/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Nagy, Attila * Copyright (c) 2014 Balabit * Copyright (c) 2013 Viktor Tusa * Copyright (c) 2014 Gergely Nagy * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published * by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * As an additional exemption you are allowed to compile & link against the * OpenSSL libraries as published by the OpenSSL project. See the file * COPYING for details. * */ #include "afstomp.h" #include "afstomp-parser.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "messages.h" #include "stats/stats-registry.h" #include "logmsg/nvtable.h" #include "logqueue.h" #include "scratch-buffers.h" #include "plugin-types.h" #include #include #include "logthrdest/logthrdestdrv.h" typedef struct { LogThreadedDestDriver super; gchar *destination; LogTemplate *body_template; gboolean persistent; gboolean ack_needed; gchar *host; gint port; gchar *user; gchar *password; LogTemplateOptions template_options; ValuePairs *vp; stomp_connection *conn; } STOMPDestDriver; /* * Configuration */ void afstomp_dd_set_user(LogDriver *d, const gchar *user) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) d; g_free(self->user); self->user = g_strdup(user); } void afstomp_dd_set_password(LogDriver *d, const gchar *password) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) d; g_free(self->password); self->password = g_strdup(password); } void afstomp_dd_set_host(LogDriver *d, const gchar *host) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) d; g_free(self->host); self->host = g_strdup(host); } void afstomp_dd_set_port(LogDriver *d, gint port) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) d; self->port = (int) port; } void afstomp_dd_set_destination(LogDriver *d, const gchar *destination) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) d; g_free(self->destination); self->destination = g_strdup(destination); } void afstomp_dd_set_body(LogDriver *d, LogTemplate *body_template) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) d; log_template_unref(self->body_template); self->body_template = body_template; } void afstomp_dd_set_persistent(LogDriver *s, gboolean persistent) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) s; self->persistent = persistent; } void afstomp_dd_set_ack(LogDriver *s, gboolean ack_needed) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) s; self->ack_needed = ack_needed; } void afstomp_dd_set_value_pairs(LogDriver *s, ValuePairs *vp) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) s; value_pairs_unref(self->vp); self->vp = vp; } LogTemplateOptions * afstomp_dd_get_template_options(LogDriver *s) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) s; return &self->template_options; } /* * Utilities */ static const gchar * afstomp_dd_format_stats_instance(LogThreadedDestDriver *s) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) s; static gchar persist_name[1024]; if (s->super.super.super.persist_name) g_snprintf(persist_name, sizeof(persist_name), "afstomp,%s", s->super.super.super.persist_name); else g_snprintf(persist_name, sizeof(persist_name), "afstomp,%s,%u,%s", self->host, self->port, self->destination); return persist_name; } static const gchar * afstomp_dd_format_persist_name(const LogPipe *s) { const STOMPDestDriver *self = (const STOMPDestDriver *)s; static gchar persist_name[1024]; if (s->persist_name) g_snprintf(persist_name, sizeof(persist_name), "afstomp.%s", s->persist_name); else g_snprintf(persist_name, sizeof(persist_name), "afstomp(%s,%u,%s)", self->host, self->port, self->destination); return persist_name; } static void afstomp_create_connect_frame(STOMPDestDriver *self, stomp_frame *frame) { stomp_frame_init(frame, "CONNECT", sizeof("CONNECT")); stomp_frame_add_header(frame, "login", self->user); stomp_frame_add_header(frame, "passcode", self->password); }; static gboolean afstomp_try_connect(STOMPDestDriver *self) { return stomp_connect(&self->conn, self->host, self->port); }; static gboolean afstomp_send_frame(STOMPDestDriver *self, stomp_frame *frame) { return stomp_write(self->conn, frame); } static gboolean afstomp_dd_connect(STOMPDestDriver *self, gboolean reconnect) { stomp_frame frame; if (reconnect && self->conn) return TRUE; if (!afstomp_try_connect(self)) return FALSE; afstomp_create_connect_frame(self, &frame); if (!afstomp_send_frame(self, &frame)) { msg_error("Sending CONNECT frame to STOMP server failed!"); return FALSE; } gboolean frame_read = stomp_receive_frame(self->conn, &frame); if (!frame_read || strcmp(frame.command, "CONNECTED") != 0) { msg_debug("Error connecting to STOMP server, stomp server did not accept CONNECT request"); stomp_frame_deinit(&frame); return FALSE; } msg_debug("Connecting to STOMP succeeded", evt_tag_str("driver", self->super.super.super.id)); stomp_frame_deinit(&frame); return