------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- XML/Ada - An XML suite for Ada95 -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2001-2020, AdaCore -- -- -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- -- under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- -- Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later -- -- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- -- -- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pragma Ada_05; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations; with Input_Sources.File; use Input_Sources.File; with Input_Sources.Strings; use Input_Sources.Strings; with Input_Sources; use Input_Sources; with Interfaces; use Interfaces; with Sax.Attributes; use Sax.Attributes; with Sax.Encodings; use Sax.Encodings; with Sax.Exceptions; use Sax.Exceptions; with Sax.Locators; use Sax.Locators; with Sax.Models; use Sax.Models; with Sax.Symbols; use Sax.Symbols; with Unchecked_Deallocation; with Unicode.CES; use Unicode.CES; with Unicode.CES.Basic_8bit; use Unicode.CES.Basic_8bit; with Unicode.Names.Basic_Latin; use Unicode.Names.Basic_Latin; with Unicode; use Unicode; package body Sax.Readers is use Entity_Table, Attributes_Table, Notations_Table; use Symbol_Table_Pointers; Debug_Lexical : constant Boolean := False; Debug_Input : constant Boolean := False; Debug_Internal : constant Boolean := False; -- Set to True if you want to debug this package Initial_Buffer_Length : constant := 10000; -- Initial length of the internal buffer that stores CDATA, tag names,... -------------------- -- Error messages -- -------------------- -- The comment indicates the section of the XML or Namespaces specification -- relevant for that error Error_Attlist_DefaultDecl : constant String := "Invalid default declaration for the attribute"; -- 3.3.2 Error_Attlist_Invalid_Enum : constant String := "Invalid character ',' in ATTLIST enumeration"; -- 3.3.1 Error_Attlist_Type : constant String := "Invalid type for attribute"; -- WF Error_Attribute_External_Entity : constant String := "Attribute values cannot reference external entities"; Error_Attribute_Is_Name : constant String := "Attribute must contain Names: "; -- NS 6 and 3.3.1 Error_Attribute_Is_Ncname : constant String := "Attribute must contain Names with no colon: "; -- NS 6 and 3.3.1 Error_Attribute_Is_Nmtoken : constant String := "Attribute must contain Nmtokens: "; -- 2.3 and 3.3.1 Error_Attribute_Less_Than : constant String := "'<' not authorized in attribute values"; -- 2.3 Error_Attribute_Less_Than_Suggests : constant String := -- 2.3 "'<' not authorized in attribute values. Possible end of value at "; Error_Attribute_Ref_Unparsed_Entity : constant String := "Attribute must reference an existing unparsed entity: "; Error_Cdata_End : constant String := "CDATA sections must end with ']]>'"; -- 2.7 Error_Cdata_Unterminated : constant String := "CDATA must be followed immediately by '['"; Error_Charref_Toplevel : constant String := "Character references cannot appear at top-level"; -- 2.1 Error_Charref_Invalid_Char : constant String := "Invalid character in character reference: "; -- 4.1 Error_Comment_End : constant String := "Comments must end with '-->'"; -- 2.5 Error_Comment_Unterminated : constant String := "Unterminated comment in stream"; -- WF Error_Comment_Dash_Dash : constant String := "'--' cannot appear in comments"; -- 2.5 Error_Conditional_Location : constant String := -- 3.4 "INCLUDE and IGNORE sections only allowed in the external DTD subset"; Error_Conditional_Syntax : constant String := "Conditional sections need '[' after INCLUDE or IGNORE"; -- 3.4 Error_Content_Model_Closing_Paren : constant String := "Closing parenthesis must be followed by '*' in mixed content"; -- 3.2.2 Error_Content_Model_Empty_List : constant String := "Invalid content model: list of choices cannot be empty"; Error_Content_Model_Expect_Operator : constant String := "Expecting operator in content model"; Error_Content_Model_Invalid : constant String := "Invalid content model"; Error_Content_Model_Invalid_Multiplier : constant String := "Invalid location for '+', '?' or '*' operators"; -- 3.2.1 Error_Content_Model_Invalid_Name : constant String := "Invalid name in content model: "; Error_Content_Model_Invalid_Seq : constant String := "Missing content particle in sequence"; -- 3.2.1 Error_Content_Model_Invalid_Start : constant String := "Invalid content model, cannot start with #"; Error_Content_Model_Mixing : constant String := "Cannot mix ',' and '|' in content model"; Error_Content_Model_Nested_Groups : constant String := "Nested groups and occurrence operators not allowed in mixed content"; -- 3.3.2 Error_Content_Model_Pcdata : constant String := "#PCDATA can only be used with '|' connectors"; -- 3.2.2 Error_Content_Model_Pcdata_First : constant String := "#PCDATA must be first in list"; -- 3.2.2 Error_Content_Model_Pcdata_Occurrence : constant String := "Occurrence on #PCDATA must be '*'"; -- 3.2.2 Error_Entity_Definition : constant String := "Invalid definition for ENTITY"; Error_Entity_Definition_Unterminated : constant String := "Expecting end of ENTITY definition"; Error_Entity_Name : constant String := "Invalid entity name"; -- 4.1 Error_Entity_Not_Standalone : constant String := "Entity declared in external subset, but document is standalone"; -- 4.1 Error_Entity_Self_Ref : constant String := "Entity cannot reference itself"; -- 4.1 Error_Entity_Toplevel : constant String := "Entity references cannot appear at top-level"; -- 2.1 Error_Entity_Undefined : constant String := "Undefined entity"; -- 4.1 Error_Entityref_Unterminated : constant String := "Entity references must end with ';'." & ASCII.LF & "Did you want to use &?"; -- 4.1 Error_Entity_Nested : constant String := "Replacement text for entities must be properly nested"; -- 3.2.1 Error_Entity_Self_Contained : constant String := "Entity values must be self-contained"; -- 4.5 or 4.3.2 Error_Expecting_Space : constant String := "Expecting a space"; -- WF or 3.3 Error_External_Entity_Not_Found : constant String := "External entity not found: "; Error_Invalid_Char : constant String := "Invalid character code:"; -- 2.2 or 4.1 Error_Invalid_Declaration : constant String := "Invalid declaration"; Error_Invalid_Encoding : constant String := "Invalid character encoding"; Error_Invalid_Content_Model : constant String := "Invalid content model"; Error_Invalid_Language : constant String := "Invalid language specification"; -- 2.12 Error_Invalid_Name : constant String := "Invalid name: "; -- 3.1 Error_Invalid_Notation_Decl : constant String := "Invalid notation declaration"; -- WF Error_Invalid_Space : constant String := "Value of xml:space must be (default|preserve)"; -- 2.10 Error_Is_Name : constant String := "Expecting a Name"; -- 3.3.1 Error_Is_Ncname : constant String := "Expecting a Name with no colon"; -- NS 6 and 3.3.1 Error_Missing_Operand : constant String := "Missing operand before this operator"; Error_Mixed_Contents : constant String := "Mixed contents cannot be used in a list or a sequence"; -- 3.2.1 Error_Ndata_ParamEntity : constant String := -- 4.2 "NDATA annotation not allowed for parameter entities"; Error_Ndata_Space : constant String := -- 4.2.2 "Expecting space before NDATA declaration"; Error_Ndata_String : constant String := "Expecting string after NDATA"; Error_ParamEntity_In_Attribute : constant String := "Parameter entities cannot occur in attribute values"; -- WF PE in internal subset Error_Notation_Undeclared : constant String := "Notation must be declared: "; -- VC 4.2.2 or 3.3.1 Error_Prefix_Not_Declared : constant String := "Prefix must be declared before its use: "; -- WF Error_Public_String : constant String := "Expecting a string after PUBLIC"; Error_Public_Sysid : constant String := "Expecting SystemID after PUBLIC"; Error_Public_Sysid_Space : constant String := "Require whitespace between public and system IDs"; -- 4.2.2 Error_Public_Invalid : constant String := "Invalid PubID character: "; Error_System_String : constant String := "Expecting a string after SYSTEM"; Error_System_URI : constant String := -- 4.2.2 "SYSTEM identifiers may not contain URI fragments starting with #"; Error_Unknown_Declaration : constant String := "Unknown declaration in DTD"; -- WF Error_Unexpected_Chars1 : constant String := "Invalid characters '' in the DTD"; -- 2.8 Error_Unexpected_Chars3 : constant String := "Text may not contain the litteral ']]>'"; -- 2.4 Error_Unterminated_String : constant String := "Unterminated string"; -- 2.3 Error_Unterminated_String_Suggests : constant String := "Unterminated string, possible end at "; -- 2.3 ------------ -- Tokens -- ------------ type Token_Type is (Double_String_Delimiter, -- " Single_String_Delimiter, -- ' Comment, -- (Data is the comment) Start_Of_Tag, -- < Start_Of_End_Tag, -- Start_Of_PI, -- End_Of_Tag, -- > Equal, -- = (in tags) Colon, -- : (in tags) Open_Paren, -- ( (while parsing content model in ATTLIST) Internal_DTD_Start, -- [ (while in DTD) Internal_DTD_End, -- ] (while in DTD) Include, -- Space, -- Any number of spaces (Data is the spaces) Text, -- any text (Data is the identifier) Name, -- same as text, but contains only valid -- name characters Char_Ref, -- A character reference. Data is the character Cdata_Section, -- "Def", Ignore_Special => False, Detect_End_Of_PI => False, Greater_Special => False, Less_Special => False, Expand_Param_Entities => False, Expand_Entities => True, Report_Character_Ref => False, Expand_Character_Ref => True, In_DTD => False, Recognize_External => False, Handle_Strings => False, In_Tag => False, Report_Parenthesis => False, In_Attlist => False); Attr_Value_State : constant Parser_State := (Name => "Att", Ignore_Special => True, Detect_End_Of_PI => False, Greater_Special => False, Less_Special => True, Expand_Param_Entities => False, Expand_Entities => True, Report_Character_Ref => True, Expand_Character_Ref => False, In_DTD => False, Recognize_External => False, Handle_Strings => True, In_Tag => False, Report_Parenthesis => False, In_Attlist => False); Non_Interpreted_String_State : constant Parser_State := (Name => "Str", Ignore_Special => True, Detect_End_Of_PI => False, Greater_Special => False, Less_Special => False, Expand_Param_Entities => False, Expand_Entities => False, Report_Character_Ref => False, Expand_Character_Ref => False, In_DTD => False, Recognize_External => False, Handle_Strings => True, In_Tag => False, Report_Parenthesis => False, In_Attlist => False); DTD_State : constant Parser_State := (Name => "DTD", Ignore_Special => False, Detect_End_Of_PI => False, Greater_Special => True, Less_Special => False, Expand_Param_Entities => True, Expand_Entities => True, Report_Character_Ref => False, Expand_Character_Ref => True, In_DTD => True, Recognize_External => True, Handle_Strings => True, In_Tag => False, Report_Parenthesis => False, In_Attlist => False); PI_State : constant Parser_State := (Name => "PI ", Ignore_Special => True, Detect_End_Of_PI => True, Greater_Special => False, Less_Special => False, Expand_Param_Entities => False, Expand_Entities => False, Report_Character_Ref => False, Expand_Character_Ref => False, In_DTD => False, Recognize_External => False, Handle_Strings => True, In_Tag => False, Report_Parenthesis => False, In_Attlist => False); Entity_Def_State : constant Parser_State := (Name => "Ent", Ignore_Special => False, Detect_End_Of_PI => False, Greater_Special => True, Less_Special => False, Expand_Param_Entities => False, Expand_Entities => False, Report_Character_Ref => False, Expand_Character_Ref => True, In_DTD => True, Recognize_External => True, Handle_Strings => True, In_Tag => False, Report_Parenthesis => False, In_Attlist => False); Element_Def_State : constant Parser_State := (Name => "Ele", Ignore_Special => False, Detect_End_Of_PI => False, Greater_Special => True, Less_Special => False, Expand_Param_Entities => True, Expand_Entities => False, Report_Character_Ref => False, Expand_Character_Ref => True, In_DTD => True, Recognize_External => True, Handle_Strings => True, In_Tag => True, Report_Parenthesis => True, In_Attlist => False); Attribute_Def_State : constant Parser_State := (Name => "AtD", Ignore_Special => False, Detect_End_Of_PI => False, Greater_Special => True, Less_Special => False, Expand_Param_Entities => True, Expand_Entities => False, Report_Character_Ref => False, Expand_Character_Ref => True, In_DTD => True, Recognize_External => False, Handle_Strings => True, In_Tag => True, Report_Parenthesis => True, In_Attlist => True); Attribute_Def_Name_State : constant Parser_State := (Name => "ADN", Ignore_Special => False, Detect_End_Of_PI => False, Greater_Special => True, Less_Special => False, Expand_Param_Entities => True, Expand_Entities => False, Report_Character_Ref => False, Expand_Character_Ref => True, In_DTD => True, Recognize_External => False, Handle_Strings => True, In_Tag => True, Report_Parenthesis => True, In_Attlist => False); Entity_Str_Def_State : constant Parser_State := (Name => "EtS", Ignore_Special => True, Detect_End_Of_PI => False, Greater_Special => False, Less_Special => False, Expand_Param_Entities => True, Expand_Entities => False, Report_Character_Ref => False, Expand_Character_Ref => True, In_DTD => True, Recognize_External => False, Handle_Strings => True, In_Tag => False, Report_Parenthesis => False, In_Attlist => False); Attlist_Str_Def_State : constant Parser_State := (Name => "AtS", Ignore_Special => True, Detect_End_Of_PI => False, Greater_Special => False, Less_Special => False, Expand_Param_Entities => False, Expand_Entities => True, Report_Character_Ref => False, Expand_Character_Ref => True, In_DTD => True, Recognize_External => False, Handle_Strings => True, In_Tag => False, Report_Parenthesis => False, In_Attlist => False); Tag_State : constant Parser_State := (Name => "Tag", Ignore_Special => False, Greater_Special => True, Less_Special => False, Detect_End_Of_PI => False, Expand_Param_Entities => False, Expand_Entities => False, Report_Character_Ref => False, Expand_Character_Ref => True, In_DTD => False, Recognize_External => False, Handle_Strings => True, In_Tag => True, Report_Parenthesis => False, In_Attlist => False); -------------------------- -- Internal subprograms -- -------------------------- procedure Unchecked_Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Input_Source'Class, Input_Source_Access); procedure Unchecked_Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Hook_Data'Class, Hook_Data_Access); procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Sax_Attribute_Array, Sax_Attribute_Array_Access); function Debug_Encode (C : Unicode_Char) return Byte_Sequence; -- Return an encoded string matching C (matching Sax.Encodins.Encoding) procedure Test_Valid_Char (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; C : Unicode_Char; Loc : Token); -- Raise an error if C is not valid in XML. The error is reported at -- location Loc. function Is_Pubid_Char (C : Unicode_Char) return Boolean; -- Return True if C is a valid character for a Public ID (2.3 specs) procedure Test_Valid_Lang (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Lang : Byte_Sequence); -- Return True if Lang matches the rules for languages procedure Test_Valid_Space (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Space : Byte_Sequence); -- Return True if Space matches the rules for the xml:space attribute procedure Next_Char (Input : in out Input_Source'Class; Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class); -- Return the next character, and increments the locators. -- If there are no more characters in the input streams, Parser is setup -- so that End_Of_Stream (Parser) returns True. procedure Lookup_Char (Input : in out Input_Source'Class; Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Char : out Unicode_Char); -- Lookup one character, but put it back in the input so that the next call -- to Next_Char will return it again. This does not change -- Parser.Last_Read. function End_Of_Stream (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class) return Boolean; pragma Inline (End_Of_Stream); -- Return True if there are no more characters in the parser. -- Note that this indicates that no more character remains to be read, and -- is different from checking Eof on the current input (since for instance -- a new input is open for an entity). function Create_Attribute_List (Attrs : Sax_Attribute_List) return Sax.Attributes.Attributes; -- Create the list of attributes from Parser.Attributes. -- This function has the side effect of resetting -- Parser.Attributes_Count to 0, and freeing memory as appropriate procedure Put_In_Buffer (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Char : Unicode_Char); pragma Inline (Put_In_Buffer); procedure Put_In_Buffer (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Str : Byte_Sequence); pragma Inline (Put_In_Buffer); -- Put the last character read in the internal buffer procedure Next_Token (Input : in out Input_Sources.Input_Source'Class; Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Id : out Token; Coalesce_Space : Boolean := False); -- Return the next identifier in the input stream. -- Locator is modified accordingly (line and column). -- If Coalesce_Space is True, then all the Name or Text tokens preceded or -- followed by Space tokens are grouped together and returned as a single -- Text token. -- Id.Typ is set to End_Of_Input if there are no more token to be read. procedure Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input : in out Input_Sources.Input_Source'Class; Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Id : out Token; Must_Have : Boolean := False); -- Same as Next_Token, except it skips spaces. If Must_Have is True, -- then the first token read must be a space, or an error is raised -- Id.Typ is set to End_Of_Input if there are no more token to be read. procedure Next_NS_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input : in out Input_Sources.Input_Source'Class; Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; NS_Id : out Token; Name_Id : out Token); -- Skip spaces, if any, then read a "ns:name" or "name" token. function Find_Symbol (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; T : Token) return Symbol; function Find_Symbol (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; First, Last : Token) return Symbol; -- Return the value of the symbol procedure Reset_Buffer (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Id : Token := Null_Token); -- Clears the internal buffer in Parser. -- If Id is not Null_Token, then only the characters starting from -- Id.First are removed procedure Set_State (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; State : Parser_State); -- Set the current state for the parser function Get_State (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class) return Parser_State; -- Return the current state. procedure Close_Namespaces (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; List : XML_NS); -- Close all namespaces in the list, and report appropriate SAX events procedure Check_Valid_Name_Or_NCname (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Name : Token); -- Check that Name is a valid Name (if namespaces are not supported) or -- a NCname if namespaces are supported. procedure Check_Attribute_Value (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Local_Name : Symbol; Typ : Attribute_Type; Value : Symbol; Error_Loc : Token); -- Check Validity Constraints for a single attribute. Only call this -- subprogram for a validating parser procedure Syntactic_Parse (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Input : in out Input_Sources.Input_Source'Class); -- Internal syntactical parser. procedure Find_NS (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Prefix : Token; NS : out XML_NS; Include_Default_NS : Boolean := True); -- Internal version of Find_NS function Qname_From_Name (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; Prefix, Local_Name : Token) return Byte_Sequence; function Qname_From_Name (Prefix, Local_Name : Symbol) return Byte_Sequence; -- Create the qualified name from the namespace URI and the local name. procedure Add_Namespace (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Node : Element_Access; Prefix : Symbol; URI : Symbol; Report_Event : Boolean := True); -- Same as above, with strings procedure Add_Namespace_No_Event (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Prefix, URI : Symbol); -- Create a new default namespace in the parser procedure Free (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class); -- Free the memory allocated for the parser, including the namespaces, -- entities,... procedure Free (Elem : in out Element_Access); -- Free the memory of Elem (and its contents). Note that this doesn't free -- the parent of Elem). -- On Exit, Elem is set to its parent. procedure