{ "author": [ "Elastic" ], "description": "An instance of MSBuild, the Microsoft Build Engine, was started after being renamed. This is uncommon behavior and may indicate an attempt to run unnoticed or undetected.", "false_positives": [ "The Build Engine is commonly used by Windows developers but use by non-engineers is unusual." ], "from": "now-9m", "index": [ "winlogbeat-*", "logs-endpoint.events.*", "logs-windows.*" ], "language": "eql", "license": "Elastic License v2", "name": "Microsoft Build Engine Using an Alternate Name", "query": "process where event.type in (\"start\", \"process_started\") and\n process.pe.original_file_name == \"MSBuild.exe\" and\n not process.name : \"MSBuild.exe\"\n", "risk_score": 21, "rule_id": "9d110cb3-5f4b-4c9a-b9f5-53f0a1707ae4", "severity": "low", "tags": [ "Elastic", "Host", "Windows", "Threat Detection", "Defense Evasion" ], "threat": [ { "framework": "MITRE ATT&CK", "tactic": { "id": "TA0005", "name": "Defense Evasion", "reference": "https://attack.mitre.org/tactics/TA0005/" }, "technique": [ { "id": "T1036", "name": "Masquerading", "reference": "https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1036/", "subtechnique": [ { "id": "T1036.003", "name": "Rename System Utilities", "reference": "https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1036/003/" } ] } ] } ], "timestamp_override": "event.ingested", "type": "eql", "version": 9 }