#!/bin/sh # # This script uses the virtual disk autochanger # TestName="multi-storage-test" JobName=backup . scripts/functions scripts/cleanup scripts/copy-2disk-confs scripts/prepare-disk-changer # create a new bareos-sd.conf BAREOS_SD2_CONF=$conf/bareos-sd2.conf BAREOS_SD2_PORT="1${BAREOS_SD_PORT}" perl -ne ' if (/SDPort = /) { $_ =~ s/(\d+)/1$1/;} if (/Name = .+?-sd/) { $_ =~ s/-sd/-sd2/;} if (/WorkingDirectory/) { $_ =~ s/"$/\/StorageDaemon2"/; } print; ' $conf/bareos-sd.conf > $BAREOS_SD2_CONF mkdir -p ${working}/StorageDaemon2 perl -ne ' if (/^Storage \{/) { $in=1; $nb++; } if (/^}/) { $in=0 } if (/SDPort = (\d+)/ && $in) {if ($nb == 2) { $_ = " SDPort = 1$1\n"; }} print; ' $conf/bareos-dir.conf > $tmp/1 cp $tmp/1 $conf/bareos-dir.conf change_jobname $JobName disable_plugins # Directory to backup. # This directory will be created by setup_data(). BackupDirectory="${tmp}/data" # Use a tgz to setup data to be backed up. # Data will be placed at "${tmp}/data/". setup_data data/small.tgz # the default fileset FS_TESTJOB backups all file and directories defined in "${tmp}/file-list". echo "${BackupDirectory}" >${tmp}/file-list start_test # Write out bconsole commands cat <${cwd}/tmp/bconcmds @$out /dev/null messages @$out ${cwd}/tmp/log1.out label storage=tape volume=TestVolume001 Pool=Default slot=1 drive=0 label storage=File volume=TestVolume002 Pool=Default run job=$JobName storage=tape yes wait messages quit END_OF_DATA BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR=$BAREOS_SD2_CONF BAREOS_SD_PORT=$BAREOS_SD2_PORT $scripts/bareos-ctl-sd start run_bareos echo "ficheriro1.txt" >${BackupDirectory}/ficheriro1.txt echo "ficheriro2.txt" >${BackupDirectory}/ficheriro2.txt cat <${cwd}/tmp/bconcmds @$out /dev/null messages @$out ${cwd}/tmp/log1.out @# Force Incremental on the second Volume run level=Incremental storage=File job=$JobName yes wait messages @# @# now do a restore @# @$out ${cwd}/tmp/log2.out setdebug trace=1 level=110 client setdebug trace=1 level=110 director restore where=${cwd}/tmp/bareos-restores select all done yes wait messages quit END_OF_DATA run_bconsole check_for_zombie_jobs storage=File check_for_zombie_jobs storage=tape stop_bareos BAREOS_CONFIG_DIR=$BAREOS_SD2_CONF BAREOS_SD_PORT=$BAREOS_SD2_PORT $scripts/bareos-ctl-sd stop check_two_logs check_restore_diff end_test