import textwrap from jinja2 import Template from import check_using_build_profile from conans.util.files import save class BazelDeps(object): def __init__(self, conanfile): self._conanfile = conanfile check_using_build_profile(self._conanfile) def generate(self): local_repositories = [] for build_dependency in self._conanfile.dependencies.direct_build.values(): content = self._get_build_dependency_buildfile_content(build_dependency) filename = self._save_dependendy_buildfile(build_dependency, content) local_repository = self._create_new_local_repository(build_dependency, filename) local_repositories.append(local_repository) for dependency in content = self._get_dependency_buildfile_content(dependency) filename = self._save_dependendy_buildfile(dependency, content) local_repository = self._create_new_local_repository(dependency, filename) local_repositories.append(local_repository) content = self._get_main_buildfile_content(local_repositories) self._save_main_buildfiles(content) def _save_dependendy_buildfile(self, dependency, buildfile_content): filename = 'conandeps/{}/BUILD'.format( save(filename, buildfile_content) return filename def _get_build_dependency_buildfile_content(self, dependency): filegroup = textwrap.dedent(""" filegroup( name = "{}_binaries", data = glob(["**"]), visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) """).format( return filegroup def _get_dependency_buildfile_content(self, dependency): template = textwrap.dedent(""" load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_import", "cc_library") {% for lib in libs %} cc_import( name = "{{ lib }}_precompiled", static_library = "{{ libdir }}/lib{{ lib }}.a" ) {% endfor %} cc_library( name = "{{ name }}", {% if headers %} hdrs = glob([{{ headers }}]), {% endif %} {% if includes %} includes = [{{ includes }}], {% endif %} {% if defines %} defines = [{{ defines }}], {% endif %} {% if linkopts %} linkopts = [{{ linkopts }}], {% endif %} visibility = ["//visibility:public"], {% if libs %} deps = [ {% for lib in libs %} ":{{ lib }}_precompiled", {% endfor %} ], {% endif %} ) """) cpp_info = dependency.cpp_info.aggregated_components() if not cpp_info.libs and not cpp_info.includedirs: return None headers = [] includes = [] for path in cpp_info.includedirs: headers.append('"{}/**"'.format(path)) includes.append('"{}"'.format(path)) headers = ', '.join(headers) includes = ', '.join(includes) defines = ('"{}"'.format(define.replace('"', "'")) for define in cpp_info.defines) defines = ', '.join(defines) linkopts = [] for linkopt in cpp_info.system_libs: linkopts.append('"-l{}"'.format(linkopt)) linkopts = ', '.join(linkopts) context = { "name":, "libs": cpp_info.libs, "libdir": cpp_info.libdirs[0], "headers": headers, "includes": includes, "defines": defines, "linkopts": linkopts } content = Template(template).render(**context) return content def _create_new_local_repository(self, dependency, dependency_buildfile_name): snippet = textwrap.dedent(""" native.new_local_repository( name="{}", path="{}", build_file="{}", ) """).format(, dependency.package_folder, dependency_buildfile_name ) return snippet def _get_main_buildfile_content(self, local_repositories): template = textwrap.dedent(""" def load_conan_dependencies(): {} """) if local_repositories: function_content = "\n".join(local_repositories) function_content = ' '.join(line for line in function_content.splitlines(True)) else: function_content = ' pass' content = template.format(function_content) return content def _save_main_buildfiles(self, content): # A BUILD file must exist, even if it's empty, in order for bazel # to detect it as a bazel package and allow to load the .bzl files save("conandeps/BUILD", "") save("conandeps/dependencies.bzl", content)