Parse_Element_Model (Input : in out Input_Sources.Input_Source'Class; Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Result : out Element_Model_Ptr; Attlist : Boolean := False; Open_Was_Read : Boolean); -- Parse the following characters in the stream so as to create an -- element or attribute contents model, ie the tree matching an -- expression like "(foo|bar)+". -- Nmtokens should be true if the names in the model should follow the -- Nmtoken rule in XML specifications rather than the Name rule. -- If Open_Was_Read, then the opening parenthesis is considered to have -- been read already and is automatically inserted into the stack. -- Attlist should be set to true if this is the model in procedure Fatal_Error (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String; Loc : Sax.Locators.Location := No_Location); procedure Fatal_Error (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String; Loc : Token); -- Raises a fatal error. -- The error is reported at location Id (or the current parser location -- if Id is Null_Token). -- The user application should not return from this call. Thus, a -- Program_Error is raised if it does return. procedure Error (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String; Loc : Sax.Locators.Location); procedure Error (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String; Id : Token); -- Same as Fatal_Error, but reports an error instead procedure Warning (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String; Loc : Sax.Locators.Location); procedure Warning (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String; Id : Token := Null_Token); -- Same as Fatal_Error, but reports a warning instead function Location (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; Loc : Sax.Locators.Location) return Byte_Sequence; -- Return the location of the start of Id as a string. function Resolve_URI (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; System_Id : Symbol; URI : Symbol) return Symbol; -- Return a fully resolved URI, based on the system identifier set for -- Machine, and URI. -- [System_Id] should be the result of [System_Id (Parser)] at the time the -- URI was found. function System_Id (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class) return Symbol; function Public_Id (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class) return Symbol; pragma Inline (System_Id, Public_Id); -- Return the current system id that we are parsing procedure Close_Inputs (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Inputs : in out Entity_Input_Source_Access); -- Close the inputs that have been completely read. This should be -- called every time one starts an entity, so that calls to -- Start_Entity/End_Entity are properly nested, and error messages -- point to the right entity. procedure Debug_Print (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; Id : Token); -- Print the contents of Id ----------------- -- Find_Symbol -- ----------------- function Find_Symbol (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; Str : Byte_Sequence) return Symbol is begin return Find (Get (Parser.Symbols), Str); end Find_Symbol; ----------------- -- Find_Symbol -- ----------------- function Find_Symbol (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; T : Token) return Symbol is begin return Find (Get (Parser.Symbols), Parser.Buffer (T.First .. T.Last)); end Find_Symbol; ----------------- -- Find_Symbol -- ----------------- function Find_Symbol (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; First, Last : Token) return Symbol is begin return Find (Get (Parser.Symbols), Parser.Buffer (First.First .. Last.Last)); end Find_Symbol; ------------------- -- End_Of_Stream -- ------------------- function End_Of_Stream (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class) return Boolean is begin return not Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid and Parser.Last_Read = 16#FFFF#; end End_Of_Stream; ------------------ -- Debug_Encode -- ------------------ function Debug_Encode (C : Unicode_Char) return Byte_Sequence is Buffer : Byte_Sequence (1 .. 20); Index : Natural := Buffer'First - 1; begin Encoding.Encode (C, Buffer, Index); return Buffer (Buffer'First .. Index); end Debug_Encode; --------------- -- System_Id -- --------------- function System_Id (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class) return Symbol is begin if Parser.Inputs = null then return Parser.System_Id; else return Parser.Inputs.System_Id; end if; end System_Id; --------------- -- Public_Id -- --------------- function Public_Id (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class) return Symbol is begin if Parser.Inputs = null then return Parser.Public_Id; else return Parser.Inputs.Public_Id; end if; end Public_Id; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Elem : in out Element_Access) is procedure Free_Element is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Element, Element_Access); Tmp : constant Element_Access := Elem.Parent; begin Free (Elem.Namespaces); Free_Element (Elem); Elem := Tmp; end Free; --------------------------- -- Create_Attribute_List -- --------------------------- function Create_Attribute_List (Attrs : Sax_Attribute_List) return Sax.Attributes.Attributes is function Get_Or_Null (S : Symbol) return String; function Get_Or_Null (S : Symbol) return String is begin if S = No_Symbol then return ""; else return Get (S).all; end if; end Get_Or_Null; Attributes : Sax.Attributes.Attributes; begin for J in 1 .. Attrs.Count loop Add_Attribute (Attr => Attributes, URI => Get_Or_Null (Attrs.List (J).URI), Local_Name => Get (Attrs.List (J).Local_Name).all, Qname => Qname_From_Name (Prefix => Attrs.List (J).Prefix, Local_Name => Attrs.List (J).Local_Name), Att_Type => Attrs.List (J).Att_Type, Content => Unknown_Model, -- not needed anyway Value => Get (Attrs.List (J).Value).all, Default_Decl => Attrs.List (J).Default_Decl); end loop; return Attributes; exception when others => Clear (Attributes); raise; end Create_Attribute_List; ----------------- -- Resolve_URI -- ----------------- function Resolve_URI (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; System_Id : Symbol; URI : Symbol) return Symbol is C : Unicode_Char; URI_Str : constant Cst_Byte_Sequence_Access := Get (URI); URI_Index : Positive := URI_Str'First; begin pragma Assert (URI /= No_Symbol); if URI = Empty_String then return System_Id; end if; -- ??? Only resolve paths for now Encoding.Read (URI_Str.all, URI_Index, C); if C = Solidus then return URI; else declare System_Str : constant Cst_Byte_Sequence_Access := Get (System_Id); Index : Natural := System_Str'First; Basename_Start : Natural := System_Str'First; begin while Index <= System_Str'Last loop Encoding.Read (System_Str.all, Index, C); if C = Solidus or else C = Reverse_Solidus then Basename_Start := Index; end if; end loop; return Find_Symbol (Parser, System_Str (System_Str'First .. Basename_Start - 1) & URI_Str.all); end; end if; end Resolve_URI; -------------- -- Location -- -------------- function Location (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; Loc : Sax.Locators.Location) return Byte_Sequence is Line : constant Byte_Sequence := Natural'Image (Loc.Line); Col : constant Byte_Sequence := Natural'Image (Loc.Column); begin if Parser.Close_Inputs = null then if Use_Basename_In_Error_Messages (Parser) then return Base_Name (Get (Get_Public_Id (Parser.Locator)).all) & ':' & Line (Line'First + 1 .. Line'Last) & ':' & Col (Col'First + 1 .. Col'Last); else return Get (Get_Public_Id (Parser.Locator)).all & ':' & Line (Line'First + 1 .. Line'Last) & ':' & Col (Col'First + 1 .. Col'Last); end if; else if Use_Basename_In_Error_Messages (Parser) then return Base_Name (Get_Public_Id (Parser.Close_Inputs.Input.all)) & ':' & Line (Line'First + 1 .. Line'Last) & ':' & Col (Col'First + 1 .. Col'Last); else return Get_Public_Id (Parser.Close_Inputs.Input.all) & ':' & Line (Line'First + 1 .. Line'Last) & ':' & Col (Col'First + 1 .. Col'Last); end if; end if; end Location; ----------------- -- Fatal_Error -- ----------------- procedure Fatal_Error (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String; Loc : Sax.Locators.Location := No_Location) is Id2 : Sax.Locators.Location := Loc; begin if Id2 = No_Location then Id2 := Parser.Current_Location; end if; Parser.Buffer_Length := 0; -- So that when calling Close_Inputs, we do generate an End_Entity Parser.State.Ignore_Special := True; begin -- Must be called before End_Document, as per the SAX standard Fatal_Error (Parser, Create (Location (Parser, Id2) & ": " & Msg, Id2)); End_Document (Parser); exception when E : others => begin End_Document (Parser); exception when others => null; end; -- Priority is given to the Fatal_Error, whatever -- End_Document raises Reraise_Occurrence (E); end; raise Program_Error; end Fatal_Error; ----------------- -- Fatal_Error -- ----------------- procedure Fatal_Error (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String; Loc : Token) is begin Fatal_Error (Parser, Msg, Loc.Location); end Fatal_Error; ----------- -- Error -- ----------- procedure Error (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String; Loc : Sax.Locators.Location) is Id2 : Sax.Locators.Location := Loc; begin if Id2 = No_Location then Id2 := Parser.Current_Location; end if; Error (Parser, Create (Location (Parser, Id2) & ": " & Msg, Id2)); end Error; procedure Error (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String; Id : Token) is begin Error (Parser, Msg, Id.Location); end Error; ----------- -- Error -- ----------- procedure Error (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String) is begin Error (Parser, Msg, No_Location); end Error; ------------- -- Warning -- ------------- procedure Warning (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String; Loc : Sax.Locators.Location) is Id2 : Sax.Locators.Location := Loc; begin if Id2 = No_Location then Id2 := Parser.Current_Location; end if; Warning (Parser, Create (Location (Parser, Id2) & ": " & Msg, Id2)); end Warning; procedure Warning (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Msg : String; Id : Token := Null_Token) is Id2 : Sax.Locators.Location := Id.Location; begin if Id2 = No_Location then Id2 := Parser.Current_Location; end if; Warning (Parser, Create (Location (Parser, Id2) & ": " & Msg, Id2)); end Warning; ----------------- -- Lookup_Char -- ----------------- procedure Lookup_Char (Input : in out Input_Source'Class; Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Char : out Unicode_Char) is begin if Parser.Inputs /= null then if Eof (Parser.Inputs.Input.all) then if Debug_Input then Put_Line ("++Input Lookup_Char: "); end if; Char := Unicode_Char'Last; else Input_Sources.Next_Char (Parser.Inputs.Input.all, Char); end if; else if Eof (Input) then if Debug_Input then Put_Line ("++Input Lookup_Char 2: "); end if; Char := Unicode_Char'Last; else Input_Sources.Next_Char (Input, Char); end if; end if; if Debug_Input then Put_Line ("++Input Lookup_Char: " & Unicode_Char'Image (Char)); end if; Parser.Lookup_Char := Char; end Lookup_Char; --------------- -- Next_Char -- --------------- procedure Next_Char (Input : in out Input_Source'Class; Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class) is procedure Internal (Stream : in out Input_Source'Class); pragma Inline (Internal); -------------- -- Internal -- -------------- procedure Internal (Stream : in out Input_Source'Class) is C : Unicode_Char; begin if Parser.Lookup_Char /= Unicode_Char'Last then C := Parser.Lookup_Char; Parser.Lookup_Char := Unicode_Char'Last; else Next_Char (Stream, C); end if; -- XML specs say that #xD#xA must be converted to one single #xA. -- A single #xD must be converted to one single #xA if C = Carriage_Return then Parser.Previous_Char_Was_CR := True; -- When expanding an internal entity, do not normalize the -- character (which has already been normalized when creating the -- entity, and therefore comes from a character ref if Parser.Inputs = null or else Parser.Inputs.External then Parser.Last_Read := Line_Feed; else Parser.Last_Read := Carriage_Return; end if; elsif C = Line_Feed and then Parser.Previous_Char_Was_CR then Parser.Previous_Char_Was_CR := False; -- When expanding an internal entity, do not strip the CRLF -- sequences: since they have already been stripped when the -- entity was created, the sequences that remain were created -- through character references and should therefore -- be kept as is. if Parser.Inputs = null or else Parser.Inputs.External then Next_Char (Stream, Parser); end if; else Parser.Last_Read := C; if Parser.Feature_Test_Valid_Chars then Test_Valid_Char (Parser, Parser.Last_Read, Null_Token); end if; end if; end Internal; Input_A : Entity_Input_Source_Access; begin -- First thing is to take into account location changes due to the -- previous character. if Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid then if Parser.Last_Read = Line_Feed and then not Parser.Previous_Char_Was_CR then Set_Column_Number (Parser.Locator, 0); Increase_Line_Number (Parser.Locator); end if; elsif Parser.Inputs /= null then Set_Location (Parser.Locator, Parser.Inputs.Save_Loc); if Parser.Inputs.External then Parser.In_External_Entity := False; -- ??? Should test whether we are still in an external entity. -- However, this is only used for the PI, and at this -- point we have already read and discarded it, so it doesn't -- really matter. end if; -- Insert the closed input at the end of the Close_Input list, so -- that the next call to Next_Token properly closes the entity. -- This can not be done here, otherwise End_Entity is called too -- early, and the error messages do not point to the right entity. if Parser.Close_Inputs = null then Parser.Close_Inputs := Parser.Inputs; else Input_A := Parser.Close_Inputs; while Input_A.Next /= null loop Input_A := Input_A.Next; end loop; Input_A.Next := Parser.Inputs; end if; Input_A := Parser.Inputs; Parser.Inputs := Parser.Inputs.Next; Input_A.Next := null; end if; -- Read the text of the entity if there is any if Parser.Inputs /= null then if Parser.Inputs.Input = null or else Eof (Parser.Inputs.Input.all) then if Debug_Input then Put_Line ("++Input END OF INPUT"); end if; Parser.Last_Read := Unicode_Char'Val (16#00#); Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid := False; return; end if; Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid := True; Increase_Column_Number (Parser.Locator); Internal (Parser.Inputs.Input.all); -- Else read from the initial input stream elsif Eof (Input) then if Debug_Input then Put_Line ("++Input " & To_String (Parser.Locator) & " END_OF_INPUT"); end if; Parser.Last_Read := 16#FFFF#; Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid := False; else Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid := True; Increase_Column_Number (Parser.Locator); Internal (Input); end if; if Debug_Input and then Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid then Put ("++Input " & To_String (Parser.Locator) & "(" & Unicode_Char'Image (Parser.Last_Read) & ")= "); if Parser.Last_Read /= Line_Feed then Put_Line (Debug_Encode (Parser.Last_Read)); else Put_Line ("Line_Feed"); end if; end if; exception when Unicode.CES.Invalid_Encoding => Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Invalid_Encoding); end Next_Char; ------------------- -- Put_In_Buffer -- ------------------- procedure Put_In_Buffer (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Char : Unicode_Char) is W : constant Natural := Encoding.Width (Char); Tmp : Byte_Sequence_Access; begin -- Loop until we have enough memory to store the string while Parser.Buffer_Length + W > Parser.Buffer'Last loop Tmp := Parser.Buffer; Parser.Buffer := new Byte_Sequence (1 .. Tmp'Length * 2); Parser.Buffer (1 .. Tmp'Length) := Tmp.all; Free (Tmp); end loop; Encoding.Encode (Char, Parser.Buffer.all, Parser.Buffer_Length); end Put_In_Buffer; ------------------- -- Put_In_Buffer -- ------------------- procedure Put_In_Buffer (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Str : Byte_Sequence) is Tmp : Byte_Sequence_Access; begin -- Loop until we have enough memory to store the string while Parser.Buffer_Length + Str'Length > Parser.Buffer'Last loop Tmp := Parser.Buffer; Parser.Buffer := new Byte_Sequence (1 .. Tmp'Length * 2); Parser.Buffer (1 .. Tmp'Length) := Tmp.all; Free (Tmp); end loop; Parser.Buffer (Parser.Buffer_Length + 1 .. Parser.Buffer_Length + Str'Length) := Str; Parser.Buffer_Length := Parser.Buffer_Length + Str'Length; end Put_In_Buffer; --------------------- -- Test_Valid_Lang -- --------------------- procedure Test_Valid_Lang (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Lang : Byte_Sequence) is begin -- XML Errata 41: An empty xml:lang attribute is valid if Lang /= "" and then not Is_Valid_Language_Name (Lang) then Error (Parser, Error_Invalid_Language); end if; end Test_Valid_Lang; ---------------------- -- Test_Valid_Space -- ---------------------- procedure Test_Valid_Space (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Space : Byte_Sequence) is begin if Space /= Default_Sequence and then Space /= Preserve_Sequence then Error (Parser, Error_Invalid_Space); end if; end Test_Valid_Space; ------------------- -- Is_Pubid_Char -- ------------------- function Is_Pubid_Char (C : Unicode_Char) return Boolean is begin return C = Unicode.Names.Basic_Latin.Space or else C = Line_Feed or else C in Latin_Small_Letter_A .. Latin_Small_Letter_Z or else C in Latin_Capital_Letter_A .. Latin_Capital_Letter_Z or else C in Digit_Zero .. Digit_Nine or else C = Hyphen_Minus or else C = Apostrophe or else C = Left_Parenthesis or else C = Right_Parenthesis or else C = Plus_Sign or else C = Comma or else C = Full_Stop or else C = Solidus or else C = Unicode.Names.Basic_Latin.Colon or else C = Equals_Sign or else C = Question_Mark or else C = Semicolon or else C = Exclamation_Mark or else C = Asterisk or else C = Number_Sign or else C = Commercial_At or else C = Dollar_Sign or else C = Low_Line or else C = Percent_Sign; end Is_Pubid_Char; --------------------- -- Test_Valid_Char -- --------------------- procedure Test_Valid_Char (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; C : Unicode_Char; Loc : Token) is Id : Sax.Locators.Location; begin if not (C = 16#9# or else C = 16#A# or else C = 16#D# or else C in Unicode.Names.Basic_Latin.Space .. 16#D7FF# or else C in 16#E000# .. 16#FFFD# or else C in 16#10000# .. 