j < p->files.files_len; j++) { ndmp3_file* file = &p->files.files_val[j]; unsigned int k; if (lineno == 0) { sprintf(buf, "[%d] n_names=%d n_stats=%d node=%lld fhinfo=%lld", j, file->names.names_len, file->stats.stats_len, file->node, file->fh_info); return n_line; } lineno--; for (k = 0; k < file->names.names_len; k++, lineno--) { ndmp3_file_name* filename; if (lineno != 0) continue; filename = &file->names.names_val[k]; sprintf(buf, " name[%d] fs_type=%s", k, ndmp3_fs_type_to_str(filename->fs_type)); switch (filename->fs_type) { default: sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), " other=%s", filename->ndmp3_file_name_u.other_name); break; case NDMP3_FS_UNIX: sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), " unix=%s", filename->ndmp3_file_name_u.unix_name); break; case NDMP3_FS_NT: sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), " nt=%s dos=%s", filename->ndmp3_file_name_u.nt_name.nt_path, filename->ndmp3_file_name_u.nt_name.dos_path); break; } return n_line; } for (k = 0; k < file->stats.stats_len; k++, lineno--) { ndmp3_file_stat* filestat; if (lineno != 0) continue; filestat = &file->stats.stats_val[k]; sprintf(buf, " stat[%ud] fs_type=%s ftype=%s size=%lld", k, ndmp3_fs_type_to_str(filestat->fs_type), ndmp3_file_type_to_str(filestat->ftype), filestat->size); return n_line; } } sprintf(buf, " YIKES n_line=%d lineno=%d", n_line, lineno); return -1; NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_FH_ADD_DIR: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_fh_add_dir_request) int n_line = 0, n_names = 0; unsigned int n_normal = 0; n_line++; for (j = 0; j < p->dirs.dirs_len; j++) { int nn; nn = p->dirs.dirs_val[j].names.names_len; n_line += 1 + nn; if (nn == 1) n_normal++; n_names += nn; } if (n_normal == p->dirs.dirs_len) { /* could do something more efficient here */ } if (lineno == 0) { sprintf(buf, "n_dirs=%d total n_names=%d", p->dirs.dirs_len, n_names); return n_line; } lineno--; for (j = 0; j < p->dirs.dirs_len; j++) { ndmp3_dir* dir = &p->dirs.dirs_val[j]; unsigned int k; if (lineno == 0) { sprintf(buf, "[%ud] n_names=%d node=%lld parent=%lld", j, dir->names.names_len, dir->node, dir->parent); return n_line; } lineno--; for (k = 0; k < dir->names.names_len; k++, lineno--) { ndmp3_file_name* filename; if (lineno != 0) continue; filename = &dir->names.names_val[k]; sprintf(buf, " name[%ud] fs_type=%s", k, ndmp3_fs_type_to_str(filename->fs_type)); switch (filename->fs_type) { default: sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), " other=%s", filename->ndmp3_file_name_u.other_name); break; case NDMP3_FS_UNIX: sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), " unix=%s", filename->ndmp3_file_name_u.unix_name); break; case NDMP3_FS_NT: sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), " nt=%s dos=%s", filename->ndmp3_file_name_u.nt_name.nt_path, filename->ndmp3_file_name_u.nt_name.dos_path); break; } return n_line; } } sprintf(buf, " YIKES n_line=%d lineno=%d", n_line, lineno); return -1; NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_FH_ADD_NODE: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_fh_add_node_request) int n_line = 0, n_stats = 0; unsigned int n_normal = 0; n_line++; for (j = 0; j < p->nodes.nodes_len; j++) { int ns; ns = p->nodes.nodes_val[j].stats.stats_len; n_line += 1 + ns; if (ns == 1) n_normal++; n_stats += ns; } if (n_normal == p->nodes.nodes_len) { /* could do something more efficient here */ } if (lineno == 0) { sprintf(buf, "n_nodes=%d total n_stats=%d", p->nodes.nodes_len, n_stats); return n_line; } lineno--; for (j = 0; j < p->nodes.nodes_len; j++) { ndmp3_node* node = &p->nodes.nodes_val[j]; unsigned int k; if (lineno == 0) { sprintf(buf, "[%ud] n_stats=%d node=%lld fhinfo=%lld", j, node->stats.stats_len, node->node, node->fh_info); return n_line; } lineno--; for (k = 0; k < node->stats.stats_len; k++, lineno--) { ndmp3_file_stat* filestat; if (lineno != 0) continue; filestat = &node->stats.stats_val[k]; sprintf(buf, " stat[%ud] fs_type=%s ftype=%s size=%lld", k, ndmp3_fs_type_to_str(filestat->fs_type), ndmp3_file_type_to_str(filestat->ftype), filestat->size); return n_line; } } sprintf(buf, " YIKES n_line=%d lineno=%d", n_line, lineno); return -1; NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_MOVER_LISTEN: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_mover_listen_request) sprintf(buf, "mode=%s addr_type=%s", ndmp3_mover_mode_to_str(p->mode), ndmp3_addr_type_to_str(p->addr_type)); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_MOVER_SET_WINDOW: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_mover_set_window_request) sprintf(buf, "offset=%lld