use Test::More; use Test::Exception; use Search::Elasticsearch; do './t/lib/' or die( $@ || $! ); ok my $e = Search::Elasticsearch->new( nodes => '' ), 'Client'; isa_ok my $l = $e->logger, 'Search::Elasticsearch::Logger::LogAny', 'Logger'; my $c = $e->transport->cxn_pool->cxns->[0]; ok $c->does('Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Cxn'), 'Does Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Cxn'; # No body ok $l->trace_request( $c, { method => 'POST', qs => { foo => 'bar' }, serialize => 'std', path => '/xyz' } ), 'No body'; is $format, <<'REQUEST', 'No body - format'; # Request to: curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/xyz?foo=bar&pretty=1' REQUEST # Std body ok $l->trace_request( $c, { method => 'POST', qs => { foo => 'bar' }, serialize => 'std', path => '/xyz', body => { foo => qq(bar\n'baz) }, data => qq({"foo":"bar\n'baz"}), mime_type => 'application/json', } ), 'Body'; is $format, <<'REQUEST', 'Body - format'; # Request to: curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/xyz?foo=bar&pretty=1' -d ' { "foo" : "bar\n\u0027baz" } ' REQUEST # Bulk body ok $l->trace_request( $c, { method => 'POST', qs => { foo => 'bar' }, serialize => 'bulk', path => '/xyz', body => [ { foo => qq(bar\n'baz) }, { foo => qq(bar\n'baz) } ], data => qq({"foo":"bar\\n\\u0027baz"}\n{"foo":"bar\\n\\u0027baz"}\n), mime_type => 'application/json', } ), 'Bulk'; is $format, <<'REQUEST', 'Bulk - format'; # Request to: curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/xyz?foo=bar&pretty=1' -d ' {"foo":"bar\n\u0027baz"} {"foo":"bar\n\u0027baz"} ' REQUEST # String body ok $l->trace_request( $c, { method => 'POST', qs => { foo => 'bar' }, serialize => 'std', path => '/xyz', body => qq(The quick brown fox\njumped over the lazy dog's basket), mime_type => 'application/json', } ), 'Body string'; is $format, <<'REQUEST', 'Body string - format'; # Request to: curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/xyz?foo=bar&pretty=1' -d ' The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog\u0027s basket' REQUEST done_testing;