16#10FFFF#) then if Loc /= Null_Token then Id := Loc.Location; else Id := No_Location; Id.Line := Get_Line_Number (Parser.Locator); Id.Column := Get_Column_Number (Parser.Locator); end if; Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Invalid_Char & Unicode_Char'Image (C), Id); end if; end Test_Valid_Char; ------------- -- Find_NS -- ------------- procedure Find_NS (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Prefix : Token; NS : out XML_NS; Include_Default_NS : Boolean := True) is begin Find_NS (Parser, Find_Symbol (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Prefix.First .. Prefix.Last)), NS, Include_Default_NS); if NS = No_XML_NS then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Prefix_Not_Declared & Parser.Buffer (Prefix.First .. Prefix.Last)); end if; end Find_NS; ------------- -- Find_NS -- ------------- procedure Find_NS (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; Prefix : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; NS : out XML_NS; Include_Default_NS : Boolean := True) is E : Element_Access := Parser.Current_Node; begin loop if E = null then NS := Find_NS_In_List (Parser.Default_Namespaces, Prefix, Include_Default_NS, False); else NS := Find_NS_In_List (E.Namespaces, Prefix, Include_Default_NS, True); end if; exit when NS /= No_XML_NS or else E = null; E := E.Parent; end loop; end Find_NS; ---------------------- -- Find_NS_From_URI -- ---------------------- procedure Find_NS_From_URI (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; URI : Symbol; NS : out XML_NS) is E : Element_Access := Parser.Current_Node; begin loop -- Search in the default namespaces if E = null then NS := Find_NS_From_URI_In_List (Parser.Default_Namespaces, URI); else NS := Find_NS_From_URI_In_List (E.Namespaces, URI); end if; exit when NS /= No_XML_NS or else E = null; E := E.Parent; end loop; end Find_NS_From_URI; --------------------- -- Qname_From_Name -- --------------------- function Qname_From_Name (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; Prefix, Local_Name : Token) return Byte_Sequence is begin if Prefix = Null_Token then return Parser.Buffer (Local_Name.First .. Local_Name.Last); else return Parser.Buffer (Prefix.First .. Prefix.Last) & Colon_Sequence & Parser.Buffer (Local_Name.First .. Local_Name.Last); end if; end Qname_From_Name; --------------------- -- Qname_From_Name -- --------------------- function Qname_From_Name (Prefix, Local_Name : Symbol) return Byte_Sequence is begin if Prefix = No_Symbol or else Prefix = Empty_String then return Get (Local_Name).all; else return Get (Prefix).all & Colon_Sequence & Get (Local_Name).all; end if; end Qname_From_Name; ----------------------- -- Prefix_From_Qname -- ----------------------- function Prefix_From_Qname (Qname : Byte_Sequence) return Byte_Sequence is Index : Natural := Qname'First; C : Unicode_Char; Previous : Natural; begin while Index <= Qname'Last loop Previous := Index; Encoding.Read (Qname, Index, C); if C = Unicode.Names.Basic_Latin.Colon then return Qname (Qname'First .. Previous - 1); end if; end loop; return ""; end Prefix_From_Qname; ---------------------------- -- Add_Namespace_No_Event -- ---------------------------- procedure Add_Namespace_No_Event (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Prefix, URI : Symbol) is begin Add_Namespace (Parser, null, Prefix, URI, Report_Event => False); end Add_Namespace_No_Event; ------------------- -- Add_Namespace -- ------------------- procedure Add_Namespace (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Node : Element_Access; Prefix : Symbol; URI : Symbol; Report_Event : Boolean := True) is Same_As : XML_NS := No_XML_NS; begin -- Was there a previous definition of this namespace ? Find_NS_From_URI (Parser, URI, Same_As); if Node = null then Add_NS_To_List (Parser.Default_Namespaces, Same_As, Prefix, URI); else Add_NS_To_List (Node.Namespaces, Same_As, Prefix, URI); end if; if Report_Event then Start_Prefix_Mapping (Parser, Prefix => Prefix, URI => URI); end if; end Add_Namespace; ------------------ -- Close_Inputs -- ------------------ procedure Close_Inputs (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Inputs : in out Entity_Input_Source_Access) is procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Entity_Input_Source, Entity_Input_Source_Access); Input_A : Entity_Input_Source_Access; begin while Inputs /= null loop -- ??? Could use Input_Sources.Locator.Free if Inputs.Input /= null then Close (Inputs.Input.all); Unchecked_Free (Inputs.Input); end if; -- not in string context if not Parser.State.Ignore_Special then End_Entity (Parser, Inputs.Name); end if; Input_A := Inputs; Inputs := Inputs.Next; Free (Input_A); end loop; end Close_Inputs; ----------------- -- Debug_Print -- ----------------- procedure Debug_Print (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class; Id : Token) is begin Put ("++Lex (" & Parser.State.Name & ") at " & To_String (Parser.Locator) & " (" & Token_Type'Image (Id.Typ) & ") at " & To_String (Id.Location)); if Parser.State.Ignore_Special then Put (" (in string)"); end if; if Id.Typ = Space then declare J : Natural := Id.First; C : Unicode_Char; begin Put (" --"); while J <= Id.Last loop Encoding.Read (Parser.Buffer.all, J, C); Put (Unicode_Char'Image (C)); end loop; Put ("--"); end; elsif Id.Last >= Id.First then Put (" --" & Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last) & "--"); end if; Put_Line (" buffer=" & Parser.Buffer (Parser.Buffer'First .. Parser.Buffer_Length) & "--"); end Debug_Print; ---------------- -- Next_Token -- ---------------- procedure Next_Token (Input : in out Input_Source'Class; Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Id : out Token; Coalesce_Space : Boolean := False) is function Looking_At (Str : Byte_Sequence) return Boolean; -- True if the next characters read (including the current one) in the -- stream match Str. Characters read are stored in the buffer procedure Handle_Comments; -- Id.Typ := Start_Of_End_Tag; Next_Char (Input, Parser); when Exclamation_Mark => Next_Char (Input, Parser); if Parser.Last_Read = Hyphen_Minus then Handle_Comments; elsif Looking_At (Doctype_Sequence) then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Id.Typ := Doctype_Start; elsif Parser.Last_Read = Left_Square_Bracket then Next_Char (Input, Parser); if Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_C then if not Looking_At (Cdata_Sequence) then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Invalid_Declaration, Id); end if; if Parser.Last_Read /= Left_Square_Bracket then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Cdata_Unterminated, Id); end if; Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Id.Typ := Cdata_Section; Num_Closing_Bracket := 1; loop Next_Char (Input, Parser); if End_Of_Stream (Parser) then Id.Typ := End_Of_Input; Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Cdata_End, Id); return; elsif Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid then Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); if Parser.Last_Read = Right_Square_Bracket then Num_Closing_Bracket := Num_Closing_Bracket + 1; elsif Parser.Last_Read = Greater_Than_Sign and then Num_Closing_Bracket >= 2 then Parser.Buffer_Length := Parser.Buffer_Length - 2 * Encoding.Width (Right_Square_Bracket) - Encoding.Width (Greater_Than_Sign); exit; else Num_Closing_Bracket := 0; end if; end if; end loop; if Id.Location.System_Id /= System_Id (Parser) then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Self_Contained, Id); end if; if not Eof (Input) then Next_Char (Input, Parser); else Parser.Last_Read := 16#FFFF#; end if; else while Is_White_Space (Parser.Last_Read) loop Next_Char (Input, Parser); end loop; if Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_I or else Parser.Last_Read = Percent_Sign then -- Skip spaces: if we are expending a parameter -- entity, it must start with spaces (4.4.8) Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id2); if Parser.Buffer (Id2.First .. Id2.Last) = Include_Sequence then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id2); Id.Typ := Include; elsif Parser.Buffer (Id2.First .. Id2.Last) = Ignore_Sequence then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id2); Id.Typ := Ignore; else Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Invalid_Declaration, Id); end if; if not Parser.State.In_DTD or else not Parser.In_External_Entity then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Conditional_Location, Id); end if; Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id2); if Id2.Typ /= Internal_DTD_Start then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Conditional_Syntax, Id2); end if; elsif Parser.State.In_DTD then Id.Typ := Start_Conditional; else Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Unexpected_Chars1, Id); end if; end if; elsif not Parser.State.In_DTD then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Unexpected_Chars1, Id); elsif Looking_At (Attlist_Sequence) -- Since parameter entities are expanded with spaces, we can -- have one following ATTLIST immediately and then (Is_White_Space (Parser.Last_Read) or else Parser.Last_Read = Percent_Sign) then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Id.Typ := Attlist_Def; elsif Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_E then Next_Char (Input, Parser); if Looking_At (Ntity_Sequence) then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Id.Typ := Entity_Def; elsif Looking_At (Element_Sequence) then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Id.Typ := Element_Def; else Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Unknown_Declaration); end if; elsif Looking_At (Notation_Sequence) -- Since parameter entities are expanded with spaces, we can -- have one following NOTATION immediately and then (Is_White_Space (Parser.Last_Read) or else Parser.Last_Read = Percent_Sign) then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Id.Typ := Notation; else Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Less_Than_Sign); Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Exclamation_Mark); Id.Typ := Text; end if; when Question_Mark => Id.Typ := Start_Of_PI; Next_Char (Input, Parser); when others => null; end case; end Handle_Less_Than_Sign; ----------------------- -- Handle_Entity_Ref -- ----------------------- procedure Handle_Entity_Ref is begin if not Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid or else Is_Valid_Name_Startchar (Parser.Last_Read, Parser.XML_Version) then while Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid and then Parser.Last_Read /= Semicolon and then Is_Valid_Name_Char (Parser.Last_Read, Parser.XML_Version) loop Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); end loop; if not Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid or else System_Id (Parser) /= Id.Location.System_Id then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Self_Contained, Id); end if; if Parser.Last_Read /= Semicolon then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entityref_Unterminated, Id); end if; Id.From_Entity := True; else Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Name, Id); end if; end Handle_Entity_Ref; type Entity_Ref is (None, Entity, Param_Entity); Is_Entity_Ref : Entity_Ref := None; Old_System_Id : Symbol; begin if not Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid then Next_Char (Input, Parser); end if; Id.First := Parser.Buffer_Length + 1; Id.Last := Parser.Buffer_Length; Id.Typ := End_Of_Input; Id.Location.System_Id := System_Id (Parser); Id.Location.Public_Id := Public_Id (Parser); Id.Location.Line := Get_Line_Number (Parser.Locator); Id.Location.Column := Get_Column_Number (Parser.Locator); Id.From_Entity := False; Close_Inputs (Parser, Parser.Close_Inputs); if Eof (Input) and then Parser.Last_Read = 16#FFFF# then Id.Location.Column := Id.Location.Column + 1; return; end if; if Is_White_Space (Parser.Last_Read) then Id.Typ := Space; loop Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); exit when not Is_White_Space (Parser.Last_Read); end loop; -- If we are ignoring special characters elsif Id.Typ = End_Of_Input and then (Parser.Ignore_State_Special or else Parser.State.Ignore_Special) and then not Parser.State.Detect_End_Of_PI then Id.Typ := Text; Parser.Ignore_State_Special := True; while Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid loop exit when Parser.Last_Read = Ampersand and then (Parser.State.Expand_Entities or else Parser.State.Expand_Character_Ref); exit when Parser.Last_Read = Percent_Sign and then Parser.State.Expand_Param_Entities; exit when (Parser.Last_Read = Apostrophe or else Parser.Last_Read = Quotation_Mark) and then Parser.State.Handle_Strings and then (Parser.Inputs = null or else Parser.Inputs.Handle_Strings); exit when Parser.Last_Read = Less_Than_Sign and then Parser.State.Less_Special; Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); end loop; end if; -- If we haven't found a non-empty token yet if Id.Typ = End_Of_Input or else Id.First > Parser.Buffer_Length then case Parser.Last_Read is when Less_Than_Sign => if Parser.State.Less_Special then Id.Typ := Start_Of_Tag; Next_Char (Input, Parser); elsif Parser.State.Detect_End_Of_PI then Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Id.Typ := Text; Next_Char (Input, Parser); else Handle_Less_Than_Sign; end if; when Question_Mark => if Eof (Input) then Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Id.Typ := Text; else Next_Char (Input, Parser); if Parser.Last_Read = Greater_Than_Sign then Id.Typ := End_Of_PI; Next_Char (Input, Parser); elsif Parser.Last_Read = Question_Mark then Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Question_Mark); Id.Typ := Text; else Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Question_Mark); Id.Typ := Text; end if; end if; when Greater_Than_Sign => if Parser.State.Greater_Special then Id.Typ := End_Of_Tag; else Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Id.Typ := Text; end if; Next_Char (Input, Parser); when Equals_Sign => if Parser.State.In_Tag then Id.Typ := Equal; else Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Id.Typ := Text; end if; Next_Char (Input, Parser); when Unicode.Names.Basic_Latin.Colon => if Parser.State.In_Tag then if Parser.Feature_Namespace then Id.Typ := Colon; else Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Id.Typ := Name; end if; else Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Id.Typ := Text; end if; Next_Char (Input, Parser); when Ampersand => Id.Typ := Text; -- So that eof would at least report an error if Eof (Input) and then Parser.State.Expand_Entities then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entityref_Unterminated, Id); end if; Next_Char (Input, Parser); if Parser.Last_Read = Number_Sign and then (Parser.State.Expand_Character_Ref or Parser.State.Report_Character_Ref) then Handle_Character_Ref; if System_Id (Parser) /= Id.Location.System_Id then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Self_Contained, Id); end if; elsif Parser.Last_Read /= Number_Sign and then Parser.State.Expand_Entities then Handle_Entity_Ref; Is_Entity_Ref := Entity; elsif Parser.Last_Read /= Number_Sign and then Parser.State.Ignore_Special -- string context and then not Parser.State.Detect_End_Of_PI -- not in PI then -- Inside a string (entity value), we still need to check -- that the '&' marks the beginning of an entity reference. Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Ampersand); Handle_Entity_Ref; Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); else Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Ampersand); end if; when Percent_Sign => Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Id.Typ := Text; Next_Char (Input, Parser); if Parser.State.Expand_Param_Entities then while Parser.Last_Read /= Semicolon and then Is_Valid_Name_Char (Parser.Last_Read, Parser.XML_Version) loop Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); end loop; if Parser.Last_Read /= Semicolon then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entityref_Unterminated); end if; Is_Entity_Ref := Param_Entity; end if; when Quotation_Mark => if Parser.State.Handle_Strings then Id.Typ := Double_String_Delimiter; Next_Char (Input, Parser); else Id.Typ := Text; Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); end if; when Apostrophe => if Parser.State.Handle_Strings then Id.Typ := Single_String_Delimiter; Next_Char (Input, Parser); else Id.Typ := Text; Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); end if; when Left_Square_Bracket => if Parser.State.In_DTD then Id.Typ := Internal_DTD_Start; else Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Id.Typ := Text; end if; Next_Char (Input, Parser); when Right_Square_Bracket => if Parser.State.In_DTD and then not Parser.In_External_Entity then Id.Typ := Internal_DTD_End; loop Next_Char (Input, Parser); exit when Parser.Last_Read = Greater_Than_Sign; if Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid and then not Is_White_Space (Parser.Last_Read) then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Unexpected_Chars2, Id); end if; end loop; Next_Char (Input, Parser); -- In string context ? elsif Parser.State.Ignore_Special then Id.Typ := Text; Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); else declare Num_Bracket : Natural := 1; begin Id.Typ := Text; loop Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); if Parser.Last_Read = Right_Square_Bracket then Num_Bracket := Num_Bracket + 1; elsif Num_Bracket >= 2 and Parser.Last_Read = Greater_Than_Sign then if Parser.State.In_DTD and then Parser.In_External_Entity then Id.Typ := End_Conditional; Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Next_Char (Input, Parser); exit; else Id.Location.Column := Id.Location.Column + Num_Bracket - 2; Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Unexpected_Chars3, Id); end if; else exit; end if; end loop; end; end if; when Solidus => Id.Typ := Text; Next_Char (Input, Parser); if Parser.State.Greater_Special and then Parser.Last_Read = Greater_Than_Sign then Id.Typ := End_Of_Start_Tag; Next_Char (Input, Parser); else Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Solidus); end if; when others => if Parser.State.Recognize_External then if Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_A then if Looking_At (Any_Sequence) then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Id.Typ := Any; else Id.Typ := Name; end if; elsif Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_E then if Looking_At (Empty_Sequence) then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Id.Typ := Empty; else Id.Typ := Name; end if; elsif Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_N then if Looking_At (Ndata_Sequence) then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Id.Typ := Ndata; else Id.Typ := Name; end if; elsif Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_P then if Looking_At (Public_Sequence) then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Id.Typ := Public; else Id.Typ := Name; end if; elsif Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_S then if Looking_At (System_Sequence) then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Id.Typ := System; else Id.Typ := Name; end if; end if; end if; if Parser.State.Report_Parenthesis and then Parser.Last_Read = Left_Parenthesis then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Id.Typ := Open_Paren; Next_Char (Input, Parser); return; end if; if Parser.State.In_Attlist then if Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_C then if Looking_At (Cdata_Sequence) then Id.Typ := Cdata; else Id.Typ := Name; end if; elsif Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_E and then Looking_At (Entit_Sequence) then if Looking_At (Ies_Sequence) then Id.Typ := Entities; elsif Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_Y then Id.Typ := Entity; Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); else Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Attlist_Type); end if; elsif Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_I and then Looking_At (Id_Sequence) then if Looking_At (Ref_Sequence) then if Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_S then Id.Typ := Idrefs; Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); else Id.Typ := Idref; end if; else Id.Typ := Id_Type; end if; elsif Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_N then Next_Char (Input, Parser); if Looking_At (Mtoken_Sequence) then if Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_S then Id.Typ := Nmtokens; Next_Char (Input, Parser); else Id.Typ := Nmtoken; end if; elsif Looking_At (Otation_Sequence) then Id.Typ := Notation; else Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Attlist_Type); end if; elsif Parser.Last_Read = Number_Sign then Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); if Looking_At (Implied_Sequence) then Id.Typ := Implied; elsif Looking_At (Required_Sequence) then Id.Typ := Required; elsif Looking_At (Fixed_Sequence) then Id.Typ := Fixed; else Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Attlist_DefaultDecl); end if; end if; end if; end case; -- try to coalesce as many things as possible into a single -- text event if Id.Typ = End_Of_Input then if Is_Valid_Name_Startchar (Parser.Last_Read, Parser.XML_Version) or else Parser.Last_Read = Low_Line then Id.Typ := Name; Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); else Id.Typ := Text; end if; end if; if Id.Typ = Name and then not Coalesce_Space then while (Parser.Last_Read /= Unicode.Names.Basic_Latin.Colon or else not Parser.Feature_Namespace) and then Is_Valid_NCname_Char (Parser.Last_Read, Parser.XML_Version) loop Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); end loop; elsif Is_Entity_Ref = None and then (Id.Typ = Text or else (Coalesce_Space and then Id.Typ = Name)) then if not Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid then Next_Char (Input, Parser); else loop if Is_White_Space (Parser.Last_Read) then exit when not Coalesce_Space; else case Parser.Last_Read is when Greater_Than_Sign => exit when Parser.State.Greater_Special; when Less_Than_Sign -- Start of new tag | Ampersand -- for Entities | Right_Square_Bracket -- for CData ]]> | Quotation_Mark -- for attributes a="..." | Apostrophe -- for attributes a='...' | Equals_Sign => -- for attributes exit; when Solidus => -- For declare C : Unicode_Char; begin Lookup_Char (Input, Parser, C); exit when C = Greater_Than_Sign or else Id.Typ = Name; end; when Percent_Sign => exit when Parser.State.Expand_Param_Entities; when Question_Mark => exit when Parser.State.Detect_End_Of_PI; when others => null; end case; end if; Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); exit when not Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid; end loop; end if; end if; Parser.Ignore_State_Special := False; end if; if Coalesce_Space and then Id.Typ = Space then -- First character is necessarily not a space, so we'll change the -- type of the token to text declare Save_Length : constant Natural := Parser.Buffer_Length; begin while Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid and then (not Parser.State.Greater_Special or else Parser.Last_Read /= Greater_Than_Sign) and then Parser.Last_Read /= Less_Than_Sign and then Parser.Last_Read /= Ampersand and then (not Parser.State.Expand_Param_Entities or else Parser.Last_Read /= Percent_Sign) and then Parser.Last_Read /= Equals_Sign and then Parser.Last_Read /= Quotation_Mark and then Parser.Last_Read /= Right_Square_Bracket and then Parser.Last_Read /= Apostrophe and then Parser.Last_Read /= Solidus and then (Parser.Last_Read /= Question_Mark or else not Parser.State.Detect_End_Of_PI) loop Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); end loop; -- Special case for ']': since the parser needs to detect whether -- this is the beginning of ']]>', this will be done in the next -- call to Next_Token. However, we shouldn't report the spaces as -- Ignorable_Whitespace in this case. if Parser.Last_Read = Right_Square_Bracket or else Parser.Buffer_Length /= Save_Length then Id.Typ := Text; end if; end; end if; Id.Last := Parser.Buffer_Length; if Debug_Lexical then Debug_Print (Parser, Id); end if; -- Internal entities should be processes inline if Is_Entity_Ref /= None then declare N : constant Symbol := Find_Symbol (Parser, Id); V : constant Entity_Entry_Access := Get (Parser.Entities, N); begin Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); if N = Parser.Lt_Sequence then Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Less_Than_Sign); Id.Typ := Text; Id.Last := Parser.Buffer_Length; Next_Char (Input, Parser); elsif N = Parser.Gt_Sequence then Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Greater_Than_Sign); Id.Typ := Text; Id.Last := Parser.Buffer_Length; Next_Char (Input, Parser); elsif N = Parser.Amp_Sequence then Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Ampersand); Id.Typ := Text; Id.Last := Parser.Buffer_Length; Next_Char (Input, Parser); elsif N = Parser.Apos_Sequence then Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Apostrophe); Id.Typ := Text; Id.Last := Parser.Buffer_Length; Next_Char (Input, Parser); elsif N = Parser.Quot_Sequence then Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Quotation_Mark); Id.Typ := Text; Id.Last := Parser.Buffer_Length; Next_Char (Input, Parser); elsif V = null then declare Sym : constant Cst_Byte_Sequence_Access := Get (N); begin Skipped_Entity (Parser, N); if N = Parser.Symbol_Ampersand or else N = Parser.Symbol_Percent then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Name & " '" & Sym.all & "'", Id); elsif Sym (Sym'First) = '%' then Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Undefined & " '" & Sym.all & "'", Id); elsif not Parser.In_External_Entity then -- WF Entity Declared Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Undefined & " '" & Sym.all & ''', Id); else -- if Parser.Feature_Validation then -- VC Entity Declared Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Undefined & " '" & Sym.all & ''', Id); end if; end; Id.Typ := Text; Id.Last := Id.First - 1; Next_Char (Input, Parser); else if Parser.Standalone_Document and then V.External_Declaration then -- 4.1 WF Entity Declared Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Not_Standalone, Id); end if; if Is_Entity_Ref = Entity and then Parser.Current_Node = null and then not Parser.State.In_DTD then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Toplevel, Id); -- Else if we are in the internal subset of the DTD, and in -- a context other than a declaration elsif Is_Entity_Ref = Param_Entity and then not Parser.In_External_Entity and then Parser.State.Name /= DTD_State.Name then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_ParamEntity_In_Attribute, Id); end if; Close_Inputs (Parser, Parser.Close_Inputs); -- not in string context if not Parser.State.Ignore_Special then Start_Entity (Parser, N); end if; if V.Already_Read then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Self_Ref, Id); end if; V.Already_Read := True; Parser.Element_Id := Parser.Element_Id + 1; if Debug_Internal then Put_Line ("Expanding entity " & Get (N).all & " External=" & V.External'Img & " Value=" & Get (V.Value).all); end if; Old_System_Id := Get_System_Id (Parser.Locator); Parser.Inputs := new Entity_Input_Source' (External => V.External, Name => N, Input => null, Save_Loc => Get_Location (Parser.Locator), System_Id => Find_Symbol (Parser, Get (System_Id (Parser)).all & '#' & Get (N).all), Public_Id => Find_Symbol (Parser, Get (Public_Id (Parser)).all & '#' & Get (N).all), Handle_Strings => not Parser.State.Ignore_Special, Next => Parser.Inputs); if V.External then if Parser.State.Name = Attlist_Str_Def_State.Name or else Parser.State.Name = Attr_Value_State.Name then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Attribute_External_Entity, Id); end if; declare URI : constant Symbol := Resolve_URI (Parser, Old_System_Id, V.Value); begin Parser.Inputs.Input := Resolve_Entity (Parser, Public_Id => Get (V.Public).all, System_Id => Get (URI).all); -- If either there is no entity resolver or if the -- standard algorithm should be used if Parser.Inputs.Input = null then Parser.Inputs.Input := new File_Input; Open (Get (URI).all, File_Input (Parser.Inputs.Input.all)); Set_Public_Id (Parser.Inputs.Input.all, Get (V.Value).all); Set_System_Id (Parser.Inputs.Input.all, Get (URI).all); end if; Parser.Inputs.Name := Find_Symbol (Parser, Get_System_Id (Parser.Inputs.Input.all)); Set_System_Id (Parser.Locator, URI); Set_Public_Id (Parser.Locator, V.Value); exception when Name_Error => Error (Parser, Error_External_Entity_Not_Found & Get (URI).all, Id); Unchecked_Free (Parser.Inputs.Input); when E : Mismatching_BOM => Error (Parser, Exception_Message (E)); Unchecked_Free (Parser.Inputs.Input); end; Parser.In_External_Entity := True; else Parser.Inputs.Input := new String_Input; -- 4.4.8: Expansion of parameter entities must include -- a leading and trailing space, unless we are within an -- entity value. if Is_Entity_Ref = Param_Entity and then not Parser.State.Ignore_Special then Open (' ' & Get (V.Value).all & ' ', Encoding, String_Input (Parser.Inputs.Input.all)); else Open (Get (V.Value).all, Encoding, String_Input (Parser.Inputs.Input.all)); end if; Set_Public_Id (Parser.Locator, Find_Symbol (Parser, "entity " & Get (N).all)); Set_Public_Id (Parser.Inputs.Input.all, Get (Get_Public_Id (Parser.Locator)).all); end if; if Parser.Inputs.Input = null then Skipped_Entity (Parser, V.Name); Next_Char (Input, Parser); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); else Set_Line_Number (Parser.Locator, 1); Set_Column_Number (Parser.Locator, Prolog_Size (Parser.Inputs.Input.all)); Next_Char (Input, Parser); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); V.Already_Read := False; end if; end if; end; end if; end Next_Token; ---------------------------- -- Next_Token_Skip_Spaces -- ---------------------------- procedure Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input : in out Input_Sources.Input_Source'Class; Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Id : out Token; Must_Have : Boolean := False) is begin Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); if Must_Have and then Id.Typ /= Space then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Expecting_Space, Id); end if; while Id.Typ = Space loop Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); end loop; end Next_Token_Skip_Spaces; ------------------------------- -- Next_NS_Token_Skip_Spaces -- ------------------------------- procedure Next_NS_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input : in out Input_Sources.Input_Source'Class; Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; NS_Id : out Token; Name_Id : out Token) is Id : Token; Saved_In_Tag : constant Boolean := Parser.State.In_Tag; begin NS_Id := Null_Token; Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); while Id.Typ = Space loop Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); end loop; Name_Id := Id; if Name_Id.Typ = Colon then -- An empty namespace, used in the XML testsuite ? NS_Id := Null_Token; Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Name_Id); elsif Name_Id.Typ = Name then if Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid and then Parser.Last_Read = Unicode.Names.Basic_Latin.Colon and then Parser.Feature_Namespace then Parser.State.In_Tag := True; -- Get COLON on its own Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); Parser.State.In_Tag := Saved_In_Tag; NS_Id := Name_Id; Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Name_Id); end if; end if; end Next_NS_Token_Skip_Spaces; ------------------ -- Reset_Buffer -- ------------------ procedure Reset_Buffer (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Id : Token := Null_Token) is begin Parser.Buffer_Length := Id.First - 1; end Reset_Buffer; --------------- -- Set_State -- --------------- procedure Set_State (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; State : Parser_State) is begin Parser.State := State; end Set_State; --------------- -- Get_State -- --------------- function Get_State (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class) return Parser_State is begin return Parser.State; end Get_State; ------------------------- -- Parse_Element_Model -- ------------------------- procedure Parse_Element_Model (Input : in out Input_Source'Class; Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Result : out Element_Model_Ptr; Attlist : Boolean := False; Open_Was_Read : Boolean) is -- ??? Would be nice to get rid of this hard-coded limitation in stacks Stack_Size : constant Natural := 1024; Operand_Stack : Element_Model_Array (1 .. Stack_Size); Operand_Index : Natural := Operand_Stack'First; Operator_Stack : array (1 .. Stack_Size) of Unicode_Char; Operator_Index : Natural := Operator_Stack'First; Expect_Operator : Boolean := not Open_Was_Read; procedure Parse_Element_Model_From_Entity (Name : Symbol); -- Parse the element model defined in the entity Name, and leave the -- contents on the stacks. procedure Parse (Input : in out Input_Source'Class; Result : out Element_Model_Ptr; Open_Was_Read : Boolean; Is_Recursive_Call : Boolean); -- Parse the content model read in Input -- Is_Recursive_Call should be true when called from itself or from -- Parse_Element_Model_From_Entity. ------------------------------------- -- Parse_Element_Model_From_Entity -- ------------------------------------- procedure Parse_Element_Model_From_Entity (Name : Symbol) is Loc : Sax.Locators.Location; Last : constant Unicode_Char := Parser.Last_Read; Input_S : String_Input; Val : constant Entity_Entry_Access := Get (Parser.Entities, Name); M : Element_Model_Ptr; begin if Val = null then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Undefined & ' ' & Get (Name).all); elsif Val.Value = Empty_String then return; else Loc := Get_Location (Parser.Locator); Set_Line_Number (Parser.Locator, 1); Set_Column_Number (Parser.Locator, 1); Set_Public_Id (Parser.Locator, Find_Symbol (Parser, "entity " & Get (Name).all)); Open (Get (Val.Value).all, Encoding, Input_S); Next_Char (Input_S, Parser); Parse (Input_S, M, False, True); -- Parse_Element_Model (Input_S, Parser, M, Attlist, False); Close (Input_S); Set_Location (Parser.Locator, Loc); Parser.Last_Read := Last; end if; end Parse_Element_Model_From_Entity; ----------- -- Parse -- ----------- procedure Parse (Input : in out Input_Source'Class; Result : out Element_Model_Ptr; Open_Was_Read : Boolean; Is_Recursive_Call : Boolean) is Num_Items : Positive; Current_Item, Current_Operand : Natural; Start_Sub : Natural := Parser.Buffer_Length + 1; M : Element_Model_Ptr; Found : Boolean; Start_Id : constant Symbol := System_Id (Parser); Start_Token : Token; Test_Multiplier : Boolean; Can_Be_Mixed : Boolean; Num_Parenthesis : Integer := 0; Already_Displayed_Self_Contained_Error : Boolean := False; begin Start_Token := Null_Token; Start_Token.Location.Line := Get_Line_Number (Parser.Locator); Start_Token.Location.Column := Get_Column_Number (Parser.Locator); if Open_Was_Read then Start_Token.Location.Column := Start_Token.Location.Column - 1; end if; while Is_White_Space (Parser.Last_Read) loop Next_Char (Input, Parser); end loop; loop if End_Of_Stream (Parser) then if not Is_Recursive_Call then for J in Operand_Stack'First .. Operand_Index - 1 loop Free (Operand_Stack (J)); end loop; elsif Num_Parenthesis /= 0 then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Nested, Start_Token); elsif Parser.Buffer_Length >= Start_Sub then Operand_Stack (Operand_Index) := new Element_Model (Element_Ref); Operand_Stack (Operand_Index).Name := Find_Symbol (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Start_Sub .. Parser.Buffer_Length)); Operand_Index := Operand_Index + 1; Parser.Buffer_Length := Start_Sub - 1; end if; exit; end if; if Parser.Feature_Validation and then (not Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid or else System_Id (Parser) /= Start_Id) and then not Already_Displayed_Self_Contained_Error then Already_Displayed_Self_Contained_Error := True; Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Self_Contained, Start_Token); end if; Test_Multiplier := False; -- Process the operator case Parser.Last_Read is when Left_Parenthesis => Operator_Stack (Operator_Index) := Parser.Last_Read; Operator_Index := Operator_Index + 1; Expect_Operator := False; Next_Char (Input, Parser); Num_Parenthesis := Num_Parenthesis + 1; when Right_Parenthesis => Num_Parenthesis := Num_Parenthesis - 1; Num_Items := 1; Current_Item := Operator_Index - 1; Current_Operand := Operand_Index - 1; Can_Be_Mixed := Current_Operand >= Operand_Stack'First and then (Operand_Stack (Current_Operand).Content = Character_Data or else Operand_Stack (Current_Operand).Content = Element_Ref); if Current_Operand >= Operand_Stack'First and then Is_Mixed (Operand_Stack (Current_Operand)) then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Mixed_Contents); end if; while Current_Item >= Operator_Stack'First and then Operator_Stack (Current_Item) /= Left_Parenthesis loop if Operator_Stack (Current_Item) /= Comma and then Operator_Stack (Current_Item) /= Vertical_Line then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Invalid_Content_Model, Start_Token); end if; if Current_Operand = 0 then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Missing_Operand, Start_Token); end if; Current_Operand := Current_Operand - 1; if Current_Operand < Operand_Stack'First then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Invalid_Content_Model, Start_Token); end if; if Operand_Stack (Current_Operand).Content /= Character_Data and then Operand_Stack (Current_Operand).Content /= Element_Ref then Can_Be_Mixed := False; end if; if Is_Mixed (Operand_Stack (Current_Operand)) then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Mixed_Contents); end if; Num_Items := Num_Items + 1; Current_Item := Current_Item - 1; end loop; if Current_Item < Operator_Stack'First then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Invalid_Content_Model, Start_Token); end if; if Current_Operand < Operand_Stack'First then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Empty_List, Start_Token); end if; if Operator_Stack (Operator_Index - 1) = Comma then M := new Element_Model (Sequence); else if not Can_Be_Mixed and then Operand_Stack (Current_Operand).Content = Character_Data then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Nested_Groups); end if; M := new Element_Model (Any_Of); end if; M.List := new Element_Model_Array (1 .. Num_Items); for J in Current_Operand .. Operand_Index - 1 loop M.List (J - Current_Operand + 1) := Operand_Stack (J); end loop; Operand_Index := Current_Operand + 1; Operand_Stack (Current_Operand) := M; Operator_Index := Current_Item; Expect_Operator := False; Test_Multiplier := True; Next_Char (Input, Parser); if not End_Of_Stream (Parser) and then Current_Operand >= Operand_Stack'First and then Is_Mixed (Operand_Stack (Current_Operand)) and then Operand_Stack (Current_Operand).List'Length >= 2 and then Parser.Last_Read /= Asterisk then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Closing_Paren); end if; when Comma | Vertical_Line => if Attlist and then Parser.Last_Read = Comma then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Attlist_Invalid_Enum); end if; if Parser.Last_Read = Comma and then Operand_Index - 1 < Operand_Stack'First then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Invalid_Seq); end if; if Parser.Last_Read = Comma and then Operator_Stack (Operator_Index - 1) = Left_Parenthesis and then Operand_Stack (Operand_Index - 1).Content = Character_Data then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Pcdata); end if; if Operator_Index = Operator_Stack'First or else (Operator_Stack (Operator_Index - 1) /= Parser.Last_Read and then Operator_Stack (Operator_Index - 1) /= Left_Parenthesis) then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Mixing); end if; Operator_Stack (Operator_Index) := Parser.Last_Read; Operator_Index := Operator_Index + 1; Expect_Operator := False; Next_Char (Input, Parser); when Asterisk | Question_Mark | Plus_Sign => Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Invalid_Multiplier, Start_Token); when Number_Sign => if Expect_Operator then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Invalid_Start, Start_Token); end if; Expect_Operator := True; -- #PCDATA can only be the first element of a choice list -- ??? Note that in that case the Choice model can only be a -- list of names, not a parenthesis expression. Start_Sub := Parser.Buffer_Length + 1; Next_Char (Input, Parser); Found := (Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_P); if Found then Next_Char (Input, Parser); Found := (Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_C); if Found then Next_Char (Input, Parser); Found := (Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_D); if Found then Next_Char (Input, Parser); Found := Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_A; if Found then Next_Char (Input, Parser); Found := (Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_T); if Found then Next_Char (Input, Parser); Found := (Parser.Last_Read = Latin_Capital_Letter_A); end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; if not Found then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Invalid_Seq, Start_Token); end if; if Operator_Stack (Operator_Index - 1) /= Left_Parenthesis then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Pcdata_First); end if; Operand_Stack (Operand_Index) := new Element_Model (Character_Data); Operand_Index := Operand_Index + 1; Parser.Buffer_Length := Start_Sub - 1; Next_Char (Input, Parser); when Percent_Sign => if not Parser.In_External_Entity and then Parser.State.Name /= DTD_State.Name then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_ParamEntity_In_Attribute); end if; Start_Sub := Parser.Buffer_Length + 1; while Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid and then Parser.Last_Read /= Semicolon loop Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); end loop; Parse_Element_Model_From_Entity (Find_Symbol (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Start_Sub .. Parser.Buffer_Length))); Parser.Buffer_Length := Start_Sub - 1; Next_Char (Input, Parser); when others => if Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid then if Expect_Operator then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Expect_Operator); end if; Expect_Operator := True; -- ??? Should test Is_Nmtoken Start_Sub := Parser.Buffer_Length + 1; while Parser.Last_Read = Unicode.Names.Basic_Latin.Colon or else Is_Valid_Name_Char (Parser.Last_Read, Parser.XML_Version) loop Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Parser.Last_Read); Next_Char (Input, Parser); end loop; if Start_Sub > Parser.Buffer_Length then Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Invalid_Name & Debug_Encode (Parser.Last_Read), Start_Token); end if; Operand_Stack (Operand_Index) := new Element_Model (Element_Ref); Operand_Stack (Operand_Index).Name := Find_Symbol (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Start_Sub .. Parser.Buffer_Length)); Operand_Index := Operand_Index + 1; Parser.Buffer_Length := Start_Sub - 1; Test_Multiplier := True; else -- Could happen with improper entity nesting Next_Char (Input, Parser); end if; end case; if Test_Multiplier then case Parser.Last_Read is when Asterisk => if Operand_Index = Operand_Stack'First then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Invalid_Multiplier); end if; Operand_Stack (Operand_Index - 1) := new Element_Model' (Repeat, 0, Positive'Last, Operand_Stack (Operand_Index - 1)); Expect_Operator := True; Next_Char (Input, Parser); when Plus_Sign => if Operand_Index = Operand_Stack'First then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Invalid_Multiplier); end if; if Is_Mixed (Operand_Stack (Operand_Index - 1)) then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Pcdata_Occurrence); end if; Operand_Stack (Operand_Index - 1) := new Element_Model' (Repeat, 1, Positive'Last, Operand_Stack (Operand_Index - 1)); Expect_Operator := True; Next_Char (Input, Parser); when Question_Mark => if Operand_Index = Operand_Stack'First then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Invalid_Multiplier); end if; if Is_Mixed (Operand_Stack (Operand_Index - 1)) then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Pcdata_Occurrence); end if; Operand_Stack (Operand_Index - 1) := new Element_Model' (Repeat, 0, 1, Operand_Stack (Operand_Index - 1)); Expect_Operator := True; Next_Char (Input, Parser); when others => null; end case; end if; exit when Operator_Index = Operator_Stack'First and then Operand_Index = Operand_Stack'First + 1; while Is_White_Space (Parser.Last_Read) loop Next_Char (Input, Parser); end loop; end loop; if not Is_Recursive_Call then if Operator_Index /= Operator_Stack'First or else Operand_Index /= Operand_Stack'First + 1 then Error (Parser, Error_Content_Model_Invalid, Start_Token); end if; Result := Operand_Stack (Operand_Stack'First); elsif Num_Parenthesis /= 0 then Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Nested, Start_Token); end if; exception when others => if not Is_Recursive_Call then for J in Operand_Stack'First .. Operand_Index - 1 loop Free (Operand_Stack (J)); end loop; end if; raise; end Parse; begin if Open_Was_Read then -- Insert the opening parenthesis into the operators stack Operator_Stack (Operator_Stack'First) := Left_Parenthesis; Operator_Index := Operator_Index + 1; end if; Parse (Input, Result, Open_Was_Read, False); end Parse_Element_Model; -------------------------------- -- Check_Valid_Name_Or_NCname -- -------------------------------- procedure Check_Valid_Name_Or_NCname (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Name : Token) is begin if Parser.Feature_Namespace then if not Is_Valid_NCname (Parser.Buffer (Name.First .. Name.Last), Parser.XML_Version) then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Is_Ncname, Name); end if; else if not Is_Valid_Name (Parser.Buffer (Name.First .. Name.Last), Parser.XML_Version) then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Is_Name, Name); end if; end if; end Check_Valid_Name_Or_NCname; --------------------------- -- Check_Attribute_Value -- --------------------------- procedure Check_Attribute_Value (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Local_Name : Symbol; Typ : Attribute_Type; Value : Symbol; Error_Loc : Token) is Ent : Entity_Entry_Access; Val : constant Cst_Byte_Sequence_Access := Get (Value); begin case Typ is when Id | Idref => if Parser.Feature_Namespace then if not Is_Valid_NCname (Val.all, Parser.XML_Version) then -- Always a non-fatal error, since we are dealing with -- namespaces Error (Parser, Error_Attribute_Is_Ncname & Get (Local_Name).all, Error_Loc); end if; else if not Is_Valid_Name (Val.all, Parser.XML_Version) then Error (Parser, Error_Attribute_Is_Name & Get (Local_Name).all, Error_Loc); end if; end if; when Idrefs => if Parser.Feature_Namespace then if not Is_Valid_NCnames (Val.all, Parser.XML_Version) then Error (Parser, Error_Attribute_Is_Ncname & Get (Local_Name).all, Error_Loc); end if; else if not Is_Valid_Names (Val.all, Parser.XML_Version) then Error (Parser, Error_Attribute_Is_Name & Get (Local_Name).all, Error_Loc); end if; end if; when Nmtoken => if not Is_Valid_Nmtoken (Val.all, Parser.XML_Version) then Error (Parser, Error_Attribute_Is_Nmtoken & Get (Local_Name).all, Error_Loc); end if; when Nmtokens => if not Is_Valid_Nmtokens (Val.all, Parser.XML_Version) then Error (Parser, Error_Attribute_Is_Nmtoken & Get (Local_Name).all, Error_Loc); end if; when Entity => if not Is_Valid_Name (Val.all, Parser.XML_Version) then Error (Parser, Error_Attribute_Is_Name & Get (Local_Name).all, Error_Loc); end if; Ent := Get (Parser.Entities, Value); if Ent = null or else not Ent.Unparsed then Error (Parser, Error_Attribute_Ref_Unparsed_Entity & Get (Local_Name).all, Error_Loc); end if; when Entities => declare Index : Integer := Val'First; Last, Previous : Integer; C : Unicode_Char; begin Last := Index; while Last <= Val'Last loop Previous := Last; Encoding.Read (Val.all, Last, C); if C = Unicode.Names.Basic_Latin.Space or else Last > Val'Last then if not Is_Valid_Name (Val (Index .. Previous), Parser.XML_Version) then Error (Parser, Error_Attribute_Is_Name & Get (Local_Name).all, Error_Loc); end if; Ent := Get (Parser.Entities, Find_Symbol (Parser, Val (Index .. Previous))); if Ent = null or else not Ent.Unparsed then Error (Parser, Error_Attribute_Ref_Unparsed_Entity & Get (Local_Name).all, Error_Loc); end if; Index := Last; end if; end loop; end; when others => null; end case; end Check_Attribute_Value; ------------ -- Append -- ------------ procedure Append (List : in out Sax_Attribute_List; Local_Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Prefix : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Att_Type : Attribute_Type := Cdata; URI : Sax.Symbols.Symbol := No_Symbol; Value : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Location : Sax.Locators.Location; Default_Decl : Default_Declaration := Default; If_Unique : Boolean := False) is Tmp : Sax_Attribute_Array_Access; begin if If_Unique then for A in 1 .. List.Count loop if List.List (A).Local_Name = Local_Name and then List.List (A).Prefix = Prefix then return; end if; end loop; end if; if List.List = null or else List.Count = List.List'Last then Tmp := List.List; if Tmp /= null then List.List := new Sax_Attribute_Array (Tmp'First .. Tmp'Last + 1); List.List (Tmp'Range) := Tmp.all; Unchecked_Free (Tmp); else List.List := new Sax_Attribute_Array (1 .. 1); List.Count := 0; end if; end if; -- The URI cannot be resolved at this point, since it will -- depend on the contents of the document at the place where -- the attribute is used. List.Count := List.Count + 1; List.List (List.Count) := Sax_Attribute' (Prefix => Prefix, Local_Name => Local_Name, Value => Value, Non_Normalized_Value => Value, Att_Type => Att_Type, URI => URI, Default_Decl => Default_Decl, Location => Location); end Append; --------------------- -- Syntactic_Parse -- --------------------- procedure Syntactic_Parse (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; Input : in out Input_Sources.Input_Source'Class) is Id : Token := Null_Token; procedure Parse_Start_Tag; -- Process an element start and its attributes procedure Parse_Attributes (Elem_NS_Id, Elem_Name_Id : Token; Id : in out Token); -- Process the list of attributes in a start tag, and store them in -- Parser.Attributes. -- Id should have been initialized to the first token in the attributes -- list, and will be left on the first token after it. -- Return the list of attributes for this element -- On exit, NS_Count is set to the number of references to Elem_NS_Id -- among the attributes. The count for other XML_NS that the one of the -- element is directly increment in the corresponding XML_NS, but for -- the element we want to keep it virgin until we have called the -- validation hook. procedure Resolve_Attribute_Namespaces; -- For each attributes defined in Parser.Attributes, set its URI for -- the namespace procedure Check_And_Define_Namespace (Prefix, URI : Symbol; Location : Sax.Locators.Location); -- An attribute defining a namespace was found. Check that the values -- are valid, and register the new namespace. If Prefix is Null_Token, -- the default namespace is defined function Get_String (Str : Token) return String; function Get_String (First, Last : Token) return String; pragma Inline (Get_String); -- Return the string pointed to by the token procedure Add_Default_Attributes (DTD_Attr : Sax_Attribute_Array_Access); -- Add all DEFAULT attributes declared in the DTD into the attributes of -- the current element, if they weren't overriden by the user procedure Parse_End_Tag; -- Process an element end procedure Parse_Doctype; -- Process the DTD declaration procedure Parse_Doctype_Contents; -- Process the DTD's contents procedure Parse_Entity_Def (Id : in out Token); -- Parse an processing instruction procedure End_Element; -- End the current element. Its namespace prefix and local_name are -- given in the parameters. procedure Get_String (Id : in out Token; State : Parser_State; Str_Start, Str_End : out Token; Normalize : Boolean := False; Collapse_Spaces : Boolean := False); -- Get all the character till the end of the string. Id should contain -- the initial quote that starts the string. -- On exit, Str_Start is set to the first token of the string, and -- Str_End to the last token. -- If Normalize is True, then all space characters are converted to -- ' '. -- If Collapse_Spaces is True, then all duplicate spaces sequences are -- collapsed into a single space character. Leading and trailing spaces -- are also removed. procedure Get_Name_NS (Id : in out Token; NS_Id, Name_Id : out Token); -- Read the next tokens so as to match either a single name or -- a "ns:name" name. -- Id should initially point to the candidate token for the name, and -- will be left on the token following that name. -- An error is raised if we can't even match a Name. procedure Get_External (Id : in out Token; System_Start, System_End, Public_Start, Public_End : out Token; Allow_Publicid : Boolean := False); -- Parse a PUBLIC or SYSTEM definition and its arguments. -- Id should initially point to the keyword itself, and will be set to -- the first identifier following the full definition -- If Allow_Publicid is True, then PUBLIC might be followed by a single -- string, as in rule [83] of the XML specifications. procedure Check_Standalone_Value (Id : in out Token); procedure Check_Encoding_Value (Id : in out Token); procedure Check_Version_Value (Id : in out Token); -- Check the arguments for the processing instruction. -- Each of this procedures gets the arguments from Next_Token, up to, -- and including, the following space or End_Of_PI character. -- They raise errors appropriately procedure Check_Model; -- Check that the last element inserted matches the model. This -- procedure should not be called for the root element. ---------------- -- Get_String -- ---------------- procedure Get_String (Id : in out Token; State : Parser_State; Str_Start, Str_End : out Token; Normalize : Boolean := False; Collapse_Spaces : Boolean := False) is T : constant Token := Id; Saved_State : constant Parser_State := Get_State (Parser); Possible_End : Token := Null_Token; C : Unicode_Char; Index : Natural; Last_Space : Natural := 0; Had_Space : Boolean := Collapse_Spaces; -- Avoid leading spaces begin if Debug_Internal then Put_Line ("Get_String Normalize=" & Boolean'Image (Normalize) & " Collapse_Spaces=" & Boolean'Image (Collapse_Spaces)); end if; Set_State (Parser, State); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); Str_Start := Id; Str_End := Id; while Id.Typ /= T.Typ and then Id.Typ /= End_Of_Input loop Str_End := Id; case Id.Typ is when Double_String_Delimiter => Str_End.First := Parser.Buffer_Length + 1; Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Quotation_Mark); Str_End.Last := Parser.Buffer_Length; Possible_End := Str_End; Had_Space := False; when Single_String_Delimiter => Str_End.First := Parser.Buffer_Length + 1; Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Apostrophe); Str_End.Last := Parser.Buffer_Length; Possible_End := Str_End; Had_Space := False; when Start_Of_Tag => if Possible_End = Null_Token then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Attribute_Less_Than, Id); else Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Attribute_Less_Than_Suggests & Location (Parser, Possible_End.Location), Id); end if; when Char_Ref => -- 3.3.3 item 3: character references are kept as is if Get_String (Id) = Space_Sequence then if Collapse_Spaces and Had_Space then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); end if; Had_Space := True; Last_Space := Parser.Buffer_Length; else Had_Space := False; end if; when others => if Normalize or Collapse_Spaces then declare Str : constant Byte_Sequence := Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last); begin Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); Index := Str'First; while Index <= Str'Last loop Encoding.Read (Str, Index, C); -- ??? If we have a character reference, we must -- replace the character it represents, and not do -- entity replacement. How to do that, we have lost -- that information -- When parsing an attribute value, we should still -- process white spaces, therefore the test for -- Ignore_Special if Is_White_Space (C) then if not Collapse_Spaces or not Had_Space then Put_In_Buffer (Parser, Unicode.Names.Basic_Latin.Space); end if; Had_Space := True; Last_Space := Parser.Buffer_Length; else Had_Space := False; Put_In_Buffer (Parser, C); end if; end loop; end; Str_End.Last := Parser.Buffer_Length; end if; end case; Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); end loop; if Collapse_Spaces and then Had_Space and then Last_Space /= 0 then Str_End.Last := Last_Space - 1; end if; if Id.Typ = End_Of_Input then if Possible_End = Null_Token then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Unterminated_String); else Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Unterminated_String_Suggests & Location (Parser, Possible_End.Location), T); end if; end if; Set_State (Parser, Saved_State); end Get_String; ------------------ -- Get_External -- ------------------ procedure Get_External (Id : in out Token; System_Start, System_End, Public_Start, Public_End : out Token; Allow_Publicid : Boolean := False) is Had_Space : Boolean; C : Unicode_Char; Index : Natural; begin System_Start := Null_Token; System_End := Null_Token; Public_Start := Null_Token; Public_End := Null_Token; -- Check the arguments for PUBLIC if Id.Typ = Public then Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id, Must_Have => True); if Id.Typ /= Double_String_Delimiter and then Id.Typ /= Single_String_Delimiter then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Public_String); else Get_String (Id, Non_Interpreted_String_State, Public_Start, Public_End); Index := Public_Start.First; while Index <= Public_End.Last loop Encoding.Read (Parser.Buffer.all, Index, C); if not Is_Pubid_Char (C) then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Public_Invalid & "'" & Debug_Encode (C) & "'", Public_Start); end if; end loop; end if; Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); Had_Space := (Id.Typ = Space); if Had_Space then Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); elsif Allow_Publicid then return; end if; if Id.Typ /= Double_String_Delimiter and then Id.Typ /= Single_String_Delimiter then if not Allow_Publicid then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Public_Sysid); end if; else if not Had_Space then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Public_Sysid_Space, Id); end if; Get_String (Id, Non_Interpreted_String_State, System_Start, System_End); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); end if; -- Check the arguments for SYSTEM elsif Id.Typ = System then Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id, Must_Have => True); if Id.Typ /= Double_String_Delimiter and then Id.Typ /= Single_String_Delimiter then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_System_String); else Get_String (Id, Non_Interpreted_String_State, System_Start, System_End); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); end if; end if; end Get_External; ----------------- -- Get_Name_NS -- ----------------- procedure Get_Name_NS (Id : in out Token; NS_Id, Name_Id : out Token) is begin Name_Id := Id; if Id.Typ = Text then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Invalid_Name & "'" & Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last) & "'", Id); -- An empty namespace ? This seems to be useful only for the XML -- conformance suite, so we only handle the case of a single ':' -- to mean both an empty prefix and empty local name. elsif Name_Id.Typ = Colon then Name_Id.Typ := Text; NS_Id := Name_Id; Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); elsif Id.Typ /= Name then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Is_Name, Id); else Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ = Colon then NS_Id := Name_Id; Next_Token (Input, Parser, Name_Id); if Name_Id.Typ /= Name then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Is_Name); end if; Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); else NS_Id := Null_Token; end if; end if; end Get_Name_NS; ---------------------- -- Parse_Entity_Def -- ---------------------- procedure Parse_Entity_Def (Id : in out Token) is Is_Parameter : Token := Null_Token; Name_Id : Token; Def_Start, Def_End : Token := Null_Token; Ndata_Id : Token := Null_Token; Public_Start, Public_End : Token := Null_Token; System_Start, System_End : Token := Null_Token; Had_Space : Boolean; Sym : Symbol; begin Set_State (Parser, Entity_Def_State); Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Name_Id, True); if Debug_Internal then Put_Line ("Parsing entity definition " & Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last)); end if; if Name_Id.Typ = Text and then Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last) = Percent_Sign_Sequence then Is_Parameter := Name_Id; Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Name_Id); end if; if Name_Id.Typ /= Name then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Is_Name); end if; Check_Valid_Name_Or_NCname (Parser, Name_Id); Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id, Must_Have => True); if Id.Typ = Public or else Id.Typ = System then Get_External (Id, System_Start, System_End, Public_Start, Public_End); if Contains_URI_Fragment (Parser.Buffer (System_Start.First .. System_End.Last)) then Error (Parser, Error_System_URI, Id); end if; Had_Space := (Id.Typ = Space); if Had_Space then Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); end if; if Id.Typ = Ndata then if not Had_Space then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Ndata_Space, Id); end if; if Is_Parameter /= Null_Token then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Ndata_ParamEntity, Id); end if; Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Ndata_Id, True); if Ndata_Id.Typ /= Text and then Ndata_Id.Typ /= Name then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Ndata_String); else Sym := Find_Symbol (Parser, Ndata_Id); if Parser.Feature_Validation and then Get (Parser.Notations, Sym) = Null_Notation then -- The notation might be declared later in the same DTD Set (Parser.Notations, (Name => Sym, Declaration_Seen => False)); end if; Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id); end if; end if; elsif Id.Typ = Double_String_Delimiter or else Id.Typ = Single_String_Delimiter then Get_String (Id, Entity_Str_Def_State, Def_Start, Def_End); Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id); else Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Definition); end if; if Id.Typ /= End_Of_Tag then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Definition_Unterminated); end if; -- Only report the first definition Sym := Find_Symbol (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Is_Parameter.First .. Is_Parameter.Last) & Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last)); if Get (Parser.Entities, Sym) /= null then null; elsif Def_End /= Null_Token then Set (Parser.Entities, new Entity_Entry' (Name => Find_Symbol (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Is_Parameter.First .. Is_Parameter.Last) & Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last)), Value => Find_Symbol (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Def_Start.First .. Def_End.Last)), Public => No_Symbol, Unparsed => False, External_Declaration => (Parser.Inputs /= null and then Parser.Inputs.External) or else Parser.In_External_Entity, External => False, Already_Read => False)); if Debug_Internal then Put_Line ("Internal_Entity_Decl: " & Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last) & "=" & Parser.Buffer (Def_Start.First .. Def_End.Last) & " length=" & Integer'Image (Def_End.Last - Def_Start.First + 1)); end if; Internal_Entity_Decl (Parser, Name => Parser.Buffer (Is_Parameter.First .. Is_Parameter.Last) & Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last), Value => Parser.Buffer (Def_Start.First .. Def_End.Last)); elsif Ndata_Id /= Null_Token then Set (Parser.Entities, new Entity_Entry' (Name => Find_Symbol (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Is_Parameter.First .. Is_Parameter.Last) & Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last)), Value => No_Symbol, Public => No_Symbol, Unparsed => True, External_Declaration => (Parser.Inputs /= null and then Parser.Inputs.External) or else Parser.In_External_Entity, External => False, Already_Read => True)); Unparsed_Entity_Decl (Parser, Name => Parser.Buffer (Is_Parameter.First .. Is_Parameter.Last) & Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last), System_Id => Parser.Buffer (System_Start.First .. System_End.Last), Notation_Name => Parser.Buffer (Ndata_Id.First .. Ndata_Id.Last)); else Set (Parser.Entities, new Entity_Entry' (Name => Find_Symbol (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Is_Parameter.First .. Is_Parameter.Last) & Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last)), Value => Find_Symbol (Parser, Parser.Buffer (System_Start.First .. System_End.Last)), Public => Find_Symbol (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Public_Start.First .. Public_End.Last)), Unparsed => False, External_Declaration => (Parser.Inputs /= null and then Parser.Inputs.External) or else Parser.In_External_Entity, External => True, Already_Read => False)); External_Entity_Decl (Parser, Name => Parser.Buffer (Is_Parameter.First .. Is_Parameter.Last) & Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last), Public_Id => Parser.Buffer (Public_Start.First .. Public_End.Last), System_Id => Parser.Buffer (System_Start.First .. System_End.Last)); end if; if Is_Parameter /= Null_Token then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Is_Parameter); else Reset_Buffer (Parser, Name_Id); end if; Set_State (Parser, DTD_State); end Parse_Entity_Def; ----------------------- -- Parse_Element_Def -- ----------------------- procedure Parse_Element_Def (Id : in out Token) is Name_Id : Token; M : Element_Model_Ptr; M2 : Content_Model; NS_Id : Token; begin Set_State (Parser, Element_Def_State); Next_NS_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, NS_Id, Name_Id); if Name_Id.Typ /= Name then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Is_Name); end if; Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id, Must_Have => True); case Id.Typ is when Empty => M := new Element_Model (Empty); when Any => M := new Element_Model (Anything); when Open_Paren => Parse_Element_Model (Input, Parser, M, Attlist => False, Open_Was_Read => True); when others => Fatal_Error (Parser, "Invalid content model: expecting" & " '(', 'EMPTY' or 'ANY'", Id); end case; Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ /= End_Of_Tag then Free (M); Fatal_Error (Parser, "Expecting end of ELEMENT definition"); end if; M2 := Create_Model (M); Element_Decl (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last), M2); Unref (M2); if NS_Id /= Null_Token then Reset_Buffer (Parser, NS_Id); else Reset_Buffer (Parser, Name_Id); end if; Set_State (Parser, DTD_State); end Parse_Element_Def; ------------------------ -- Parse_Notation_Def -- ------------------------ procedure Parse_Notation_Def (Id : in out Token) is Public_Start, Public_End : Token := Null_Token; System_Start, System_End : Token := Null_Token; Name_Id : Token; Sym : Symbol; begin Set_State (Parser, Element_Def_State); Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Name_Id); Check_Valid_Name_Or_NCname (Parser, Name_Id); if Name_Id.Typ /= Name then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Is_Name); end if; Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ = Public or else Id.Typ = System then Get_External (Id, System_Start, System_End, Public_Start, Public_End, True); if Id.Typ = Space then Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); end if; else Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Invalid_Notation_Decl); end if; if Id.Typ /= End_Of_Tag then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Expecting end of NOTATION definition"); end if; if Contains_URI_Fragment (Parser.Buffer (System_Start.First .. System_End.Last)) then Error (Parser, Error_System_URI); end if; if Parser.Hooks.Notation_Decl /= null then Parser.Hooks.Notation_Decl (Parser'Access, Name => Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last), Public_Id => Parser.Buffer (Public_Start.First .. Public_End.Last), System_Id => Parser.Buffer (System_Start.First .. System_End.Last)); end if; Notation_Decl (Parser, Name => Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last), Public_Id => Parser.Buffer (Public_Start.First .. Public_End.Last), System_Id => Parser.Buffer (System_Start.First .. System_End.Last)); if Parser.Feature_Validation then Sym := Find_Symbol (Parser, Name_Id); Remove (Parser.Notations, Sym); Set (Parser.Notations, (Name => Sym, Declaration_Seen => True)); end if; Set_State (Parser, DTD_State); Reset_Buffer (Parser, Name_Id); end Parse_Notation_Def; ----------------------- -- Parse_Attlist_Def -- ----------------------- procedure Parse_Attlist_Def (Id : in out Token) is M : Element_Model_Ptr; M2 : Content_Model; Default_Start, Default_End : Token; Ename_Id, Ename_NS_Id, Name_Id, NS_Id, Type_Id : Token; Default_Id : Token; Attr : Attributes_Table.Element_Ptr; Default_Decl : Default_Declaration; Att_Type : Attribute_Type; Ename, SName : Symbol; begin Set_State (Parser, Element_Def_State); Next_NS_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Ename_NS_Id, Ename_Id); if Ename_Id.Typ /= Name then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Is_Name, Ename_Id); end if; Ename := Find_Symbol (Parser, Ename_Id); Attr := Get_Ptr (Parser.Default_Atts, Ename); if Attr = null then declare Attr2 : constant Attributes_Entry := (Element_Name => Ename, Attributes => (0, null)); begin Set (Parser.Default_Atts, Attr2); Attr := Get_Ptr (Parser.Default_Atts, Ename); end; end if; if Id.Typ = Space then Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id); end if; loop -- Temporarily disable In_Attlist, so that the names like "NAME" -- are parsed as names and not as NMTOKEN. Set_State (Parser, Attribute_Def_Name_State); Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id); exit when Id.Typ = End_Of_Tag or else Id.Typ = End_Of_Input; Get_Name_NS (Id, NS_Id, Name_Id); SName := Find_Symbol (Parser, Name_Id); if Id.Typ /= Space then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Expecting_Space, Id); -- 3.3 end if; Set_State (Parser, Attribute_Def_State); Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id); Type_Id := Id; Default_Start := Null_Token; Default_End := Null_Token; case Type_Id.Typ is when Id_Type => Att_Type := Sax.Attributes.Id; when Idref => Att_Type := Sax.Attributes.Idref; when Idrefs => Att_Type := Sax.Attributes.Idrefs; when Cdata => Att_Type := Sax.Attributes.Cdata; when Nmtoken => Att_Type := Sax.Attributes.Nmtoken; when Nmtokens => Att_Type := Sax.Attributes.Nmtokens; when Entity => Att_Type := Sax.Attributes.Entity; when Entities => Att_Type := Sax.Attributes.Entities; when Notation => Att_Type := Notation; Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ /= Space then Fatal_Error (Parser, -- 3.3.1 "Space is required between NOTATION keyword" & " and list of enumerated", Id); end if; Parse_Element_Model (Input, Parser, M, True, False); if Parser.Feature_Validation then for J in M.List'Range loop if Get (Parser.Notations, M.List (J).Name) /= Null_Notation then Error (Parser, Error_Notation_Undeclared & Get (M.List (J).Name).all, Id); end if; end loop; end if; when Open_Paren => Att_Type := Enumeration; Parse_Element_Model (Input, Parser, M, True, True); when others => Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Attlist_Type); end case; declare QName : constant Byte_Sequence := Qname_From_Name (Parser, NS_Id, Name_Id); Default_Val : Symbol; begin Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Default_Id, True); if Default_Id.Typ = Implied then Default_Decl := Sax.Attributes.Implied; elsif Default_Id.Typ = Required then Default_Decl := Sax.Attributes.Required; else Id := Default_Id; if Default_Id.Typ = Fixed then Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id, True); Default_Decl := Sax.Attributes.Fixed; else Default_Decl := Sax.Attributes.Default; end if; if Id.Typ = Double_String_Delimiter or else Id.Typ = Single_String_Delimiter then Get_String (Id, Attlist_Str_Def_State, Default_Start, Default_End, Normalize => True, Collapse_Spaces => True); -- Errata 9 on XML 1.0 specs: the default value must be -- syntactically correct. Validity will only be checked -- if the attribute is used. Default_Val := Find_Symbol (Parser, Default_Start, Default_End); if Parser.Feature_Validation then Check_Attribute_Value (Parser, Local_Name => SName, Typ => Att_Type, Value => Default_Val, Error_Loc => Default_Start); end if; else Fatal_Error (Parser, "Invalid default value for attribute"); end if; end if; if Parser.Feature_Validation and then Att_Type = Sax.Attributes.Id and then Default_Decl /= Sax.Attributes.Implied and then Default_Decl /= Sax.Attributes.Required then Error (Parser, "Default value for an ID attribute must be" & " IMPLIED or REQUIRED", Default_Id); end if; -- Always report the attribute, even when we know the value -- won't be used. We can't do it coherently otherwise, in case -- an attribute is seen in the external subset, and then -- overriden in the internal subset. M2 := Create_Model (M); Attribute_Decl (Parser, Ename => Parser.Buffer (Ename_Id.First .. Ename_Id.Last), Aname => QName, Typ => Att_Type, Content => M2, Value_Default => Default_Decl, Value => Parser.Buffer (Default_Start.First .. Default_End.Last)); Unref (M2); Append (List => Attr.Attributes, If_Unique => True, Location => Name_Id.Location, Local_Name => SName, Prefix => Find_Symbol (Parser, NS_Id), Value => Default_Val, Att_Type => Att_Type, Default_Decl => Default_Decl); end; -- M will be freed automatically when the Default_Atts field is -- freed. However, we need to reset it for the next attribute -- in the list. M := null; if NS_Id /= Null_Token then Reset_Buffer (Parser, NS_Id); else Reset_Buffer (Parser, Name_Id); end if; Set_State (Parser, Element_Def_State); end loop; if Id.Typ /= End_Of_Tag then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Expecting end of ATTLIST definition"); end if; Set_State (Parser, DTD_State); if Ename_NS_Id /= Null_Token then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Ename_NS_Id); else Reset_Buffer (Parser, Ename_Id); end if; exception when others => Free (M); raise; end Parse_Attlist_Def; ----------------- -- Check_Model -- ----------------- procedure Check_Model is begin null; end Check_Model; ---------------- -- Get_String -- ---------------- function Get_String (Str : Token) return String is begin return Parser.Buffer (Str.First .. Str.Last); end Get_String; ---------------- -- Get_String -- ---------------- function Get_String (First, Last : Token) return String is begin return Parser.Buffer (First.First .. Last.Last); end Get_String; -------------------------------- -- Check_And_Define_Namespace -- -------------------------------- procedure Check_And_Define_Namespace (Prefix, URI : Symbol; Location : Sax.Locators.Location) is begin if Prefix = Empty_String then -- [2] Empty value is legal for the default namespace, and -- provides unbinding null; else if Prefix = Parser.Xmlns_Sequence then Fatal_Error -- NS 3 (Parser, "Cannot redefine the xmlns prefix", Location); elsif URI = Empty_String then Fatal_Error (Parser, -- NS 2.2 "Cannot use an empty URI for namespaces", Location); elsif Prefix = Parser.Xml_Sequence then if URI /= Parser.Namespaces_URI_Sequence then Fatal_Error -- NS 3 (Parser, "Cannot redefine the xml prefix", Location); end if; elsif URI = Parser.Namespaces_URI_Sequence then Fatal_Error (Parser, -- NS 3 "Cannot bind the namespace URI to a prefix other" & " than xml", Location); end if; end if; if URI /= Empty_String and then not Is_Valid_IRI (Get (URI).all, Version => Parser.XML_Version) then if Parser.Feature_Allow_Relative_IRI then Warning (Parser, "Invalid absolute IRI (Internationalized Resource" & " Identifier) for namespace: """ & Get (URI).all & """", Location); else Error (Parser, "Invalid absolute IRI (Internationalized Resource" & " Identifier) for namespace: """ & Get (URI).all & """", Location); -- NS 2 end if; end if; Add_Namespace (Parser, Parser.Current_Node, Prefix, URI); end Check_And_Define_Namespace; ---------------------------- -- Add_Default_Attributes -- ---------------------------- procedure Add_Default_Attributes (DTD_Attr : Sax_Attribute_Array_Access) is Found : Boolean; Is_Xmlns : Boolean; begin -- Add all the default attributes to the element. -- We shouldn't add an attribute if it was overriden by the user if DTD_Attr /= null then for J in DTD_Attr'Range loop -- We must compare Qnames, since namespaces haven't been -- resolved in the default attributes. if DTD_Attr (J).Default_Decl = Default or else DTD_Attr (J).Default_Decl = Fixed then Found := False; for A in 1 .. Parser.Attributes.Count loop if Parser.Attributes.List (A).Local_Name = DTD_Attr (J).Local_Name and then Parser.Attributes.List (A).Prefix = DTD_Attr (J).Prefix then Found := True; exit; end if; end loop; if not Found then Is_Xmlns := DTD_Attr (J).Prefix = Parser.Xmlns_Sequence; if Parser.Feature_Namespace_Prefixes or else not Is_Xmlns then Append (List => Parser.Attributes, If_Unique => True, Location => No_Location, Local_Name => DTD_Attr (J).Local_Name, Prefix => DTD_Attr (J).Prefix, Value => DTD_Attr (J).Value, Att_Type => DTD_Attr (J).Att_Type, Default_Decl => DTD_Attr (J).Default_Decl); end if; -- Is this a namespace declaration ? if Is_Xmlns then -- Following warning is because for parser that don't -- read external DTDs, the behavior would be different -- for the same document. Warning (Parser, "namespace-declaring attribute inserted via " & "DTD defaulting mechanisms are not good style"); Add_Namespace (Parser, Parser.Current_Node, Prefix => DTD_Attr (J).Local_Name, URI => DTD_Attr (J).Value); end if; end if; end if; end loop; end if; end Add_Default_Attributes; ---------------------------------- -- Resolve_Attribute_Namespaces -- ---------------------------------- procedure Resolve_Attribute_Namespaces is NS : XML_NS; begin if Parser.Feature_Namespace then for J in 1 .. Parser.Attributes.Count loop Find_NS (Parser, Parser.Attributes.List (J).Prefix, NS, Include_Default_NS => False); if NS = No_XML_NS then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Prefix_Not_Declared & Get (Parser.Attributes.List (J).Prefix).all); end if; for A in 1 .. J - 1 loop if Parser.Attributes.List (A).URI = Get_URI (NS) and then Parser.Attributes.List (A).Local_Name = Parser.Attributes.List (J).Local_Name then Fatal_Error -- 3.1 (Parser, "Attributes may appear only once: " & To_QName (Get_URI (NS), Parser.Attributes.List (J).Local_Name), Parser.Attributes.List (J).Location); end if; end loop; Parser.Attributes.List (J).URI := Get_URI (NS); end loop; end if; end Resolve_Attribute_Namespaces; ---------------------- -- Parse_Attributes -- ---------------------- procedure Parse_Attributes (Elem_NS_Id, Elem_Name_Id : Token; Id : in out Token) is Elem : constant Symbol := Find_Symbol (Parser, Qname_From_Name (Parser, Elem_NS_Id, Elem_Name_Id)); Attr : constant Sax_Attribute_List := Get (Parser.Default_Atts, Elem).Attributes; -- The attributes as defined in the DTD Attr_NS_Id : Token; Attr_Name_Id : Token; Value_Start : Token; Value_End : Token; Add_Attr : Boolean; A : Integer; Attr_Name, Attr_Prefix, Attr_Value : Symbol; Attr_Type : Attribute_Type; function Find_Declaration return Integer; -- Return the position of the declaration for Attr_Prefix:Attr_Name -- in Attr, or -1 if no declaration exists procedure Check_Required_Attributes; -- Check whether all required attributes have been defined ---------------------- -- Find_Declaration -- ---------------------- function Find_Declaration return Integer is begin if Attr.List /= null then -- First test: same prefix and local name. We will test later -- for a same URI for A in Attr.List'First .. Attr.Count loop if Attr.List (A).Local_Name = Attr_Name and then Attr.List (A).Prefix = Attr_Prefix then return A; end if; end loop; end if; return -1; end Find_Declaration; ------------------------------- -- Check_Required_Attributes -- ------------------------------- procedure Check_Required_Attributes is Found : Boolean; begin if Parser.Feature_Validation and then Attr.List /= null then for A in Attr.List'First .. Attr.Count loop if Attr.List (A).Default_Decl = Required then Found := False; for T in 1 .. Parser.Attributes.Count loop if Parser.Attributes.List (T).Local_Name = Attr.List (A).Local_Name and then Parser.Attributes.List (T).Prefix = Attr.List (A).Prefix then Found := True; exit; end if; end loop; if not Found then Error (Parser, "[VC 3.3.2] Required attribute '" & To_QName (Attr.List (A).Prefix, Attr.List (A).Local_Name) & "' must be defined"); end if; end if; end loop; end if; end Check_Required_Attributes; begin Parser.Attributes.Count := 0; while Id.Typ /= End_Of_Tag and then Id.Typ /= End_Of_Input and then Id.Typ /= End_Of_Start_Tag loop Get_Name_NS (Id, Attr_NS_Id, Attr_Name_Id); if Id.Typ = Space then Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); end if; if Id.Typ /= Equal then Fatal_Error -- 3.1 (Parser, "Attributes must have an explicit value", Id); end if; Attr_Name := Find_Symbol (Parser, Attr_Name_Id); Attr_Prefix := Find_Symbol (Parser, Attr_NS_Id); A := Find_Declaration; Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ /= Double_String_Delimiter and then Id.Typ /= Single_String_Delimiter then Fatal_Error -- 3.1 (Parser, "Attribute values must be quoted", Id); end if; -- 3.3.3: If the attribute's type is not CDATA, we must -- normalize it, ie collapse sequence of spaces. -- ??? What if the information comes from an XML Schema instead -- of a DTD -- ??? That should be done only after we have processed the -- namespaces, otherwise we do not know what attribute we are -- dealing with -- In XML Schema 1.1 Part 1, Section 3.1.4, it is indicated that -- we should always normalize attribute values according to the -- whitespace property of their type. As a result, we do not -- normalize here by default if the attribute was registered, and -- it will be done by the schema parser if we are using one -- (see Hook_Start_Element). Get_String (Id, Attr_Value_State, Value_Start, Value_End, Normalize => True, Collapse_Spaces => A /= -1 and then Attr.List (A).Att_Type /= Cdata); Attr_Value := Find_Symbol (Parser, Value_Start, Value_End); Add_Attr := True; -- Is this a namespace declaration ? if Parser.Feature_Namespace and then Attr_Prefix = Parser.Xmlns_Sequence then Check_And_Define_Namespace (Prefix => Attr_Name, URI => Attr_Value, Location => Attr_Name_Id.Location); Add_Attr := Parser.Feature_Namespace_Prefixes; -- Is this the declaration of the default namespace (xmlns="uri") elsif Parser.Feature_Namespace and then Attr_NS_Id = Null_Token and then Attr_Name = Parser.Xmlns_Sequence then if Get (Attr_Value).all = Xmlns_URI_Sequence or else Get (Attr_Value).all = Namespaces_URI_Sequence then Fatal_Error (Parser, "The xml namespace cannot be declared as the default" & " namespace"); end if; -- We might have a FIXED declaration for this attribute in the -- DTD, as per the XML Conformance testsuite if Parser.Feature_Validation and then A /= -1 then if Attr.List (A).Default_Decl = Fixed and then Attr.List (A).Value /= Attr_Value then Error (Parser, "[VC 3.3.2] xmlns attribute doesn't match FIXED value", Value_Start); end if; end if; Check_And_Define_Namespace (Prefix => Empty_String, URI => Attr_Value, Location => Attr_Name_Id.Location); Add_Attr := Parser.Feature_Namespace_Prefixes; else -- All attributes must be defined (including xml:lang, that -- requires additional testing afterwards) if Parser.Feature_Validation then if Attr.List = null then Error (Parser, "[VC] No attribute allowed for element " & Get (Parser.Current_Node.Name).all, Attr_Name_Id); elsif A = -1 then Error (Parser, "[VC] Attribute not declared in DTD: " & To_QName (Attr_Prefix, Attr_Name), Attr_Name_Id); end if; end if; if Get_String (Attr_NS_Id) = Xml_Sequence then if Get_String (Attr_Name_Id) = Lang_Sequence then Test_Valid_Lang (Parser, Get_String (Value_Start, Value_End)); elsif Get_String (Attr_Name_Id) = Space_Word_Sequence then Test_Valid_Space (Parser, Get_String (Value_Start, Value_End)); end if; end if; end if; -- Register the attribute in the temporary list, until we can -- properly resolve namespaces if Add_Attr then if Debug_Internal then Put_Line ("Register attribute: " & Qname_From_Name (Parser, Attr_NS_Id, Attr_Name_Id) & " value=" & Get_String (Value_Start, Value_End)); end if; if A /= -1 then if Attr.List (A).Default_Decl = Fixed and then Attr.List (A).Value /= Attr_Value then Error (Parser, "[VC 3.3.2] Fixed attribute '" & To_QName (Attr_Prefix, Attr_Name) & "' must have the defined value", Attr_Name_Id.Location); end if; Attr_Type := Attr.List (A).Att_Type; else Attr_Type := Cdata; end if; Append (List => Parser.Attributes, If_Unique => False, Location => Attr_Name_Id.Location, Local_Name => Attr_Name, Prefix => Attr_Prefix, Att_Type => Attr_Type, Value => Attr_Value); end if; if Attr_NS_Id /= Null_Token then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Attr_NS_Id); else Reset_Buffer (Parser, Attr_Name_Id); end if; Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ = Space then Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); elsif Id.Typ /= End_Of_Tag and then Id.Typ /= End_Of_Start_Tag then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Expecting_Space, Id); end if; end