length=%lld", p->offset, p->length); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_MOVER_READ: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_mover_read_request) sprintf(buf, "offset=%lld length=%lld", p->offset, p->length); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_MOVER_SET_RECORD_SIZE: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_mover_set_record_size_request) sprintf(buf, "len=%lu", p->len); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_MOVER_CONNECT: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_mover_connect_request) sprintf(buf, "mode=%s addr=", ndmp3_mover_mode_to_str(p->mode)); ndmp3_pp_addr(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), &p->addr); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; } return 1; /* one line in buf */ } int ndmp3_pp_reply(ndmp3_message msg, void* data, int lineno, char* buf) { int i; unsigned int j; switch (msg) { default: strcpy(buf, "<>"); return -1; case NDMP3_CONNECT_OPEN: case NDMP3_CONNECT_CLIENT_AUTH: case NDMP3_SCSI_OPEN: case NDMP3_SCSI_CLOSE: case NDMP3_SCSI_SET_TARGET: case NDMP3_SCSI_RESET_DEVICE: case NDMP3_SCSI_RESET_BUS: case NDMP3_TAPE_OPEN: case NDMP3_TAPE_CLOSE: case NDMP3_MOVER_CONTINUE: case NDMP3_MOVER_ABORT: case NDMP3_MOVER_STOP: case NDMP3_MOVER_READ: case NDMP3_MOVER_SET_WINDOW: case NDMP3_MOVER_CLOSE: case NDMP3_MOVER_SET_RECORD_SIZE: case NDMP3_MOVER_CONNECT: case NDMP3_DATA_START_BACKUP: case NDMP3_DATA_START_RECOVER: case NDMP3_DATA_START_RECOVER_FILEHIST: case NDMP3_DATA_ABORT: case NDMP3_DATA_STOP: case NDMP3_DATA_CONNECT: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_error) sprintf(buf, "error=%s", ndmp3_error_to_str(*p)); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_CONNECTION_TYPE: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_config_get_connection_type_reply) sprintf(buf, "error=%s addr_types[%d]={", ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error), p->addr_types.addr_types_len); for (j = 0; j < p->addr_types.addr_types_len; j++) { sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), " %s", ndmp3_addr_type_to_str(p->addr_types.addr_types_val[j])); } strcat(buf, " }"); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_SERVER_INFO: case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_BUTYPE_INFO: case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_FS_INFO: case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_TAPE_INFO: case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_SCSI_INFO: strcpy(buf, "<>"); break; case NDMP3_CONNECT_CLOSE: *buf = 0; return 0; case NDMP3_CONNECT_SERVER_AUTH: strcpy(buf, "<>"); break; case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_HOST_INFO: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_config_get_host_info_reply) switch (lineno) { case 0: sprintf(buf, "error=%s hostname=%s", ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error), p->hostname); break; case 1: sprintf(buf, "os_type=%s os_vers=%s hostid=%s", p->os_type, p->os_vers, p->hostid); break; default: strcpy(buf, "--INVALID--"); break; } return 2; NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_CONFIG_GET_AUTH_ATTR: strcpy(buf, "<>"); break; case NDMP3_SCSI_GET_STATE: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_scsi_get_state_reply) sprintf(buf, "error=%s cont=%d sid=%d lun=%d", ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error), p->target_controller, p->target_id, p->target_lun); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_SCSI_EXECUTE_CDB: case NDMP3_TAPE_EXECUTE_CDB: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_execute_cdb_reply) switch (lineno) { case 0: sprintf(buf, "error=%s status=%02x dataout_len=%ld datain_len=%d", ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error), p->status, p->dataout_len, p->datain.datain_len); break; case 1: sprintf(buf, "sense[%d]={", p->ext_sense.ext_sense_len); for (j = 0; j < p->ext_sense.ext_sense_len; j++) { sprintf(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), " %02x", p->ext_sense.ext_sense_val[j] & 0xFF); } strcat(buf, " }"); break; } return 2; NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_TAPE_GET_STATE: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_tape_get_state_reply) switch (lineno) { case 0: sprintf(buf, "invalid=%lx error=%s flags=0x%lx file_num=%ld", p->invalid, ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error), p->flags, p->file_num); break; case 