package Text::Table::TinyBorderStyle; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:PERLANCAR'; # AUTHORITY our $DATE = '2020-06-12'; # DATE our $DIST = 'Text-Table-TinyBorderStyle'; # DIST our $VERSION = '0.004'; # VERSION use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use List::Util (); use Exporter qw(import); our @EXPORT_OK = qw/ generate_table /; sub generate_table { my %params = @_; my $rows = $params{rows} or die "Must provide rows!"; my $border_style_name = $params{border_style} || $ENV{TEXT_TABLE_TINY_BORDER_STYLE} || $ENV{BORDER_STYLE} || 'BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLine'; require Module::Load::Util; my $border_style_obj = Module::Load::Util::instantiate_class_with_optional_args($border_style_name); # foreach col, get the biggest width my $widths = _maxwidths($rows); my $max_index = _max_array_index($rows); # use that to get the field format and separators my $row_format = _get_row_format ($border_style_obj, $widths); my $header_row_format = _get_header_row_format ($border_style_obj, $widths); my $top_border = _get_top_border ($border_style_obj, $widths); my $head_row_sep = _get_header_row_separator($border_style_obj, $widths); my $row_sep = _get_row_separator ($border_style_obj, $widths); my $bottom_border = _get_bottom_border ($border_style_obj, $widths); # here we go... my @table; push @table, $top_border; # if the first row's a header: my $data_begins = 0; if ( $params{header_row} ) { my $header_row = $rows->[0]; $data_begins++; push @table, sprintf( $header_row_format, map { defined($header_row->[$_]) ? $header_row->[$_] : '' } (0..$max_index) ); push @table, $head_row_sep; } # then the data my $i = 0; foreach my $row ( @{ $rows }[$data_begins..$#$rows] ) { push @table, $row_sep if $params{separate_rows} && $i++; push @table, sprintf( $row_format, map { defined($row->[$_]) ? $row->[$_] : '' } (0..$max_index) ); } # this will have already done the bottom if called explicitly push @table, $bottom_border; return join("\n",grep {$_} @table); } sub _get_cols_and_rows ($) { my $rows = shift; return ( List::Util::max( map { scalar @$_ } @$rows), scalar @$rows); } sub _maxwidths { my $rows = shift; # what's the longest array in this list of arrays? my $max_index = _max_array_index($rows); my $widths = []; for my $i (0..$max_index) { # go through the $i-th element of each array, find the longest my $max = List::Util::max(map {defined $$_[$i] ? length($$_[$i]) : 0} @$rows); push @$widths, $max; } return $widths; } # return highest top-index from all rows in case they're different lengths sub _max_array_index { my $rows = shift; return List::Util::max( map { $#$_ } @$rows ); } # TODO: what if border character contains % sub _get_row_format { my ($border_style_obj, $widths) = @_; join( "", $border_style_obj->get_border_char(3, 0). " ", join(" ".$border_style_obj->get_border_char(3, 1)." ", map { "%-${_}s" } @$widths), " " . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(3, 2), ); } # TODO: what if border character contains % sub _get_header_row_format { my ($border_style_obj, $widths) = @_; join( "", $border_style_obj->get_border_char(1, 0) . " ", join(" ".$border_style_obj->get_border_char(1, 1)." ", map { "%-${_}s" } @$widths), " " . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(1, 2), ); } sub _get_top_border { my ($border_style_obj, $widths) = @_; join( "", $border_style_obj->get_border_char(0, 0) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(0, 1), join($border_style_obj->get_border_char(0, 1) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(0, 2) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(0, 1), map { $border_style_obj->get_border_char(0, 1, $_) } @$widths), $border_style_obj->get_border_char(0, 1) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(0, 3), ); } sub _get_header_row_separator { my ($border_style_obj, $widths) = @_; join( "", $border_style_obj->get_border_char(2, 0) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(2, 1), join($border_style_obj->get_border_char(2, 1) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(2, 2) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(2, 1), map { $border_style_obj->get_border_char(2, 1, $_) } @$widths), $border_style_obj->get_border_char(2, 1) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(2, 3), ); } sub _get_row_separator { my ($border_style_obj, $widths) = @_; join( "", $border_style_obj->get_border_char(4, 0) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(4, 1), join($border_style_obj->get_border_char(4, 1) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(4, 2) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(4, 1), map { $border_style_obj->get_border_char(4, 1, $_) } @$widths), $border_style_obj->get_border_char(4, 1) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(4, 3), ); } sub _get_bottom_border { my ($border_style_obj, $widths) = @_; join( "", $border_style_obj->get_border_char(5, 0) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(5, 1) , join($border_style_obj->get_border_char(5, 1) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(5, 2) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(5, 1), map { $border_style_obj->get_border_char(5, 1, $_) } @$widths), $border_style_obj->get_border_char(5, 1) . $border_style_obj->get_border_char(5, 3), ); } # Back-compat: 'table' is an alias for 'generate_table', but isn't exported { no warnings 'once'; *table = \&generate_table; } 1; # ABSTRACT: Text::Table::Tiny + support for border styles __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Text::Table::TinyBorderStyle - Text::Table::Tiny + support for border styles =head1 VERSION This document describes version 0.004 of Text::Table::TinyBorderStyle (from Perl distribution Text-Table-TinyBorderStyle), released on 2020-06-12. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Text::Table::TinyBorderStyle qw/ generate_table /; my $rows = [ # header row ['Name','Rank','Serial'], # rows ['alice', 'pvt', '123456'], ['bob', 'cpl', '98765321'], ['carol', 'brig gen', '8745'], ]; print generate_table(rows => $rows, header_row => 1, border_style => 'BorderStyle::ASCII::SingleLine'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is like L (0.04) with added support for using border styles. For more details about border styles, see L specification. The styles are in C modules. Try installing and using the border style modules to see what they look like. Interface, options, and format variables are the same as in Text::Table::Tiny. =for Pod::Coverage ^(.+)$ =head1 ENVIRONMENT =head2 BORDER_STYLE Set default for C argument. See also L. =head2 BORDER_STYLE Set default for C argument. Takes precedence over L. =head1 HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at L. =head1 SOURCE Source repository is at L. =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. =head1 SEE ALSO L and other variants like L, L, L. L and C modules, e.g. L or L. L L which also supports border styles as well as color themes (including coloring the borders), aligning wide/colored text, and other features, but with larger footprint and slower rendering speed. =head1 AUTHOR perlancar =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2020 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut