* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * \file htdocs/core/lib/xcal.lib.php * \brief Function to manage calendar files (vcal/ical/...) */ /** * Build a file from an array of events * All input params and data must be encoded in $conf->charset_output * * @param string $format "vcal" or "ical" * @param string $title Title of export * @param string $desc Description of export * @param array $events_array Array of events ("uid","startdate","duration","enddate","title","summary","category","email","url","desc","author") * @param string $outputfile Output file * @return int < 0 if ko, Nb of events in file if ok */ function build_calfile($format, $title, $desc, $events_array, $outputfile) { global $conf, $langs; dol_syslog("xcal.lib.php::build_calfile Build cal file ".$outputfile." to format ".$format); if (empty($outputfile)) { // -1 = error return -1; } // Note: A cal file is an UTF8 encoded file $calfileh = fopen($outputfile, "w"); if ($calfileh) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT."/core/lib/date.lib.php"; $now = dol_now(); $encoding = ""; if ($format === "vcal") { $encoding = "ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:"; } // Print header fwrite($calfileh, "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\n"); // version is always "2.0" fwrite($calfileh, "VERSION:2.0\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "METHOD:PUBLISH\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "PRODID:-//DOLIBARR ".DOL_VERSION."\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "X-WR-CALNAME:".$encoding.format_cal($format, $title)."\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "X-WR-CALDESC:".$encoding.format_cal($format, $desc)."\n"); //fwrite($calfileh,"X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Paris\n"); if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_AGENDA_EXPORT_CACHE) && $conf->global->MAIN_AGENDA_EXPORT_CACHE > 60) { $hh = convertSecondToTime($conf->global->MAIN_AGENDA_EXPORT_CACHE, "hour"); $mm = convertSecondToTime($conf->global->MAIN_AGENDA_EXPORT_CACHE, "min"); $ss = convertSecondToTime($conf->global->MAIN_AGENDA_EXPORT_CACHE, "sec"); fwrite($calfileh, "X-PUBLISHED-TTL: P".$hh."H".$mm."M".$ss."S\n"); } foreach ($events_array as $key => $event) { // See http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICalendar for format // See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2445.txt for RFC // TODO: avoid use extra event array, use objects direct thahtwas created before $uid = $event["uid"]; $type = $event["type"]; $startdate = $event["startdate"]; $duration = $event["duration"]; $enddate = $event["enddate"]; $summary = $event["summary"]; $category = $event["category"]; $priority = $event["priority"]; $fulldayevent = $event["fulldayevent"]; $location = $event["location"]; $email = $event["email"]; $url = $event["url"]; $transparency = $event["transparency"]; $description = dol_string_nohtmltag(preg_replace("//i", "\n", $event["desc"]), 0); $created = $event["created"]; $modified = $event["modified"]; $assignedUsers = $event["assignedUsers"]; // Format $summary = format_cal($format, $summary); $description = format_cal($format, $description); $category = format_cal($format, $category); $location = format_cal($format, $location); // Output the vCard/iCal VEVENT object /* Example from Google ical export for a 1 hour event: BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101103T120000Z DTEND:20101103T130000Z DTSTAMP:20101121T144902Z UID:4eilllcsq8r1p87ncg7vc8dbpk@google.com CREATED:20101121T144657Z DESCRIPTION: LAST-MODIFIED:20101121T144707Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Tâche 1 heure TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT Example from Google ical export for a 1 day event: BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20101102 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20101103 DTSTAMP:20101121T144902Z UID:d09t43kcf1qgapu9efsmmo1m6k@google.com CREATED:20101121T144607Z DESCRIPTION: LAST-MODIFIED:20101121T144607Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Tâche 1 jour TRANSP:TRANSPARENT END:VEVENT */ if ($type === "event") { fwrite($calfileh, "BEGIN:VEVENT\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "UID:".$uid."\n"); if (!empty($email)) { fwrite($calfileh, "ORGANIZER:MAILTO:".$email."\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "CONTACT:MAILTO:".$email."\n"); } if (!empty($url)) { fwrite($calfileh, "URL:".$url."\n"); } if (is_array($assignedUsers)) { foreach ($assignedUsers as $assignedUser) { if ($assignedUser->email === $email) { continue; } fwrite($calfileh, "ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:".$assignedUser->email."\n"); } } if ($created) { fwrite($calfileh, "CREATED:".dol_print_date($created, "dayhourxcard", true)."