Top section *********** Insertcopying in normal text In copying < > " & ' ` "simple-double-three--four---" code: ```simple-double--three---four----''' asis: "simple-double-three--four---" strong: *"simple-double-three--four---"* kbd: ```simple-double--three---four----''' ``simple-double--three--four---'' @"u u" @"{U} U" @~n n~ @^a a^ @'e e' @=o o= @`i i` @'{e} e' @'{@dotless{i}} i' @dotless{i} i @dotless{j} j @`{@=E} E=` @l{} /l @,{@'C} C', @,c c, @,c@"u c,u" @* @ followed by a space @ followed by a tab @ followed by a new line `@-' `@|' `@:' `@!' ! `@?' ? `@.' . `@@' @ `@}' } `@{' { `@/' foo vs. bar. colon :And something else. semi colon ;. And ? ?. Now ! !@ but , , @TeX TeX @LaTeX LaTeX @bullet * @copyright (C) @dots ... @enddots ... @equiv == @error error--> @expansion ==> @minus - @point -!- @print -| @result => @today a sunny day @aa aa @AA AA @ae ae @oe oe @AE AE @OE OE @o /o @O /O @ss ss @l /l @L /L @DH D @TH TH @dh d @th th @exclamdown ! @questiondown ? @pounds # @registeredsymbol (R) @ordf a @ordm o @comma , @quotedblleft `` @quotedblright '' @quoteleft ` @quoteright ' @quotedblbase ,, @quotesinglbase , @guillemetleft << @guillemetright >> @guillemotleft << @guillemotright >> @guilsinglleft < @guilsinglright > @textdegree o @euro Euro @arrow -> @leq <= @geq >= `@acronym{--a,an accronym}' -a (an accronym) `@acronym{--a}' -a `@abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A., @'Etude Autonome }' E'-. ,A. (E'tude Autonome) `@abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A.}' E'-. ,A. `@asis{--a}' -a `@b{--a}' -a `@cite{--a}' `-a' `@code{--a}' `--a' `@command{--a}' `--a' `@ctrl{--a}' -a `@dfn{--a}' "-a" `@dmn{--a}' -a `@email{--a,--b}' -b <--a> `@email{,--b}' -b <> `@email{--a}' <--a> `@emph{--a}' _-a_ `@env{--a}' `--a' `@file{--a}' `--a' `@i{--a}' -a `@kbd{--a}' `--a' `@key{--a}' <--a> `@math{--a {\frac{1}{2}} @minus{}}' --a {\frac{1}{2}} - `@option{--a}' `--a' `@r{--a}' -a `@samp{--a}' `--a' `@sc{--a}' -A `@strong{--a}' *-a* `@t{--a}' -a `@sansserif{--a}' -a `@slanted{--a}' -a `@titlefont{--a}' -a `@indicateurl{--a}' <--a> `@uref{--a,--b}' -b (--a) `@uref{--a}' `--a' `@uref{,--b}' -b () `@uref{--a,--b,--c}' -c `@uref{,--b,--c}' -c `@uref{--a,,--c}' -c `@uref{,,--c}' -c `@url{--a,--b}' -b (--a) `@url{--a,}' `--a' `@url{,--b}' -b () `@var{--a}' -A `@verb{:--a:}' --a `@verb{:a < & @ % " -- b:}' a < & @ % " -- b `@w{a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a}' a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a `@H{a}' a'' `@H{--a}' -a'' `@dotaccent{a}' a. `@dotaccent{--a}' -a. `@ringaccent{a}' a* `@ringaccent{--a}' -a* `@tieaccent{a}' a[ `@tieaccent{--a}' -a[ `@u{a}' a( `@u{--a}' -a( `@ubaraccent{a}' a_ `@ubaraccent{--a}' -a_ `@udotaccent{a}' .a `@udotaccent{--a}' .-a `@v{a}' a< `@v{--a}' -a< `@,{c}' c, `@,{--c}' -c, `@footnote{in footnote}' (1) `@footnote{in footnote2}' (2) `@image{f--ile}' [ggg aaa ] `@image{f--ile,l--i}' [ggg aaa ] `@image{f--ile,,l--e}' [ggg aaa ] `@image{f--ile,,,alt}' [ggg aaa ] `@image{f--ile,,,,e-d-xt}' [ggg aaa ] `@image{f--ile,aze,az,alt,e--xt}' [ggg aaa ] `@image{f-ile,aze,,a--lt}' `@image{@file{f--ile}@@@.,aze,az,alt,@file{file ext} e--xt@}' `@clicksequence{click @click{} A}' click -> A After clickstyle => `@clicksequence{click @click{} A}' click => A A quot--ation Note: A Note note: A note Caution: Caution Important: Important Tip: a Tip Warning: a Warning. something e' TeX: The something e' TeX is here. @ at the end of line A @ at the end of the @quotation line. something, other thing: something, other thing Note, the note: Note, the note Empty: : : * i-temize + i-tem + * b-ullet - minu-s __ e-mph item _after emph_ e-mph item * a-n itemize line i-tem 1 * a-n itemize line i-tem 2 1. e-numerate mu-ltitable headitem another tab -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mu-ltitable item multitable tab mu-ltitable item 2 multitable tab 2 lone mu-ltitable item truc bidule e--xample some text s--mallexample d-isplay s-malldisplay l--isp s--malllisp f-ormat s-mallformat -- c--ategory: d--effn_name a--rguments... d-effn -- cate--gory: de--ffn_name ar--guments more args even more so def-fn -- fset: I a g -- cmde: truc -- Command: log trap -- Command: log trap1 -- Command: log trap2 -- cmde: id ule truc -- cmde2: id `i' ule truc -- id `i' ule: -- : -- aaa: -- : -- : -- : machin -- : bidule machin -- truc: machin -- truc: -- truc: followed by a comment -- truc: -- : -- truc: a b c d e f g h i -- truc: deffnx before end deffn -- empty: deffn -- empty: deffn with deffnx -- empty: deffnx -- fset: I a g -- cmde: truc text in def item for second def item -- c--ategory: d--efvr_name d-efvr -- c--ategory: t--ype d--eftypefn_name a--rguments... d-eftypefn -- c--ategory on c--lass: t--ype d--eftypeop_name a--rguments... d-eftypeop -- c--ategory: t--ype d--eftypevr_name d-eftypevr -- c--ategory of c--lass: d--efcv_name d-efcv -- c--ategory on c--lass: d--efop_name a--rguments... d-efop -- c--ategory: d--eftp_name a--ttributes... d-eftp -- Function: d--efun_name a--rguments... d-efun -- Macro: d--efmac_name a--rguments... d-efmac -- Special Form: d--efspec_name a--rguments... d-efspec -- Variable: d--efvar_name argvar argvar1 d-efvar -- User Option: d--efopt_name d-efopt -- Function: t--ype d--eftypefun_name a--rguments... d-eftypefun -- Variable: t--ype d--eftypevar_name d-eftypevar -- Instance Variable of c--lass: d--efivar_name d-efivar -- Instance Variable of c--lass: t--ype d--eftypeivar_name d-eftypeivar -- Method on c--lass: d--efmethod_name a--rguments... d-efmethod -- Method on c--lass: t--ype d--eftypemethod_name a--rguments... d-eftypemethod `@xref{c---hapter@@, cross r---ef name@@, t---itle@@, file n---ame@@, ma---nual@@}' *Note cross r--ef name@: (file n---ame@)c---hapter@. `@ref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@pxref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter `@ref{chapter}' *note chapter:: `@xref{chapter}' *Note chapter::. `@pxref{chapter}' *note chapter:: `@ref{s--ect@comma{}ion}' *note s--ect,ion:: `@ref{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in title, a comma@comma{} in file, a @comma{} in manual name }' *note a , in cross ref: (a comma, in file)s--ect,ion. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name}' *note cross ref name: chapter. `@ref{chapter,,title}' *note title: chapter. `@ref{chapter,,,file name}' *note chapter: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,,,,manual}' *note chapter: ()chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,}' *note cross ref name: chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,,file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,,,manual}' *note cross ref name: ()chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,,manual}' *note cross ref name: ()chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title, file name, manual}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,,title,file name}' *note title: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,,title,,manual}' *note title: ()chapter. `@ref{chapter,,title, file name, manual}' *note title: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,,,file name,manual}' *note chapter: (file name)chapter. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name}' *note cross ref name: (pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,title}' *note title: (pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,,file name}' *note (pman)anode: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,,,manual}' *note (pman)anode: ()(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,}' *note cross ref name: (pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,,manual}' *note cross ref name: ()(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,,manual}' *note cross ref name: ()(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title, file name, manual}' *note cross ref name: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,title,file name}' *note title: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,title,,manual}' *note title: ()(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,title, file name, manual}' *note title: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,,file name,manual}' *note (pman)anode: (file name)(pman)anode. `@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter `@inforef{chapter}' *note chapter: ()chapter `@inforef{chapter, cross ref name}' *note cross ref name: ()chapter `@inforef{chapter,,file name}' *note chapter: (file name)chapter `@inforef{node, cross ref name, file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)node `@inforef{node}' *note node: ()node `@inforef{node, cross ref name}' *note cross ref name: ()node `@inforef{node,,file name}' *note node: (file name)node `@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name, spurious arg}' *note cross ref name: (file name, spurious arg)chapter `@inforef{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in file}' *note a , in cross ref: (a comma, in file)s--ect,ion * a l-ine a b l-ine - a - b l-ine c-artouche g-roupe f-lushleft f-lushright ce-ntered line \input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*- @setfilename @node Top This is a very simple texi manual @ <>. @bye in verbatim '' majorheading ************ chapheading *********** heading ======= subheading ---------- subsubheading ............. Normal text < > " & ' ` "simple-double-three--four---" code: ```simple-double--three---four----''' asis: "simple-double-three--four---" strong: *"simple-double-three--four---"* kbd: ```simple-double--three---four----''' ``simple-double--three--four---'' @"u u" @"{U} U" @~n n~ @^a a^ @'e e' @=o o= @`i i` @'{e} e' @'{@dotless{i}} i' @dotless{i} i @dotless{j} j @`{@=E} E=` @l{} /l @,{@'C} C', @,c c, @,c@"u c,u" @* @ followed by a space @ followed by a tab @ followed by a new line `@-' `@|' `@:' `@!' ! `@?' ? `@.' . `@@' @ `@}' } `@{' { `@/' foo vs. bar. colon :And something else. semi colon ;. And ? ?. Now ! !@ but , , @TeX TeX @LaTeX LaTeX @bullet * @copyright (C) @dots ... @enddots ... @equiv == @error error--> @expansion ==> @minus - @point -!- @print -| @result => @today a sunny day @aa aa @AA AA @ae ae @oe oe @AE AE @OE OE @o /o @O /O @ss ss @l /l @L /L @DH D @TH TH @dh d @th th @exclamdown ! @questiondown ? @pounds # @registeredsymbol (R) @ordf a @ordm o @comma , @quotedblleft `` @quotedblright '' @quoteleft ` @quoteright ' @quotedblbase ,, @quotesinglbase , @guillemetleft << @guillemetright >> @guillemotleft << @guillemotright >> @guilsinglleft < @guilsinglright > @textdegree o @euro Euro @arrow -> @leq <= @geq >= `@acronym{--a,an accronym}' -a (an accronym) `@acronym{--a}' -a `@abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A., @'Etude Autonome }' E'-. ,A. (E'tude Autonome) `@abbr{@'E--. @comma{}A.}' E'-. ,A. `@asis{--a}' -a `@b{--a}' -a `@cite{--a}' `-a' `@code{--a}' `--a' `@command{--a}' `--a' `@ctrl{--a}' -a `@dfn{--a}' "-a" `@dmn{--a}' -a `@email{--a,--b}' -b <--a> `@email{,--b}' -b <> `@email{--a}' <--a> `@emph{--a}' _-a_ `@env{--a}' `--a' `@file{--a}' `--a' `@i{--a}' -a `@kbd{--a}' `--a' `@key{--a}' <--a> `@math{--a {\frac{1}{2}} @minus{}}' --a {\frac{1}{2}} - `@option{--a}' `--a' `@r{--a}' -a `@samp{--a}' `--a' `@sc{--a}' -A `@strong{--a}' *-a* `@t{--a}' -a `@sansserif{--a}' -a `@slanted{--a}' -a `@titlefont{--a}' -a `@indicateurl{--a}' <--a> `@uref{--a,--b}' -b (--a) `@uref{--a}' `--a' `@uref{,--b}' -b () `@uref{--a,--b,--c}' -c `@uref{,--b,--c}' -c `@uref{--a,,--c}' -c `@uref{,,--c}' -c `@url{--a,--b}' -b (--a) `@url{--a,}' `--a' `@url{,--b}' -b () `@var{--a}' -A `@verb{:--a:}' --a `@verb{:a < & @ % " -- b:}' a < & @ % " -- b `@w{a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a}' a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a `@H{a}' a'' `@H{--a}' -a'' `@dotaccent{a}' a. `@dotaccent{--a}' -a. `@ringaccent{a}' a* `@ringaccent{--a}' -a* `@tieaccent{a}' a[ `@tieaccent{--a}' -a[ `@u{a}' a( `@u{--a}' -a( `@ubaraccent{a}' a_ `@ubaraccent{--a}' -a_ `@udotaccent{a}' .a `@udotaccent{--a}' .-a `@v{a}' a< `@v{--a}' -a< `@,{c}' c, `@,{--c}' -c, `@footnote{in footnote}' (3) `@footnote{in footnote2}' (4) `@image{f--ile}' [ggg aaa ] `@image{f--ile,l--i}' [ggg aaa ] `@image{f--ile,,l--e}' [ggg aaa ] `@image{f--ile,,,alt}' [ggg aaa ] `@image{f--ile,,,,e-d-xt}' [ggg aaa ] `@image{f--ile,aze,az,alt,e--xt}' [ggg aaa ] `@image{f-ile,aze,,a--lt}' `@image{@file{f--ile}@@@.,aze,az,alt,@file{file ext} e--xt@}' `@clicksequence{click @click{} A}' click -> A After clickstyle => `@clicksequence{click @click{} A}' click => A A quot--ation Note: A Note note: A note Caution: Caution Important: Important Tip: a Tip Warning: a Warning. something e' TeX: The something e' TeX is here. @ at the end of line A @ at the end of the @quotation line. something, other thing: something, other thing Note, the note: Note, the note Empty: : : * i-temize + i-tem + * b-ullet - minu-s __ e-mph item _after emph_ e-mph item * a-n itemize line i-tem 1 * a-n itemize line i-tem 2 1. e-numerate mu-ltitable headitem another tab -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mu-ltitable item multitable tab mu-ltitable item 2 multitable tab 2 lone mu-ltitable item truc bidule e--xample some text s--mallexample d-isplay s-malldisplay l--isp s--malllisp f-ormat s-mallformat -- c--ategory: d--effn_name a--rguments... d-effn -- cate--gory: de--ffn_name ar--guments more args even more so def-fn -- fset: I a g -- cmde: truc -- Command: log trap -- Command: log trap1 -- Command: log trap2 -- cmde: id ule truc -- cmde2: id `i' ule truc -- id `i' ule: -- : -- aaa: -- : -- : -- : machin -- : bidule machin -- truc: machin -- truc: -- truc: followed by a comment -- truc: -- : -- truc: a b c d e f g h i -- truc: deffnx before end deffn -- empty: deffn -- empty: deffn with deffnx -- empty: deffnx -- fset: I a g -- cmde: truc text in def item for second def item -- c--ategory: d--efvr_name d-efvr -- c--ategory: t--ype d--eftypefn_name a--rguments... d-eftypefn -- c--ategory on c--lass: t--ype d--eftypeop_name a--rguments... d-eftypeop -- c--ategory: t--ype d--eftypevr_name d-eftypevr -- c--ategory of c--lass: d--efcv_name d-efcv -- c--ategory on c--lass: d--efop_name a--rguments... d-efop -- c--ategory: d--eftp_name a--ttributes... d-eftp -- Function: d--efun_name a--rguments... d-efun -- Macro: d--efmac_name a--rguments... d-efmac -- Special Form: d--efspec_name a--rguments... d-efspec -- Variable: d--efvar_name argvar argvar1 d-efvar -- User Option: d--efopt_name d-efopt -- Function: t--ype d--eftypefun_name a--rguments... d-eftypefun -- Variable: t--ype d--eftypevar_name d-eftypevar -- Instance Variable of c--lass: d--efivar_name d-efivar -- Instance Variable of c--lass: t--ype d--eftypeivar_name d-eftypeivar -- Method on c--lass: d--efmethod_name a--rguments... d-efmethod -- Method on c--lass: t--ype d--eftypemethod_name a--rguments... d-eftypemethod `@xref{c---hapter@@, cross r---ef name@@, t---itle@@, file n---ame@@, ma---nual@@}' *Note cross r--ef name@: (file n---ame@)c---hapter@. `@ref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@pxref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter `@ref{chapter}' *note chapter:: `@xref{chapter}' *Note chapter::. `@pxref{chapter}' *note chapter:: `@ref{s--ect@comma{}ion}' *note s--ect,ion:: `@ref{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in title, a comma@comma{} in file, a @comma{} in manual name }' *note a , in cross ref: (a comma, in file)s--ect,ion. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name}' *note cross ref name: chapter. `@ref{chapter,,title}' *note title: chapter. `@ref{chapter,,,file name}' *note chapter: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,,,,manual}' *note chapter: ()chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,}' *note cross ref name: chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,,file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,,,manual}' *note cross ref name: ()chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,,manual}' *note cross ref name: ()chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title, file name, manual}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,,title,file name}' *note title: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,,title,,manual}' *note title: ()chapter. `@ref{chapter,,title, file name, manual}' *note title: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,,,file name,manual}' *note chapter: (file name)chapter. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name}' *note cross ref name: (pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,title}' *note title: (pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,,file name}' *note (pman)anode: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,,,manual}' *note (pman)anode: ()(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,}' *note cross ref name: (pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,,manual}' *note cross ref name: ()(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,,manual}' *note cross ref name: ()(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title, file name, manual}' *note cross ref name: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,title,file name}' *note title: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,title,,manual}' *note title: ()(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,title, file name, manual}' *note title: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,,file name,manual}' *note (pman)anode: (file name)(pman)anode. `@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter `@inforef{chapter}' *note chapter: ()chapter `@inforef{chapter, cross ref name}' *note cross ref name: ()chapter `@inforef{chapter,,file name}' *note chapter: (file name)chapter `@inforef{node, cross ref name, file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)node `@inforef{node}' *note node: ()node `@inforef{node, cross ref name}' *note cross ref name: ()node `@inforef{node,,file name}' *note node: (file name)node `@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name, spurious arg}' *note cross ref name: (file name, spurious arg)chapter `@inforef{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in file}' *note a , in cross ref: (a comma, in file)s--ect,ion * a l-ine a b l-ine - a - b l-ine c-artouche g-roupe f-lushleft f-lushright ce-ntered line \input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*- @setfilename @node Top This is a very simple texi manual @ <>. @bye in verbatim '' majorheading ************ chapheading *********** heading ======= subheading ---------- subsubheading ............. In example. < > " & ' ` ``simple-double--three---four----'' code: ```simple-double--three---four----''' asis: ``simple-double--three---four----'' strong: *``simple-double--three---four----''* kbd: ```simple-double--three---four----''' ``simple-double--three---four----'' @"u u" @"{U} U" @~n n~ @^a a^ @'e e' @=o o= @`i i` @'{e} e' @'{@dotless{i}} i' @dotless{i} i @dotless{j} j @`{@=E} E=` @l{} /l @,{@'C} C', @,c c, @,c@"u c,u" @* @ followed by a space @ followed by a tab @ followed by a new line `@-' `@|' `@:' `@!' ! `@?' ? `@.' . `@@' @ `@}' } `@{' { `@/' foo vs. bar. colon :And something else. semi colon ;. And ? ?. 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multitable tab 2 lone mu--ltitable item truc bidule e--xample some text s--mallexample d--isplay s--malldisplay l--isp s--malllisp f--ormat s--mallformat -- c--ategory: d--effn_name a--rguments... d--effn -- cate--gory: de--ffn_name ar--guments more args even more so def--fn -- fset: I a g -- cmde: truc -- Command: log trap -- Command: log trap1 -- Command: log trap2 -- cmde: id ule truc -- cmde2: id `i' ule truc -- id `i' ule: -- : -- aaa: -- : -- : -- : machin -- : bidule machin -- truc: machin -- truc: -- truc: followed by a comment -- truc: -- : -- truc: a b c d e f g h i -- truc: deffnx before end deffn -- empty: deffn -- empty: deffn with deffnx -- empty: deffnx -- fset: I a g -- cmde: truc text in def item for second def item -- c--ategory: d--efvr_name d--efvr -- c--ategory: t--ype d--eftypefn_name a--rguments... d--eftypefn -- c--ategory on c--lass: t--ype d--eftypeop_name a--rguments... d--eftypeop -- c--ategory: t--ype d--eftypevr_name d--eftypevr -- c--ategory of c--lass: 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name)chapter. `@pxref{chapter, cross ref name, title, file name, manual}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter `@ref{chapter}' *note chapter:: `@xref{chapter}' *Note chapter::. `@pxref{chapter}' *note chapter:: `@ref{s--ect@comma{}ion}' *note s--ect,ion:: `@ref{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in title, a comma@comma{} in file, a @comma{} in manual name }' *note a , in cross ref: (a comma, in file)s--ect,ion. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name}' *note cross ref name: chapter. `@ref{chapter,,title}' *note title: chapter. `@ref{chapter,,,file name}' *note chapter: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,,,,manual}' *note chapter: ()chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,}' *note cross ref name: chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,,file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,,,manual}' *note cross ref name: ()chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title,,manual}' *note cross ref name: ()chapter. `@ref{chapter,cross ref name,title, file name, manual}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,,title,file name}' *note title: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,,title,,manual}' *note title: ()chapter. `@ref{chapter,,title, file name, manual}' *note title: (file name)chapter. `@ref{chapter,,,file name,manual}' *note chapter: (file name)chapter. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name}' *note cross ref name: (pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,title}' *note title: (pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,,file name}' *note (pman)anode: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,,,manual}' *note (pman)anode: ()(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,}' *note cross ref name: (pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,,,manual}' *note cross ref name: ()(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title,,manual}' *note cross ref name: ()(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,cross ref name,title, file name, manual}' *note cross ref name: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,title,file name}' *note title: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,title,,manual}' *note title: ()(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,title, file name, manual}' *note title: (file name)(pman)anode. `@ref{(pman)anode,,,file name,manual}' *note (pman)anode: (file name)(pman)anode. `@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)chapter `@inforef{chapter}' *note chapter: ()chapter `@inforef{chapter, cross ref name}' *note cross ref name: ()chapter `@inforef{chapter,,file name}' *note chapter: (file name)chapter `@inforef{node, cross ref name, file name}' *note cross ref name: (file name)node `@inforef{node}' *note node: ()node `@inforef{node, cross ref name}' *note cross ref name: ()node `@inforef{node,,file name}' *note node: (file name)node `@inforef{chapter, cross ref name, file name, spurious arg}' *note cross ref name: (file name, spurious arg)chapter `@inforef{s--ect@comma{}ion, a @comma{} in cross ref, a comma@comma{} in file}' *note a , in cross ref: (a comma, in file)s--ect,ion * a l--ine a b l--ine - a - b l--ine c--artouche g--roupe f--lushleft f--lushright ce--ntered line \input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*- @setfilename @node Top This is a very simple texi manual @ <>. @bye in verbatim '' majorheading ************ chapheading *********** heading ======= subheading ---------- subsubheading ............. cp fn vr ky pg tp ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) in footnote (2) in footnote2 (3) in footnote (4) in footnote2 (5) in footnote (6) in footnote2 1 chapter ********* (1) ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) in footnote 1.1 A section ============= 1.1.1 subsection ---------------- subsubsection "simple-double- ..................................... three--four---" ....................... chapter 2 *********