body common control { inputs => { "../../" }; bundlesequence => { default("$(this.promise_filename)") }; version => "1.0"; } bundle agent test { meta: "description" -> { "ENT-4653" } string => "Test that ifelse works with undefined variables in the second or third arguments"; vars: "test_one" string => ifelse( "no_such_class", "$(no_such_var)", "test_one_expected_value" ); "test_two" string => ifelse( "any", "test_two_expected_value", "$(no_such_var)" ); } bundle agent check { reports: '$(this.promise_filename) Pass' if => and( strcmp( "test_one_expected_value", $(test.test_one) ), strcmp( "test_two_expected_value", $(test.test_two) ) ); '$(this.promise_filename) FAIL' if => or( not( isvariable( "test.test_one" ) ), not( isvariable( "test.test_two" ) ) ); '$(this.propmise_filename) FAIL' if => or( not(strcmp( "test_one_expected_value", $(test.test_one) ) ), not(strcmp( "test_two_expected_value", $(test.test_two) ) ) ); }