# Based on 00_basics/ifelapsed_and_expireafter/timed/package_lock.cf body common control { inputs => { "../default.cf.sub" }; bundlesequence => { default("$(this.promise_filename)") }; } bundle agent init { files: "$(sys.workdir)/modules/packages/." create => "true"; "$(sys.workdir)/modules/packages/test_module" copy_from => local_cp("$(this.promise_filename).module"); } body package_module test_module { query_installed_ifelapsed => "60"; query_updates_ifelapsed => "14400"; default_options => { "$(G.testfile)" }; interpreter => "/bin/sh"; # NOTE: no hashbang in the test_module script } bundle agent test { meta: "description" string => "Test that the interpreter for the package module script can be set", meta => { "CFE-2880" }; packages: "first_pkg" policy => "present", package_module => test_module; "second_pkg" policy => "present", package_module => test_module; } bundle agent check { methods: "any" usebundle => dcs_check_diff($(G.testfile), "$(this.promise_filename).expected", $(this.promise_filename)); }