loop; Check_Required_Attributes; Add_Default_Attributes (Attr.List); -- Check attribute values. We must do that after adding the default -- attributes, so that they are properly checked as well. It would be -- nice to be able to check them only once, but that can't be done -- when they are declared (since they might be referencing entities -- declared after them in the DTD) if Parser.Feature_Validation then for Att in 1 .. Parser.Attributes.Count loop Check_Attribute_Value (Parser, Local_Name => Parser.Attributes.List (Att).Local_Name, Typ => Parser.Attributes.List (Att).Att_Type, Value => Parser.Attributes.List (Att).Value, Error_Loc => Elem_Name_Id); end loop; end if; end Parse_Attributes; --------------------- -- Parse_Start_Tag -- --------------------- procedure Parse_Start_Tag is Open_Id : constant Token := Id; Elem_Name_Id, Elem_NS_Id : Token; NS : XML_NS; begin Set_State (Parser, Tag_State); Parser.Current_Node := new Element' (NS => No_XML_NS, Name => No_Symbol, Namespaces => No_XML_NS, Start => Id.Location, Start_Tag_End => Id.Location, Parent => Parser.Current_Node); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); Get_Name_NS (Id, Elem_NS_Id, Elem_Name_Id); Parser.Current_Node.Name := Find_Symbol (Parser, Elem_Name_Id); if Parser.Current_Node.Parent = null then Parser.Num_Toplevel_Elements := Parser.Num_Toplevel_Elements + 1; if Parser.Num_Toplevel_Elements > 1 then Fatal_Error -- 2.1 (Parser, "Too many children for top-level node," & " when adding <" & Qname_From_Name (Parser, Elem_NS_Id, Elem_Name_Id) & ">", Open_Id); end if; if Parser.Feature_Validation then if Parser.DTD_Name = No_Symbol then Error -- VC 2.8 (Parser, "No DTD defined for this document", Id); elsif Parser.DTD_Name /= Parser.Current_Node.Name then Error (Parser, "[VC 2.8] Name of root element doesn't match name" & " of DTD ('" & Get (Parser.DTD_Name).all & "')", Id); end if; end if; elsif Parser.Feature_Validation then Check_Model; end if; if Elem_NS_Id /= Null_Token and then Get_String (Elem_NS_Id) = Xmlns_Sequence then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Elements must not have the prefix xmlns"); end if; -- Call the hook before checking the attributes. This might mean we -- are passing incorrect attributes (or missing ones), but the hook -- is used for validation (otherwise standard users should use -- Start_Element itself). -- We want the count of elements in the NS to not include the current -- context. if Debug_Internal then Put_Line ("Start_Element " & Qname_From_Name (Parser, Elem_NS_Id, Elem_Name_Id)); end if; -- We need to process the attributes first, because they might define -- the namespace for the element if Id.Typ = Space then Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); Parse_Attributes (Elem_NS_Id, Elem_Name_Id, Id); elsif Id.Typ /= End_Of_Tag and then Id.Typ /= End_Of_Start_Tag then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Expecting_Space, Id); else -- We still need to check the attributes, in case we have none but -- some where required Parse_Attributes (Elem_NS_Id, Elem_Name_Id, Id); end if; Resolve_Attribute_Namespaces; -- And report the elements to the callbacks Set_State (Parser, Default_State); Find_NS (Parser, Elem_NS_Id, NS); Parser.Current_Node.NS := NS; if Parser.Hooks.Start_Element /= null then Parser.Hooks.Start_Element (Parser'Unchecked_Access, Parser.Current_Node, Parser.Attributes'Access); end if; -- This does not take into account the use of the namespace by the -- attributes. -- ??? That would be costly to again do a Find_NS for each of the -- attributes. ??? We don't do a Find_NS anymore, so that would be -- doable in fact. Increment_Count (NS); Parser.Current_Node.Start_Tag_End := Get_Location (Parser.Locator); pragma Warnings (Off, "overlaps with actual"); Start_Element (Parser, NS => NS, Local_Name => Parser.Current_Node.Name, Atts => Parser.Attributes); pragma Warnings (On, "overlaps with actual"); if Id.Typ = End_Of_Start_Tag then End_Element; end if; if Elem_NS_Id /= Null_Token then Reset_Buffer (Parser, Elem_NS_Id); else Reset_Buffer (Parser, Elem_Name_Id); end if; if Id.Typ = End_Of_Input then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Unexpected end of stream"); end if; end Parse_Start_Tag; ---------------------------- -- Parse_Doctype_Contents -- ---------------------------- procedure Parse_Doctype_Contents is Start_Id : Symbol; Num_Include : Natural := 0; -- Number of 0 then Num_Ignore := Num_Ignore + 1; else Num_Include := Num_Include + 1; end if; elsif Id.Typ = End_Conditional then if Num_Include + Num_Ignore = 0 then Fatal_Error (Parser, Error_Unexpected_Chars3, Id); elsif Num_Ignore > 0 then Num_Ignore := Num_Ignore - 1; else Num_Include := Num_Include - 1; end if; elsif Id.Typ = End_Of_Input then exit; elsif Num_Ignore = 0 then case Id.Typ is when End_Of_Tag | Internal_DTD_End => exit; when Entity_Def => Parse_Entity_Def (Id); when Element_Def => Parse_Element_Def (Id); when Notation => Parse_Notation_Def (Id); when Attlist_Def => Parse_Attlist_Def (Id); when Text | Name => if Id.First < Id.Last then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Unexpected character in the DTD"); else Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); end if; when Comment => Comment (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last)); Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); when Start_Of_PI => Parse_PI (Id); when others => Fatal_Error -- 2.8 (Parser, "Element not allowed in the DTD", Id); end case; else Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); end if; -- XML 1.0 Errata 14 or XML 1.1 section 4.3.2: nesting of entities -- doesn't apply for well-formedness in the DTD if Parser.Feature_Validation then if Start_Id /= Id.Location.System_Id then Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Self_Contained, Id); end if; end if; end loop; if Num_Ignore + Num_Include /= 0 then Fatal_Error -- 3.4 (Parser, "Conditional section must be properly terminated", Id); end if; end Parse_Doctype_Contents; ------------------- -- Parse_Doctype -- ------------------- procedure Parse_Doctype is Public_Start, Public_End : Token := Null_Token; System_Start, System_End : Token := Null_Token; Name_Id : Token; NS_Id : Token; begin Set_State (Parser, DTD_State); Next_NS_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, NS_Id, Name_Id); if Name_Id.Typ /= Name then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Expecting name after Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last), Public_Id => Parser.Buffer (Public_Start.First .. Public_End.Last), System_Id => Parser.Buffer (System_Start.First .. System_End.Last)); if Parser.Feature_Validation then Parser.DTD_Name := Find_Symbol (Parser, Name_Id); end if; if Id.Typ = Internal_DTD_Start then Parse_Doctype_Contents; if Id.Typ /= Internal_DTD_End then Fatal_Error -- 2.8 (Parser, "Expecting end of internal subset ']>'", Id); end if; elsif Id.Typ /= End_Of_Tag then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Expecting end of DTD"); end if; -- Read the external subset if required. This needs to be read -- after the internal subset only, so that the latter gets -- priority (XML specifications 2.8) if System_End.Last >= System_Start.First then declare Loc : constant Sax.Locators.Location := Get_Location (Parser.Locator); System : constant Symbol := Find_Symbol (Parser, Parser.Buffer (System_Start.First .. System_End.Last)); URI : constant Symbol := Resolve_URI (Parser, System_Id (Parser), System); In_External : constant Boolean := Parser.In_External_Entity; Input_F : File_Input; Saved_Last_Read : constant Unicode_Char := Parser.Last_Read; begin Open (Get (URI).all, Input_F); -- Protect against the case where the last character read was -- a LineFeed. Parser.Last_Read := Unicode_Char'Val (16#00#); Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid := False; Set_Line_Number (Parser.Locator, 1); Set_Column_Number (Parser.Locator, Prolog_Size (Input_F)); Set_System_Id (Parser.Locator, URI); Set_Public_Id (Parser.Locator, System); if NS_Id /= Null_Token then Reset_Buffer (Parser, NS_Id); else Reset_Buffer (Parser, Name_Id); end if; Parser.In_External_Entity := True; Syntactic_Parse (Parser, Input_F); Close (Input_F); Parser.In_External_Entity := In_External; Set_Location (Parser.Locator, Loc); Parser.Last_Read := Saved_Last_Read; Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid := True; exception when Name_Error => Close (Input_F); Error (Parser, "External subset not found: " & Parser.Buffer (System_Start.First .. System_End.Last), Id); if NS_Id /= Null_Token then Reset_Buffer (Parser, NS_Id); else Reset_Buffer (Parser, Name_Id); end if; when others => Close (Input_F); raise; end; else if NS_Id /= Null_Token then Reset_Buffer (Parser, NS_Id); else Reset_Buffer (Parser, Name_Id); end if; end if; -- Check that all declarations are fully declared if Parser.Feature_Validation then declare Iter : Notations_Table.Iterator := First (Parser.Notations); begin while Iter /= Notations_Table.No_Iterator loop if not Current (Iter).Declaration_Seen then Error (Parser, Error_Notation_Undeclared & Get (Current (Iter).Name).all); end if; Next (Parser.Notations, Iter); end loop; end; end if; Parser.In_External_Entity := False; End_DTD (Parser); Set_State (Parser, Default_State); end Parse_Doctype; ----------------- -- End_Element -- ----------------- procedure End_Element is begin if Parser.Hooks.End_Element /= null then Parser.Hooks.End_Element (Parser'Unchecked_Access, Parser.Current_Node); end if; End_Element (Parser, NS => Parser.Current_Node.NS, Local_Name => Parser.Current_Node.Name); -- Tag must end in the same entity if Parser.Feature_Validation and then Id.Location.System_Id /= Parser.Current_Node.Start.System_Id then Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Self_Contained, Id); end if; Close_Namespaces (Parser, Parser.Current_Node.Namespaces); -- Move back to the parent node (after freeing the current node) Free (Parser.Current_Node); end End_Element; ------------------- -- Parse_End_Tag -- ------------------- procedure Parse_End_Tag is Open_Id : constant Token := Id; NS_Id, Name_Id : Token := Null_Token; begin Set_State (Parser, Tag_State); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); Get_Name_NS (Id, NS_Id, Name_Id); if Id.Typ = Space then Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); end if; if Id.Typ /= End_Of_Tag then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Tags must end with a '>' symbol", Id); -- 3.1 end if; if Parser.Current_Node = null then Fatal_Error -- 3 (Parser, "No start tag found for this end tag", Id); end if; -- Tag must end in the same entity if Parser.Feature_Validation and then Id.Location.System_Id /= Parser.Current_Node.Start.System_Id then Error (Parser, Error_Entity_Self_Contained, Id); end if; if Parser.Current_Node = null then Fatal_Error (Parser, -- WF element type match "Unexpected closing tag", Open_Id); elsif Parser.Buffer (NS_Id.First .. NS_Id.Last) /= Get (Get_Prefix (Parser.Current_Node.NS)).all or else Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last) /= Get (Parser.Current_Node.Name).all then -- Well-Formedness Constraint: Element Type Match if Get_Prefix (Parser.Current_Node.NS) /= Empty_String then Fatal_Error (Parser, -- WF element type match "Name differ for closing tag (expecting " & Get (Get_Prefix (Parser.Current_Node.NS)).all & ':' & Get (Parser.Current_Node.Name).all & ", opened line" & Integer'Image (Parser.Current_Node.Start.Line) & ')', Open_Id); else Fatal_Error (Parser, -- WF element type match "Name differ for closing tag (" & "expecting " & Get (Parser.Current_Node.Name).all & ", opened line" & Integer'Image (Parser.Current_Node.Start.Line) & ')', Open_Id); end if; end if; End_Element; Set_State (Parser, Default_State); if NS_Id /= Null_Token then Reset_Buffer (Parser, NS_Id); else Reset_Buffer (Parser, Name_Id); end if; end Parse_End_Tag; ------------------------- -- Check_Version_Value -- ------------------------- procedure Check_Version_Value (Id : in out Token) is C : Unicode_Char; J : Natural; Value_Start, Value_End : Token; Tmp_Version : XML_Versions; begin Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ /= Equal then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Expecting '=' sign", Id); end if; Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ /= Double_String_Delimiter and then Id.Typ /= Single_String_Delimiter then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Expecting version value", Id); end if; Get_String (Id, Attr_Value_State, Value_Start, Value_End); J := Value_Start.First; while J <= Value_End.Last loop Encoding.Read (Parser.Buffer.all, J, C); if not (C in Latin_Small_Letter_A .. Latin_Small_Letter_Z) and then not (C in Latin_Capital_Letter_A .. Latin_Capital_Letter_Z) and then not (C in Digit_Zero .. Digit_Nine) and then C /= Low_Line and then C /= Full_Stop and then C /= Unicode.Names.Basic_Latin.Colon and then C /= Hyphen_Minus then Fatal_Error -- 2.8 (Parser, "Illegal version number in processing" & " instruction", Value_Start); end if; end loop; if Parser.Buffer (Value_Start.First .. Value_End.Last) = "1.1" then Tmp_Version := XML_1_1; elsif Parser.Buffer (Value_Start.First .. Value_End.Last) = "1.0" then Tmp_Version := XML_1_0; else case Parser.XML_Version is when XML_1_0_Third_Edition | XML_1_0_Fourth_Edition => Error (Parser, "Unsupported version of XML: " & Parser.Buffer (Value_Start.First .. Value_End.Last)); when XML_1_0_Fifth_Edition | XML_1_0 | XML_1_1 => null; end case; end if; if Parser.In_External_Entity and then ((Tmp_Version = XML_1_1 and then Parser.XML_Version /= XML_1_1) or else (Tmp_Version /= XML_1_1 and then Parser.XML_Version = XML_1_1)) then Fatal_Error (Parser, "External entity doesn't have the same" & " XML version as document"); end if; -- Override the version in the parser, but only if the one set -- doesn't match yet. In particular, this allows users to set their -- preferred edition of XML 1.0 if Tmp_Version = XML_1_1 and then Parser.XML_Version /= XML_1_1 then Parser.XML_Version := XML_1_1; elsif Tmp_Version = XML_1_0 and then Parser.XML_Version = XML_1_1 then Parser.XML_Version := XML_1_0; end if; Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ = Space then Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); elsif Id.Typ /= End_Of_PI then Fatal_Error (Parser, "values must be separated by spaces", Id); end if; end Check_Version_Value; -------------------------- -- Check_Encoding_Value -- -------------------------- procedure Check_Encoding_Value (Id : in out Token) is Inp : Input_Source_Access := Input'Unchecked_Access; C : Unicode_Char; J : Natural; Value_Start, Value_End : Token; Tmp : Positive; begin -- If we are parsing an external entity, everything applies to it. -- See test xmltest/valid/ext-sa/008.xml if Parser.Inputs /= null then Inp := Parser.Inputs.Input; end if; Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Inp.all, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ /= Equal then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Expecting '=' sign"); end if; Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Inp.all, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ /= Double_String_Delimiter and then Id.Typ /= Single_String_Delimiter then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Expecting encoding value"); end if; Get_String (Id, Attr_Value_State, Value_Start, Value_End); if Value_End.Last < Value_Start.First then Fatal_Error -- 4.3.3 (Parser, "Empty value for encoding not allowed"); else Tmp := Value_Start.First; Encoding.Read (Parser.Buffer.all, Tmp, C); if not (C in Latin_Small_Letter_A .. Latin_Small_Letter_Z) and then not (C in Latin_Capital_Letter_A .. Latin_Capital_Letter_Z) then Fatal_Error -- 4.3.3 (Parser, "Illegal character '" & Debug_Encode (C) & "' in encoding value", Value_Start); end if; J := Value_Start.First + Encoding.Width (C); while J <= Value_End.Last loop Encoding.Read (Parser.Buffer.all, J, C); if not (C in Latin_Small_Letter_A .. Latin_Small_Letter_Z) and then not (C in Latin_Capital_Letter_A .. Latin_Capital_Letter_Z) and then not (C in Digit_Zero .. Digit_Nine) and then C /= Full_Stop and then C /= Low_Line and then C /= Hyphen_Minus then Fatal_Error -- 4.3.3 (Parser, "Illegal character '" & Debug_Encode (C) & "' in encoding value", Value_Start); end if; end loop; end if; -- Check we indeed have a following space Next_Token (Inp.all, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ = Space then Next_Token (Inp.all, Parser, Id); elsif Id.Typ /= End_Of_PI then Fatal_Error (Parser, "values must be separated by spaces", Id); end if; -- Change the encoding for the streams, if needed Set_Stream_Encoding (Inp.all, Parser.Buffer (Value_Start.First .. Value_End.Last)); end Check_Encoding_Value; ---------------------------- -- Check_Standalone_Value -- ---------------------------- procedure Check_Standalone_Value (Id : in out Token) is Value_Start, Value_End : Token; begin Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ /= Equal then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Expecting '=' sign"); end if; Next_Token_Skip_Spaces (Input, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ /= Double_String_Delimiter and then Id.Typ /= Single_String_Delimiter then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Parameter to 'standalone' must be quoted", Id); end if; Get_String (Id, Attr_Value_State, Value_Start, Value_End); if Parser.Buffer (Value_Start.First .. Value_End.Last) /= Yes_Sequence and then Parser.Buffer (Value_Start.First .. Value_End.Last) /= No_Sequence then Fatal_Error (Parser, -- 2.9 [32] "Invalid value for standalone parameter in ", Value_Start); end if; Parser.Standalone_Document := Parser.Buffer (Value_Start.First .. Value_End.Last) = Yes_Sequence; Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ = Space then Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); elsif Id.Typ /= End_Of_PI then Fatal_Error (Parser, "values must be separated by spaces", Id); end if; end Check_Standalone_Value; -------------- -- Parse_PI -- -------------- procedure Parse_PI (Id : in out Token) is State : constant Parser_State := Get_State (Parser); Open_Id : constant Token := Id; Name_Id, Data_Start : Token; Data_End : Token := Null_Token; begin Set_State (Parser, PI_State); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Name_Id); if Name_Id.Typ /= Name then Fatal_Error (Parser, -- 2.6 "Processing Instruction must specify a target name", Name_Id); end if; Check_Valid_Name_Or_NCname (Parser, Name_Id); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); if Id.Typ /= Space and then Id.Typ /= End_Of_PI then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Must have space between target and data"); elsif Id.Typ = Space then Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); end if; -- Special handling for if Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last) = Xml_Sequence then if Open_Id.Location.Line /= 1 or else (Parser.Inputs = null and then Open_Id.Location.Column /= 1 + Prolog_Size (Input)) or else (Parser.Inputs /= null and then Open_Id.Location.Column /= 1 + Prolog_Size (Parser.Inputs.Input.all)) or else (Parser.Inputs /= null and then not Parser.Inputs.External) then Fatal_Error (Parser, -- 2.8 " instruction must be first in document", Open_Id); end if; -- ??? No true for text declaratinos 4.3.1 (external parsed -- entities) Set_State (Parser, Tag_State); if Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last) = Version_Sequence then Check_Version_Value (Id); elsif not Parser.In_External_Entity then Fatal_Error (Parser, "'version' must be the first argument to ", Id); end if; if Id.Typ = Name and then Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last) = Encoding_Sequence then Check_Encoding_Value (Id); elsif Parser.In_External_Entity then Fatal_Error (Parser, "'encoding' must be specified for in" & " external entities", Id); end if; if not Parser.In_External_Entity and then Id.Typ = Name and then Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last) = Standalone_Sequence then Check_Standalone_Value (Id); end if; if Id.Typ /= End_Of_PI then if Parser.In_External_Entity then Fatal_Error (Parser, "Text declarations in external entity cannot" & " specify parameters other than 'version' and" & " 'encoding'", Id); else Fatal_Error (Parser, " arguments can only be 'version', 'encoding' or" & " 'standalone', in that order", Id); end if; end if; else -- (2.6)[17]: Name can not be 'xml' (case insensitive) declare C : Unicode_Char; J : Natural := Name_Id.First; begin Encoding.Read (Parser.Buffer.all, J, C); if C = Latin_Small_Letter_X or else C = Latin_Capital_Letter_X then Encoding.Read (Parser.Buffer.all, J, C); if C = Latin_Capital_Letter_M or else C = Latin_Small_Letter_M then Encoding.Read (Parser.Buffer.all, J, C); if (C = Latin_Capital_Letter_L or else C = Latin_Small_Letter_L) and then J = Name_Id.Last + 1 then Fatal_Error (Parser, -- 2.6 "'" & Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last) & "' is not a valid processing instruction target", Name_Id); end if; end if; end if; end; Data_Start := Id; while Id.Typ /= End_Of_PI and then Id.Typ /= End_Of_Input loop Data_End := Id; if Id.Typ = Double_String_Delimiter then Put_In_Buffer (Parser, """"); Data_End.Last := Data_End.Last + 1; elsif Id.Typ = Single_String_Delimiter then Put_In_Buffer (Parser, "'"); Data_End.Last := Data_End.Last + 1; end if; Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id); end loop; if Id.Typ = End_Of_Input then Fatal_Error -- 2.6 (Parser, "Processing instruction must end with '?>'", Open_Id); end if; Processing_Instruction (Parser, Target => Parser.Buffer (Name_Id.First .. Name_Id.Last), Data => Parser.Buffer (Data_Start.First .. Data_End.Last)); end if; Set_State (Parser, State); Reset_Buffer (Parser, Name_Id); end Parse_PI; begin -- Initialize the parser with the first character of the stream. if Eof (Input) then return; end if; Next_Char (Input, Parser); if Parser.State.In_DTD then Parse_Doctype_Contents; end if; loop -- Unless in string, buffer should be empty at this point. Strings -- are special-cased just in case we are currently substituting -- entities while in a string. pragma Assert (Parser.State.Ignore_Special or else Parser.Buffer_Length = 0); Next_Token (Input, Parser, Id, Coalesce_Space => Parser.Current_Node /= null); exit when Id.Typ = End_Of_Input; case Id.Typ is when Start_Of_PI => Parse_PI (Id); when Cdata_Section => if Parser.Current_Node = null then Fatal_Error -- 2.1 (Parser, "Non-white space found at top level", Id); end if; Start_Cdata (Parser); if Parser.Hooks.Characters /= null then Parser.Hooks.Characters (Parser'Unchecked_Access, Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last)); end if; Characters (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last)); End_Cdata (Parser); Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); when Text | Name => if Parser.Current_Node = null then Fatal_Error -- 2.1 (Parser, "Non-white space found at top level", Id); end if; if Parser.Hooks.Characters /= null then Parser.Hooks.Characters (Parser'Unchecked_Access, Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last)); end if; Characters (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last)); Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); when Sax.Readers.Space => -- If "xml:space" attribute is preserve -- then same as Text if Parser.Hooks.Whitespace /= null then Parser.Hooks.Whitespace (Parser'Unchecked_Access, Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last)); end if; Ignorable_Whitespace (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last)); Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); when Comment => Comment (Parser, Parser.Buffer (Id.First .. Id.Last)); Reset_Buffer (Parser, Id); when Start_Of_Tag => Parse_Start_Tag; when Start_Of_End_Tag => Parse_End_Tag; when Doctype_Start => Parse_Doctype; when others => Fatal_Error (Parser, "Currently ignored: " & Token_Type'Image (Id.Typ)); end case; end loop; end Syntactic_Parse; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class) is Tmp, Tmp2 : Element_Access; begin Close_Inputs (Parser, Parser.Inputs); Close_Inputs (Parser, Parser.Close_Inputs); Free (Parser.Default_Namespaces); Free (Parser.Buffer); Parser.Buffer_Length := 0; Parser.Attributes.Count := 0; Unchecked_Free (Parser.Attributes.List); -- Free the nodes, in case there are still some open Tmp := Parser.Current_Node; while Tmp /= null loop Tmp2 := Tmp.Parent; Free (Tmp); Tmp := Tmp2; end loop; -- Free the content model for the default attributes -- is done automatically when the attributes are reset if Parser.Hooks.Data /= null then Free (Parser.Hooks.Data.all); Unchecked_Free (Parser.Hooks.Data); end if; -- Free the internal tables Reset (Parser.Entities); Reset (Parser.Default_Atts); Reset (Parser.Notations); Free (Parser.Locator); end Free; --------------- -- Set_Hooks -- --------------- procedure Set_Hooks (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Data : Hook_Data_Access := null; Start_Element : Start_Element_Hook := null; End_Element : End_Element_Hook := null; Characters : Characters_Hook := null; Whitespace : Whitespace_Hook := null; Doc_Locator : Set_Doc_Locator_Hook := null; Notation_Decl : Notation_Decl_Hook := null) is begin if Handler.Hooks.Data /= null then Free (Handler.Hooks.Data.all); Unchecked_Free (Handler.Hooks.Data); end if; Handler.Hooks := (Data => Data, Start_Element => Start_Element, End_Element => End_Element, Characters => Characters, Whitespace => Whitespace, Doc_Locator => Doc_Locator, Notation_Decl => Notation_Decl); end Set_Hooks; ------------------------ -- Initialize_Symbols -- ------------------------ procedure Initialize_Symbols (Parser : in out Sax_Reader) is begin if Parser.Lt_Sequence = No_Symbol then if Get (Parser.Symbols) = null then if Debug_Internal then Put_Line ("Initialize_Symbols: creating new table"); end if; Parser.Symbols := Sax.Utils.Allocate; end if; Parser.Lt_Sequence := Find_Symbol (Parser, Lt_Sequence); Parser.Gt_Sequence := Find_Symbol (Parser, Gt_Sequence); Parser.Amp_Sequence := Find_Symbol (Parser, Amp_Sequence); Parser.Apos_Sequence := Find_Symbol (Parser, Apos_Sequence); Parser.Quot_Sequence := Find_Symbol (Parser, Quot_Sequence); Parser.Xmlns_Sequence := Find_Symbol (Parser, Xmlns_Sequence); Parser.Xml_Sequence := Find_Symbol (Parser, Xml_Sequence); Parser.Symbol_Percent := Find_Symbol (Parser, "%"); Parser.Symbol_Ampersand := Find_Symbol (Parser, "&"); Parser.Namespaces_URI_Sequence := Find_Symbol (Parser, Namespaces_URI_Sequence); end if; end Initialize_Symbols; ---------------------- -- Close_Namespaces -- ---------------------- procedure Close_Namespaces (Parser : in out Sax_Reader'Class; List : XML_NS) is NS : XML_NS := List; begin while NS /= No_XML_NS loop if Get_Prefix (NS) /= Empty_String and then Get_Prefix (NS) /= Parser.Xmlns_Sequence then End_Prefix_Mapping (Parser, Get_Prefix (NS)); end if; NS := Next_In_List (NS); end loop; end Close_Namespaces; ----------- -- Parse -- ----------- procedure Parse (Parser : in out Sax_Reader; Input : in out Input_Sources.Input_Source'Class) is begin Initialize_Symbols (Parser); Parser.Locator := Sax.Locators.Create; Parser.Public_Id := Find_Symbol (Parser, Get_Public_Id (Input)); Set_Public_Id (Parser.Locator, Parser.Public_Id); Parser.System_Id := Find_Symbol (Parser, Get_System_Id (Input)); Set_System_Id (Parser.Locator, Parser.System_Id); Set_Column_Number (Parser.Locator, Prolog_Size (Input)); Set_Line_Number (Parser.Locator, 1); Parser.Lookup_Char := Unicode.Unicode_Char'Last; Parser.Current_Node := null; Parser.Num_Toplevel_Elements := 0; Parser.Previous_Char_Was_CR := False; Parser.Ignore_State_Special := False; Parser.In_External_Entity := False; Parser.Last_Read_Is_Valid := False; Parser.Buffer := new Byte_Sequence (1 .. Initial_Buffer_Length); Set_State (Parser, Default_State); pragma Warnings (Off, "overlaps with actual"); Add_Namespace_No_Event (Parser, Prefix => Parser.Xml_Sequence, URI => Find_Symbol (Parser, Encodings.From_Utf32 (Basic_8bit.To_Utf32 ("http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")))); Add_Namespace_No_Event (Parser, Parser.Xmlns_Sequence, Parser.Xmlns_Sequence); Add_Namespace_No_Event (Parser, Empty_String, Empty_String); if Parser.Hooks.Doc_Locator /= null then Parser.Hooks.Doc_Locator (Parser, Parser.Locator); end if; Set_Document_Locator (Sax_Reader'Class (Parser), Parser.Locator); Start_Document (Sax_Reader'Class (Parser)); Syntactic_Parse (Sax_Reader'Class (Parser), Input); Close_Namespaces (Parser, Parser.Default_Namespaces); pragma Warnings (On, "overlaps with actual"); -- All the nodes must have been closed at the end of the document if Parser.Current_Node /= null then Fatal_Error -- 2.1 (Parser, "Node <" & Get (Parser.Current_Node.Name).all & "> is not closed"); end if; if Parser.Num_Toplevel_Elements = 0 then Fatal_Error (Parser, "No root element specified"); -- 2.1 end if; End_Document (Sax_Reader'Class (Parser)); Free (Parser); exception when others => Free (Parser); raise; end Parse; ---------- -- Hash -- ---------- function Hash (Str : String) return Unsigned_32 is Result : Unsigned_32 := Str'Length; begin for J in Str'Range loop Result := Rotate_Left (Result, 1) + Unsigned_32 (Character'Pos (Str (J))); end loop; return Result; end Hash; ------------- -- Get_Key -- ------------- function Get_Key (Entity : Entity_Entry_Access) return Symbol is begin return Entity.Name; end Get_Key; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Att : in out Attributes_Entry) is begin Unchecked_Free (Att.Attributes.List); Att.Attributes.Count := 0; end Free; ------------- -- Get_Key -- ------------- function Get_Key (Att : Attributes_Entry) return Symbol is begin return Att.Element_Name; end Get_Key; ---------- -- Free -- ---------- procedure Free (Notation : in out Notation_Entry) is pragma Unreferenced (Notation); begin null; end Free; ------------- -- Get_Key -- ------------- function Get_Key (Notation : Notation_Entry) return Symbol is begin return Notation.Name; end Get_Key; ----------------- -- Get_Feature -- ----------------- function Get_Feature (Parser : Sax_Reader; Name : String) return Boolean is begin if Name = Namespace_Feature then return Parser.Feature_Namespace; elsif Name = Namespace_Prefixes_Feature then return Parser.Feature_Namespace_Prefixes; elsif Name = External_General_Entities_Feature then return Parser.Feature_External_General_Entities; elsif Name = External_Parameter_Entities_Feature then return Parser.Feature_External_Parameter_Entities; elsif Name = Validation_Feature then return Parser.Feature_Validation; elsif Name = Parameter_Entities_Feature then return False; -- ??? Unsupported for now elsif Name = Test_Valid_Chars_Feature then return Parser.Feature_Test_Valid_Chars; elsif Name = Allow_Relative_IRI_Feature then return Parser.Feature_Allow_Relative_IRI; elsif Name = Schema_Validation_Feature then return Parser.Feature_Schema_Validation; end if; return False; end Get_Feature; ----------------- -- Set_Feature -- ----------------- procedure Set_Feature (Parser : in out Sax_Reader; Name : String; Value : Boolean) is begin if Name = Namespace_Feature then Parser.Feature_Namespace := Value; elsif Name = Namespace_Prefixes_Feature then Parser.Feature_Namespace_Prefixes := Value; elsif Name = External_General_Entities_Feature then Parser.Feature_External_General_Entities := Value; elsif Name = External_Parameter_Entities_Feature then Parser.Feature_External_Parameter_Entities := Value; elsif Name = Validation_Feature then Parser.Feature_Validation := Value; elsif Name = Test_Valid_Chars_Feature then Parser.Feature_Test_Valid_Chars := Value; elsif Name = Schema_Validation_Feature then Parser.Feature_Schema_Validation := Value; elsif Name = Allow_Relative_IRI_Feature then Parser.Feature_Allow_Relative_IRI := Value; end if; end Set_Feature; ----------------- -- Fatal_Error -- ----------------- procedure Fatal_Error (Handler : in out Sax_Reader; Except : Sax_Parse_Exception'Class) is pragma Warnings (Off, Handler); begin Raise_Exception (XML_Fatal_Error'Identity, Get_Message (Except)); end Fatal_Error; -------------------------- -- Start_Prefix_Mapping -- -------------------------- procedure Start_Prefix_Mapping (Handler : in out Reader; Prefix : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; URI : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) is begin Start_Prefix_Mapping (Reader'Class (Handler), Get (Prefix).all, Get (URI).all); end Start_Prefix_Mapping; ------------------------ -- End_Prefix_Mapping -- ------------------------ procedure End_Prefix_Mapping (Handler : in out Reader; Prefix : Symbol) is begin End_Prefix_Mapping (Reader'Class (Handler), Get (Prefix).all); end End_Prefix_Mapping; ------------------- -- Start_Element -- ------------------- procedure Start_Element (Handler : in out Reader; NS : Sax.Utils.XML_NS; Local_Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Atts : Sax_Attribute_List) is Attributes : Sax.Attributes.Attributes := Create_Attribute_List (Atts); begin Start_Element (Reader'Class (Handler), Namespace_URI => Get (Get_URI (NS)).all, Local_Name => Get (Local_Name).all, Qname => Qname_From_Name (Get_Prefix (NS), Local_Name), Atts => Attributes); Clear (Attributes); exception when others => Clear (Attributes); raise; end Start_Element; ----------------- -- End_Element -- ----------------- procedure End_Element (Handler : in out Reader; NS : Sax.Utils.XML_NS; Local_Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) is begin End_Element (Reader'Class (Handler), Namespace_URI => Get (Get_URI (NS)).all, Local_Name => Get (Local_Name).all, Qname => Qname_From_Name (Get_Prefix (NS), Local_Name)); end End_Element; -------------------- -- Skipped_Entity -- -------------------- procedure Skipped_Entity (Handler : in out Reader; Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) is begin Skipped_Entity (Reader'Class (Handler), Get (Name).all); end Skipped_Entity; ------------------ -- Start_Entity -- ------------------ procedure Start_Entity (Handler : in out Reader; Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) is begin Start_Entity (Reader'Class (Handler), Get (Name).all); end Start_Entity; ---------------- -- End_Entity -- ---------------- procedure End_Entity (Handler : in out Reader; Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) is begin End_Entity (Reader'Class (Handler), Get (Name).all); end End_Entity; -------------------- -- Resolve_Entity -- -------------------- function Resolve_Entity (Handler : Sax_Reader; Public_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; System_Id : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) return Input_Sources.Input_Source_Access is pragma Warnings (Off, Handler); pragma Warnings (Off, Public_Id); pragma Warnings (Off, System_Id); begin return null; end Resolve_Entity; -------------------- -- Get_Hooks_Data -- -------------------- function Get_Hooks_Data (Handler : Sax_Reader) return Hook_Data_Access is begin return Handler.Hooks.Data; end Get_Hooks_Data; ------------------------------------ -- Use_Basename_In_Error_Messages -- ------------------------------------ procedure Use_Basename_In_Error_Messages (Parser : in out Sax_Reader; Use_Basename : Boolean := True) is begin Parser.Basename_In_Messages := Use_Basename; end Use_Basename_In_Error_Messages; ------------------------------------ -- Use_Basename_In_Error_Messages -- ------------------------------------ function Use_Basename_In_Error_Messages (Parser : Sax_Reader) return Boolean is begin return Parser.Basename_In_Messages; end Use_Basename_In_Error_Messages; ------------ -- Get_NS -- ------------ function Get_NS (Elem : Element_Access) return XML_NS is begin return Elem.NS; end Get_NS; -------------------- -- Get_Local_Name -- -------------------- function Get_Local_Name (Elem : Element_Access) return Symbol is begin return Elem.Name; end Get_Local_Name; -------------- -- To_QName -- -------------- function To_QName (Namespace_URI, Local_Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) return Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence is begin if Namespace_URI = Empty_String then return Get (Local_Name).all; else return '{' & Get (Namespace_URI).all & '}' & Get (Local_Name).all; end if; end To_QName; -------------- -- To_QName -- -------------- function To_QName (Elem : Element_Access) return Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence is begin return To_QName (Get_URI (Elem.NS), Elem.Name); end To_QName; ---------------------- -- Set_Symbol_Table -- ---------------------- procedure Set_Symbol_Table (Parser : in out Sax_Reader; Symbols : Symbol_Table) is begin Parser.Lt_Sequence := No_Symbol; Parser.Symbols := Symbols; end Set_Symbol_Table; ---------------------- -- Get_Symbol_Table -- ---------------------- function Get_Symbol_Table (Parser : Sax_Reader'Class) return Symbol_Table is begin return Parser.Symbols; end Get_Symbol_Table; --------------- -- Get_Index -- --------------- function Get_Index (List : Sax_Attribute_List; URI : Sax.Symbols.Symbol; Local_Name : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) return Integer is begin for A in 1 .. List.Count loop if List.List (A).URI = URI and then List.List (A).Local_Name = Local_Name then return A; end if; end loop; return -1; end Get_Index; --------------- -- Get_Index -- --------------- function Get_Index (Handler : Sax_Reader'Class; List : Sax_Attribute_List; URI : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence; Local_Name : Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence) return Integer is begin return Get_Index (List, URI => Find_Symbol (Handler, URI), Local_Name => Find_Symbol (Handler, Local_Name)); end Get_Index; --------------- -- Get_Value -- --------------- function Get_Value (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Sax.Symbols.Symbol is begin if Index < 0 then return No_Symbol; else return List.List (Index).Value; end if; end Get_Value; --------------- -- Set_Value -- --------------- procedure Set_Value (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer; Val : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) is begin List.List (Index).Value := Val; end Set_Value; ------------------ -- Get_Location -- ------------------ function Get_Location (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Sax.Locators.Location is begin if Index < 0 then return No_Location; else return List.List (Index).Location; end if; end Get_Location; ------------------------ -- Start_Tag_Location -- ------------------------ function Start_Tag_Location (Elem : Element_Access) return Sax.Locators.Location is begin return Elem.Start; end Start_Tag_Location; ---------------------------- -- Start_Tag_End_Location -- ---------------------------- function Start_Tag_End_Location (Elem : Element_Access) return Sax.Locators.Location is begin return Elem.Start_Tag_End; end Start_Tag_End_Location; ------------------------------ -- Get_Non_Normalized_Value -- ------------------------------ function Get_Non_Normalized_Value (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Sax.Symbols.Symbol is begin return List.List (Index).Non_Normalized_Value; end Get_Non_Normalized_Value; -------------------------- -- Get_Value_As_Boolean -- -------------------------- function Get_Value_As_Boolean (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer; Default : Boolean := False) return Boolean is Val : Symbol; begin if Index < 0 then return Default; else Val := Get_Value (List, Index); return Get (Val).all = "true" or else Get (Val).all = "1"; end if; end Get_Value_As_Boolean; -------------------------- -- Set_Normalized_Value -- -------------------------- procedure Set_Normalized_Value (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer; Value : Sax.Symbols.Symbol) is begin List.List (Index).Value := Value; end Set_Normalized_Value; -------------- -- Get_Type -- -------------- function Get_Type (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Sax.Attributes.Attribute_Type is begin return List.List (Index).Att_Type; end Get_Type; -------------- -- Set_Type -- -------------- procedure Set_Type (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer; Typ : Sax.Attributes.Attribute_Type) is begin List.List (Index).Att_Type := Typ; end Set_Type; ---------------- -- Get_Length -- ---------------- function Get_Length (List : Sax_Attribute_List) return Natural is begin return List.Count; end Get_Length; ---------------- -- Get_Prefix -- ---------------- function Get_Prefix (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Sax.Symbols.Symbol is begin return List.List (Index).Prefix; end Get_Prefix; -------------- -- Get_Name -- -------------- function Get_Name (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Qualified_Name is begin return (NS => List.List (Index).URI, Local => List.List (Index).Local_Name); end Get_Name; --------------- -- Get_Qname -- --------------- function Get_Qname (List : Sax_Attribute_List; Index : Integer) return Unicode.CES.Byte_Sequence is begin return Qname_From_Name (List.List (Index).Prefix, List.List (Index).Local_Name); end Get_Qname; ---------------------- -- Current_Location -- ---------------------- function Current_Location (Handler : Sax_Reader) return Sax.Locators.Location is begin return Get_Location (Handler.Locator); end Current_Location; --------------------- -- Set_XML_Version -- --------------------- procedure Set_XML_Version (Parser : in out Sax_Reader; XML : XML_Versions := XML_1_0_Fifth_Edition) is begin if XML = XML_1_0 then Parser.XML_Version := XML_1_0_Fifth_Edition; else Parser.XML_Version := XML; end if; end Set_XML_Version; --------------------- -- Get_XML_Version -- --------------------- function Get_XML_Version (Parser : Sax_Reader) return XML_Versions is begin return Parser.XML_Version; end Get_XML_Version; end Sax.Readers;