1: sprintf(buf, "soft_errors=%lu block_size=%lu blockno=%lu", p->soft_errors, p->block_size, p->blockno); break; case 2: sprintf(buf, "total_space=%lld space_remain=%lld partition=%lu", p->total_space, p->space_remain, p->partition); break; default: strcpy(buf, "--INVALID--"); break; } return 3; NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_TAPE_MTIO: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_tape_mtio_reply) sprintf(buf, "error=%s resid_count=%ld", ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error), p->resid_count); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_TAPE_WRITE: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_tape_write_reply) sprintf(buf, "error=%s count=%ld", ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error), p->count); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_TAPE_READ: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_tape_read_reply) sprintf(buf, "error=%s data_in_len=%d", ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error), p->data_in.data_in_len); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_DATA_GET_STATE: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_data_get_state_reply) switch (lineno) { case 0: sprintf(buf, "invalid=%lx error=%s op=%s", p->invalid, ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error), ndmp3_data_operation_to_str(p->operation)); break; case 1: sprintf(buf, "state=%s", ndmp3_data_state_to_str(p->state)); break; case 2: sprintf(buf, "halt_reason=%s", ndmp3_data_halt_reason_to_str(p->halt_reason)); break; case 3: sprintf(buf, "bytes_processed=%lld est_bytes_remain=%lld", p->bytes_processed, p->est_bytes_remain); break; case 4: sprintf(buf, "est_time_remain=%ld data_conn_addr=", p->est_time_remain); ndmp3_pp_addr(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), &p->data_connection_addr); break; case 5: sprintf(buf, "read_offset=%lld read_length=%lld", p->read_offset, p->read_length); break; default: strcpy(buf, "--INVALID--"); break; } return 6; NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_DATA_GET_ENV: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_data_get_env_reply) if (lineno == 0) { sprintf(buf, "error=%s n_env=%d", ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error), p->env.env_len); } else { i = lineno - 1; if (0 <= i && (unsigned)i < p->env.env_len) { sprintf(buf, "[%d] name='%s' value='%s'", i, p->env.env_val[i].name, p->env.env_val[i].value); } else { strcpy(buf, "--INVALID--"); } } return p->env.env_len + 1; NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_NOTIFY_DATA_HALTED: case NDMP3_NOTIFY_CONNECTED: case NDMP3_NOTIFY_MOVER_HALTED: case NDMP3_NOTIFY_MOVER_PAUSED: case NDMP3_NOTIFY_DATA_READ: case NDMP3_LOG_FILE: case NDMP3_LOG_MESSAGE: case NDMP3_FH_ADD_FILE: case NDMP3_FH_ADD_DIR: case NDMP3_FH_ADD_NODE: strcpy(buf, "<>"); break; case NDMP3_MOVER_GET_STATE: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_mover_get_state_reply) switch (lineno) { case 0: sprintf(buf, "error=%s state=%s", ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error), ndmp3_mover_state_to_str(p->state)); break; case 1: sprintf(buf, "pause_reason=%s", ndmp3_mover_pause_reason_to_str(p->pause_reason)); break; case 2: sprintf(buf, "halt_reason=%s", ndmp3_mover_halt_reason_to_str(p->halt_reason)); break; case 3: sprintf(buf, "record_size=%lu record_num=%lu data_written=%lld", p->record_size, p->record_num, p->data_written); break; case 4: sprintf(buf, "seek=%lld to_read=%lld win_off=%lld win_len=%lld", p->seek_position, p->bytes_left_to_read, p->window_offset, p->window_length); break; case 5: sprintf(buf, "data_conn_addr="); ndmp3_pp_addr(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), &p->data_connection_addr); break; default: strcpy(buf, "--INVALID--"); break; } return 6; NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_DATA_LISTEN: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_data_listen_reply) sprintf(buf, "error=%s mover_conn_addr=", ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error)); ndmp3_pp_addr(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), &p->data_connection_addr); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; case NDMP3_MOVER_LISTEN: NDMP_PP_WITH(ndmp3_mover_listen_reply) sprintf(buf, "error=%s data_conn_addr=", ndmp3_error_to_str(p->error)); ndmp3_pp_addr(NDMOS_API_STREND(buf), &p->data_connection_addr); NDMP_PP_ENDWITH break; } return 1; /* one line in buf */ } #endif /* !NDMOS_OPTION_NO_NDMP3 */