\n"); } if ($modified) { fwrite($calfileh, "LAST-MODIFIED:".dol_print_date($modified, "dayhourxcard", true)."\n"); } fwrite($calfileh, "SUMMARY:".$encoding.$summary."\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "DESCRIPTION:".$encoding.$description."\n"); if (!empty($location)) { fwrite($calfileh, "LOCATION:".$encoding.$location."\n"); } if ($fulldayevent) { fwrite($calfileh, "X-FUNAMBOL-ALLDAY:1\n"); } // see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/exchange_server_protocols/ms-oxcical/0f262da6-c5fd-459e-9f18-145eba86b5d2 if ($fulldayevent) { fwrite($calfileh, "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-ALLDAYEVENT:TRUE\n"); } // Date must be GMT dates // Current date fwrite($calfileh, "DTSTAMP:".dol_print_date($now, "dayhourxcard", true)."\n"); // Start date $prefix = ""; $startdatef = dol_print_date($startdate, "dayhourxcard", true); if ($fulldayevent) { // Local time $prefix = ";VALUE=DATE"; $startdatef = dol_print_date($startdate, "dayxcard", false); } fwrite($calfileh, "DTSTART".$prefix.":".$startdatef."\n"); // End date if ($fulldayevent) { if (empty($enddate)) { $enddate = dol_time_plus_duree($startdate, 1, "d"); } } else { if (empty($enddate)) { $enddate = $startdate + $duration; } } $prefix = ""; $enddatef = dol_print_date($enddate, "dayhourxcard", true); if ($fulldayevent) { $prefix = ";VALUE=DATE"; $enddatef = dol_print_date($enddate + 1, "dayxcard", false); // Local time //$enddatef .= dol_print_date($enddate+1,"dayhourxcard",false); } fwrite($calfileh, "DTEND".$prefix.":".$enddatef."\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "STATUS:CONFIRMED\n"); if (!empty($transparency)) { fwrite($calfileh, "TRANSP:".$transparency."\n"); } if (!empty($category)) { fwrite($calfileh, "CATEGORIES:".$encoding.$category."\n"); } fwrite($calfileh, "END:VEVENT\n"); } // Output the vCard/iCal VJOURNAL object if ($type === "journal") { fwrite($calfileh, "BEGIN:VJOURNAL\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "UID:".$uid."\n"); if (!empty($email)) { fwrite($calfileh, "ORGANIZER:MAILTO:".$email."\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "CONTACT:MAILTO:".$email."\n"); } if (!empty($url)) { fwrite($calfileh, "URL:".$url."\n"); } if ($created) { fwrite($calfileh, "CREATED:".dol_print_date($created, "dayhourxcard", true)."\n"); } if ($modified) { fwrite($calfileh, "LAST-MODIFIED:".dol_print_date($modified, "dayhourxcard", true)."\n"); } fwrite($calfileh, "SUMMARY:".$encoding.$summary."\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "DESCRIPTION:".$encoding.$description."\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "STATUS:CONFIRMED\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "CATEGORIES:".$category."\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "LOCATION:".$location."\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "TRANSP:OPAQUE\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "CLASS:CONFIDENTIAL\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "DTSTAMP:".dol_print_date($startdatef, "dayhourxcard", true)."\n"); fwrite($calfileh, "END:VJOURNAL\n"); } } // Footer fwrite($calfileh, "END:VCALENDAR"); fclose($calfileh); if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK)) { @chmod($outputfile, octdec($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK)); } } else { dol_syslog("xcal.lib.php::build_calfile Failed to open file ".$outputfile." for writing"); return -2; } } /** * Build a file from an array of events. * All input data must be encoded in $conf->charset_output * * @param string $format "rss" * @param string $title Title of export * @param string $desc Description of export * @param array $events_array Array of events ("uid","startdate","summary","url","desc","author","category") or Array of WebsitePage * @param string $outputfile Output file * @param string $filter (optional) Filter * @param string $url Url (If empty, forge URL for agenda RSS export) * @param string $langcode Language code to show in header * @return int < 0 if ko, Nb of events in file if ok */ function build_rssfile($format, $title, $desc, $events_array, $outputfile, $filter = '', $url = '', $langcode = '') { global $user, $conf, $langs; global $dolibarr_main_url_root; dol_syslog("xcal.lib.php::build_rssfile Build rss file ".$outputfile." to format ".$format); if (empty($outputfile)) { // -1 = error return -1; } $fichier = fopen($outputfile, "w"); if ($fichier) { $date = date("r"); // Print header fwrite($fichier, 'charset_output.'"?>'); fwrite($fichier, "\n"); fwrite($fichier, ''); fwrite($fichier, "\n"); fwrite($fichier, "\n"); fwrite($fichier, "".$title."\n"); if ($langcode) fwrite($fichier, "".$langcode."\n"); /* fwrite($fichier, ""."\n". // "fr"."\n". "Dolibarr"."\n". "".