TRUE; } static void afstomp_dd_disconnect(LogThreadedDestDriver *s) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *)s; stomp_disconnect(&self->conn); self->conn = NULL; } /* TODO escape '\0' when passing down the value */ static gboolean afstomp_vp_foreach(const gchar *name, TypeHint type, const gchar *value, gsize value_len, gpointer user_data) { stomp_frame *frame = (stomp_frame *) (user_data); stomp_frame_add_header(frame, name, value); return FALSE; } static void afstomp_set_frame_body(STOMPDestDriver *self, GString *body, stomp_frame *frame, LogMessage *msg) { if (self->body_template) { LogTemplateEvalOptions options = {&self->template_options, LTZ_LOCAL, self->super.worker.instance.seq_num, NULL }; log_template_format(self->body_template, msg, &options, body); stomp_frame_set_body(frame, body->str, body->len); } } static gboolean afstomp_worker_publish(STOMPDestDriver *self, LogMessage *msg) { gboolean success = TRUE; GString *body = NULL; stomp_frame frame; stomp_frame recv_frame; gchar seq_num[16]; if (!self->conn) { msg_error("STOMP server is not connected, not sending message!"); return FALSE; } body = scratch_buffers_alloc(); stomp_frame_init(&frame, "SEND", sizeof("SEND")); if (self->persistent) stomp_frame_add_header(&frame, "persistent", "true"); stomp_frame_add_header(&frame, "destination", self->destination); if (self->ack_needed) { g_snprintf(seq_num, sizeof(seq_num), "%i", self->super.worker.instance.seq_num); stomp_frame_add_header(&frame, "receipt", seq_num); }; LogTemplateEvalOptions options = {&self->template_options, LTZ_SEND, self->super.worker.instance.seq_num, NULL}; value_pairs_foreach(self->vp, afstomp_vp_foreach, msg, &options, &frame); afstomp_set_frame_body(self, body, &frame, msg); if (!afstomp_send_frame(self, &frame)) { msg_error("Error while inserting into STOMP server"); success = FALSE; } if (success && self->ack_needed) success = stomp_receive_frame(self->conn, &recv_frame); return success; } static LogThreadedResult afstomp_worker_insert(LogThreadedDestDriver *s, LogMessage *msg) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *)s; if (!afstomp_dd_connect(self, TRUE)) return LTR_NOT_CONNECTED; if (!afstomp_worker_publish (self, msg)) return LTR_ERROR; return LTR_SUCCESS; } static void afstomp_worker_thread_init(LogThreadedDestDriver *s) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) s; afstomp_dd_connect(self, FALSE); } static gboolean afstomp_dd_init(LogPipe *s) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) s; GlobalConfig *cfg = log_pipe_get_config(s); if (!log_threaded_dest_driver_init_method(s)) return FALSE; log_template_options_init(&self->template_options, cfg); self->conn = NULL; msg_verbose("Initializing STOMP destination", evt_tag_str("host", self->host), evt_tag_int("port", self->port), evt_tag_str("destination", self->destination)); return TRUE; } static void afstomp_dd_free(LogPipe *d) { STOMPDestDriver *self = (STOMPDestDriver *) d; log_template_options_destroy(&self->template_options); g_free(self->destination); log_template_unref(self->body_template); g_free(self->user); g_free(self->password); g_free(self->host); value_pairs_unref(self->vp); log_threaded_dest_driver_free(d); } LogDriver * afstomp_dd_new(GlobalConfig *cfg) { STOMPDestDriver *self = g_new0(STOMPDestDriver, 1); log_threaded_dest_driver_init_instance(&self->super, cfg); self->super.super.super.super.init = afstomp_dd_init; self->super.super.super.super.free_fn = afstomp_dd_free; self->super.super.super.super.generate_persist_name = afstomp_dd_format_persist_name; self->super.worker.thread_init = afstomp_worker_thread_init; self->super.worker.disconnect = afstomp_dd_disconnect; self->super.worker.insert = afstomp_worker_insert; self->super.format_stats_instance = afstomp_dd_format_stats_instance; self->super.stats_source = stats_register_type("stomp"); afstomp_dd_set_host((LogDriver *) self, ""); afstomp_dd_set_port((LogDriver *) self, 61613); afstomp_dd_set_destination((LogDriver *) self, "/topic/syslog"); afstomp_dd_set_persistent((LogDriver *) self, TRUE); afstomp_dd_set_ack((LogDriver *) self, FALSE); log_template_options_defaults(&self->template_options); afstomp_dd_set_value_pairs(&self->super.super.super, value_pairs_new_default(cfg)); return (LogDriver *) self; } extern CfgParser afstomp_dd_parser; static Plugin afstomp_plugin = { .type = LL_CONTEXT_DESTINATION, .name = "stomp", .parser = &afstomp_parser }; gboolean afstomp_module_init(PluginContext *context, CfgArgs *args) { plugin_register(context, &afstomp_plugin, 1); return TRUE; } const ModuleInfo module_info = { .canonical_name = "afstomp", .version = SYSLOG_NG_VERSION, .description = "The afstomp module provides STOMP destination support for syslog-ng.", .core_revision = SYSLOG_NG_SOURCE_REVISION, .plugins = &afstomp_plugin, .plugins_len = 1, };