Installation is simple since no compilation is necessary. On a UNIX system with the make utility, you can install everything by executing the command "make install" in this directory. It will put everything in /usr/local. If you wish to use another location, you may set DESTDIR, PREFIX, BINDIR, etc. macros just as for most Open Source packages. For example, to install Redet into /usr instead of /usr/local, simply run: make install PREFIX=/usr To install into your home directory (you will not need superuser access to install this way), run: make install PREFIX=$HOME If you intend to install in directories that you do not own--such as the default /usr/local--you will have to su first. Under Mac OS X the command: make macosx_app should install everything in the correct locations. The rest of this is relevant only if you wish to install by hand. On a Unix-type system, just copy redet.tcl into a directory in your path and mark it executable by giving the command: chmod +x redet.tcl You may wish to rename the program file "redet" to save typing. The tcl/tk windowing shell wish must also be in your path. Redet expects to find its reference manual in the /usr/local/share/Redet/Manual directory (or $PREFIX/share/Redet/Manual, if you set PREFIX manually above). The files that must be copied to the RedetManual directory consist of the manual web page itself, RedetManual.html, and the directory RedetImages. You can copy the entire manual directory by means of a command like: mkdir /usr/local/share/Redet && cp -r Manual /usr/local/share/Redet Redet requires the use of a temporary directory in which it keeps temporary files. In the absence of other information, Redet will use the directory /tmp. If the environment variable TMP is set, Redet uses its value as the temporary directory. If TMP is not set but TEMP is set, Redet uses the value of TEMP as the temporary directory. If running under cygwin on Microsoft Windows, you may need to set your TMP environment variable to "/cygdrive/c/tmp". Please note that Redet does not itself execute regular expressions. It merely provides an interface to various other programs. It is up to you to see to it that the programs you wish to have Redet execute are installed on your system and in your path. The manual web page provides links to web sites from which the supported programs may be obtained. Note, however, that you can use tcl and tclglob without installing any other program since Redet is written in Tcl and in these two cases does execute the regular expressions directly. Similarly, Redet supports locales but can only make use of the locales available on your system. You may need to install additional locale files on your system in order to use Redet in a particular locale.