$date.""."\n". "Dolibarr"."\n"); */ if (empty($url)) { // Define $urlwithroot $urlwithouturlroot = preg_replace("/".preg_quote(DOL_URL_ROOT, "/")."$/i", "", trim($dolibarr_main_url_root)); $urlwithroot = $urlwithouturlroot.DOL_URL_ROOT; // This is to use external domain name found into config file //$urlwithroot=DOL_MAIN_URL_ROOT; // This is to use same domain name than current $url = $urlwithroot."/public/agenda/agendaexport.php?format=rss&exportkey=".urlencode($conf->global->MAIN_AGENDA_XCAL_EXPORTKEY); } fwrite($fichier, "\n"); foreach ($events_array as $key => $event) { $eventqualified = true; if ($filter) { // TODO Add a filter $eventqualified = false; } if ($eventqualified) { if (is_object($event) && get_class($event) == 'WebsitePage') { // Convert object into an array $tmpevent = array(); $tmpevent['uid'] = $event->id; $tmpevent['startdate'] = $event->date_creation; $tmpevent['summary'] = $event->title; $tmpevent['url'] = $event->fullpageurl ? $event->fullpageurl : $event->pageurl.'.php'; $tmpevent['author'] = $event->author_alias ? $event->author_alias : 'unknown'; //$tmpevent['category'] = ''; $tmpevent['desc'] = $event->description; $event = $tmpevent; } $uid = $event["uid"]; $startdate = $event["startdate"]; $summary = $event["summary"]; $url = $event["url"]; $author = $event["author"]; $category = $event["category"]; /* No place inside a RSS $priority = $event["priority"]; $fulldayevent = $event["fulldayevent"]; $location = $event["location"]; $email = $event["email"]; */ $description = dol_string_nohtmltag(preg_replace("//i", "\n", $event["desc"]), 0); fwrite($fichier, "\n"); fwrite($fichier, "<![CDATA[".$summary."]]>\n"); fwrite($fichier, "\n"); fwrite($fichier, "\n"); fwrite($fichier, "\n"); fwrite($fichier, "\n"); fwrite($fichier, "".date("r", $startdate)."\n"); fwrite($fichier, "\n"); fwrite($fichier, "\n"); fwrite($fichier, "\n"); } } fwrite($fichier, ""); fwrite($fichier, "\n"); fwrite($fichier, ""); fclose($fichier); if (!empty($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK)) { @chmod($outputfile, octdec($conf->global->MAIN_UMASK)); } } } /** * Encode for cal export * * @param string $format "vcal" or "ical" * @param string $string String to encode * @return string String encoded */ function format_cal($format, $string) { global $conf; $newstring = $string; if ($format === "vcal") { $newstring = quotedPrintEncode($newstring); } if ($format === "ical") { // Replace new lines chars by "\n" $newstring = preg_replace("/\r\n/i", "\\n", $newstring); $newstring = preg_replace("/\n\r/i", "\\n", $newstring); $newstring = preg_replace("/\n/i", "\\n", $newstring); // Must not exceed 75 char. Cut with "\r\n"+Space $newstring = calEncode($newstring); } return $newstring; } /** * Cut string after 75 chars. Add CRLF+Space. * line must be encoded in UTF-8 * * @param string $line String to convert * @return string String converted */ function calEncode($line) { $out = ""; $newpara = ""; // If mb_ functions exists, it"s better to use them if (function_exists("mb_strlen")) { $strlength = mb_strlen($line, "UTF-8"); for ($j = 0; $j < $strlength; $j++) { // Take char at position $j $char = mb_substr($line, $j, 1, "UTF-8"); if ((mb_strlen($newpara, "UTF-8") + mb_strlen($char, "UTF-8")) >= 75) { // CRLF + Space for cal $out .= $newpara."\r\n "; $newpara = ""; } $newpara .= $char; } $out .= $newpara; } else { $strlength = dol_strlen($line); for ($j = 0; $j < $strlength; $j++) { // Take char at position $j $char = substr($line, $j, 1); if ((dol_strlen($newpara) + dol_strlen($char)) >= 75) { // CRLF + Space for cal $out .= $newpara."\r\n "; $newpara = ""; } $newpara .= $char; } $out .= $newpara; } return trim($out); } /** * Encode into vcal format * * @param string $str String to convert * @param int $forcal (optional) 1 = For cal * @return string String converted */ function quotedPrintEncode($str, $forcal = 0) { $lines = preg_split("/\r\n/", $str); $out = ""; foreach ($lines as $line) { $newpara = ""; // Do not use dol_strlen here, we need number of bytes $strlength = strlen($line); for ($j = 0; $j < $strlength; $j++) { $char = substr($line, $j, 1); $ascii = ord($char); if ($ascii < 32 || $ascii === 61 || $ascii > 126) { $char = "=".strtoupper(sprintf("%02X", $ascii)); } // Do not use dol_strlen here, we need number of bytes if ((strlen($newpara) + strlen($char)) >= 76) { // New line with carray-return (CR) and line-feed (LF) $out .= $newpara."=\r\n"; // extra space for cal if ($forcal) $out .= " "; $newpara = ""; } $newpara .= $char; } $out .= $newpara; } return trim($out); } /** * Decode vcal format * * @param string $str String to convert * @return string String converted */ function quotedPrintDecode($str) { return trim(quoted_printable_decode(preg_replace("/=\r?\n/", "", $str))); }