use strict; use warnings; use CPAN::Meta; use Software::LicenseUtils; use Pod::Readme::Brief; sub slurp { open my $fh, '<', $_[0] or die "Couldn't open $_[0] to read: $!\n"; readline $fh } chdir $ARGV[0] or die "Cannot chdir to $ARGV[0]: $!\n"; my %file; my $meta = CPAN::Meta->load_file( 'META.json' ); my $license = do { my @key = ( $meta->license, $meta->meta_spec_version ); my ( $class, @ambiguous ) = Software::LicenseUtils->guess_license_from_meta_key( @key ); die if @ambiguous; $class->new( $meta->custom( 'x_copyright' ) ); }; $file{'LICENSE'} = $license->fulltext; my @source = slurp 'lib/XML/Atom/'; splice @source, -2, 0, map "$_\n", '', '=head1 AUTHOR', '', $meta->authors; splice @source, -2, 0, split /(?<=\n)/, "\n=head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE\n\n" . $license->notice; $file{'lib/XML/Atom/'} = join '', @source; die unless -e 'Makefile.PL'; $file{'README'} = Pod::Readme::Brief->new( @source )->render( installer => 'eumm' ); my @manifest = slurp 'MANIFEST'; my %manifest = map /\A([^\s#]+)()/, @manifest; $file{'MANIFEST'} = join '', sort @manifest, map "$_\n", grep !exists $manifest{ $_ }, keys %file; for my $fn ( sort keys %file ) { unlink $fn if -e $fn; open my $fh, '>', $fn or die "Couldn't open $fn to write: $!\n"; print $fh $file{ $fn }; close $fh or die "Couldn't close $fn after writing: $!\n"; }